Faculty Publications

wilkins, stephen; huisman, jeroen; khan, mohammad zahidul islam; elmoshnib, mohammad "measuring institutions’ country brand authenticity in transnational higher education"

Keywords: Transnational education;country-branded university;brand authenticity; brandcredibility; scaledevelopmentIntroductionIn many countries, a foreign or international higher education is valued by students,parents and employers as something different and special (Cai et al., 2024). It is widelyperceived that graduates who achieve a foreign or international degree may have© 2025 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis GroupThis is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited. The terms on which this article has been published allow the posting of the Accepted Manuscript in a repository by theauthor(s) or with their consent.CONTACT Stephen Wilkins sjkw20@bath.ac.uk International Centre for Higher Education Management,University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY, UKHIGHER EDUCATION RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENThttps://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2025.2462020 [Ref No.: 7292]

borendra lal tripura, risala ahmed, prodhan mahbub ibna seraj "exploring the effect of social accommodation and informal input in second language acquisition"
Language, Technology, and Social Media, 2025

Keywords: Accommodation Theory, Second Language Acquisition, Social Accommodation, Comprehensible Input, Cross-Cultural Communication, Language and Identity, Bangladesh, Thailand [Ref No.: 7215]

md. roni, mridha; sadia sultana, sara; md. monir, hossain; md. mahfuzul, haque; nurul, islam "challenges and prospects of young women entrepreneurs in rural bangladesh: a study on socio-cultural perspective"
Contemporary Research Analysis Journal, 2025

[Ref No.: 7216]

alam, md. saiful, asmawi, adelina, haque, mohammad hamidul "confronting professional and cultural barriers to evidence-based teaching in university english departments: an auto-ethnographic study"
Online Learning In Educational Research, 2025

Keywords: Critical incident; Evidence-based practice; Higher education university teaching. [Ref No.: 7255]

dr. mohammad zahidul islam khan "whose victory was it anyway? the 1971 liberation war of bangladesh"
Centre for Reaserch and Security Studies, 2025

[Ref No.: 7326]

rawnak miraj ul azam, dr. syeda afroza zerin, fahim faisal khan alabi "isds reform and environmental governance: addressing climate change disputes through uncitral’s framework"
International Investment Law Journal, 2025

Keywords: ISDS reform, climate change disputes, investment arbitration, environmental governance, UNCITRAL WGIII, sustainable investment and regulatory chill. [Ref No.: 7327]

datta, ranjan; kibria, arifatul "indigenous women-led climate crisis solutions: a decolonial perspective from the garo indigenous community in bangladesh"
Journal of Political Geography, 2024

[Ref No.: 7203]

rafiq farhana and nurul islam md. gazi" renewable energy for gender equity: solar electricity and women’s empowerment in developing regions"
Malaysian Journal of Business, Economics and Management, 2024

Keywords: Women Empowerment, Access to Solar Electricity, Developing Country, Bangladesh [Ref No.: 7313]

dr mohammad zahidul islam khan "the geopolitical dimension of 21st november 1971 celebrated as the armed forces day of bangladesh"
Journal of Governance, Security and Development, 2024

Keywords: Bangladesh Liberation War; Indo-Pak War; Security Council; Armed Forces Day; Geopolitics; South Asia [Ref No.: 7222]

md asif kamal "social impositions, diasporic trauma, and reconciliation in bangladeshi female immigrants as portrayed in monica ali’s brick lane"
BUP Journal, 2024

Keywords: Diaspora, Trauma, Literature, Immigration, Social impositions, Reconciliation, Brick Lane, Monica Ali [Ref No.: 7232]

nasrin akter , mofizur rhaman" awareness and understanding of deepfakes among university students in bangladesh"
International Journal of Social Communication, 2024

[Ref No.: 7194]

md. roni mridha, md. monir hossain, sadia sultana sara ,and sadia siddika mim" social media in promoting small and medium enterprises (smes): motivation for young women entrepreneurs in bangladesh"
Contemporary Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship Research (CJBER), 2024

[Ref No.: 7195]

bm sajjad hossain, md taufiqul islam, shibli ahmed khan "the elasticity of taxes to gdp in bangladesh: implications for policy"
Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology, 2024

[Ref No.: 7102]

romke, rowshon ara "nexus between india and bangladesh in the liberation war of bangladesh: consequences of international agreement"
American Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation, 2024

[Ref No.: 7106]

dr. shaheen akter "clean energy transition in rural bangladesh: challenges in adoption and impact"
Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy, 2024

[Ref No.: 7135]

dr. mafruha ferdous" ecological disparity and diaspora in the hungry tide and gun island"
International Journal of Language, Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2024

Keywords: Ecology, Ecocriticism, Diaspora [Ref No.: 7143]

dr. arifatul kibria, jamiul hasan "a study on revised curriculum and educational trends in bangladesh"
the International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 2024

Keywords: Curriculum, Educational Dynamics, Decolonial Framework, Systematic Analysis, Dropout [Ref No.: 6990]

robayet ferdous syed,kazi tanvir mahmud, jinat hossain, & shaira matin" reeling in hope: can fishery credit really improve food expenditure status for poor fish farming communities in rural bangladesh?"
Journal of Rural and Community Development, 2024

Keywords: credit impact, food expenditure, opinion, Bangladesh [Ref No.: 6975]

begum, fatema; kamal, md asif "content and value integrated learning: perspectives, curriculum and perceptions in the private university contexts of bangladesh"
IJELR: International Journal of Education, Language and Religion, 2024

Keywords: value and content integration; ethics, humanity; English curriculum; religion [Ref No.: 6996]

akibur rahman khan, dr. sayeedur rahman "dealing with language learning anxiety and the role of teachers in ensuring anxiety-free foreign language classrooms"
TESOL Bangladesh Journal, 2024

[Ref No.: 7007]

risala ahmed "integrating indigenous languages into textbooks for ethnic minority students in bangladesh: empirical research on challenges and potential solutions"
International Journal of Applied Research, 2024

Keywords: Mother language, Bangladeshi ethnic minority students, text books, problems and solutions [Ref No.: 7008]

ibna seraj, p. m., klimova, b., & muthmainnah, m. "a systematic review on the factors related to cyberbullying for learners' wellbeing"
European Journal of Educational Research, 2024

Keywords: cyberbullying, factors, recommendations, systematic review [Ref No.: 7052]

islam, md tamzidul, islam, md hasibul, & kamal, md. asif "role of habit in household waste recycling behavior: evidence from an emerging country"
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 2024

[Ref No.: 7074]

md. saiful alam, adelina asmawi, mohammad hamidul haque, md. nurullah patwary, md. mohib ullah, sayeda fatema" distinguishing between student-authored and chatgpt-generated texts: a preliminary exploration of human evaluation techniques"
Iraqi Journal for Computer Science and Mathematics, 2024

[Ref No.: 7078]

kamal, md. asif, seraj, prodhan mahbub ibna & begum, fatema "teachers’ perceptions on corrective feedback in task-based language teaching (tblt) and content and language integrated learning (clil) contexts in bangladesh"
MEXTESOL Journal, 2024

Keywords: corrective feedback, TBLT, CLIL, ESP, recast and metalinguistic feedback [Ref No.: 6823]

biswas, buddha dev and khan, ashrafuzzaman "the dilemma of unlawful digital interventions and their impacts on the rohingya community during the covid-19 pandemic"
Social Science and Humanities Journal, 2024

[Ref No.: 6890]

farhat tasannum farah" unearthing echoes of colonialism subaltern struggles and collective defiance in bangladeshi poetic imprints"
Language and Literature:SAGE Journals, 2024

[Ref No.: 6763]

md. asif kamal, prodhan mahbub ibna seraj, fatema begum "teachers’ perceptions on corrective feedback in task-based language teaching (tblt) and content and language integrated learning (clil) contexts in bangladesh"

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 6834]

farhat tasannum farah" challenging times? or avant garde era? - (r)evolution in digital literature, art and media"
Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, 2024

[Ref No.: 6349]

https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v15n2p250" smartphone apps -based teaching method to develop oral english communication skills at the tertiary level in an efl context"
World Journal of English Language, 2024

Keywords: large-size class, smartphone apps, oral English communication skills, WhatsApp, recorders [Ref No.: 7238]

dr mohammad zahidul islam khan "battle of narratives or rhetorical adduction? the august 5, 2024 post-uprising bangladesh-india relations"
South Asian Journal, 2024

[Ref No.: 7314]

aktar, soeb" declaration of emergency and suspension of human rights in bangladesh: a legal analysis"
Journal of Law and Human Rights, 2024

[Ref No.: 7316]

anika tasnuva, dr. zerin afroza syeda" the unsupervised online business practice : need for legal regime"
Nazrul University Law Review, 2024

Keywords: Sustainable Online Business [Ref No.: 7329]

dr. md taufiqul islam, dr. b m sajjad hossain" an evaluation of tax policy in bangladesh: perspective from different professionals"
Asian Studies: Jahangirnagar University Journal of Government and Politics, 2023

Keywords: Economics in Smart Environments [Ref No.: 6323]

maria mollah" “sultana’s dream and the vision of sustainable energy: an ecofeminist perspective”"
Panini: NSU Studies of Language & Literature, 2023

[Ref No.: 6453]

farhana afroz, bm sajjad hossain, mohammad abu taher, jubayer ahamed "establishing democracy in bangladesh: evaluating the role of media"
AJBE, 2023

[Ref No.: 6543]

jinat hossain; kazi tanvir mahmud and shejuti haque "does land ownership really improve the decision-making capacity of the rural women? reflections from bangladesh"
Local Development & Society, 2023

[Ref No.: 6555]

yesmin, farjana; siddique, shahrina afrin "possibility of using jamboard for interactive remote efl teaching and learning: a survey of students' perception"
DIU Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2023

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 6703]

lurwanu sani, dr. arifatul kibria" a study on the marxist feminist philosophy and patriarchy in bangladesh society"
Ideas, 2023

[Ref No.: 6713]

md. nasir uddin" power of education in economic conflicts: how the deep south differs from other southern provinces in thailand?"
Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science, 2023

[Ref No.: 6701]

taslima monsoor" interference with personal/family laws in british india and the impact on women"
KLRI Journal of Law and Legislation, 2023

[Ref No.: 6659]

kamal, md asif" spacio-temporal memory vs. de/re-construction of identity: a case study of the characters in the shadow lines by amitav ghosh"
Critical Insights: A Journal of The Department of English Language and Literature, 2023

[Ref No.: 6699]

dr. ashrafuzzaman khan" “we will give our blood, but not our land!”—repertoires of resistance and state-organized land-grabbing at a bangladeshi tea plantation"
State Crime Journal, 2023

[Ref No.: 6687]

risala ahmed, shihab saqib "impact of social media method for retake students of english for academic purpose courses"
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, 2023

Keywords: ELT [Ref No.: 6837]

dr. sabuktagin rahman" thalassemia carrier status and groundwater iron: implication for iron supplementation program for children in bangladesh."
Journal of Public Health Research, 2023

[Ref No.: 6838]

dr. sabuktagin rahman" behind the scene of the prevalence of anaemia: an extended way of reporting"
Public Health Nutrition, 2023

[Ref No.: 6839]

rahman, k. a., rukanuddin, m., sabrina, m. y. c., ahmed, s., & ibna seraj, p. m. "recognizing stakeholders and factors mediating washback in language testing."
Education Research International, 2023

Keywords: English Language teaching ,Language Testing [Ref No.: 6802]

klímová, b., & ibna seraj, p. m. "the use of chatbots in university efl settings : research trends and pedagogical implications. , 14(1131506), 1–7."
Frontiers in Psychology, 2023

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 6803]

muthmainnah, al yakin, a., & ibna seraj, p. m. "impact of metaverse technology on student engagement and academic performance: the mediating role of learning motivation"
International Journal of Computations, Information and Manufacturing" (IJCIM), 2023

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 6804]

moninoor, m., ibna seraj, p.m. "interrogating higher education ’ s responses to international student mobility in the context of the covid-19 pandemic."
Heliyon, 2023

Keywords: Social media,Sociolinguistics and education [Ref No.: 6805]

hafiz, k. d., rahman, k. a., ibna seraj, p. m., & begum, m. "textbook and teaching materials evaluation: a top-down understanding."
Bangladesh Maritime Journal (BMJ), 2023

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 6807]

fathor rasyid, prodhan mahbub ibna seraj, abd. ghofur, andi asrifan "students' perception toward teaching strategies of native and nonnative english-speaking teachers: a case study in indonesia"
Education Research International, 2023

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 6809]

tasnova jerin ulfat" genocide in brahmanpara upazila & life struggle of saheed family."
Itihash Prabandhamala, 2023

[Ref No.: 6751]

syeda afroza zerin & tahsina tahmin tarin" revisiting the laws on muslim mothers’ right to guardianship of minors in bangladesh"

[Ref No.: 6907]

imtiaz ahmed sajal & syeda afroza zerin" rampal power project in bangladesh and its ramifications: interplay between environment protection and foreign investment protectionrampal power project in bangladesh and its ramifications: interplay between environment protection and foreign investment protection"
UU Journal of Business, Arts and Social Sciences, 2023

[Ref No.: 6908]

md. saiful alam; adelina; mohammad hamidul haque; md. mohib ullah; nurullah patwary; sayeda fatema; humayra akhter "an appreciation of the efl teacher model in bangladesh: a content analysis of job advertisements"
The International Journal of Diversity in Education, 2023

[Ref No.: 6825]

single author" impact of covid-19 on domestic violence in bangladesh"
Pratidwani The Echo, 2023

[Ref No.: 6827]

single" landslide disaster in chittagong hill tracts natural or man made disaster"
IJHSSS, 2023

[Ref No.: 6828]

single" rohingya refugee: a challenge of humanitarian crisis and ways forward"
Rajshahi University Law Review, 2023

[Ref No.: 6829]

mt islam, bms hossain "an evaluation of tax policy in bangladesh: perspective from different professional"
Asian Studies, 2023

Keywords: Tax Policy, Public Awareness, Development [Ref No.: 7086]

b. m. sajjad hossain, abdur rahman "remittance inflow to bangladesh: post covid-19 strategies"
Prime University Journal, 2023

[Ref No.: 7087]

kazi dawood hafiz , mohammad rukanuddin, kh atikur rahman, and prodhan mahbub ibna seraj "rethinking the acculturation model : implications for theory"
BELTA Journal, 2023

[Ref No.: 6974]

risala ahmed, shihab saqib "impact of social media method for retake students of english for academic purpose courses"
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, 2023

[Ref No.: 6930]

muhammad badrul hasan, md. hasan al azad" assessing the impacts of covid-19 on students’ perception of career opportunities in bangladesh: a focus on the department of political science of the public universities"
Journal of the Institute of Bangladesh Studies, 2023

Keywords: N/A [Ref No.: 7100]

mohammad faisal, dr. arifatul kibria" forced displacement, violence against women, and conflicy in the chittagong hill tracts, bangladesh: a scoping review"
OIRT Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2023

Keywords: Racial Discrimination [Ref No.: 6155]

mohammad towhidul islam and sadman rizwan apurbo "revisiting the patent regime of bangladesh: compatibility with trips and international best practices"
Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (Oxford University Press), 2023

[Ref No.: 6212]

dr. mohammad abu taher " application of mediation in resolving elderly family issues in malaysia: lessons from canada and australia"
Journal of Malaysian Studies, 2023

[Ref No.: 6213]

dr. mohammad abu taher " exploring older person’s financial abuse in malaysia: protecting through empowerment, prevention, and enforcement"
The Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, 2023

[Ref No.: 6214]

kazi dawood hafiz; kh. atikur rahman; prodhan mahbub mahbub ibna seraj; dmariam begum "textbook and teaching materials evaluation: a top-down understanding"
Bangladesh Maritime Journal (BMJ), 2023

[Ref No.: 6073]

md. kamrul hasan; abdul-hafeed fakih ;prodhan mahbub ibna seraj; badruddin kaddas "examining the predictive role of derivatives of morphological knowledge to reading comprehension"
Heliyon, 2022

Keywords: Language & Communication ,English Language teaching ,Language acquisition [Ref No.: 5488]

dr. kh. atikur rahman; dr. md. kamrul hasan; prodhan mahbub ibna seraj; dr. mariam begum "maritime education and sustainable development: prospects of bangladesh"
Bangladesh Maritime Journal (BMJ), 2022

Keywords: Language and culture,ESP [Ref No.: 5643]

md. kamrul hasan, prodhan mahbub ibna seraj, abdul-hafeed fakih, blanka klimova "conceptions and viewpoints of english as a foreign language undergraduate students towards flipped instructed classroom"
Education Research International, 2022

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 5708]

prodhan mahbub ibna seraj, roti chakraborty, tareque mehdi, m. moninoor roshid "a systematic review on pedagogical trends and assessment practices during the covid-19 pandemic: teachers' and students' perspectives"
Education Research International, 2022

Keywords: English Language teaching ,Evaluation, Post-method Pedagogy [Ref No.: 5709]

shah bukhari, s.k.u., said, h., gul, r. and ibna seraj, p.m "barriers to sustainability at pakistan public universities and the way forward"
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 2022

Keywords: Sociolinguistics and education, Sustainable production and Consumption [Ref No.: 5710]

julianty julianty; andi asrifan;prodhan mahbub ibna seraj;amitabh vikram dwivedi; muhammad mujtaba asad "implementing language learning strategies for writing descriptive text in an open area at a senior high school"
International Journal of Humanities and Innovation (IJHI), 2022

[Ref No.: 6074]

muthmainnah, prodhan mahbub ibna seraj, ibrahim oteir "playing with ai to investigate human-computer interaction technology and improving critical thinking skills to pursue 21st century age"
Education Research International, 2022

[Ref No.: 6082]

prodhan mahbub ibna seraj, abm rahmatullah "systematic literature review on the use of applications of smartphones for teaching english in efl contexts"
Journal of English Education and Teaching, 2022

[Ref No.: 6083]

md. kamrul hasan, abdul-hafeed fakih, prodhan mahbub ibna seraj,hasmirati "the effect of technology-assisted language programme on vocabulary learning among efl students at the tertiary level"
Heliyon, 2022

[Ref No.: 6084]

muthmainnah muthmainnah, vargheese k j, prodhan mahbub ibna seraj, besse darmawati, andi asrifan "digital mangatoon to born out new peace in english classroom"
JELITA: Journal of Education, Language Innovation, and Applied Linguistics, 2022

[Ref No.: 6085]

dr. mohammad abu taher " enhancing access to justice through e-judiciary in bangladesh: a study"
UUM Journal of Legal Studies, 2022

[Ref No.: 6092]

dr. mohammad abu taher " smart homes for the elderly: the living arrangement in malaysian society 5.0"
Malaysian Society 5.0: Selected Contemporary Socio-legal Issues(Edited Book), 2022

[Ref No.: 6093]

md maksudur rahman "addressing the necessity for a 'witness protection law' to eliminate backlogs in criminal cases in bangladesh"
Indonesian Journal of Law and Society, 2022

[Ref No.: 6022]

farhana afroz, bm sajjad hossain, mohammad abu taher, jubayer ahamed "establishing democracy in bangladesh: evaluating the role of media"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2022

Keywords: Media and Democracy [Ref No.: 6177]

dr. kazi tanvir mahmud, asif pervez, sadman sahir ahmed "microcredit and the household food security of the fish farmers: evidence from rural bangladesh"
Development in Practice, 2022

[Ref No.: 6143]

shejuti haque; dr. kazi tanvir mahmud "impact of monthly repayment system on the household income and food expenditure of the rural women borrowers: evidence from bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2022

[Ref No.: 6144]

korishi, rushni, biswas, buddhadev & rahman, mizanur "citizen's charter in public services: development, principles and practice"
Britain IBBritain International of Humanities and Social Sciences(BIoHS), 2022

Keywords: Empowerment [Ref No.: 6175]

amin, s. b., amin, y. n., khandaker, m. k., khan, f., & rahman, f. m. "unfolding fdi, renewable energy consumption, and income inequality nexus: heterogeneous panel analysis"
Energies, 2022

[Ref No.: 7101]

ishraque labib, soeb aktar" the role of laws of forest in forest conservation of chittagong hill tracts"
University of Asia Pacific Law Review, 2022

Keywords: forest, conservation, hill tracts, biodiversity etc [Ref No.: 7123]

dr. mafruha ferdous" ecofeminism during pandemic – a study of amitav ghosh’s sundarbans trilogy"
European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies (EJELLS), 2022

Keywords: Ecofeminism, Pandemic, Amitav Ghosh’s Sundarbans Trilogy [Ref No.: 7147]

dr. prodhan mahbub ibna seraj "the correlation and prediction of depth of vocabulary knowledge to academic reading comprehension of efl tertiary learners"
International Journal of Learning and Change, 2022

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 6821]

dr. syeda afroza zerin and lutfunnessa sagor" women’s right and access to justice in bangladesh: an overview"

[Ref No.: 6906]

tasnova jerin ulfat" impact of covid 19 pandemic on the institutional education system of bangladesh: student perspective"
Journal of Nazrul University, 2022

[Ref No.: 6752]

julianty, j., asrifan, a. ., ibna seraj, p. m., vikram dwivedi, a., & asad, m. m. "implementing language learning strategies for writing descriptive text in an open area at a senior high school"
International Journal of Humanities and Innovation (IJHI),, 2022

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 6810]

muthmainnah, prodhan mahbub ibna seraj, ibrahim oteir "playing with ai to investigate human-computer interaction technology and improving critical thinking skills to pursue 21 st century age"
Education Research International, 2022

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 6811]

prodhan mahbub ibna seraj, abm rahmatullah "systematic literature review on the use of applications of smartphones for teaching english in efl contexts"

[Ref No.: 6812]

hasan, m. k., fakih, a. h., ibna seraj, p. m., & hasmirati "the effect of technology-assisted language programme on vocabulary learning among efl students at the tertiary level"
Heliyon, 2022

[Ref No.: 6813]

md. kamrul hasan, prodhan mahbub ibna seraj, abdul-hafeed fakih, blanka klimova "conceptions and viewpoints of english as a foreign language undergraduate students towards flipped instructed classroom"
Education Research International, 2022

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 6816]

muthmainnah muthmainnah, vargheese k j, prodhan mahbub ibna seraj, besse darmawati, andi asrifan "digital mangatoon to born out new peace in english classroom"
JELITA: Journal of Education, Language Innovation, and Applied Linguistics, 2022

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 6817]

prodhan mahbub ibna seraj, roti chakraborty, tareque mehdi, m. moninoor roshid "a systematic review on pedagogical trends and assessment practices during the covid-19 pandemic: teachers’ and students’ perspectives"
Education Research International,, 2022

Keywords: Language Testing [Ref No.: 6818]

hasan, k., ibna seraj, p. m., & shehzad, m.w., m. "examining the predictive role of derivatives of morphological knowledge to reading comprehension"
Heliyon, 2022

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 6819]

dr. sabuktagin rahman" can guava (psidium guajava) leaf extracts develop an indigenous, simplified tool for a semi-quantitative assessment of iron in groundwater?"
Journal of Water and Health, 2022

[Ref No.: 6840]

dr. ashrafuzzaman khan" understanding the resistance trajectories of land grabbing: an endeavour of santals in bangladesh"
International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, 2022

[Ref No.: 6688]

bm sajjad hossain, rushni korishi, kamruzzaman molla "status of sex education at elementary schools in bangladesh: a comparative study among few schools in dhaka"
Britain International of Linguistics, Art and Education Journal, 2022

[Ref No.: 6655]

mostofa mahmud hasan, bm sajjad hossain, md abu sayem, mahnaz afsar "factors of manpower export in saudi arabia and its contribution to the economy of bangladesh: an empirical analysis"
Journal of Positive School Psychology, 2022

[Ref No.: 6656]

mostofa mahmud hasan1, bm sajjad hossain "diffusion and success factors of the light vehicle market in bangladesh"
EBAUB Journal, 2022

[Ref No.: 6657]

dr. b m sajjad hossain "diminishing of social disorders through financial inclusion: evidence from india"
Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, 2022

[Ref No.: 6658]

prodhan mahbub ibna seraj" systematic literature review on the use of applications of smartphones for teaching english in efl contexts"
Journal of English Education and Teaching, 2022

[Ref No.: 6700]

tasnova jerin ulfat" march 1971 : cumilla"
Bangabandhu, His Times and Legacy, Society, Economy & State Formation in Retrospect, 2022

[Ref No.: 6749]

sayeedur rahman, touhida easmin, paren c barman" shifting higher education to e-education: a study on the sudden intrusion of e-learning in the ecology of language in the context of efl/esl in private universities in bangladesh"
Book chapter, 2022

[Ref No.: 6452]

*robaet ferdous, **mst. nasrin akter" use of graphics in the news of rape in bangladeshi online media: reconstruction of patriarchal ideology"
Samajik Biggyan Potrika, 2022

[Ref No.: 6475]

sayeedur rahman, paren c barman, touhida easmin" computer-mediated assessment in english language teaching and learning at tertiary level: a reflection into its effectiveness"
Fortell: Peer Reviewed Journal of Teaching English Language and Literature, 2022

[Ref No.: 6422]

begum, ferdousi "necessity of inserting climate change clause in the transboundary water agreements of south asia"
Jahangirnagar University Journal of Law, 2022

Keywords: Climate change and Society [Ref No.: 6319]

begum, ferdousi "legal mechanisms to combat communal violence in contemporary bangladesh"
Barishal University Law Journal, 2022

Keywords: Communal Violence, Freedom of Religion [Ref No.: 6320]

2) b m sajjad hossain, nasrin akhter, md. taufiqul islam, & md. abul hasam" status and trends in financial inclusion and financial stability: a comparative analysis of saarc countries."
Britain International of Humanities and Social Sciences (BIoHS) Journal, 2022

[Ref No.: 6322]

afroja sultana "1947, 1971: history, facts and fictions"
India Review, 2022

Keywords: Social Inequality,Feminism ,Representation,Mass Media and Society,Media and Democracy [Ref No.: 6332]

dr. b m sajjad hossain "determining the impact of economic factors to the gross domestic product in bangladesh"
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 2022

[Ref No.: 6350]

dr. b m sajjad hossain "status and trends in financial inclusion and financial stability: a comparative analysis of saarc countries"
Britain International of Humanities and Social Sciences (BIoHS) Journal, 2022

[Ref No.: 6355]

shibaji mridha" love as water: environmental ethics in ponyo and the shape of water"
Crossings: A Journal of English Studies, 2022

[Ref No.: 6376]

shibaji mridha" ecocinema, slow violence, and environmental ethics: death by water"
Crossings: A Journal of English Studies, 2021

[Ref No.: 6375]

f muhammad, mi haque, abma chowdhury, dr. arifatul kibria" covid 19 pandemic: the mental health issue and challenges"
OIRT Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 2021

[Ref No.: 6338]

dr sakib bin amin" the nexus between oil price shock and the exchange rate in bangladesh"
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2021

[Ref No.: 6477]

dr. shaheen akter" adoption of conservation agriculture-based tillage practices in the rice-maize systems in bangladesh"
World Development Perspectives, 2021

[Ref No.: 6471]

dr. shaheen akter "determinants of the farm-level stocks of rice and effectiveness of rice procurement program in bangladesh"
Journal of Asia Pacific Economy, 2021

[Ref No.: 6472]

shaira matin, farhana rafiq & md. mohai menul haque" entitlement of sustainable solid waste management: a quest for legal intimidation"

Keywords: Smart Cities,Climate change and Society [Ref No.: 6673]

shaira matin and md. mohai menul haque" entitlement of sustainable solid waste management: a quest for legal intimidation"
The Jahangirnagar Economic Review, 2021

Keywords: Smart Cities,Climate change and Society [Ref No.: 6675]

rahman, k. a., ibna seraj, p. m., hasan, m. k., namaziandost, e., & tilwani, s. a. "washback of assessment on english teaching-learning practice at secondary schools."
Language Testing in Asia, 2021

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 6820]

dr. prodhan mahbub ibna seraj "exploring efl teachers' perception on readiness to use smartphones forteaching oral english communication skills at tertiary level"
MEXTESOL Journal, 2021

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 6822]

dr. muhammad fazle ramzan khan" use of language learning strategies in esp and egp: perspectives from saudi arabia"
IATEFL Professional and Academic English, 2021

[Ref No.: 6131]

dr. mohammad zahidul islam khan "covid-19 lived experience: a peacekeeper’s account"
Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS) Journal, 2021

Keywords: Social Science Research Methodology [Ref No.: 6039]

riasat azmi" ফৌজদারি মানহানি থেকে সাইবার মানহানিঃ স্বাধীন বাংলাদেশে ব্রিটিশ উপনিবেশিক চর্চার আদ্যোপান্ত"
রাষ্ট্রচিন্তা, 2021

[Ref No.: 5605]

dr. faria sultana" cost-effectiveness of differential exercise interventions in improving perceived health status of bangladeshi diabetic individuals"
International journal of life science and pharma research, 2021

[Ref No.: 5599]

dr. faria sultana" impact of awareness on attitude and behaviour towards covid-19 in bangladesh"
international journal of life science and pharma research, 2021

[Ref No.: 5600]

dr. faria sultana" effects of exercise interventions on improvement in cognitive functionality of bangladeshi diabetic individuals"
International journal of life science and pharma research, 2021

[Ref No.: 5601]

dr. faria sultana" efficacy of exercise interventions in perceived health-status among bangladeshi individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus"
International journal of life science and pharma research, 2021

[Ref No.: 5602]

dr. mohammad abu taher " noise pollution in dhaka and the constitutional right to life"
Australian Journal of Asian Law, 2021

[Ref No.: 5697]

dr. mohammad abu taher " covid-19: a preliminary assessment on the social security framework for an aged malaysia"
Commonwealth Law Bulletin, 2021

[Ref No.: 5698]

mehedi hasan, a b m shafiqul islam, & israt jahan shuchi "using mobile-based formative assessment in esl/efl speaking"
JOLLT Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, 2021

[Ref No.: 5835]

dr. muhammad fazle ramzan khan" jim crow and the white masks: native speakerism and preferential hegemony in te to sol in saudi arabia"
IATEFL Teacher Development Academic Journal, 2021

[Ref No.: 5904]

rezwanul haque" working conditions and occupational stress among nurses in bangladesh: a cross-sectional pilot study"
Journal of Public Health, 2021

[Ref No.: 5200]

rezwanul haque" women's empowerment and fertility decision-making in 53 low and middle resource countries: a pooled analysis of demographic and health surveys"
BMJ Open, 2021

[Ref No.: 5201]

mohammed foysal chowdhury" an analysis of netflix’s business strategy and how the company is coping with the challenges posed by the coronavirus crisis"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics., 2021

[Ref No.: 5197]

shibaji mridha" in search of an eco-space in the age of anthropocene: exploring the horizon of ecocinema"
Media Watch, 2021

[Ref No.: 5234]

farhat tasannum farah" redefining ‘masculinity’ and ‘manliness’ social transformation through popular cultural media representation"
IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 2021

[Ref No.: 5245]

md. kamrul hasan; prodhan mahbub ibna seraj; muhammad waleed shehzad "the correlation and prediction of depth of vocabulary knowledge to academic reading comprehension of efl tertiary learners."
International Journal of Learning and Change, 2021

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 5376]

prodhan mahbub ibna seraj , hadina habil , md. kamul hasan & fatema sharmin "exploring efl teachers' perception on readiness to use smartphones for teaching oral english communication skills at tertiary level"

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 5377]

sameer m. sayyd, zainal abidin zainuddin and prodhan m. seraj "a scientific overview of the impact of covid-19 pandemic on sports affairs : a systematic review."
Physical Education of Students, 2021

Keywords: Public health Awareness [Ref No.: 5378]

kh. atikur rahman, md. kamrul hasan, ehsan namaziandost & prodhan mahbub ibna seraj "implementing a formative assessment model at the secondary schools : attitudes and challenges."
Language Testing in Asia, 2021

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 5379]

kh. atikur rahman, prodhan mahbub ibna seraj, md. kamrul hasan, ehsan namaziandost & shouket ahmad tilwani "washback of assessment on english teaching-learning practice at secondary schools"
Language Testing in Asia, 2021

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 5380]

md. kamrul hasan, prodhan mahbub ibna seraj, kh. atikur rahman "the prediction of the responsible determinants to institutional attributes for efl student dropout at the tertiary level"

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 5381]

prodhan mahbub mahbub ibna seraj; blanka klimova;hadina habil "use of mobile phones in teaching english in bangladesh : a systematic review ( 2010 – 2020 )"
Sustainability, 2021

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 5382]

fatemeh ebrahimiehsan nehsan namaziandost; ziafarmeisam ziafar; prodhan mahbub ibna seraj "the effect of teaching formulaic expressions through contrastive lexical approach on iranian pre ‑ intermediate efl learners ’ writing skill."
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research., 2021

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 5383]

prodhan mahbub ibna seraj; hadina habil "a systematic overview of issues for developing efl learners ’ oral english communication skills."
Journal of Language and Education, 2021

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 5384]

prodhan mahbub ibna seraj; hadina habil; md. kamrul hasan "investigating the problems of teaching oral english communication skills in an efl context at the tertiary level"
International Journal of Instruction, 2021

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 5385]

mohammad rukib uddin; kh atikur rahman; prodhan mahbub ibna seraj; kazi dawood hafiz "feedback to student-works : lifeline of learning"
Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 2021

Keywords: Language and interaction [Ref No.: 5386]

muhammad rashid hafeez; shouket tilwani; muhammad asif; prodhan mahbubibna seraj "challenging so-called fake media’s power abuse with social media verbal abuse: analysis of twitter interactions"
Asian EFL Journal, 2021

Keywords: Discourse [Ref No.: 5387]

farhat tasannum farah "dissociative reality: a post-traumatic defense mechanism on toni morrison’s portrayal of pecola in "the bluest eye""
Journal of Humanities and Education Development (JHED), 2021

[Ref No.: 5364]

shamsul arifeen khan mamun, brad r taylor, son nghiem, mohammad mafizur rahman, rasheda khanam" the private returns to education in rural bangladesh"
International Journal of Educational Development, 2021

[Ref No.: 7336]

raihan kibria" exploration of open-source licensing model as a tool to enhance digitalization in bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2020

Keywords: Software maintenance and evolution [Ref No.: 5422]

md. khalid rahman" the bangladesh/india maritime boundary arbitration: the issues and challenges of implementation"
Southeast University Journal of Law (SEUJL), 2020

[Ref No.: 5423]

begum, ferdousi "transboundary water agreements of south asia: does the principle of equitable and reasonable utilization of water exist"
Bangladesh Journal of Law, 2020

Keywords: Transboundary Water Agreements of South Asia [Ref No.: 5321]

prodhan mahbub mahbub ibna seraj; hadina habil; md. kamrul hasan "investigating efl learners ’ readiness of using smartphone and problems for learning oral english communication skills at tertiary level in an efl context."
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (IJIM),, 2020

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 5388]

md. kamrul; prodhan mahbub ibna seraj; mekhala chakma "vocabulary depth knowledge and academic reading comprehension of business efl undergraduates : a correlational design study. , 8(4), ."
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 2020

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 5389]

prodhan mahbub ibna seraj, md. kamrul hasan, hadina habiil "english teachers’ views on the barriers of implementing e-learning during the covid-19 pandemic at the private universities in bangladesh. , 1033–1041."
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 2020

[Ref No.: 5390]

shibaji mridha" the water ethic: an elemental-ecocritical reading of t s eliot’s the waste land"
Crossings: A Journal of English Studies, 2020

[Ref No.: 5232]

rezwanul haque" wealth stratified inequalities in service utilisation of breast cancer screening across the geographical regions: a pooled decomposition analysis"
Archives of Public Health, 2020

[Ref No.: 5199]

mohammed foysal chowdhury" impact of socio-political milieu on film movements: analysis of effect of post-wwi context on german expressionism and soviet montage movement"
Bangladesh Film Archive Journal, 2020

[Ref No.: 5196]

iffat tasnim haque, youji kohda "understanding the impact of social determinants of health in street food safety: a qualitative study in bangladesh."
International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 2020

Keywords: Public health Awareness [Ref No.: 5090]

mehedi hasan1, a. b. m. shafiqul islam "the effectiveness of mobile assisted languagelearning (mall) on esl listening skill"
NOBEL: Journal of Literature and Language Teaching, 2020

[Ref No.: 5833]

mehedi hasan, a b m shafiqul islam and israt jahan shuchi "translanguaging as an instructional strategy in adult esl classrooms"
ELT-Echo, 2020

[Ref No.: 5834]

dr. mohammad abu taher " are the rights of elderly people well-protected? revisiting the existing global and regional human rights instruments: an overview"
Southeast University Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 2020

[Ref No.: 5696]

mohammad zahidul islam khan "is voting patterns at the united nations general assembly a useful way to understand a country’s policy inclinations: bangladesh’s voting records at the united nations general assembly""
Sage Open, 2020

Keywords: Good Governance ,Globalization ,International Human Rights Law,Government and Politics [Ref No.: 6037]

dr. mohammad zahidul islam khan and prof dr. dominik zaum "a structural explanation of state fragility: theorizing the causal pathways"
Journal of Governance, Security & Development, 2020

[Ref No.: 6038]

dr. muhammad fazle ramzan khan" teach(er) and teach(ing): beliefs, attitudes, and teaching practices"
IATEFL Teacher Development Academic Journal, 2020

[Ref No.: 6133]

tasnova jerin ulfat" a brief discussion on farakka barrage & ganges treaty"
International Journal of Science and Business, 2020

[Ref No.: 6977]

tasnova jerin ulfat" sheikh mujibur rahman: charismatic leader of bangladesh"
International Journal of Humanities, Art and Social, 2020

[Ref No.: 6978]

nazia zaman chowdhury and dr. sakib bin amin" the environmental kuznets curve and trade openness: the case of south asian countries"
The Environmental Kuznets Curve and Trade Openness: The Case of South Asian Countries, 2020

[Ref No.: 7310]

dr. shaheen akter" impacts of bangladesh’s agricultural rehabilitation program as a safety net for marginal and smallholder farmers, asian development perspectives"
Asian Development Perspectives, 2020

[Ref No.: 6473]

touhida easmin" submission to the reality: shadow of prufrock's dual self in frost's "stopping by the woods on a snowy evening""
Reach: Journal of SUB, 2020

[Ref No.: 6451]

dr. mohammad abu taher " teaching skills and instilling values through research: a discussion"
Southeast University Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 2020

[Ref No.: 6216]

dr. arifatul kibria" a study on causes, manifestations and effects of corruption in nigeria: the need for collective actions"
Journal of Sociology, 2020

[Ref No.: 6343]

dr. b m sajjad hossain" towards building a conceptual model for the primary education institutions via fgd"
TEST, 2020

[Ref No.: 6356]

shibaji mridha" man, madness, and manipulation: gendering insanity in shakespeare's hamlet and macbeth"
The Eastern University Journal, 2020

[Ref No.: 6374]

shamsul arifeen khan mamun, mohammad mafizur rahman, rasheda khanam" the relation between an ageing population and economic growth in bangladesh: evidence from an endogenous growth model"
Economic Analysis and Policy, 2020

[Ref No.: 7335]

dr. rowshon ara romke" knowledge and perceptions on human rights: a study of selected community of bangladesh’, fareast international university journal, vol. 02, issue: 01 january 2019, dhaka."

[Ref No.: 6336]

masum, a. latif & romke, r. a.," .‘understanding the nature of bilateral relations between bangladesh and india: critical review of intermediate regime (2006-2008),"
Asian Studies, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Government and Politics,, 2019

[Ref No.: 6337]

mst. nasrin akter" sexism and misogyny in the memes of facebook"
Agrayon, 2019

Keywords: Gender and Development [Ref No.: 6476]

mehrin karim" situation analysis of person with disabilities"
2, 2019

[Ref No.: 6784]

dr. rowshon ara romke" knowledge and perceptions on human rights: a study on selected communities of bangladesh"
Fareast International University Journal,, 2019

[Ref No.: 7105]

naziba hoque & faria alam" “looking at generations: evaluating identities in shirshendu mukhopaddhay’s durbin and amitav ghosh’s the shadow lines”"
Harvest: Jahangirnagar University Studies in Language and Literature, 2019

[Ref No.: 7152]

dr. mohammad abu taher " key performance indicators and employment contracts in malaysia: a legal analysis"
IIUM Law Journal, 2019

[Ref No.: 6215]

mohammad zahidul islam khan "pathways to justice for ‘atrocity crimes’ in myanmar: is there political will?"
Global Responsibility to Protect, 2019

Keywords: Social Science Research Methodology ,Political economy,International Human Rights Law,Genocide,Government and Politics,International Humanitarian Law [Ref No.: 6040]

shahjahan ali" quantitative assessment of fecal contamination in multiple environmental sample types in urban communities in dhaka, bangladesh using sanipath microbial approach"
PLOS ONE, 2019

[Ref No.: 4943]

shahjahan ali" effects of lipid-based nutrient supplements and infant and young child feeding counseling with or without improved water, sanitation, and hygiene (wash) on anemia and micronutrient status: results from 2 cluster-randomized trials in kenya and bangladesh"
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2019

[Ref No.: 4944]

shaira matin and md. monwarul islam "cyber security and approaches of institutions: a study on private institutions of banani and dhanmondi thana area, dhaka"
Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies (JCSTS), 2019

[Ref No.: 5154]

shibaji mridha" motherhood as a ‘hidden transcript’: the agency of linda brent in incidents in the life of a slave girl"
Spectrum-Journal of the Department of English, University of Dhaka, 2019

[Ref No.: 5233]

mohammad mosiur rahman, md shaiful islam, abdul karim, takad ahmed chowdhury, muhammad mushfiqur rahman, prodhan mahbub ibna seraj & manjet kaur mehar singh "english language teaching in bangladesh today: issues, outcomes and implications."
Language Testing in Asia, 2019

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 5391]

risala ahmed" trauma of the first world war through expressionism: a study of the cabinet of dr. caligari"
International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 2019

[Ref No.: 4892]

shihab saqib" trauma of the first world war through expressionism: a study of the cabinet of dr. caligari"
The International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 2019

[Ref No.: 4893]

shahjahan ali" the effects of single and combined water, sanitation, and handwashing and nutrition interventions on environmental enteric dysfunction in young children living in rural bangladesh and kenya"
Oxford Academics: Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2019

[Ref No.: 4863]

dr. md. nasir uddin" climate financing through the adaptation fund: what determines fund allocation?"
Journal of Environment and Development, 2019

[Ref No.: 4839]

shibaji mridha" trauma of colonial/postcolonial entanglement: something torn and new in weep not, child"
Postcolonial Interventions, 2019

[Ref No.: 4818]

shibaji mridha" blanche and the fear of patriarchy in a streetcar named desire"
Journal of English Literature and Cultural Studies, 2019

[Ref No.: 4819]

afroja sultana" understanding marshal mcluhan: the guru of media and technology (in bengali)"
Jogajog, a journal of communication and culture, 2019

[Ref No.: 4678]

afroja sultana" road safety movement: examining the media coverage of the ‘mediagenic’ issue (in bengali)"
Agrayan, a communication journal, 2019

[Ref No.: 4679]

md. khalid rahman" interpretation of 'ethnic cleansing' refers to an extended form of genocide: analyze the recent atrocities on rohingya"
Human Rights and Constitutional Governance, 2019

[Ref No.: 4547]

dr. buddha dev biswas" understanding the livelihood strategies of child street vendors in dhaka city, biswas, buddha dev and islam, md. jahirul"
Social Science Journal,University of Rajshahi, 2019

[Ref No.: 4366]

dr. md. nasir uddin" human capital inequality and economic growth: evidence with subnational data from thailand"
International Journal of Social Economics, 2019

[Ref No.: 4371]

mohammed foysal chowdhury" subverting hollywood aesthetics: studying cinema novo"
Bangladesh Film Archive Journal, 2019

[Ref No.: 3937]

dr. md. nasir uddin" intergenerational transmission of human capital: evidence with alternative instrument from thailand"
Journal of Economic Studies, 2019

[Ref No.: 3962]

farhat tasannum farah" history (whose story?) ‘written with lighting’ a cinematic representation of the traumatic past of the germans in world war i"
Journal of Psychology Research, 2019

[Ref No.: 4202]

dr. md. asif kamal " eccentric use of time & flashbacks as theatrical device in miller’s death of a salesman"
International Journal of English Language, Literature and Translation Studies, 2018

[Ref No.: 4052]

farhana afroz" the plight of domestic girl workers in bangladesh: an overview"
Journal of Political Science, 2018

[Ref No.: 4053]

dr. mohammad mizanul haque kazal" financial profitability and resource use efficiency of boro rice production in some selected areas of mymensingh district in bangladesh"

[Ref No.: 4020]

dr. buddha dev biswas" the socio-economic condition of the construction workers of dhaka city: an emperical study"
The AIUB Journal Of Business and Economics(AJBE), 2018

[Ref No.: 4026]

shaila ahmed" second language learners’ ownership of english in the usa: the influence of accents"
UITS Journals Humanities and Social Sciences, 2018

[Ref No.: 3987]

mohammed foysal chowdhury" founding figures of documentary film : role of john grierson, robert j. flaherty and dziga vertov in establishing and enriching the non-fiction genre"
Bangladesh Film Archive Journal, 2018

[Ref No.: 3935]

zarin tasnim" nature of code-switching among the bangladeshi tertiary level facebook users"
People: International Journal of Social Sciences, 2018

[Ref No.: 3674]

irtisam ahmed" thinking (un)conventional: alternative assessment at tertiary level education in bangladesh"
International Journal of New Technology and Research, 2018

[Ref No.: 3607]

dr. buddha dev biswas" .biswas, buddha dev and rahman, md.mizanur,major challenges of public administration in bangladesh: few observations and suggestions"
International Journal of Emerging Trendss in Social Sciences., 2018

[Ref No.: 3931]

dr. a. b. m. rahmatullah" defining agri tourism comparing with other modes of rural tourism in agricultural areas"
Agritourism Congress, 2018

[Ref No.: 4561]

dr. a. b. m. rahmatullah" introducing the concept of agri tourism in bangladesh: a case study of aiub irpdt"
Agritourism Congress, 2018

[Ref No.: 4562]

md. khalid rahman" human rights and sustainable development goals: a pathway to fulfill the compulsion of human rights"
ELCOP Year book of Human Rights, 2018

[Ref No.: 4539]

md. khalid rahman" notes on cybercrimes: issues and concerns regarding right to privacy and cyber laws"
Crime and Punishment: Contemporary Issues on Criminology in Bangladesh, 2018

[Ref No.: 4541]

dr. faria sultana" efficacy of differential exercise intervention programs on improvement in perceived health-status among middle aged individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus in kelantan, malaysia."
International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research, 2018

[Ref No.: 4733]

dr. faria sultana" variation in mood and emotional regulation as predictor of performance changes amongst soccer players"
International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research, 2018

[Ref No.: 4735]

dr. faria sultana" cost-effective exercise programs on health-status of malaysian diabetic individuals - a socio-psychological analysis"
International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research, 2018

[Ref No.: 4707]

dr. faria sultana" exercise interventions for efficient and effective management of type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis"
International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research, 2018

[Ref No.: 4708]

dr. faria sultana" behavioural interventions for efficient and effective management of type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis"
International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research, 2018

[Ref No.: 4709]

dr. faria sultana" differential impacts of isokinetic training on proprioceptive active repositioning errors committed by osteoarthritis patients"
International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research, 2018

[Ref No.: 4737]

shibaji mridha" mapping motherhood in james joyce’s "a boarding house" and "a mother""
The Eastern University Journal, 2018

[Ref No.: 4817]

irtisam ahmed" unheard voices of bangladeshi novice elt practitioners"

[Ref No.: 4890]

begum, ferdousi "analyzing hindu women’s right to property in bangladesh: absolute interest versus limited interest"
Kathmandu School of Law Review, 2018

Keywords: Hindu Women's Right to Property [Ref No.: 5322]

begum, ferdousi" a theoretical examination of the child marriage restraint act, 2017 in bangladesh"
Islamic University Studies, 2018

Keywords: Child Marriage [Ref No.: 5323]

iffat tasnim haque, youji kohda "applying knowledge management in public health intervention: a street food safety perspective"
International Journal of Knowledge and System Science, 2018

[Ref No.: 5089]

dr. mohammad abu taher " e-waste management in bangladesh: revisiting the existing legal and policy framework"
Jagannath University Journal of Law, 2018

[Ref No.: 5699]

md monjur hasan, bm sajjad hossain, md jobaer alam, km azam chowdhury, ahmad al karim, nuruddin md khaled chowdhury "the prospects of blue economy to promote bangladesh into a middle-income country"
Open Journal of Marine Science, 2018

[Ref No.: 6176]

abdul karim; abdul r. mohamed; shaik a. m. m. ismail; faheem h. shahed; mohammad mosiur rahman; md. hamidul haque "error analysis in efl writing classroom"
International Journal of English Linguistics, 2018

[Ref No.: 6824]

rowshon ara romke, md ashfak sayed" the impact of freelancing on the socio-economic development of bangladesh’, asa university review, vol. 12, no. 2(23th issue), july-december 2018, dhaka. ."
ASA University Review, 2018

[Ref No.: 6334]

dr. arifatul kibria" substance abuse and rehabilitations: role of social worker"
UITS Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2018

[Ref No.: 6341]

dr. b m sajjad hossain "remittance & development: a sensitivity analysis of bangladesh"
AU eJournal of Interdisciplinary Research, 2017

[Ref No.: 6354]

iffat haque, youji kohda" knowledge and perception about food adulteration problem among school children in bangladesh: iffat haque"
European Journal of Public health, 2017

[Ref No.: 6325]

akter, s. & rahman, s." investigating multiple domains of household livelihood security: insights from urban slums in bangladesh"
Journal of Poverty, 2017

Keywords: Empowerment [Ref No.: 6474]

sureya huda & naziba hoque" “the passive ophelia of bangla literature: breaking shackles?”"
The Eastern University Journal, 2017

[Ref No.: 7153]

faria alam & naziba hoque" “women’s writing in digital sphere: a room of one’s own”"
Southeast University Journal of English Department, 2017

[Ref No.: 7154]

dr. mafruha ferdous" the values of masculinity in william shakespeare's macbeth"
Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 2017

[Ref No.: 7148]

dr. mafruha ferdous" reading homer's the iliad in 21st century"
Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 2017

[Ref No.: 7150]

dr. muhammad fazle ramzan khan" teaching english as a foreign language: a multiple-strategies approach for students with learning disabilities"
International research Journal: Persons with Special Needs and rehabilitation Management, 2017

[Ref No.: 6134]

dr. muhammad fazle ramzan khan" role of learner autonomy in choosing learning strategies in efl: bangladesh perspective"
RENOVA, 2017

[Ref No.: 6135]

mahbub alom; prodhan mahbub ibna seraj" the impact of low motivation in second language acquisition (sla) among the undergraduate students: bangladesh perspective."
SIU Studies., 2017

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 5392]

shohel rana" “the greatness of freedom: michael k’s lifelong desire to be united with the inseparable root in j.m coetzee’s life and times of michael k.”"
The International Journal of English and Education, India, 2017

[Ref No.: 5435]

shohel rana" “concept of the romantic rebel in emily bronte’s wuthering heights.”"
Critical Space, 2017

[Ref No.: 5436]

shohel rana" “the subaltern speak in selim al deen’s chaka.”"
Literary Herald, 2017

[Ref No.: 5437]

shohel rana" “the disaster of losing the only son to an alien culture: a study of the short story ‘the son’ by mahashewta devi.”"
Literary Herald, 2017

[Ref No.: 5438]

dr. md. taufiqul islam" performance and effectiveness of village court in bangladesh: a comparative study in two unions between project and non project area"
Journal of South Asian Studies, 2017

[Ref No.: 3559]

kuntala shabnam parama" monolingual & bilingual perceptions of code-switching: a difference in cognition but not competence"
North American Journal of Psychology, 2017

[Ref No.: 3537]

shibaji mridha" ‘split desire’ of men and the representation of the body of women in the unbearable lightness of being and padma nadir majhi"
Spectrum-Journal of the Department of English, University of Dhaka, 2017

[Ref No.: 4816]

md. hamidul haque" teachers’ dilemma bog down clt in efl contexts: a discussion on efl teachers’ beliefs and sources"
IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 2017

[Ref No.: 4688]

md. khalid rahman" anti-stalking legislation in bangladesh: a new frontier in criminal law regime"
ELCOP Year book of Human Rights, 2017

[Ref No.: 4536]

dr. a. b. m. rahmatullah" opportunities of business in bangladesh economy"
International Research Conference on Business Management, 2017

[Ref No.: 4560]

mohammed foysal chowdhury" implications of understanding ritwik ghatak: study of melodrama in meghe dhaka tara (1960)"
Bangladesh Film Archive Journal, 2017

[Ref No.: 3933]

sk. md. habibullah" a feminist overhaul on post-2000 judicial decisions towards enforcing women’s rights in bangladesh"
ELCOP Yearbook of Human Rights, 2017

[Ref No.: 3592]

mst morium khatun" macroeconomic determinants of youth unemployment and inactivity rates in bangladesh"
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 2017

[Ref No.: 3939]

theotonius gomes" psychic dislocation in "no longer at ease""
The Comilla University Journal of Arts, 2017

[Ref No.: 3963]

ashika bari jotee" “variation in process writing practice: a comparative study on the portfolios of bangladeshi tertiary level writing courses”"
Southeast University Journal of English Department, 2017

[Ref No.: 4003]

farhat tasannum farah" women to worship/rule? - wives, widows, and witches in salman rushdie’s midnight’s children"
The International Journal of Language, Literature, Culture and Education, 2017

[Ref No.: 4006]

dr. mohammad mizanul haque kazal" exploring the future potential of jute in bangladesh"
Agriculture, 2017

[Ref No.: 4011]

dr. mohammad mizanul haque kazal" poverty profiles and coping strategies of the haor (ox-bow lake) households in bangladesh"
Journal of Poverty Alleviation and International Development, 2017

[Ref No.: 4012]

dr. mohammad mizanul haque kazal" profitability and resource use efficiency of potato cultivation in munshiganj district of bangladesh"
SAARC Journal of Agriculture, 2017

[Ref No.: 4016]

dr. md. nurul amin" the miraculous development of the garment and pharmaceutical industries in bangladesh"

[Ref No.: 4009]

dr. md. asif kamal " commodity: triggering uncertainty and dilemma in delillo’s white noise"
Journal of Arts and Humanities, 2017

[Ref No.: 4050]

dr. md. asif kamal " features and implication of english used as a linguafranca in bangladesh"
THAITESOL Journal, 2017

[Ref No.: 4051]

mohammad mafizur rahman , shamsul arifeen khan mamun "energy use, international trade and economic growth nexus in australia: new evidence from an extended growth model"
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016

[Ref No.: 7334]

dr. md. asif kamal " implementing task-based english teaching: experience from large classes"
Stamford Journal of English, 2016

[Ref No.: 4048]

dr. md. asif kamal " task-based use of literature for teaching english in bangladesh"
THAITESOL Journal, 2016

[Ref No.: 4049]

farhat tasannum farah" “rape”—a guise of multiple oppression on “black women” - an autobiographical observation of postcolonial women writers"
LANGLIT: An International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal, 2016

[Ref No.: 4005]

dr. mohammad mizanul haque kazal" enhancement factors of women entrepreneurship development: a micro level study in dhaka city, bangladesh"
Stamford Journal of Economics, 2016

[Ref No.: 4021]

dr. mohammad mizanul haque kazal" potentiality on e-commerce in the rural community of bangladesh"
Progressive Agriculture, 27 (2): 207-215, 2016

[Ref No.: 4017]

dr. mohammad mizanul haque kazal" carbon trading and its imapact in bangladesh"
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 2016

[Ref No.: 4018]

dr. mohammad mizanul haque kazal" precision agriculture in the world and its prospect in bangladesh"
Research in Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, 2016

[Ref No.: 4019]

dr. mohammad mizanul haque kazal" profitability, input demand and output supply of mustard production in bangladesh"
Journal of Oilseeds Research, 33 (1): 14 - 21, 2016

[Ref No.: 4013]

dr. mohammad mizanul haque kazal" competitiveness, profitability, input demand and output supply of maize production in bangladesh"
Agriculture, 6, 21, 2016

[Ref No.: 4014]

jannatul farhana" revolutionary poetic voices of victorian period: a comparative study between elizabeth barrette browning and christina rossetti"
English Language and Literature Studies (Canadian Center of Science and Education), 2016

[Ref No.: 4001]

mst morium khatun" push or pull factors of female labour force participation in bangladesh"
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2016

[Ref No.: 3938]

zakir abu mohd syed" application of judicial activism in protecting the environment: an analysis"
IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2016

[Ref No.: 3955]

dr. faria sultana" a systematic review on the effectiveness of perceptual motor training on improvement in motor performance in individuals with developmental coordination disorder"
Movement, Health & Exercise, 2016

[Ref No.: 4736]

mehedi kayser pabitra" language simulation process & implications: a case study on efl business communication class"
UITS journal, 2016

[Ref No.: 4676]

mehedi kayser pabitra" facebook content based task (fcbt) for learners’ affective filter management"
Southeast University Journal of English Department, 2016

[Ref No.: 4677]

md. hamidul haque" implementing task-based english language teaching: experience from large classes"
Stamford Journal of English, 2016

[Ref No.: 4689]

dr. faria sultana" visuomotor behaviour rehearsal in enhancing motor ability in soccer performers"
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 2016

[Ref No.: 4738]

prof. dr. taslima monsoor" child domestic workers in barisal: need analysis."
American Journal of Social Studies (AJSS)., 2016

[Ref No.: 3522]

dr. md. taufiqul islam" small credit for big opportunities: a case study of brac’s agribusiness program in bangladesh"
International Journal of Economics and Finance, Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2016

[Ref No.: 3558]

dr. shamsul arifeen khan" modelling a causal relationship between the internet and academic research performance in an australian university: a case study"
Margin: The Journal of Applied Economics, 2016

[Ref No.: 3307]

dr. shamsul arifeen khan" an investigation on allocative efficiency and implications of new funding plan for the australian universities"
Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 2016

[Ref No.: 3308]

prodhan mahbub ibna seraj" contrastive analysis on the surface structure of basic syntax of bangla (ll) and english (gl)."

