The commitment of the American International University–Bangladesh (AIUB) to the most fundamental principles of human dignity, equality of opportunity and academic freedom requires that decisions involving students and employees be based on individual merit and be free from all forms of discrimination.
The American International University–Bangladesh (AIUB) will not engage in or endorse discrimination or harassment against any students and employees because of religion, race, color, age, disability, nationality, marital status, sexual orientation including gender identity.
This nondiscrimination policy applies to student admissions, employment, access to and engagement in the university programs and activities.
The complaint and grievance procedures of AIUB provide student and employees with the methods for the resolution of complaints that allege a violation of this statement. All such inquiries or complaints are to addressed and acted by the appropriate office (Office of Student Affairs for students and the Office of the Human Resources for employees).
American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) is committed to impart quality education by promoting responsible and productive global citizens adhering to high degree of ethical standards.
Higher education is in a constant state of change. Societal demands and expectations of what knowledge should deliver are multiple and expanding. In Bangladesh alone, the growth in the number of higher education institutions has grown double in the last decade.
The pace and scope of these changes are fuelled by the conviction that knowledge society offers the best path to wealth and well-being, and they are influenced by the process of globalization, technological advances and market forces.
The formative and socializing role of higher education in educating ever-increasing number and often a culturally more diverse group of students, place additional responsibility on the entire academic community to deepen ethical self-awareness, to act with integrity and to examine the implications of their actions in the wider community.
Recognizing this responsibility, a shared understanding of what constitutes ethical academic behaviour inherent in these core universal values should form the basis of the Institutional Code of Ethics which must, in addition, promote the following principles:
- Upholding academic integrity in teaching and research by establishing, disseminating and monitoring policies and procedures related to integrity issues including sanctioning academic misconduct. Avoiding fraud of any kind, including plagiarism, deliberate fabrication or falsification of data, unauthorized duplication and unwarranted authorship, piracy of thesis or projects, and the use of ghost writers and unwarranted co-authorship.
- Supporting equity, justice and non-discrimination both as an employer and as an institution of higher learning by fully and publicly adhering to and applying the principle of fairness in all dealings and interactions with members of the academic community; establishing clear standards, practices and monitoring procedures concerning hiring, promotion and dismissal of all personnel, as well as for student admissions and related activities; and ensuring that all complaints and appeals are subject to due process.
- Fostering sense of responsibility, accountability and transparency in all operations and when investigating cases of academic misconduct. Promoting decision-making based on merit, along with ability, and performance as the key criteria in the standards used for the selection, compensation and promotion of faculty members, technical and administrative staff as well as students. Ensuring policies and resources are in place that uphold a high quality of teaching, proper student supervision and fair and transparent evaluation of student performance according to criteria available in advance. A commitment to the provision of accurate and factual information; sanctions for the use of inappropriate, illegal or untruthful means to enhance personal or institutional prestige or to seek other material rewards. Avoidance of all abuse of powers by any member of the academic community for political, economic or personal gain by: disseminating clear definitions and rules governing conflict of interest, abuse of power, including political, economic, sexual and/or moral harassment; Establishing mechanisms that all members of the academic community can use in confidence to lodge complaints of such abuses and know that investigations will follow.
- Respect for opinions by free and open dissemination of knowledge and information by guaranteeing academic freedom within the profession and allowing all members of the academic community to express themselves freely as professionals and otherwise as engaged members of society; instilling in students the capacity for reasoned dialogue, argument and debate. Promoting and safeguarding mutual respect between teacher and student, non-discrimination, trustworthiness and avoiding all abuse of power and harassment.
- Harmonious relationship with institutional partners. Building international linkages and cooperation on the basis of core values of academic freedom, institutional autonomy and related local and global responsibilities to society; ensuring that short-term as well as long-term impacts on each participant and wider society are taken into consideration when collaboration is being planned; placing shared interests, pursuit of mutual benefits and avoidance of adverse effects at the core of all international exchanges. Avoiding misrepresentation of institutional interests when establishing international collaborative partnerships or pursuing international cooperation projects.
By adopting the above-mentioned statement of principles, AIUB demonstrates its commitment to implementing these ethical values.