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 5393]

dr. prodhan mahbub ibna seraj" students’ attitude towards teaching and learning of english"
SIU Studies, 2016

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 5394]

mohammad zahidul islam khan "philosophical dualism: towards a nuance understanding of the concept of terrorism"
Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS) Journal, 2016

Keywords: Social Science Research Methodology [Ref No.: 6041]

mohammad zahidul islam khan "beyond greed or grievance theory – what explains civil war?"
Peace and Security Review, 2016

Keywords: Social Inequality,Social Science Research Methodology ,Civil and Criminal Laws [Ref No.: 6042]

dr. muhammad fazle ramzan khan" use of smart phones in academia: a study of the tertiary level teacher’s and learners’ perception in bangladesh and west bengal, india"
Prime University Journal, 2016

[Ref No.: 6136]

sabrina karim & arpana awwal" boundaries within national borders: a comparative study of petals of blood and banapangshul"
Bharatya Pragna: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Indian Studies, 2016

Keywords: neocolonialism, capitalism, marginalized, imperialism, subaltern [Ref No.: 7118]

naziba hoque" “consumerist ‘madness’ in vonnegut’s breakfast of champions: shattered perception leading towards intoxicating trauma”"
The Eastern University Journal, 2016

[Ref No.: 7155]

fu, x. & akter, s." the impact of mobile phone technology on agricultural extension services delivery: evidence from india"
Journal of Development Studies, 2016

[Ref No.: 6577]

dr. b m sajjad hossain" dropout at tertiary education in bangladesh: configurations and determinants"
Feni University Journal, 2016

[Ref No.: 6353]

dr. b m sajjad hossain" the contribution of garments industry in bangladesh economy"
International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research, 2016

[Ref No.: 6351]

dr. b m sajjad hossain" impact of climate change on agriculture and food security in bangladesh"
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Education and Research, 2016

[Ref No.: 6357]

dr. muhammad fazle ramzan khan" media in action: (l)earning english through commercials"
The Eastern University Journal, 2015

[Ref No.: 6137]

dr. md. iqbal kabir" child centered approach to climate change and health adoptation through schools in bangladesh"
PLoS ONR, 2015

[Ref No.: 4929]

dr. syeda afroza zerin" 4. hilla in islam : a humanistic approach"
BRPJ, 2015

[Ref No.: 5443]

dr. shamsul arifeen khan" the role of communication technology on broadcare agriculture in australia: empirical analysis"
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 2015

[Ref No.: 3309]

dr. shamsul arifeen khan" the determinant of faculty attitude to academic (over-)workload: an econometric analaysis"
The Journal of Develolping Areas, 2015

[Ref No.: 3310]

dr. shamsul arifeen khan" the australian federal government's education policy changes: some implications for australian universities"
International Journal of Education Economics and Develoment, 2015

[Ref No.: 3311]

dr. shamsul arifeen khan" is there any feedback effect between academic publication and research: evidence from an australian university"
Scientometrics, 2015

[Ref No.: 3312]

dr. md. asif kamal " existentialist crisis in the immigrants of jhumpa lahiri’s namesake"
IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2015

[Ref No.: 3327]

dr. md. taufiqul islam" the dimension of power accessibility and rural people in bangladesh: a study in savar rural area"
Journal of Transcultural Studies, 2015

[Ref No.: 3556]

prof. dr. taslima monsoor" financial support for women under islamic family law in bangladesh and malaysia."
Asian Journal of Women's Studies, 2015

[Ref No.: 3523]

prof. dr. taslima monsoor" gender and adoption: a comparative study of bangladesh and malaysia."
Dhaka University Law Journal., 2015

[Ref No.: 3525]

rubayyat hashmi" the determinants of worker remittance in terms of foreign factors: the case of bangladesh"
Studies in Business and Economics, 2015

[Ref No.: 3491]

rubayyat hashmi" knowledge, attitude and practice of tax system in bangladesh: towards tax justice"
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2015

[Ref No.: 3492]

muna chaudhury" n/a"
N/A, 2015

[Ref No.: 2972]

mohammed foysal chowdhury" seemabadha: an auteur film"
Bangladesh Film Archive Journal, 2015

[Ref No.: 3232]

dr. faria sultana" cost effectiveness of exercise intervention and lifestyle counselling in prevention and control of diabetes mellitus-a review"
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 2015

[Ref No.: 4734]

sharmin shabnam, shaira matin and dr. tazul islam "self-employment: prospects and challenges"
UITS Journal, 2015

Keywords: Labor Market [Ref No.: 3970]

dr. tazul islam" self-employment: prospects and challenges"
UITS Journal, 2015

[Ref No.: 3985]

dr. mohammad mizanul haque kazal" whether crop diversification is energy efficient: an empirical analysis from bangladesh"
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 45(2015):745–754., 2015

[Ref No.: 4015]

dr. mohammad mizanul haque kazal" socio-economic determinants of the varying levels of food insecurity amongst the haor (ox-bow lake) residents in bangladesh"
Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Economics, 37(1 & 2): 17 - 34., 2015

[Ref No.: 4022]

dr. mohammad mizanul haque kazal" determinants of crop diversity in the regions of bangladesh (1990-2008)"
Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 36 (1): 83 - 97, doi:10.1111/sjtg.12086, 2014

[Ref No.: 4023]

dr. md. nurul amin" success of industrial development policy in the pharmaceutical industry in bangladesh"

[Ref No.: 4008]

farhat tasannum farah" rushdie’s narrative mode indian oral cum post modern self-reflexivity in salman rushdie’s midnight’s children"
The International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 2014

[Ref No.: 4004]

shaila ahmed" esl/efl learning style preference among bangladeshi students"
Language in India, 2014

[Ref No.: 3986]

shaira matin" the grameen bank in enhancing efficiency/ skills of its clients: a reluctant partnership"
UITS Journal, 2014

[Ref No.: 3967]

quazi omar foysal" china-bangladesh relationship: from eternality to modern age"
Journal of Society and Change, 2014

[Ref No.: 3776]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" restrictive business practices, monopoly and anti-competitive elements: a study in competition and regulation policies of bangladesh"
Bureau of Economic Research, University of Dhaka, 2014

[Ref No.: 3917]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" janata bank’s special programme of interest-free and collateral-free loan to landless and marginal farmers: an impact study"
The Janata Bank Journal of Money, Finance and Development, 2014

[Ref No.: 3893]

md. firoj al mamun khan" language in india"
Linguistics and Literature: Points of Convergence, 2014

[Ref No.: 2858]

md. firoj al mamun khan" language in india"
Semiotics: The Representation, Construction and Evaluation of Reality, 2014

[Ref No.: 2859]

farhana zaman & shaira matin" women in informal labor market: bargaining power still hangs in balance"
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics(AJBE), 2014

Keywords: Gender and Development [Ref No.: 2789]

dr. faheem hasan shahed" the dysfunctional bilingualism in bangladeshi education and society"
Language in India (India), 2014

[Ref No.: 2797]

dr. md. taufiqul islam" decentralization and rural local government in india and bangladesh: a brief comparison"
Journal of South Asian Studies, 2014

[Ref No.: 2814]

shaila ahmed" the communicative language teaching (clt) at the higher secondary levels in bangladesh"
Language in India, 2014

[Ref No.: 2822]

dr. farhana rafiq" opinion of the zakat- recipients on their food security : a case study on bangladesh"
International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 2014

[Ref No.: 635]

rezwanul hasan rana" the relationship between economic growth and government expenditure: evidence from bangladesh"
The International Journal of Business And Management, 2014

[Ref No.: 645]

kamal, md asif "existential discourse: a refuge from or deluge of crisis"
Outlooks:VUB Studies in Language, Literature and Culture, 2014

[Ref No.: 2728]

farhat tasannum farah" adaptation as creative resistance in patrick white’s a fringe of leaves"
International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities, 2014

[Ref No.: 139]

mir md. fazla rabby" online news consumption pattern: a survey on dhaka university students"
Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D, 2014

[Ref No.: 3178]

nasim firdaus" systemic change for women’s empowerment; institution building remains a far cry"
The Daily Star Anniversary Publication,, 2014

[Ref No.: 2973]

hemin ashrafi" bangladesh’s trade relations with the united states"
Indian Journal of Economics and Business (IJEB), 2014

[Ref No.: 2979]

rizwana mahbub liana" linguistics and literature: points of convergence"

[Ref No.: 2959]

prof. dr. taslima monsoor" empowerment of women and development of muslim family law in bangladesh."
Dhaka University Law Journal., 2014

[Ref No.: 3524]

md. khalid rahman" a comparative study between usa and bangladesh police: perspective decentralization in policing"
Bangladesh Law Association Journal, 2014

[Ref No.: 3520]

md. khalid rahman" the rights of ethnic minorities in the chittagong hill tracts of bangladesh: a study on the implementation of chittagong hill tracts peace accord"
Uttara University Law Journal, 2014

[Ref No.: 3521]

15. kamal, asif "pablo neruda: poetics and politics"
UITS Journal, 2014

Keywords: Poetics, Politics, Poet-politician, Neruda, Dual Commitment, Crisis, Dilemma, Equilibrium [Ref No.: 3326]

jannatul farhana" from pain to gain: a study of diasporic dislocation in kiran desai's the inheritance of loss"
International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities, 2014

[Ref No.: 3290]

dr. pradip sen gupta" how does the type 2 diabetes mellitus patients’ compliance to managing diabetes in bangladesh?"
Access Library Journal, 2014

[Ref No.: 3320]

theotonius gomes" discourse of power in harold pinter's speeches and poems"
The Atlantic Literary Review, New Delhi based international journal, 2014

[Ref No.: 3332]

dr. syeda afroza zerin" 5. the scenario of civil wars and application of the right to self determination"
International Journal of BSSR, 2014

[Ref No.: 5444]

dr. syeda afroza zerin" 2. dissection of penal liability in bangladesh: is it discriminatory"

[Ref No.: 5441]

mohammad zahidul islam khan "do the weak and collapsed states pose a challenge to the realist worldview?"
” Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS) Journal, 2014

Keywords: Social Science Research Methodology ,Globalization ,Political economy,Government and Politics [Ref No.: 6043]

dr. mohammad zahidul islam khan "will the rise of china remain peaceful?"
Peace and Security Review, 2014

Keywords: Social Science Research Methodology ,Government and Politics [Ref No.: 6044]

syeda afroza zerin,md. zahid chowdhury johnny" the scenario of civil wars and application of the right to self-determination"

[Ref No.: 6909]

rahman s. & akter s. "determinants of livelihood choices: an empirical analysis from rural bangladesh"
Journal of South Asian Development, 2014

[Ref No.: 6578]

rowshon ara romke" female labor participants in bangladesh: case studies’"
ASA University Review, 2014

[Ref No.: 6333]

dr. rowshon ara romke" autistic children in bangladesh society: a case study,"
ASA University Review, 2014

[Ref No.: 6331]

rowshon ara romke" may e-governance create digital divide?"
Asian Business Review, 2013

Keywords: Digital Transformation [Ref No.: 6329]

romke, r. a" digital divide in primary schools of bangladesh"
ASA University Review, 2013

[Ref No.: 6330]

sabrina karim and afroza aziz suchana" alienation and colonial identity in "shooting an elephant" by george orwell"
Journal of SUB, 2013

[Ref No.: 7120]

dr. arifatul kibria" a quantitative study on educational inequality in bangladesh: an appraisal’"
UITS Journal, 2013

[Ref No.: 6997]

dr. syeda afroza zerin" 6. blow of divorce on muslim women and delusions of law: a critical analysis"
BRPJ, 2013

[Ref No.: 5445]

dr. pradip sen gupta" comparison of accessibility among visually impaired patients visiting mobile and stationary hospital in rural bangladesh"
J Health, PoplNutr, 2013

[Ref No.: 3321]

kamal, asif; begum, fatema "outsiderism in manik bandopadhyay’s outcast heroes"
UITS Journal, 2013

Keywords: Outsiderism, Existentialism, Alienation, Death, Crisis, Dilemma, Struggle [Ref No.: 2727]

rezwanul hasan rana" a comparative analysis of the economic growth of china and india- implications for bangladesh"
Social Science Review, 2013

[Ref No.: 642]

rezwanul hasan rana" regionalism: contraction or expansion of globalisation? a case of north american free trade agreement (nafta)"
Dhaka University Journal of Business Stuides, 2013

[Ref No.: 643]

dr. faheem hasan shahed" revisiting bangladeshi nationhood: walking across global, local, and glocal peripheries"
Journal of Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Humanities), 2013

[Ref No.: 2798]

dr. faheem hasan shahed" ‘culture’ as a skill in undergraduate efl classrooms: the bangladeshi realities"
TEFLIN Journal (Indonesia), 2013

[Ref No.: 2799]

mohammed niaz majumdar" education through arts and aesthetics"
The Independent, 2013

[Ref No.: 4622]

dr. mohammad mizanul haque kazal" impact of urea price change on the economic optimum level of n fertilizer use in hyv rice in its yield in bangladesh"
Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Economics, 36 (1 & 2): 63 - 76., 2013

[Ref No.: 4024]

dr. tazul islam" from microcredit to microfinance: towards a more sustainable way of poverty alleviation"
UITS Journal, 2012

[Ref No.: 3984]

amal majumder" i see, therefore, i am: presentation, transformation, and translocation of the self in cyberspace"
Harvest, 2012

[Ref No.: 3593]

dr. a. b. m. rahmatullah" economics and dis-economies in the agriculture sector of bangladesh"
Changes and Challenges in Agriculture Sector, 2012

[Ref No.: 4286]

md. firoj al mamun khan" language in india"
The Focus on Individual Learners in S/L F/L Classroom in Bangladesh, 2012

[Ref No.: 2857]

dr. md. taufiqul islam" rural local administration and decentralization process in india: perspective from the middle-tier"
Jahanginagar Journal of Administrative Studies, 2012

[Ref No.: 2815]

dr. md. taufiqul islam" impact of fishery training program on the living-standard of the fishers: a case of community based fishery management project in bangladesh"
Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development, 2012

[Ref No.: 2816]

rizwana mahbub liana" the focus on individual learners in s/l f/l classroom in bangladesh"

[Ref No.: 2958]

syed afroz keramat" remittance inflow into rural economy of bangladesh"
Quarterly Journal of Institute of Applied Manpower Research, 2012

[Ref No.: 3265]

dr. pradip sen gupta" socio-demographic characteristics and public health situation of child domestics: myths and reality for a safe community in bangladesh."
InjPrev, 2012

[Ref No.: 3322]

dr. shamsul arifeen khan" stochastic estiamtion of cost frontier: evidence from bangaldesh"
Education Economics, 2012

[Ref No.: 3313]

farzana saleh" knowledge and self-care practices regarding diabetes among newly diagnosed type 2 diabetics in bangladesh: a cross-sectional study"
BMC public health, 2012

[Ref No.: 3430]

prodhan mahbub ibna seraj" problems of pronunciation for secondary level students learning english as second language in bangladesh."
Journal of Socioeconomic Research & Development (JSERD), 2012

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 5395]

dr. muhammad fazle ramzan khan" language learning strategies: a study of teacher and learner perceptions"
BUP (Bangladesh University of Professionals) Journal, 2012

[Ref No.: 6141]

s.m.minhazul anwar (mridul) & sabrina karim" use of journey for exploration of carpe diem in the epic of gilgamesh"
Journal of SUB, 2012

Keywords: Exploration, Carpe Diem, Gilgamesh [Ref No.: 7121]

arpana awwal and sabrina karim" modernity and epic: reviewing paradise lost and meghnadbadh kabya"
Journal of IUB CHAOS, 2012

Keywords: modernity, epic, Paradise Lost, Meghnadhbadh Kabya, myth [Ref No.: 7119]

romke, r. a" state, politics and religion: a comparative analysis"
Banglavision Research Journal, 2012

Keywords: Government and Politics [Ref No.: 6328]

dr. arifatul kibria" occupational inequality in bangladesh society: a quantitative analysis"
UITS Journal, 2012

[Ref No.: 6339]

dr. arifatul kibria, qinguangqiang" class structure and income inequality in contemporary bangladesh: a comparative observation with china"
UITS Journal, 2012

[Ref No.: 6340]

dr. b m sajjad hossain "dimensions of poverty among the lower income people in dhaka city"
J Sci Foundation, 2012

[Ref No.: 6352]

syeda afroza zerin" domestic violence against child labour in bangladesh"
The Islamic university Studies, 2011

[Ref No.: 6910]

prodhan mahbub ibna seraj; mohammad abdullah al mamun" speaking and listening practice in english language learning through communicative language teaching at hsc level."
International Journal of Social Development and Information System (IJSDIS), 2011

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 5396]

dr. shamsul arifeen khan" are public universities cost efficient ? empirical evidence"
South Asia Economic Journal, 2011

[Ref No.: 3314]

dr. pradip sen gupta" characteristics of road traffic accident in dhaka city."
Bangladesh Physiotherapy Journal, 2011

[Ref No.: 3323]

hemin ashrafi" time span and criteria for women economic empowerment applicable for turkish grameen micro-credit project"
International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies(IJEFS), 2011

[Ref No.: 2980]

dr. farhana rafiq" asset price bubble and banks: the case of japan"
Bangladesh Development Studies, 2011

[Ref No.: 632]

dr. faheem hasan shahed" english language education in bangladesh: from historical perspective to current stature"
Proceeding of International Conference on Education (Indonesia), 2011

[Ref No.: 2802]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" the laws of nature and human action on the hydro-morphology and human ecology of bangladesh"
Environment and Climate Change, 2011

[Ref No.: 4616]

dr. md. taufiqul islam" impact of fishery credit on the household expenditure of the fisherman in bangladesh"
The Global Journal of Finance and Economics, 2011

[Ref No.: 4686]

dr. mohammad mizanul haque kazal" causes of poor utilization of local funds in the sylhet region of bangladesh - a multivariate analysis"
International Journal of Statistical Sciences (Special Issue), Vol. 11: 245-281., 2011

[Ref No.: 4025]

dr. arifatul kibria" the essence of goldthorpe's class structure in bangladesh society"
Journal of Social Development, 2010

[Ref No.: 6342]

akim m. rahman" attitudes toward tax evasion: a comparative study of opinions of business students in bangladesh"
Amity Global Business Review, 2010

[Ref No.: 2778]

tania rahman" a multilingual language-in-education policy for indigenous minorities in bangladesh: challenges and possibilities"
Current Issues in Language Planning, 2010

[Ref No.: 704]

tania rahman" colloquial versus standard in singaporean language policies"
Language in India, 2010

[Ref No.: 705]

dr. tazul islam" grameen phase two: unlocking the true potential of microfinance"
The AIUB Faculty Journal, 2010

[Ref No.: 438]

rezwanul haque" climate change and income inequality: a case study of some selected coastal areas of bangladesh"
Journal of Socio-economic Research and Development (JSERD), 2010

[Ref No.: 3173]

prof. dr. taslima monsoor" maintenance to muslim women in bangladesh and malaysia: is the judiciary doing enough?"
Dhaka University Law Journal, 2010

[Ref No.: 5612]

romke, r. ara, jalal & shafiqul "health belief model and healer choice in a medically pluralistic society: a study on urban youths"
ASA University Review, 2010

[Ref No.: 6020]

s.m. minhazul anwar (mridul) and sabrina karim" r.k.narayan's the financial expert: a modern marxist fable"
Journal of SUB, 2010

Keywords: R.K. Narayan, Modern Marxist Fable [Ref No.: 7122]

dr. syeda afroza zerin" 7. hospital waste management in dhaka city"
BRPJ, 2009

[Ref No.: 5446]

dr. syeda afroza zerin" 1. privileges for the unprivileged juvenile delinquents by therapeutic method"
BUBT Journal, 2009

[Ref No.: 5440]

dr. shamsul arifeen khan" the cost structure of the private university in bangladesh: an empircal study"
The Jahangirnagar Economic Review, 2009

[Ref No.: 3316]

dr. buddha dev biswas" extrinsic and intrinsic determinants of entrepreneurial growth of bangladesh: an empirical examination"
RMUTT Global Business and Economic Review, 2009

[Ref No.: 2914]

dr. tazul islam" what’s wrong with microcredit? the experience of the grameen bank in bangladesh"
The AIUB Faculty Journal, 2009

[Ref No.: 441]

dr. tazul islam" promoting institutional innovations in microfinance: replicating theories is not enough"
The AIUB Faculty Journal, 2009

[Ref No.: 443]

tania rahman" santals of bangladesh"
The Linguistics Journal, 2009

[Ref No.: 707]

dr. md. taufiqul islam" empowering rural administration at the lowest-level in bangladesh: a comparison with india"
Journal of Regional Development Studies, 2009

[Ref No.: 2818]

akim m. rahman" opinions of business students on the ethics of tax evasion"
AIUB Faculty Journal, 2009

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md. shawkat ali" the cost structure of the private universities in bangladesh: an empirical study"
The Jahangirnagar Economic review, 2009

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dr. a. b. m. rahmatullah" convergence in bangladesh agriculture"
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2009

[Ref No.: 4284]

dr. buddha dev biswas" the art of asking questions and classroom management"
The AIUB Faculty Journal, 2009

[Ref No.: 3930]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" competition, regulation and the role of the state: the case of bangladesh"
The Journal of Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 2008

[Ref No.: 3898]

dr. a. b. m. rahmatullah" causality and convergence in bangladesh agriculture"
Research Paper in Economics, 2008

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dr. tazul islam" microcredit and poverty alleviation: the grameen bank in focus"
Journal of Social and Economic Development, 2008

[Ref No.: 439]

dr. shamsul arifeen khan" vertical equity of subsidy to higher education in bangladesh"
BRAC University Journal, 2008

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dr. syeda afroza zerin" 3. human rights of undocumented migrant workers of bangladesh: an analysis of the un convention (1990) and exploratory recommendations"
ELCOP Journal, 2008

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mohammad zahidul islam khan "tracing private jack lovelace – the american at shamshernager in 1945"
Bimansenna (BAF Professional Journal), 2007

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dr. muhammad fazle ramzan khan" teaching reading under foundation english course to business students: a study of relevance and effectiveness"
Bangladesh Islami University Journal, 2007

[Ref No.: 6142]

dr. a. b. m. rahmatullah" regional productivity in bangladesh agriculture"
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2007

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dr. md. taufiqul islam" poverty dimension and government policy in bangladesh: perspective from historical background"
Journal of the Asia Pacific Research Center, 2007

[Ref No.: 4316]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" government policy and competitive business environment in bangladesh: a case study"
International Journal of Quality and Productivity Management, 2006

[Ref No.: 3894]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" government policy and competitive business environment in bangladesh: a case study"
International Journal of Quality and Productivity Management, 2006

[Ref No.: 3903]

dr. md. taufiqul islam" administrative framework of local government in japan: lesson for bangladesh,"
Journal of Asian Studies, 2006

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dr. a. b. m. rahmatullah" causality between capital investment and productivity in japanese agriculture"
Journal of Japanese Rural Economy, 2006

[Ref No.: 4281]

kaspia sultana" teaching business english, need for refinement"
Journal of Business and Technology of Northern University of Bangladesh, 2006

[Ref No.: 4680]

md. shawkat ali" adolescents fertility behaviour in bangladesh: evidence from 2004 bangladesh demographic and health survey in bangladesh"
Journal of Public Administration, 2006

[Ref No.: 2836]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" government policy and competitive business environment in bangladesh: a case study"
International Journal of Quality and Productivity Management, 2006

[Ref No.: 3388]

mohammad zahidul islam khan "fungibility of military power and imperatives for small nations"
Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies Journal, 2006

[Ref No.: 6105]

mohammad zahidul islam khan "is clausewitz relevant in today's world?"
National Defence College Journal (NDC Journal), 2006

[Ref No.: 6108]

mohammad zahidul islam khan" measuring airpower effectiveness"
Mirpur Paper (Defence Services Command & Staff College Journal), 2006

[Ref No.: 6109]

borendra lal tripura" cultural constraints in adopting communicative language teaching approach (clt) in teaching english to the students of secondary schools in bangladesh"
AJBE, 2005

[Ref No.: 3273]

dr. tazul islam" regulation of microfinance ngos: general reflections and the case of bangladesh"
International Journal of Rural Management, 2005

[Ref No.: 565]

md. shawkat ali" fertility and its proximate determinants of the chakma tribe in bangladesh: an application of bongaarts model"
The Jahangirnagar Review, 2005

[Ref No.: 2837]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" violence against women in bangladesh: legal and social security measures"
Planning Commission, 2005

[Ref No.: 4617]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" trade and competition policy in bangladesh: what lessons can bangladesh learn from japan?"
Chiba: Institute of Developing Economies, Japan, 2005

[Ref No.: 3914]

dr. md. taufiqul islam" inequality, poverty and agriculture in rural bangladesh: perspective from a village study"
Japanese Journal of Farm Management, 2004

[Ref No.: 4314]

dr. md. taufiqul islam" poverty in rural bangladesh: a comparative study of poverty rates and measuring methods"
Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Technology Management, 2004

[Ref No.: 4315]

dr. a. b. m. rahmatullah" causality between capital investment and productivity in japanese agriculture"
Proceedings of Agricultural Economists, 2004

[Ref No.: 4285]

dr. md. taufiqul islam" education and gender dimension in rural bangladesh: perspective from a village study"
Journal of Rural Planning Association, 2004

[Ref No.: 4492]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" review and identification of gaps in the knowledge and understanding on the leveling of tfr"
Policy Planning and Program Implementation of NIPORT, 2004

[Ref No.: 4618]

kaspia sultana" rationale behind writing a course book for the students of business english"
Journal of Science and Arts of the University of Asia Pacific, 2004

[Ref No.: 4681]

md. shawkat ali" the economics of immunosuppression in kidney transplantation n: a systematic review and assessment of the literature"
The Jahangirnagar Economic Review, 2004

[Ref No.: 2838]

dr. tazul islam" microcredit and poverty alleviation: the need for quality financial services"
Journal of Institute of Bangladesh Studies, 2004

[Ref No.: 566]

dr. pradip sen gupta" arsenic concentrations in rice, vegetables, and fish in bangladesh: a preliminary study"
Environment International, 2004

[Ref No.: 3324]

sadia jabeen rahman" a historical perspective of e:nglish language education system with special reference to bangladesh: an analysish"
Journal of the People's University of Bangladesh, 2004

[Ref No.: 2928]

prof. dr. taslima monsoor" 14. dissolution of marriage on test: a study of islamic family law and women"
Dhaka University Studies, Part F, 2004

[Ref No.: 5613]

dr. mohammad zahidul islam khan" war – an instinctual endowment"
Armed Forces Journal (Published annually on Armed Forces Day), 2004

[Ref No.: 6110]

prof. dr. taslima monsoor" 17. dowry problem in bangladesh: legal and socio-cultural perspectives"
Dhaka University Studies, Part F, 2003

[Ref No.: 5614]

akim m. rahman" electricity: taxes on emission liabilities: an examination of economic effectiveness of polluter pays principles"
Energy Policy, Volume 32(2), 2003

[Ref No.: 2772]

borendra lal tripura" khagrachhari district"
Banglapedia, 2003

[Ref No.: 4687]

dr. md. taufiqul islam" poverty reduction and rural development in bangladesh: the role of government and ngos"
Journal of Rural Problems, 2003

[Ref No.: 4490]

akim m. rahman" rahman, a. (2002), market system to curtail emission magnitudes evolved from electricity generation environmentalists,"
The International Journal for all Professionals, 2002

[Ref No.: 2771]

dr. tazul islam" microcredit and poverty alleviation: smooth talking on a rough road"
Discourse: A Journal of Policy Studies, 2001

[Ref No.: 567]

akim m. rahman" how to swallow an elephant: future environmental challenges in arab countries and options"
The Social Science Research Network Electronic Journal. Internet address, 2001

[Ref No.: 2773]

akim m. rahman" effluent gases from coal combustion - effect on environment"
Social Science Research Network Electronic Journal, Internet address, 2000

[Ref No.: 2774]

akim m. rahman" emission from electric utilities and the kyoto protocol: study of policy analysis"
Social Science Research Network Electronic Journal, Internet address, 2000

[Ref No.: 2775]

md. shawkat ali" risk and uncertainty in economic evaluation of medical care technology"
Asian Studies, 2000

[Ref No.: 2839]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" male motivation program for promoting family planning in bangladesh"
Real Lives, IPPF South Asian Region, London, UK, 1999

[Ref No.: 4395]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" icpd+5 and gender: equity, equality and empowerment of women"
INTEGRATION (A quarterly Journal) Published by JOICFP, Tokyo, Japan, 1998

[Ref No.: 4387]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" export-led growth strategy for south asia: some emerging issues"
Export-led Growth Stragedy for South Asia – Prospects and Challenges, Kuala Lumpur, 1998

[Ref No.: 3912]

akim m. rahman" pipeline capacity turns back: problems and options"
The National Regulatory Research Institute (NRRI), 1997

[Ref No.: 2777]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" dimensions of governance in bangladesh"
The Economy of Bangladesh in Transition, Oxford, 1997

[Ref No.: 3911]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" future challenges in fp-mch program- a plan for action in bangladesh"
CHALLENGES, A quarterly Journal Published by IPPF London, UK, 1997

[Ref No.: 4391]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" women and girls in bangladesh"
Real Lives, IPPF South Asia Region, London, UK, 1997

[Ref No.: 4385]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" silent women revolution- fpab implemented project would be showing significant achievement"
INTEGRATION,(a quarterly Journal Published by JOICFP, Tokyo, JAPAN, 1997

[Ref No.: 4386]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" converting bangladesh's influential religious leaders"
Challenges, 1996

[Ref No.: 4382]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" dhaka university order (duo), 1973: autonomy or rule of law?"
Advanced Studies in Humanities, University of Dhaka, 1996

[Ref No.: 3913]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" urban poverty in bangladesh: trends, determinants, and policy issues"
Asian Development Review, 1994

[Ref No.: 3902]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" factor substitution and labour absorption in the manufacturing industries: the case of bangladesh"
Journal of Social Studies, 1994

[Ref No.: 3906]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" bangladesh as a dynamic partner in south asia’s development"
South Asia as a Dynamic Partner in Development, Indian Council (ICRIER), 1994

[Ref No.: 3909]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" urban poverty in bangladesh, trends, determinants and policy issues"
Asian Development Review, 1994

[Ref No.: 3389]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" skill contents of the manufacturing trade of bangladesh"
Journal of Business Studies, 1993

[Ref No.: 3904]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" factor substitutions, market imperfections, returns to scale and verdoon’s effects: the case of bangladesh manufacturing industries"
Jahangir Nagar Economic Review, 1993

[Ref No.: 3896]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" approach to development strategy for eradicating hunger and mass poverty"
Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy, 1992

[Ref No.: 4381]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" determinants of employment in the manufacturing industries: the case of bangladesh"
The Bangladesh Rural Development Studies, 1992

[Ref No.: 3905]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" an analysis of markups on selected commodities distributed through different trading channels within bangladesh"
Journal of Finance and Banking, 1992

[Ref No.: 3901]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" government policies and effective rates of protection in the manufacturing industries: the bangladesh case"
Politics, Administration and Change, 1992

[Ref No.: 3916]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" external economic relations of bangladesh: an overview"
Bangladesh Foreign Relations, Dhaka University, 1991

[Ref No.: 3910]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" factor intensity in the manufacturing trade of bangladesh"
Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy, 1989

[Ref No.: 3897]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" determination of the key sector in bangladesh economy within an input-out framework of analysis"
Social Science Review, 1989

[Ref No.: 3900]

prof. khurshida khanom" a hygiene experiment in rural banglades"
Sociological Perspectives, 1989

[Ref No.: 3386]

prof. khurshida khanom" concept and practice of health education through sue of mass media in the epidemic control and management of diarrhea disease in bangladesh,"
Bangladesh Medical Journal, 1988

[Ref No.: 3387]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" factor intensity in the manufacturing industries of bangladesh"
Social Science Review, 1988

[Ref No.: 3899]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" measurement of factor intensity – a comment on krueger’s methodology"
The Dhaka University Studies, 1988

[Ref No.: 3895]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" growth and structural changes in the manufacturing industries of bangladesh: an overview"
Perspectives of Social Science, Dhaka University, 1988

[Ref No.: 3907]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" trade policies and structure of protection in the manufacturing industries of bangladesh"
Perspective in Social Science, Dhaka University, 1988

[Ref No.: 3908]

mst. nasrin akter 2. mohammad masud chowdhury 3. rani ellen v. ramos" the dynamics of artificial intelligence & media education in bangladesh"
Nordic Journalism Education Pre-Conference, 2025

[Ref No.: 4611]

siddique, shahrina afrin; easmin, touhida" presentation title learning style preferences of the bangladeshi gen-z efl learners"
29th NELTA International Conference 2025, 2025

Keywords: EFL, Gen-Z, learning styles, tertiary level [Ref No.: 4709]

mst. nasrin akter, mofizur rhman" the linguistic heritage of the bengali nation: language movement in newspapers and the construction of ekush"
The Language Movement and the Emergence of a Bangla-Speaking State in the World, 2024

[Ref No.: 4610]

dr mafruha ferdous" bio politics and animals lives: foucauldian reading of human-animal relationship in amitav ghosh’s works"
Foucault and Postcolonial Governmentalities in South Asia, 2024

[Ref No.: 4600]

dr. mafruha ferdous" the role of non-human characters in amitav ghoshs ecological narrative"
Environmental Hazards and Gender Issues, 2024

[Ref No.: 4601]

shahrina afrin siddique" teachers’ insights on ai to alleviate efl writing anxiety"
The 3 rd International Conference on Innovation and Transformation for Development (ITD-2024), 2024

[Ref No.: 4597]

md. asif kamal" challenges and need-based use of clil in undergraduate classes with heterogeneous learners of english literature in bangladesh"
Critical-Affective Pedagogy for BD: Teaching Language, Literature, Cultural Studies & Comm., 2024

[Ref No.: 4535]

rahman, d., sakib, m. n., modina, r. r., & siddique, s. a." exploring students' attitudes towards using chatgpt in english for academic writing"
2nd TESOL Society of Bangladesh International Conference 2024, 2024

[Ref No.: 4401]

1. mst. nasrin akter, 2. prof. dr. mofizur rahman" appra conference 2024"
Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence for Sustaining Peace and Democracy, 2024

[Ref No.: 4413]

b m sajjad hossain & tanzil tamanna" echoes of silence: a dive into the endangered rohingya language"
International Seminar 2024, 2024

[Ref No.: 4452]

dr mohammad zahidul islam khan "rise of the global south: implications for the global order"
Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies Roundtable, 2024

Keywords: Social Inequality,Good Governance ,Globalization ,Critical Theory [Ref No.: 4527]

dr mohammad zahidul islam khan" key note paper on "rise of the global south: geopolitical implications for bangladesh" at the bangladesh corpus public lecture series at uiu"
Bangladesh Corpus Public Lecture Series, 2024

[Ref No.: 4705]

md asif kamal" resistance to the linguistic hegemony and fallacy of perfect learning through english medium instruction in bangladesh"
Language Metamorphosis: Implications for Language Education in Decolonial Contexts (LMLEDC), 2024

Keywords: : Linguistic slavery, multilingualism, hegemony, EMI, Bangladesh [Ref No.: 4622]

dr. arifatul kibria" community-led climate change adaptation: a case study with munda indigenous community in bangladesh"
12th IIMS International Conference, 2024

Keywords: Climate Change, Indigenous, Community-led, Adaptation. [Ref No.: 4640]

siddique, shahrina afrin" challenges and opportunities of teaching efl writing in the era of chatgpt in bangladesh"
Language Metamorphosis: Implications for Language Education in Decolonial Contexts, 2024

Keywords: Artificial intelligence (AI), ChatGPT, EFL, teaching practices, writing skills. [Ref No.: 4647]

md asif kamal" resistance to the linguistic hegemony and fallacy of perfect learning through english medium instruction in bangladesh"
Language Metamorphosis: Implications for Language Education in Decolonial Contexts (LMLEDC), 2024

[Ref No.: 4676]

touhida easmin" 2nd tesol bd international conference 2024"
TESOL in Transition: 4th Industrial Revolution and Beyond, 2024

[Ref No.: 5213]

tanzil tamanna" echoes of silence: a dive into the rohingya language"
Language, 2024

Keywords: Language, migration, and diaspora [Ref No.: 5272]

rukhsar raiyan modina" tesol in transition: 4th industrial revolution and beyond"
AI in Education, 2024

[Ref No.: 5274]

tasnuva anika" the second virtual international conference on women's rights in emerging societies"
Gender and Family Laws, 2024

Keywords: Gender and Development [Ref No.: 5277]

risala ahmed" 43rd thailand tesol international conference 2024"
A Comparative Analysis between Recorded Audio Feedback and Written Feedback in a Multi- draft Essay Writing Task, 2024

[Ref No.: 5282]

risala ahmed" the 10th asian conference on education & international development (aceid2024)"
A Comprehensive Examination of ChatGPT's Impact on ESL/EFL Classrooms in Bangladesh: Teachers' Perspectives, 2024

[Ref No.: 5283]

priyanka akhter "2nd tesol bd international conference"
TESOL in Transition: 4th Industrial Revolution and Beyond, 2024

[Ref No.: 5415]

dr. rowshon ara romke "international conference"
Nexus between India and Bangladesh in the Liberation War of Bangladesh: Consequences of International Agreement”., 2024

Keywords: Government and Politics [Ref No.: 5429]

akibur rahman khan "2nd tesol bd international conference"
English Language Teaching, 2024

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 5448]

risala ahmed "22nd asiatefl international conference 2024"
Exploring Teachers' Attitudes towards ChatGPT as a Tool for Material Development in Tertiary-Level EFL Classrooms in Bangladesh, 2024

[Ref No.: 5510]

priyanka akhter "3rd international conference on innovation and transformation for development (itd-2024)"
Innovation and Transformation for Development, 2024

[Ref No.: 5511]

naziba hoque "“critical-affective pedagogy for bangladesh: teaching language, literature, cultural studies and communication in english studies”"
Pedagogy, Language, Literature, Cultural Studies and Communication in English Studies, 2024

[Ref No.: 5537]

shaila ahmed "11th belta international conference"
Investigating the Influence of Social Media Communication Style on Academic Communication Style: A Study on Private University Students of Bangladesh, 2024

[Ref No.: 5547]

shaila ahmed "belta - iub - tht 18th teacher development conference 2024: teaching english in the 21st century"
Teaching English in the 21st century, 2024

[Ref No.: 5566]

shaila ahmed "2nd tesol bd international conference"
TESOL in Transition: 4th Industrial Revolution and Beyond, 2024

[Ref No.: 5567]

md. asif kamal" teaching english fiction through content and language integrated learning (clil) to foster cross-cultural awareness and communication among bangladeshi undergraduate learners in a foreign/ second language context"
The Magic of Innovation: Outlook for Linguistics and Language Teaching in the Present Context, 2023

[Ref No.: 4533]

tasneem shereen khan, tasnia tarannum, risala ahmed, md. asif kamal" fostering learner autonomy in bangladesh: teachers’ perspectives and obstacles in esl/efl classroom"
APQN Academic Conference (AAC) and Annual General Meeting (AGM), 2023

[Ref No.: 4534]

md. asif kamal" a comparative study on bangladeshi undergraduate learners’ attitude towards online and on-campus english language classes: a case study from a private university"
5th International Open and Distance Learning Conference, 2023

Keywords: Language & Communication [Ref No.: 4531]

syeda afroza zerin" eligibility of mother as a guardian in the context of family court of dhaka: a pragmatic study"
22nd Asian Bioethics Conference & Roundtable on Global Health Security, 2023

[Ref No.: 4433]

dr. mohammad zahidul islam khan "u.s. and taiwan partnership amidst geopolitical competition"
2nd Consortium of Indo-Pacific Researchers International Conference-2023, 2023

Keywords: Government and Politics [Ref No.: 4419]

tasneem shereen khan, tasnia tarannum , risala ahmed , asif kamal" asia pacific quality network"
APQN Academic Conference 2023, 2023

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 4386]

dr. mafruha ferdous" homelessness of displaced communities : a critical study of aabdulrazak gurnah's novels"
Teaching English Literature And Interdisciplinarity, 2023

[Ref No.: 4602]

dr. mafruha ferdous" ecological disparity and diaspora in the hungry tide and gun island"
Refugee Resistance and Recognition, 2023

[Ref No.: 4603]

naziba hoque" “re-evaluating rape in bangladesh liberation war: narratives of recognition and resistance”"
“Refuge, Resistance, and Recognition: Global Literary Representations ..., 2023

[Ref No.: 4605]

quazi omar foysal "16th biennial meeting of the international association of genocide scholars"
16th Biennial Meeting of the International Association of Genocide Scholars, 2023

[Ref No.: 4137]

begum, ferdousi" national conference"
National Conference on Legal Dynamics in the Contemporary World, 2023

Keywords: Rights of Hindu Women [Ref No.: 4166]

begum, ferdousi" international conference"
International Conference on Rivers of South Asia: Connecting Ecology, People and Governance, 2023

Keywords: Legal Personhood to Rivers [Ref No.: 4167]

begum, ferdousi" national conference"
National Conference on Law in a Changing World, 2023

Keywords: Climate Change [Ref No.: 4168]

matin shaira, sultana faria, rafiq farhana" assessing the knowledge, perception, and awareness of digital literacy among the teachers in a private university in bangladesh"

[Ref No.: 4704]

rehnuma ferdous" the commons we want: between historical legacies and future collective action"
SDGs, Commons toeards urban transformation, Resource grabbing, environmental justice, 2023

[Ref No.: 4902]

tasnuva anika "international conference on technology, business and justice towards smart bangladesh"
Constitution, Constitutionalism and Fifty Years of Bangladesh Law-making, Four IR and Smart Bangladesh Human rights in the Digital Age Environmental Justice, Sustainable Development, and Bangladesh Access to Justice and Judiciary in Smart Bangladesh Data Protection and Right to Privacy Role of Artificial Intelligence in Law and Legal Technology Financial Crime and Fraud in the Era of Cyber-security, 2023

[Ref No.: 5038]

rukhsar raiyan modina" international conference on teaching english literature and interdisciplinarity"
Interdisciplinarity, 2023

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 5050]

angur nahar monty "global investigative journalism conference 2023"
Investigative Journalism, 2023

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence,New Media,Media and Democracy,Journalism studies [Ref No.: 5095]

dr. ashrafuzzaman khan" transforming access to care for serious mental disorders in slums – the transform project"
Exploring the perception of mental health among slum dwellers in Bangladesh., 2023

[Ref No.: 5106]

shahrina afrin siddique" discover english 2023"
Adjudicated parallel sessions, 2023

[Ref No.: 5113]

iftekhar mahmud" discover english 2023: student conference on english language and literature"
English Language and Literature, 2023

Keywords: Social Science Research Methodology [Ref No.: 5151]

shibaji mridha" 5th asle/asean ecocritical conference: posthuman southeast asia"
Ecocriticism, Water Studies. South Asian Literature, 2023

Keywords: English Literature [Ref No.: 5214]

dr. farhana rafiq" annual bids conference on development (abcd) 2023"
“Development, Justice and Freedom”, 2023

[Ref No.: 5259]

rukhsar raiyan modina" the asian conference on media, communication & film"
Film Studies, 2023

[Ref No.: 5273]

risala ahmed" asia pacific quality network"
Fostering Learner Autonomy in Bangladesh: Teachers' Perspectives and Obstacles in ESL/EFL, 2023

[Ref No.: 5278]

risala ahmed" 43rd thailand tesol international conference 2024"
Effectiveness of Implementing Blended Learning System For The Development of Reading Skills of The Tertiary Level Students of Bangladesh, 2023

[Ref No.: 5281]

risala ahmed" discover english 2023: student conference on english language and literature"
Language and Literature, 2023

[Ref No.: 5295]

shaila ahmed "apqn academic conference and annual general meeting 2023"
Innovation and Sustainable Development in Higher Education, 2023

[Ref No.: 5300]

akibur rahman khan "discover english 2023"
Research in English Language and Literature, 2023

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 5407]

akibur rahman khan "national symposium for teachers and students of english"
Research in English Language, 2023

[Ref No.: 5408]

priyanka akhter "discover english 2023"
Research in English Language and Literature, 2023

[Ref No.: 5413]

priyanka akhter "national symposium for teachers and students of english"
21st Century Research, 2023

[Ref No.: 5414]

rukhsar raiyan modina" mapping gendered spaces in language, literature, and culture"
Gender studies, Language, Literature, Culture, 2023

[Ref No.: 5521]

naziba hoque" “discover english 2023: student conference on english language and literature”"
Language, Literature, Cultural Studies, Media Studies, Education, 2023

[Ref No.: 5543]

dr. arifatul kibria et al "the meaning of community-led climate change resilience: a case study with indigenous and minority communities in bangladesh"
2022 TORONTO Conference on earth System Governance, 2022

[Ref No.: 4157]

begum, ferdousi" international conference"
International Conference on Sustainable Development: Opportunities and Challenges, 2022

Keywords: Stridhan [Ref No.: 4164]

begum, ferdousi" international conference"
International Colloquium on the Implications of Climate Change on Human Rights, 2022

Keywords: Management of Shared Water Resources [Ref No.: 4165]

md asif kamal" relevance of content and language integrated learning for teaching poetry in undergraduate classes"
International Conference on Language Education, Literature and Linguistics (ICLELL-2022), 2022

[Ref No.: 4031]

md asif kamal" relevance of content and language integrated learning to teaching english fiction in undergraduate classes."
20th AsiaTEFL – 68th TEFLIN – 5th iNELTAL International Hybrid Conference 2022, INDONESIA, 2022

[Ref No.: 4032]

dr wasif m alam" organ donation or organ procurement? – a public health perspective"
International Conference on Organ & Tissue Donation & Transplantation, 2022

[Ref No.: 4022]

dr. mohammad zahidul islam khan "changing nature of conflict: fighting hybrid war in the 21st century"
BIPSS – Dhaka Tribune Roundtable, 2022

Keywords: Other [Ref No.: 3990]

mohammad zahidul islam khan" leadership challenges: contingent commanders in un peacekeeping ."
United Nations Contingent Commander's Course, 2022

[Ref No.: 3994]

mohammad zahidul islam khan "technology enhanced learning & teaching"
Faculty Development & Training, 2022

Keywords: Deep Learning [Ref No.: 3995]

mohammad zahidul islam khan "bsmraau in national & global context” at the faculty development & training sessions held on 09 jan -22 jan 2022 at bsmraau, dhaka campus."
Faculty Development and Training Session, 2022

Keywords: Sociolinguistics and education [Ref No.: 3996]

dr. kazi tanvir mahmud ; shejuti haque" international conference on sustainable development"
Sustainable Development: Opportunities and Challenges, 2022

[Ref No.: 3698]

riasat azmi" aicss"
AICSS, 2022

[Ref No.: 3739]

asif kamal" integration trauma of the female immigrants depicted in bangladeshi diasporic literature in england: a case study of monica ali’s brick lane"
International Conference on. Borders, Diasporas, and Multilingualism in English Studies, 2022

[Ref No.: 3756]

siddique, shahrina afrin" teaching english literature through moodle: a study at daffodil international university"
English Literature Summit 2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 4328]

yesmin, farjana; siddique, shahrina afrin" possibility of using jamboard for interactive remote efl teaching and learning: a survey of students’ perception"
International Conference on Sustainable Development: Opportunities and Challenges, 2022

[Ref No.: 4329]

fu, x., xu, h., akter, s. and zhao, s" working in mne subsidiaries in africa: the effect of individual network centrality on skill improvement and social upgrading"
EIBA conference on Walking the talk? Transitioning towards a sustainable world, 2022

[Ref No.: 4316]

borendra lal tripura & risala ahmed "international conference on sustainable development: opportunities and challenges"
AICSS, 2022

Keywords: ELT [Ref No.: 4387]

zarin tasnim, risala ahmed "ulab conference"
Entangled Englishes in Translocal Spaces, 2022

Keywords: ELT [Ref No.: 4384]

shihab saqib" love in apocalypse: a comparative study through deconstruction of life is beautiful (1997), wall-e (2008), and love and monsters (2020)"
International Conference On Sustainable Development: Opportunities And Challenges (AICSS), 2022

[Ref No.: 4468]

shihab saqib" subversion of traditional superhero narrative and alternative perspectives on heroism, power and morality in superman: red son"
International Conference on Teaching English Literature and Interdisciplinarity, 2022

[Ref No.: 4469]

md. asif kamal" content and language integrated learning (clil) to foster cultural awareness among undergraduate english literature learners in bangladesh"
ICLLIC 2022: The 6th International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2022

[Ref No.: 4532]

farhat tasannum farah "international conference on sustainable development: opportunities and challenges"
Poverty elimination, gender equality, rule of law, issues regarding language and communication, environmental protection, media’s role in promoting good governance and development, digital inclusion, quality education etc, 2022

[Ref No.: 4325]

shaira matin" sustainable development: opportunities and challenges"
A wide range of issues such as poverty elimination, gender equality, rule of law, issues regarding language and communication, environmental protection, media’s role in promoting good governance and development, digital inclusion, quality education, public health facilities, food security etc., 2022

[Ref No.: 4442]

shaira matin" paper title :“entitlement of sustainable solid waste management act : review of existing laws in bangladesh”"
A review of existing Laws & Policies relevant to Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh, 2022

[Ref No.: 4443]

dr. buddha dev biswas" “innovation in public sector management: bangladeshi perspectives"
Issues related to Arts and Social sciences, 2022

[Ref No.: 4461]

dr. buddha dev biswas" sustainable development: opportunities and challenges"
Arts and Social Science related issues of six subdisciplines, 2022

[Ref No.: 4462]

tasnuva anika" international conference on sustainable development: opportunities and challenges"
Operation of laws during the challenging time of pandemic, 2022

[Ref No.: 4478]

abu taher" aicss international conference"
Sustainable Development, 2022

[Ref No.: 4498]

riasat azmi" 4th ipira conference"
Intellectual Property Law, 2022

[Ref No.: 4501]

lutfunnessa sagor" international conference on sustainable development and challenges"
The Special Marriage Act 1872: a law without legal Protection, 2022

[Ref No.: 4543]

md. khalid rahman" rohingya statelessness: a result of political hegemony or buddhist supremacy?"
International law, 2022

[Ref No.: 4569]

md. khalid rahman" a study on the persecution of rohingya considering incitement to genocide on global standards: a theoretical and empirical approach"
International Law, 2022

[Ref No.: 4570]

dr. mohammad zahidul islam khan" ieee computer society bangladesh chapter summer symposium"
IEEE, 2022

[Ref No.: 4819]

dr. muhammad wasiful alam" organ donation or procurement? - a public health perspective"
Organ Donation, Organ Transplantation, 2022

[Ref No.: 4856]

touhida easmin" “ruptures and resilience: english studies in the now”"
English Language & Literature, 2022

[Ref No.: 5028]

mst. nasrin akter" constructive journalism: media's search for solutions"
Media Principle and Policy, News Reporting that Benefits the People, Constructive Journalism in Academia, Coastal Communication: Projection of Coastal Voices, Fact Checking and Media Literacy, 2022

[Ref No.: 5039]

shahrina afrin siddique" discover english 2022"
Adjudicated parallel sessions, 2022

[Ref No.: 5112]

shakika rubaiat" 3rd multidisciplinary conference on contemporary issues in education"
Effectiveness of Task Based Language Teaching in Improving ESL Learners' Reading and Writing Skills, 2022

[Ref No.: 5154]

risala ahmed" international conference on sustainable development: opportunities and challenges"
An Investigation into the Effect of Social Accommodation and Informal Input in Second Language Acquisition, 2022

[Ref No.: 5280]

risala ahmed" discover english 2022: student conference on english language and literature"
Language and literaure, 2022

[Ref No.: 5294]

akibur rahman khan "discover english 2022"
Reseach in English Langauge and Literature, 2022

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 5406]

akibur rahman khan "international conference on innovation and transformation for development (itd 2022)"
(i) Transforming Business through Entrepreneurial Innovation during Turbulent Times & Beyond, (ii) Emerging Language and Literary Issues: Insights and Foresights, (iii) Human Rights: Contemporary and Emerging Issues, (iv) Societies in the Transformative Era: Imagination to Innovation, and (v) Media and Communication in the Age of Convergence: Development or Deterrence?, 2022

[Ref No.: 5409]

akibur rahman khan "8th deh inter-university student conference and cultural competition"
Facets and Faces of Conflict, 2022

[Ref No.: 5410]

priyanka akhter "international conference on innovation and transformation for development (itd 2022)"
(i) Transforming Business through Entrepreneurial Innovation during Turbulent Times & Beyond, (ii) Emerging Language and Literary Issues: Insights and Foresights, (iii) Human Rights: Contemporary and Emerging Issues, (iv) Societies in the Transformative Era: Imagination to Innovation, and (v) Media and Communication in the Age of Convergence: Development or Deterrence?, 2022

[Ref No.: 5411]

priyanka akhter "discover english 2022"
Research in English Language and Literature, 2022

[Ref No.: 5412]

siddique, shahrina afrin" emerging strategies for online-based teaching of speaking skill at the tertiary level efl classrooms of bangladesh"
International Conference on Innovation and Transformation for Development -2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 4327]

asif kamal" learners’ views towards using clil in undergraduate english literature classes in private university contexts in bangladesh"
Entangled Englishes in Translocal Space, 2021

[Ref No.: 3755]

dr. prodhan mahbub ibna seraj" international conference on education, employment, entrepreneurship & youth development"
Education and Technology, 2021

[Ref No.: 4290]

md. khalid rahman "where will i go? the rohingya dilemma"
Genocide, 2021

[Ref No.: 4318]

dr. prodhan mahbub ibna seraj" international virtual conference on multidisciplinary innovations in education, commerce and management research"
Uses of Technologies Amidst Covid-Pandemic, 2021

[Ref No.: 4320]

dr. prodhan mahbub ibna seraj" 1st virtual international conference of english language and education"
Digital Literacies and Autonomy: Current Trends and Practices in ELT at post-pandemic era, 2021

[Ref No.: 4321]

shaira matin" changing global business paradigm"
Achievements in Business & Management related Issues, 2021

[Ref No.: 4437]

tasnuva anika" international conference on 4th industrial revolution and beyond"
4th Industrial Revolution and Beyond, 2021

[Ref No.: 4479]

md. hamidul haque "international conference on sustainable development : opportunities and challenges"
Economics, social sciences, literature, media, law, and public health, 2021

[Ref No.: 4490]

dr. faria sultana" 25th kuala lumpur international business, economics and law conference and 18th kuala lumpur international communication, education, language & social science conference 2021"
Social sciences, 2021

[Ref No.: 4496]

dr. faria sultana" bangladesh at 50: aspirations, achievements and challenges"
Social Sciences, 2021

[Ref No.: 4497]

risala ahmed" entangled englishes in translocal spaces"
Rise of Humanistic Education: Are learners ‘humans’ or simply ‘machines’?, 2021

[Ref No.: 5279]

begum, ferdousi" international conference"
International Conference on South Asia in the Era of International Courts and Tribunals, 2020

Keywords: Truth and Reconciliation [Ref No.: 4163]

naziba hoque" “retrieving memories of places: sites of violence, sites of resistance in bangladesh liberation war 1971”"
Genocide and Mass Violence in the Twenty First Century: Lessons from History, 2020

[Ref No.: 4606]

naziba hoque" “nation, it’s women and their identity: modes of (de)colonization”"
“Postcolonial Perspectives from the Global South: Issues around Language, Literature and Culture”, 2020

[Ref No.: 4607]

shahjahan ali" 15th asian conference on diarrheal disease and nutrition (ascodd 2020)"
Diarrheal Disease and Nutrition, 2020

[Ref No.: 3872]

nelson p. udaundo" 1st bimstec conference"
Digital Pedagogy, 2020

[Ref No.: 4066]

md. hamidul haque" contextualizing research in challenging times"
Research: Philosophies, Approaches & Paradigms, Research Methods: Quantitative, Qualitative, & Mixed Methods, Research Data Collection & Analysis, Tools and Procedure Teacher Research and collaborative research, Exploratory Action Research, Narrative Inquiry, Experimental/Intervention Study, Research Proposal, Literature Review, Post/Graduate Research, Research Ethics and Integrity, Research and Publication, 2020

[Ref No.: 4489]

shahrina afrin siddique" international conference on postcolonial perspectives"
Postcolonialism, 2020

[Ref No.: 5111]

sabrina karim" psychological framework of colonialism in tagore’s gora and char adhyay"
International Conference on Postcolonial Perspectives: Language Literature and Culture and the Global South, 2020

Keywords: Narratives in postcolonial context,Identity and dilemma in literature [Ref No.: 5497]

modhurima guha neogi" environment & relevant disasters: corona virus, heatwave & yaas cyclone"
Pandemic History, Natural Calamity, Global Warming, 2020

Keywords: Climate change and Society ,Natural Sciences,Other [Ref No.: 5649]

prodhan mahbub ibna seraj, hadina habil, xiaoxiao fu" efl learners’ problems in learning speaking skills in different contexts: a study of literature review from 2013 to 2018."
2nd language and communication postgraduate international seminar (LCPIS), 2019

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 3559]

xiaoxiao fua, xiu xin, noor mala binti ibrahim, prodhan mahbub ibna seraj, di qi and wenjing wang" a meta-analysis of studies on genre-based approach in teaching in chinese academia."
2nd language and communication postgraduate international seminar (LCPIS), 2019

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 3560]

prodhan mahbub ibna seraj, hadina habil "a critical review on oral english communication skills (oecs)"
3rd International Language & Tourism Conference 2019, 2019

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 3561]

begum, ferdousi" international conference"
3rd International Conference on Genocide and Mass Violence, 2019, 2019

Keywords: People's War [Ref No.: 4160]

begum, ferdousi" international conference"
AsianSIL Junior Scholar’s Conference 2019, 2019

Keywords: Peace Process [Ref No.: 4161]

md. khalid rahman" exploration of open-source licensing model as a tool to enhance digitalization in bangladesh"
Intellectual Copyright Law, 2019

[Ref No.: 3717]

amal majumder" xxii icla congress"
Divide and Devour: A Study on the Trans-cultural Consumption of Game of Thrones, 2019

[Ref No.: 3945]

md. khalid rahman" rohingya persecution: ‘ethnic cleansing’ or ‘genocide’?"
Genocide, 2019

[Ref No.: 4316]

md. khalid rahman" the urge of rohingya for their life and homeland: in search of possible solutions of violations of international law and repatriation of rohingya"
Genocide, 2019

[Ref No.: 4317]

nazia zaman chowdhury" 16th asian business research conference"
The Environmental Kuznets Curve and Trade Openness: The Case of South Asian Countries, 2019

[Ref No.: 5613]

begum, ferdousi" international conference"
International Law and the Asia-Pacific Connectivity for Shared Future, 2018

Keywords: Transboundary Water Agreements [Ref No.: 4155]

begum, ferdousi" national conference"
1st Senior Advocate Ozair Farooq Memorial Law Conference, 2018

Keywords: Climate Change [Ref No.: 4156]

mohammad zahidul islam khan "atrocity crime’ against the rohingyas in myanmar – an ‘agency’ approach"
Political Studies Association 68th Annual Int'l Conference, 2018

[Ref No.: 3989]

mohammad zahidul islam khan" state fragility and global war on terrorism (gwot) - theorizing the causal process"
Political Studies Association, 68th Annual International Conference, 2018

[Ref No.: 3991]

zarin tasnim" mentoring as a means of teachers' professional growth: prospects and challenges"
Mentoring process in Teacher Education, 2018

[Ref No.: 3421]

zarin tasnim" reflective approach to teaching: a modern paradigm of professional development"
Critical reflective practice in teacher education, 2018

[Ref No.: 3422]

zarin tasnim" reflective approach to teaching: a modern paradigm of professional development"
Critical Reflective Practice in teacher education, 2018

[Ref No.: 3423]

kuntala shabnam parama" rethinking disciplinary diversity: challenges of teaching english in the 21st century"
Perceptual Differences between monolinguals & bilinguals about code-switching, 2018

[Ref No.: 3536]

dr. a. b. m. rahmatullah" concept of agri-tourism in bangladesh"
1st World Congress on Agri-Tourism, 2018

[Ref No.: 3555]

dr. md. nasir uddin" aiub international conference on business and management"
Business and Economics, 2018

[Ref No.: 3559]

dr. farhana rafiq" aiub international conference on business and management"
Business & Economics, 2018

[Ref No.: 3575]

rezwanul haque" aiub international conference on business and management"
Integrating Business Research in Global Development, 2018

[Ref No.: 3596]

md. khalid rahman" the recent atrocities on rohingya refers to an extended form of genocide: an appraisal"
International Law, 2018

[Ref No.: 3713]

amal majumder" language, literature, culture and politics: marx’s bicentenary conference"
Deconstruction of History as Meta Narrative in The Calcutta Chromosome: A New Historicist Approach, 2018

[Ref No.: 3944]

touhida easmin" “icl international conference on literature: contemporary perspectives in/on postcolonial and diasporic theory”"
English Literature, 2018

[Ref No.: 5029]

md. khalid rahman" linkages between recent pattern of international terrorism and globalization: a critical analysis"
International Law, 2017

[Ref No.: 3216]

dravida anjuman huda" refugees in the public imagination: discourse of (dis)location and (dis)placement"
Refugee Issue in terms of Racial and Cultural Hybridity : A Study of Selected Works of Mohammad Nurul Huda, 2017

[Ref No.: 3248]

zarin tasnim" nature of code-switching by bangladeshi tertiary level facebook users"
Qualitative research findings regarding code-switching on Facebook, 2017

[Ref No.: 3424]

dr. a. b. m. rahmatullah" socio-economic changes in bangladesh economy"
International Research Conference on Business Management, 2017

[Ref No.: 3554]

dr. md. nurul amin" 20th annual meeting"
Interim Country Evaluation, 2017

[Ref No.: 3601]

ahasan habib" ‘regional experts’ meeting on assessing the use of right to information (rti) laws in south asia and africa’"
Right to Information, 2017

[Ref No.: 3659]

dr. faria sultana" 11th sports science conference 2017"
Cost Effectiveness Analysis, 2017

[Ref No.: 3791]

farhat tasannum farah" 7th international conference on language, education, humanities & innovation 2017"
Language, Education, Humanities & Innovation, 2017

[Ref No.: 4281]

shohel rana" “stop genocide: kazi nazrul islam’s vision of a massive rebellion against the violation of human rights.”"
Kazi Nazrul Islam, 2017

[Ref No.: 4335]

shiho tanaka" pre-primary education of ethnic minority bangladesh"
Education, 2017

[Ref No.: 5174]

mohammad zahidul islam khan "the fallacy of state fragility indices: is there a ‘fragility trap’?"
66th PSA Annual International Conference, 2016

[Ref No.: 3992]

mohammad zahidul islam khan" the fallacy of state fragility indices: is there a ‘fragility trap’?"
6th European Consortium of Political Research 2016 Graduate Student Conference, 2016

Keywords: Globalization [Ref No.: 3993]

naziba hoque" “magic(ally) (re-)creating the desired: analyzing the evil-queen of “snow white””"
Magic and Literature, 2016

[Ref No.: 4608]

naziba hoque" “gendering the self and ‘other’: the politicized weapon of/against power”"
English Studies and the Marketplace, 2016

[Ref No.: 4609]

shihab saqib" “the magic of reality in katherine mansfield’s the garden party”"
International Conference of Magic and Literature, 2016

[Ref No.: 4467]

dravida anjuman huda" south asian sufi festival, jaipur, india"
Himu: The Mystic in Quest of Good and Evil, 2016

[Ref No.: 3249]

dravida anjuman huda" international conference on magic and literature"
Misir Ali and The Strange Pilgrims: Different Approaches to Magic Realism, 2016

[Ref No.: 3250]

dravida anjuman huda" english studies and the marketplace"
The Shadow Lines: Microcosm of the Dilemma between Core Values and The Changing Market Realities, 2016

[Ref No.: 3251]

dr. md. nasir uddin" international conference on advancement of development administration"
Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies, 2016

[Ref No.: 3293]

dr. md. nurul amin" 19th annual meeting"
Country Assessment, 2016

[Ref No.: 3600]

ahasan habib" 1 st national law students’ conference 2015,"
Various International Law, 2016

[Ref No.: 3662]

shahjahan ali" stanford global health convening"
Global health, Environmental Health, Public health, Epidemiology etc, 2016

[Ref No.: 3979]

shohel rana" “hamlet in the himalayas: shakespeare’s undying presence in the 21st century kashmir.”"
Shakespeare's _Hamlet's_ adpatation., 2016

[Ref No.: 4334]

dr. shaheen akter "impact of knowledge transfer on skills and aspirations: a comparative analysis of the chinese and european mnes in ghana"
impact on the economic development, trade and investment, and cross-border activities, ASEAN countries, 2016

[Ref No.: 5067]

angur nahar monty" asia media conference 2016"
Media and peace building, 2016

Keywords: Media and Democracy,Journalism studies [Ref No.: 5096]

dr. md. nasir uddin" international conference on the regional innovation and cooperation in asia (rica)"
Easternization: The Reascendance of Eastern Economy, 2015

[Ref No.: 3292]

romana afroze" dialogue with media"

[Ref No.: 3425]

dr. farhana rafiq" public lecture by amartya sen on “economic development and human progress”,"
Economic Development, 2015

[Ref No.: 3572]

dr. farhana rafiq" ‘labor markets in south asia: evidence and policy lessons’ held in dhaka (december 17-18, 2015)"
Labor Economics, 2015

[Ref No.: 3574]

dr. faria sultana" 4th usm-psu- nstru - mu international conference on arts and sciences 2015"
Cost Effectiveness Analysis, 2015

[Ref No.: 3793]

dr. faria sultana" international conference on movement, health & exercise (mohe) 2015"
Quality of life, 2015

[Ref No.: 3794]

shaira matin" inaugural session of aiub ist conference on young public health profesionals"
New generation Health system, New inteventions to achieve Universal Health Coverage, Health Facilities etc., 2014

[Ref No.: 2612]

md. hamidul haque" 2nd international conference on english language teaching and learning"
Implementing Task-based English Teaching: Experience from Large Classes, 2014

[Ref No.: 2699]

mehedi kayser pabitra" belta-iml teacher development workshop"
Teaching Writing: Assessment & Feedback, 2014

[Ref No.: 2714]

ashika bari jotee" belta conferences"
Professional Development, 2014

[Ref No.: 2961]

dr. pradip sen gupta" short training on prevention of non-communicable disease for private medical practitioners"
Non-commuicable disease prevention, 2014

[Ref No.: 3048]

dravida anjuman huda" the great war and english studies"
The Soldiers’ Trauma: A Striking Paradox in World War I Literature, 2014

[Ref No.: 3252]

romana afroze" public hearing on right to food"

[Ref No.: 3426]

risala ahmed" great war and english studies"

[Ref No.: 3939]

farhat tasannum farah" the great war and english studies"
World War and English Studies, 2014

[Ref No.: 4280]

sabrina karim" absence and its meaning in waiting for godot and chaka"
Language, Culture and Values: East and West, 2014

Keywords: English Literature [Ref No.: 5498]

dr. md. nasir uddin" world biodiversity congress"
A Panel Study of Macro-Housing Nexus: Evidemce from OECD, 2013

[Ref No.: 3294]

dr. a. b. m. rahmatullah" food security concepts, basic facts and measurement issues"
Conference on Food Security, 2013

[Ref No.: 3552]

dr. mohammad zahidul islam khan" peace studies- past present and future - celebrating 40 years of university of bradford"
Theories and Practices of peace, the past, present and future of peace studies., 2013

Keywords: Other [Ref No.: 4816]

dr. ashrafuzzaman khan" anthropology: bridging academia and application"
Understanding Structural Violence: Women of Marginalised Communities in Bangladesh, 2013

[Ref No.: 5107]

farhat tasannum farah" narrativizing the margins"
Postmodernism, Self relexivity, 2012

[Ref No.: 45]

farhat tasannum farah" ellta conference 2012"
Popular culture, Media representation, Social transformation, 2012

[Ref No.: 46]

dr. farhana rafiq" 11th round sanei conferences"
South Asia: Facing CHallenges of Global Markets, 2012

[Ref No.: 322]

dr. faheem hasan shahed" ‘culture’ and the efl classrooms: the bangladeshi realities"
English Teaching, Education, Cultural connectivity, Teaching methodology and materials etc., 2012

[Ref No.: 2499]

mehedi kayser pabitra" 17th english language teachers’ association conference"
Business World in Language Classrooms: An Effective Language Acquisition Model, 2012

[Ref No.: 2711]

hemin ashrafi" 7th asian business research conference"
Business & Economics, 2012

[Ref No.: 2821]

dr. md. nurul amin" the first grips student conference on tackling political, social and economic challenges for emerging economies"
Revisiting Import Substitution Strategy: Case of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Bangladesh, 2012

[Ref No.: 2841]

jannatul farhana" “postgraduate conference 2012: english language, literature and cultural studies in 21st century”"

[Ref No.: 3028]

amal majumder" language, literature, and cultural studies in the 21st century: translocating/transgressing boundaries"
Mobilizing Human: Impact of Mobile Phone on the Youth Lifestyle and Identity, 2012

[Ref No.: 3274]

dr. a. b. m. rahmatullah" economics and diseconomies in the agriculture sector of bangladesh"
Changes and Challenges in Agriculture Sector, 2012

[Ref No.: 3551]

touhida easmin" “language, literature and cultural studies in 21st century: transcending/ transgressing boundaries”"
English Language & Literature, 2012

[Ref No.: 5030]

dr. faheem hasan shahed" english language education in bangladesh"
ELT, Education system of Bangladesh etc., 2011

[Ref No.: 2501]

dr. faheem hasan shahed" bilingualism in bangladesh: the realities within"
Problems of bilingual education in Bangladesh, Probable governmental strategies etc., 2011

[Ref No.: 2503]

dr. faheem hasan shahed" gender in bangladeshi undergraduate efl classrooms"
Impact of gender differences in students' motivation, learning strategies, teachers' teaching styles etc., 2011

[Ref No.: 2505]

mehedi kayser pabitra" 5th belta international conference"
Playlister songta shudhui apnar: disc jockey talk in Bangladesh, 2011

[Ref No.: 2713]

hemin ashrafi" eurasia business and economics society (ebes)"
Business & Economics, 2011

[Ref No.: 2822]

hemin ashrafi" istanbul conference on economics and finance, “the sustainablity of global financial stability”"
Finance & Economics, 2011

[Ref No.: 2823]

hemin ashrafi" international conference on business and management (icbm)"
Economics, Business & Management, 2011

[Ref No.: 2824]

syed afroz keramat" diaspora and development"
Remittance, 2011

[Ref No.: 3020]

amal majumder" thinking other-wise with/in english studies"
Click to Change: Transformation, Translocation and Crisis of Identity in Cyberspace, 2011

[Ref No.: 3273]

dr. ashrafuzzaman khan" utilisation of anthropological knowledge in development"
Counting Gender Insecurity: Ahmadiyya Community in Bangladesh, 2011

[Ref No.: 5108]

dr. faheem hasan shahed" the role of gender in efl classrooms in the tertiary level: case studies of american international university-bangladesh and east west university"
Impact of students' and teachers' gender in classroom teaching-learning, how to cope with that etc., 2010

[Ref No.: 2507]

dr. md. taufiqul islam" empowerment through knowledge sharing and progress through knowledge transfer"
Education Knowledge, 2010

[Ref No.: 2603]

mehedi kayser pabitra" us naval academy foreign affairs conference, annapolis 2010"
Wind of change: Sheikh Hasina’s Talk With Monmohan Sing, January 2010, 2010

[Ref No.: 2719]

shameem ara sheuli" 14th international anti-corruption conference"
Investigative Journalism, 2010

[Ref No.: 2987]

dr. md. taufiqul islam" in search of sustainable humanosphere in asia and africa"
Asian and African Studies, 2009

[Ref No.: 2600]

dr. md. taufiqul islam" transitions, tribulations & triumphs"
South Asian Studies, 2009

[Ref No.: 2601]

dr. md. taufiqul islam" region and regional perspective on/from southeast asia"
Southest Asian Studies, 2009

[Ref No.: 2602]

faria tasneem" “mainstreaming international trade in national development”"
trade and development, 2009

[Ref No.: 2966]

amal majumder" empire and english studies: pedagogy and activism now"
To the Same Safe Level: Higher Education, Imperialism, and Neocolonialism, 2009

[Ref No.: 3272]

dr. mafruha ferdous" shaw’s women"
International Conference on “Democracy, The New World Order” and English Studies, 2008

[Ref No.: 4604]

theotonius gomes" language and nothingness: samuel beckett and harold pinter's absurdity"
English Theatre of Absurd Trend, 2008

[Ref No.: 2776]

faria tasneem" safta & its implications for member countries” and “services trade liberalisation in south asia”"
SAFTA and service trade, 2008

[Ref No.: 2965]

dr. faheem hasan shahed" composition in (higher) secondary english textbooks: an analytical appraisal"
English in HSC levels in Bangladesh, materials and their problems etc, 2007

[Ref No.: 2510]

md. hamidul haque" 4th belta international conference"
Composition in (Higher) Secondary English Textbooks: An Analytical Appraisal, 2007

[Ref No.: 2742]

borendra lal tripura" leadership conference"
Leadership development for the ALA Scholars, 2007

[Ref No.: 3023]

mehedi hasan" 4th belta annual conference"
Teaching Pedagogy, 2007

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 4667]

dr. pradip sen gupta" barriers to use health care services among south asians in the auckland, nz"
Asian Health, 2006

[Ref No.: 3049]

shameem ara sheuli" 13th saarc summit"
SAARC Declaration, 2005

[Ref No.: 2988]

dr. buddha dev biswas" 4th conference of world social forum"
Human Rights, Gender Equality, Social Justice etc, 2004

[Ref No.: 2780]

shameem ara sheuli" bangladesh single country tourism fair"
Bangladesh Tourism, 2004

[Ref No.: 2992]

dr. a. b. m. rahmatullah" convergence in bangladesh agriculture"
Issues on Agricultural Productivity in the South Asian Countries, 2003

[Ref No.: 3550]

dr. a. b. m. rahmatullah" causality between capital investment and productivity in japanese agriculture, 1957-97"
Agricultural Economists, 2002

[Ref No.: 3549]

dr. md. taufiqul islam" priorities and strategies in rural poverty reduction"
Rural Development and Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries, 2001

[Ref No.: 2594]

dr. faheem hasan shahed" attitudes of the bangladeshi school students towards their hemisphere of english"
ELT in Bangladesh, Students' motivation and attitudes toward English learning etc, 1999

[Ref No.: 2512]

prof. khurshida khanom" a case study of working women in dhaka bangladesh"
working women in Bangladesh, 1998

[Ref No.: 3101]

arifatul kibria,ranjan datta, margot hulbert, rajmoni singha, barsha koiri, somasree chattapadhay "rethinking and relearning disaster adaptations from and within indigenous land-based perspectives"
All Chapters, 2025

[Ref No.: 2356]

arifatul kibria, et.al "rethinking and relearning disaster adaptations from and within indigenous land-based perspectives"
Reclaiming Indigenous Community-led Disaster Adaption, 2025

[Ref No.: 2358]

arifatul kibria et.al "rethinking and relearning disaster adaptations from and within indigenous land-based perspectives"
The Meanings of Community-led Disaster Adaptation Strategies: A Case Study with Munda Community, 2025

[Ref No.: 2359]

arifatul kibria et.al "rethinking and relearning disaster adaptations from and within indigenous land-based perspectives"
Indigenous-Led Climate Change Adaptation from and within the Manipuri Indigenous Community, 2025

[Ref No.: 2360]

arifatul kibria et.al" rethinking and relearning disaster adaptations from and within indigenous land-based perspectives"
Flood Disaster Impact and Adaptation: Learning Reflections from Marma, 2025

[Ref No.: 2361]

arifatul kibria et.al "rethinking and relearning disaster adaptations from and within indigenous land-based perspectives"
Marma Traditional Land-based Practice in Building Community Resilience, 2025

[Ref No.: 2362]

arifatul kibria et.al "rethinking and relearning disaster adaptations from and within indigenous land-based perspectives"
Climate Change and Women's Perspectives in the Coastal Areas in Bangladesh, 2025

[Ref No.: 2363]

arifatul kibria et.al "rethinking and relearning disaster adaptations from and within indigenous land-based perspectives"
Advancing Indigenous Community-led Disaster Adaption, 2025

[Ref No.: 2364]

ferdousi begum "environmental protection and the law perspectives from south asia"
Implications of Conferring Legal Entity to the Turag River of Bangladesh, 2024

Keywords: Rivers [Ref No.: 2354]

taslima monsoor and sridevi thambapillay" impact of gender on custody, guardianship and adoption"
All Chapters, 2024

[Ref No.: 2316]

dr. arifatul kibria, dr. ranjan datta "indigenous land-based knowledge and sustainability: settler colonialism and the environmental crisis"
The Impact of the Climate Crisis on Forced Migration among Indigenous Communities, 2024

Keywords: CHT Indigenous Community, Climate crisis, forced migration. [Ref No.: 2342]

mostofa mahmud hasan b. m. sajjad hossain md. abu sayem "an overview on business, management and economics research"
Unravelling the Nexus between Economic Factors and Gross Domestic Product in Bangladesh, 2024

Keywords: GDP inflation rate import export Bangladesh economy [Ref No.: 2344]

dr bm sajjad hossain "business dynamics: exploring new horizons"
Disruption in the Global Supply Chain: Experiences from the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2024

[Ref No.: 2345]

dr. mafruha ferdous" dalit life narratives: the context, text and praxis"
The Intersection of Race, Gender, and Culture in Abdulrazak Gurnah's Dottie, 2024

Keywords: Intersectionality, racism, gender, culture, colonialism [Ref No.: 2348]

mst. nasrin akter" nishorgo"
Poet of Cinema Andrei Tarkovsky, 2024

[Ref No.: 2351]

dr. syeda afroza zerin, tasnuva anika" envisioning changing dimensions of women rights : issues and challenges"
Jurisdictive Retorts to Muslim Mother's Right to Guardianship iof Minors in Bangladesh, 2023

[Ref No.: 2330]

muthmainnah muthmainnah, eka apriani, prodhan mahbub ibna seraj, ahmed j. obaid, ahmad m. al yakin "nudging motivation to learn english through a chatgpt smartphone- based hybrid model"
Motivation to Learn English Through ChatGPT Smartphone Hybrid Model Introduction, 2023

[Ref No.: 2336]

muthmainnah muthmainnah, prodhan mahbub ibna seraj, ahmad al yakin, ahmad j. obaid "ai-aided teaching model in education 5.0"
Handbook of Research on AI-Based Technologies and Applications in the Era of the Metaverse, 2023

[Ref No.: 2337]

dr. syeda afroza zerin" envisioning the changing dimensions of women's rights issues and challenges"
Jurisdictive Retorts to Muslim Mother's Right to Guardianship of Minors in Bangladesh, 2023

[Ref No.: 2328]

shaira matin, faria sultana and farhana rafiq" anthology of apqn academic conference 2023"

Keywords: Professional Digital Literacy, Digital Quality Assurance, Sustainable Development, Bangladesh [Ref No.: 2367]

quazi omar foysal" international handbook of disaster research"
The International Law Commission and International Disaster Law, 2023

Keywords: Public International Law [Ref No.: 2263]

quazi omar foysal "the constitutional law of bangladesh: progression and transformation at its 50th anniversary"
The ‘International Crimes’ Exception to the Fundamental Rights Regime of the Bangladesh Constitution, 2023

Keywords: International Criminal Law,Genocide,Law of Crimes ,Constitutional Law [Ref No.: 2286]

mst. nasrin akter" nisorgo"
Cinematic Style of Jean Luc Godard, 2023

Keywords: Film Criticism [Ref No.: 2305]

quazi omar foysal "the rohingya crisis: humanitarian and legal approaches"
A tale of two international law principles: Ensuring justice and accountability for the Rohingya, 2022

Keywords: Public International Law [Ref No.: 2262]

mohammad hamidul haque jointly with sayeedur rahman "gender diversity and sexuality in english language education: new transnational voices"
Gender Diversity and Online English Language Teaching During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh, 2022

[Ref No.: 2267]

prof. dr. taslima monsoor" legal education in the university of dhaka: a centennial review"
The Role of Faculty of Law, University of Dhaka, in Advancing Gender Justice, 2022

[Ref No.: 2331]

afroja shoma "beshya o bidushiir golpo (a collection of essays)"
4 Chapters, 2021

Keywords: Gender and Development,Language, gender and sexuality [Ref No.: 2238]

asif kamal "the routledge handbook of english language education in bangladesh"
Content & language integrated learning: A case study of English literature & language in BD, 2021

[Ref No.: 2239]

quazi omar foysal "bangladesh and international law"
International Criminal Law: Historical Perspectives, 2021

Keywords: Public International Law [Ref No.: 2259]

md emdad ul bari (editor) "bangabandhu and bangladesh: an epic of a nation’s emergence and emancipation"
Enduring Policy Ideals and Practices - Evidence from Bangladesh’s Voting Records at UNGA, 2021

Keywords: Speech Processing,Good Governance ,Social Science Research Methodology ,International Human Rights Law,Government and Politics [Ref No.: 2264]

dr. farhana rafiq" bangladesh’s macroeconomic policies: trends, determinants and impact"
14, 2020

[Ref No.: 2210]

khan mohammad bilal" business law & corporate social responsibility"
15, 2018

[Ref No.: 2126]

dr. mohammad mizanul haque kazal" bangladesh: economic, political and social issues"
12, 2018

[Ref No.: 2127]

sayeed hossain sarwar, psymhe wadud, riasat azmi" shrimp culture vs human rights abuse"
1, 3, 2018

[Ref No.: 2237]

arifatul kibria, mesbah kamal" বিপন্ন ভূমিজ : অস্তিত্বের সংকটে আদিবাসী সমাজ : বাংলাদেশ ও পূর্ব-ভারতের প্রতিচিত্র"
All Chapters, 2018

[Ref No.: 2290]

muhammad fazle ramzan khan and liton mallick" teacher education in the 21st century: issues and concerns"
Teacher Edu. in the Indian Sub-continent: A cross border comparative study bet. India and Bd, 2018

[Ref No.: 2273]

md. hamidul haque "english for academic purposes 1, general module"
15, 2017

[Ref No.: 2177]

mohammad zahidul islam khan "the fallacy of fragile states indices: is there a ‘fragility trap’?"
The Fallacy of Fragile States Indices: Is There a ‘Fragility Trap’?, 2017

Keywords: Good Governance ,Social Science Research Methodology ,Globalization ,Government and Politics [Ref No.: 2265]

muhammad fazle ramzan khan and muktipada sinha" higher education, universities and excellence: the bengal narrative"
Revisiting Learner Autonomy, 2017

[Ref No.: 2272]

dr. md. asif kamal " english for academic purposes 2: essay and report writing"
Co-author, 2017

[Ref No.: 2129]

dravida anjuman huda" the great war and our mindscapes: centenary essays; edited by fakrul alam, tahmina ahmed, zerin alam"
The Soldier’s Trauma: A Striking Paradox in World War I Literatu, 2017

[Ref No.: 2115]

dravida anjuman huda" the great war and our mindscapes: centenary essays; edited by fakrul alam, tahmina ahmed, zerin alam"
The Soldier’s Trauma: A Striking Paradox in World War I Literature, 2017

[Ref No.: 2110]

jinat hossain "revealing gender inequalities and perceptions in south asian countries through discourse analysis"
Beautification, Choice, and Empowerment: A Study on Women Cosmetic Surgery Patients in Dhaka, 2016

[Ref No.: 2090]

iffat tasnim haque, youji kohda "a service innovation for reducing food adulteration in bangladesh"
Serviceology for Smart Service System, 2016

[Ref No.: 2206]

afroja sultana" loneliness and alienation in the first decade’s poetry (in bengali)"
18, 2015

[Ref No.: 2175]

borendra lal tripura" amani kok-kok borok"
A complete book, 2015

[Ref No.: 2082]

lutfunnessa sagor" international law and human articles"
39, 2015

[Ref No.: 2100]

md. khalid rahman" analysis of comparative law: legal concept and discussion"
1-18, 2015

[Ref No.: 2104]

muna chaudhury" n/a"
20, 2015

[Ref No.: 2065]

nasim firdaus "nation building amidst new challenges"
We have turned"compromise" into a bad word, 2014

[Ref No.: 2067]

dr. farhana rafiq" adjusting to global economic volatility : the case of south asia"
6, 2014

[Ref No.: 52]

nasim firdaus "nation building amidst new challenges"
Systemic Reform for Women's Empowerment, 2014

[Ref No.: 2074]

dr. mohammad mizanul haque kazal" internal migration and its food security outcome"
7, 2014

[Ref No.: 2128]

mohammad zahidul islam khan "paradox of state fragility"
Paradox of State Fragility: Exploring the Role of Int'l Structures in the Context of Bangladesh, 2014

Keywords: Social Inequality,Social Science Research Methodology ,NGO and Development ,Globalization [Ref No.: 2266]

b m sajjad hossain & prof. abdur rahman" introduction to niche market"
All Chapters, 2014

Keywords: Equilibrium trap Demand and Supply [Ref No.: 2327]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" population dynamics: demographic dividend, ageing population & capacity building"
1, 2013

[Ref No.: 2163]

mst morium khatun" “microfinance for women”, institutions matter: state of women in bangladesh"
5-6, 2013

[Ref No.: 2124]

dr. shamsul arifeen khan "costs efficiency of the public universities"
All, 2013

[Ref No.: 2091]

borendra lal tripura" chini haa machang (our beautifu mother land),"
A complete Book, 2013

[Ref No.: 2083]

nasim firdaus "enterprise, education, foreign policy and leadership"
The Leadership Question, 2013

[Ref No.: 2066]

rezwanul haque "climate change and food security: evidence from bangladesh"
N/A, 2013

[Ref No.: 2077]

b m sajjad hossain" are you ready to bear the brunt of climate change"
All Chapters, 2012

Keywords: Climate change and Society [Ref No.: 2326]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" bangladesh population: problems and prospects"
6, 2011

[Ref No.: 2164]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" political map of bangladesh"
Six, 2011

[Ref No.: 2166]

tania rahman" a framework for language-in-education planning for linguistic minorities in bangladesh"
All chapters, 2010

[Ref No.: 2060]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" bangladesh country report for the icpd@15 review"
Four, 2009

[Ref No.: 2168]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" icpd/15: bangladesh" experiences progress and challenges"
Five, 2009

[Ref No.: 2157]

afroja sultana" press and the turbulent, thriving dhaka in the 19th century (in bengali)"
20, 2009

[Ref No.: 2176]

mesbah kamal et al" chimnir muhke shono siren shankha: an account of the growth of trade union movement in east bengal"
আবুল বাশার এবং দুই দশকের শ্রমিক সংগ্রামের ইতিবৃত্ত', 2009

[Ref No.: 2293]

mesbah kamal et al" chimnir muhke shono siren shankha: an account of the growth of trade union movement in east bengal"
হায়দার আকবর খান রনো’র স্মৃতিতে টঙ্গীর শ্রমিক সংগ্রামের আলোকোজ্বল এক অধ্যায়’, 2009

[Ref No.: 2294]

mesbah kamal et al" chimnir muhke shono siren shankha: an account of the growth of trade union movement in east bengal"
3. ‘সহিদুল্লাহ চৌধুরীর জবানীতে ডেমরার ট্রেড ইউনিয়ন আন্দোলনের সোনালি দিনগুলো’, 2009

[Ref No.: 2295]

zannat e ferdousi et al" chimnir muhke shono siren shankha: an account of the growth of trade movement in east bengal"
4. ‘সাইফ উদ্দিন আহমেদ মানিক এবং লাল পতাকা সজ্জিত বাওয়ানি বৃত্তান্ত’, 2009

[Ref No.: 2296]

zannat e ferdousi et al" chimnir muhke shono siren shankha: an account of the growth of trade union movement in east bengal"
আবদুল্লা সরকার এবং জেলে-কৃষক-শ্রমিক আন্দোলনের সাফল্যগাঁথা’, 2009

[Ref No.: 2297]

mesbah kamal et al" chimnir muhke shono siren shankha: an account of the growth of trade union movement in east bengal"
হারুনার রশিদ ভুইয়া’র জবানীতে ট্রেড ইউনিয়ন আন্দোলনে তেজগাঁও শ্রমিক’, 2009

[Ref No.: 2298]

mesbah kamal et al" chimnir muhke shono siren shankha: an account of the growth of trade union movement in east bengal"
হাফিজুর রহমান ভুইয়া’র চোখে অবিনশ্বর শেখ মোহাম্মদ রফি ও রূপসা তীরের শিল্প শ্রমিক’ শ্রমিক’, 2009

[Ref No.: 2299]

prof. dr. taslima monsoor" gender equity: islamic family law and women a research from malaysia and bangladesh."
1-4, 2009

[Ref No.: 2108]

nelson p. udaundo" competency based curriculum"
Animation and Visual Graphics, 2008

[Ref No.: 2132]

prof. dr. taslima monsoor" gender equity and economic empowerment: family law and women in bangladesh"
1-6, 2008

[Ref No.: 2107]

borendra lal tripura" the rebel and a painting"
Book, 2008

[Ref No.: 2084]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" towards the vision of a world class university: the strategic document of east west university"
Nine, 2008

[Ref No.: 2158]

dr. tazul islam" microcredit and poverty"
book, 2007

[Ref No.: 22]

dr. md. taufiqul islam" dimension of poverty and rural development in bangladesh: the role of government:"
6, 2007

[Ref No.: 2061]

prof. dr. taslima monsoor" judiciary & gender on trial."
1-7, 2005

[Ref No.: 2106]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" bangladesh country report: ten year's of achievement on the icpd and mdg: realities and challenges"
Five, 2004

[Ref No.: 2156]

mesbah kamal "banglapedia"
Asad, Shaheed, 2003

[Ref No.: 2291]

mesbah kamal "banglapedia"
Mass Upsurge, 1969, 2003

[Ref No.: 2292]

prof. dr. taslima monsoor" from patriarchy to gender equity: family law and its impact on women in bangladesh a, 1999."
1-7, 1999

[Ref No.: 2105]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" icpd program of action bangladesh country report, hague forum"
Four, 1999

[Ref No.: 2165]

borendra lal tripura" upol dweper meye"
Book, 1998

[Ref No.: 2085]

borendra lal tripura" shonaly usha dhusor gudhuli"
Book, 1997

[Ref No.: 2086]

a.k. monaw-war uddin ahmad" dimensions of governance in bangladesh"
The Economy of Bangladesh in Transition, 1997

[Ref No.: 2099]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" male motivation program for promoting family planning program in bangladesh"
Six, 1995

[Ref No.: 2151]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" determinants and characteristics of non-users of contraception in bangladesh"
Six, 1994

[Ref No.: 2150]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" beneficiary perception study of sari goyain project"
Four, 1993

[Ref No.: 2149]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" inter-sectoral population program for out of school adolescent girls in bangladesh"
Three, 1992

[Ref No.: 2148]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" sustainability study of three government women project,"
Six, 1990

[Ref No.: 2147]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" effects of programmatic and non-programmatic factors on contraception and fertility in bangladesh"
Seven, 1990

[Ref No.: 2145]

dr. a. n. neaz ahmad" agrarian structure: productivity and inequality, phd thesis"
Eight, 1982

[Ref No.: 2143]

uddin, muhammed sameer; mohamed, omaima eltahir babikir; khan, ziarat h.; ebert, john "mastering statistics: a journey from data science to doctoral excellence"
International Journal of Innovation Scientific Research and Review, 2025

Keywords: Statistics, Data Science, Analytics, Research [Ref No.: 7228]

islam, m.t., islam, m.h., hoque, m. r., hossain, m. f. "exploring the key drivers of pro-environmental goal formation through the theory of reasoned goal pursuit to tackle plastic pollution"
Discover Sustainability, 2025

Keywords: Plastic waste · Developing country · Pro-environmental behavior · Goal formation · Theory of reasoned goal pursuit · Pro-environmental goal [Ref No.: 7256]

islam, md hasibul; sabir, md. mahiuddin; mahbub mashnur; jhilik tamanna tabassum; shirmin suchita "sustaining e-waste recycling behavior among young consumers to implement circular economy: an extended model of theory of reasoned goal pursuit"
Cleaner Waste Systems, 2025

[Ref No.: 7293]

academy of strategic management journal" perception of event management company towards green event: a study on selective event management companies in bangladesh"
Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 2025

[Ref No.: 7241]

2. mrittika shill, mohammad shibli shahriar, sharmin sultana, shah-noor rahman and nurul mohammad zayed" introduction to university based entrepreneurship ecosystem (u-bee): a model case study from bangladesh"
International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 2025

[Ref No.: 7242]

sharmin sultana, tasnim islam and m jamir uddin" proliferation of islamic monotheism through religious tourism: an overview on tabligh jamat in bangladesh"
American Journal of Tourism Management, 2025

[Ref No.: 7248]

islam, m.h., islam, m.t., hoque, m.r., haque, s.z., barua, b., islam, m.m.o., hossain, m.f. "understanding young consumers e-waste recycling behavior in bangladesh: case from a developing counntry"
Recycling, 2025

Keywords: e-waste; recycling; theory of reasoned goal pursuit; generation z; intention–behavior gap; goal framing theory; solid waste management; developing country; pro-environmental behavior; structural equation modeling [Ref No.: 7257]

md hasibul islam * , md. tamzidul islam, mohammad rashedul hoque , shahnaz zarin haque , bikash barua, m. m. obaidul islam and md. faruque hossain "understanding young consumers’ e-waste recycling behaviour in bangladesh: a developing country perspective"
Recycling, 2025

Keywords: e-waste; recycling; theory of reasoned goal pursuit; generation z; intention– behavior gap; goal framing theory; solid waste management; developing country; pro-environmental behavior; structural equation modeling [Ref No.: 7259]

rahman, dr. md. azizur; mohammad, siam; hasan, tawfeeq; uddin, s. m. raihan; das, ashik" quality education in bangladesh; lessons from the united kingdom strategies and reforms; a comparative study"

[Ref No.: 7262]

anam, md. zahidul; bari, a. b. m. mainul; basak, dipayan; foysal, md. atik, raihan, asif; md. towfiqul islam, abu reza "an integrated fuzzy optimal location selection model for setting up floating solar photovoltaic plant: implications for energy sustainability in bangladesh"
Results in Engineering, 2025

[Ref No.: 7295]

md hasibul islam, md. tamzidul islam, mohammad rashedul hoque, shahnaz zarin haque, bikash barua, obaidul islam, md. hossain faruque hossain "understanding young consumers’ e-waste recycling behavior in dhaka city: case from a developing country"
Recycling, 2025

Keywords: e-waste; recycling; theory of reasoned goal pursuit; generation z; intention– behavior gap; goal framing theory; solid waste management; developing country; pro-environmental behavior; structural equation modeling [Ref No.: 7344]

rodrick, s. s., islam, h., sarker, s. a., & hema, m. h. "branding and promotional incentives on purchase behavior for sanitary napkins among young adult female consumers in bangladesh."
Economics and Business Quarterly Reviews, 2024

Keywords: Brand Preferences, Promotional Incentives, Sanitary Napkins, Social Taboos, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), Sustainable Female Hygiene Practices [Ref No.: 7201]

rodrick, stanley sumon; islam, hamidul; sarker, sahin akter; hema, mousomi hridoy "branding and promotional incentives on purchase behavior for sanitary napkins among young adult female consumers in bangladesh"
Economics and Business Quarterly Reviews, 2024

Keywords: Brand Preferences, Promotional Incentives, Sanitary Napkins, Social Taboos, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), Sustainable Female Hygiene Practices [Ref No.: 7199]

ziarat hossain khan, md. mamun habib, gazi md. nurul islam "environmental dynamics in the technology adaptation of digital supply chain for bangladesh’s readymade garments sector"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2024

Keywords: Digital Supply Chain, Environmental Factors, Technology Adaptation [Ref No.: 6933]

ahmed abdullah and mehzabul hoque nahid "gcn-net: 3d point cloud classification & localization using graph-cnn"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering [AJSE], 2024

Keywords: Deep Learning [Ref No.: 6939]

quazi nur alam" effects of macroeconomic variables on the performance of mutual funds: evidence from bangladesh financial market"
Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting, 2024

[Ref No.: 6967]

islam, md hasibul "adopting lean product development in new production system introduction process for sustainable operational performance"
International Journal of Production Management and Engineering, 2024

[Ref No.: 6971]

dr. bikash barua, dr. mm obaidul islam, habiba kibria , rupam barua "the role of emotional intelligence in team learning"
Journal of Research Administration, 2024

Keywords: Emotional intelligence, team learning, teamwork, information technology [Ref No.: 6982]

dr. m. m. obaidul islam" the role of emotional intelligence in team learning."
Journal of Research Administration, 2024

[Ref No.: 7005]

mofijul hoq masum, mohammad faridul alam, md. shariful alam" effect of board and ownership attributes on corporate performance in transition economy"
Cogent Business & Management, 2024

[Ref No.: 7006]

shamsul nahar abdullah, mofijul hoq masum, mohammad faridul alam "are the corporate voluntary disclosures and transparency in the transitional economy better than the pre-transitional economy? evidence from developing country"
International Journal of Management and Sustainability, 2024

Keywords: Developing country, Pre-transitional economy, Transitional economy, Transparency, Voluntary disclosure. [Ref No.: 7026]

khondaker sazzadul karim, mohammad ekramol islam, abdullah mohammed ibrahim, shin-hung pan,md. mominur rahman "online marketing trends and purchasing intent: advances in customer satisfaction through pls-sem and ann approach"
Advances in Decision Sciences, 2024

Keywords: Other [Ref No.: 6883]

farial ferdous, *mehzabul hoque nahid, nazia farhana, and azmery sultana "cyber security awareness among generation z in bangladesh"
DIU Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship (DIUJBE), 2024

Keywords: Security in Smart Environments [Ref No.: 6888]

khan, md. sazzadur rahman; akhtar, sanjida; afrin, sazia; khan, md gulam sharoar hossain. "the post covid effect of corporate governance on firm performance: a study on private commercial bank in bangladesh"

Keywords: Corporate Governance, Firm Performance, Post-Covid, Bangladesh. [Ref No.: 6894]

khan, md. sazzadur rahman; akhtar, sanjida; afrin, sazia; khan, md gulam sharoar hossain "the post covid effect of corporate governance on firm performance: a study on private commercial bank in bangladesh"
Australian Finance & Banking Review, 2024

Keywords: Corporate Governance, Firm Performance, Post-Covid, Bangladesh [Ref No.: 6911]

carmen z. lamagna, rezbin nahar and farheen hassan "the evolution of remote work in bangladesh"
Dhaka Tribune, 2024

[Ref No.: 6915]

hossain, md. faruque; parveen, zakia "distribution and sequential fractionation of fe and mn with depth of sundarban mangrove wetland soils of bangladesh"
Research Square, 2024

Keywords: Sequential fractionation, heavy metals and Sundarban Managrove Forest Soil [Ref No.: 7212]

kamal, l., alam, m. a., hossain, m. f., rahman, a., & ahmed, a. "bioactive compounds, nutritive properties and adaptation of five seaweeds growing in cox’s bazar, bangladesh"
Research Square, 2024

Keywords: Ecology, Earth and Environmental Science, Biological Science [Ref No.: 7213]

hossain, bm sajjad; islam, md. taufiqul "the elasticity of taxes to gdp in bangladesh: implications for policy"
Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology, 2024

Keywords: taxes, GDP, elasticity [Ref No.: 7198]

uddin, s.m.raihan ; sattar, maham; hossain, md.esrafil; al-amin, md.; abdullah, abu md.; mohammad, siam; haider, syed ali "effectiveness of green human resource management on employee voluntary workplace behavior"
Chinese Science Bulletin, 2024

[Ref No.: 7260]

rahman, dr. md. azizur; uddin, s. m. raihan; mohammad, siam; das, ashik; hossain, md arafat" the pollution of buriganga river causes challenge for the survival of dhaka residences; a sociological study"
Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/ Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology, 2024

[Ref No.: 7261]

islam, md. hasibul; sabbir, md. mahiuddin; anam, md. zahidul; islam, md. tamzidul "exploring sustainable plastic management behavior among young consumers in bangladesh"
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2024

[Ref No.: 7294]

bikash barua, mm obaidul islam, habiba kibria, rupam barua "analysis of creativity at the workplace through employee empowerment"
International Journal of Organizational, 2024

Keywords: Employee empowerment, Creativity, Academic performance, University management, Human resource management [Ref No.: 7345]

md mehedi hasan emon, farheen hassan, mehzabul hoque nahid, vichayanan rattanawiboonsom "predicting adoption intention of artificial intelligence a study on chatgpt"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering [AJSE], 2023

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence [Ref No.: 6372]

ragib intiser, mehzabul hoque nahid, md. aftabanwar andrezbin nahar "adoption of ai-powered web-based english writing assistance software: an exploratory study"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2023

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence [Ref No.: 6373]

siddika, a., hossain, m.f., parveen, z. "reduction of hexavalent chromium from contaminated soil using modified biochars. 5(1), 101."
Journal of Environment Pollution and Management, 2023

[Ref No.: 6256]

siddika, a., rabbani, asmm., parveen, z., hossain, m.f. "effects of biochar and modified biochar on chromium contaminated soil properties 22(1), 82-93."
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2023

[Ref No.: 6257]

farheen hasan, kamrul mohammed hasan , khairul alom, rezbin nahar "the contribution of remittances on woman empowerment in bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2023

[Ref No.: 6261]

md mehedi hasan emon, ahanaf tahmid abtahi, saleh ahmed jalal siam, subashis chakraborty "the impact of user participation on the success of enterprise resource planning (erp) adoption in bangladesh"

Keywords: Digital Transformation [Ref No.: 6269]

md mehedi hasan emon; farheen hassan; mehzabul hoque nahid; vichayanan rattanawiboonsom "predicting adoption intention of artificial intelligence a study on chatgpt"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2023

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence [Ref No.: 6314]

ragib intiser, mehzabul hoque nahid, md. aftab anwar and rezbin nahar "adoption of ai-powered web-based english writing assistance software: an exploratory study"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics [AJBE], 2023

[Ref No.: 6318]

anima karmakar, kaniz habiba afrin, ziarat hossain khan, atia ahmed, mousumi sultana "purchasing intentions of consumers at a city superstore"
Russian Law Journal, 2023

[Ref No.: 6324]

dr. mohammad sirajul islam" non-linear analysis of airline customer experience: logistic regression vs artificial neural network"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2023

[Ref No.: 6661]

sazia afrin" conference"
3rd Accounting Eductors Conference, 2023

Keywords: Other [Ref No.: 6652]

araf abrar "commercial sports facilities in big cities: a case study"
Indonesian Journal of Sport Management, 2023

Keywords: Social Science Research Methodology , Sustainable production and Consumption [Ref No.: 6685]

sahabuddin, m., tan, q., khokhar, m., hossain m. a., alam m. f., khan, w." assessing the impact of blockchain technology on the overall performance of sustainable supply chains: an analytical perspective."
Environmental Science and Pollution Research., 2023

[Ref No.: 6672]

sahabuddin, m., alam, m.s., khokhar, m., hossain m. a., alam m. f., khan, w. "circular value creation: business models and supply chain strategies."
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023

[Ref No.: 6620]

ahanaf tahmid abtahi, nazia farhana, md mehedi hasan "a study on the impact of e-commerce adoption for enhancing supply chain efficiency in bangladesh smes"

[Ref No.: 6622]

b m sajjad hossain , a k m kamrul haque, m m obaidul islam" effect of business ethics and product offering on customer loyalty in the disruption age: an analysis of the banking sector in bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics [AJBE], 2023

[Ref No.: 6892]

farial ferdous, mehzabul hoque nahid and azmery sultana "cyber security awareness among generation z in bangladesh"
Daffodil International University Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 2023

[Ref No.: 6913]

b m sajjad hossain 1,*, a k m kamrul haque 2, m m obaidul islam 3" effect of business ethics and product offering on customer loyalty in the disruption age: an analysis of the banking sector in bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics [AJBE], 2023

[Ref No.: 6901]

dr. md. kutub uddin, janifar alam and abu kalam" impact of foreign ownership on firm performance: evidence from listed banks and nbfis of bangladesh"
Int. J. Critical Accounting, 2023

[Ref No.: 6889]

bikash barua and umma nusrat urme "assessing the online teaching readiness of faculty member"
Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, 2023

Keywords: Technology acceptance, Technology readiness, TRAM model, COVID-19 pandemic, Online teaching [Ref No.: 6970]

intiser, r., nahid, m. h., anwar, m. a. & nahar, r.," adoption of ai-powered web-based english writing assistance software: an exploratory study"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2023

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence [Ref No.: 6921]

hassan f.; nahar, r ; md. khaled amin" readiness for blended education at the tertiary level in bangladesh"
N/A, 2023

[Ref No.: 6917]

khairul alom, kamrul hasan, tawhid reaz, abu saleh "the covid-19 and online learning process in bangladesh"
Heliyon, 2023

[Ref No.: 6156]

ziarat h. khan; gazi md. nurul islam; md. mamun habib "technology-driven supply chain management in readymade garments: a literature review"
International Supply Chain Technology Journal (ISCTJ), 2023

Keywords: Readymade Garments (RMG), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Technology, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Technology-Driven SC [Ref No.: 6172]

md. mehedi hasan emon, mehzabul hoque nahid "factors affecting sustainable e-commerce adoption: empirical evidence from bangladeshi smes"
Corporate Sustainable Management Journal (CSMJ), 2023

Keywords: Digital Transformation, ICT [Ref No.: 6165]

anima karmakar, ziarat hossain khan, mustaqim roshid, shahira hoshain yesmin, farjana bashar shamme "consumer learning and split-brain theory: potential usage in an advertisement"
International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences, 2023

Keywords: Other [Ref No.: 6211]

khairul alom, mohammed kamrul hasan, shibli ahmed khan, ashik imran khan, and wayes ahmed "the role of scientific research publications on sustainable sectoral value addition and economic growth in bangladesh"
International Journal of Empirical Economics, 2023

[Ref No.: 6252]

siddika, a., islam, m.m., parveen, z., hossain, m.f "remediation of chromium (vi) from contaminated agricultural soil using modified biochars."
Environmental Management, 2023

[Ref No.: 5983]

islam, m.m., akther, s.m., wahiduzzaman, m., hossain, m.f., parveen, z. "fractionation and contamination assessment of zn, cu, fe, and mn in the sundarbans mangrove soils of bangladesh, 31(8),"
Soil and Sediment Contamination, 2023

[Ref No.: 5984]

dr. sahin akter sarker "significance of web 2.0 platforms in shaping urban consumers travel choice in bangladesh."
AJBE, 2023

Keywords: Social media [Ref No.: 5997]

sazia afrin" "user perception of corporate financial reporting" (to be published)"
AJBE, 2023

[Ref No.: 5561]

wahid, n., yahya, m. h., & osman, m. n. h. "insider ownership and firm performance: comparative analysis based on emerging economy of malaysia and bangladesh"
International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 2023

Keywords: Corporate Governance [Ref No.: 7307]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" perceptions towards jamdani saree: a study on the young female consumers of dhaka city."
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2022

[Ref No.: 5525]

jacquline tham, khondaker sazzadul karim and s. m. ferdous azam "“management practice and project performance among manufacturing industries in malaysia.” (2021)"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2022

Keywords: Management practice, Project performance, Manufacturing industries, Malaysia [Ref No.: 5369]

khondaker sazzadul karim, jacquline tham, and s. m. ferdous azam "“online delivery service in bangladesh: measuring the determinants of knowledge management strategy and organizational performance” (2021)"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics,, 2022

Keywords: Knowledge management strategies, Organizational performance, Structural equation modeling, Bangladesh [Ref No.: 5370]

rashedul hasan; niaz mohammad; ardi gunardi "board composition and internet financial reporting: evidence from bangladesh"
International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, 2022

[Ref No.: 5023]

dr. kamrul hasan "entrepreneurship development in smes in bangladesh: supply and demand side challenges"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2022

[Ref No.: 5910]

mohammad ali, ziarat h. khan, md. ekram hossain "comparative advantage, export diversification, intra- industry trade, and economic growth nexus: evidence from bangladesh's textile and clothing industry"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics [AJBE], 2022

[Ref No.: 5892]

bohi shajahan" non performing loans and banking sector: evidence from bangladesh"
SAMSMRITI The SAMS Journal, 2022

[Ref No.: 5878]

dr. nisar ahmed, dr. md. taslim uddin, bohishajahan and md. joynal abedin "non-performing loans and banking sector: evidence from bangladesh"
SAMSMRITI – The SAMS Journal, 2022

Keywords: Financial Institution Starvation [Ref No.: 5880]

24. mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar, c lamagna, rezbin nahar, and farheen hassan" on-campus, virtual, blended, and triple systems of teaching-learning: fitness and relevance for private universities in bangladesh"
Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 2022

[Ref No.: 5882]

zaman, sayaka and barua, bikash and islam, mm obaidul and haque, akm kamrul" effect of the covid-19 pandemic on the purchasing behavior of consumers"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2022

[Ref No.: 5851]

azmery sultana "the effect of traffic congestion on employee productivity in dhaka bangladesh."
AIBA Savar Journal, 2022

[Ref No.: 5841]

islam, hamidul; rodrick, stanley sumon, khan, ziarat h. "consumers’ awareness and acceptance of grocery shopping from the online platforms"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2022

Keywords: Online Grocery Shopping, Awareness and Acceptance, Covid-19, User Influence, User Experience [Ref No.: 5866]

tony van zil and muhammad nurul houqe" meta-analysis of the impact of financial constraints on firm performance"
Accounting & Finance, 2022

[Ref No.: 5867]

hamidul islam, stanley sumon rodrick, ziarat h. khan "consumers' awareness and acceptance of grocery shopping from the online platforms"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics [AJBE], 2022