American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) is committed to inclusive excellence where diversity and equality are embedded and manifested in all activities and strategic directions of the university. It is dedicated to creating and maintain an environment within which inclusive learning, fair treatment and diversity are valued and discrimination is challenged. The diversity and inclusion committee are dedicated to continuously improve in addressing any discrimination or equality issues within the university community.
The goal of this committee is to promote and support a diverse community of students and employees
The Diversity and Equality Committee of AIUB has representatives from both academic and administrative employees. The committee is Chaired by the Vice Chancellor, with the members as follows:
- Representative from each Faculty
- Representative from Office of the Registrar
- Representative from Office of Human Resources - Secretary
- Representative from Office of Student Affairs
- Representative from IQAC
- Representative from Office of Administration
- Representative from Student Community
Functions of the Diversity and Equality Committee:
- Periodically review diversity, equality, inclusion, and human right polices and recommend for changes or revisions
- Monitor the University’s policies, procedures and ensure its implementations
- Regularly undertake data analysis and conduct surveys of focus groups to improve the student experience on academic areas and wellbeing initiatives
- Working closely with the other departments, the committee also provide extra teaching and learning resources to help students with their study skills and overall university life
- Encourage and support students, faculty and employees who take part in diversity and equality activities
- Ensure to provide appropriate diversity and equality related capacity building activities to all students, faculty, and employees
- Evaluate diversity and equality related progress and its impacts on different stakeholders of the university
AIUB has given highest priority to reach the target and goals set in SDGs. As a pioneering private university, AIUB is playing a leading role to design and implement different policies needed for SDGs. Among those, Climate Action Plan is one of the areas where the management of the university is giving effort to meet certain standards.
AIUB has set an ambitious but realistic Climate Action Plan strategy that places a most green campus and provides the greatest opportunity of sustainable development. To address the issue, almost a decade back the Board of Trustees addressed the University to create a Climate Action Plan (CAP), hence, AIUB convened a Climate Action Task Forced (CATF) comprised of faculty members, staffs, and students to consider a wide variety of options, communicate broadly with the University community, and bring recommendations forward. The focus of the working committee is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions and increasing campus resilience by developing a CAP which is an iterative process that sets preliminary goals, evaluate specific measures, calculates financial report, and then revises the goals. In addition, CATF has explored how the broader issues of climate change and sustainability could be represented throughout AIUB’s most important missions of providing excellent education, research, and a positive life experience for students on its campuses.
Energy Efficiency: Use energy-efficient appliances, lighting, heating, and cooling systems. Invest in green energy options like solar panels.
Waste Management: Create effective programs for recycling and composting. Promote reusable alternatives and reduce the usage of single-use plastics.
Green Infrastructure: Develop green spaces, plant diverse trees and use of eco-friendly construction materials as part of the green infrastructure strategy and boost biodiversity.
Water Conservation: Implement water-saving fixtures, monitor usage, and promote water-conscious behaviors.
Sustainable Procurement: Prioritize eco-friendly products, materials, and suppliers.
Awareness Programs: Regularly organize seminars, workshops and awareness programs to promote sustainable and responsible behavior towards nature.
Strategies are in place for reducing the University’s Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions' footprint of its operation. One of the key aims set out in AIUB is to achieve net zero carbon gradually.
Curriculum Integration: Integrate SDGs into various existing courses across the curriculum. Offer multidisciplinary courses/topics with a climate change focus to ensure foundational understanding of climate issues.
Sustainability Literacy: Organize conferences, workshops, seminars, and other events to enhance environmental awareness and eco-literacy among students, staff and community.
Experiential Learning: Provide hands-on experiences like community garden projects, energy-saving challenges, etc.
Climate Leadership: Train student ambassadors through clubs to lead awareness campaigns and sustainable initiatives.
Research and Innovation
Interdisciplinary Research: Encourage departmental cooperation to tackle issues relating to the climate, from environmental science to politics and technology.
Research Center: Established specialized research center “Center for Sustainable Energy Research (CSER)” under Dr. Anwarul Abedin Institute of Innovation (D2A2I) focusing on sustainable energy including climate change, promoting in-depth analysis and innovation.
Student Involvement: Provide opportunities for students to engage in climate-related research projects, enabling them to contribute to real-world solutions.
Partnerships: Collaborate with industry, governmental agencies, and NGOs to leverage resources and expertise for impactful research.