[Ref No.: 5868]

siddika, a., hossain, m.f., parveen, z. "alkali modification: an approach to improve surface properties of biochar from available feedstocks"
Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences, 2022

[Ref No.: 5754]

zaman, barua, haque, islam, haque "effect of the covid-19 pandemic on the purchasing behavior of consumers."
AIUB International Conference of Business and Management [AICBM], 2022

[Ref No.: 5713]

kundu, d., farhat b. hasan and hossain, mf. "factors that are influencing the employee job satisfactions in private banking sector of bangladesh: an empirical analysis."
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2022

[Ref No.: 5718]

kibria, r., mazid, d.s., hossain, m.f "university’s contribution to promote a major for the potential students: a study on mis. 19(1), 169-191."
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2022

[Ref No.: 5719]

rabbani, r., hossain, mf., parveen, z. "microbial abundance of waste derived biochar incubated acid soils in bangladesh."
Environment and Pollution, 2022

[Ref No.: 5720]

badawy, s.h., el-motaium, r. a., hossain, m. f., abdel-lattif h. m., ghorab, h. m.. el-sayed, m. a. "nickel content in soils, rice (oryza saliva l.) and wheat (triticum aestivum l.) grown in damietta governorate, egypt. 11(2), 1-18."
Environment and Pollution, 2022

[Ref No.: 5721]

islam, m.m., akhter, sm., hossain, mf., parveen, z. "spatial distribution and ecological risk assessment of potentially toxic metals in the sundarban mangrove soils of bangladesh."
Scientific Reports, 2022

[Ref No.: 5722]

haque, islam" impact of covid-19 on undergraduate students in a developing country: a private university case."
American International Conference of Social Science (AICSS, 2022

[Ref No.: 5747]

haque, akm kamrul, islam, obaidul" the impact of corporate social responsibility communication through social media on customer satisfaction and loyalty. evidence from bangladeshi banking sector."
American International Conference of Social Science (AICSS), 2022

[Ref No.: 5748]

haque, islam" the effect of covid-19 on the students success of the undergraduate business program in bangladesh: an empirical study"
International Conference on Business and Tourism (ICBT), 2022

[Ref No.: 5749]

haque, islam" measuring higher educational service quality during the covid-19 pandemic. a case study on private university"
Innovative mechanisms & standards for Assuring Quality in Higher Education Institutions (IAQHEi),, 2022

[Ref No.: 5750]

jebin i and hossain mf "the effect of covid 19 on the supply chain management of the rmg sector in bangladesh."
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2022

[Ref No.: 5584]

dr. partha p. chowdhury, dr. shibli a. khan "perceptions towards jamdani saree: a study on the young female consumers of dhaka city"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2022

[Ref No.: 5606]

md hasibul islam, zuhara chavez, seyoum eshetu birkie and monica bellgran "enablers in the production system design process impacting operational performance"
Production & Manufacturing Research, 2022

[Ref No.: 6077]

rana m. m. & khan, m. m. r. "a multivariate model of ridesharing service quality in bangladesh"
Dhaka University Journal of Management, 2022

Keywords: Economics in Smart Environments,Intelligent Transportation [Ref No.: 6078]

rana, m. m. & abir, h.r." drivers of consumers’ online purchase intention in bangladesh"
Dhaka University Journal of Management, 2022

[Ref No.: 6079]

das, s. & rana, m. m." diffusion of women entrepreneurship in bangladesh: current status, challenges, and opportunities"
NDUB Journal of Business Studies, 2022

Keywords: Women and Glass-ceiling [Ref No.: 6080]

samia shabnaz, bohi shajahan "employability skill required for human resource graduates: a literature review"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2022

Keywords: Human Resource Graduates, Graduate Employability, Skill Gap, Employability Skill, Higher Educational Institution, Employer’s Requirement [Ref No.: 6090]

dr. rumana afrin" factors affecting capital structure: a study on dse listed textile sector of bangladesh"
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 2022

[Ref No.: 6013]

hasanul a. hasan, hasanuzzaman tushar, shibli ahmed khan, carmen z. lamagna and mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar "post-pandemic talent management"
LBS Journal of Management & Research, 2022

[Ref No.: 5991]

azmery sultana "islamophobia and a proper understanding of islam, a study of bangladesh"
International Journal of Emerging Issues in Islamic Studies, 2022

Keywords: Social Science Research Methodology [Ref No.: 5992]

khondaker sazzadul karim "do human capital factors enhance business growth? a study of dhaka metropolitan area’s young entrepreneur in bangladesh"
Journal of Leadership & Entrepreneurship, 2022

Keywords: Human capital, Business education, Business experience, Business skills, Business growth, Young entrepreneurs [Ref No.: 5993]

azmery sultana "the gap between the required entry-level job experience and the opportunity for the freshers in bangladesh"
PUP Social Sciences and Development Review Journal, 2022

[Ref No.: 5979]

anima karmakar, ziarat hossain khan, md. mustaqim roshid, farjana bashar shamme, md. ashiqur rahman "a study of farmers direct marketing: assessing the factors for the home to land approach"
European Journal of Business and Management, 2022

[Ref No.: 5982]

wahiduzaman, m., hossain, m.f., parveen, z. "assessment of environmental quality of an area adjacent to the relocated tannery industries at hemayetpur, bangladesh"
Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences, 2022

[Ref No.: 6254]

jebin, e. and hossain, mf. "the effect of covid 19 on the supply chain management of the rmg sector in bangladesh."
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2022

[Ref No.: 6255]

samia shabnaz, bohi shajahan" employability skill required for human resource graduates: a literature review"
AIUB Juornal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2022

[Ref No.: 6138]

dr. m. m. obaidul islam" effect of the covid-19 pandemic on the purchasing behavior of consumers"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2022

Keywords: Digital Transformation [Ref No.: 6139]

rezbin nahar, farheen hasan, kamrul mohammed hasan , khairul alom" the contribution of remittances on woman empowerment in bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics [AJBE], 2022

[Ref No.: 6153]

mehzabul hoque nahid, nazia farhana, azmery sultana "essential digital literacy assessment of bba students: empirical evidence from bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2022

[Ref No.: 6621]

hamidul islam, stanley sumon rodrick, ziarat h. khan "consumers' awareness and acceptance of grocery shopping from the online platforms"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2022

[Ref No.: 6645]

mehzabul hoque nahid, nazia farhana, azmery sultana "essential digital literacy assessment of bba students: empirical evidence from bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2022

[Ref No.: 6702]

janifar alam, abu kalam & quazi nur alam "prospects and challenges for sustainable tourism: evidence from south asian countries"
International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research And Technology., 2022

[Ref No.: 6576]

mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar, carmen z. lamagna, farheen hassan, rezbin nahar "on-campus, virtual, blended, and triple systems of teaching-learning: fitness and relevance for private universities in bangladesh"
Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 2022

[Ref No.: 6260]

khan, m. a. g., galib, s. m., hasnath, m., mia, r., kibria, r.," exotic fish and decreasing habitats vis-à-vis conservation of freshwater fish biodiversity of bangladesh"
Journal of Fisheries, 2022

[Ref No.: 6268]

saad hasan, gias khan, mohammad rashedul hoque, farheen hassan & nisar ahmed "lean practices in the bangladeshi ready-made garments industry and global significance"
International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 2022

[Ref No.: 6368]

hasan, mohammad faiyaz; mahmuda, naila al; mohammad, siam" basic financial literacy among undergraduate students of southeast university"
Southeast Business Review, 2022

[Ref No.: 7258]

md nur-al-ahad, yasmin jamadar, ahmed razman abdul latiff, mosab i tabash, asif zaman" effect of islamic and conventional bonds on firm's performance: evidence from malaysia"
2022 International Conference on Sustainable Islamic Business and Finance (SIBF), 2022

[Ref No.: 7332]

dr. md. tamzidul islam" the role of theory of planned behavior (tpb) explaining recycling behavior: an emerging market perspective."
European Journal of Business and Management Research, 2021

[Ref No.: 6385]

tahsina khan, rezbin nahar, farheen hassan, susmita halder, ziarat h. khan "employees’ perception on involvement in social media and performance in workplace: a study on banking professionals in dhaka city."
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2021

[Ref No.: 6262]

akhter, n., nahar, r., & dolon, i, j., "keith davis’s human relations theory could create human relations to reach sound industrial relations (sirs) in the garment sector of bangladesh"
Business Review- A Journal of Business Administration Discipline, Khulna University, 2021

[Ref No.: 6263]

talukdar, m.r.i., nahar, r., & hassan, f. "facing covid-19 pandemic: aiub strategy"
Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 2021

[Ref No.: 6264]

quazi nur alam & md. atiqullah khan "economic and noneconomic forces on remittance receiving: a panel analysis of top remittance sending countries towards bangladesh"
The Economics and Finance Letters, 2021

[Ref No.: 6575]

mohd fakhri mat saad, abubakar hamisu shira & mohammad baijed, nor saadatul kamilah md ali "a study on lab class delivery with e-learning systems improvements and familiarity among gender during covid-19"
Malaysian Journal of Information and Communication Technology (MyJICT), 2021

[Ref No.: 6938]

mohammad sirajul islam, "assessing sustainability governance and its dimensions"
FIIB Business Review, 2021

Keywords: Sustainable production and Consumption [Ref No.: 6200]

bohi shajahan" coping strategies of university students during social isolation for covid-19 pandemic in bangladesh."
International Journal of Applied Business and Management Sciences, 2021

[Ref No.: 5877]

mossa. anisa khatun, shahnaz zarin haque, sadia rahman" forecasting financial performance using regression techniques: a case study on comparative analysis of nestle and unilever"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2021

[Ref No.: 5604]

mossa. anisa khatun, shahnaz zarin haque and sadia rahman" forecasting financial performance using regression techniques: a case study on comparative analysis of nestle and unilever"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2021

Keywords: Financial Institution Starvation [Ref No.: 5582]

niaz mohammad and md. musfiqur rahman "the impact of integrated reporting disclosure on financial performance: evidence from listed firms in bangladesh"
Journal of Banking & Financial Services, 2021

[Ref No.: 5724]

mohammad faridul alam and niaz mohammad "fiscal measures for tackling the economic fallout in bangladesh: an assessment of stimulus measures during the covid-19 pandemic era"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2021

[Ref No.: 5725]

dr. mossa. anisa khatun, shahnaz zarin haque, sadia rahman" forecasting financial performance using regression techniques: a case study on comparative analysis of nestle and unilever"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics [AJBE], 2021

[Ref No.: 5577]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea" impact of educational technology on faculty performance: a case study on aiub during the pandemic"
GLOCER, 2021

[Ref No.: 5700]

mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar, rezbin nahar, farheen hassan" facing covid-19 pandemic: aiub strategy"
Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 2021

[Ref No.: 5701]

tahsina khan, rezbin nahar, farheen hassan, susmita halder, ziarat h. khan "employees’ perception on involvement in social media and performance in workplace: a study on banking professionals in dhaka city"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics [AJBE], 2021

[Ref No.: 5869]

islam, mm obaidul, haque, akm kamrul and barua, bikash" current status of e-commerce adoption by smes in bangladesh: an empirical study"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2021

[Ref No.: 5852]

barua, bikash" impact of total quality management factors on knowledge creation process in the organizations of bangladesh"
The TQM Journal, 2021

[Ref No.: 5853]

25. khan, t., nahar, r., hassan, f., halder, s., & khan, z. h." employees’ perception on involvement in social media and performance in workplace: a study on banking professionals in dhaka city"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2021

[Ref No.: 5883]

22. talukdar, m.r.i., nahar, r., & hassan, f." acing covid-19 pandemic: aiub strategy"
Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 2021

[Ref No.: 5881]

f.a. khanam and k. hasan" the determinants of liquidity of commercial banks in bangladesh: an exploratory study"
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2021

[Ref No.: 5908]

khanam, f.a ; hasan, k. and afsar, a.k.m." determinants of non-performing loans of banks in bangladesh: an exploratory study"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5909]

akm kamrul haque" impact on consumer psychology towards shopping behavior during covid-19 pandemic."
. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), 2021

[Ref No.: 5101]

ziarat h khan, shams istihad, mohammad ali" consumers attitude towards celebrity endorsement on advertisement"
Journal of Business Management and Economic Research, 2021

Keywords: Advertisement [Ref No.: 5110]

hafsa maryam, bohi shajahan, samia shabnaz "coping strategies of university students during social isolation for covid-19 pandemic in bangladesh"
International Journal of Applied Business and Management Sciences, 2021

Keywords: Covid-19, Social isolation, University students, Coping strategies, Bangladesh [Ref No.: 5135]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" effect of waste derived biochar on incubated acid soil of bangladesh"
J Environ Sci Curr Res., 2021

[Ref No.: 5166]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" risk assessment of lead distribution in soils, rice (oryza saliva l.) and wheat (triticum aestivum l.) in damietta governorate, egypt"
J Environ Sci Curr Res., 2021

[Ref No.: 5167]

dr. sahin akter sarker" critical analysis on the impact of covid-19: research based on secondary evidence"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2021

[Ref No.: 5195]

akm kamrul haque" the power of demand chain management in supply: a focus on perishable items in bangladesh during covid-19"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics [AJBE], 2021

[Ref No.: 5248]

nahid, md.mehzabul, ahmed, n., parvin, s and parvez "the pathways to revive organizational stability in covid-19 pandemic: the importance of nurturing human capital"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2021

[Ref No.: 5363]

dr. mohammad ali "consumers attitude towards celebrity endorsement on advertisement"
Journal of Business Management and Economic Research, 2021

[Ref No.: 5334]

dr. mohammad ali "trade intensity and revealed comparative advantage: an empirical analysis of trade between china and bangladesh"
International Journal of Management, Accounting and Economics, 2021

[Ref No.: 5335]

dr. mohammad ali "trade deficit of bangladesh with china: patterns, propensity and policy implications"
The Asian Institute of Research Journal of Economics and Business, 2021

[Ref No.: 5336]

samia shabnaz, nazrul islam "a study on entrepreneurial intention of university students in bangladesh"
International Business Research, 2021

Keywords: entrepreneurial Intention, motives and barriers, autonomy, market opportunity, government support, entrepreneurial education [Ref No.: 5298]

md. mehzabul hoque nahid "investigating bba students' conceptions and perceptions of internship: a case study from bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2021

[Ref No.: 5500]

dr. sahin akter sarker "prospects and challenges of using credit card services: a study on the users in dhaka city"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2021

[Ref No.: 5460]

stanley sumon rodrick, hamidul islam, dr. sahin akter sarker, and fatema ferdousi tisha "prospects and challenges of using credit card services: a study on the users in dhaka city"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5496]

asif rahman; md. joynal abedin "the fourth industrial revolution and private commercial banks: the good, bad and ugly"
International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 2021

Keywords: Blockchain,Artificial Intelligence [Ref No.: 5472]

dr. nisar ahmed; md. joynal abedin "the impact of covid-19 pandemic on the non-performing loans: a study on schedule banks in bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2021

[Ref No.: 5473]

talukdar, m.r.i. "library service delivery management of national institute of development administration"
International Journal of Public Administration and Management Research (IJPAMR), 2021

[Ref No.: 5480]

talukdar, m.r.i., nahar, r., & hassan, f. "facing covid-19 pandemic: aiub strategy"
Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 2021

[Ref No.: 5481]

talukdar, m.r.i. "the emergence of new strategic business models for heis: evidence from bangladesh"
Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 2021

[Ref No.: 5482]

islam, haque, barua" current status of e-commerce adoption by smes in bangladesh: an empirical study"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics [AJBE], 2021

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 5447]

akm kamrul haque" the post covid-19 and emerging markets: the case of sub-saharan africa"
. AIUB International Conference of Business and Management [AICBM], 2021

[Ref No.: 5448]

haque, islam" the role of technology on business during the covid–19 lockdown. a case study on bangladesh."
AIUB International Conference of Business and Management [AICBM], 2021

[Ref No.: 5449]

islam, haque, barua" current status of e-commerce adoption by smes in bangladesh: an empirical study"
AIUB International Conference of Business and Management [AICBM] Oct. 29-30, 2021, 2021

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 5450]

zaman, barua, islam, haque" effect of the covid-19 pandemic on the purchasing behavior of consumers"
AIUB International Conference of Business and Management [AICBM], 2021

[Ref No.: 5451]

islam, haque "current status of e-commerce adoption by smes in bangladesh: an empirical study"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5452]

badawy, s.h., el-motaium, r. a., el-sayed, m. a., abdel-lattif h. m., ghorab, h. m.. hossain, m.f. "environmental impact assessment of egyptian damietta governorate soils contamination with cadmium. ."
MOJ Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2021

[Ref No.: 5507]

akther, s. m., islam, m. m., hossain, m. f., & parveen, z. "fractionation of organic carbon and stock measurement in the sundarbans mangrove soils of bangladesh. american journal of climate change."
American Journal of Climate Change,, 2021

[Ref No.: 5508]

dr. m. m. obaidul islam "current status of e-commerce adoption by smes in bangladesh: an empirical study"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2021

[Ref No.: 5513]

alam, m. f., & mohammad, n. "fiscal measures for tackling the economic fallout in bangladesh: an assessment of stimulus measures during the covid-19 pandemic era"
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5519]

stanley sumon rodrick, hamidul islam, and dr. sahin akter sarker "prospects and challenges of using credit cards services: a study on the users in dhaka city"
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5521]

mehzabul hoque nahid, nazia farhana "investigating bba students’ conceptions and perceptions of internship: a case study from bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2021

Keywords: Data Mining and Business Intelligence,Labor Market,Social Science Research Methodology , ICT [Ref No.: 5524]

mahbub parvez and sharmin sultana," splendid tourism: evolving a nexus between the philosophy and the historical destinations in bangladesh"
Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, 2021

[Ref No.: 7243]

mehedi shahnewz jalil and sharmin sultana" how ride sharing service engender an economic & social impact in bangladesh"
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2021

[Ref No.: 7250]

alam, md. j., jesmin, j., faruk, m., nur-al-ahad, md." development of e-banking in bangladesh: a survey study"
Financial Markets, Institutions and Risks, 2021

[Ref No.: 7330]

tanzina akhter, md nur-al-ahad" influence of packaging elements on the purchase decision-making: a study on the bar soap users of dhaka city, bangladesh."
Management & Marketing Journal, 2021

[Ref No.: 7331]

saad hasan, mohammad rashedul hoque, shafkat reza chowdhury, ashfaque a. mohib, md. abdul ahad "challenges of it adoption at educational institutions: lessons from bangladesh"
International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC), 2020

[Ref No.: 4519]

dr. mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar" influencing phenomena of local government union councils’ budgeting (to be published) http://ijlpa.redfame.com"
International Journal of Law and Public Administration, Redfame Publishing. Beaverton-USA, 2020

[Ref No.: 4767]

dr. mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar" effectiveness of rural justice system in bangladesh: an assessment of the village courts (to be published - printed edition only)"
Journal of Administrative Studies, Jahangir Nagar University, Savar, Bangladesh, 2020

[Ref No.: 4768]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" the fundamental of brick manufacturing."
Nova Publishers, NY, USA., 2020

[Ref No.: 4860]

stanley sumon rodrick, hamidul islam, and ahmed ishtiaq zadid "the impact of packaging and labeling elements on the rural consumers’ purchase decision for skincare products in bangladesh"
Journal of Economics and Business, Asian Institute of Research, 2020

[Ref No.: 5495]

stanley sumon rodrick, hamidul islam, and ahmed ishtiaq zadid "the impact of packaging and labeling elements on the rural consumers’ purchase decision for skincare products in bangladesh"
Journal of Economics and Business (Asian Institute of Research), 2020

[Ref No.: 5520]

winston cole (lead governance specialist, financial management and task team leader); syed khaled ahsan (senior public sector specialist); saki kumagai (governance specialist); nadee naboneeta imran (research analyst); jeff kaplan (odra international adviser); mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar (national public sector expert); razia n. sultana (program assistant); and umme saima sadia (team associate). "bangladesh open data readiness assessment report open data for economic and social development and improving public services"
World Bank Report, 2020

[Ref No.: 5485]

talukdar, m.r.i. "the case-based pedagogy in business schools: should it go alone?"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2020

[Ref No.: 5475]

talukdar, m.r.i. "uncertain time calls for agile management and adaptation of contingency plan: lessons from heis in bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2020

[Ref No.: 5476]

talukdar, m.r.i. "bangladesh public administration training centre: effectiveness of faculty capacity building"
Social Science & Humanities International, 2020

[Ref No.: 5477]

talukdar, m.r.i. "examining implications of classical budget theories in the local government budgeting process: union councils in bangladesh"
Journal of Local Government Research and Innovation, 2020

[Ref No.: 5478]

• talukdar, m.r.i. "when the case creates a competitive advantage"
Asian Case Research Journal, 2020

[Ref No.: 5479]

bohi shajahan, samia shabnaz, hafsa maryam "sources of stress and coping strategies of university students during covid-19 pandemic"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2020

Keywords: sources of stress, coping strategy, university students, covid-19, social isolation [Ref No.: 5297]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" sustainability and integrated reporting practices: a new approach of corporate reporting"
Journal of Business Studies, 2020

[Ref No.: 5228]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" soil organic carbon pool and its storage in wetland soils of bangladesh"
American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2020

[Ref No.: 5162]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" correlation between social compliance and export competitiveness in the rmg industry of bangladesh"
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development (JESD), 2020

[Ref No.: 5163]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" morphological properties and nutrient status of different waste derived slow pyrolysed biochars"
World J Agri & Soil Sci., 2020

[Ref No.: 5164]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" increasing production cost and its effect on rmg sector of bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2020

[Ref No.: 5165]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" brand choice behavior for toiletries products: a study on consumers of dhaka city"
Journal of Business Studies, 2020

[Ref No.: 5132]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" impact of culture on international business: a review of literature"
Dhaka University Journal of Marketing, 2020

[Ref No.: 5133]

sadia rahman" facebook, a blind trend to follow or a meaningful communication base? a study on private university students of bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2020

[Ref No.: 5134]

dr. yesmin sultana" union representation in the era of atypical work: challenges and alternative mobilization strategies"
Journal of Business Administration, 2020

[Ref No.: 5074]

sazia afrin" effective branding and choice of university: a thematic analysis of bangladeshi private university students"
AIUB Journal for Business & Economics (AJBE), 2020

[Ref No.: 5007]

raihan kibria" aiub journal of business and economics"
Exploration of open source licensing model as a tool to enhance digitalization in Bangladesh, 2020

[Ref No.: 5008]

raihan kibria" computerization of banking operation in bangladesh"
International Journal of Technology for Business, 2020

[Ref No.: 4942]

mohammad ali" mobile van a pandemic solution of perishable food supply"
National Daily, 2020

[Ref No.: 4998]

mohammad ali" possibility of providing intangible services through online during post corona pandemic period."
National Daily, 2020

[Ref No.: 4999]

mohammad ali" a glimpse of post pandemic world"
National Daily, 2020

[Ref No.: 5000]

mohammad ali" public perception of more financial incentives during covid-19: a case study of rmg sector in bangladesh (submitted)"
The Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 2020

[Ref No.: 5001]

mohammad ali" capability components of supply chain resilience for readymade garments (rmg) sector in bangladesh during covid-19 (submitted)."
The Journal of Modern Supply Chain Research and Application, 2020

[Ref No.: 5002]

mohammad ali" the power of demand chan management in supply: a focus on perishable items in bangladesh during covid-19 (submitted)"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2020

[Ref No.: 5003]

bohi shajahan" sources of stress and coping strategies of university students during covid-19 pandemic."
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2020

[Ref No.: 5876]

26. nahar, r., hasan, f. & khan, f." impact of covid-19 on private higher educational institutions (phei) in bangladesh: challenges and policy responses"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics [AJBE], 2020

[Ref No.: 5884]

4. barua, bikash, zaman, sayaka and urme, umma nusrat" effect of total quality management on organizational performance: mediating role of knowledge creation process"
PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ Egyptology, 2020

[Ref No.: 5854]

nahar, r., khan, f., a.b. and hassan, f., (2020)" impact of covid-19 on private higher educational institutions (pheis) in bangladesh: challenges and policy responses"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2020

[Ref No.: 5702]

20. saad hasan, gias khan, mohammad rashedul hoque, farheen hassan & nisar ahmed" lean practices in the bangladeshi ready-made garments industry and global significance"
International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 2020

[Ref No.: 5703]

farheen hassan, md. khaled amin, tahsina khan, md. mehedi hasan emon, afrina amin" roles of social influence in facilitating online learning acceptance: a preliminary study on bangladeshi learners"
ACM Digital Library, 2020

[Ref No.: 5704]

dr. rumana afrin" critical analysis on the impact of covid-19: research based on secondary evidence"
the AIUB Journal of Business & Economics (AJBE), 2020

[Ref No.: 6012]

vichayanan rattanawiboonsom, khan, md. sazzadur rahman "analysis of the factors affecting logistics capability and strategy on firm performance for the garment industry in bangladesh."
Journal of advanced research in dynamical and control systems, 2020

[Ref No.: 6878]

quazi nur alam "impacts of macroeconomic variables on the stock market returns of south asian region"
Canadian Journal of Business and Information Studies, 2020

[Ref No.: 6571]

quazi nur alam, janifar alam, susmita dev burman & md. tanvir hoque "impact of debt capital on firm's performance: a study on the textile companies listed in dhaka stock exchange limited (dse)"
International Journal of Science and Business, 2020

[Ref No.: 6572]

janifar alam, quazi nur alam & md. tanvir hoque "impact of gdp, inflation, population growth and fdi on unemployment: a study on bangladesh economy"
African Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 2020

[Ref No.: 6573]

md. tanvir hoque, janifar alam, susmita dev burman & quazi nur alam "impact of macroeconomic and bank specific variables on spread of interest rate: a study of listed commercial banks in bangladesh"
Canadian Journal of Business and Information Studie, 2020

[Ref No.: 6574]

rezbin nahar, foyasal khan, farheen hassan "impact of covid-19 on private higher educational institutions (phei) in bangladesh: challenges and policy responses"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2020

[Ref No.: 6265]

rezbin nahar, sultana parvin, kazi tareq ullah, erfan ovee nomaan, asif parvez "knowledge management: how the relationship works with organizational performance in the higher education sector?"
Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology, 2020

[Ref No.: 6266]

1dr. rezbin nahar, 2dr. izhairi bt. ismail, 3dr. azura bt. omar, 4dr. rafikul islam "do job stress factors affecting quality of work life (qwl) of bangladeshi bank’s employee?"
? International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 2020

[Ref No.: 6267]

2. anwar, m. a., gani, a. m. o., & rahman, m. s." effects of spiritual intelligence from islamic perspective on emotional intelligence"
Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 2020

[Ref No.: 6291]

hasan, saad; hoque, mohammad r.; ahmed, nisar; mohib, ashfaque a.; hassan, farheen "performance assessment of a bangladeshi e-commerce enterprise: a case study"
East West Journal of Business and Social Studies, 2020

[Ref No.: 6371]

sharmin sultana, tasnim islam and mainul islam" impact of covid 19 in top tourist destinations in the world"
Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Sports (JTHS), 2020

[Ref No.: 7244]

nur-al-ahad, md., nusrat, s." new trends in behavioral economics: a content analysis of social communications of youth"
Business Ethics and Leadership (BEL), 2019

[Ref No.: 7319]

mohammad rashedul. hoque, saad hasan, ashfaque a. mohib, shafikul islam "use of project management in the ready made garments sector"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2019

[Ref No.: 6369]

mohammad rashedul hoque, shafkat chowdhury, saad hasan "consumer perception towards islamic banking services"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2019

[Ref No.: 6370]

quazi nur alam & siraj uddin ahmed "performance of mutual fund management of bangladesh-evidence from close end mutual fund in dhaka stock exchange limited"
UITS Journal of Business Studies, 2019

[Ref No.: 6569]

rahul ahmed & quazi nur alam "corporate governance and risk taking behavior by banks and financial institutions of bangladesh"
UITS Journal of Business Studies, 2019

[Ref No.: 6570]

khan, md. sazzadur rahman "the effects of inbound logistics capability on firm performance- a study on garment industry in bangladesh"
Journal of entrepreneurship education., 2019

[Ref No.: 6876]

dr. mohammad sirajul islam" value –addition and technological adaptation to reduce the price spread in developing countries: focus on the dairy industry of bangladesh"
Journal of Business and Society, 2019

Keywords: Sustainable production and Consumption [Ref No.: 6201]

farheen hassan, md. mohiuddin, md. khaled amin "digitization in heis for enhancing learners’ interpersonal skills: evidence from a developing country"
Journal of Business Administration, Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka, 2019

[Ref No.: 5705]

dr. m. m. ali, rattanawiboonsom v and farheen hassan , alexandru" knowledge management at higher educational institutes in bangladesh: the case study of self-assessed processes of two educational institutions"
ecoforum, 2019

[Ref No.: 5706]

barua, bikash" implementation of knowledge management activities in the organizations of bangladesh"
Journal of SUB, 2019

[Ref No.: 5855]

barua, bikash and zaman, sayaka" role of social media on brand awareness in private universities in bangladesh"
International Journal of Business Management and Research, 2019

[Ref No.: 5856]

barua, bikash and zaman, sayaka" impact of implementation of knowledge management tools on organizational performance in the organizations of bangladesh"
International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 2019

[Ref No.: 5857]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" value chain analysis of mango in bangladesh"
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2019

[Ref No.: 4940]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" potentials of establishing eco-tourism in cox’s bazar: understanding tourist perspectives and preferences for a right marketing mix."
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2019

[Ref No.: 4941]

jubayer suhan" the antecedents of female customers' satisfaction with online shopping: an empirical study in bangladesh"
UITS Journal of Business Studies, 2019

[Ref No.: 4936]

dr. sahin akter sarker" the use of promotional tools in enhancing consumers' awareness towards the purchase of agro-based products"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2019

[Ref No.: 5064]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" effect of biochar and fertilizer application on the growth and nutrient accumulation of rice and vegetable in two contrast soils"
Acta Scientific Agriculture, 2019

[Ref No.: 5160]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" the synthesis and characterization of carbon dots and their application in dye sensitized solar cells. international journal of hydrogen energy 44(29): 14580-14587. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.04.072"
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019

[Ref No.: 5161]

dr. mohammad ali "strategic management practices and performance of the sme’s in bangladesh"
International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 2019

[Ref No.: 5328]

dr. mohammad ali "export specialization of bangladesh's readymade garments industry in the north american market"
European Journal of Economic and Financial Research, 2019

[Ref No.: 5329]

dr. mohammad ali "revealed comparative advantage of textile and clothing industry of bangladesh in the north american market"
Journal of Business Management and Economic Research, 2019

[Ref No.: 5330]

dr. mohammad ali "competition and export growth of readymade garments of bangladesh in the united states market: an empirical analysis"
European Journal of Management and Marketing Studies, 2019

[Ref No.: 5331]

dr. mohammad ali "export growth and competition of bangladesh's readymade garments industry in the canadian market"
Journal of Science and Innovative Technologies, 2019

[Ref No.: 5332]

dr. mohammad ali "factors contributing job satisfaction and job performance of nurses in the healthcare industry"
International Journal of Humanities and Social Development Research, 2019

[Ref No.: 5333]

hamidul islam, dr. sahin akter sarker, and stanley sumon rodrick "the use of promotional tools in enhancing consumers' awareness towards the purchase of agro-based products from the modern retail outlets"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2019

[Ref No.: 5494]

tahsina nimmi khan" analyzing the users’ perceptions on solar electrification: a study on remote rural households in bangladesh"
The AIUB Journal for Business & Economics, 2019

[Ref No.: 4886]

tahsina nimmi khan" exploring the renewable energy interventions across the globe: the prospect & progress of solar energy ventures"
The AIUB Journal for Business & Economics, 2019

[Ref No.: 4887]

hamidul islam [hamid]" the use of promotional tools in enhancing consumers' awareness towards the purchase of agro-based products from the modern retail outlets"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2019

[Ref No.: 4882]

dr. yesmin sultana" level of compliance with corporate governance code in the mobile telecommunication industry of bangladesh:factual study"
International Journal of Business & Management Study, 2019

[Ref No.: 4883]

dr. sahin akter sarker" corporate scenario analysis of physically challenged human resources in bangladesh"
Journal of Business Administration (JBA), IBA, University of Dhaka,, 2019

[Ref No.: 4869]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" two decades of tax revenue dynamics: bangladesh panorama"
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2019

[Ref No.: 4873]

dr. m. anisa khatun" business students' choice of specialization: a quantitative case on a private university of bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2019

Keywords: Sociolinguistics and education [Ref No.: 4874]

md. joynal abedin" the effects of corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, and intellectual capital disclosure on the sustainability of banking sector in bangladesh"
Business and Economic Research, 2019

[Ref No.: 4864]

sumona a. mim and samia shabnaz "employees perception on training effectiveness – a study on garments industry of bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2019

Keywords: Employee Perception, Training, Garments Industry, Bangladesh. [Ref No.: 4866]

dr. syed mahbubur rahman" climate financing through the adaptation fund: what determines fund allocation?"
The Journal of Environment & Development, 2019

[Ref No.: 4867]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" hossain mf, maksud kamal asm, sikder ahf, parveen z. 2019. air quality measurement at the solid waste disposal of matuail landfill site at dhaka, bangladdesh"
American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2019

[Ref No.: 4858]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" the synthesis and characterization of carbon dots and their application in dye sensitized solar cells"
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019

[Ref No.: 4850]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" value chain analysis of mango in bangladesh"
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2019

[Ref No.: 4851]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" potentials of establishing eco-tourism in cox’s bazar: understanding tourist perspectives and preferences for a right marketing mix"
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2019

[Ref No.: 4852]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" effect of biochar and fertilizer application on the growth and nutrient accumulation of rice and vegetable in two contrast soils"
Acta Scientific Agriculture, 2019

[Ref No.: 4853]

dr. mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar" autonomy in budgeting decisions of local government union councils: a study of bangladesh http://www.macrothink.org/journal/index.php/jpag/article/view/14773"
Journal of Public Administration and Governance, Las Vegas, USA, 2019

[Ref No.: 4769]

dr. nisar ahmed" the transformation of the corporate governance model: a literature review"
Copernican Journal of Accounting and Finance, 2019

[Ref No.: 4763]

dr. nisar ahmed" the effects of corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, and intellectual capital disclosure on the sustainability of banking sector in bangladesh"
Business and Economic Research, 2019

[Ref No.: 4764]

md. mehzabul hoque nahid" e-health insurance management system: an exploratory research"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2019

[Ref No.: 4765]

s. m. ferdous azam, khondaker sazzadul karim, jacquline tham "motivational orientation and performance in science: a study on university students in bangladesh"
The International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 2019

Keywords: achievement, combined science, motivation, university students [Ref No.: 4739]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea" stress and its impact on employees’ performances - a study on pubali bank limited"
AIUB Journal of Business and Management(AJBE), 2019

[Ref No.: 4755]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea" analyzing users’ perceptions on solar electrification: a study villagers in off-grid regions https://www.manuscriptlink.com/journals/ajbe; https://ajbe.aiub.edu"
AIUB Journal of Business and Management(AJBE), 2019

[Ref No.: 4756]

dr. saad hasan" challenges of it adoption at educational institutions: lessons from bangladesh"
, International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC), 2019

[Ref No.: 4608]

niaz mohammad" integrated reporting practice and disclosure in the banking sectors of bangladesh"
Indonesian Journal of Sustainability Accounting and Management (IJSAM), 2019

[Ref No.: 4621]

anisa sultana" safegurding against air pollution in metro-rail project areas"
Unicef, 2019

[Ref No.: 4643]

anisa sultana" assesing the availability of health and safety measures in the garment industry of bangladesh"
Unicef, 2019

[Ref No.: 4644]

anisa sultana" impact of grade inflation on graduates employability; case study of bangladesh"
Tiikm, 2019

[Ref No.: 4645]

adnan hossain" influence of compensation and organizational culture on employee performance: a study on it firms of dhaka, bangladesh"
International Journal Of Human Resource Studies, 2019

[Ref No.: 4648]

dr. mohammad rashedul hoque "low-carbon energy technologies: potentials of solar and nuclear energy sources for sustainable economic development in bangladesh"
International Journal of Technology for Business (IJTB), 2019

[Ref No.: 4694]

dr. saad hasan" performance assessment of bangladeshi e-commerce enterprise: a case study"
East West Journal of Business and Social Studies, 2019

[Ref No.: 4695]

dr. saad hasan" consumer perception towards islamic banking services"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2019

[Ref No.: 4696]

asif parvez" impact of monthly repayment system on the household healthcare expenditure of the rural women borrowers: evidence from bangladesh"
Journal of Poverty (Routledge-Taylor & Francis Group), 2019

[Ref No.: 4701]

shafkat chowdhury, ashfaque a. mohib, nisar ahmed, saad hasan, mohammad rashedul hoque" scope and challenges for vehicle tracking service business in bangladesh"
SAMSMRITI-The SAMS Journal, 2019

[Ref No.: 4520]

saad hasan, allan rennie, mohammad rashedul hoque and nisar ahmed "requirements for large-scale adoption of rapid manufacturing technologies"
Cogent Business & Management, 2019

[Ref No.: 4523]

dr. nisar ahmed" requirements for large-scale adoption of rapid manufacturing technologies"
Cogent Business & Management, 6(1), 1623151. https://doi.org/10.1080/23311975.2019.1623151, 2019

[Ref No.: 4556]

afdalin bin haque" influence of compensation and organizational culture on employee performance: a study on the it forms of dhaka, bangladesh"
International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 2019

[Ref No.: 4557]

dr. nisar ahmed" low-carbon energy technologies: potentials of solar and nuclear energy sources for sustainable economic development in bangladesh"
International Journal of Technology for Business (IJTB), 2019

[Ref No.: 4570]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea" governance of heis in bangladesh incorporating digitization http://aicbm.aiub.edu/assets/files/sams%20- 17%20issue%20ii.pdf"
SAMSMRITI-The SAMS Journal, 2019

[Ref No.: 4574]

shafkat reza chowdhury" “challenges of it adoption at educational institutions: lessons from bangladesh”."
International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC), 2019

[Ref No.: 4427]

shafkat reza chowdhury" “scope and challenges for vehicle tracking service business in bangladesh”."
SAMSMRITI-The SAMS Journal, 2019

[Ref No.: 4428]

shafkat reza chowdhury" “low-carbon energy technologies: potentials of solar and nuclear energy sources for sustainable economic development in bangladesh”."
International Journal of Technology for Business, 1(1), 24-32, 2019

[Ref No.: 4429]

ashfaque a. mohib " lessons from applying project management techniques in a ready made garments business"
International Journal of Technology for Business (IJTB), 2019

[Ref No.: 4459]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" the synthesis and characterization of carbon dots and their application in dye sensitized solar cells"
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019

[Ref No.: 4469]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" air quality measurement at the solid waste disposal of matuail landfill site in dhaka city"
American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2019

[Ref No.: 4470]

ashfaque a. mohib " scope and challenges for vehicle tracking service business in bangladesh"
SAMSMRITI-The SAMS Journal, 2019

[Ref No.: 4471]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" effect of biochar and fertilizer application on the growth and nutrient accumulation of rice and vegetable in two contrast soils"
Acta Scientific Agriculture, 2019

[Ref No.: 4472]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" solid waste disposal and its impact on surrounding environment of matuail landfill site, dhaka, bangladesh"
American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2019

[Ref No.: 4474]

saihad shahid rahman" the acceptability of solar electricity among the rural communities in bangladesh: an exploratory study"
2nd International Conference on Business & Management, 2019

[Ref No.: 4262]

dr. syed mahbubur rahman" graphic health warnings on tobacco packets and containers: compliance status in bangladesh"
Tobacco Control, 2019

[Ref No.: 4278]

dr. syed mahbubur rahman" determinants of microfinance facility for installing solar home system (shs) in rural bangladesh"
Energy Policy, 2019

[Ref No.: 4279]

dr. syed mahbubur rahman" structural analogy in development and climate aid: the case of bangladesh"
Journal of Development Policy and Practice, 2019

[Ref No.: 4280]

tahsina nimmi khan" determinants of microfinance facility for installing solar home system (shs) in rural bangladesh"
Energy Policy, 2019

[Ref No.: 4368]

dr. saad hasan" requirements for large scale adoption of rapid manufacturing technologies,"
Cogent Business & Management, 2019

[Ref No.: 4392]

dr. kamrul hasan" sme financing and entrepreneurship development in bangladesh: an impact analysis"
European Journal of Business and Management, 2019

[Ref No.: 3837]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea" institutional quality assurance cell, self- assessment process and completion of the cycle for uninterrupted enhancement at tertiary level: appraisal of two depts. of two higher educational institutes in bangladesh http://www.ecoforumjournal.ro/index.php/eco"
Ekonomikaregiona [Economy of Region], 2019

[Ref No.: 3722]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" role of use of social media on effective buying decision process: a study of consumer buying behavior in the context of bangladesh market."
Asian Journal of Management (AJM), 2019

[Ref No.: 4038]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" factors affecting buyer behavior: a study on the consumers of two-wheelers (motorcycles) of dhaka city."
Asian Journal of Management (AJM), 2019

[Ref No.: 4039]

s. m. ferdous azam, khondaker sazzadul karim, jacquline tham "job stress and satisfaction among academic staffs in private universities: an empirical study in bangladesh"
SAMSMRITI-The SAMS Journal, 2019

Keywords: Job stress, Stressors, Academic staff, Performance, Bangladesh. [Ref No.: 4057]

tahsin wara khondker" location based mobile services through the web: an approach to the tourism sector"
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 2019

[Ref No.: 4212]

tahsin wara khondker" mobile technology uses towards marketing of tourist destinations: an analysis from therapeutic point of view"
IOSR Journal of Mobile Computing Applications, 2019

[Ref No.: 4213]

sadia rahman" “business students’ choice of specialization: a quantitative case on a private university of bangladesh”"
AIUB International Conference on Business and Management, 2019

[Ref No.: 4218]

tahsina nimmi khan" the significance of professional experience in the internal branding interventions of service organizations"
SAMSMRITI-The SAMS Journal, 2019

[Ref No.: 4224]

dr. saad hasan" low-carbon energy technologies: potentials of solar and nuclear energy sources for sustainable economic development in bangladesh"
International Journal of Technology for Business, 2019

[Ref No.: 4244]

dr. saad hasan" lessons from applying project management techniques in a ready made garments business"
International Journal of Technology for Business, 2019

[Ref No.: 4245]

dr. saad hasan" scope and challenges for vehicle tracking service business in bangladesh"
SAMSMRITI-The SAMS Journal, 2019

[Ref No.: 4248]

sharmin sultana and mrittika shill," selecting tourism destinations through social media: evidence from bangladesh"
Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 2019

[Ref No.: 7245]

md nur-al-ahad, takao fujiwara "application of real options analysis in commercial aircraft manufacturing: evidence from japan"
34th Annual Academic Convention, Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation Management, 2019

[Ref No.: 7323]

nur-al-ahad md., syeda n., vagavi p" nexus between corporate governance and firm performance in malaysia: supervised machine learning approach"
Financial Markets, Institutions and Risks, 2019

[Ref No.: 7324]

dr. abu bakar a. hamid md. nur-al-ahad, md. adnan rahman" forecasting 4g users in bangladesh: a multidisciplinary perspective"
ICAB Journal : The Bangladesh Accountant, 2018

[Ref No.: 7321]

dr. saad hasan" contemporary practices in the bangladeshi poultry industry"
Journal of Business and Technology, 2018

[Ref No.: 4246]

dr. saad hasan" how lean is the bangladeshi rmg industry?"
Bangladesh Supply Chain Review, 2018

[Ref No.: 4247]

dr. saad hasan" challenges and impacts of technology integration/up-gradation in the education industry: a case study"
Journal of Systems Integration, 2018

[Ref No.: 4243]

dr. tamanna islam" econometric models for forecasting remittances of bangladesh."
Business and Management Studies, 2018

[Ref No.: 4259]

dr. tamanna islam" customer satisfaction: a study on conventional bank customers in dhaka"
Society & Change, 2018

[Ref No.: 4260]

nipa, afsana tahsin and shabnaz samia "employee’s perception on training effectiveness: a comparison of government and private banks of bangladesh"
SAMASMRITI The SAMS Journal, 2018

[Ref No.: 4221]

tahsina nimmi khan" the prospect of internal branding in the corporate sector of bangladesh: a study on the professionals in service industry"
International Journal of Business and Management Study, 2018

[Ref No.: 4222]

tahsina nimmi khan" the nexus between green microfinance & triple bottom line concept from the context of a developing nation: a literature review"
The AIUB Journal for Business & Economics, 2018

[Ref No.: 4223]

dr. sahin akter sarker" implementation of labor laws for welfare of workers: a study on ready - made garment factories in gazipur"
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, 2018

[Ref No.: 4203]

bohi shajahan" customer satisfaction: a study on conventional bank customers in dhaka"
Society & change, 2018

[Ref No.: 4190]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" revenue mobilization through tax revenue: a comparative study of bangladesh and sri lanka"
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2018

[Ref No.: 4173]

abdul kader nazmul" obstacles to women’s corporate leadership in bangladesh"
The Cost & Management, 2018

[Ref No.: 4099]

abdul kader nazmul" evaluation of human resource planning and practices: a study on selected private commercial banks in bangladesh"
The Bangladesh Accountant, 2018

[Ref No.: 4100]

kishwar mubin chowdhury" availability of on-site child care and its impact on productivity and organizational commitment: a study on femal knowledge workers in bangladesh"

[Ref No.: 4102]

khondaker sazzadul karim, s. m. ferdous azam, jacquline tham "determining the factors of quality of higher education in private and public universities in bangladesh"
The International Journal of Business and Management, 2018

Keywords: SERVQUAL Model, quality dimensions, customers, public universities, private universities [Ref No.: 4055]

s. m. ferdous azam, jacquline tham, jeong chun phuoc and khondaker sazzadul karim" islamic banking in malaysia: bank muamalat and bank islam’s efficiency measurement using dea approach"
International Journal For Innovative Research In Multidisciplinary Field, 2018

Keywords: Islamic banking, Bank Muamalat, Bank Islam, Efficiency measurement, Data Envelopment Analysis [Ref No.: 4056]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" internationalization and international business strategies: a review of literature"
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2018

[Ref No.: 4037]

md. joynal abedin" the nexus between green micro-finance & triple bottom line concept from the context of a developing nation: a literature review"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2018

[Ref No.: 4046]

hamidul islam [hamid]" the impact of modern retailing on urban consumers’ buying behavior towards agro-based products in dhaka city"
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 2018

[Ref No.: 3997]

hamidul islam [hamid]" the role of media in creating social awareness about the female hygiene practices during menstruation cycle in bangladesh"
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 2018

[Ref No.: 3998]

hamidul islam [hamid]" factors persuading the intention of using e-recruitment by job seekers in bangladesh"
International Journal of Business & Management Study – IJBMS, 2018

[Ref No.: 3999]

shajahan bohi, islam tamanna, shabnaz samia" customer satisfaction: a study on conventional bank customers in dhaka"
Society & Change, 2018

[Ref No.: 3961]

reajmin sultana" comparative analysis between ngo & company financial statements"
American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 2018

[Ref No.: 3951]

reajmin sultana" sustainability of accounting profession at the age of fourth industrial revolution"
International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting, 2018

[Ref No.: 3952]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea" “the implications of solar home system usage for the rural communities in coastal bangladesh” http://www.wrbrpapers.com/"
World Review of Business Research, 2018

[Ref No.: 3719]

a s m abdul baten" exploring applicable models and tools to analyze accidents of inland water transports of bangladesh"
angladesh maritime Journal, 2018

[Ref No.: 3709]

s. m. ferdous azam, khondaker sazzadul karim "fundraising via online banking by young donors: an exploratory investigation in bangladesh"
Research Journal of Social Science and Managemen, 2018

Keywords: Fundraising, Online Banking, Young Donors, Bangladesh [Ref No.: 3673]

dr. kamrul hasan" factors influencing commercial banks in developing entrepreneurship of smes in bangladesh: a case study on basic bank ltd."
International Academic Research Journal of Economics and Finance, 2018

[Ref No.: 3831]

tahsina nimmi khan" the implications of solar home system usage for the rural communities in coastal bangladesh"
World Review of Business Research, 2018

[Ref No.: 3786]

tahsina nimmi khan" investigating students’ adoption and usage behavior of educational technology at tertiary level (pls-sem approach)"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2018

[Ref No.: 3792]

dr. yesmin sultana" prospect of internal branding in the corporate sector of bangladesh : a study on the professionals in service industry"
International Jounal of Business & Management Study, 2018

[Ref No.: 4370]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" solid waste disposal and its impact on surrounding environment of matuail landfill site, dhaka, bangladesh."
American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2018

[Ref No.: 4388]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" effect of biochar amendment on soil carbon fluxes in different cultivation system."
American Journal of Climate Change, 2018

[Ref No.: 4389]

dr. yesmin sultana" the significance of professional experience in the internal branding interventions of service organizations"
SAMSMRITI , The SAMS Journal, 2018

[Ref No.: 4373]

dr. yesmin sultana" board structure and composition in the telecommunication industry of bangladesh"
International Journal of Business Strategy, 2018

[Ref No.: 4358]

dr. yesmin sultana" performance appraisal and affective commitment – exploring the role of the interactive effects of justice dimensions"
Journal of Business Administration, 2018

[Ref No.: 4351]

dr. md. khaled amin" examining students’ adoption and usage behavior in line with utaut constructs: evidence from the tertiary level education in bangladesh"
North South Business Review, 2018

[Ref No.: 4299]

dr. rezbin nahar" the strategic performance of bangladeshi private commercial banks on post implementation relationship marketing"
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Social Sciences (IJETSS), 2018

[Ref No.: 4263]

dr. rezbin nahar" identifying post-implementation success factors of relationship marketing: a study on private banking industry in bangladesh"
Advanced Science Letters, 2018

[Ref No.: 4264]

dr. md. khaled amin" understanding the determinants of technology driven services adoption by the rural consumers in bangladesh"
Journal of Business Administration, Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka, 2018

[Ref No.: 4293]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" drug addiction and its consequences in context of bangladesh"
International Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2018

[Ref No.: 4479]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" drug abuse and its impact in bangladesh"
International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 2018

[Ref No.: 4480]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nano-fertilizers in different application times, methods and rates on: ii. yield, yield components and fiber properties of egyptian cotton (gossypium barbadense l.)"
Global Advanced Research Journal of Agricultural Science (GARJAS), 2018

[Ref No.: 4475]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" determination of heavy metals content and biochar toxicity in a pristine tropical agricultural soil. 18, 1064–1068. doi:10.1016/j.dib.2018.03.123."
Data in Brief, 2018

[Ref No.: 4476]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" fractionation of organic carbon in arial beel wetland soils of bangladesh. 14(2):86-94. ."
American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2018

[Ref No.: 4477]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" evaluation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nano-fertilizers on yield, yield components and fiber properties of egyptian cotton (gossypium barbadense l.). 1(2): 1-10."
Journal Plant Sci Crop Protection, 2018

[Ref No.: 4473]

ashfaque a. mohib " contemporary practices in the bangladesh poultry industry"
Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka), 2018

[Ref No.: 4460]

ashfaque a. mohib " economic models for remittances of bangladesh"
Business and Management Studies, 2018

[Ref No.: 4461]

shafkat reza chowdhury" “challenges and impacts of technology integration/up-gradation in the education industry: a case study”."
Journal of Systems Integration, 9(2), pp.26-36., 2018

[Ref No.: 4430]

shafkat reza chowdhury" "how lean is the bangladeshi rmg industry?""
Bangladesh Supply Chain Review. 1(2), 19-26, 2018

[Ref No.: 4431]

asif parvez" internal branding and it's significance in developing employee's brand commitment"
University of South Asia Journal (USAJ), 2018

[Ref No.: 4555]

dr. nisar ahmed" scope and challenges for vehicle tracking service business in bangladesh"
Samsmriti, The SAMS Journal, 2018

[Ref No.: 4558]

dr. mohammad rashedul hoque" contemporary practices in the bangladeshi poultry industry"
Journal of Business and Technology, 2018

[Ref No.: 4521]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" service marketing mix, service quality and customer satisfaction: an empirical study on the air travellers at dhaka airport"
Management Development, 2018

[Ref No.: 4515]

dr. mohammad rashedul hoque "how lean is the bangladeshi rmg industry?"
Bangladesh Supply Chain Review, 2018

Keywords: Sustainable production and Consumption,Other [Ref No.: 4517]

abdul ahad, saad hasan, mohammad rashedul hoque, shafkat reza chowdhury "challenges and impacts of technology integration/up-gradation in the education industry: a case study"
Journal of Systems Integration, 2018

[Ref No.: 4518]

anisa sultana" ‘ who influenced me more ?- a comparative study of the factors that effect career decision of undergraduate students in bangladesh"
!st International Conference on Business and Management, 2018

[Ref No.: 4646]

dr. md. khaled amin" ’impact of crm, imc, and pe on purchase intentions: evidence from the real estate market of bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics [AJBE], 2018

[Ref No.: 4634]

anisa sultana" enhancing the capacity of organizations and higher education institutions (heis) in increasing graduates employability skills"
tiikm publishing, 2018

[Ref No.: 4642]

dr. mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar" partners and priorities for bangladesh: development aid effectiveness https://journalsocialscience.com/journal/lastissue/year/mjaxoa==/month/rgvjzw1izxi="
International Journal of Social Science, New Delhi, India., 2018

[Ref No.: 4770]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" evaluation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nano-fertilizers on yield, yield components and fiber properties of egyptian cotton (gossypium barbadense l.)"
Journal of Plant Sci Crop Protection, 2018

[Ref No.: 4854]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" determination of heavy metals content and biochar toxicity in a pristine tropical agricultural soils"
Data in Brief, 2018

[Ref No.: 4855]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" fractionation of organic carbon in arial beel wetland soils of bangladesh"
American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2018

[Ref No.: 4856]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" effect of biochar amendment on soil carbon fluxes in different cultivation system"
American Journal of Climate Change, 2018

[Ref No.: 4857]

tahsina nimmi khan" internal branding & it’s significance in developing employees’ brand commitment"
University of South Asia Journal, 2018

[Ref No.: 4885]

dr. sahin akter sarker" contemporary financial services in bangladesh: case study on school banking"
The Cost and Management, 2018

[Ref No.: 381]

dr. sahin akter sarker" the impact of modern retailing on urban consumers’ buying behavior towards agro-based products in dhaka city"
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 2018

[Ref No.: 387]

shahnaz zarin haque" econometric models for forecasting remittances of bangladesh"
Business and Management Studies, 2018

[Ref No.: 3566]

dr. kamrul hasan" policies and strategies of basic bank ltd. for entrepreneurship development of smes in bangladesh: an evaluative study"
International Academic Research Journal of Economics and Finance (IARJEF), 2018

[Ref No.: 3581]

dr. sahin akter sarker, stanley sumon rodrick, and hamidul islam "the impact of modern retailing on urban consumers’ buying behavior towards agro-based products in dhaka city"
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 2018

[Ref No.: 5490]

sabrina rahman, hamidul islam, stanley sumon rodrick, and kazi nusrat "the role of media in creating social awareness about the female hygiene practices during menstruation cycle in bangladesh"
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 2018

[Ref No.: 5491]

sk. tasthekur hossain kowshik, samia shabnaz, and stanley sumon rodrick "relationship of individual factors and hrm practices on employee retention in private banking sector of bangladesh"
International Journal of Business & Management Study (IJBMS), 2018

[Ref No.: 5492]

sk. tasthekur hossain kowshik, samia shabnaz, stanley sumon rodrick, and hamidul islam "factors persuading the intention of using e-recruitment by job seekers in bangladesh"
IRED International Journal of Business & Management Study (IJBMS), 2018

[Ref No.: 5493]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" effect of biochar amendment on soil carbon fluxes in different cultivation system."
American Journal of Climate Change, 2018

[Ref No.: 5155]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" drug addiction and its consequences in context of bangladesh"
International Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2018

[Ref No.: 5156]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" fractionation of organic carbon in arial beel wetland soils of bangladesh"
American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2018

[Ref No.: 5157]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" data on heavy metals content and biochar toxicity in a pristine tropical agricultural soil"
Data in Brief, 2018

[Ref No.: 5158]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" evaluation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nano-fertilizers on yield, yield components and fiber properties of egyptian cotton (gossypium barbadense l.)."
J Plant Sci Crop Protection, 2018

[Ref No.: 5159]

barua, bikash" impact of knowledge creation on organizational performance in the service organizations of bangladesh"
The International Journal of Management, 2018

[Ref No.: 5858]

huda, k.n; shakil, r" perceptions of workers on the effectiveness of health & safety training in the rmgs of bangladesh: an evaluation subsequent to rana plaza tragedy"
North-South Business Review, 2018

Keywords: Other [Ref No.: 6202]

dr. mohammad sirajul islam "alleviation of poverty through value chain sustainability: a study on the dairy industry of bangladesh"
Journal of Academic Research publications, 2018

Keywords: Poverty [Ref No.: 6203]

sharmin sultana" economic growth of airlines industry: an overview of domestic airlines in bangladesh"
Journal of Management Research and Analysis, 2018

[Ref No.: 7247]

sharmin sultana and rehnuma sultana khan" factors determining tourism: a framework to promote tea tourism destination in chittagong"
Real Estate, Event and Tourism Management Global Journals Inc., 2018

[Ref No.: 7249]

hossain, j., jahangir, n., nur-al-ahad, md." a study on female entrepreneurs in malaysia"
https://armgpublishing.com/journals/bel/, 2018

[Ref No.: 7317]

milon, k., nur-al-ahad, md., monjurul alam, a.b.m." the deployment of next generation access network in the eu: facts and analysis of regulatory issues"
Business Ethics and Leadership (BEL), 2018

[Ref No.: 7318]

md. nur-al-ahad, md. adnan rahman, abu bakar a. hamid "nexus between directors’ remuneration and performance in malaysia: a supervised machine learning approach"
RPA Journal of International Business and Management (JIBM), 2018

[Ref No.: 7322]

m nur-al-ahad, t fujiwara "application of real options to healthcare technology startup"
33rd Annual Academic Convention, Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation Management, 2018

[Ref No.: 7320]

5. rahman, m. s., hassan, h., osman-gani, a., abdel fattah, f. a. m., & anwar, m. a" edu-tourist’s perceived service quality and perception–the mediating role of satisfaction from foreign students’ perspectives"
Tourism Review, 2017

[Ref No.: 6292]

anwar, a. m., osman-gani, a. m., fontaine, r., rahman, m. s." assessing organizational citizenship behaviour through constructing emotional intelligence"
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration,, 2017

[Ref No.: 6293]

akm kamrul haque" examining students’ behavioral intention to adopt icts at tertiary level"
Proceedings of 15thAsian Business Research Conference, 2017

[Ref No.: 5005]

s. m. ferdous azam, khondaker sazzadul karim "factors influencing customers’ satisfaction on bangladeshi telecommunication service providers"
European Journal of Management and Marketing Studies, 2017

Keywords: customers’ satisfaction, telecommunication service providers, Bangladesh [Ref No.: 3553]

ashfaque a. mohib " practice of scm performance drivers and procurement process: case study on globe pharmaceuticals limited"
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 2017

[Ref No.: 3554]

ashfaque a. mohib " logistics and supply chain: an overview of business jet aircraft manufacturing"
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 2017

[Ref No.: 3555]

tasnuva farin" a study on online banking system and protection against potential malwares"
Journal of Applied Management and Investments, 2017

[Ref No.: 3517]

nafiz ul fahad" the classical approaches to testing the unconditional capm: uk evidence"
International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2017

[Ref No.: 3465]

dr. syed mahbubur rahman" the impact of sources of energy production on globalization: evidence from panel data analysis"
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017

[Ref No.: 3499]

dr. syed mahbubur rahman" factors affecting environmental performance: evidence from banking sector in bangladesh"
International Journal of Financial Services Management, 2017

[Ref No.: 3507]

dr. rezbin nahar" identifying the factors for reducing employee turnover rate in aviation business: bangladesh context"
Australian Academy of Business and Economics Review, 2017

[Ref No.: 4875]

dr. yesmin sultana" islamic bangking in bangladesh : challenges and prospects"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2017

[Ref No.: 4884]

anisa sultana" “impact of global economic crises and macroeconomic determinants of remittances: a comparative country study of bangladesh and mexico”"
IOSR Journals, 2017

[Ref No.: 4640]

anisa sultana" comparing corporate governance compliance between islamic and conventional banks in bangladesh"
Governance and Sustainability of Global Business Economics, 2017

[Ref No.: 4641]

dr. md. khaled amin" factors affecting private universities students’ intention to shop online"
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review, 2017

[Ref No.: 4636]

anisa sultana" understanding human resource management:cases from bangladesh"
Book, 2017

[Ref No.: 4647]

dr. md. khaled amin" ’examining the formation of the purchase intention of an apartment in dhaka city: roles of crm and crc"
Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management, 2017

[Ref No.: 4632]

dr. md. khaled amin" an understanding of the behavioral intention to use mobile wallet in bangladesh: a test of technology acceptance model’"
Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka), 2017

[Ref No.: 4633]

akm kamrul haque" impact of crm, imc, and pe on purchase intentions: evidence from the real estate market of bangladesh."
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics [AJBE], 2017

[Ref No.: 4607]

akm kamrul haque" preliminary enquiry into the factors swaying consumers’ intention to purchase apartment in dhaka."
University of South Asian Journal, 2017

[Ref No.: 4611]

akm kamrul haque" examining factors affecting consumers’ intention to purchase apartment in dhaka city"
Management Teachers Consortium- Global (MTC), India, 2017

[Ref No.: 4612]

dr. nisar ahmed" factors affecting private universities students’ intention to shop online"
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review, 5(3),1, p- ISSN: 2349 – 0187., 2017

[Ref No.: 4546]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" logistics and supply chain: an overview of business jet aircraft manufacturing 8(10): 20-29."
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 2017

[Ref No.: 4482]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" practice of scm performance drivers and procurement process: case study on global pharmaceuticals limited. practice of scm performance drivers and procurement process: case study on global pharmaceuticals limited."
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 2017

[Ref No.: 4483]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" renewable energy: prospects and trends in bangladesh"
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017

[Ref No.: 4484]

dr. rumana afrin" corporate governance practices and financial crisis: literature review"
the AIUB Journal of Business & Economics (AJBE), 2017

[Ref No.: 4298]

dr. rezbin nahar" stress on phd students: a case study of malaysia"
Journal of Business Studies, 2017

[Ref No.: 4265]

dr. rezbin nahar" identifying the factors for reducing turnover rate in aviation business: bangladesh context"
Australian Academy of Business and Economic Review (AABER), 2017

[Ref No.: 4266]

asif parvez" does microcredit really bring hope to the female borrowers in bangladesh? evidence from the agribusiness program of brac"
Journal of Poverty (Routledge-Taylor & Francis Group), 2017

[Ref No.: 4276]

asif parvez" impact of fishery training programs on the household income of the rural poor women in bangladesh"
Human Resource Management Research (Scientific & Academic Publishing), 2017

[Ref No.: 4277]

dr. ramit azad" logistics and supply chain: an overview of business jet aircraft manufacturing,"
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, June 2017,, 2017

[Ref No.: 4305]

dr. md. khaled amin" applying utaut model to examine students’ behavioral intention to adopt ict at the tertiary level education in bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE),, 2017

[Ref No.: 4301]

dr. ramit azad" contribution of operations manager in a nonprofit organization in bangladesh"
Journal of Applied Management and Investment, 2017

[Ref No.: 4302]

asif parvez" the growing adoption of solar home system in rural communities: a case study on grameen shakti"
University of South Asia Journal (USAJ), 2017

[Ref No.: 4323]

asif parvez" impact of crm, imc and pe on purchase intentions: evidence from the real estate market of bangladesh"
The AIUB Journal of business and Economics (AJBE), 2017

[Ref No.: 4324]

dr. ramit azad" structural modifications of cyclotron to produce new therapeutic & diagnostic particles"
Global Science and Technology Journal (GSTJ) September 2017, 2017

[Ref No.: 4317]

dr. yesmin sultana" stock price reaction to bonus issue : evidence from bangladesh equity market"
Journal of Business Administration, 2017

[Ref No.: 4350]

dr. nisar ahmed" should bangladeshi online retailers add online bargaining option to their sites?"
International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management (IJECM),, 2017

[Ref No.: 4377]

dr. nisar ahmed" investigating fisher effect in bangladesh and its elements in the dhaka stock exchange’"
European Journal of Business and Management, 2017

[Ref No.: 4364]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" renewable energy: prospects and trends in bangladesh"
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017

[Ref No.: 4390]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" tax compliance in bangladesh – a structural equation modelling approach"
American Journal of Trade and Policy, 2017

[Ref No.: 3927]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" governance, corporate reputation and intellectual capital disclosure"
Journal of Accounting, Finance and Economics, 2017

[Ref No.: 3928]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" revenue mobilization through tax: a comparative study of bangladesh and pakistan"
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2017

[Ref No.: 3929]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" competition dynamics of sme plastics industries in bangladesh using triple triangle framework model: an assessment"
International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM), 2017

[Ref No.: 3923]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" impact of intellectual capital on profitability – conventional versus islamic banks"
Journal of Accounting, Finance And Auditing Studies, 2017

[Ref No.: 3925]

tahsina nimmi khan" the growing adoption of solar home system in rural communities: a case study on grameen shakti"
University of South Asia Journal, 2017

[Ref No.: 3793]

tahsina nimmi khan" implications of solar home system adoption in rural households"
AIUB Journal for Business & Economics, 2017

[Ref No.: 3794]

tahsina nimmi khan" factors affecting the attitude towards online shopping: an empirical study on urban youth in bangladesh"
Australian Academy of Business and Economics Review, 2017

[Ref No.: 3795]

tahsina nimmi khan" prospect of sustainable rural development through solar electrification in bangladesh"
Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2017

[Ref No.: 3796]

tahsina nimmi khan" microfinance interventions in renewable energy: enhancing the living standard of rural households"
International Journal of Business and Management Study, 2017

[Ref No.: 3797]

tahsina nimmi khan" the influence of employment on the socio-economic empowerment of urban women in bangladesh"
IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 2017

[Ref No.: 3798]

tahsina nimmi khan" attitude towards online shopping among urban bangladeshi youth: factor analysis of the influencing parameters"
IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 2017

[Ref No.: 3800]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" the use of digital marketing tactics in bangladesh market and its’ promotional effectiveness to the young customers of dhaka city."
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2017

[Ref No.: 3812]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" opportunism and its impact on trust: an empirical examination in the textile industry of bangladesh"
Management Development, 2017

[Ref No.: 3813]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" ranking of service mix elements and relationship between service mix and customer satisfaction: case on modern multiplexes in dhaka city"
Management Development, 2017

[Ref No.: 3814]

niaz mohammad" impact of intellectual capital on profitability-conventional versus islamic banks"
Journal Of Accounting, Finance And Auditing Studies,, 2017

[Ref No.: 3841]

niaz mohammad" tax compliance in bangladesh: a structural equation modeling approach"
American Journal of Trade & Policy,, 2017

[Ref No.: 3842]

niaz mohammad" sustainability of banking sectors in bangladesh: a study based on emerging role of corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and intellectual capital disclosure"
Accounting and Finance Research,, 2017

[Ref No.: 3844]

niaz mohammad" governance, corporate reputation and intellectual capital disclosure"
Journal of Accounting, Finance and Economics (JAFE), 2017

[Ref No.: 3847]

reajmin sultana" application of environmental accounting reporting practices and problems regarding the presentation of it in bangladesh (a case study on fossil-fuel sector)"
European Scientific Journal, 2017

[Ref No.: 3623]

nazia farhana "factors affecting the attitude toward online shopping: an empirical study on urban youth in bangladesh"
Australian Academy of Business and Economics Review (AABER), 2017

[Ref No.: 3710]

nazia farhana "attitude towards online shopping among urban bangladeshi youth: factor analysis of the influencing parameters"
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 2017

[Ref No.: 3711]

shabnaz samia and kowshik, sk. tasthekur hossain "organizational factors affecting employees retention: a study on private commercial banks of bangladesh"
International Journal of Business and Management Study, 2017

[Ref No.: 3958]

shabnaz samia, khan tahsina, shajahan bohi "the influence of employment on the socio-economic empowerment of urban women in bangladesh"
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 2017

Keywords: Empowerment [Ref No.: 3959]

md. joynal abedin" sustainability of banking sectors in bangladesh: a study based on emerging role of corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and intellectual capital disclosure"
Accounting and Finance Research, 2017

[Ref No.: 4045]

abdul kader nazmul" link between performance management and reward system- a study on brac"
International Journal of Management and Technology, 2017

[Ref No.: 4098]

bohi shajahan" the influence of employment on the socio-economic empowerment of urban women in bangladesh"
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 2017

[Ref No.: 4189]

sadia rahman" a case study of determining socioeconomic factors associated with body mass index and diabetes of the adult people"
Aiub Journal of Science & Engineering(AJSE), 2017

[Ref No.: 4216]

dr. tamanna islam" contribution of operations manager in a nonprofit organization in bangladesh."
Journal of Applied Management and Investments, 2017

[Ref No.: 4258]

dr. tamanna islam" spatial distribution of air dose rate in grazing grassland."
Journal of Data Science, 2016

[Ref No.: 4257]

hafsa maryam" “understanding and measuring economic empowerment of sutrapur slum women in dhaka, bangladesh”"
International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 2016

[Ref No.: 4249]

hafsa maryam" “corporate merger of the telecom sector: perspective from a developing country”"
International Journal of Business & Management Toronto, 2016

[Ref No.: 4250]

sadia rahman" factors responsible for diabetes among urban and rural people of bangladesh: a factor analysis approach”."
Global Journal of Quantitative Science, 2016

[Ref No.: 4214]

dr. sahin akter sarker" ethical consumerism as a prerequisite to the development of eco-tourism: evaluating consumption pattern of the bangladeshi traveler"
The Cost and Management, 2016

[Ref No.: 4204]

abdul kader nazmul" glass ceiling factors, job satisfaction and job switching decisions of female employees in private sector enterprises of bangladesh"
The Business Review, 2016

[Ref No.: 4096]

safique ahmed faruque; mossa. anisa khatun; md. saidur rahman" modeling direct marketing campaing on social network"
International Journal of Business Information Systems, 2016

Keywords: Social Computing [Ref No.: 3992]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea" “supporting employability with iqa at the american international university ─ bangladesh” http://www.iiep.unesco.org/en/policy-forum-quality-and-employability-higher-education-3592"
AIUB Case study is included as Policy Brief’s case study;, 2016

[Ref No.: 3723]

jubayer suhan" e-branding in banking industry: necessity and its current scenario in bangladesh"
UITS Journal, 2016

[Ref No.: 3713]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea" “exploring employees’ perceptions regarding drug testing in pre & post selection process in telecom industry of bangladesh” http://www.ajbssit.net.au/index.php/ajbssit/article/view/24"
Astralasian Journal of Business, Social Science and Information Technology (AJBSSIT, 2016

[Ref No.: 3715]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea" “awareness of emotional intelligence (ei) on job performance – empirical study on grameen phone, bangladesh” http://acrd.net.au/"
Australian Journal of Business, Social Science, Information and technology (AJBSSIT), 2016

[Ref No.: 3716]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea" “understanding and measuring economic empowerment of sutrapur slum women in dhaka, bangladesh” http://www.eajournals.org/journals/international-journal-sociology-anthropology-research-ijsar/"
International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology., 2016

[Ref No.: 3717]

dr. shibli ahmed khan" sharing personal experiences in esl/efl classroom: a pedagogical strategy for learning with humor"
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Development Studies, 2016

[Ref No.: 3594]

reajmin sultana" hidden costs of control: consequences of over application of rigid control"
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2016

[Ref No.: 3622]

niaz mohammad" “social impact and sustainability of corporate social responsibility in the banking sectors: bangladesh perspective”"
Asian Business Review,, 2016

[Ref No.: 3840]

dr. nisar ahmed" covered arbitrage opportunities - a filipino perspective"
Journal of Accounting, Finance and Economics, 2016

[Ref No.: 4372]

dr. rumana afrin" structure and current practices of supply chain in bangladesh rmg sector: a study on narayanganj bscic"
the AIUB Journal of Business & Economics (AJBE), 2016

[Ref No.: 4303]

dr. rezbin nahar" factors influencing operations management practices for islamic banks in bangladesh"
Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance, 2016

[Ref No.: 4267]

dr. ramit azad" assessment of proton therapy and new proposed plasma therapy on the view of bragg effect"
World Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2016

[Ref No.: 4291]

dr. ramit azad" automation in search of optimal plan resolution of logistics tasks with georeferenced."
Journal of Modern Science and Technology (ISSN: 2201-6686 ), 2016

[Ref No.: 4287]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" physico-chemical properties and nutrient content of some slow pyrolysis biochars produced from different feedstocks. 29(2): 111-122."
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research, 2016

[Ref No.: 4485]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" effects of brick making operations on phosphorus and sulphur in agro-ecological zones of bangladesh. bangladesh journal of scientific research 29(2): 123-131."
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research, 2016

[Ref No.: 4486]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" characteristics of municipal leachate and its impact of surrounding agricultural land"
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research, 2016

[Ref No.: 4488]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" understanding and measuring economic empowerment of sutrapur slum women in dhaka, bangladesh"
International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 2016

[Ref No.: 4489]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" status of heavy metals in water and sediments of canals and rivers around the dhaka city of bangladesh and their subsequent transfer to crops"
Adv Plants Agric Res, 2016

[Ref No.: 4491]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" fractionation of fe and mn in a catena of madhupur soil of bangladesh"
. Research Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 2016

[Ref No.: 4567]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" challenges and strategies to improve potato competitiveness along with potato value chain in bangladesh. the aiub journal of business and economics 13(1): 117-140."
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2016

[Ref No.: 4568]

shama islam" higher education sustainability initiatives [hesi]: a case study on the american international university – bangladesh [aiub] & the local perspective"
The AIUB Journal of Business & Economics, 2016

[Ref No.: 4542]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" removal of ammonia-n pollution from surface water by sustainable environmental techniques."
Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2016

[Ref No.: 4493]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" the double-edged blade of consumerism & the impossible trinity – bangladesh"
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 2016

[Ref No.: 4577]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" assessment of macro and micro nutrients around brick kilns agricultural environment"
Information Processing in Agriculture, 2016

[Ref No.: 4578]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" accumulation of zn, cu, fe, mn and pb due to brick manufacturing in agricultural soils and plants"
Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences, 2016

[Ref No.: 4580]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" distribution of zn fractions in relation to properties of some soils of bangladesh."
Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences, 2016

[Ref No.: 4582]

dr. md. khaled amin" factors affecting private university students’ intention to adopt e- learning system in bangladesh (pls-sem approach)"
Daffodil International University Journal of Business and Economics, 2016

[Ref No.: 4635]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" nitrogen economy of agri-environmental systems in bangladesh"
Published by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2016

[Ref No.: 4859]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea" challenges of linguistic transition at tertiary level-a case of a private university in bd” by humaira nazneen and farheen hassan http://ijee.org/"
International Journal of English and Education (IJEE). ISSN 2278-4012, 2016

[Ref No.: 3233]

dr. syed mahbubur rahman" from strategy to execution: the case of local climate fund in bangladesh"
International Journal of Environmental Policy and Decision Making, 2016

[Ref No.: 3500]

md. mehzabul hoque nahid" analysis of search engine optimization algorithm"
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE), 2016

[Ref No.: 3493]

tahsin wara khondker" legal environment, firm level corporate governance – case of bangladesh"
Social Scientific Journal of Humanities – Malaysia, 2016

[Ref No.: 3487]

tanjila tabassum" the impact of socio-economic and demographic factors on under-five child mortality in bangladesh"
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), 2016

[Ref No.: 3455]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" key drivers for the development and maintenance of business-to-business (b2b) relationship: a review of literature"
Khulna University Studies, 2016

[Ref No.: 3515]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" an analysis on starbucks’ international business entry strategies in china."
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2016

[Ref No.: 3516]

dr. syed mahbubur rahman" the size of national delegation and the need for attendance regulation at climate conferences"
Ökologisches Wirtschaften (Ecological Economics), 2016

[Ref No.: 3504]

dr. syed mahbubur rahman" perception of local experts about accessibility to international climate funds: case of bangladesh"
Journal of Developing Areas, 2016

[Ref No.: 3505]

dr. syed mahbubur rahman" intended nationally determined contributions from the middle east and north africa"
Geography, Environment, Sustainability, 2016

[Ref No.: 3506]

dr. kamrul hasan" impact of asset liability portfolio on bank’s profitability and net worth."
The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, Vol.27 (2012), 2016

[Ref No.: 3582]

dr. kamrul hasan" programs and performance of basic bank ltd. for entrepreneurship development in smes-an evaluative study"
European Journal of Business and Management, Vol.8, No.17, IISTE, USA, 2016, 2016

[Ref No.: 3583]

khondoker ziaur rahman" accounting information system as a strategic decision making tool in banking sector: evidence from bangladesh"
Asian Business Review, 2016

[Ref No.: 3333]

afdalin bin haque" striving for work-life balance at entry level jobs: challenges to develop professionalism in bangladesh"
Asian Business Review, 2016

[Ref No.: 3378]

kazi rashedul hasan" development of a credit scoring model for retail loan granting financial institutions from frontier markets"
International Journal of Business and Economics Research, 2016

[Ref No.: 3411]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" relationship between opportunism and trust: an empirical study in the automobile sector of india"
Asian Journal of Management(AJM), 2016

[Ref No.: 3422]

dr. nisar ahmed" islamic financing scheme:basis for the development of a modified microfinance model"
EPRA Internattional Journal of Socio-Economic and Environmental Outlook, 2016

[Ref No.: 3426]

dr. nisar ahmed" the double edged blade of consumerism & the impossible trinity-bangladesh"
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 2016

[Ref No.: 3427]

dr. mohammad ali "the strategy of starbucks and its effectiveness on its operations in china: a swot analysis"
Asian Journal of Business and Management, 2016

[Ref No.: 5325]

dr. mohammad ali "small data and big data: combination make better decision"
International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce, 2016

[Ref No.: 5326]

barua, bikash and quamruzzaman, mohammad" barriers of knowledge management implementation in the organizations of bangladesh"
Journal of SUB, 2016

[Ref No.: 5859]

reza, mirza monwar and barua, bikash" impact of service quality on customer satisfaction of the superstores in bangladesh"
BUP Journal, 2016

[Ref No.: 5860]

dr. mohammad sirajul islam" professed impact of climate change on smallholders dairy production in southeastern region in bangladesh"
Journal of Business Studies (University of Dhaka), 2016

Keywords: Climate change and Society [Ref No.: 6204]

dr. md. sazzadur rahman khan" impact of micro finance activities on the economic development of bangladesh."
International Journal of Finance and Banking Research, 2016

[Ref No.: 6882]

khan, md. sazzadur rahman ali, ashraf" present scenario of green banking practices followed by private commercial banks in bangladesh: a descriptive analysis."
The Millennium University Journal., 2016

[Ref No.: 6885]

rahman, m. s., osman-gani, a. m., hasliza, h., anwar, a. m., and fattah, f.," consumption values, destination cues and nostalgia on the attitude in selection of destination for education tourism: the mediating role of destination image"
International Journal of Tourism Cities, 2016

[Ref No.: 6294]

sharmin sultana" economic contribution of tourism industry in bangladesh"
Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Sports;, 2016

[Ref No.: 7246]

anwar, a. m. and osman-gani, a. m." the effects of spiritual intelligence and its dimensions on organizational citizenship behaviour"
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2015

[Ref No.: 6295]

abdullah, m. a., kedah, z. and anwar, a." effects of islamic entrepreneurship mind programming on entrepreneurial performance through entrepreneurial motivation,"
International Journal of Business and Globalization, 2015

[Ref No.: 6296]

dr. nisar ahmed" the economic institutions of corporate governance: a comparative study between bank-based and market-based systems."
World Journal of Social Sciences, 2015

[Ref No.: 3425]

kazi rashedul hasan" hedging foreign exchange risk exposure by importer companies"
International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences, 2015

[Ref No.: 3410]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea" comparison between the hr practices of local and foreign banks in bangladesh www.serialspublications.com"
International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research (IJABER) ISSN :0972-7302, 2015

[Ref No.: 3251]

md. mehzabul hoque nahid" design of an enterprise network infrastructure of a city"
International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer And Communication Engineering (IJARCCE), 2015

[Ref No.: 3257]

dr. tamanna islam" analysis of spatial heterogeneity using power law"
Journal of Environmental Statistics, 2015

[Ref No.: 3260]

dr. tamanna islam" factors affecting customer satisfaction in 3g service"
American Scientific Research Journal For Engineering, Technology and Science, 2015

[Ref No.: 3261]

sadia rahman" factors affecting customer satisfaction in 3g service"
American Scientific Research Journal For Engineering,Technology and Science, 2015

[Ref No.: 3262]

rashedul hasan" antecedents of earnings managements among islamic banks: evidence from bangladesh"
ERPA International Journal of Economics and Business Review, 2015

[Ref No.: 3272]

tahsina nimmi khan" the impact of microcredit on household expenditure patterns of rural women borrowers: a comparative study on government organization and nongovernment organization of bangladesh"
International Journal of Social Science and Human Behavior Study, 2015

[Ref No.: 3494]

tamanna nazneen rahman" new product development and brand awareness: the brand strategy taken by this specific brands"
New Irish Whiskey Distilleries emerging in Ireland, 2015

[Ref No.: 3484]

tamanna nazneen rahman" portfolio on competency building"
PODS,NGM, DCU Business School, 2015

[Ref No.: 3485]

dr. syed mahbubur rahman" climate finance towards vulnerable countries: evidence from the global environment facility (gef)"
International Journal of Green Economics, 2015

[Ref No.: 3503]

dr. anisur rahman faroque" strategic orientations and international opportunity recognition and development in emerging country born globals: the moderating role of environmental dynamism"
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2015

[Ref No.: 3009]

dr. anisur rahman faroque" export marketing assistance and born global performance: does export commitment matter?"
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2015

[Ref No.: 3007]

shabnaz samia, shajahan bohi , khan tahsina "analyzing the attitude of rural women borrowers on the micro credit interventions: a comparative study on government and non-government organization"
AIMS International Journal of Management, 2015

Keywords: Empowerment,Micro Credit Formal and Informal Finance [Ref No.: 3060]

dr. md. salah uddin rajib" a study on the critical factors of human error in civil aviation: an early warning management perspective in bangladesh"
Management Science Letters, 2015

[Ref No.: 3061]

faieza chowdhury" governance structure and the performance of traditional and diversified banks during the financial crisis 2007/2008"
Banking and Finance Review (BFR), 2015

[Ref No.: 3090]

mohammad mostofa jaman" the impact of workplace bullying on work performance- a study on travel agencies in dhaka, bangladesh"
International Journal of Human Resources and Social sciences, 2015

[Ref No.: 3092]

mohammad mostofa jaman" e-tourism services and web technologies: present issues and future trends"
International Research Journal of Management & Commerce, 2015

[Ref No.: 3093]

mohammad mostofa jaman" user generated content (ugc): significance of online blogs for tourists and tourism organizations"
Ge-International Journal of Management Research, 2015

[Ref No.: 3094]

shamma lubaba purnata" n/a"
n/a, 2015

[Ref No.: 3177]

md. saddam khan" enhancing the quality of e-learning through mobile technology: a socio-cultural and innovation viewpoint towards quality e-learning applications"
http://ijeter.everscience.org, 2015

[Ref No.: 3231]

mohammad rashedul hoque, gara villalba méndez, xavier gabarrell durany and cristina sendra sala "exergy analysis of construction material manufacturing processes and assessment of their improvement potentials."
International Journal of Exergy, 2015

Keywords: Materials and Processing,Natural Sciences [Ref No.: 3209]

md. mohiuddin" flexible cellulose acetate/graphene blueprints for vibrotactile actuator"
RSC Advances, 2015

[Ref No.: 3162]

md. mohiuddin" transparent and flexible haptic actuator based on cellulose acetate stacked membranes"
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2015

[Ref No.: 3163]

md. mohiuddin" fabrication and finite element analysis of vibrating parallel film actuator made with cellulose acetate for potential haptic application"
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: JMES, 2015

[Ref No.: 3164]

mehzabul hoque nahid "innovative concepts of fuzzy logic which improve the human and organizational capabilities"
American Journal of Engineering Research, 2015

Keywords: Fuzzy Logic [Ref No.: 3183]

mehzabul hoque nahid "simulation & setup of smart wireless wi-fi router"
International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer And Communication Engineering (IJARCCE), 2015

Keywords: Cyber-physical System Platforms for Smart Environments [Ref No.: 3184]

md. mehzabul hoque nahid" architecture design & network application of cloud computing"
American Journal of Engineering Research, ISSN-2320-0847 (online), 2015

[Ref No.: 3185]

md. mehzabul hoque nahid" institutional and specialized distance learning program accreditation"
American Journal of Engineering Research, 2015

[Ref No.: 3186]

md. mehzabul hoque nahid" network virtualization & modeling of vpn security"
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE), 2015

[Ref No.: 3187]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" retail mix, service quality and customer satisfaction: an empirical study in the food retail chain sub-sector of dhaka city"
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Humanities), 2015

[Ref No.: 3172]

tahsina nimmi khan" analyzing the attitude of rural women borrowers on the micro credit interventions: a comparative study on government and non-government organization"
AIMS International Journal of Management, 2015

[Ref No.: 541]

dr. rezwanul alam" (accepted for publication) effectiveness of facebook towards online brand awareness: a study on malaysian facebook users perspective"
IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 2015

[Ref No.: 2890]

dr. rezwanul alam" (accepted for publication) study on customer perception towards online-ticketing in malaysia"

[Ref No.: 2891]

dr. md. tamzidul islam" an empirical study on consumer perceived value of shampoo consumption in bangladesh"
International Journal of Management Research, 2015

[Ref No.: 4805]

dr. md. taslim uddin" financial reforms in the banking sector of bangladesh-an evaluative study"
Journal of Poverty, Investment and Development, 2015

[Ref No.: 4840]

dr. md. taslim uddin" the assessment of financial performance of steel industry- a case study on bangladesh steel and re-rolling mills (bsrm) limited"
International Academic Research Journal of Business and Management, 2015

[Ref No.: 4841]

md. sarwar hossain" human resource management practices in private sector service organizations: a case study of idlc bangladesh ltd"
Independent Business Review,Journal of Independent University, Bangladesh,, 2015

[Ref No.: 4849]

tamanna nazneen rahman" new product development and product positioning (an effective brand positioning strategy)"
DCU Journals Omics www.dcu.ie/research, 2015

[Ref No.: 4862]

dr. mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar" the village courts in bangladesh: review and analysis http://societyandchange.com/home/archivecontent/85"
Society and Change, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2015

[Ref No.: 4774]

anisa sultana" an analysis of the importance of validity and reliability as measurement standards of selection processes"
AJBE Journal, 2015

[Ref No.: 4639]

neaz ahmed" customers' perception of ethical issues in corporate governance of islamic banks in bangladesh"
13th South Asian Management Forum 2015, Colombo, 2015

[Ref No.: 4620]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" speciation of native cu in some soils of bangladesh"
Bangladesh Journal of Soil Science, 2015

[Ref No.: 4583]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" nutrient uptake by plants from different land types of madhupur soils"
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research, 2015

[Ref No.: 4584]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" lead and cadmium accumulation in nearby brick kiln agri-environmental ecosystems"
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research, 2015

[Ref No.: 4586]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" natural light-harvesting sensitizers for dye sensitized solar cel"
Energy & Environmental Engineering, 2015

[Ref No.: 4587]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" soil carbon stock measurements and distribution over canada’s north"
Research Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Management, 2015

[Ref No.: 4588]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" bulk density of mineral and organic soils in the canada’s arctic and sub-arctic"
Information Processing in Agriculture, 2015

[Ref No.: 4589]

dr. mohammed kamrul hasan" noted"
noted, 2015

[Ref No.: 4729]

dr. rumana afrin" role of human resource management in corporate governance: a critical literature review"
the AIUB Journal of Business & Economics (AJBE), 2015

[Ref No.: 4307]

asif parvez" does training really matter to the rural poor borrowers in bangladesh? a case study on brac"
Journal of International Development (John Wiley & Sons Ltd), 2015

[Ref No.: 4326]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" bulk density of mineral and organic soils in the canada’s arctic and sub-arctic"
Information Processing in Agriculture, 2015

[Ref No.: 4393]

niaz mohammad" credit risk grading model and loan performance of commercial banks in bangladesh"
European Journal of Business and Management,, 2015

[Ref No.: 3839]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea" “exploring the pathways of economic empowerment of the slum women in sutrapur” http://www.eajournals.org/journals/international-journal-sociology-anthropology-research-ijsar/"
'Pakistan Business Review', 2015

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jubayer suhan" acceptance of online shopping in bangladesh: consumer's perspective"
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 2015

[Ref No.: 3712]

rezwan farah, shabnaz samia, shajahan bohi "analyzing the attitude of customers towards islamic banking and conventional banking in bangladesh"
IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF), 2015

[Ref No.: 3956]

shajahan, bohi and shabnaz, samia and khan, tahsina "the impact of micro credit on household expenditure patterns of rural women borrowers: a comparative study on government organization and non-government organization of bangladesh"
International Journal of Social Science & Human Behavior Study– IJSSHBS, 2015

Keywords: Micro Credit Formal and Informal Finance [Ref No.: 3957]

md. joynal abedin" sound corporate governance and its benefits in financial institutions: does it really matter for organizational development"
International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences, 2015

[Ref No.: 4044]

bohi shajahan" analyzing the attitude of rural women borrowers on the micro credit interventions: a comparative study on government and non-government organization"
AIMS International Journal of Management (AIJM), 2015

[Ref No.: 4186]

bohi shajahan" analyzing the attitude of customers towards islamic banking and conventional banking in bangladesh"
IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF), 2015

[Ref No.: 4187]

bohi shajahan" the impact of microcredit on household expenditure patterns of rural women borrowers: a comparative study on government organization and nongovernment organization of bangladesh"
International Journal of Social Science & Human Behavior Study– IJSSHBS, 2015

[Ref No.: 4188]

nazmun nahar" factors affecting customer satisfaction in 3g service"
American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, 2015

[Ref No.: 4261]

hafsa maryam" “an analysis of the perception of the components of work environment: a study between state owned and private banks of bangladesh”"
Journal of Applied Management and Investments, 2014

[Ref No.: 4251]

sadia rahman" “adopting green: from the perspective of private commercial banks in bangladesh”"
Annual Shanghai Business, Economics and Finance Conference, 2014

[Ref No.: 4217]

mossa. anisa khatun" a graph algorithmic framework for manufacturing layout design"
Journal of Marketing and Operations Management Research, 2014

Keywords: Blockchain [Ref No.: 3988]

khorshed ahmed talukdar" impact of implementing tqm in rmg manufacturing units in bangladesh"
AJBE, 2014

[Ref No.: 3759]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" uncertainty assessment of a polygon database of soil organic carbon for greenhouse gas reporting in canada’s arctic and sub-arctic"
Information Processing in Agriculture, 2014

[Ref No.: 4394]

dr. rezbin nahar" measurement of relative significance of attitude of occupational fulfillment factors and satisfaction differences between private and public hospital nurses in bangladesh"
The International Journal of Business & Management (IJBM), 2014

[Ref No.: 4268]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" impact of implementing tqm in rmg manufacturing units in bangladesh"
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2014

[Ref No.: 4591]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" labor unrest in ashulia industrial hub"
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2014

[Ref No.: 4592]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" consumers’ awareness of chemically treated fruits: a study on consumers of dhaka city"
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economic, 2014

[Ref No.: 4593]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" uncertainty assessment of a polygon database of soil organic carbon for greenhouse gas reporting in canada’s arctic and sub-arctic"
Information Processing in Agriculture, 2014

[Ref No.: 4594]

dr. md. khaled amin" expanding apparel and textile market through effective marketing strategies: a case study of bangladesh"
nternational Journal of Business & Management (Toronto), 2014

[Ref No.: 4637]

dr. rafiuddin ahmed" the magnificence of corporate brand personality traits for the success of business: a study on square pharmaceuticals limited."
Bangladesh Journal of MIS, University of Dhaka, 2014

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dr. rafiuddin ahmed" emergence of quick service restaurants and its impacts on city dwellers in dhaka: an empirical study"
Bangladesh Journal of MIS, University of Dhaka, 2014

[Ref No.: 4650]

dr. mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar" micro-credit in bangladesh: situational and impact analysis (printed edition only) http://cibmrd.edu.in/cms/journals-about.html"
Udyukta - International Journal of Management and Economics, Nagpur, India, 2014

[Ref No.: 4786]

moinuddin ahmed" impact of legal insider purchase of shares on the stock price: empirical evidence from dse."
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2014

[Ref No.: 4877]

dr. md. taslim uddin" a study on sme financing in bangladesh"
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 2014

[Ref No.: 4842]

dr. md. taslim uddin" productivity and profitability analysis of eastern refinery limited (erl) - an evaluative study"
European Journal of Business and Management, 2014

[Ref No.: 4843]

tamanna nazneen rahman" self driven cars ( a product attribution)"
DCU Journals Omics www.dcu.ie/research, 2014

[Ref No.: 4861]

md. sarwar hossain" who trips agreement: options for bangladesh’s pharmaceutical industry"
INTELLECT, The Intellectual Property Magazine, 2014

[Ref No.: 4847]

dr. rezwanul alam" purchasing behavior for pirated products - a structural equation modeling approach on bangladeshi consumers"
International Journal of Business and Management, 2014

[Ref No.: 2892]

dr. rezwanul alam" predicting just in time inventory using google insight web services"
UKM Journal of E-Commerce, 2014

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dr. rezwanul alam" social networking buzz influence on up selling – a case of lazada.com in malaysia"
Asian Journal of Creative Marketing, 2014

[Ref No.: 2894]

nafeesa tabassum" foreign direct investment and economic growth: evidence from bangladesh"
International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2014

[Ref No.: 2828]

nafeesa tabassum" the long reign of the united states is over; the 21st century belongs to china"
International Institute for Science, Technology and Education, 2014

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nafeesa tabassum" in the light of epistemological debates about knowledge, is ‘evidence-based’ policy making (in the britain) anything more than political rhetoric?"
International Institute for Science, Technology and Education, 2014

[Ref No.: 2830]

tahsin wara khondker" predicting just in time inventory using google insight web services"
UKM Journal of E-Commerce, 2014

[Ref No.: 2764]

akm kamrul haque" ship recycling and its environmental impact: a brief overview of bangladesh."
IOSR Journal of Business and Management., 2014

[Ref No.: 634]

adnan hossain" expanding apparel and textile market through effective marketing strategies: a case study of bangladesh"
International Journal of Business & Management, 2014

[Ref No.: 641]

ashfaque a. mohib " impact of implementing tqm in rmg manufacturing units in bangladesh"
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2014

[Ref No.: 671]

dr. md. salah uddin rajib" do dynamic properties of stock return vary under hostile environment? a study during and after the ethnic conflict in sri lanka"
Ruhana Journal of Management and Finance, 2014

[Ref No.: 2745]

dr. ramit azad" some features of implementation surface scanning of physical objects"
International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering, 2014

[Ref No.: 549]

nazia farhana" exploring the advantages and disadvantages of qualitative data collection methods"
International Journal Research Publications, Singapore, 2014

[Ref No.: 535]

hafsa maryam" an analysis of the perception of the components of work environment: a study between state owned and private banks of bangladesh"
Journal of Applied Management and Investments, 2014

[Ref No.: 559]

sultanul nahian hasnat" establishing a forecasting model for high speed diesel for bangladesh: a case study on meghna petroleum limited."
World Review of Business Research, 2014

[Ref No.: 473]

humaira naznin" labour scarcity in the uk and the hrm way to combat"
Journal of Applied Management and Investments, 2014

[Ref No.: 388]

redwan salam" tourism & socio-economic development: focus on bangladesh, a destination country"
International Journal of Business & Management (Toronto), 2014

[Ref No.: 382]

redwan salam" role transition and consumer’s perception of brands: an emperical study of graduating students"
International Journal of Business & Management (Toronto), 2014

[Ref No.: 383]

redwan salam" "100% online" vs "traditional university" learning of accounting subjects"
Research Journal of Social Science & Management, 2014

[Ref No.: 384]

dr. mohammad zakaria masud" an assessment of individual income tax structure: bangladesh panorama"
The Cost and Management, 2014

[Ref No.: 195]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" an assessment of individual income tax structure: bangladesh panorama"
The Cost & Management, 2014

[Ref No.: 99]

niaz mohammad" "100% online" vs "traditional university" learning of accounting subjects."
Research Journal of Social Science and Management, 2014

[Ref No.: 43]

niaz mohammad" developing 3rs strategy for waste management in the urban areas of bangladesh"
IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology, 2014

[Ref No.: 44]

md. mohiuddin" inkjet printing of customized silver ink for cellulose electro active paper"
Journal of Korean Society of Precision Engineering, 2014

[Ref No.: 3166]

dr. ramit azad" plasma therapy: a new era of therapeutic techniques"
Bangladesh Journal of Physics, (Bangladesh Physical Society), 2014

[Ref No.: 2974]

dr. shibli ahmed khan" non-verbal communication: an effective teaching tool in english language classroom in bangldesh"
Presidency University Journal, 2014

[Ref No.: 2920]

asif parvez" a descriptive analysis of assessing customer satisfaction:the servqual method approach"
International Journal of Business and Management Study – IJBMS, 2014

[Ref No.: 2942]

adnan hossain" the functioning of local leadership in the financial development of upazila parishad: a case study on sylhet sadar upazila"
Business Review- Bangladesh, 2014

[Ref No.: 2925]

asif parvez" the role of training in reducing poverty: a case study on the agricultural workers in bangladesh"
International Journal of Training and Development-Copyright 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2014

[Ref No.: 2926]

dr. syed mahbubur rahman" climate finance in the greater mekong sub region (gms)"
Development in Practice, 2014

[Ref No.: 3501]

dr. syed mahbubur rahman" financing small and medium-sized enterprises (smes) in the context of climate change: review of global practices and lessons for oman"
Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 2014

[Ref No.: 3502]

nafiz ul fahad" an econometric analysis on financial performance of commercial banks in bangladesh: a comparative study"
Journal of Business Studies, 2014

[Ref No.: 3464]

dr. kamrul hasan" green banking practices of commercial banks in bangladesh"
The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, 2014

[Ref No.: 3584]

dr. kamrul hasan" productivity and profitability analysis of eastern refinery limited (erl): an evaluative study"
European Journal of Business and Management, IISTE, USA, 2014, 2014

[Ref No.: 3585]

dr. kamrul hasan" performance evaluation of commercial banks through growth, productivity and profitability- a case study on private commercial banks in bangladesh"
The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, 2014

[Ref No.: 3586]

dr. kamrul hasan" credit risk management by public and private banks: a comparative study on selected banks in bangladesh."
The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, 2014

[Ref No.: 3587]

rashedul hasan" tax compliance behavior among prospective tax payers in bangladesh"
Research Journal of Economics and Business Studies, 2014

[Ref No.: 3270]

rashedul hasan" the tendency toward tax evasion in bangladesh"
World Journal of Social Sciences, 2014

[Ref No.: 3271]

ashfaque a. mohib " a case study approach for developing supply chain management models"
International Journal of Business and Economics Research, 2014

[Ref No.: 3404]

mahmud h. zaman, stanley sumon rodrick, sabrina zaman, and m.f. hossain "consumers’ awareness of chemically treated fruits: a study on the consumers of dhaka city"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2014

[Ref No.: 5489]

md mehedi hasan emon, farheen hassan "the role of education in promoting sustainable behavior in bangladesh: an exploratory study"
. Education, Sustainability & Society (ESS), 2013

[Ref No.: 6914]

mr islam, msr khan, ka siddiqua" present scenario and stratagem to smes development in bangladesh. (jujbs)."
Jagannath University Journal of Business Studies, 2013

[Ref No.: 6886]

shahin akther "role of brands on consumer’s buying behavior in bangladesh: a study on fashion cloth."
European Journal of Business and Management, 2013

[Ref No.: 6205]

professor belayet hossain "determinants of customer satisfaction on service quality of railway platforms in bangladesh: a study on chittagong and dhaka railway platforms."
Journal of Business Studies (University of Dhaka), 2013

[Ref No.: 6206]

dr. syed mahbubur rahman" solar home system (shs) in rural bangladesh: ornamentation or fact of development?"
Energy Policy, 2013

[Ref No.: 3429]

rashedul hasan" influential factors in selecting an overseas university for bangladeshi undergraduate students"
IOSR Journal in Business and Management, 2013

[Ref No.: 3269]

dr. kamrul hasan" operational performance of meghna petroleum limited (mpl) – a case study"
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol.4, No.15, IISTE, USA, 2013

[Ref No.: 3588]

dr. kamrul hasan" evaluation of management of agricultural credit-a case study on bangladesh krishi bank"
Journal of Education and Practice, 2013

[Ref No.: 3589]

mohamed sulaiman, khondaker sazzadul karim and suhaimi bin mhd sarif "inputting ethical decision making framework from a commentary of soorah al –hujuraat"
Journal of Academic Research on Management Accounting and Finance (JARMAF), 2013

Keywords: Ethics, soorah al-Hujuraat, decision making, Al Quran, Muslim, organization [Ref No.: 3458]

tamanna nazneen rahman" mature people returning to educations and the barriers faced by them."
Dissertation, 2013

[Ref No.: 3483]

md. golam mostofa" corporate governance in japan: persistence and change"
Bangladesh Research Publications Journal, 2013

[Ref No.: 2922]

md. golam mostofa" corporate governance in japan: persistence and change"
Bangladesh Research Publications Journal, 2013

[Ref No.: 2923]

anisa sultana" why your staff development strategy is not working?"
The AIUB Faculty Journal, 2013

[Ref No.: 3149]

dr. mohammad zakaria masud" convergence and divergence of human resource management practices"
The Cost and Management, 2013

[Ref No.: 211]

shahnaz zarin haque" promoting the usage of organic produce through decentralization"
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 2013

[Ref No.: 214]

tahsina nimmi khan" stp strategy for new product launch-a work in progress"
International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 2013

[Ref No.: 276]

humaira naznin" correlation between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership behaviour"
IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 2013

[Ref No.: 389]

mossa. anisa khatun" fixing selling prices of agricultural products considering multiregional commodity flow using transportation model"
Journal of Marketing and Operations Management Research, 2013

Keywords: Productivity [Ref No.: 512]

farah rezwan" evaluating fraud concept in audit profession past and present"
The International Journal’s Research Journal of Economics and Business Studies, 2013

[Ref No.: 515]

farah rezwan" critical analysis of organizational knowledge theory"
International Organization of Scientific Research: Journal of Business and Management, 2013

[Ref No.: 516]

farah rezwan" critical methodology analysis of an article"
Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 2013

[Ref No.: 517]

kashfia sharmeen" agricultural growth and agricultural credit in the context of bangladesh"

[Ref No.: 483]

kashfia sharmeen" evaluating fraud concept in audit profession: past & present"
Research Journal of Economics and Business Studies (RJEBS), 2013

[Ref No.: 484]

redwan salam" internationalized bangladesh"
IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 2013

[Ref No.: 397]

dr. sahin akter sarker" management practices and procedures of aged human resources in the corporate sector of bangladesh"
The Cost and Management, 2013

[Ref No.: 380]

hafsa maryam" attractiveness and employability: a qualitative investigation into bangladeshi perspective"
Journal of Applied Management and Investments, 2013

[Ref No.: 560]

hafsa maryam" book review- supply risk assessment in scm- assessing supply side risks"
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2013

[Ref No.: 562]

hafsa maryam" book review- supply chain management from concepts to practice"
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2013

[Ref No.: 563]

hafsa maryam" book review- exploring the supply chain: theory and practice"
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2013

[Ref No.: 564]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea" glass ceiling effect of sonali bank and bangladesh army https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326571578_glass_ceiling_effect_of_sonali_bank_bangladesh_army"
AIUB FBA Journal, 2013

[Ref No.: 591]

mohammad rajib uddin" internationalized bangladesh"

[Ref No.: 592]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" market orientation- a key determinant of developing trust and commitment: an empirical examination of the indian automobile sector"
Asian Journal of Management, 2013

[Ref No.: 543]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" key strategies and issues of positioning: a review of past studies’"
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal (AASRJ), 2013

[Ref No.: 545]

dr. md. salah uddin rajib" production and preferences to compatible solution: fuzzy evaluation of power sector in bangladesh"
Information Technology for Manufacturing Systems, 2013

[Ref No.: 2749]

ashfaque a. mohib " informal institutions as constraints to an active market for corporate control in japan: the case of japan"
Asian Journal of Business Management, 2013

[Ref No.: 676]

bohi shajahan" analyzing the performance of poverty alleviation programs"
Journal of Applied Management and Investment (JAMI), 2013

[Ref No.: 666]

akm kamrul haque" systemic weaknesses of japanese relationship capitalism: evidence from the case of livedoor."
World Business of Social Science, 2013

[Ref No.: 637]

adnan hossain" pre-cyclone preparedness: a case study of cyclone disaster management in sandwip, 1991"
Business Review Bangladesh, 2013

[Ref No.: 639]

dr. m. m. obaidul islam" an overview of research on e-commerce adoption by smes and some research questions from bangladesh standpoints"
The AIUB Faculty Journal of FBA and FAS, 2013

[Ref No.: 2811]

dr. md. salah uddin rajib" dynamics of mutual funds in relation to stock market: a vector autoregressive causality analysis"
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 2013

[Ref No.: 2752]

dr. md. salah uddin rajib" destination on the move in the mind of people: investigating destination image of the tourists"
European Journal of Business and Management, 2013

[Ref No.: 2754]

shabnaz, samia and shajahan, bohi" analyzing the performance of poverty alliviation program"
Journal of Applied Management and Investment, 2013

Keywords: Micro Credit Formal and Informal Finance,Poverty [Ref No.: 2821]

musrat mou" critical analysis of organizational knowledge theory"
International Organization of Scientific Research: Journal of Business and Management, 2013

[Ref No.: 2864]

musrat mou" critical methodology analysis of an article"
Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 2013

[Ref No.: 2865]

amitava bose bapi" the implication of the holiday effect on security returns in the financial market of bangladesh: an empirical note on dse"
The Jahangir nagar Journal of Business studies, 2013

[Ref No.: 2872]

dr. rezwanul alam" impact of expired tlds & social media buzzes on short term serp"
American Journal of Web Technologies, 2013

[Ref No.: 2895]

md. sarwar hossain" trade facilitation in bangladesh: hindrances and needed initiatives for export competitiveness,"
The Cost and Management, Journal of the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh, 2013

[Ref No.: 4848]

dr. md. taslim uddin" operational performance evaluation of meghna petroleum limited (mpl) - a case study"
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2013

[Ref No.: 4844]

dr. md. tamzidul islam" possible impact on customer perception due to acquisition: the case study on acquisition of somerfield by co operative group in uk market"
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Academy, 2013

[Ref No.: 4803]

dr. md. tamzidul islam" a comparative study and mother brand influence on determining the consumer perception of diet coke and diet pepsi: a uk market perspective"
International Journal of Marketing and Technology, 2013

[Ref No.: 4804]

dr. rafiuddin ahmed" present scenarios, opportunities and obstacles of e business in bangladesh"
D.U. Journal of Marketing, 2013

[Ref No.: 4651]

dr. rafiuddin ahmed" social media marketing-a powerful tool to grab customer attention‖"
D.U. Journal of Marketing, 2013

[Ref No.: 4652]

dr. md. khaled amin" comparative analysis on city's innovation culture construction’"
Technology Economics (China),, 2013

[Ref No.: 4638]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" traditional farmer’s knowledge agrees with experimental results"
The FBA Journa, 2013

[Ref No.: 4595]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" anthropogenic impact on the environment in bangladesh"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2013

[Ref No.: 4596]

dr. kamrul hasan" performance evaluation of public sector general insurance company in bangladesh- a case study on sbc"
European Journal of Business and Management (EJBM), 2013

[Ref No.: 4537]

hafsa maryam" “attractiveness and employability: a qualitative investigation into bangladeshi perspective”, , march 2013, issn"
Journal of Applied Management and Investments, 2013

[Ref No.: 4252]

dr. saad hasan" the business model for the functional rapid manufacturing supply chain"
StudiaCommercialiaBratislavensia, 2013

[Ref No.: 4242]

hafsa maryam" “book review- supply risk assessment in scm- assessing supply side risks”"
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2013

[Ref No.: 4254]

hafsa maryam" “book review- supply chain management from concepts to practice”"
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2013

[Ref No.: 4255]

hafsa maryam" “book review exploring the supply chain: theory and practice”"
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2013

[Ref No.: 4256]

hafsa maryam" “the outlines of a well-managed company – a bangladeshi rmg industry perspective”"
Journal of Applied Management and Investments, 2012

[Ref No.: 4253]

abdul kader nazmul" product positioning: a study of soap industry in dhaka city"
European Journal of Business and Management, 2012

[Ref No.: 4093]

abdul kader nazmul" perception of sme growth constraints in bangladesh"
European Journal of Business and Management, 2012

[Ref No.: 4091]

reaz amin chowdhury" impact of government law on edible oil supply chain in bangladesh perspective"
International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM), 2012

[Ref No.: 3996]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" nitrogen budgets for rice (oryza sativa l.,) fields in bangladesh."
Field Crops Research, 2012

[Ref No.: 4396]

dr. kamrul hasan" impact of fund management on banks liquidity, profitability and productivity- a study on some selected private commercial banks in bangladesh."
International Academic Research Journal of Economics and Finance, 2012

[Ref No.: 4548]

dr. kamrul hasan" management of non performing loans (npls) of banks in bangladesh- an evaluative study."
International Academic Research Journal of Economics and Finance (IARJEF), 2012

[Ref No.: 4545]

dr. mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar" non-formal education in bangladesh: policy and challenges http://societyandchange.com/home/archivecontent/72"
Society and Change, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2012

[Ref No.: 4787]

dr. md. tamzidul islam" value adding scope through efficient supply chain integration: a study into the supply chain network of grameenphone ltd. in bangladesh"
International Journal of Business and Management Tomorrow, 2012

[Ref No.: 4802]

mohammad mostofa jaman" critical analysis of segmentation strategy for potential product launch- mapping the customers"
International Journal of Scientific & technology Research. ,, 2012

[Ref No.: 2889]

dr. rezwanul alam" perceived benefits of e-commerce adoption in the electronic manufacturing companies in malaysia"
UPM Journal of Social Sciences, 2012

[Ref No.: 2896]

mohammad ali" the material requirements planning system for readymade garments and inventory control"
Journal of applied management and investments, 2012

[Ref No.: 2833]

mohammad ali" supply chain management of textile industry: a case study on bangladesh"
International journal of supply chain management, 2012

[Ref No.: 2834]

dr. md. salah uddin rajib" open innovation and cost based decision making mechanisms: a review"
Studies in Business and Economics (SBE), 2012

[Ref No.: 2755]

dr. md. salah uddin rajib" business process re-engineering in the smes: critical success factors perspective of an emerging economy"
International Journal of Contemporary Business Studies, 2012

[Ref No.: 2756]

dr. md. salah uddin rajib" international trade and carbon emissions (co2): the case of bangladesh"
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 2012

[Ref No.: 2757]

dr. md. salah uddin rajib" institutional mechanism of national identification card: bangladesh experience"
Public Policy and Administration Research, 2012

[Ref No.: 2758]

akm kamrul haque" impact of employee empowerment on knowledge sharing: a case study of bangladesh mobile telecommunication service provider"
Independent Business Review. Independent University of Bangladesh., 2012

[Ref No.: 640]

akm kamrul haque" a tale of the river padma. environment & our wetlands."
Northern University, Bangladesh., 2012