Community Engagement:
Partnerships: Collaborate with local organizations, businesses, NGOs and government agencies to amplify climate initiatives.
Outreach Programs: Organize workshops, seminars, and public lectures to disseminate knowledge and encourage public and community involvement.
Student and Alumni Involvement: Engage students and alumni in local sustainability projects, community clean-ups, and climate-related events.
Continual Improvement:
Feedback Mechanisms: Solicit input from students, faculty, staff, and stakeholders to refine and enhance the Climate Action Plan.
Adaptability: Stay current with emerging technologies and best practices to continuously evolve our sustainability efforts.
By implementing the Climate Action Plan gradually, AIUB commits to playing a proactive role in addressing climate change through sustainable operations, education, research and community engagement fostering a safe global environment.
Facilitator for the Climate Action Plan: Professor Dr. Md. Faruque Hossain
The American International University – Bangladesh (AIUB) is committed to environment enhancement activities by means of research, utilization of resources, facility and funding management.
At AIUB, sustainability is a term defined to comprehend and value the correlation among the earth’s inhabitants and atmosphere. We pledge to engage our collaborative effort and knowledge to uphold this definition.
AIUB aims to work towards achieving sustainability milestones in the following areas in near future:
- Increased number of research conducted focusing sustainability
- Reduction of carbon footprint in campus
- Increase of recycling resources
- Reducing solid waste
- Reducing emission of greenhouse gas
- Lower usage of energy
- More engagement of Students, Faculties and Officials towards sustainability
AIUB gives priority to research and student activities that ensures sustainable development and/ or encompass such components.
Some of the AIUB funded research, student projects and activities are:
Student Solar Car Project
Sustainable living project in collaboration with Habitat
College Student’s Ideas Challenge for sustainable development
Brief Overview
As one of the prominent private universities in Bangladesh, AIUB aims to not only lead by example, but set an example that can inspire and encourage its students, staff, and stakeholders to be sustainable, responsible, and morally ethical in every aspect of their lives beyond just work and studies. The university believes in ensuring environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and accountable governance & integrity.
Policy Scope & Purpose
AIUB is committed to ensuring that all funds are utilized responsibly. The policy outlines the strategy for the usage of funds endowed to the university for specific purposes in dealing with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues that address the focal point of sustainability within the university.
The university will be accountable for its financial resources, managing it with ethical and social obligations. AIUB will maintain its investment policy and practices, with discretion, in alignment with its mission, vision, and strategic priorities, abiding by the fiduciary and investment standards applicable to institutional funds.
Strategic Approach
The university believes that the investment activities must be conducted in a manner that seeks to ensure that the current needs are met without compromising that of the future generations. AIUB understands that this commitment towards investing responsibly must be aligned to the university’s general objectives in the long run. This policy has been developed to enable the university to pursue an ethical approach while minimizing the negative impact on returns, being socially aware and taking morals & ethics into consideration to reap mutual charitable benefits.
- AIUB will ensure that to engage and collaborate with organizations have a responsible culture, practices, and good governance, and not be affiliated with any organization whose operations may be harmful to society or the environment, specifically:
- Weapons/Arms
- Alcohol/Drugs
- Gambling/Illegal Activities
- AIUB will proactively seek opportunities to allocate funds towards promote social responsibilities, reducing carbon emission & greenhouse gases, and develop solutions for climate change, under the Higher Education Sustainability Initiatives (HESI), in cooperation with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). AIUB intends to work towards reducing its carbon footprint, through its infrastructure, policies, and practices.
- AIUB will continuously advocate for human rights, including but not limited to promoting equality of gender, race, and sexuality, and denouncing any and all forms of discrimination within the student community, as well as the staff and stakeholders.
- AIUB will engage in good business ethics, employment practices, and community service that furthers its objectives for establishing sustainable and morally sound organizational practices that always take sustainability into consideration for decisions related to fund allocation in ESG projects
- AIUB will encourage international cooperation with other institutions to promote mutually beneficial collaborative projects geared towards promoting cultural exchanges, minimize global conflicts, and empower stronger partnerships that forge ideas for creating a better future for the leaders of tomorrow
The American International University – Bangladesh (AIUB) is committed to diversity and sustainability as dimensions of an environmentally responsible society. Purchasing decisions at AIUB are aimed to balance social, economic, and environmental factors and consider the impacts resulting from production, transportation, use and disposal of products or services.