[Ref No.: 655]

ashfaque a. mohib " implementation of project management concepts in gas booster compressor station project: a case study on 100mw haripur power station"
Bangladesh Research Publication Journal, 2012

[Ref No.: 678]

m. taseen chowdhury" product positioning: a study of soap industry in dhaka city"
European Journal of Business and Management, 2012

[Ref No.: 2710]

hamidul islam [hamid]" sustainability through service marketing- below the line bangladesh"
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSRJBM), 2012

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dr. partha prasad chowdhury" antecedents and consequences of trust and commitment in b2b relationship: a review of literature"
Indore Management Journal (Journal of the Indian Institute of Management, Indore), 2012

[Ref No.: 546]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" stationary markets: features and limits of effective marketing intervention"
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal (AASRJ), 2012

[Ref No.: 547]

dr. ramit azad" transformation of acoustic signals recognition task to the task of visual image recognition,"
Visnik, Chernihiv State Technological University, Ukraine, 2012

[Ref No.: 548]

dr. ramit azad" possibilities to reduce the effect of ionizing radiation by interaction of two types of radiation into a matter: ionizing and non-ionizing radiation"
Bangladesh Journal of Nuclear Medicine,, 2012

[Ref No.: 544]

hafsa maryam" the outlines of a well managed company – a bangladeshi rmg industry perspective"
Journal of Applied Management and Investments, 2012

[Ref No.: 561]

sultanul nahian hasnat" implementation of project management concepts in gas booster compressor station project: a case study on 100 mw haripur power station."
Bangladesh Research Publications Journal, 2012

[Ref No.: 474]

md. joynal abedin" has financial reporting become more conservative? an update"
Independent Business Review (IBR), 2012

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anisa sultana" skilling or deskilling:the study of job performance of returned migrants from western countries"
Social Science Research Network, 2012

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anisa sultana" stress on validity and reliability in selection process: occupational psychologist’s perspective comparing with other features"
Social Science Research Network, 2012

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dr. mohammad rashedul hoque" energy intensity of the catalan construction sector: an application of material and exergy flow analysis"
Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2012

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dr. shibli ahmed khan" interpersonal skills and management"
Cosmos (India), Contemporary issues in Commerce Management and Economics, 2012

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dr. shibli ahmed khan" shakespeare fading away"
Journal (India) of Teaching and Research in English Literature, 2012

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dr. shibli ahmed khan" business communication in bangladesh: need more academic courses and training"
Journal on Business and Technology, 2012

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dr. shibli ahmed khan" medium of instruction at private universities in bangladesh: a reflective analysis"
Presidency University Journal, 2012

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dr. tamanna islam" effect of arsenic on the nutritional quality of baranuniya (portulaca oleracea l.) a weed vegetable"
International Journal of Sustainable Crop Production, 2012

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rashedul hasan" a suggested structured retirement plan system for the private sector firms of bangladesh"
Bangladesh Research Publications Journal, 2012

[Ref No.: 3267]

rashedul hasan" analysis of factors affecting customer satisfaction of an islamic bank in bangladesh: a study on al-arafah islami bank limited"
Bangladesh Research Publications Journal, 2012

[Ref No.: 3268]

dr. tamanna islam" arsenic distribution in different parts of baranuniya (portulaca oleracea l.) treated with elevated concentrations of arsenic"
International Journal of Sustainable Crop Production, 2012

[Ref No.: 3258]

barua, bikash, haque, akm kamrul & islam, mm obaidul" impact of employee empowerment on knowledge sharing: a case study of bangladesh telecommunication industry"
Independent Business Review, 2012

[Ref No.: 5861]

jasim uddin, syed monirul hossain" motivation theories and cross-cultural differences – implications for global managers"
Stamford Journal of Business Studies., 2011

[Ref No.: 6887]

barua, bikash, islam, m.m. obaidul & nahar, afroza" use of university-industry knowledge transfer channels- the case of american international university-bangladesh (aiub)"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2011

[Ref No.: 5862]

barua, bikash" prospect of implementing total quality management approach in commercial banks of bangladesh"
East West Journal of Business and Social Studies, 2011

[Ref No.: 5863]

abu bakar siddique, khondaker sazzadul karim, md. lutfor rahman "customers’ perception about the determinants of service quality of foreign and domestic banks: an empirical study on bangladesh"
Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka),, 2011

Keywords: Determinants of Service quality, Banking industry, Bangladesh, SERVQUAL Model. [Ref No.: 3459]

dr. tamanna islam" spatial distribution pattern of plants in a simulated grassland colony"
Journal of Innovation and Development Strategy, 2011

[Ref No.: 3249]

md. kamrul bari" a fine grained technique for viral marketing based on social network: a machine learning approach"
International Journal of Science and Technology, 2011

[Ref No.: 42]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" fiscal measures in the bangladesh national budget of 2009-10: an appraisal of income tax"
The IUP Journal of Public Finance, 2011

[Ref No.: 100]

dr. mohammad zakaria masud" underlying theoretical hypotheses in the bsc model: further evidence from bangladesh"
APMAJ, 2011

[Ref No.: 227]

dr. mohammad zakaria masud" a grid based decision making model for agriculture sector of bangladesh"
International Journal of Science and Technology, 2011

[Ref No.: 212]

dr. mohammad zakaria masud" islamic finance as a new alternative in mobilizing financial resources of bangladesh"
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2011

[Ref No.: 213]

kashfia sharmeen" significance of some parameters change in the residual earning model for company valuation"
Journal of the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh, 2011

[Ref No.: 482]

mossa. anisa khatun, safique ahamed faruque and md. saidur rahman" selecting promising customers on social networks for promoting new products in presence of rivals"
Journal of Marketing and Operations Management Research, 2011

Keywords: Sustainable production and Consumption [Ref No.: 513]

akm kamrul haque" shifting income level creates opportunity for marketing and hrm major people."
The New Era” Aiub Society for Human Resource, 2011

[Ref No.: 649]

akm kamrul haque" development activities and its impact on wetlands in bangladesh"
Northern University, Bangladesh, 2011

[Ref No.: 656]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea" implementation of gender responsive budget in bangladesh: a reflection https://www.researchgate.net/profile/farheen_hassan5"
AIUB Faculty Journal of FBA and FASS, 2011

[Ref No.: 590]

dr. m. m. obaidul islam" use of university-industry knowledge transfer channels-the case of american international university-bangladesh"
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE)https://ajbe.aiub.edu, 2011

[Ref No.: 2803]

dr. md. salah uddin rajib" impact of relationship among the fundamental blocks of production process to implement re-engineering: an empirical analysis in smes"
International Journal of Advanced Materials Research (AMR), 2011

[Ref No.: 2759]

dr. md. salah uddin rajib" an assessment on adaptation of iso 14000 in the fertilizer industry of bangladesh"
Energy Procedia, 2011

[Ref No.: 2760]

dr. md. salah uddin rajib" critical success factors of re-engineering in the production process: smes sector of bangladesh"
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials (AMM), 2011

[Ref No.: 2761]

dr. md. salah uddin rajib" mission statements of pharmaceutical firms of bangladesh: missing link and probable impact"
International Journal on Innovation and Sustainability, 2011

[Ref No.: 2763]

dr. mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar" decentralization and local governance: documenting undocumented factors http://societyandchange.com/home/archivecontent/68"
Society and Change, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2011

[Ref No.: 4788]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" electron microscope study of clay minerals of some soils developed on pleistocene clay deposits of madhupur."
African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2011

[Ref No.: 4597]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" mineral association in clay fractions of some soils in barind and madhupur tracts and its impact on soil properties"
International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology., 2011

[Ref No.: 4599]

dr. rafiuddin ahmed" the role of microfinance in alleviating poverty: a perception analysis of the micro finance borrowers in a village of bangladesh"
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies., 2011

[Ref No.: 4653]

prof. syed abul kalam azad" “study on customer satisfaction regarding atm services”"
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, Vol. XXXII, No. 1, June 2011, 2011

[Ref No.: 4455]

dr. rezbin nahar" sustainable aspects of short sea shipping: a case study of europe"
Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 2011

[Ref No.: 4269]

dr. sahin akter sarker" evolving marketing strategies for over aged persons"
The South Asian Journal of Human Rights, Serials Publications, New Delhi, India, 2010

[Ref No.: 4205]

dr. sahin akter sarker" evaluation of the role of human resource management in corporate governance"
The Cost and Management, 2010

[Ref No.: 4206]

dr. rezbin nahar" measuring female employees job satisfaction in financial institutions of bangladesh: focused on private and public commercial banks of bangladesh"
Journal of Business Studies, Centre for Business Research, Southeast University, 2010

[Ref No.: 4271]

dr. rezbin nahar" towards the effectiveness of training program: a logistic approach"
Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 2010

[Ref No.: 4273]

asif parvez" strategies and action plans for women empowerment in bangladesh"
AIUB Faculty Journal, 2010

[Ref No.: 4684]

dr. mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar" democratic decentralization: implications in poverty reduction and human rights (printed edition only))"
Journal of Administrative Studies, Jahangir Nagar University, Savar, Bangladesh, 2010

[Ref No.: 4789]

dr. mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar" democratic decentralization in bangladesh: an analysis (printed edition only) http://lib.ewubd.edu/article_index/democretic-decentralization-bangladesh-analysis"
Social Science Review, Dhaka University: Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2010

[Ref No.: 4790]

dr. nisar ahmed" leadership styles"
The AIUB Faculty Journal of FBA & FAAS, 2010

[Ref No.: 2886]

dr. m. m. obaidul islam" turnkey project"
The AIUB Faculty Journal of FBA and FAS, 2010

[Ref No.: 2809]

dr. m. m. obaidul islam" literature survey and potential e-commerce research in bangladesh"
The AIUB Faculty Journal of FBA and FAS, 2010

[Ref No.: 2810]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea" enhancing the export of skilled manpower for economic progress of bangladesh https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334318034_enhancing_the_export_of_skilled_manpower_for_economic_progress_of_bangladesh"
AIUB faculty Journal of FBA and FASS, 2010

[Ref No.: 588]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea" strategies and action plans for women empowerment in bangladesh https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334945601_strategies_and_action_plans_for_women_empowerment_in_bangladesh"
AIUB Faculty Journal of FBA and FASS, 2010

[Ref No.: 589]

dr. ramit azad" the methods of primary data processing at the three dimensional scanning of the surface of physical objects"
Visnik, Chernihiv State Technological University, Ukraine, series:, 2010

[Ref No.: 542]

dr. mohammad zakaria masud" the role of venture capital in entrepreneurship development: bangladesh perspective"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2010

[Ref No.: 228]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" cost and management accounting practices in bangladesh: a survey"
International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting (IJMFA), 2010

[Ref No.: 101]

md. mohiuddin" influence of matrix stiffness, cnt thickness, poisson’s ratio, and interphase on effective longitudinal modulus of cnt based composites for square rve"
Global Journal of Researches in Engineering, 2010

[Ref No.: 3165]

dr. shibli ahmed khan" an empirical study on export, import and economic growth in bhutan"
Indian Development Review, 2010

[Ref No.: 2915]

rumman hassan, mohammed sohel islam, khondaker sazzadul karim" a descriptive study of the australian breakfast cereal market"
Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka), 2010

Keywords: Brand, Positioning, Product, Breakfast cereal, Australia [Ref No.: 3460]

barua, bikash & islam, m.m. obaidul" key success factors for implementation of advanced manufacturing technologies (amts)-case study conducted on selected pharmaceutical companies in bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2009

[Ref No.: 5864]

barua, bikash & islam, m.m. obaidul" implementation of quality management system in the banking sector of bangladesh"
Independent Business Review, 2009

[Ref No.: 5865]

bidit lal dey, and stanley sumon rodrick" evaluating d-net’s pallytathya kendra project: an ethnographic approach"
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2009

[Ref No.: 5249]

md. mujibul hoque" problems of entrepreneurship development through grameen bank"
Northern University Bangladesh, 2009

[Ref No.: 3468]

dr. nisar ahmed" exchange rate forecasting models and box-jenkins method"
The AIUB Faculty Journal of FBA & FAAS., 2009

[Ref No.: 2885]

dr. tamanna islam" response of leafy vegetable kalmi (water spinach; ipomoea aquatica l.) at elevated concentrations of arsenic in hydroponic culture"
Water Air and Soil Pollution, 2009

[Ref No.: 3245]

dr. tamanna islam" effectivity of modified maximum likelihood estimators using selected ranked set sampling data"
Austrian Journal of Statistics, 2009

[Ref No.: 3246]

dr. tamanna islam" availability of calcium, magnesium and sulphur and their uptake by amaranthus as influenced by composts and fertilizers"
Researcher, 2009

[Ref No.: 3247]

dr. tamanna islam" effects of feces on spatial distribution patterns of grazing grassland communities"
Agricultural Sciences in China, 2009

[Ref No.: 3248]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" an assessment of non-tax revenue sources in bangladesh"
The Icfai University Journal of Public Finance, 2009

[Ref No.: 103]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" "impact of global financial crisis in south asian economy: with special emphasis to india","
AIMA Journal of Management & Research, 2009

[Ref No.: 104]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" trade-off between waiting cost and service cost through waiting time analysis: an application"
The Cost & Management, 2009

[Ref No.: 105]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" vat in bangladesh"
International VAT Monitor, 2009

[Ref No.: 106]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" corporate governance reporting style and status by the listed companies in dhaka stock exchange"
AIMA Journal of Management & Research, 2009

[Ref No.: 107]

dr. mohammad zakaria masud" cg reporting as a voluntary disclosure: a study on the annual reports of batb"
The Cost and Management, 2009

[Ref No.: 230]

dr. mohammad zakaria masud" determinants of interpersonal conflict: evidence from service sector in bangladesh"
The Cost and Management, 2009

[Ref No.: 231]

dr. ramit azad" static solution with spherical symmetry with conformal gravitation: vacuum solution"
Vestnik of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, 2009

[Ref No.: 123]

humaira naznin" significance of asides and soliloquies in shakespeare's hamlet"
The Journal of Socioeconomic Research & Development (JSERD), 2009

[Ref No.: 390]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea" corporate governance practice in bd: evidence from apex https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330397023_corporate_governance_practice_in_bangladesh_evidence_from_apex"
AIUB faculty Journal of FBA and FASS, 2009

[Ref No.: 587]

erfan haque" islamic law and the rights of married women"
The Eastern University Journal, 2009

[Ref No.: 2712]

dr. m. m. obaidul islam" impact of employee empowerment on knowledge sharing: a case of bangladesh mobile telecommunication service provider"
Independent Business Review, http://www.sb.iub.edu.bd/ibr/, 2009

[Ref No.: 2805]

dr. m. m. obaidul islam" teaching business statistics to bba students: some remarks"
The AIUB Faculty Journal of FBA and FAS, 2009

[Ref No.: 2806]

dr. m. m. obaidul islam" does really matter? business statistics and summer semester"
The AIUB Faculty Journal of FBA and FAS, 2009

[Ref No.: 2807]

dr. m. m. obaidul islam" electronic commerce practices in bangladesh: some research considerations"
The AIUB Faculty Journal of FBA and FAS, 2009

[Ref No.: 2808]

dr. m. m. obaidul islam" key success factors for implementation of advanced manufacturing technologies (amts)-case study conducted on selected pharmaceuticals companies in bangladesh"
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE). https://ajbe.aiub.edu, 2009

[Ref No.: 2800]

dr. m. m. obaidul islam" implementation of quality management system in the banking sector of bangladesh"
Independent Business Review, http://www.sb.iub.edu.bd/ibr/, 2009

[Ref No.: 2801]

dr. ziarat hossain khan" the role of venture capital in entrepreneur development in bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics [AJBE], 2009

[Ref No.: 2903]

dr. nisar ahmed" an overview of systems thinking"
The AIUB Faculty Journal of FBA & FAAS., 2009

[Ref No.: 2880]

dr. mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar" combating corruption: mechanism and institutional arrangement (printed edition only)"
Journal of Administrative Studies, Jahangir Nagar University, Savar, Bangladesh, 2009

[Ref No.: 4791]

neaz ahmed" internet banking: developments and prospects in bangladesh"
Prime University Journal, 2009

[Ref No.: 4675]

neaz ahmed" important factors for ethics and corporate awareness development in bangladesh: the management perspectives and challenges"
13th APRIA Conference, Beijing, 2009

[Ref No.: 4623]

neaz ahmed" employee evaluation and motivation: a comparison of practices in bangladeshi and multinational companies"
The Eastern University Journal, 2009

[Ref No.: 4625]

neaz ahmed" effects of corporate governance on ipo pricing in developed and emerging markets and conditions in bangladesh"
The Business and Economic Review, IBAIS University, 2009

[Ref No.: 4626]

neaz ahmed" human resource planning and staffing practices in bangladesh: a comparison between national and multinational companies"
Journal of Business Administration, 2009

[Ref No.: 4606]

abdul kader nazmul" an enquiry into the practices of corporate financial reporting on internet in bangladesh"
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2009

[Ref No.: 4103]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" reforming taxes in bangladesh: the dilemmas of achievements and challenges"
Southeast University Journal of Business Studies, 2008

[Ref No.: 4174]

dr. sahin akter sarker" globalisation, outsourcing and exodus of workers: experience of bangladesh"
The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 2008

[Ref No.: 4207]

dr. sahin akter sarker" rehabilitating disabled persons in bangladesh"
The South Asian Journal of Human Rights, Serials Publications, New Delhi, India, 2008

[Ref No.: 4208]

dr. rezbin nahar" hr maintenance, job satisfaction and labor management relationship: a study on rmg sector of bangladesh"
Journal of Business Studies, Centre for Business Research, Southeast University, 2008

[Ref No.: 4272]

dr. tamanna islam" effects of aeration of arsenic and its subsequent effects on growth and macroelements of rice"
Khulna University Studies, 2008

[Ref No.: 4458]

neaz ahmed" customer focus of the private universities of bangladesh: a tqm perspective"
Journal of Business Administration, 2008

[Ref No.: 4604]

neaz ahmed" environmental and individual determinants of entrepreneurial growth: an empirical examination"
Journal of Business Administration, 2008

[Ref No.: 4605]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" morphology, characteristics and classification of some soils of barind tract in bangladesh"
Journal Subtrop. Agric. Res. Dev., 2008

[Ref No.: 4600]

neaz ahmed" historical trend of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial success factors"
AMDIB - Small & Medium Enterprise Development in Bangladesh: Enterprise Competitiveness,, 2008

[Ref No.: 4624]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" estimating changes of soil organic carbon induced from land-use change in canada's arctic and sub-arctic"
Internal Publicatio ESS Bulletin Natural Resources Canada, 2008

[Ref No.: 4655]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" a case study of mapping wetlands over canada’s arctic/sub-arctic landmass using a rule-based unsupervised classification methodology with optical, radar and ancillary data"
Internal Publicatio ESS Bulletin Natural Resources Canada, 2008

[Ref No.: 4656]

dr. nisar ahmed" inflation targeting through short term interest rate: australian experience"
Journal of Business and Economics, Daffodil International University., 2008

[Ref No.: 2881]

dr. nisar ahmed" choosing between dividends and stock repurchases"
CBA Journal, Tarlac State University, Philippines., 2008

[Ref No.: 2884]

md. mujibul hoque" causes of poor industrial relationship in rmg sector of bangladesh and measurement for improvement"
Garment Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BGMEA), 2008

[Ref No.: 3467]

khondaker sazzadul karim, md. lutfor rahman" determining the dimensions of quality education in public and private universities in bangladesh: an empirical study"
Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka), 2008

Keywords: SERVQUAL Model, Quality Dimensions, Customers, Public Universities, Private Universities [Ref No.: 3461]

dr. md. sazzadur rahman khan" reconsideration of the tax system inbangladesh for industrial development: an empirical study."
Prime University Journal, 2008

[Ref No.: 6881]

khondaker sazzadul karim, md. lutfor rahman" a study of marketing mix adaptation requirement with export performance by the domestic exporters of leather goods to the international market"
Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka), 2007

Keywords: Marketing Mix Adaptation, Standardization, Export Performance, Leather Industry [Ref No.: 3462]

akm kamrul haque" crm practices in service sector in bangladesh: an empirical study."
Journal of Centre for Socio-Economic Research, ASA University, Bangladesh., 2007

[Ref No.: 644]

dr. ziarat hossain khan" an agenda for a comparative study on inventory management in selected universities of bangladesh and malaysia"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics [AJBE], 2007

[Ref No.: 2904]

dr. nisar ahmed" modeling stock market volatility using garch"
CBA Journal, Tarlac State University, Philippines,, 2007

[Ref No.: 2882]

dr. nisar ahmed" achieving excellence in marketing education: the case study o aiub"
CBA Journal, Tarlac State University, Philippines., 2007

[Ref No.: 2883]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" transformation and mobilization of arsenic in the historic cobalt mining camp, ontario, canada."
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2007

[Ref No.: 4657]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" soil organic carbon content in northern canada: a database of field measurements and its analysis"
Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 2007

[Ref No.: 4654]

neaz ahmed" factory laws' implementation in the work place of public sector jute mills of bangladesh: workers' perception"
Journal of Business Administration, 2007

[Ref No.: 4602]

neaz ahmed" dynamics of securitization in bangladesh's context"
Journal of Business Administration, 2007

[Ref No.: 4603]

mossa. anisa khatun, hajime inamura and shigemi kagawa" effects of capital investment on international trade: multi-stage overlapping genaration approach"
Journal of Policy Modeling, 2007

Keywords: Economics in Smart Environments [Ref No.: 4349]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" soil organic carbon content in northern canada: a database of field measurements and its analysis"
Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 2007

[Ref No.: 4397]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" transformation and mobilization of arsenic in the historic cobalt mining camp, ontario, canada"
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2007

[Ref No.: 4398]

dr. sahin akter sarker" consumers’ eagerness to pay for uninterrupted power supply – a case study of sylhet city corporation"
The Metropolitan University Journal, 2007

[Ref No.: 4209]

dr. sahin akter sarker" tourism attractions in sylhet: an exploratory study"
Journal of Socioeconomic Research and Development, 2007

[Ref No.: 4210]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" an evaluation of the credit rating practices in bangladesh"
Journal of Marketing, 2007

[Ref No.: 4175]

abdul kader nazmul" factors motivating clients brand preference towards mobile phone operators"
Southeast University Journal of Business Studies, 2007

[Ref No.: 4086]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" arsenic contamination in bangladesh – an overview"
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2006

[Ref No.: 4467]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" arsenic contamination in bangladesh – an overview"
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2006

[Ref No.: 4658]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" environmental contamination and seasonal variation on heavy metals in rice fields. 10 (1): 8-12."
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 2006

[Ref No.: 4659]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" nutrients removed in harvested portion of crop by continuous corn receiving organic and inorganic fertilizers."
J Plant Science, 2006

[Ref No.: 4660]

dr. showkat ali" the existence of isotropic moduli spaces"

[Ref No.: 3328]

md. sazzadur rahman khan* and vichayanan rattanawiboonsom "the role of logistics strategy on firm performance of garment industry in bangladesh."
Int. J. Logistics Systems and Management., 2005

[Ref No.: 6874]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" the efficiency of nitrogen fertiliser for rice in farmers’ fields. 93: 94-107."
Field Crops Research, 2005

[Ref No.: 4661]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" the efficiency of nitrogen fertiliser for rice in farmers’ fields. 93: 94-107."
Field Crops Research, 2005

[Ref No.: 4468]

dr. nisar ahmed" forecasting of exchange rate fluctuation- japanese yen and us dollar"
Journal of Finance and Banking, DU, 2004

[Ref No.: 4572]

md. mujibul hoque" comparative and situational analysis of indian ict policies and bangladesh ict policy"
Southeast University Journal of Business Studies, 2004

[Ref No.: 3466]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" a comparison between ecological and conventional rice farming systems in bangladesh"
Diffusion Pollution Dublin, 2003

[Ref No.: 4662]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" nitrogen application for food production and its effect on environment in bangladesh"
Scuola Superiore G. Reiss Romoli (SSGRR) 2003S, L’Aquila, Itally, 2003

[Ref No.: 4663]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" measurements of atmospheric deposition of nitrogen at boro rice in the bangladesh using diffusion tubes and simple funnel gauges"
Journal of Science Foundation, 2003

[Ref No.: 4664]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" estimation of nitrogen losses in rice farming systems"
Journal of Science Foundation, 2003

[Ref No.: 4665]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" . estimation of nutrient n content of locally available chemical and organic fertilizers in bangladesh"
Journal of Science Foundation, 2003

[Ref No.: 4666]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" determination of arsenic concentrations in water, soil and plant sample in bangladesh"
Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements 7th ICOBTE Uppsala Sweden, 2003

[Ref No.: 4667]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" should farmers employ traditional practices in bangladesh?"
Scuola Superiore G. Reiss Romoli (SSGRR), Italy, 2003

[Ref No.: 4668]

dr. m. m. obaidul islam" close-relationship management between banks and small business: exploring the interactions between policies."
Dhaka University Journal of Marketing, http://www.dumarketing.ac.bd, 2003

[Ref No.: 4610]

dr. m. m. obaidul islam" workforce in information technology (it): australian perspective"
Dhaka University Journal of Marketing, http://www.dumarketing.ac.bd, 2003

[Ref No.: 4615]

asif parvez" structural adjustment policy and taxation in bangladesh: some thoughts on their linkages"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics [AJBE], 2003

[Ref No.: 4327]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" effects of ecological agriculture on soil properties and arthropod diversity in rice-based cropping systems in floodplain areas in bangladesh. biological agriculture and horticulture"
Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, 2002

[Ref No.: 4669]

dr. ramit azad" on the problem of generation of magnetic field of rotating objects (brief review)"
Vestnik of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, 2001

[Ref No.: 121]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" characterization of micronutrient deficiencies of soils in the lowland rice systems in bangladesh"
Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements ICOBTE University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, 2001

[Ref No.: 4670]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" . low-input ecological rice farming in bangladesh"
Sustainable Management of Soil Organic Matter, 2001

[Ref No.: 4671]

dr. kamrul hasan" evaluation of fund allocation policy in some selected mills under bangladesh steel and engineering corporation"
Journal of the Institute of Bangladesh Studies (JIBS), 2001

[Ref No.: 4551]

dr. ramit azad" field at an arbitrary point lying outside the plain of thin rotating disc"
Vestnik of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, 1999

[Ref No.: 120]

prof. syed abul kalam azad" "promotional pattern and practice of keya cosmetics ltd. : an evaluation”"
Applied Marketing in Bangladesh, Vol.III, No. 2, December 1999, 1999

[Ref No.: 4454]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" status of some micronutrients on soils of madhupur tract in bangladesh"
Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Vienna, Austria Supported by Soil Science Society of America, 1999

[Ref No.: 4672]

neaz ahmed" borrowers' perspective of micro-financing and traditional money lending: a comparative analysis"
PKSF Research Papers, 1999

[Ref No.: 4628]

prof. syed abul kalam azad" “export contract: some related issues”"
The Journal of Marketing, University of Dhaka,Vol. I, No. 1, July 1998, 1998

[Ref No.: 4451]

prof. syed abul kalam azad" “marketing system of edible oil in dhaka city”"
Applied Marketing in Bangladesh, Vol. I, No.1, December 1998, 1998

[Ref No.: 4452]

prof. syed abul kalam azad" “marketing of dairy food products: a case study of bangladesh milk producer’s co-operative union ltd.”"
Applied Marketing in Bangladesh, Vol. II, No.1, December 1998, 1998

[Ref No.: 4453]

dr. ramit azad" magnetic field of thin rotating disc"
Vestnik of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, 1998

[Ref No.: 115]

dr. ramit azad" nonlinear spinor field in the gödel universe: static configuration with localized energy density"
Vestnik of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia,, 1998

[Ref No.: 118]

dr. maruf ul islam" cis international development"
International Development Major, 1997

[Ref No.: 3391]

dr. kamrul hasan" management of leverage- a case study of north bengal paper mill (nbpm)"
Journal of the Institute of Bangladesh Studies (JIBS), 1997

[Ref No.: 4553]

prof. syed abul kalam azad" "distribution strategies for export marketing: few thoughts to ponder”"
Social Science Review, No.1, 1997, 1997

[Ref No.: 4450]

mossa. anisa khatun" a modeling for forecasting population density connected with bus networks improvement using voronoi concepts"
Synoptical Reports of the Department of Human-Social Information Sciences, 1997

Keywords: Productivity , Sustainable production and Consumption [Ref No.: 4365]

neaz ahmed" swanirvar bangladesh: capacity building for poverty alleviation through micro credit programs"
Swanirvar Bangladesh Research Paper, 1997

[Ref No.: 4629]

neaz ahmed" mr. rahman, mba: a career dilemma"
Proceedings of the International Teachers' Training Program: Teaching-Learning Strategies, 1996

[Ref No.: 4630]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" characteristics of some soils developed on madhupur clay in bangladesh"
Journal of Indian Society of Soil Science, 1996

[Ref No.: 4673]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" mineralogy of some soils developed on pleistocene clay of madhupur, bangladesh"
Journal of Indian Society of Soil Science, 1996

[Ref No.: 4674]

dr. kamrul hasan" management of fund - a case study of islami bank bangladesh limited"
Chittagong University Studies (Commerce), 1995

[Ref No.: 4554]

neaz ahmed" rahim engineering works: analysis of an entrepreneur mindset"
The Regional Management Cases (IBA, Lahore), 1995

[Ref No.: 4631]

prof. syed abul kalam azad" “pricing methods: a practical viewpoint”"
The Cost and Management, May-June 1994, 1994

[Ref No.: 4449]

prof. syed abul kalam azad" “some economic issues of a developing nation”"
The Cost and management, Jan-Feb. 1993, 1993

[Ref No.: 4447]

prof. syed abul kalam azad" “the importance of marketing infrastructure for the economic development of the third world”"
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies (Part-C), Vol. XIV, No.1, June 1993, 1993

[Ref No.: 4448]

prof. syed abul kalam azad" “retail marketing of grocery products in dhaka city”"
A research monograph, published by the Bureau of Business Research, 1992

[Ref No.: 4443]

prof. syed abul kalam azad" “packaging revolution in goods marketing – recent trends""
The Dhaka University Studies (Bengali Version), Vol. XXXXIII, June 1992, 1992

[Ref No.: 4444]

prof. syed abul kalam azad" “advertising deception, related regulations and social responsibility of business""
" The Cost and Management, July-Aug. 1992", 1992

[Ref No.: 4445]

prof. syed abul kalam azad" “a review of organizational models with reference to the university of dhaka""
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies (Part-C), Vol. XIII, No. 2, December 1992, 1992

[Ref No.: 4446]

prof. syed abul kalam azad" "advertising from accounting point of view""
The Cost and Management, Nov.-Dec., 1991, 1991

[Ref No.: 4441]

prof. syed abul kalam azad" “theory z : an analysis and management implications”"
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , Vol. XII, No.2, December 1991, 1991

[Ref No.: 4442]

prof. syed abul kalam azad" “development of tourism and the economic development of a country”"
The Dhaka University Studies (Part-C), Vol. XII, No. 1, June 1991, 1991

[Ref No.: 4439]

prof. syed abul kalam azad" “developing world brand – some relevant considerations”"
The Dhaka University Studies (Part-C), Vol. XI, No.1, June 1990, 1990

[Ref No.: 4438]

prof. syed abul kalam azad" “marketing research in less developed countries”"
The Dhaka University studies (Part-C), Vol. X, No. 1, June 1989., 1989

[Ref No.: 4436]

prof. syed abul kalam azad" “development of global marketing and its related issues""
The Dhaka University Studies (Part-C), Vol. X. No.2, December 1989, 1989

[Ref No.: 4437]

prof. syed abul kalam azad" “deception in advertising”"
The Dhaka University Studies (Part-C), Vol.IX,No.2, December 1988., 1988

[Ref No.: 4435]

prof. syed abul kalam azad" "an analysis of marketing cost”"
The Dhaka University Studies (Bengali Version), Vol. XII, December 1980., 1980

[Ref No.: 4433]

prof. syed abul kalam azad" "concept of marketing and its applications in bangladesh”."
The Dhaka University Studies (Bengali Version), Vol. VII, June 1978., 1978

[Ref No.: 4432]

islam, khandakar tahurul ; nahid, mehzabul hoque "applications & implications of data-driven analytics in the football player valuation"
1st International Graduate Conference on Digital Policy and Governance Sustainability (DiGeS-Grace 2024), 2024

Keywords: data-driven analytics, Football [Ref No.: 4714]

niaz mohammad and sazia afrin" icbti 2024"
International Conference on Business ,Technology and Innovation, 2024

[Ref No.: 4594]

niaz mohammad and sazia afrin "exploring integrated thinking in integrated reporting: an exploratory study"
International Conference on Business, Technology, and Innovation (ICBTI), 2024

[Ref No.: 4595]

saeeda tajrian, dr. md sazzadur rahman khan, fcma, sanjida akhtar "international conference at icmab"
International Conference on Business, Technology and Innovation, 2024

[Ref No.: 4596]

mehzabul hoque nahid, golam mustafa md. nurullah rabbani, lagina mona, md. aftab anwar, mohammad baijed "exploring factors affecting tertiary students’ stickiness with edu-tech gpt"
IEEE Conference on Computing Applications and Systems (COMPAS 2024), 2024

Keywords: Edu-Tech , GPT , Explainable AI , Diffusion of Innovation theory , Usability , Perceived usefulness [Ref No.: 4573]

golam mustafa md. nurullah rabbani , farheen hassan , mehzabul hoque nahid, md. aftab anwar, "assessing self-learning attitude toward usages of youtube for learning purpose"
International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Electrical and Smart Systems, 2024

Keywords: Digital Transformation [Ref No.: 4412]

mehzabul hoque nahid, niger fatema, jannat shams and golam morshed "determinants of social media diffusion in omnichannel msme: case study from home-made food business in bangladesh"
Conference: Eastern University National Conference -2024, 2024

Keywords: Digital Transformation [Ref No.: 4415]

khondaker sazzadul karim" international conference on sustainable business practices and challenges in management, humanities, law, library science and engineering (wiric - sbpm - hllse - 2024)"
The Bangkok International Conference, 2024

Keywords: Other [Ref No.: 4431]

rezbin nahar, md. aftab anwar, kazi tareq ullah "mitigating job stress for quality of work life: a study on commercial banks operating in bangladesh"
Eastern University National Conference -2024, 2024

[Ref No.: 4429]

sanjida shehrin, mehzabul hoque nahid and mohammad baijed "factors affecting erp adoption: a study omnichannel sme’s bangladesh"
Eastern University National Conference-2024, 2024

Keywords: Digital Transformation [Ref No.: 4454]

rezbin nahar, md. aftab anwar, and kazi tareq ullah" mitigating job stress for quality of work life: a study on commercial banks operating in bangladesh"
Eastern University National Conference – 2024, 2024

[Ref No.: 4456]

niaz mohammad, sazia afrin" climate change disclosures within the annual report of bangladeshi companies"
9th International Integrative Research (Insearch) Conference, 2024

[Ref No.: 4546]

khanom, konika ; nahid, mehzabul hoque ; rabbani, golam mustafa md. nurullah "enablers and barriers of adopting bi-tool for data analytics in large enterprises of bangladesh"
1st International Graduate Conference on Digital Policy and Governance Sustainability (DiGeS-Grace 2024), 2024

Keywords: Business Analytics [Ref No.: 4715]

nahid, mehzabul hoque ; rabbani, golam mustafa md. nurullah; mona, lagina; anwar, md. aftab ; baijed, mohammad "exploring factors affecting tertiary students’ stickiness with edu-tech gpt"
IEEE International Conference on Computing, Applications and Systems (COMPAS), 2024

Keywords: Edu-Tech, GPT, Explainable AI, Diffusion of Innovation theory, Usability, Perceived usefulness. [Ref No.: 4713]

sanjida akhtar" international conference on business, technology and innovation"
Influence of Audit Committee and Board of Directors in Sustainability Reporting Practice-Bangladesh Perspective, 2024

Keywords: Other [Ref No.: 5508]

rezbin nahar, md. aftab anwar & mehzabiul haque nahidh." pedagogical innovations in business administration: evaluating the effectiveness of project-based learning (pbl) and flipped classrooms in blended learning for higher education in bangladesh"
Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) Conference, 2023

[Ref No.: 4457]

khondaker sazzadul karim "ai-driven corporate transformation: strategies for adopting artificial intelligence at scale"
2nd IEEE International Interdisciplinary Humanitarian Conference for Sustainability, 2023

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence [Ref No.: 4459]

khondaker sazzadul karim "strategic ai integration: examining the role of artificial intelligence in corporate decision-making"
2nd IEEE International Interdisciplinary Humanitarian Conference for Sustainability, 2023

[Ref No.: 4460]

rezbin nahar, md. aftab anwar, mehzabul hoque nahid" pedagogical innovations in business administration: evaluating the effectiveness of project-based learning (pbl) and flipped classrooms in blended learning for higher education in bangladesh"
APQN Academic Conference, 2023

[Ref No.: 4427]

md. mehzabul hoque nahid and dr. rezbin nahar" features of web-based ai-technologies for researchers"
International Conference on Academic Integrity in AI Technology, 2023

Keywords: Digital Transformation [Ref No.: 4425]

sujoy das, mossa. anisa khatun and md. saidur rahman" impacts of monetary policy and credit rating on bangladesh call money network"
IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter Summer Symposium (IEEE CS BDC SS) 2023, 2023

[Ref No.: 4447]

14. shabnaz samia, hossain monira" perceived stress and stressors among undergraduate students: a study in bangladesh"
XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, 2023

Keywords: Psycho Analysis [Ref No.: 4418]

shanjida shehrin, mehzabul hoque nahid and mohammad baijed "factors affecting erp adoption: a study omnichannel sme’s bangladesh"
Eastern University National Conference -2024, 2023

Keywords: Digital Transformation [Ref No.: 4416]

mehzabul hoque nahid and dr. rezbin nahar" features of web-based ai-technologies for researchers"
International Conference on Academic Integrity in AI Technology Jointly Organized by BMRC and BBS, 2023

Keywords: Digital Transformation [Ref No.: 4411]

nazia farhana, mehzab nahid, sz haque "adoption of metaverse in education sector: identifying the enablers and barriers for a developing country"
APQN Academic Conference, 2023

Keywords: Digital Transformation [Ref No.: 4322]

mehzabul hoque nahid and ahmed abdullah "performance analysis rice yield model based on historical weather dataset in bangladesh"
4th International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI 2022), 2023

Keywords: Big Data,Deep Learning,Machine to Machine Data Analytics,Digital Transformation [Ref No.: 4034]

nazia farhana "apqn academic conference (aac) and annual general meeting (agm), 2023"
Quality Assurance, 2023

[Ref No.: 5270]

saeeda tajrian "icmab accounting educators’ conference 2023"
Sustainability Reporting, Accounting education in Bangladesh, Changing accounting landscape through disruptive technologies., 2023

[Ref No.: 5388]

mm obaidul islam and akm kamrul haque" measuring higher educational service quality during the covid-19 pandemic. a case study on private universit"
IAQHEI-2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 4025]

niaz mohammad, dr. mohammad faridul alam" determinants of integrated reporting practice at organizational level: discourse analysis."
2nd IOU Conference on Research & Integrated Sciences (IOUCRIS), 2022

Keywords: Other [Ref No.: 4015]

samia shabnaz" influence of education on students entrepreneurial intention: a systematic literature review"
International Conference on Business Management and Social Sciences (ICBMSS-2022), 2022

[Ref No.: 4018]

md hasibul islam, zuhara chavez, and monica bellgran "an exploratory study on integrating sustainability aspects during the acquisition of production equipment"
8th Swedish Production Symposium, SPS2020, 2022

[Ref No.: 4010]

md.mehzabul hoque nahid, tonmoy roy "the iomt and cloud in healthcare: use, impact and efficiency of contemporary sensor devices used by patients and clinicians"
ICCA '22: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing, 2022

Keywords: Internet of Things,Digital Transformation,Cloud Computing [Ref No.: 3882]

dr. mm obaidul islam, akm kamrul haque" impact of covid-19 on undergraduate students’ academic performance in a developing country: a private university cas"
AICSS2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 3673]

akm kamrul haque, dr. mm obaidul islam" the impact of corporate social responsibility communication through social media on customer satisfaction and loyalty. evidence from bangladeshi banking secto"
AICSS2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 3674]

dr. mm obaidul islam,md sifatul islam" some aspects of statistical tools applied in business and social science"
AICSS 2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 3675]

alam, m. f." an assessment of the income tax planning measures in bangladesh: individual taxpayer’s perspective"
International Conference on “Sustainable Development: Opportunities and Challenges”, 2022

[Ref No.: 3682]

akm kamrul haque & islam" the impact of corporate social responsibility communication through social media on customer satisfaction and loyalty. evidence from bangladeshi banking sector."
1st AIUB International Conference Social Science (AICSS), 2022

[Ref No.: 3693]

dr. mohammad faridul alam, niaz mohammad acma" fiscal panorama of financing sustainable development in bangladesh: the role of non-tax revenue sources"
2nd International Conference on Business and Economic Challenges (ICBEC), 2022

[Ref No.: 4272]

niaz mohammad and dr. mohammad faridul alam "determinants of integrated reporting practice at organizational level: discourse analysis"
2nd IOU Conference on Research & Integrated Sciences (IOUCRIS), 2022

[Ref No.: 4309]

4. juknyte-petreikiene, n. gudelienė, r. valutytė, i. žalėnienė, c.z. lamagna, f. hassan" the need to enhance international blended mobility in south asia higher education: the case of malaysia, indonesia, bangladesh, and vietnam before and during the outbreak of covid19"
15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 2022

[Ref No.: 4448]

mohd fakhri mat saad; ari wibisono listyo nugro; rajermani thinakaran; mohammad baijed "a review of artificial intelligence based platform in human resource recruitment process"
6th IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering- ICRAIE 2021, 2022

[Ref No.: 4472]

akm kamrul haque" the impact of corporate social responsibility communication through social media on customer satisfaction and loyalty. evidence from bangladeshi banking sector."
International Conference On Sustainable Development : Opportunities And Challenges, 2022

[Ref No.: 4362]

dr. m. m. obaidul islam" quality and accreditation, or obe, which one?"
Education, 2022

[Ref No.: 4405]

dr. kamrul hasan" (aicbm 2021) 2nd aiub international conference on business and management."
Determinants of Non-Performing Loans of Banks in Bangladesh: An Exploratory Study., 2022

[Ref No.: 4714]

dr. kamrul hasan" (aicbm 2021) 2nd aiub international conference on business and management"
Entrepreneurship Development in SMEs in Bangladesh: Supply and Demand Side Challenges, 2022

[Ref No.: 4715]

dr. kamrul hasan" (aicss 2022) international conference on sustainable development: opportunities and challenges"
Performance Evaluation of Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh during Basel III Regime: A Case Study, 2022

[Ref No.: 4716]

dr. kamrul hasan" (aicss 2022) international conference on sustainable development: opportunities and challenges"
Institutional Finance and SME Development in Bangladesh: An Evaluative Study, 2022

[Ref No.: 4717]

dr. kamrul hasan" 9th annual banking conference 2022"
Determinants of Financial Sustainability of Islamic Microfinance Program (RDS) of IBBL- An Exploratory Study, 2022

[Ref No.: 4718]

md. zahidul anam "2022 international conference on energy & power engineering"
Energy & Power Engineering, 2022

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 5531]

md. zahidul anam "2020 ieee region 10 symposium (tensymp)"
Renewable energy, 2022

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 5533]

md. ekram hossainmd. ekram hossain; huang dechun; changzheng zhang; mohammad ali" cross-border higher education for regional integration among saarc countries"
International Symposium on the Significance of Regional Cooperation, 2021

[Ref No.: 3516]

mehzabul hoque nahid "prospects of no-code and low-code artificial intelligence technologies"
2nd AIUB International Conference on Business and Management (AICBM)-2021, 2021

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence [Ref No.: 3544]

mehzabul hoque nahid, nazia farhana "assessing essential digital literacy skills among bba students in computing and business application"
2nd AIUB International Conference on Business and Management (AICBM)-2021, 2021

Keywords: Digital Transformation,Computer Supported Collaborative Works [Ref No.: 3545]

mehzabul hoque nahid, nazia farhana "exploring bba students’ conception and perception of internship in bangladesh"
2nd AIUB International Conference on Business and Management (AICBM)-2021, 2021

Keywords: Evaluation, Post-method Pedagogy [Ref No.: 3546]

ari wibisono listyo nugro, mohd fakhrimat saad, mohammad baijed, rajermani thinakaran" ai-based recruiting platform in the recruitment process and quality of hiring"
International Conference on Communication, Management and Humanities, 2021

[Ref No.: 4547]

dr. mohammad faridul alam and niaz mohammad acma "two decades of resource mobilization through non-tax revenue: bangladesh panorama,"
3rd International Conference on Business and Management, 2021

[Ref No.: 4308]

amenda philomina purification" impact of ownership structure on dividend policy in the context of the non-financial sector of bangladesh"
3rd International Conference on Business and Management(ICBM) 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 4217]

susmita halder, tahsina khan, rezbin nahar, farheen hassan, ziarat h. khan "employees' perception on involvement in social media and performance in workplace: a study on banking professionals in dhaka city"
2nd AIUB International Conference on Business and Management (AICBM 2021), 2021

[Ref No.: 3837]

hamidul islam, stanley sumon rodrick, ziarat h. khan "consumers’ awareness and acceptance of grocery shopping from the online platforms"
2nd AIUB International Conference on Business and Management (AICBM 2021), 2021

[Ref No.: 3838]

dr. mohammad ali, dr. md ekram hossain, ziarat h. khan "comparative advantage, export diversification, intra-industry trade, and economic growth nexus: evidence from bangladesh's textile and clothing industry"
2nd AIUB International Conference on Business and Management (AICBM 2021), 2021

[Ref No.: 3839]

mossa. anisa khatun, shahnaz zarin haque, sadia rahman" forecasting financial performance using regression techniques: a case study on comparative analysis of nestle and unilever"
2nd AIUB International Conference on Business and Management (AICBM)-2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3831]

12. talukdar, m.r.i.; hassan, f.; nahar, r." virtual, blended, and dual system teaching-learniub international conference on business and management (aicbm)-2021ing: fitness and relevance for universities"
2nd AIUB International Conference on Business and Management (AICBM)-2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3795]

halder , s., khan,t., nahar, r., hassan, f., & khan, z. h" employees' perception on involvement in social media and performance in workplace: a study on banking professionals in dhaka city"
2nd AIUB International Conference on Business and Management (AICBM)-2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3796]

niaz mohammad "linking sustainable development goals to sustainability reporting: insights from bangladesh"
2nd AIUB International Conference on Business & Management, 2021

[Ref No.: 3804]

dr. nisar ahmed and mr. md. joynal abedin "the impact of covid-19 pandemic on the non-performing loans: a study on schedule banks in bangladesh"
2nd AIUB International Conference on Business and Management (AICBM)-2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3805]

dr. nisar ahmed, ms. bohi shajahan and mr. md. joynal abedin" non-performing loans and banking sector: evidence from bangladesh"
2nd AIUB International Conference on Business and Management (AICBM)-2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3806]

haque, islam" effect of the covid-19 pandemic on the purchasing behavior of consumers."
2nd AIUB International Conference on Business and Management (AICBM), 2021

[Ref No.: 3694]

haque, islam" the post covid-19 and emerging markets: the case of sub-saharan africa."
2nd AIUB International Conference on Business and Management (AICBM), 2021

[Ref No.: 3695]

haque, islam" the role of technology on business during the covid-19 lockdown. a case study on bangladesh"
2nd AIUB International Conference on Business and Management, 2021

[Ref No.: 3696]

alam, m. f. & mohammad, n. "fiscal measures for tackling the economic fallout in bangladesh: an assessment of stimulus measures during the covid-19 pandemic era"
2nd AIUB International Conference on Business and Management, 2021

[Ref No.: 3680]

alam, m. f. & mohammad, n." two decades of resource mobilization through non-tax revenue: bangladesh panorama."
3rd International Conference on Business and Management, 2021

[Ref No.: 3681]

sayaka zaman,dr. bikash barua,dr. mm obaidul islam,akm kamrul haque" effect of the covid-19 pandemic on the purchasing behaviour of consumers"
AICBM2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3665]

dr. m.m obaidul islam, akm kamrul haque "current status of e-commerce adoption by smes in bangladesh"
2nd AICBM-2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3666]

akm kamrul haque, dr. mm obaidul islam" the role of technology on business during the covid-19 lockdown: a case study on bangladesh"
AICBM2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3667]

dr. mm obaidul islam, mr. akm kamrul haque, dr. bikash barua" current status of e-commerce adoption by smes in bangladesh: an empirical study"
AICBM 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3669]

akm kamrul haque, dr. mm obaidul islam" the post covid-19 and emerging markets: the case of sub-saharan africa"
AICBM2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3670]

dr. mm obaidul islam" predicting students success in bba business statistics course: the case of private universities in bangladesh"
AICBM2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3671]

dr. mm obaidul islam" e-commerce adoption by smes in bangladesh"
AICBM2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3672]

mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar (fba- aiub), rezbin nahar(fba-aiub, and farheen hassan(fba-aiub) "facing covid-19 pandemic: aiub strategy"
4th PIM International Conference, 2021

[Ref No.: 3656]

mohammad rafiqul islaam talukdar* farheen hasan** rezbin nahar***" virtual, blended, and dual system teaching-learning: fitness and relevance for universities"
2nd AIUB International Conference on Business and Management, 2021

[Ref No.: 3657]

tham, j., karim, k.s., and azam, s.m.f., (2021) "management practice and project performance among manufacturing industries in malaysia"
2nd A.I.U.B. International Conference on Business and Management, 2021

[Ref No.: 3551]

khondaker sazzadul karim, jacquline tham, and s. m. ferdous azam "“online delivery service in bangladesh: measuring the determinants of knowledge management strategy and organizational performance”"
2nd A.I.U.B. International Conference on Business and Management,, 2021

[Ref No.: 3552]

shabnaz, samia, shajahan, bohi, maryam hafsa "identifying required employability skill of the hr graduates: a literature review,"
2nd AIUB International Conference on Business and Management, 2021

[Ref No.: 3555]

hamidul islam, stanley sumon rodrick, and ziarat h. khan "consumers’ awareness and acceptance of grocery shopping from the online platforms"
The 2nd AIUB International Conference on Business and Management (AICBM) 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3557]

stanley sumon rodrick, hamidul islam, dr. sahin akter sarker, and fatema ferdousi tisha "prospects and challenges of using credit cards services - a study on the users in dhaka city"
The 2nd AIUB International Conference on Business and Management (AICBM) 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3558]

shabnaz samia; shajahan bohi" identifying required employability skill of the hr graduates: a literature review"
AICBM-2021 – AIUB International Conference on Business and Management, 2021

[Ref No.: 3880]

shajahan , bohi and shuvo waheduzzaman" online pharmacy- perception of users in bangladesh"
AICBM-2021 – AIUB International Conference on Business and Management, 2021

[Ref No.: 3881]

sharmin sultana, majharul islam, zahin arabi" coexistence of wildlife with modern tourism: on the contrast of bangladesh"
1st International Conference on Marketing and International Business, 2021

[Ref No.: 4682]

stanley sumon rodrick" international conference on 4th industrial revolution and beyond (ic4ir 2021)"
The international conference on the industrial revolution in the planning to create a premier international forum for bringing together researchers and practitioners from diverse domains to share cutting-edge research results obtained through the application of artificial intelligence, the internet of things, data analytics, and cloud computing to solve problems in the industrial domain., 2021

[Ref No.: 4304]

akm kamrul haque" the role of technology on business during the covid–19 lockdown. a case study on bangladesh"
2nd AIUB International Conference on Business and Management (AICBM)-2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 4361]

dr. mohammad ali "2nd aiub international conference on business and management (aicbm) 2021"
Business and Economics, 2021

[Ref No.: 4373]

dr. mohammad ali" d1p5 human resource management-2 in the 2nd aiub international conference on business and management (aicbm) 2021"
Business and Economics, 2021

[Ref No.: 4374]

dr. mohammad ali" international conference on sustainable development: challenges, opportunities and the future"
Sustainable development challenges, 2021

[Ref No.: 4376]

dr. mohammad ali" international symposium on the significance of regional cooperation to ensure the quality assurance in higher education 2021 (issrc 2021)"
Cross-Border Higher Education for Regional Integration among SAARC Countries, 2021

[Ref No.: 4377]

dr. mohammad ali "international conference on 4th industrial revolution and beyond (ic4ir 2021)"
Artificial Intelligence; Robotics and Automation; IoT and Smart Agriculture; Data Analytics and Cloud Computing; Communication and Networks Signal and Natural Language Processing, 2021

[Ref No.: 4378]

hamidul islam [hamid] "2nd aiub international conference on business and management (aicbm) 2021"
Consumers’ Awareness and Acceptance of Grocery Shopping from the Online Platforms, 2021

[Ref No.: 4384]

hamidul islam [hamid] "2nd aiub international conference on business and management (aicbm) 2021"
Prospects and Challenges of using Credit Cards Services: A Study on the users in Dhaka City, 2021

[Ref No.: 4385]

hamidul islam [hamid]" 4th industrial revolution and beyond (ic4ir 2021)"
Artificial Intelligence, Robotics & Automation, IoT Smart Agriculture, Data Analysis & Cloud Computing , Signal & Natural Language Processing, and Communication & Technology., 2021

[Ref No.: 4390]

dr. m. m. obaidul islam" 4th industrial revolution and beyond"
4th Industrial revolution, 2021

[Ref No.: 4403]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" aiub international conference on business and management (aicbm)-2021"
Changing Global Business Paradigm, 2021

[Ref No.: 4404]

md. joynal abedin "2nd aiub international conference on business and management (aicbm)-2021"
Changing Global Business Paradigm, 2021

[Ref No.: 4585]

dr. m. anisa khatun" forecasting financial performance using regression techniques: a case study on comparative analysis of nestle and unilever"
Financial performance analysis, 2021

[Ref No.: 4627]

dr. ziarat hossain khan "2nd aiub international conference on business and management (aicbm 2021)"
Business and Management, 2021

[Ref No.: 4647]

dr. bikash barua" aiub international conference on business and managemen"
Accounting, Supply chain management, HRM, Finance, marketing, value chain, 2021

[Ref No.: 4679]

nazia farhana "2nd aiub international conference on business and management (aicbm)-2021"
Investigating BBA students' conceptions and perceptions of internship: A case study from Bangladesh, 2021

[Ref No.: 5071]

md. nazrul islam" branding bangladesh"
Economy of Bangladesh and investment opportunities, 2021

[Ref No.: 5637]

md hasibul islam, zuhara chavez, seyoum eshetu birkie and monica bellgran "key factors on utilizing the production system design phase for increasing operational performance"
International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, APMS 2020, 2020

[Ref No.: 4011]

md. khaled amin, farheen hassan" 'impact of individual initiatives and attention on tobacco consumption behavior: evidence from a developing country in south asia'"
International Conference on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling, 2020

[Ref No.: 3797]

niaz mohammad" sustainability reporting for business: commitment to sdgs"
Management of innovation and sustainability: Vision 2041, 2020

[Ref No.: 3803]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" 3rd international conference on computing advancements 2020 (icaa’20)"
Computing Advancements 202, 2020

[Ref No.: 3896]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" international conference on earth and environmental sciences & technology for sustainable development"
Soil organic carbon storage and its pool in wetland soils of Bangladesh, 2020

[Ref No.: 3897]

akm kamrul haque" ”business as a force for good"

[Ref No.: 4004]

akm kamrul haque" covid 19 and future emerging markets."
51st Annual Conference of the Decision Science Institute (DSI), 2020

[Ref No.: 4363]

shabnaz, samia, shajahan, bohi, maryam hafsa & shovon, alvi rahman "celebrity endorsement in advertisement: a study on consumers’ perception for selected personal care products in bangladesh"
2nd International Conference on Business and Management (ICBM 2019), 2019

[Ref No.: 2842]

mohammad rashedul hoque, nidhu lal banik, saad hasan, nisar ahmed, shafkat reza chowdhury "low-carbon energy technologies: potentials of solar and nuclear energy sources for sustainable economic development in bangladesh"
2nd International Conference on Business and Management (ICBM-2019), 2019

[Ref No.: 3031]

shabnaz, samia, shajahan, bohi, maryam hafsa" entrepreneurship education a developing trend in the context of bangladesh"
The International Conference on Higher Education in South Asia: Challenges and Possibilities, 2019

[Ref No.: 3211]

mehzabul hoque nahid "digital moisture monitoring system embedded in pic"
2019 International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2019

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 2693]

9. shabnaz, samia, shajahan, bohi, maryam hafsa" entrepreneurship education a developing trend in the context of bangladesh"
International Conference on Higher Education in South Asia: Challenges and Possibilities, 2019

[Ref No.: 3877]

maryam hafsa, shabnaz, samia, shajahan, bohi," identifying the skill gap and employability skills of the hr graduates: an insight into the hr education , the proc. of the"
International Conference on Higher Education in South Asia: Challenges and Possibilities, 2019

[Ref No.: 3878]

majbub parvez, sharmin sultana" splendid tourism: a new dimension of tourism in bangladesh"
4th International conference on Globalization, Entrepreneurship and Emerging Economies (ICGEEE), 2019, 2019

[Ref No.: 4681]

md. mehzabul hoque nahid" international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques (icrest)"
Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques, 2019

[Ref No.: 3590]

raihan kibria" 2nd assembly on the futures of higher education"
Exploration of open source licensing model as a tool to enhance digitalization in Bangladesh, 2019

[Ref No.: 3630]

dr. ziarat hossain khan" auap-iaup joint international conference"
Future Higher Education Model and Artificial Intelligence-Opportunities and Challenges, 2019

[Ref No.: 3703]

dr. rafiuddin ahmed" 9th social business day"
How to prepare a quality academic paper, 2019

[Ref No.: 3736]

mahir abrar" waterfront confernence 2.0"
Waterfront Management, 2019

[Ref No.: 3785]

dr. syed mahbubur rahman" revisiting the concept of adaptation co-benefit"
Climate Change and Sustainable Development, 2019

[Ref No.: 3885]

bohi shajahan" international conference on higher education in south asia: challenges and pssibilities"
Higher Education trends, challenges and possibilities, 2019

[Ref No.: 3924]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" emerging leaders conference"
Leadership & Business Development, 2019

[Ref No.: 4108]

quazi nur alam" spectrum of opportunities through innovation and technology"
Performance of Mutual Fund Management of Bangladesh-Evidence from close end mutual Fund in Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited, 2019

[Ref No.: 5060]

hasibul, islam mohammad;gustav, bergqvist;malin, tarrar "adoption of lean philosophy in car dismantling companies in sweden-a case study"
8th Swedish Production Symposium, SPS 2018, 2018

[Ref No.: 4012]

khondaker sazzadul karim, s. m. ferdous azam, jacquline tham" a conceptual framework on consumers’ willingness to buy foreign products in bangladesh"
AIUB International Conference on Business and Management, November 23-24, 2018,, 2018

[Ref No.: 2808]

md. khaled amin1, khondaker sazzadul karim, afrina amin, jing hua li "preliminary enquiry into the adoption behavior of k’ts enabled products and services at the bottom of the pyramid (bop) in bangladesh."
21st International Conference of Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2018

[Ref No.: 2809]

s. m. ferdous azam, khondaker sazzadul karim and jacquline tham "job stress and satisfaction among academic staffs in private universities: an empirical study in bangladesh"
AIUB International Conference on Business and Management, 2018

Keywords: Other [Ref No.: 2711]

mim, mst. sumona akter & shabnaz, samia "employee’s perception on training effectiveness: a comparison of government and private banks of bangladesh"
AIUB International Conference on Business and Management, 2018

[Ref No.: 2665]

shabnaz samia, kowshik sk. tasthekur hossain and rodrick stanley sumon "factors persuading the intention of using e-recruitment by job seekers in bangladesh"
Eighth International Conference On Advances in Economics, Management and Social Study - EMS 2018, 2018

[Ref No.: 3186]

shabnaz samia, kowshik sk. tasthekur hossain and rodrick stanley sumon "relationship of individual factors and hrm practices on employee retention in private banking sector of bangladesh"
Eighth International Conference On Advances in Economics, Management and Social Study - EMS 2018, 2018

[Ref No.: 3187]

ashfaque mohib, sunvir islam, mohammad hoque, saad hasan "failure modes, effects and analysis: a case study on e-commerce enterprise in bangladesh"
1st AIUB International Conference on Business and Management 2018 (AICBM 2018), 2018

[Ref No.: 3093]

nazmun nahar, sadia rahman and mossa. anisa khatun" business students' choice of specialization: a quantitative case on a private university of bangladesh"
AICBM, 2018

[Ref No.: 2935]

mehedi shahnewaz jalil" service innovation drive system integration: how ride sharing service engender an economic & social impact in bangladesh"
3rd International Conference on Business and Economics, 2018, 2018

[Ref No.: 4680]

mehedi shanewaz jalil, sharmin sultana" use of mobile court nexus between business liberalization and establishment of governance in the society"
6th International Integrative Research Conference on Governance and Modernization in Changing Environment, 2018

[Ref No.: 4683]

stanley sumon rodrick" 1st aiub international conference on business and management (aicbm) 2018,"
Business and Management areas, 2018

[Ref No.: 3496]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" international conference on business and sustainable development (icbsd)"
Brand Choice Behavior for Toiletries Products: A Study on the Consumers of Dhaka City, 2018

[Ref No.: 3502]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" aiub international conference on business and management (aicbm)"
Worked as Reviewer of the manuscripts in the area of marketing and as session chair during marketing session., 2018

[Ref No.: 3503]

dr. sahin akter sarker" aiub international conference on business and management 2018"
Issues related with business field, 2018

[Ref No.: 3527]

dr. shibli ahmed khan" aicbm 2018"
Introduce session chair, 2018

[Ref No.: 3542]

reajmin sultana" aiub international conference on business and management (aicbm). https://www.aiub.edu/aiub-international-conference-on-business-and-management---aicbm-2018"
Marketing, Economics, Operation and Supply Chain Management, Accounting and Finance, Human Resource Management and Management Information System (MIS), and Education and Learning, 2018

[Ref No.: 3545]

dr. kamrul hasan" aiub international conference on business and management (aicbm) - 2018"
Impact of SME Financing on Entrepreneurship Development in Bangladesh: An Evaluative Study, 2018

[Ref No.: 3573]

md. mehzabul hoque nahid" aiub international conference on business and management 2019"
Business and Management, 2018

[Ref No.: 3591]

dr. syed mahbubur rahman" financing adaptation to climate change: a case of adaptation fund"
Adaptation to climate change, 2018

[Ref No.: 3690]

dr. syed mahbubur rahman" eco-literacy and environmental actions of bankers: a case of bangladesh"
Environment, Eco-Literacy, 2018

[Ref No.: 3691]

shama islam" edhat international research conference on information communication technology (ict) 2018"
Research in ICT opens the gate to the modern world with sub themes in the field of Advances in ICT Research, Information Systems and ICT in Education., 2018

[Ref No.: 3704]

shama islam" 16th auap general conference and the 1st auap-ifcu joint international conference 2018"
Envisioning the Universities of Tomorrow in the Age of Emerging Technologies, Disruption, and Change, 2018

[Ref No.: 3705]

dr. ziarat hossain khan" 1st aiub international conference in business and management"
Integrating Business Research in Global Development, 2018

[Ref No.: 3706]

afdalin bin haque" cambridge university international model united nations conference"
Iran Nuclear Negotiation, 2018

[Ref No.: 3708]

afdalin bin haque" aiub international conference on business and management"
Organizing, 2018

[Ref No.: 3709]

dr. saad hasan" 1st aiub international conference business and management (aicbm)"
Supply Chain Management, 2018

[Ref No.: 3719]

jubayer suhan" aiub international conference on business and management"
MIS, Banking, Accounting, Finance, OSCM, 2018

[Ref No.: 3738]

dr. mohammad rashedul hoque" 1st aiub international conference on business and management 2018 (aicbm 2018)"
Business and Management, 2018

[Ref No.: 3757]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" 3rd international conference on food chemistry and nutrition"
A Study on Consumers Awareness of Chemically Treated Fruits of Dhaka City in Bangladesh, 2018

[Ref No.: 3895]

sadia rahman" “aiub international conference on business and management, november 23-24, 2018, dhaka, bangladesh.”"
“Business Students’ Choice of specialization: A quantitative case on a private university of Bangladesh”, 2018

[Ref No.: 3927]

dr. m. anisa khatun "business students' choice of specialization: a quantitative case on a private university of bangladesh"
Education quality analysis, 2018

[Ref No.: 4628]

dr. bikash barua" annual banking conference"
Banking system development, 2018

[Ref No.: 4676]

s. hasan, m. r. hoque, a. a. mohib "supplier- buyer relationships: a study on bangladeshi contract clothing manufactures."
1st International Conference on Business and Management (ICBM 2017), 2017

[Ref No.: 3030]

stanley sumon rodrick, hamidul islam, and ahmed ishtiaq zadid "influences of packaging and labeling aspects on consumer preferences for personal care products: an empirical study on the rural consumers of chittagong division, bangladesh"
The 6th International Conference on Tourism, Business, Finance and Law (TBFL-2017), 2017

[Ref No.: 2614]

hamidul islam, stanley sumon rodrick, and md. abu jubaer "consumers’ awareness and acceptability towards online grocery shopping: a study on the consumers of dhaka metropolitan city"
The 6th International Conference on Tourism, Business, Finance and Law (TBFL-2017), 2017

[Ref No.: 2615]

shabnaz samia and sultana rahat "the factors influencing turnover intention among employees: a case study on pharmaceutical company of bangladesh ,"
International Conference on Education, Business and Management (ICEBM-2017), 2017

[Ref No.: 2661]

shabnaz samia and shajahan bohi "factors influencing empowerment of employed women: a case study on rmg sector of bangladesh"
1st International Conference of Business and Management (ICBM-2017), 2017

[Ref No.: 2662]

shabnaz samia" relation of individual factors affecting entrepreneurial career choice of business students: a study in bangladesh"
Insearch 2017: 4th International Integrative Research Conference, 2017

[Ref No.: 2663]

sharmin sultana, rehnuma sultana khan" potentialities of tea tourism in bangladesh: a study on chittagong"
1st International Conference on Business and Management, 2017, 2017

[Ref No.: 4678]

reajmin sultana" annual banking conference. http://abc.bibm.org.bd/"
contemporary issues on banking, finance and the economy, both in the national and international context., 2017

[Ref No.: 3337]

hamidul islam [hamid]" 6th international conference on tourism, business, finance and law"
Consumers’ Awareness and Acceptability towards Online Grocery Shopping: A Study on the Consumers of Dhaka Metropolitan City, 2017

[Ref No.: 3576]

hamidul islam [hamid]" 6th international conference on tourism, business, finance and law"
Influences of Packaging and Labeling Aspects on Consumer Preferences for Personal Care Products: An Empirical Study on the Rural Consumers of Chittagong Division, Bangladesh, 2017

[Ref No.: 3577]

md. mehzabul hoque nahid" 1st international conference on business and management"
Business and Management, 2017

[Ref No.: 3589]

dr. syed mahbubur rahman" green banking: the case of commercial banking sector in oman"
Green banking in Oman, 2017

[Ref No.: 3692]

dr. saad hasan" 1st international conference on business and management"
Supply Chain Management, RMG Industry, 2017

[Ref No.: 3720]

akm kamrul haque" examining students’ behavioral intention to adopt icts at tertiary level."
Students and Technology, 2017

[Ref No.: 3729]

nazia farhana" bali international business and social science research conference (bibsrc) 2017"
Factors Affecting the Attitude toward Online Shopping: An Empirical Study on Urban Youth in Bangladesh, 2017

[Ref No.: 3740]

dr. mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar" kapa international conference https://www.facebook.com/kapa1956/posts/2017-korean-association-for-public-administration-kapainternational-conferenceht/1289533534469980/"
Development Aid Effectiveness in Bangladesh, 2017

[Ref No.: 3803]

dr. mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar" international conference for case studies http://conference.nida.ac.th/iccs2017/"
NIDA Library Service Management: Problems and Consequences, 2017

[Ref No.: 3804]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" iwise conference 2017"
Water, Informatics, Sustainability and Environment, 2017

[Ref No.: 3894]

dr. mohammad ali" international student conference on global citizenship 2017"
WATER, FOOD AND ENERGY NEXUS: Striving for a Better Future, 2017

[Ref No.: 4262]

rehnuma sultana khan, sharmin sultana" breaking the gender barrier success stories of women in hospitality industry in bangladesh"
International Conference on Business, Management, Economics & Social Science, 2016, 2016

[Ref No.: 4679]

khondoker ziaur rahman" green banking for green industry and green energy"
Green Banking, 2016

[Ref No.: 3061]

sabrina rahman" 12th atf biennial conference on sustainable tourism development"
Identifying the key factors influencing sustainable tourism in Bangladesh: A Quantitative Analysis, 2016

[Ref No.: 3065]

dr. md. khaled amin" international on business and economics: reinvesting business for the 21th century (icbe 2016)"
E-learning, 2016

[Ref No.: 3170]

dr. md. khaled amin" 19th international conference on computer and information technology (iccit 2016)"
Accounting Information System(AIS), 2016

[Ref No.: 3171]

nafiul aziz" thomson reuters users conference"
Ultra Tax, Acounting CS, Practice CS, 2016

[Ref No.: 3179]

dr. syed mahbubur rahman" impacts of waterlogging and adaptation measures in khulna, bangladesh"
Adaptation to waterlogging, 2016

[Ref No.: 3693]

shama islam" iaup semi-annual meeting"
Universities and the Preservation of Culture as an International Challenge and the Higher Education Institutions and Sustainability, 2016

[Ref No.: 3702]

tamanna nazneen rahman" successfully took part in shanghai education conference ‘ belt and road to basic education reform’ held in shanghai normal university, funded by shanghai education commission."
Education Reform, 2016

[Ref No.: 3870]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" partnership in gaining demographic dividend"
Management consultancy, 2016

[Ref No.: 4106]

dr. mohammad ali" 3rd annual humun conference-2016"
Combating Climate Change to Achieve SDG-13 by 2030, 2016

[Ref No.: 4261]

mohammad mostofa jaman" 5th annual conference on management and social sciences"
Entrepreneurship as a Driving force for rural Tourism Development, 2015

[Ref No.: 2892]

dr. showkat ali" international 19th mathematics conference"

[Ref No.: 3059]

dr. md. khaled amin" 18th international conference on computer and information technology (iccit 2015)"
Mobile Wallet, 2015

[Ref No.: 3173]

dr. kamrul hasan" sustainable development (icsd) 2015"
Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs): Getting Started, 2015

[Ref No.: 3306]

dr. syed mahbubur rahman" corporate greening initiatives by financial services organizations in oman"
Green initiatives in Oman, 2015

[Ref No.: 3694]

dr. syed mahbubur rahman" synthesis of aid and climate-specific aid: the bangladesh case"
Aid and climate aid, 2015

[Ref No.: 3695]

neaz ahmed" 13th south asian management forum"
Customers' Perception of Ethical Issues in Corporate Governance of Islamic Banks in Bangladesh, 2015

[Ref No.: 3739]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" bapa-ben special conference on environment policies and acts implementation problem (epaip) 2015"
Environment Policies and Acts Implementation Problem, 2015

[Ref No.: 3892]

khorshed ahmed talukdar" wace conference"
Training and Development, 2015

[Ref No.: 3957]

dr. mohammad ali" nanking national model united nations conference"
Environmental Summit, 2015

[Ref No.: 4259]

dr. mohammad ali" asian-african summit-2015"
Asian African Issues, 2015

[Ref No.: 4260]

safique ahamed faruque, mossa. anisa khatun and md. saidur rahman" stop propagation of harmful information on social networks"
International Conference on Electronics, Informatics and Vision, 2014

[Ref No.: 131]

dr. mohammad zakaria masud" cima lecturer’s conference colombo 2014"
CIMA policies and new syllabus, 2014

[Ref No.: 77]

humaira naznin" 2 nd international conference"
Challenges of Linguistic Transition at Tertiary level – Case of a Private University in Bangladesh, 2014

[Ref No.: 136]

humaira naznin" international conference"
Skills Development in Bangaldesh, 2014

[Ref No.: 137]

sadia rahman" annual shanghai business, economics and finance conference https://www.wbiworldconpro.com/"
Adopting Green: from the Perspective of Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh, 2014

[Ref No.: 311]

dr. md. khaled amin" thirteenth wuhan international conference on e-business (whiceb 2014)"
ICT, 2014

[Ref No.: 3175]

dr. md. khaled amin" international conference on economics and management"
ICT, 2014

[Ref No.: 3176]

dr. mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar" international conference on governance and innovation https://10times.com/international-conference-on-governance-and-innovation"
The Village Courts in Bangladesh: Approaches and Outcomes, 2014

[Ref No.: 3805]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" 1st international conference for young public health professionals in aiub"
Young Public Health Professionals in AIUB, 2014

[Ref No.: 3890]

dr. mohammad ali" 2nd qi hang model united nation conference 2014”"
Privatization of Wars-Role of PMSCs in Today's Modern Warfare, 2014

[Ref No.: 4258]

mohamed sulaiman, khondaker sazzadul karim and suhaimi bin mhd sarif" inputting ethical decision making framework from a commentary of soorah al –hujuraat"
International conference on management research and advances in accounting, 2013

[Ref No.: 2449]

sultanul nahian hasnat" 9th asian business research conference"
Establishing a Forecasting Model for High Speed Diesel for Bangladesh: A Case Study on Meghna Petroleum Limited, 2013

[Ref No.: 184]

kashfia sharmeen" 9th international conference in islamic economics and finance"
Relationship between Capital, Risk and Efficiency: A Comparative Study between Islamic and Conventional Banks in Bangladesh, 2013

[Ref No.: 196]

kashfia sharmeen" 9th asian business research conference"
The Economic Institutions of Corporate Governance: A Comparative Study between Bank-based and Market-based systems, 2013

[Ref No.: 197]

dr. ramit azad" international scientific-practical conference"
Evaluation of integrals using the Error Function and Error Function of Imaginary Argument, 2013

[Ref No.: 336]

dr. rezwanul alam" 8st intl e-asia conference"
The Future of Cloud Computing and Open Source Software – Lessons from the chronological development of Android, 2013

[Ref No.: 2701]

dr. khondaker sazzadul karim" international conference on management research and advances in accounting"
Inputting Ethical Decision Making Framework From a Commentary of Soorah Al –Hujuraat” International conference on management research and advances in accounting, 2013

[Ref No.: 3169]

dr. md. khaled amin" international conference on strategic management (icsm 2013)"
ICT, 2013

[Ref No.: 3174]

nafiz ul fahad" 1st international conference on entrepreneurship, smes development and management (icesdm)"
N/A, 2013

[Ref No.: 3182]

dr. mohammad rashedul hoque" 7th international conference of the international society for industrial ecology - isie 2013 ulsan"
Industrial Ecology, 2013

[Ref No.: 3758]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" 7th international conference on community‐based adaptation (cba) to climate change"
Community‐Based Adaptation to Climate Change, 2013

[Ref No.: 3883]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" research to inform food and nutrition security policies, national food policy capacity strengthening programme"
Food and Nutrition Security Policies, 2013

[Ref No.: 3887]

dr. mohammad zakaria masud" safa international conference"
Governance for Stock Market Development: The Role of Management Accountants, 2012

[Ref No.: 72]

dr. mohammad zakaria masud" icru research colloquium"
Islamic Finance as a new alternative in mobilizing Financial Resources of Bangladesh, 2012

[Ref No.: 78]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" world marketing summit"
Different topics on Marketing, 2012

[Ref No.: 349]

md. kamrul bari" annual banking conferene"
Issues and challenges confronting the Bangladesh banking industry, 2012

[Ref No.: 375]

samia shabnaz" 2nd international hr conference"
HR Beyond Boundaries International HR Conference 2012, 2012

[Ref No.: 2533]

tahsina nimmi khan" world marketing summit 2012"
Human Resource Development, Health, Food Security, Green Clean Economy, 2012

[Ref No.: 2593]

md. saddam khan" acs event"
YOUNG IT Enterprise Architecture 101, 2012

[Ref No.: 2929]

md. saddam khan" acs event"
PROJECT MANAGEMENT You Get What You Ask for - What If You're Requirements Aren't Good Enough?, 2012

[Ref No.: 2930]

dr. mohammad rashedul hoque" sustainability in energy and buildings, seb'12 stockholm"
Technology for renewable energy and sustainability in the built environment; optimisation and modeling techniques; information and communication technology usage, behaviour and practice, including applications, 2012

[Ref No.: 2975]

dr. md. khaled amin" 10th globelics international conference (globelis 2012)"
E-Business, 2012

[Ref No.: 3178]

hamidul islam [hamid]" the world marketing summit"
Marketing across the nations, 2012

[Ref No.: 3583]

dr. syed mahbubur rahman" solar home system (shs) in rural bangladesh"
Solar energy, 2012

[Ref No.: 3696]

dr. mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar" m4d conference http://kau.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3a472880&dswid=8905"
Mobile Communications and Fighting Corruption, 2012

[Ref No.: 3806]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" international conference on branding for business"
Branding for Business, 2012

[Ref No.: 3882]

dr. bikash barua" external quality assurance in the asia pacific: what has changed over a decade?"
Quality Assurance and accreditation, 2012

[Ref No.: 4677]

dr. ramit azad" international conference on engineering research, innovation and education (cerie 2011"
Importance of Physics Education for the Undergraduate Medical Students of Bangladesh, 2011

[Ref No.: 254]

dr. ramit azad" international conference on environmental technology & construction engineering for sustainable developmen"
The role of physics in the sustainable aggregate development in Bangladesh, 2011

[Ref No.: 255]

dr. rezwanul alam" 3nd intl. conference on e-business & e-commerce"
Bridging the Digital Divide: Ways to Improve The Economy of Developing Nations, 2011

[Ref No.: 2702]

dr. saad hasan" 21st ipsera conference- purchasing & supply management in a changing world, international purchasing, procurement"
Manufacturing Management, 2011

[Ref No.: 3721]

dr. saad hasan" 12th national conference on rapid design, prototyping and manufacturing"
Manufacturing Management, Supply Chain management, 2011

[Ref No.: 3722]

dr. ramit azad" international conference on magnetism and advanced materials"
Magnetic field of the Earth, 2010

[Ref No.: 252]

dr. syed mahbubur rahman" waste management and recycling in cox’s bazar municipality: a step towards sustainability"
Waste management in Bangladesh, 2010

[Ref No.: 3697]

dr. ramit azad" international physics conference"
Magnetic field of a rotating massive sphere taking baroelectric effect into account, 2009

[Ref No.: 249]

dr. ramit azad" national conference on “materials science & technology for sustainable development: bangladesh perspective"
Generation of magnetic fields of celestial bodies, 2009

[Ref No.: 250]

dr. ramit azad" 16th mathematics conference,"
Evaluation of integrals using the error function and error function of imaginary argument, 2009

[Ref No.: 251]

akm kamrul haque" amdib forum 2009"
Some Article presented by Teachers, 2009

[Ref No.: 2587]

amitava bose bapi" the second international conference of global business and management form"
Global financial crisis and economic recession in 2009, its causes and impacts, its remedies and possible strategies by a company to encounter this threat., 2009

[Ref No.: 2677]

dr. partha prasad chowdhury" tutors conference"
New Qualification Credit framework (QCF), IAM qualification review; Examinations-Tips & Advice; Operational procedures., 2009

[Ref No.: 4104]

shama islam" heroes conference"
Member committee development, leadership practices, project ideas and implementation, 2008

[Ref No.: 2769]

dr. saad hasan" 19th international daaam symposium"
Technology Management, 2008

[Ref No.: 3723]

dr. saad hasan" 19th solid free form fabrication symposium"
Fabrication Technology, Manufacturing Supply Chain, 2008

[Ref No.: 3724]

dr. saad hasan" 32nd japan rapid prototyping symposium"
Technology management, Rapid manufacturing technologies, 2008

[Ref No.: 3725]

dr. saad hasan" 9th national conference on rapid design, prototyping and manufacturing"
Supply Chain , Manufacturing Technology, 2008

[Ref No.: 3726]

akm kamrul haque" amdib forum (the association of management development institutions of bangladesh)"
Some Article Presented by Teachers, 2007

[Ref No.: 2588]

dr. mohammad zakaria masud" safa international conference"
Mobilization and Management of Economic Growth, 2006

[Ref No.: 73]

dr. ramit azad" xiv all russian conference on cold nuclear transmutation of chemical elements and ball lightning"
On the possibility of the inducement of nuclear transformations with the help of nonhomogeneous magnetic fields, 2006

[Ref No.: 248]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" 18th world congress of soil science"
18th World Congress of Soil Science, 2006

[Ref No.: 3880]

mossa. anisa khatun" effects of capital investment on international trade using multi-stage overlapping generation concepts"
NA, 2005

[Ref No.: 3050]

mossa. anisa khatun and hajime inamura" a dynamic international trade model using overlapping generation and general equilibrium concepts"
EcoMod-IIOA, 2004

[Ref No.: 2937]

mossa. anisa khatun and hajime inamura" a dynamic gross investment model using overlapping generation and general equilibrium concepts"
Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2004

[Ref No.: 2938]

dr. m. anisa khatun" international conference on input-output and general equilibrium: data modeling and policy analysis"
A Dynamic International Trade Model Using Overlapping Generation and General Equilibrium Concepts, 2004

[Ref No.: 240]

dr. m. anisa khatun" infrastructure planning conference"
A dynamic Gross Investment Model Using Overlapping Generation and General Equilibrium Concepts, 2004

[Ref No.: 241]

dr. ramit azad" xxxvii all russian scientific conference on the problems of mathematics, informatics, physics, chemistry and method of teaching of natural science disciplines"
Magnetic Field of rotating conducting sphere, 2001

[Ref No.: 247]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" detecting environmental change. science and society"
Detecting Environmental Change. Science and Society, 2001

[Ref No.: 3877]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" conference on the “biogeochemistry of trace elements”"
Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, 2001

[Ref No.: 3878]

dr. ramit azad" xxxvi all russian scientific conference on the problems of mathematics, informatics, physics, chemistry and method of teaching of natural science disciplines"
Magnetic Field at an arbitrary point on the plain of Thin Rotating disc, 2000

[Ref No.: 246]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" iacr-rothamsted millennium conference in association with plant and soil."
IACR-Rothamsted Millennium Conference In association with Plant and Soil. Interactions in the Root Environment-An Integrated Approach, 2000

[Ref No.: 3873]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" third international symposium of the working group mo, interactions of soil minerals with organic components and microorganisms of the iuss"
Soil Mineral-Organic Matter-Microorganism Interactions and Ecosystem Health, 2000

[Ref No.: 3874]

professor dr. md. faruque hossain" rothamsted international biomarket 2000. bioproducts from plants and microbes"
Bioproducts from Plants and Microbes, 2000

[Ref No.: 3876]

dr. kamrul hasan" economic reforms in saarc region"
Recent Trends of Economic Reforms in SAARC Region, 1998

[Ref No.: 3263]

mossa. anisa khatun and hajime inamura" a modeling for forecasting population density connected with bus networks improvement using voronoi concepts"
Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 1997

Keywords: Smart Cities [Ref No.: 2940]

mossa. anisa khatun and hajime inamura" a modeling of urban land-use changes by transportation improvement using voronoi concepts"
Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 1997

Keywords: Smart Cities [Ref No.: 2943]

dr. m. anisa khatun" annual conference on infrastructure planning"
A Modeling for Forecasting Population Density Connected with Bus Networks Improvement using Voronoi Concepts, 1997

Keywords: Smart Cities [Ref No.: 242]

dr. m. anisa khatun" annual conference of japan society of civil engineers"
A Modeling of Urban Land-use Changes by Transportation Improvement using Voronoi Concepts, 1997

Keywords: Smart Cities [Ref No.: 243]

dr. md. sazzadur rahman khan" management accounting study manual."
A1 – Introduction to Management Accounting, 22

[Ref No.: 2339]

dr. md. sazzadur rahman khan" strategic management accounting"
(a) Investment in subsidiaries and (b) Financial Statement Analysis,, 22

[Ref No.: 2340]

dr. md. sazzadur rahman khan" advanced financial accounting study manual."
(a) International investment appraisal and (b) Implementation and control procedure,, 22

[Ref No.: 2341]

niaz mohammad, abdelkader mohamed sghaier derbali "social and ethical implications of ai in finance for sustainability"
Implication of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Finance in the Case of Bangladesh, 2024

[Ref No.: 2338]

selim ahmed and rezbin nahar "development of total quality management from conventional and islamic perspectives"
Development of Total Quality Management from Conventional and Islamic Perspectives, 2024

[Ref No.: 2322]

niaz mohammad "navigating the future of finance in the age of ai"
The Use of AI in ESG Integration: Bangladesh Perspective, 2024

[Ref No.: 2346]

syed mahbubur rahman, mahreen mamoon, afdalin bin haque, md. joynal abedin, rezwanul haque, rezbin nahar, md nasir uddin, md shamimul islam "information dissemination during the covid-19 outbreak among the students at the tertiary level"
Innovation, Leadership and Governance in Higher Education, 2023

[Ref No.: 2323]

dr. nikhil chandra shil; dr. mohammad zakaria masud; dr. mohammad faridul alam" bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
All Chapters, 2023

[Ref No.: 2325]

mustafizur rahman and amenda philomina purification "taxing the digital economy in bangladesh"
1, 2023

[Ref No.: 2318]

niaz mohammad "cases on uncovering corporate governance challenges in asian markets"
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Integration: Evidence From an Emerging Economy, 2023

[Ref No.: 2319]

syed mahbubur rahman, mahreen mamoon, afdalin bin haque, md. joynal abedin, rezwanul haque, rezbin nahar, md. nasir uddin & md. shamimul islam "information dissemination during the covid-19 outbreak among the students at the tertiary level"
Chapter 18, 2023

[Ref No.: 2261]

azam, s. m. f., karim, k.s., chong, p. l" business continuity- malaysian small business and covid-19 resilience strategies"
All Chapters, 2023

[Ref No.: 2275]

dr. nikhil chandra shil, dr. mohammad zakaria masud, dr. mohammad faridul alam" bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
All, 2022

Keywords: Other [Ref No.: 2271]

md. joynal abedin, syed mahbubur rahman, riyashad ahmed "fintech in islamic banking in bangladesh: opportunities and threats"
Chapter 7, 2022

Keywords: Financial Institution Starvation [Ref No.: 2257]

dr. carmen z. lamagna, dr. charles c. villanueva, dr. rafiq talukder, dr. rezbin nahar and farheen hassan" modern talent management in knowledge organizations: post-pandemic paradigm"
N/A, 2022

[Ref No.: 2242]

s.m. ferdous azam and khondaker sazzadul karim "students' massive open online course (mooc) readiness"
All Chapters, 2022

[Ref No.: 2217]

talukdar, m.r.i." local government budgetary autonomy: evidence from bangladesh"
BOOK, 2022

[Ref No.: 2224]

md. nur al ahad "marketingnama (মার্কেটিংনামা )"
All Chapters, 2022

[Ref No.: 2368]

md. nur al ahad" data science & machine learning (ডেটা সায়েন্স এবং মেশিন লার্নিং (১ম খন্ড))"
All Chapters, 2022

[Ref No.: 2369]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea "handbook of research on post-pandemic talent management models in knowledge organizations"
Preface and Conclusion, 2022

[Ref No.: 2329]

mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar, carmen z. lamagna, charles carillo villanueva, rezbin nahar, farheen hassan "post-pandemic talent management models in knowledge organizations"
All Chapters, 2022

[Ref No.: 2324]

md sazzadur rahman khan, safiuddin, mamunur rashid" cost accounting study manual"
1-9, 2021

[Ref No.: 2321]

shil, n. c., masud, m. z., & alam, m. f." bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
All, 2021

[Ref No.: 2225]

talukdar, m.r.i. "local governance in bangladesh - policy and strategy framework"
BOOK, 2021

[Ref No.: 2223]

lamagna, carmen z. (lamagna, carmen z.); villanueva, charles c. (villanueva, charles c.); hassan, farheen (hassan, farheen); haque, mohammad imranul (haque, mohammad imranul) "bangladesh: family members-the key to university success"
5, 2020

[Ref No.: 2243]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
All, 2019

[Ref No.: 2194]

mohammad afrina, mossa. anisa khatun and nazmun nahar "advances in business and management"
Influence of Social Media on Consumer Decision Making: The Bangladeshi Perspective,, 2019

Keywords: Social Computing [Ref No.: 2155]

nazmun nahar "advances in business and management, volume 16"
Influence of social media on consumer decision making: the Bangladeshi perspective, 2019

[Ref No.: 2160]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea" family owned/managed universities: an unknown global phenomenon"
AIUB, Harmony and Unity Action, 2019

[Ref No.: 2162]

dr. mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar "global encyclopedia of pa, public policy & governance - springer nature switzerland [encl: link]"
Local Government Budgeting in Bangladesh, 2019

[Ref No.: 2183]

dr. mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar "global encyclopedia of pa, public policy & governance - springer nature switzerlanand [encl: link]"
National and Local Governments Relationship in Bangladesh, 2019

[Ref No.: 2184]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea "“internal quality assurance: enhancing higher education quality and graduate employability ”"
one (1) chapter, 2018

[Ref No.: 2118]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
All, 2018

[Ref No.: 2123]

asif parvez" women empowerment: the global scenario- by rashmi jain"
16, 2017

[Ref No.: 2153]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
All, 2017

[Ref No.: 2122]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea "institutional publication by unesco and iiep, france"
“The Effects of Internal QA on Quality and Employability-AIUB - Bangladesh, 2017

[Ref No.: 2117]

abdul kader nazmul" understanding human resource management: cases from bangladesh"
3, 5, 12, 2017

[Ref No.: 2131]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea" english for employability- telsheb"
7 chapters, 2017

[Ref No.: 29]

md. mohiuddin "flexible and stretchable electronic composites"
Chapter 13: Nanomaterials Embedded Liquid Crystal Elastomers in Electronics Devices Application, 2016

[Ref No.: 2076]

nazmun nahar "advances in business and management, volume 9"
Computing Export-Import Quantities and Prices of Agricultural Commodities using Transportation Model, 2016

[Ref No.: 2140]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
All, 2016

[Ref No.: 2121]

nazmun nahar and mossa. anisa khatun "advances in business and management"
7, 2016

Keywords: Economics in Smart Environments [Ref No.: 2154]

islam md. tamzidul" factors affecting level of motivation to consumer organic tea in bangladesh"
3, 2016

[Ref No.: 2193]

sharmin sultana and rehnuma sultana khan" breaking the gender barrier success stories of women in hospitality industry in bangladesh"
All Chapters, 2016

[Ref No.: 2357]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
All, 2015

[Ref No.: 2120]

md. mohiuddin "smart materials actuators: recent advances in characterization and applications"
Chapter 11: Sustainable Materials based Flexible Actuators, 2015

[Ref No.: 2075]

dr. anisur rahman faroque "the research handbook of marketing in emerging economies"
Diffusion of Supermarkets in Bangladesh: Miles to Go, 2015

[Ref No.: 2071]

dr. mohammed kamrul hasan" foundations of financial management"
BOOK, 2014

[Ref No.: 39]

hafsa maryam" research methodology – contemporary practices: portfolio for the new researchers"
1, 2, 2014

[Ref No.: 40]

dr. md. salah uddin rajib "encyclopedia of business analytics and optimization"
Ethical Issues of Qualitative Research, 2014

[Ref No.: 2058]

shahariar rakib hasan khan" a text book of the laws regarding the labours of bangladesh"
21, 2014

[Ref No.: 8]

dr. mohammad zakaria masud" bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
ALL, 2014

[Ref No.: 9]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
All, 2014

[Ref No.: 2]

dr. mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar "local governance in bangladesh policy and strategy [encl: reviewer's review link]"
BOOK, 2014

[Ref No.: 2187]

dr. mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar "rural local government in bangladesh [encl: reviewer's review link]"
BOOK, 2013

[Ref No.: 2188]

dr. mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar "corporate social responsibility & sustainable dev -enriched publ., india [printed edition only]"
Towards Fighting Corruption: The Role of Corporations, 2013

[Ref No.: 2185]

dr. sahin akter sarker "sustainable development in india – issues and approaches"
Climate Change with different possibility, 2013

[Ref No.: 2134]

mohammad rashedul hoque, xavier gabarrell durany, gara villalba méndez & cristina sendra sala "smart innovation, systems and technologies"
Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, 2013

[Ref No.: 2080]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
All, 2013

[Ref No.: 19]

dr. mohammad zakaria masud" bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
ALL, 2013

[Ref No.: 10]

professor farheen hassan phd., sfhea" introduction to business"
ALL, 2013

[Ref No.: 28]

mossa. anisa khatun, safique ahamed faruque and md. saidur rahman "hrm and marketing orientation in the new era"
Selecting Promising Customers on Social Networks for Promoting New Products in Presence of Rivals, 2013

Keywords: Smart Cities,Social Computing [Ref No.: 35]

dr. md. salah uddin rajib "performance evaluation methods and employee work behavior"
it contains five chapters, 2013

[Ref No.: 2059]

dr. mohammed kamrul hasan" introduction to business"
BOOK, 2013

[Ref No.: 38]

dr. anisur rahman faroque "springerbriefs in business"
Export Assistance: The Way Back and Forward, 2012

[Ref No.: 2072]

dr. mohammed kamrul hasan" international financial management"
CHAPTER 1-15, 2012

[Ref No.: 37]

dr. mohammad zakaria masud" bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
ALL, 2012

[Ref No.: 11]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
All, 2012

[Ref No.: 20]

dr. mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar "m4d 2012 - karlstad university studies, sweden [encl: link]"
Mobile Communications and Fighting Corruption, 2012

[Ref No.: 2186]

dr. mohammad rafiqul islam talukdar "stanio shashoner rajniti (politics of local governance) [encl: reviewer's review link]"
BOOK, 2012

[Ref No.: 2189]

dr. sahin akter sarker "ageing population and social security system (global scenario with special reference to india)"
Evolving Marketing Strategies for Over Aged Persons, 2011

[Ref No.: 2135]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
All, 2011

[Ref No.: 21]

dr. mohammad zakaria masud" bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
ALL, 2011

[Ref No.: 12]

dr. ramit azad "earth physics"
12th, 2011

[Ref No.: 36]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
All, 2010

[Ref No.: 24]

dr. mohammad zakaria masud" bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
ALL, 2010

[Ref No.: 13]

dr. sahin akter sarker "rights of disable women and children in india"
Rehabilitating Disabled Persons in Bangladesh, 2009

[Ref No.: 2136]

dr. mohammad zakaria masud" bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
ALL, 2009

[Ref No.: 14]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
All, 2009

[Ref No.: 25]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
All, 2008

[Ref No.: 26]

dr. mohammad zakaria masud" bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
ALL, 2008

[Ref No.: 15]

abdul kader nazmul" management case studies"
Monon Moves On, 2007

[Ref No.: 2130]

dr. mohammad zakaria masud" bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
ALL, 2007

[Ref No.: 16]

dr. mohammad faridul alam" bangladesh income tax: theory and practice"
All, 2007

[Ref No.: 27]

dr. ramit azad" on the problem of the distribution of the density of displaced charges in rotating metallic disc"
2, 2001

[Ref No.: 3]

md. rokonuzzaman, saifur rahman, m.a. hannan, mahmuda khatun mishu, wen-shan tan, kazi sajedur rahman, jagadeesh pasupuleti, nowshad amin "levenberg-marquardt algorithm-based solar pv energy integrated internet of home energy management system"
Applied Energy, 2025

Keywords: Home energy management system (HEMS); Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm; Artificial intelligence (AI); Solar photovoltaic (PV) energy; Internet of things (IoT) [Ref No.: 7151]

abidur rahman sagor, md. rifat hazari, shameem ahmad, emanuele ogliari, chowdhury akram hossain, effat jahan and mohammad abdul mannan "optimal sizing of islanded microgrid using pelican optimization algorithm for kutubdia island of bangladesh"
Electric Power Systems Research, 2025

[Ref No.: 7315]

alam, m.m.; trina, s.a.; hossain, t.; mahmood, s.; ahmed, m.s.; arafat, m.y. "variations in multi-agent actor–critic frameworks for joint optimizations in uav swarm networks: recent evolution, challenges, and directions"
Drones (MDPI), 2025

Keywords: actor–critic frameworks; joint optimizations; multi-agent deep reinforcement learning; UAV swarm networks; trajectory control; task offloading; resource allocation [Ref No.: 7300]

afshana morshed, fei lin, hui wu, zhao xing, sihai jiao, md mahadi hasan*, zhengyi jiang* "hbn/tio2 water-based nanolubricants: a solution for stick–slip mitigation in tribological applications"
Nanoscale Advances, 2025

Keywords: nanolubricant [Ref No.: 7312]

mohammad tauhiduzzaman, leif a carlsson, mustafa o ayanoglu" design analysis of end notch flexure sandwich specimen with honeycomb core"
Journal of Composite Materials, 2025

[Ref No.: 7339]

abu shufian, sowrov komar shib, durjoy roy dipto, md tanvir rahman, nasif hannan, shaikh anowarul fattah "fuzzy logic-controlled three-phase dynamic voltage restorer for enhancing voltage stabilization and power quality"
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2025

Keywords: Fuzzy logic controlDynamic Voltage RestorerVoltage stabilizationPower qualityVoltage sagHarmonic reductionFault toleranceVoltage swellThree-phase system [Ref No.: 7343]

haider mahmud bijoy, suprio saha himu, farzana islam, md. mahadi hasan, ruham rofique, ashikul imran , md. kabiruzzaman "exploring silicon nitride gate materials for enhanced performance of silicon-based mosfet"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2024

[Ref No.: 7264]

m. m. rahman, m. t. alam, m. ashiquzzaman" the analytical approach to evaluate the bit error rate performance of plc system in presence of cyclostationary non-white gaussian noise"
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI), 2024

[Ref No.: 7088]

dr. muhammad aamir, mohammad ismail hossain, prof. dr. md. akhtaruzzaman, mr. junayed hossain rafij, dr. jamal uddin, dr. javeed akhtar, prof. dr. nowshad amin, dr. mohammad el ganaoui, prof. dr. jean-michel nunzi, dr. tetsuya taima, dr. md. shahiduzzaman "navigating challenges and promises for next-generation cspbibr2 perovskite solar cells: a review"
ChemistrySelect, 2024

Keywords: Perovskite solar cells, Inorganic perovskites, CsPbIBr2 perovskite [Ref No.: 7089]

moeen ul islam, debanjon dutta purkaystha, antu das gupta, sopan saha, durjoy banik, and muhibul haque bhuyan "advanced autonomous surveillance robot for enhanced monitoring and individual identification"
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 2024

Keywords: Surveillance Robot, OpenCV Library, Identification, Monitoring Environment, Autonomous Robot, Microcontroller [Ref No.: 7093]

amirul islam; nikolaos thomos; leila musavian "deep reinforcement learning based ultra reliable and low latency vehicular occ"
IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2024

[Ref No.: 7094]

sheikh hasib cheragee, jannatul afroj akhi, mishion dev, md mahfuzul haque, and mohammad jahangir alam "numerical design of non-toxic high-efficiency tandem solar cell with distinct hole transport materials"
Thin Solid Films, 2024

[Ref No.: 7125]

sheikh hasib cheragee, and mohammad jahangir alam "device modelling and numerical analysis of high-efficiency double absorbers solar cells with diverse transport layer materials"
Results in Optics, 2024

[Ref No.: 7126]

md. alamgir hossain, tahmid hasan , fahad ahmed, sheikh hasib cheragee , muntasir hasan kanchan, md alimul haque "towards superior android ransomware detection: an ensemble machine learning perspective"
Cyber Security and Applications, 2024

[Ref No.: 7127]

m. tanseer ali, md. abdur rahman, mohammad abdul mannan, md saniat rahman zishan, nafiz ahmed chisty, chowdhury akram hossain "impact of intermediate indicators on attaining cognitive program outcomes"
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 2024

[Ref No.: 7131]

gour chand mazumder, sanjay kumar sarker, tamim hossain, md. shahariar parvez, md. rifat hazari, chowdhury akram hossain, md. saniat rahman zishan, nowshad amin "integration of multiple simulation tools for photovoltaic system design and analysis"
Advances in Technology Innovation, 2024

Keywords: AITI [Ref No.: 7144]

aditta chowdhury, monirul islam miskat, tofael ahmed, shameem ahmad, md. rifat hazari, lilik jamilatul awalin, saad mekhilef "feasibility and sustainability analysis of a hybrid microgrid in bangladesh"
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2024

[Ref No.: 6922]

muhammad morshed alam and sangman moh "joint optimization of trajectory control, task offloading, and resource allocation in air–ground integrated networks"
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024

[Ref No.: 6931]

dr. effat jahan" performance analysis of automatic generation control for a multi-area interconnected system using genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization technique"

[Ref No.: 6934]

dr. effat jahan" iot-based smart net energy meter with advanced billing feature for residential buildings including solar pv system"
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS), 2024

[Ref No.: 6935]

nafisa tabassum, effat jahan, niloy goswami, md. saniat rahman zishan "performance analysis of automatic generation control for a multi-area interconnected system using genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization technique"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering [AJSE], 2024

[Ref No.: 6937]

aditta chowdhury, monirul islam miskat, tofael ahmed, shameem ahmad, md rifat hazari, lilik jamilatul awalin, saad mekhilef" feasibility and sustainability analysis of a hybrid microgrid in bangladesh"
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2024

[Ref No.: 6940]

kayes hasan, shameem ahmad, abrar fahim liaf, mazaher karimi, tofael ahmed, mehedi azad shawon, saad mekhilef" oceanic challenges to technological solutions: a review of autonomous underwater vehicle path technologies in biomimicry, control, navigation and sensing"
IEEE Access, 2024

[Ref No.: 6941]

sheikh md nahid hasan, shameem ahmad, abrar fahim liaf, agmb mustayen, mm hasan, tofael ahmed, sujan howlader, mahamudul hassan, mohammad rafiqul alam" techno-economic performance and sensitivity analysis of an off-grid renewable energy-based hybrid system: a case study of kuakata, bangladesh"
Energies, 2024

[Ref No.: 6942]

mohammad tawhidul alam , tanbir ibne anowar , md. ashiquzzaman , foysal dhali , sifatuzzaman niloy" electricity generation from exhaust steam of a steam turbine generator"
Journal of Electrical and Power System Engineering, 2024

[Ref No.: 6943]

abrar fahim liaf" oceanic challenges to technological solutions: a review of autonomous underwater vehicle path technologies in biomimicry, control, navigation, and sensing"
IEEE Access, 2024

[Ref No.: 6944]

abrar fahim liaf" techno-economic performance and sensitivity analysis of an off-grid renewable energy-based hybrid system: a case study of kuakata, bangladesh"
Energies, 2024

[Ref No.: 6945]

sheikh md. nahid hasan, , shameem ahmad, abrar fahim liaf, a. g. m. b. mustayen, m. m. hasan, tofael ahmed, sujan howlader, mahamudul hassan, and mohammad rafiqul alam "techno-economic performance and sensitivity analysis of an off-grid renewable energy-based hybrid system: a case study of kuakata, bangladesh"
energies, 2024

Keywords: off-grid; hybrid renewable energy system; techno-economic; HOMER Pro; Bangladesh [Ref No.: 6946]

debashon chakraborty, md maruf rahman, zihad hasan joy, md ashikul islam, abu shufian, protik parvez sheikh, sadman shahriar alam" enhanced security and efficiency in attendance management: a novel rfid and arduino integrated system"
Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 2024

[Ref No.: 6947]

debashon chakraborty, md maruf rahman, zihad hasan joy, md. ashikul islam, abu shufian, protik parvez sheikh and sadman shahriar alam "enhanced security and efficiency in attendance management: a novel rfid and arduino integrated system"
Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 2024

[Ref No.: 6948]

md. asif iqbal, tarifuzzaman riyad, habib un nabi polash, s. m. oali ullah sohrab, and shuvra mondal "a low-cost smart wearable glove for non-invasive health monitoring"
Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 2024

[Ref No.: 6926]

iftekhar uddin mullick, khan atik faisal, tarikul islam nishat, and muhibul haque bhuyan "portable air quality detector using dsm501a dust sensor and arduino uno"
Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 2024

Keywords: Internet of Things,Smart Cities,Climate change and Society [Ref No.: 6929]

mohammad tawhidul alam , tanbir ibne anowar , md. ashiquzzaman , foysal dhali , sifatuzzaman niloy" electricity generation from exhaust steam of a steam turbine generator"
Journal of Electrical and Power System Engineering, 2024

[Ref No.: 6950]

avijit roy, md. razim bhuiyan, md. ariful islam, pahil saha, sumit hassan eshan, raja rashidul hasan, rinku basak "design and performance analysis of wearable antenna using two-dimensional tungsten disulfide material in terahertz band for sixth generation applications"
TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control, 2024

[Ref No.: 6956]

kazi firoz ahmed" development of a recycling machine for constructing synthetic yarn from plastic waste"
MethodsX, 2024

[Ref No.: 6957]

sheikh md. nahid hasan, shameem ahmad, abrar fahim liaf, a. g. m. b. mustayen, m. m. hasan, tofael ahmed, sujan howlader, mahamudul hassan and mohammad rafiqul alam "techno-economic performance and sensitivity analysis of an off-grid renewable energy-based hybrid system: a case study of kuakata, bangladesh"
Energies, 2024

Keywords: off-grid; hybrid renewable energy system; techno-economic; HOMER Pro; Bangladesh [Ref No.: 6958]

md. ashiquzzaman, sadman shahriar alam, abu shufian, protik parvez sheikh and ahmed hossain siddiqui" novel illumination-invariant face recognition approach via reflectance-luminance and local matching model with weighted voting system"
Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 2024

[Ref No.: 6959]

md. ashiquzzaman, sadman shahriar alam, abu shufian, protik parvez sheikh and ahmed hossain siddiqui" novel illumination-invariant face recognition approach via reflectance-luminance and local matching model with weighted voting system"
Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 2024

[Ref No.: 6960]

nuzat nuary alam∗, md. mehrab sadik, tahmid shahriar arnob, isfak habib iftu, abrar jahin khan, kazi firoz ahmed, rethwan faiz "development of a recycling machine for constructing synthetic yarn from plastic waste"
MethodsX, 2024

[Ref No.: 6961]

nuzat nuary alam∗ , md. mehrab sadik, tahmid shahriar arnob, isfak habib iftu, abrar jahin khan, kazi firoz ahmed, rethwan faiz "development of a recycling machine for constructing synthetic yarn from plastic waste"
MethodsX, 2024

Keywords: PET recycle Extrusion Eco-friendly textile PET bottle R-pet Sustainable textile Plastic extrusion [Ref No.: 6962]

nuzat nuary alam,rethwan faiz,md. sayzar rahman akash,tanver shiddique,fairuza faiz,mohammad hasan imam "design and performance evaluation of a low-cost non-invasive electromechanical ventilator with feedback mechanism"

[Ref No.: 6963]

dr. mohammad tawhidul alam, tanbir ibne anowar, md. ashiquzzaman, foysal dhali, sifatuzzaman niloy "electricity generation from exhaust steam of a steam turbine generator"
Journal of Electrical and Power System Engineering, 2024

[Ref No.: 6964]

md. ashiquzzaman, sadman shahriar alam, abu shufian, protik parvez sheikh, ahmed hossain siddiqui "novel illumination-invariant face recognition approach via reflectance-luminance and local matching model with weighted voting system"
Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 2024

[Ref No.: 6965]

abu shahadat md ibrahim, mainur rahman, dipesh kumar dipu, ashif mohammad, gour chand mazumder, s.m. nasif shams "bi-facial solar tower for telecom base stations"
Power System Technology, 2024

Keywords: Bi-facial, Solar tower, Solar energy, telecom base stations, BPV [Ref No.: 6952]

gour chand mazumder, md. shahariar parvez, md. saniat rahman zishan, md. habibur rahman "quantitative analysis of green h2 production costs: a comparison between domestic developed and imported electrolyzers"
Emerging Science Innovation, 2024

Keywords: quantitative, LCC, hydrogen, comparison, electrolyzers [Ref No.: 6953]

gour chand mazumder1,*, md. shahariar parvez1, md. saniat rahman zishan1, md. habibur rahman2 "quantitative analysis of green h2 production costs: a comparison between domestic developed and imported electrolyzers"
Emerging Science Innovation, 2024

[Ref No.: 6954]

muhammad morshed alam and sangman moh "joint trajectory control, frequency allocation, and routing for uav swarm networks: a multi-agent deep reinforcement learning approach"
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024

[Ref No.: 6972]

nafisa tabassum, effat jahan, niloy goswami and md. saniat rahman zishan "performance analysis of automatic generation control for a multi-area interconnected system using genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization technique"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering [AJSE], 2024

[Ref No.: 6981]

niloy goswami , md. abdur rahman "design of a uwb patch antenna and performance evaluation in detecting brain tumors"
e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy, 2024

[Ref No.: 6985]

mohammad khurshed alam , mohd herwan sulaiman , md. shaoran sayem , asma ferdowsi , md. foysal and md. mahfuzur akter ringku" optimizing energy production: superiority of feasible solution-moth flame optimization in ieee 57-bus systems for optimal power flow"
International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE)., 2024

Keywords: Emission Control; Forbidden Operating Zones; Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO); SF-MFO. [Ref No.: 6976]

nuzat nuary alam; rethwan faiz; md. sayzar rahman akash; tanver shiddique; fairuza faiz; mohammad hasan imam "design and performance evaluation of a low-cost non-invasive electromechanical ventilator with feedback mechanism"
IEEE Access, 2024

[Ref No.: 6993]

md sajid hossain "analysis of grid integrated doubly fed induction generator built wind turbine with enhanced fault ride through capability: a dynamic and transient perspective"
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, 2024

Keywords: Augmentation, Grid Integration, LVRT, Wind Power, Dynamic Analysis, Transient Analysis. [Ref No.: 7013]

j.e. tazin, m.n. uddin, shuvra mondal "optimal locations of municipal solid waste-to-value-added conversion facilities using gis analysis: a case study in mymensingh division, bangladesh"
International Journal of Geoinformatics, 2024

[Ref No.: 7015]

sadman shahriar alam, md. ashiquzzaman, protik parvez sheikh, shuvra mondal, abu shufian, s m tanvir hassan shovon "design and performance test of an implementable rectenna encapsulated in a human tissue bio-case model"
African Journal of Biological Sciences, 2024

Keywords: antenna, rectifier, rectenna, ISM band, bio-case model, RF-DC conversion, skin & muscle tissue, wireless power transfer. [Ref No.: 7016]

sadman shahriar alam, md. ashiquzzaman, protik parvez sheikh, dr. shuvra mondal, abu shufian, s m tanvir hassan shovon. "design and performance test of an implementable rectenna encapsulated in a human tissue bio-case model"
African Journal of Biological Sciences, 2024

Keywords: antenna, rectifier, rectenna, ISM band, bio-case model, RF-DC conversion, skin & muscle tissue, wireless power transfer. [Ref No.: 7019]

amirul islam, nikolaos thomos, and leila musavian "5g nr codes and modulation deep-rl optimization for urllc in vehicular occ"
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024

[Ref No.: 7020]

faysal ahmmed, asef rahman, amirul islam, ajmy alaly, samanta mehnaj, prottoy saha, and tamim hossain "arduino-controlled multi-function robot with bluetooth and nrf24l01+ communication"
International Journal of Robotics and Control Systems, 2024

[Ref No.: 7021]

sadman shahriar alam, md. ashiquzzaman, protik parvez sheikh, dr. shuvra mondal, abu shufian, s m tanvir hassan shovon "design and performance test of an implementable rectenna encapsulated in a human tissue bio-case model"
African Journal of Biological Sciences, 2024