The designated procurement committee of AIUB will make procurement decisions that embody AIUB’s commitment including local and global issues affecting social, ecological, and economic sustainability.
Depending on the type of the procurement, requirement and commodity, the following practices must be adopted:
- Maximize e-Procurement or electronic payment vouchering, electronic and paperless processes, and web-based catalogs
- Whenever possible purchase organic and local produce
- Energy efficiency, such as Energy Star, etc. wherever applicable and available
- Exchange or Trade-ins – supplier take back programs
- Reduction of waste
- Reusable, refillable packaging
- Reduction of packing material
- Responsible delivery and transportation process
- Encourage bidders to submit proposals using recycled paper and doubled sided copying to minimize waste
- In case if environment friendly services or products are not available, the University will work with suppliers to identify and develop opportunities
AIUB is committed to ensuring lifelong learning opportunities without any discrimination, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, or other similar factors. This policy is applicable to all AIUB students, alumni, employees, and the external community. AIUB is providing lifelong learning services and activities through different bodies, namely, the Institute of Continuing Education (ICE), Office of Human Resources (HR), Centre of Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL), Office of Students Affairs (OSA), Office of Sports, and Office of Placement & Alumni (OPA). Career development courses, professional counselling, job placement, skill enhancement training for employees & community, and other community services are offered from these bodies. Through continuing education, professional training, and community services individuals can improve their skills and knowledge for professional careers and release their potential to accomplish their goals.
At AIUB, we pledge to uphold the loftiest benchmarks of ethics, integrity, and transparency in all our undertakings and interactions. This Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy endeavors to thwart illicit inducements and dishonest practices, safeguarding a just and impartial milieu for all stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff, partners, and external entities.
Policy Statement
a. Bribery Prohibition: AIUB strictly prohibits tendering, providing, receiving, or soliciting any form of bribe or corrupt allure, whether in monetary or non-monetary guise, to secure or retain business, academic advantages, or any untoward benefits.
b. Applicability: This policy encompasses all members of the university community, comprising employees, students, contractors, volunteers, agents, and representatives, as well as anyone acting on behalf of the university.
c. Zero Tolerance: The university adopts an unwavering stance against bribery and corruption. Any individual implicated in such activities will be subject to disciplinary measures, which may encompass termination of employment, academic repercussions, legal ramifications, or other appropriate actions.
AIUB is resolute in cultivating a culture of integrity and ethics. This Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy embodies our dedication to combating bribery and corruption, promoting transparency, and upholding the highest standards of professionalism and ethical conduct within our institution. By adhering to this policy, we endeavor to maintain the trust and confidence of all our stakeholders while contributing to a just and equitable society.
The detailed policies (Definition of Bribery and Corruption, Compliance and Responsibility, Compliance and Responsibility, Gifts-Hospitality- and Donations, Training and Awareness, Review and Updates) are available with the Human Resources Office.
Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Committee:
- Representative from Office of the Vice Chancellor
- Representative from Office of Human Resources – Secretary
- Representative from Concern Faculty
- Representative from Office of Accounts and Audit
- Representative from Office of Student Affairs
- Representative from Institutional Quality Assurance Cell
- Representative from Office of Administration
Whereas the American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) (hereinafter, the University) is dedicated to the promotion of a scholarly and professional environment in which intellectual pursuit, ethical conduct, and personal development are fostered for the benefit of the entire university community; and
Whereas AIUB seeks to instil in its students a profound sense of integrity, respect for the rights and dignity of others, accountability, and adherence to standards that contribute positively to the university and the greater society; and
Whereas it is imperative that a structured code of conduct be established to guide the behaviour of students in all aspects of university life, both within and beyond the campus boundaries, and to ensure a supportive environment conducive to academic achievement, personal growth, and community welfare; and
Whereas the University acknowledges the rights of students to freedom of expression, as guaranteed under Article 39 of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, which encompasses the freedom of thought and speech, while also understanding that such freedoms shall be exercised responsibly and in alignment with respect for others’ rights and the public order;
Whereas the actions of each student reflect not only on their individual character but also on the reputation, values, and collective identity of AIUB as an institution committed to ethical and academic standards of the highest calibre;
Now, therefore, in furtherance of AIUB's mission to cultivate an atmosphere of mutual respect, professionalism, and academic rigor, and to safeguard the rights, safety, and well-being of all individuals within the university community, this Code of Conduct is hereby established, adopted, and promulgated as binding upon all AIUB students.
The provisions herein serve as a directive to ensure compliance with university values and to promote a cohesive environment where students, faculty, staff, and stakeholders collaborate in the shared pursuit of excellence, fairness, and the advancement of knowledge. By adhering to this Code, students of AIUB affirm their commitment to the principles of respect, integrity, and responsibility, recognizing that these values are essential to their roles as scholars, future professionals, and responsible citizens.
This Code of Conduct applies to all students enrolled at the university, including those engaged in part-time, full-time, and distance learning programs. The Code encompasses behaviours both within the university’s physical premises and in all contexts that may impact the university community and its reputation. By adhering to this Code, students affirm their commitment to AIUB’s values and standards, understanding that their conduct is reflective not only of their individual character but also of the integrity of the university as a whole. This includes, but is not limited to:
1.1 All behaviours, interactions, and activities that occur within the university’s premises, including classrooms, libraries, laboratories, common areas, and all AIUB facilities.
1.2 Conduct during university-related events held outside the campus, such as internships, fieldwork, study tours, conferences, competitions, and any university-recognized events.
1.3 Any behaviour in digital or online platforms associated with AIUB, including university email, learning management systems, social media groups organized or endorsed by AIUB, and any online conduct that may affect the university community’s well-being or reputation.
1.4 Actions or conduct by students when representing AIUB in any official capacity, whether as part of academic, extracurricular, or external university-sponsored activities.
1.5 Conduct outside the university that, though not directly connected to AIUB, has the potential to adversely impact the safety, integrity, or reputation of the AIUB community or its members.
In support of an inclusive, fair, and respectful environment, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) recognizes and upholds the following rights and freedoms for all students, as integral to their personal, academic, and social development:
2.1 AIUB affirms the right of students to express their ideas, opinions, and beliefs, both within academic settings and through university-sponsored platforms, as part of a commitment to intellectual freedom and open dialogue. This freedom shall be exercised in a respectful manner, with regard for the rights and dignity of others, and within the framework of university policies, national laws, and public order, as referenced under Article 39 of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
2.2. Students have a right to privacy in their personal information and communications. AIUB is committed to safeguarding students' data in accordance with applicable laws and institutional policies. Except where legally or administratively mandated, students’ private information shall not be disclosed without their consent.
2.3 AIUB encourages academic freedom, allowing students to pursue intellectual inquiry, express scholarly opinions, and participate freely in academic discourse. This freedom includes the right to engage in research, explore diverse perspectives, and challenge prevailing ideas within the framework of respect and ethical standards set forth by the university.
2.4 Every student has the right to equal access to university facilities, programs, and resources, free from discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender, disability, nationality, age, or any other status protected under national or university policies. AIUB strives to maintain an inclusive environment that respects the diversity of its student body.
2.5 AIUB is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment. Students have the right to access health and safety resources, report safety concerns, and expect that reasonable measures will be taken to protect their well-being on campus and during university-sponsored activities.
2.6 In cases of alleged violations of this Code, students have the right to a fair, transparent, and impartial disciplinary process. This includes the right to be informed of allegations, to present their perspective, and to appeal decisions according to the established procedures of AIUB.
3.1 Physical/Sexual Abuse/Violence
The university is committed to the safety and well-being of all its members and strives to maintain an environment free from violence. Physical abuse or violence includes, but is not limited to:
- Physical violence, such as beating, punching, kicking, or any form of aggressive physical contact with anyone within the university.
- Direct threats of violence, whether verbal, written, or through electronic messages.
- Intimidation through verbal, written, or electronic means.
- Deliberate obstruction or interference with any person’s right to attend or participate in university functions.
- Reckless behaviour that endangers or threatens the safety of any person(s).
- Intentional obstruction or interference with any person’s right to attend or participate in university functions.
- Causing fear or apprehension using misrepresentation, misinformation, force, or coercion to solicit support, signatures, or participation in activities of a subversive nature or detrimental to the university's normal functioning.
- Any inappropriate conduct, language, or expression when interacting with any student, faculty, university officials, or staff.
- Passing any indecent or abusive or vulgar or lascivious language against any other student, teachers, non-teaching staff, officers, guests etc.
- Any behaviour or gestures or clothing or acts or expression intended to tease or annoy any other student, teachers, non-teaching staff, officers, guests etc.
- Sexual harassment and obscenity in any form.
- Sexual advances, requests for sexual favours and other verbal or physical harassments of sexual nature.
- Promising favours in exchange of sexual conduct and any form of pleasure seeking from others.
- Verbal, non-verbal, mental, and/or physical harassment.
- Uploading of indecent pictures or making indecent and untruthful comments via any website like Facebook, twitter, messenger, email etc.
3.2 Bullying, Harassment, and Ragging
The university promotes a respectful and inclusive environment where bullying, harassment, and ragging are strictly prohibited. These behaviours include, but are not limited to:
- Physical, verbal, or cyberbullying that causes mental or emotional harm.
- Harassment based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, or other personal attributes.
- Initiation or ragging activities that pressure, humiliate, or endanger new students.
- Any behaviour that creates a hostile, intimidating, or offensive academic or social environment for others.
- Distribution of offensive or derogatory content, whether verbal, written, or online.
- Engaging in stalking, unwanted contact, or excessive attention that intimidates others.
3.3 Cyber offences:
Cyber harassment refers to the harassment using online and offline cyber platforms. This may occur through the use of various messengers, social media, text messaging, professional communication platforms, or derogatory websites to demean, insult, or harass an individual or group through personal or professional attacks. These behaviours include, but are not limited to:
- Usage of sexually explicit/double meaning/demeaning language in text messages
- Creating and spreading sexual memes/trolled pictures
- Posting dirty & sexual jokes on social media relating to someone’s personal life or mentioning the person
- Sending dirty jokes or explicit contents (pictures/videos/animations/web-links) through text messages, MMS, online platforms
- Threatening someone through indirect (pictures/videos/stories/web-links) or messages or direct contents
- Usage of offensive and explicit means and words to cause mental harm
- Body shaming
- Spreading rumours through social media, text messages, or group threads
- Spreading someone’s pictures without consent/ intentionally misinterpreting and discussing about her/his personal life
- Stalking someone to cause harm, and discomfort
- Hacking, invading or interfering with someone’s personal or professional accounts is a major harassment and crime. It really does not matter whether any harm or occurrence was done as hacking itself is an offense.
- Hacking followed by leaking personal information or contents related to personal or professional life.
- Usage of different contents or performing different cyber acts to defame someone (i.e. changing someone’s gender or name in social media profile by hacking her/his account)
3.4 Disruptive and Intolerable Behaviour to Hinder University Activities/ Tarnish the Image of the University or University Personnel
Disruptive and intolerable behaviour that interferes with university activities undermines academic progress and campus life. Such behaviours include, but are not limited to:
- Interrupting classes, meetings, or university functions with disruptive or loud behaviour.
- Organizing unauthorized protests or demonstrations that obstruct academic or administrative operations.
- Refusing to follow instructions from university staff, faculty, or security in ways that obstruct teaching, learning, or official events.
- Refusing to comply with instructions or lawful requests made by university staff, faculty, or administrators.
- Providing false information, documents, or identification to university authorities.
- Misrepresenting oneself, one’s qualifications, or affiliations within the university.
- Engaging in acts of dishonesty that undermine university rules, procedures, or policies.
- Deliberately spreading misinformation to incite disruptions within the university community.
- Engaging in actions that prevent others from participating in university activities.
- Engaging in conduct that intentionally harms or degrades the university's reputation or its representatives.
- Spreading false or misleading information about the university or its staff, which may damage their reputation.
- Misuse or alternation or forgery of the University documents and records that include but not limited to ID cards, University stationary, Letter Pads or Officer’s name, seal or stamp etc.
- Recording, storage, sharing, distribution of images, videos or sound by any means without consent of owner is unauthorized recording and is strictly prohibited in the University.
- Walking, gathering or roaming in the University premises without justified causes at night after the designated office hours.
3.5 Smoking and Other Similar Activities
To promote health and safety, the university restricts smoking and similar activities on campus. Prohibited actions include, but are not limited to:
- Smoking tobacco, vaping, or using e-cigarettes outside designated smoking areas, if provided.
- Possessing or using tobacco products or other prohibited substances that compromise health and safety.
- Disregarding university policies regarding tobacco, vaping, or similar products on campus premises.
- Use, production, distribution, sale, possession or stashing of drugs which includes, but is not limited to, alcohol, marijuana, stimulants, narcotics, yaba etc.
3.6 Possession and/or use of Drugs/ Controlled Substances/ Weapons/Explosives
The university strictly prohibits the use, possession, and distribution of illegal drugs, controlled substances, weapons, explosives, or dangerous items on campus. Prohibited actions include, but are not limited to:
- Possessing, using, or distributing illegal drugs, controlled substances, or unauthorized prescription medications on campus.
- Being under the influence of drugs or controlled substances while on university premises or at university-sponsored events.
- Possessing explosive(s) or explosive material(s) such as bombs, cocktails, chemicals or anything in similar nature.
- Selling or offering controlled substances within the university community.
- Encouraging or coercing others to partake in drug use or other controlled substance abuse.
- Possessing firearms, weapons, knives, clubs, explosives, or other weapons on university property.
- Using or threatening to use any weapon or dangerous item to intimidate or harm others.
- Bringing unauthorized hazardous materials, such as fireworks or chemicals, onto campus.
- Any conduct that involves a dangerous item and poses a risk to the safety of the university community.
3.7 Property Damage/Theft/Other Criminal Activities
The university upholds respect for property and facilities. Property damage includes, but is not limited to:
- Deliberately or recklessly damaging university property, including buildings, equipment, or resources.
- Defacing or vandalizing university assets, such as facilities, furniture, or artwork.
- Damaging or tampering with the personal property of students, faculty, or staff.
- Engaging in actions that result in financial losses due to property damage.
- Stealing, attempting to steal, or being in possession of stolen property on campus.
- Committing fraud, forgery, or financial deceit within university services or resources.
- Engaging in unauthorized use of university funds, materials, or resources for personal gain.
- Involvement in any criminal activity that poses risks to individuals or the university community.
3.8 Disobedience to Lawful Authority
- Disobedience, interference, resistance or failure to comply with the direction given by various Departments or University authority.
- Trespassing and other forms of unauthorized presence
- Refusing to show the Identity Card to the University’s Officers or security personnel on demand.
- Not complying with parking rule of the University.
3.9 Activities Subversive to the State and its Policy
The university maintains high standards for its reputation and expects students to respect this commitment. Prohibited actions include, but are not limited to:
- Participating in or promoting activities that contravene national laws or policies, or encourage actions subversive to state policies.
- Using university resources or platforms for actions that violate public order or state integrity.
To uphold the standards outlined in this Code of Conduct, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) will enforce disciplinary actions against any student found in violation of the code. The severity of the punishment or penalty will reflect the nature and gravity of the misconduct, with a view to promoting corrective measures, protecting the university community, and deterring future violations. The following are potential penalties, ranging from warnings to permanent dismissal, based on the infraction and mitigating or aggravating circumstances:
4.1 Disciplinary Measures and Penalties
Disciplinary actions for violations of this Code of Conduct may include, but are not limited to:
4.1.1 Verbal or Written Warning: A verbal or written warning detailing the violation, an admonition to correct the behaviour, and a statement of possible consequences for repeated misconduct.
4.1.2 Disciplinary Probation: The student is placed on probation for a specific period, during which any further violations may lead to more severe disciplinary actions. Restrictions may include limited access to campus resources or activities.
4.1.3 Suspension: Temporary removal from university privileges, attendance, and participation in classes or extracurricular activities. Duration of suspension may vary from one semester to a full academic year, depending on the violation’s severity.
4.1.4 Expulsion: Permanent removal of the student from the university with no eligibility for readmission. Expulsion is enforced in cases where the misconduct severely jeopardizes the safety, integrity, or reputation of the university and its community.
4.1.5 Restitution or Compensation: Requirement to compensate for financial or property damage, either by repairing or replacing damaged items, reimbursing the cost, or fulfilling other reparative obligations. This may be enforced in conjunction with other penalties.
4.1.6 Loss of Privileges: Temporary or permanent restrictions on specific university privileges, such as participation in student clubs, eligibility for university-sponsored events, access to specific facilities, or use of certain university resources.
4.1.7 Community Service: As an educational and rehabilitative approach, assignment to community service within the university or with an approved organization for a set period. The purpose is to promote accountability and encourage positive contributions to the university environment.
4.1.8 Academic Penalties: The university may withhold transcripts, certificates, or other official documents until the student has complied with all disciplinary requirements, including payment of fines, completion of community service, or resolution of pending cases. This measure aims to ensure accountability and compliance with university policies prior to official document release.
4.1.9 Restriction from University Facilities or Areas: Banning or limiting access to certain areas or facilities, such as residence halls, laboratories, common areas, or classrooms, depending on the context of the infraction.
4.1.10 Confiscation of Prohibited Items: Confiscation of items found to be in violation of the code, followed by appropriate disciplinary action regarding possession or usage.
4.2 Aggravating and Mitigating Factors: In determining the appropriate disciplinary actions for a violation of the Code of Conduct, the university considers various aggravating and mitigating factors. These factors serve to ensure that penalties are fair, consistent, and reflective of the individual circumstances surrounding each case. Disciplinary decisions consider various factors, including but not limited to:
- Aggravating factors: Prior Disciplinary Record, Intentionality and Malice, Impact on the Community, Violation of Safety and Security, Lack of Remorse or Accountability: Position of Authority or Influence, and Repeated Offenses.
- Mitigating factors: First-Time Offense, Demonstrated Remorse, Corrective Action Taken, Personal Circumstances, (e.g., mental health challenges, family emergencies), Positive Character References (community service, academic achievements, or leadership roles), Efforts to Reconcile and Impact of Disciplinary Action.
To ensure a structured and fair application of disciplinary measures, the Proctor’s Office manages the process for Code of Conduct violations. This office oversees the reporting, investigation, and resolution of cases to maintain university integrity and standards.
4.5.1 Any student, faculty, staff, or university affiliate may report a suspected violation either directly to the Proctor’s Office or to the Assistant Proctor of the respective faculty. Reports should include the names of involved parties, details of the alleged incident, evidence (if available), and any witnesses.
4.5.2 Upon receiving the report, the Proctor’s Office or the respective Assistant Proctor conducts a preliminary review to assess credibility and relevance to the Code of Conduct. For investigations involving specific faculties, the Proctor’s Office may designate the Assistant Proctor of the relevant faculty to lead the investigation, ensuring contextually appropriate oversight.
4.5.3 The designated Assistant Proctor gathers evidence, interviews involved parties, and collects necessary documentation to conduct a thorough investigation. Findings are documented and submitted to the Proctor’s Office. If further review is warranted, the Proctor’s Office may form a Disciplinary Committee, which includes the Assistant Proctor, university representatives, and faculty members, to ensure a balanced review. The investigation and findings are thoroughly documented for transparency.
4.5.4 The Disciplinary Committee (if formed) or the Assistant Proctor evaluates all evidence and testimonies to determine if a violation occurred. If a violation is confirmed, the committee or the Assistant Proctor determines an appropriate penalty based on severity, the student’s disciplinary record, and any mitigating circumstances. A report of findings and penalty recommendations is submitted to the Proctor, which may include monetary penalties, withholding of transcripts, probation, suspension, or expulsion. The Proctor’s Office notifies the student of the decision, detailing the penalty, rationale, and any conditions for compliance.
4.5.5 A student may file a formal appeal against the decision. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the Proctor within 3 working days of receiving the disciplinary decision. The appeal letter should include a statement of grounds, relevant supporting documents, and any new evidence if applicable. Based on the review, the Proctor may uphold the original disciplinary decision, amend the penalty to better reflect the evidence and circumstances or dismiss the case if sufficient grounds are presented. The decision made by the Proctor following the appeal is final and binding, with no further opportunity for appeal within the university’s disciplinary framework.
4.5.6 The Proctor’s Office, along with the Assistant Proctor, oversees the implementation of penalties, including monetary fines, withholding of transcripts, and community service. Suspensions or expulsions are communicated to relevant departments. Collected fines may be allocated toward student services or welfare funds per university policy. Academic documents may be withheld until disciplinary requirements are met.
4.5.7 Upon successful completion of disciplinary requirements, the Proctor’s Office may issue a completion certificate, confirming the student’s return to good standing within the university.