[Ref No.: 7023]

kazi firoz ahmed, member, ieee; rubaiyat imroze,pg researcher; rethwan faiz, member, ieee , nuzat nuary alam, member, ieee and md najibullah, researcher "the impact of covid - 19 outbreak on t he power sector in bangladesh: a s trategic a doption for a ny p andemic condition"

[Ref No.: 7024]

arifuzzaman, s. s. irfan, salehin ferdous kader, abdur rahman, feeroz babu "novel techniques for convergence of the yosida variational inclusion including resolvent equation problem"
Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), 2024

Keywords: https://jilindaxuexuebao.org/KNavi/JournalDetail4.html [Ref No.: 7032]

avijit roy, md. razim bhuiyan, md. ariful islam, pahil saha, sumit hassan eshan, raja rashidul hasan, rinku basak" tungsten disulfide based wearable antenna in terahertz band for sixth generation applications"
TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control, 2024

[Ref No.: 7034]

syeda fahima nazreen and m tanseer ali "impact of si and gaas as semiconductor materials: designing to application-level comparison"
AJSE, 2024

[Ref No.: 7035]

sadman shahriar alam, md. ashiquzzaman, protik parvez sheikh, dr. shuvra mondal, abu shufian, s m tanvir hassan shovon "design and performance test of an implementable rectenna encapsulated in a human tissue bio-case model"
African journal of biological science, 2024

[Ref No.: 7036]

mohammad khurshed alam, herwan sulaiman, asma ferdowsi, md shaoran sayem, md mahfuzer akter ringku, md. foysal, "the superiority of feasible solutions-moth flame optimizer using valve point loading"
Results in Control and Optimization, 2024

Keywords: Moth -Flame Optimization (MFO); Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO); Superiority of Feasible Solutions-Moth Flame Optimizer (SF-MFO); Valve Point Loading [Ref No.: 7037]

kazi firoz ahmed, rubaiyat imroze, rethwan faiz, nuzat nuary alam, mohammad najibullah" the impact of covid-19 outbreak on the power sector in bangladesh: a strategic adoption for any pandemic condition"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering [AJSE], 2024

[Ref No.: 7038]

dr. md. rifat hazari" iot-based smart net energy meter with advanced billing feature for residential buildings including solar pv system"
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System(IJPEDS), 2024

[Ref No.: 7039]

dr. md. rifat hazari" design and performance analysis of robust adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system-based modified p&o algorithm of mppt controller for a solar pv system"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2024

[Ref No.: 7040]

dr. shameem ahmad" pelican optimization algorithm-based proportional–integral–derivative controller for superior frequency regulation in interconnected multi-area power generating system"
Energies, 2024

[Ref No.: 7041]

dr. md. saniat rahman zishan "design and feasibility analysis of a lora based communication system for disaster management"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering [AJSE], 2024

[Ref No.: 7042]

sadman shahriar alam, md. ashiquzzaman, protik parvez sheikh, dr. shuvra mondal, abushufian, s m tanvir hassan shovon "design and performance test of an implementable rectenna encapsulated in a human tissue bio-case model"
African Journal of Biological Science, 2024

[Ref No.: 7044]

md. salehin ferdous kader, tonny shekha kar, aminun nahar "rooppur nuclear power plant: a new era for power sector in bangladesh"
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, 2024

Keywords: Md. Salehin Ferdous Kader, Tonny Shekha Kar, Aminun Nahar [Ref No.: 7045]

nuzat nuary alam , rethwan faiz , md. sayzar rahman akash , tanver shiddique, fairuza faiz, and mohammad hasan imam (member, ieee). "design and performance evaluation of a low-cost non-invasive electromechanical ventilator with feedback mechanism"
IEEE Access, 2024

Keywords: Ventilators , Ventilation , Discrete wavelet transforms , Microcontrollers , Lung , Valves , Monitoring , Photoplethysmography , Respiratory system [Ref No.: 7046]

t. hossain, md. arifuzzaman, m. s. ridoy, and r. sultana" a state of the art low cost gsm based vehicle accident alert messaging system design with place direction"

[Ref No.: 7055]

[jiv.] rezwana sultana, md. arifuzzaman, tamim hossain, partho kumar nonda, and md. shamsujjaman ridoy" effect of antenna diversity and correlation on double scattering mimo network"
International Journal of Scientific Development And Research, 2024

[Ref No.: 7056]

[jiii.] f. ahmmed, a. rahman, amirul islam, a. alaly, s. mehnaj, p. saha, and t. hossain" arduino-controlled multi-function robot with bluetooth and nrf24l01+ communication"
International Journal of Robotics and Control Systems, 2024

[Ref No.: 7057]

m. reefaz rahman, m. n. h. mia, mohammad nasir uddin, tasnim ashrafy, mahbubul hoq , fahmida alam, and ahmed hasnain jalal. "conductive and optically transparent sol–gel spin coated al3+ and sn4+ doped zno nano-crystalline thin-films"
SPRINGER J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (Scopus Q2, ISI, WoS, ISI IF-2.97)), 2024

Keywords: ZnO [Ref No.: 7058]

sadid muneer, muhammad aminul haque chowdhury, md. kabiruzzaman, shafat shahnewaz, nafisa noor, mainul hossain "thermal confinement by monolayer mos2 for reduced reset current in phase change memory pillar cells"
ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2024

[Ref No.: 7060]

nadia hartini suhaimi, mohammad nur-e-alam, boon kar yap, k. sobayel, md. helal miah, mohammad aminul islam, sieh kiong tiong, narottam das, mayeen uddin khandakher , nowshad amin "chronological progress in enhancing cigs solar cell performance through window layer development: fundamentals, synthesis, optimization"
Surfaces and Interfaces, 2024

Keywords: CIGS, Photovoltaic, Solar cell, Window layer [Ref No.: 7061]

j. tazin, mohammad nasir uddin, and s. mondal "optimal locations of municipal solid waste-to-value-added conversion facilities using gis analysis: a case study in mymensingh division, bangladesh"
International Journal of Geoinformatics (IJG) (Scopus, Elsevier, EBSCO,Scopus Q3, IF-0.394), 2024

Keywords: Analytic Hierarchy Process, Geographic Information System, Land Suitability Map, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Municipal Solid Waste [Ref No.: 7063]

fahmidul islam and mohammad nasir uddin, "empirical analysis of the sac-ocdma-wdm system by leveraging the and subtraction technique"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE) (Scopus Q4, IF0.333), 2024

Keywords: SAC-OCDMA, Unique Signature Code, FBG, WDM, Optisystem [Ref No.: 7064]

tonmoy hassan, debraj das, shahir islam rhyme, supratik bal, md rifat hazari, effat jahan, chowdhury akram hossain, mohammad abdul mannan "iot-based smart net energy meter with advanced billing feature for residential buildings including solar pv system"
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS), 2024

[Ref No.: 7065]

abidur rahman sagor, md. rifat hazari, shameem ahmad, emanuele ogliari, chowdhury akram hossain, effat jahan, mohammad abdul mannan" optimal sizing of islanded microgrid using pelican optimization algorithm for kutubdia island of bangladesh"
Electric Power Systems Research, 2024

[Ref No.: 7066]

dr. md. saniat rahman zishan" graphene based terahertz patch antenna for breast tumor detection"
TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control, 2024

[Ref No.: 7069]

md saiful islam, camellia doroody, tiong sieh kiong, kazi sajedur rahman, ahmad wafi mahmood zuhdi, boon kar yap, mohammad nur-e alam, nowshad amin "mos2 thin film hetero-interface as effective back surface field in czts-based solar cells"
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2024

[Ref No.: 7077]

n.k. das, s.f.u. farhad, a.k. sen gupta, e.m.k. ikball ahamed, m.a. matin, n. amin "the significance of bilayer window (cds:o/cds) on the performance of cdte thin film solar cells"
Optical Materials, 2024

Keywords: CdTe solar cell, Window layer, CdS:O/CdS bilayer, CdSxTe1-x, CSS, SCAPS-1D [Ref No.: 7079]

megat mohd izhar sapeli, puvaneswaran chelvanathan, yulisa yusoff , kazi sajedur rahman , md khan sobayel rafiq , seyed ahmad shahahmadi , nowshad amin "elucidating the effects of cr–s variations in cr-doped czts for intermediate band solar cell applications"
Optical Materials, 2024

Keywords: Sputtering, Cr-doped CZTS, Intermediate band solar cell [Ref No.: 7080]

mohammad ismail hossain, md. shahiduzzaman, junayed hossain rafij, asman tamang, md. akhtaruzzaman, almohamadi hamad, jamal uddin, nowshad amin, jean-michel nunzi and tetsuya taima "revealing the full potential of cspbibr2 perovskite solar cells: advancements towards enhanced performance"
Materials Horizons, 2024

[Ref No.: 7081]

ili salwani mohamad, pin jern ker, puvaneswaran chelvanathan, mohd natashah norizan, boon kar yap sieh kiong tiong, nowshad amin "an experimental investigation of spin-on doping optimization for enhanced electrical characteristics in silicon homojunction solar cells: proof of concept"
Heliyon, 2024

[Ref No.: 7082]

nur irwany ahmad, camellia doroody, mohd natashah norizan, mohd fairus ahmad, kazi sajedur rahman, afiq radzwan, zeid a. alothman, khadijah mohammedsaleh katubi, fatimah mohammed alzahrani, nowshad amin, yap boon kar "first‑principles investigation on the impact of copper concentration on zinc telluride as the back contact for cadmium telluride solar cells"
Applied Physics A, 2024

Keywords: Energy , Solar cell, Back surface field (BSF) , Cadmium telluride (CdTe) ,Thin films , Density functional theory (DFT) [Ref No.: 7083]

nur irwany ahmad, tiong sieh kiong , camellia doroody , kazi sajedur rahman, mohd natashah norizan, mohd fairus ahmad , yap boon kar, muhammad najib harif, nowshad amin "copper doping effect in the back surface field layer of cdte thin film solar cells"
Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2024

Keywords: EnergySolar cellSolar Cell Capacitance Simulator (SCAPS)Back surface field (BSF)Cadmium telluride (CdTe)Zinc telluride (ZnTe)Density functional theory (DFT) [Ref No.: 7084]

nur syamimi noorasid, faiz arith, omsri vinasha aliyaselvam, fauziyah salehuddin, ahmad nizamuddin mustafa, puvaneswaran chelvanathan, mohd asyadi azam, nowshad amin6 "low-temperature sol-gel synthesized tio2 with different titanium tetraisopropoxide (ttip) molarity for flexible emerging solar cell"
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2024

[Ref No.: 7085]

bezon dey tushar, tarifuzzaman riyad, quazi reshoan yazdi, jariatun islam, muhibul haque bhuyan "design, simulation, building, and testing of a microcontroller-based automatic drowsiness detection, vehicle braking, and alert system"
Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 2024

Keywords: Smart Cities, Control and automation [Ref No.: 6871]

protik parvez sheikh, md. tanvir hossan, sadman shahriar alam, abu shufian "indoor air quality monitoring and automatic ventilation system"
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews (IJRPR), 2024

[Ref No.: 6873]

sumaiya malik, syed golam abid, tasfiq ahmed rafi, and muhibul haque bhuyan "design, testing, evaluation, and implementation of an arduino-based mosquito-repellent system"
Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 2024

Keywords: Internet of Things,Smart Cities, Control and automation [Ref No.: 6859]

protik parvez sheikh , tarifuzzaman riyad , bezon dey tushar, sadman shahriar alam, istiaq mahmood ruddra and abu shufian" analysis of patient health using arduino and monitoring system"
Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 2024

[Ref No.: 6860]

protik parvez sheikh, tarifuzzaman riyad, bezon dey tushar, sadman shahriar alam, istiaq mahmood ruddra, abu shufian "analysis of patient health using arduino and monitoring system"
Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 2024

Keywords: Control and automation [Ref No.: 6861]

protik parvez sheikh" analysis of patient health using arduino and monitoring system"
Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 2024

[Ref No.: 6863]

protik parvez sheikh, tarifuzzaman riyad, bezon dey tushar, sadman shahriar alam, abu shufian and istiaq mahmood ruddra "thyristor-based rechargeable battery charger"
Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 2024

[Ref No.: 6864]

md. saif mahmud, md. ashikul islam, md. maruf rahman, shaharier kabir, abu shufian, protik parvez sheikh "enhancing industrial control system security: an isolation forest-based anomaly detection model for mitigating cyber threats"
Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 2024

[Ref No.: 6866]

sadman shahriar alam" thyristor-based rechargeable battery charger"
Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 2024

[Ref No.: 6904]

sadman shahriar alam" indoor air quality monitoring and automatic ventilation system"
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, 2024

[Ref No.: 6905]

protik parvez sheikh, asmaul hossain akash, mushfequr rahman, tahfim ibn khan" an arduino based automated gardening system for efficient and sustainable plant growth"
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science (IRJMETS), 2024

[Ref No.: 6833]

anika tun naziba , manika tun nafisa and mohammad nasir uddin "cyclic olefin copolymer based photonic crystal fiber as single mode thz waveguide"
International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems (Scopus Q3, Inspec,EBSCO Indexed, IF: 1.14), 2024

Keywords: Optical Communication [Ref No.: 6741]

niloy goswami and md. abdur rahman "a 9.73 ghz wide-band off-body patch antenna for biomedical applications"
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS), 2024

[Ref No.: 6743]

amirul islam; nikolaos thomos; leila musavian "multi-agent deep reinforcement learning for spectral efficiency optimization in vehicular optical camera communications"
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024

[Ref No.: 6387]

abu shufian, shaikh anowarul fattah "integrated rooftop solar pv-based residential advanced energy management system: an economic involvement of energy systems for prosumers"
Cleaner Energy Systems, 2024

Keywords: Demand-side managementElectricity cost reductionEnergy efficient applianceEnergy managementEnergy marketOptimizationRooftop solar PVTechno-economic feasibility [Ref No.: 7205]

abu shufian, nasif hannan, shaharier kabir and shaikh anowarul fattah "investigation and performance optimization of modular multilevel converter-based hvdc systems for smart grids: control, harmonic analysis and power quality enhancement"
Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy, 2024

Keywords: Optimization, Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC), HVDC, Specialized Power System, Control, Smart Grid, Harmonic Analysis, Modern Power Infrastructures. [Ref No.: 7206]

mohammad khurshed alam,herwan sulaiman,asma ferdowsi,md shaoran sayem,md mahfuzer akter ringku,md. foysal "the superiority of feasible solutions-moth flame optimizer using valve point loading"
Results in Control and Optimization, 2024

[Ref No.: 7208]

s.m. masudur rahman, md. shihab sharar oyon, abir ahmed, istiaque ahamed, & md. rifat hazari "an iot-based autonomous system for oil spill detection"
International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation, 2024

Keywords: Oil Skimmer, Crude Oil, TDS Sensor, Automatic Cleaner [Ref No.: 7209]

m. k. alam, m. h. sulaiman, sayem, md. shaoran, a. ferdowsi, m. foysal, and akter "optimizing energy production: superiority of feasible solution-moth flame optimization in ieee 57-bus systems for optimal power flow"
International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration, 2024

Keywords: Emission control, Forbidden operating zones, Grey wolf optimization (GWO), SF-MFO. [Ref No.: 7211]

ahmad, s.; hasan, s.m.n.; hossain, md. sajid; uddin, r.; ahmed, t.; mustayen, a.g.m.b.; hazari, m.r.; hassan, m.; parvez, m.s.; saha, a "a review of hybrid renewable and sustainable power supply system: unit sizing, optimization, control, and management"
MDPI Energies 2024, 2024

Keywords: hybrid renewable energy; energy management; control; optimization; unit sizing [Ref No.: 7214]

kazi abdul kader, mohammad abdul mannan and md. rifat hazari "distribution network loss minimization by incorporating dg using particle swarm optimization (pso) technique"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2024

Keywords: DG allocation, Distribution network optimization, Solar PV, Decentralized generation, Evolutionary algorithm [Ref No.: 7270]

md mahadi hasan, md ashraful islam, tareq hassan "analysis of jute-glass fiber reinforced epoxy hybrid composite"
Heliyon, 2024

Keywords: Natural fiber, Jute-glass composite, Hybrid composite, Mechanical properties, Microstructure [Ref No.: 7311]

md shafikul islam shawan, md abdullah kawser, md saidur rahman, md. alomgir kabir, rubab ahmmed "miniaturized micro strip patch antenna to achieve wireless power transfer for ism applications"
International Journal of Applied and Structural Mechanics (IJASM), 2023

Keywords: Communication Signal Processing,5G Networks [Ref No.: 6399]

muhammad morshed alam and sangman moh "drone routing for drone-based delivery systems: a review of trajectory planning, charging, and security"
MDPI:Sensors, 2023

[Ref No.: 6407]

muhammad morshed alam, sangman moh "q-learning-based routing inspired by adaptive flocking control for collaborative unmanned aerial vehicle swarms"
Vehicular Communications, 2023

[Ref No.: 6404]

dr. muhammad morshed alam "vision-based navigation techniques for unmanned aerial vehicles: review and challenges"
MDPI:Drones, 2023

[Ref No.: 6405]

dr. shameem ahmad" voltage-oriented control-based three-phase, three-leg bidirectional ac–dc converter with improved power quality for microgrids"
Energies, 2023

[Ref No.: 6382]

md. humayun kabir, md. alomgir kabir, rubab ahmmed, md. saidur rahman "assessing the performance of a hybrid geolocation algorithm integrating fp and toa techniques across diverse environmental conditions"
Tuijin Jishu/Journal of Propulsion Technology, 2023

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication [Ref No.: 6386]

arajit saha, md. mahadi hasan bhuiyan, durjoy saha, sumayea alam sara and md. saniat rahman zishan "medbot- design and development of medical robot for healthcare digitalization"

[Ref No.: 6273]

khaleque insia, abir ahmed, effat jahan, sharif ahmad, sreejon barua, imran ali, md. rifat hazari, mohammad abdul mannan "design and analysis of iot-based battery management and monitoring system for electric vehicle"

[Ref No.: 6307]

khaleque insia, abir ahmed, effat jahan, sharif ahmad, sreejon barua, imran ali, md. rifat hazari and mohammad abdul mannan "design and analysis of iot-based battery management and monitoring system for electric vehicle"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2023

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 6308]

m. reefaz rahman, mohammad nasir uddin, tasnim ashrafy & mahbubul hoq "thickness-regulated harmonious effect on the optical and electrical characteristics of zno nano-crystalline thin films for high mobility transparent electrode"
SPRINGER NATURE - Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials (TEEM) (ISI Indexed, IF1.9), 2023

Keywords: Materials and Processing,Polymer and Nano Materials ,Nanotechnology and Fabrication [Ref No.: 6312]

shasoto biswas, muhibul haque bhuyan, and md. kamrul hassan "iot-based automated solar panel cleaning and monitoring technique"
Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 2023

Keywords: Internet of Things,Smart Cities, Renewable Energy, Electrical Drives [Ref No.: 6315]

dr. md. rifat hazari "design and analysis of iot-based battery management and monitoring system for electric vehicle"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2023

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 6316]

m.t. alam, m. m. rahman, q. ahsan "a novel stability model for ac-dc combined simultaneous power flow"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2023

[Ref No.: 6326]

tariq, s.h., ibrahim, m.a., mannan, a. v. & shoma, a.n." transforming slum dwellings into better livable units: an approach through minimum intervention"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2023

[Ref No.: 6417]

sk khairul" design and implementation of arduino based star delta starting, f/r direction control and fault protection of three phase induction motor"
International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS), 2023

[Ref No.: 6467]

shasoto biswas a , muhibul haque bhuyan a* and md. kamrul hassan a "iot-based automated solar panel cleaning and monitoring technique"
Journal of Engineering Research and Report, 2023

[Ref No.: 6470]

chen wang, li-nan ma, xiao-guang ma, tao wang, zheng-yi jiang, mahadi hasan, jing-wei zhao ""effect of annealing temperature on the microstructure and tensile properties of copper/aluminum composite thin strip""
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2023

Keywords: Materials and Processing [Ref No.: 6512]

alam, mohammad khurshed, mohd herwan, sulaiman, sayem, md. shaoran, khan, rahat "economic power dispatch solutions incorporating stochastic wind power generators by moth flow optimizer"
International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration, 2023

Keywords: Multi-objective economic-environmental power dispatch (MOEED), Probability density functions (PDFs), Combined cost and emission minimization, Success history-based adaptation technique of differential evolution (SHADE) [Ref No.: 6742]

maria sultana rupa, m. tanseer ali, mohammad abdul mannanand mehedi hasan "modeling and performance analysis of a transparent multilayer solar cell"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2023

[Ref No.: 6736]

maria sultana rupa, m.tanseer ali, mohammad abdul mannan and mehedi hasan "modeling and performance analysis of a transparent multilayer solar cell"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2023

Keywords: Other [Ref No.: 6714]

mr. sayeed hasan, md. rifat hazari, effat jahan and mohammad abdul mannan "modeling and economic assessment of an agricultural microgrid: a comparative analysis"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2023

Keywords: Other [Ref No.: 6715]

sarker nahid shahrier, mahi b. haider, md. mohashin kader murad, muhibul haque bhuyan "enhancing photovoltaic power generation through a microcontroller-driven single-axis solar tracker"
Journal of Energy Research and Reviews, 2023

Keywords: Economics in Smart Environments, Renewable Energy, Control and automation [Ref No.: 6716]

sayeed hasan, md. rifat hazari, effat jahan and mohammad abdul mannan "modeling and economic assessment of an agricultural microgrid: a comparative analysis"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2023

Keywords: Power System Planning [Ref No.: 6717]

kassim, n.m.; santhiran, s.; alkahtani, a.a.; islam, m.a.; tiong, s.k.; mohd yusof, m.y.; amin, n. "an adaptive decision tree regression modeling for the output power of large-scale solar (lss) farm forecasting"
Sustainability, 2023

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Power System Planning [Ref No.: 6705]

nowshad amin, sathiswary santhiran, nabilah mat kassim, ammar ahmed alkahtani, mohammad aminul islam and mohd yusrizal mohd yusof "impact analysis of metallization design and recombination losses on performance of crystalline silicon solar cells"
Energies, 2023

[Ref No.: 6706]

mohamad, i.s.; doroody, c.; alkharasani, w.m.; norizan, m.n.; chelvanathan, p.; shahahmadi, s.a.; amin, n "elucidating the effects of interconnecting layer thickness and bandgap variations on the performance of monolithic perovskite/silicon tandem solar cell by wxamps"
Materials, 2023

[Ref No.: 6707]

hasrul nisham rosly, camellia doroody, muhammad najib harif , ili salwani mohamad, mustapha isah and nowshad amin "optoelectrical properties of treated cdse thin films with variations in indium chloride concentration"
Materials, 2023

[Ref No.: 6708]

sayeed hasan, md. rifat hazari, effat jahan and mohammad abdul mannan "design optimization of a grid-tied microgrid for a residential community in southern bangladesh"
Clean Energy, 2023

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 6696]

sayeed hasan, md. rifat hazari, effat jahan and mohammad abdul mannan "design optimization of a grid-tied microgrid for a residential community in southern bangladesh"
Clean Energy, 2023

[Ref No.: 6697]

kamrul islam shohail, wajiha awsaf, saniat uddin sayel, mahabuba khanam nitu, and muhibul haque bhuyan "design steps, simulation, and analysis of a 1-bit alu in cadence at 90 nm cmos node"
IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing (IOSR-JVSP), 2023

Keywords: VLSI [Ref No.: 6698]

jannatul mawa akanto, md. kamrul islam, effat jahan, md. rifat hazari, mohammad abdul mannan, md. abdur rahman" dynamic analysis of grid-connected hybrid wind farm"
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS), 2023

[Ref No.: 6649]

ahmed muntasir anwar, md. rifat hazari and mohammad abdul mannan" design and analysis of iot-based remote load monitoring and outage management system"

[Ref No.: 6650]

s m nasif shams, a m mahmudul hasan, shams bin bony amin and gour chand mazumder "development of cost-effective fuel briquette with poultry manure"
Dhaka University Journal of Science, 2023

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 6651]

1. raja rashidul hasan, jasmine jasika, saleque ahmed mortuza, eshan, sumit hassan, raja tariqul hasan tusher, sadia zabin, nowshin nadia, md. abdur rahman, tsang yuen hong" spin coated multi-walled carbon nanotube patch antenna for breast cancer detection"
Advanced Materials Technologies, 2023

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication [Ref No.: 6654]

dr. effat jahan "dynamic analysis of grid-connected hybrid wind farm"
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS), 2023

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 6628]

dr. effat jahan" iot-based smart battery management and monitoring system for electric vehicles"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2023

[Ref No.: 6630]

md. tanjimul islam, shahid uddin fahim, fatema jahan, humayra ferdous, md. ehasanul haque" a study on the effectiveness of online classes in bangladesh during the covid-19 pandemic"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics [AJBE], 2023

[Ref No.: 6643]

abu hena muhammad shatil" application of machine learning predicting injuries in traffic accidents through the application of random forest"
Recent Patents on Engineering, 2023

[Ref No.: 6899]

dr. md. saniat rahman zishan" solar pv- and pem electrolyzer-based green hydrogen production cost for a selected location in bangladesh"

[Ref No.: 7068]

gour chand mazumder, sakibul hasan, md. saniat rahman zishan, md. habibur rahman "solar pv- and pem electrolyzer-based green hydrogen production cost for a selected location in bangladesh"

Keywords: hydrogen cost, PEM electrolyzer, HOMER, PV, electrolysis, life cycle [Ref No.: 6951]

md. alomgir kabir "assessing the performance of a hybrid geolocation algorithm integrating fp and toa techniques across diverse environmental conditions"
Journal, 2023

Keywords: indoor geolocation, non-line-of-sight, fingerprinting (FP), time of arrival (TOA) [Ref No.: 6949]

sheikh azim ur rashid*, bonaventura h w hadikusumo, md. rakibul islam chowdhury "what are the factors influence on construction safety? a review"
Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction, 2023

[Ref No.: 6919]

sheikh hasib cheragee and mohammad jahangir alam "device modelling and numerical study of a double absorber solar cell using a variety of electron transport materials"
Heliyon, 2023

[Ref No.: 7124]

nafish sarwar islam "mathematical relationship between the fine-structure constant (α) and golden ratio, euler’s number, pi & fibonacci sequence"
Journal of Research in Applied Mathematics, 2023

[Ref No.: 6168]

niloy kanti paul, dipanwita saha, kaushik biswas, samia akter, rifat tasnia islam, and muhibul haque bhuyan "smart trash collection system – an iot and microcontroller-based scheme"
Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 2023

Keywords: Internet of Things,Smart Cities [Ref No.: 6169]

susmita ghosh "design and concept of renewable energy driven auto-detectable railway level crossing systems in bangladesh"
Future Transportation, MDPI, 2023

Keywords: railway crossing; obstacle detection; renewable energy; hybrid system; sustainable development [Ref No.: 6059]

s. nahar, r. m. arnob, m. n. uddin "empirical analysis of polarization division multiplexing-dense wavelength division multiplexing hybrid multiplexing techniques for channel capacity enhancement"
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) (Scopus Indexed,Q2,IF-1.938), 2023

Keywords: Optical Communication [Ref No.: 6164]

saiful hasan tariq, m. arefeen ibrahim, ashik vaskor mannan, ajmeri nusrat shoma "transforming slum dwellings into better livable units: an approach through minimum intervention"
AJSE, 2023

[Ref No.: 6179]

md sajid hossain mohammad zeyad "prediction of flood in bangladesh using different classifier model"

Keywords: Data Mining and Business Intelligence [Ref No.: 6185]

shahriyar masud rizvi, ab al-hadi ab rahman, usman ullah sheikh, kazi ahmed asif fuad, hafiz muhammad faisal shehzad "computation and memory optimized spectral domain convolutional neural network for throughput and energy-efficient inference"
Applied Intelligence, 2023

Keywords: Deep Learning,Computer Vision [Ref No.: 6197]

saiful hasan tariq , ajmeri nusrat shoma and irfat alam "assessing the connectivity of community parks and fields to understand the propensity of use by the neighborhood: a case at uttara residential area, dhaka"
Southeast University Journal of Architecture, 2023

Keywords: Other [Ref No.: 6198]

saiful hasan tariq, m.arefeen ibrahim, ashik vaskor mannan and ajmeri nusrat shoma "transforming slum dwellings into better livable units: an approach through minimum intervention"

Keywords: Other [Ref No.: 6199]

mehedi amin and md tanvir hasan "unfired earth: a comparative analysis for finding appropriate earthen construction technology as an alternative to kiln-burnt bricks"
Southeast University Journal of Architecture, 2023

[Ref No.: 6207]

nazmun nahar karima and muhibul haque bhuyan "design process, simulation, and analysis of a common source mos amplifier circuit in cadence at 45 nm cmos technology node"
IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing (IOSR-JVSP), 2023

Keywords: VLSI, Circuits and Systems [Ref No.: 6209]

md. arifuzzaman, jannatul afroj akhi, tamim hossain, md. rezaur rahman shipon, shamima yasmin sejuti, prof. dr. muhammad abdul goffar khan" design and implementation of thermal sensor based temperature measuring robot using arduino uno."
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Trends, 2023

[Ref No.: 6220]

dr. shameem ahmad" multi-objective-based charging and discharging coordination of plug-in electric vehicle integrating capacitor and oltc"
Energies, 2023

[Ref No.: 6227]

dr. shameem ahmad" point of common coupling voltage modulated direct power control of grid-tied photovoltaic inverter for ac microgrid application"
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 2023

[Ref No.: 6228]

tahseen asma meem shaira tashnub torsa mehedi hasan mahfujur rahman" a comparative study of fixing one barrier-varying another barrier for a resonanttunneling diode"
AJSE, 2023

[Ref No.: 6229]

saiful hasan tariq, m. arefeen ibrahim, ashik vaskor mannan, ajmeri nusrat shoma "transforming slum dwellings into better livable units: an approach through minimum intervention"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2023

Keywords: Adaptation [Ref No.: 6230]

dr. md. rifat hazari "design and analysis of iot-based remote load monitoring and outage management system"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2023

[Ref No.: 6224]

dr. md. rifat hazari "dynamic analysis of grid-connected hybrid wind farm"
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems(IJPEDS), 2023

[Ref No.: 6225]

dr. shameem ahmad" a hybrid machine learning method with explicit time encoding for improved malaysian photovoltaic power prediction"
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023

[Ref No.: 5927]

maria sultana rupa, mr. mehedi hasan, dr. m. tanseer ali "modeling and indoor performance analysis of a transparent multilayer solar cell."
AIUB Journal of Science And Engineering (AJSE)., 2023

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 5976]

sher shermin azmiri khan, muhibul haque bhuyan "covid-19 pandemic influence on undergraduate female engineering students’ performance in bangladesh"
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 2023

Keywords: Deep Learning,Software Engineering Education and Training,English Language teaching [Ref No.: 5989]

muhibul haque bhuyan, md. ashik ali, sabbir ali khan, md. rashedul islam, tanjil islam, and jharna akter "design and implementation of solar power and an iot-based pisciculture management system"
Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 2023

Keywords: Design and Deployment [Ref No.: 6028]

mohammad tauhiduzzaman, islam hafez, douglas bousfield, mehdi tajvidi" multiscale modeling of lignocellulosic foams under compression"
Materials and Design, 2023

[Ref No.: 7342]

ahmed mortuza saleque, nadia nowshin, md. nahian al subri ivan, safayet ahmed, and yuen hong tsang "natural porous materials for interfacial solar steam generation toward clean water production"
Solar RRL Journal, 2022

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 5562]

m.t. alam, joniur rahaman, foysal dhali "technical comparison of modern hvac and hvdc transmission system along with cost analysis"
Journal of Control and Instrumentation Engineering, 2022

[Ref No.: 5474]

single "approximation of the inverse of fine-structure constant using golden ratio (φ), euler’s number (e) and pi (π)"
Journal of Research in Applied Mathematics (JRAM), 2022

[Ref No.: 5499]

eyasir arafat, md. shihab sharar oyon, md. habib a hasan kabbyo, khan mohammad khan, md. shahriar hasan shuvo, arnab sarker, md. rokibul haque, rakibul islam, and muhibul haque bhuyan "designing and manufacturing a single-phase transformer and analyzing its performance"
Journal of Energy Research and Reviews, 2022

Keywords: Electrical machine [Ref No.: 5903]

susmita ghosh "hybrid renewable energy system (hres) based water pumping system"
SSRG-International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), 2022

Keywords: Global warming, Greenhouse gas (GHS), Hybrid Eenewable Energy System (HRES), Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT), The charge controller circuit. [Ref No.: 5911]

muhibul haque bhuyan and sher shermin azmiri khan "assessment of electronics course outcomes"
International Journal of Innovative Research in Education, 2022

Keywords: Software Engineering Education and Training [Ref No.: 5757]

muhibul haque bhuyan, sheikh md. mamunur rahman, and md. tofayel tarek "design and simulation of a plc and iot-based railway level crossing gate control and track monitoring system using logo"
IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE), 2022

Keywords: Control and automation [Ref No.: 5769]

istiak ahmed and muhibul haque bhuyan "a long-term wind speed projection based on machine learning regression techniques in the perspective of bangladesh"
Southeast University Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (SEUJEEE), 2022

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 5792]

md. aynul hoque" critical determinants of sustainable technology adoption in the apparel industry"
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 2022

[Ref No.: 5682]

rahimuddim, mizanur rahman, md. shoriful islam, m. a. sattar, m. a. halim, md. ehasanul haque, m. n. i. khan and s. tabassum" effect of n doping on the optical and electrical properties of thermal spray pyrolysed zno thin films"

Keywords: Materials and Processing [Ref No.: 5680]

abu hena muhammad shatil" islanded mode microgrid automation by using droop control method for stranded zone in bangladesh"
Southeast University Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (SEUJEEE), 2022

[Ref No.: 5715]

abu hena muhammad shatil" microgrid design and simulation"
Southeast University Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (SEUJEEE), 2022

[Ref No.: 5716]

hyerim kim, shuvra mondal, choon-gi choi, jin-young hwang" assessment of the 50% and 95% effective paratracheal forces for occluding the esophagus in anesthetized patients"
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, 2022

[Ref No.: 5733]

shuvra mondal, bok ki min, yoonsik yi, choon‐gi choi "highly sensitive and fast responsive humidity sensor based on 2d ptse2 with gamma radiation tolerance"
Advanced Materials Technologies, 2022

[Ref No.: 5734]

dr. shameem ahmad" operational cost minimization of electrical distribution network during switching for sustainable operation"
Sustainability, 2022

[Ref No.: 5738]

dr. shameem ahmad" a review on global emissions by e-products based waste: technical management for reduced effects and achieving sustainable development goals"
Sustainability, 2022

[Ref No.: 5739]

abul hasnat, raquib ahsan, s. m. yashin "quasi static in-plane behavior of full-scale unreinforced masonry walls retrofitted using ferro-cement overlay"
Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2022

[Ref No.: 5726]

ashik mannan vaskor" image of bangladesh through the imageries of bangladeshi currency"
The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics(AJBE)’, 2022

[Ref No.: 5598]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" enhancement of the hilomot algorithm with modified em and modified pso algorithms for nonlinear systems identification"
Electronics [MDPI], 2022

[Ref No.: 5636]

nuzat n alam, rethwan faiz, mohammad hasan imam "development of a low-cost textile sensor based insole to monitor foot pressure of diabetic patients"
Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 2022

[Ref No.: 5639]

asif mahfuz; prof. dr. mohammad abdul mannan; prof. s. m. muyeen "enhancement of the hilomot algorithm with modified em and modified pso algorithms for nonlinear systems identification"
Electronics, 2022

[Ref No.: 5640]

muhibul haque bhuyan "a modern review of the non-invasive continuous blood glucose measuring devices and techniques for remote patient monitoring system"
International Journal of Biomedical and Biological Engineering, 2022

Keywords: Biomedical [Ref No.: 5648]

muhibul haque bhuyan and md. tariqul islam "study of an n-mosfet by designing at 100 nm and simulating using silvaco atlas simulator"
IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing (IOSR-JVSP), 2022

Keywords: Design and Deployment, VLSI [Ref No.: 5649]

m. s. i. sadek, m. a. h. joy, m. k. islam, m. a. ananna, muhibul haque bhuyan, and m. s. aktar "design and analysis of a rooftop hybrid solar pv system using homer pro and matlab simulink"
Southeast University Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (SEUJEEE), 2022

Keywords: Design and Deployment, Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 5650]

istiak ahmed and muhibul haque bhuyan "a comparative study on various recent single-phase single-switch non-isolated ac-dc sepic configurations"
Southeast University Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (SEUJEEE), 2022

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Power Delivery [Ref No.: 5651]

md saniat rahman zishan, mohamad afendee mohamed, chowdhury akram hossain, rabiul ahasan, siti maryam sharun "design and deployment of e-health system using machine learning in the perspective of developing countries"
International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI), 2022

[Ref No.: 6087]

chowdhury akram hossain, mohamad afendee mohamed, md saniat rahman zishan, rabiul ahasan, siti maryam sharun "enhancing the security of e-health services in bangladesh using blockchain technology"
International Journal of Information Technology, 2022

[Ref No.: 6088]

mainul islam chowdhury, md. rakib hasan, maruf chowdhury, saad mohammad bhuiya, md. saniat rahman zishan "design and development of air conditioner (ac) monitoring and management system"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2022

[Ref No.: 6089]

nafiz ahmed chisty, mehrab sharan, ananta ghosh, s.m. ariful islam, nafiz imtiaz ahmed chowdhury "a review on the design and implementation of a robotic arm for collecting covid-19 samples"
Journal of Instrumentation Technology and Innovations, 2022

Keywords: Internet of Things,Image Processing,Robotics [Ref No.: 6091]

richard victor biswas" highly directive graphene based hybrid plasmonic nanoantenna for terahertz applications"
AJSE, 2022

[Ref No.: 6017]

mahfujur rahman , mehedi hasan , md masum billah , and rukaiya jahan sajuti "grading system prediction of educational performance analysis using data mining approach."
Malaysian Journal of Science and Advanced Technology (MJSAT)., 2022

Keywords: Machine to Machine Data Analytics [Ref No.: 5974]

tahseen asma meem,shaira tashnub torsa,mehedi hasan, mahfujur rahman" a comparative study of fixing one barrier varying another barrier for a resonant tunneling diode."
AIUB Journal of Science And Engineering (AJSE)., 2022

Keywords: Nanotechnologies [Ref No.: 5975]

heera jahan prema, md. rifat hazari, mohammad abdul mannan, md. abdur rahman "design and analysis of a virtual synchronous generator control scheme to augment frt capability of pmsg-based wind turbine"
Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 2022

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Hybrid Power System [Ref No.: 6006]

rethwan faiz, nuzat nuary alam*, manzur-e-elahi prokorso, s.m. rabiul islam, shah naser khan, md. reduanul hoque "iot based solar powered automated fish feeding system"
Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 2022

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 6007]

abu shufian, and nur mohammad "modeling and analysis of cost-effective energy management for integrated microgrids"
Elsevier Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 2022

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Power System, power Transmission, Power distribution, Hybrid Power System,Energy Storage Materials [Ref No.: 6009]

abu shufian, md. jawad-al-mursalin hoque, shaharier kabir, & nur mohammad "optimized performance and economic assessment for hybrid island microgrid system considering uncertainties"
Springer Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy, 2022

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Power System, Power distribution, Hybrid Power System, Control and automation,Energy Storage Materials [Ref No.: 6010]

mehedi hasan" political fake news detection from different news source on social media using machine learning techniques."
AIUB Journal of Science And Engineering (AJSE)., 2022

[Ref No.: 5971]

mehedi hasan , dr.m.tanseer ali , dr.md. kamrul hassan, shaira tashnub torsa" comparative study of single and double barrier gaas/al0.3ga0.7as based resonant tunneling diodes considering negf."
AIUB Journal of Science And Engineering (AJSE)., 2022

Keywords: Nanotechnologies [Ref No.: 5972]

mohammad a chowdhury1 , bengir a shuvho1,2, nayem hossain1,3 , mahamudul hassan2 , uttam k debnath1 and shahin mia1 "friction and wear characteristics of ceramics composite under multidirectional motions"
Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2022

Keywords: Materials and Processing [Ref No.: 5956]

md. mahabub hasana, md. bengir ahmed shuvhob, mohammad asaduzzaman chowdhuryc, akm mashud alamd, mahamudul hassanb and nayem hossain "water criteria evaluation for drinking and irrigation purposes: a case study in one of the largest rivers of sundarbans world heritage region"
Water Supply, 2022

[Ref No.: 5957]

nuzat n alam, rethwan faiz, mohammad hasan imam "development of a low-cost textile sensor based insole to monitor foot pressure of diabetic patients."
Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 2022

Keywords: Biomedical [Ref No.: 5958]

tasmin kamal tulka, nowshin alam, khan md. elme & m. mofazzal hossain "efficiency enhancement of an ultra-thin eco-friendly all-inorganic csgei3 perovskite photovoltaic cell using scaps-1d"
Applied Solar Energy, 2022

Keywords: Renewable Energy,Energy Storage Materials [Ref No.: 5960]

shatila. h. m. and lutfur rahman "emergency distribution network design & analysis for consecrated covid 19 hospital zone"
AJSE, 2022

[Ref No.: 5961]

m. j. hasan, m. a. khalighi, v. jungnickel, l. n. alves and b. béchadergue "an energy-efficient optical wireless ofdma scheme for medical body-area networks"
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2022

[Ref No.: 5963]

dr. md. hasan imam" development of a low-cost textile sensor based insole to monitor foot pressure of diabetic patients"
Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 2022

[Ref No.: 5965]

dr. md. hasan imam" design of an iot based power monitoring system model for a grid connected solar pv"
International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration, 2022

[Ref No.: 5966]

dr. shameem ahmad" direct power control based on point of common coupling voltage modulation for grid-tied ac microgrid pv inverter"
IEEE Access, 2022

[Ref No.: 5928]

dr. shameem ahmad" a novel approach for secure hybrid islanding detection considering the dynamic behavior of power and load in electrical distribution networks"
Sustainability, 2022

[Ref No.: 5929]

dr. shameem ahmad" forecasting photovoltaic power generation with a stacking ensemble model"
Sustainability, 2022

[Ref No.: 5930]

dr. shameem ahmad" genetic algorithm-optimized adaptive network fuzzy inference system-based vsg controller for sustainable operation of distribution system"
Sustainability, 2022

[Ref No.: 5931]

dr. shameem ahmad" hybrid islanding detection technique for distribution network considering the dynamic behavior of power and load"
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2022

[Ref No.: 5932]

dr. mohammad khurshed alam" moth flame optimization for transmission loss minimization in optimal power flow using renewable energy"

[Ref No.: 5919]

raja rashidul hasan "multiwalled carbon nanotube-based on-body patch antenna for detecting covid-19-affected lungs"

Keywords: Bioinformatics [Ref No.: 5926]

elin grånäs, ulrike a schröder, mohammad a arman, mie andersen, timm gerber, karina schulte, jesper n andersen, thomas michely, bjørk hammer, jan knudsen "water chemistry beneath graphene: condensation of a dense oh–h2o phase under graphene"
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2022

[Ref No.: 5940]

irfat alam, sariful islam sajib, tabassum zarin "contextual design guidelines of a sensory garden for children with autism spectrum disorder (asd) in bangladesh"
Southeast University Journal of Architecture, 2022

[Ref No.: 6246]

irfat alam, sariful islam and tabassum zarin tithi "contextual design guidelines of a sensory garden for children with autism spectrum disorder (asd) in bangladesh"
Southeast University Journal of Architecture, 2022

[Ref No.: 6221]

saiful hasan tariq, ajmeri nusrat shoma and irfat alam "assessing the connectivity of community parks and fields tounderstand the propensity of use by the neighborhood: a case atuttara residential area, dhaka"
Southeast University Journal of Architecture, 2022

Keywords: Other [Ref No.: 6222]

tasmin kamal tulka, nowshin alam, md akhtaruzzaman, k. sobayel, m. mofazzal hossain "optimization of a high-performance lead-free cesium-based inorganic perovskite solar cell through numerical approach"
Heliyon, 2022

Keywords: Renewable Energy,Energy Storage Materials [Ref No.: 6223]

mohammad khurshed alam" economic power dispatch solutions incorporating stochastic wind power generators by moth flow optimizer"
International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration, 2022

[Ref No.: 6219]

rethwan faiz, nuzat nuary alam*, manzur-e-elahi prokorso, s.m. rabiul islam, shah naser khan, md. reduanul hoque "iot based solar powered automated fish feeding system"
Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 2022

[Ref No.: 6107]

dr. chowdhury akram hossain "design and deployment of e-health system using machine learning in the perspective of developing countries"
International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI), 2022

[Ref No.: 6064]

dr. chowdhury akram hossain" enhancing the security of e-health services in bangladesh using blockchain technology"
International Journal of Information Technology, 2022

[Ref No.: 6065]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" uncertainty awareness in transmission line fault analysis: a deep learning based approach"
Applied Soft Computing, 2022

[Ref No.: 6150]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" design and analysis of a virtual synchronous generator control scheme to augment frt capability of pmsg-based wind turbine"
Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 2022

[Ref No.: 6151]

anika tun naziba, manika tun nafisa, mohammad nasir uddin "non-invasive heat-induced numerous tissue ablation simulation in a medical environment using different focal length high intensity focused ultrasound apparatus"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE) (Scopus Q4, IF0.333), 2022

Keywords: Biomedical,Engineering Chemistry [Ref No.: 6162]

r. m. arnob, s. nahar, mohammad nasir uddin "design of high capacity 5.76 tbits/s sdm-pdm-nyquist superchannel wdm hybrid multiplexing in 3.1% germania doped mmf"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE) (Scopus Indexed, Q4, IF0.333), 2022

Keywords: Optical Communication [Ref No.: 6163]

mahadi hasan, zhang ningfei, huang zhenyi, jingwei zhao, zhengyi jiang "influence of dwelling time on the bonding of cemented carbides and high strength steel by sps"
Metallic Functional Materials (复合材料微加工综述), 2022

Keywords: Materials and Processing [Ref No.: 6507]

muhammad salah uddin, zobayer ahmed, dr. mahadi hasan "the relationship between the exchange rate, trade terms and employment in turkey"
Apuntes del CNES, 2022

[Ref No.: 6508]

m.a. islam, m.a. hasib, m. hasan and s. talapatra "deformation behaviour and mechanical response of closed-cell cellular materials under projectile impact using various shapes impactors"
International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Enginineering, 2022

Keywords: Materials and Processing [Ref No.: 6509]

mahadi hasan, md. ashraful islam, zhenyi huang, jingwei zhao & zhengyi jiang "influence of sintering time on diffusion bonding of wc-10co and aisi4340 by spark plasma sintering"
Materials Science and Technology, 2022

Keywords: Materials and Processing [Ref No.: 6510]

sadia mehrin, dr. md. mahadi hasan, md. lutfar rahman azad, md.masud rana shahin "comparative study on automatic fabric cutting machine and straight knife cutting machine"
North American Academic Research, 2022

Keywords: Connected Machines, Materials and Processing [Ref No.: 6511]

md.nur-a-islam, ariful islam, md. salehin ferdous kader,md.mostafizur rahman "‘a comparative study among steel building, normal r.c.c building and r.c.c building with all around shear wall for same frame’"
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Engineering, 2022

Keywords: Smart Cities [Ref No.: 6487]

dipa sarker , ariful islam , md. salehin ferdous kader , md. noor-a-islam "traffic congestion in dhaka city"
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, 2022

Keywords: Smart Cities, Engineering Technology [Ref No.: 6488]

tariq, s.h., shoma, a.n. & alam, i." assessing the connectivity of community parks and fields to understand the propensity of use by the neighborhood: a case at uttara residential area, dhaka"
Southeast University Journal of Architecture, 2022

[Ref No.: 6454]

mannan, a. v., shoma, a.n. & chowdury, h.a." image of bangladesh through the imageries of bangladeshi currency"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 2022

[Ref No.: 6450]

mr. mehedi hasan, mieee, dr. m. tanseer ali, mieee, dr. md. kamrul hassan, mieee and shaira tashnub torsa, ieee student member, mahfujur rahman, basis" comparative study of single and double barrier gaas based resonant tunneling diodes considering negf"

[Ref No.: 6306]

irfat alam , sariful islam and tabassum zarin tithi "contextual design guidelines of a sensory garden for children with autism spectrum disorder (asd) in bangladesh"
SEUJA, 2022

[Ref No.: 6346]

kazi firoz ahmed" energy solution by hybrid energy system at bhasan char"
Journal of Advancement of Engineering, 2022

[Ref No.: 6344]

muhammad morshed alam and sangman moh "survey on q-learning-based position-aware routing protocols in flying ad hoc networks"
MDPI:Electronics, 2022

[Ref No.: 6406]

muhammad morshed alam, muhammad yeasir arafat, sangman moh, jian shen "topology control algorithms in multi-unmanned aerial vehicle networks: an extensive survey"
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022

Keywords: Algorithms,Networking,Wireless/ Mobile Communication,Mobile Adhoc Networks [Ref No.: 6402]

muhammad morshed alam, sangman moh "joint topology control and routing in a uav swarm for crowd surveillance"
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022

Keywords: Smart Cities,Cyber-physical System Platforms for Smart Environments,Wireless/ Mobile Communication,Mobile Adhoc Networks [Ref No.: 6403]

ajmeri nusrat shoma (senior assistant professor) ashik vaskor mannan (associate professor) hasan ahmed chowdury (assistant professor) "image of bangladesh through the imageries of bangladeshi currency"
AJBE, 2022

Keywords: Design and Deployment,Language and culture [Ref No.: 6398]

abu shufian, md rifad haider, md hasibuzzaman "results of a simulation to propose an automated irrigation & monitoring system in crop production using fast charging & solar charge controller"
Elsevier Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 2021

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Power System [Ref No.: 6388]

gour chand mazumder, abu shahadat md. ibrahim, md. habibur rahman, saiful huque "solar pv and wind powered green hydrogen production cost for selected locations"
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 2021

[Ref No.: 6446]

gour chand mazumder, s m nasif shams, md. habibur rahman, saiful huque "production of green hydrogen in bangladesh and its levelized cost"
Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science & Engineering, 2021

[Ref No.: 6447]

antar anwar, gour chand mazumder, asm shamsul arefin, abu shahadat md. ibrahim "assessment of small wind turbine installations at dhanmondi, dhaka, bangladesh"
Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science & Engineering, 2021

[Ref No.: 6448]

gour chand mazumder, abu shahadat md. ibrahim, md. habibur rahman, saiful huque "estimation of hydrogen demand potential in bangladesh by 2030"
ELK's International Journal of Project Management, 2021

[Ref No.: 6449]

abir ahmed, md. rifat hazari, effat jahan and mohammad abdul mannan" a robust control strategy to improve low voltage ride-through of a grid-connected photovoltaic system"
International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2021

[Ref No.: 6631]

dr. monon mahboob "numerical investigation of mechanical properties of aluminum-copper alloys at nanoscale."
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2021

[Ref No.: 6788]

abu shufian, md. rifad haider, md. hasibuzzaman "results of a simulation to propose an automated irrigation & monitoring system in crop production using fast charging & solar charge controller"
Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 2021

Keywords: Power Electronics and Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 6955]

sheikh hasib cheragee, nazmul hassan, sakil ahammed, abu zafor md. touhidul islam "a study of iot based real-time solar power remote monitoring system"
International Journal of Ambient Systems and Applications (IJASA), 2021

[Ref No.: 7128]

sakil ahammed, nazmul hassan, sheikh hasib cheragee, and a. z. m. t. islam "an iot-based real-time remote health monitoring system"
International Journal of Recent Engineering Science, 2021

[Ref No.: 7129]

nazmul hassan, sheikh hasib cheragee, sakil ahammed and a. z. m. t. islam "sensor based smart irrigation system with monitoring and controlling using internet of things"
International Journal of Ambient Systems and Applications, 2021

[Ref No.: 7130]

dr. chowdhury akram hossain "nekray: a linux kernel-based customized operating system for information kiosk"
International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems (IJERTCS), 2021

[Ref No.: 6062]

nusrat chowdhury, chowdhury akram hossain, michela longo, wahiba yaïci "performance investigation of the lifetime of solar cell using surface photovoltage (spv) method and efficiency measurement"

[Ref No.: 6063]

rakibul islam chowdhury, rinku basak, khan arif wahid, katy nugent, & helen baulch "a rapid approach to measure extracted chlorophyll-a from lettuce leaves using electrical impedance spectroscopy"
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2021

[Ref No.: 6114]

shahriyar masud rizvi, ab al-hadi ab rahman, mohamed khalil-hani, sayed omid ayat "a low-complexity complex-valued activation function for fast and accurate spectral domain convolutional neural network"
Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES), 2021

Keywords: Deep Learning,Computer Vision [Ref No.: 6196]

dr. mohammad mostafizur rahman biswas" the effect of counter electrodes on the photodegrading performances of azoic dye using tio2 nanotubes arrays"
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2021

[Ref No.: 6226]

j. mondal, f r badal, z nayem, d. chakraborty, t. hossain, md. arifuzzaman, n. mondol and s k das," a novel security unit with mitigating frequency deviation for interconnected power system considering cyberattack"

[Ref No.: 5924]

dr. shameem ahmad" recent development in electricity price forecasting based on computational intelligence techniques in deregulated power market"
Energies, 2021

[Ref No.: 5933]

dr. shameem ahmad" a grid-tied photovoltaic transformer-less inverter with reduced leakage current"
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021

[Ref No.: 5934]

nowshin alam and md. abdur rahman "a survey into covid-19 induced pneumonia detection and feasibility of using uwb medical imaging"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

Keywords: Image Processing,Medical Imaging, Antenna [Ref No.: 5959]

md. shoaib sikder and m. tanseer ali "linearization of high frequency class e feedback amplifier using negative impedance method"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5973]

dr. md. rifat hazari" fault ride-through and transient stability augmentation of grid-connected pv station using virtual synchronous generator”"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE, 2021

[Ref No.: 5954]

dr. md. rifat hazari" design and analysis of an artificial neural network-based maximum power point tracking algorithm for pv system"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2021

[Ref No.: 5955]

rinku basak *, khan a. wahid and anh dinh "estimation of the chlorophyll-a concentration of algae species using electrical impedance spectroscopy"
Water, 2021

[Ref No.: 6102]

muhibul haque bhuyan "prospects, challenges and evaluation of the bsc in eee programme for diploma in engineering holders"
Contemporary Educational Researches Journal (CERJ), 2021

Keywords: Software Engineering Education and Training [Ref No.: 5652]

dr. md. hasan imam" arduino based automatic power factor control."
International Journal of Smart Grid, 2021

[Ref No.: 5632]

dr. md. hasan imam" design of a cost-effective customized electronic health record system to handle patient management during covid-19 pandemic"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5633]

dr. md. hasan imam" support vector machine based stress detection system to manage covid-19 pandemic related stress from ecg signal"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5634]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" frt and transient stability augmentation of grid-connected pv station using virtual synchronous generator"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5635]

s. m. imrat rahman, md. rifat hazari, sumaiya umme hani, bishwajit banik pathik, mohammad abdul mannan, asif mahfuz, mohammad khurshed alam, md. kamrul hassan" primary frequency control of large-scale pv-connected multi-machine power system using battery energy storage system"
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems(IJPEDS), 2021

[Ref No.: 5622]

dr. mohammad khurshed alam" tendency in the transformation of agricultural land into non-agricultural :some selected areas in bangladesh"
Seoul National University. SEOUL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, 2021

[Ref No.: 5595]

pritom kumar saha1 · md. asadur rahman2 · mohammad khurshed alam3 · asma ferdowsi4 · md. nurunnabi mollah5" common spatial pattern in frequency domain for feature extraction and classification of multichannel eeg signals"
SN Computer Science (2021) 2:149 https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-021-00586-9, 2021

[Ref No.: 5596]

abu hena md shatil, md rakib ahsan "evocation and expedient of an assemble of rooftop solar pv and vehicle to grid technology: on perspective of bangladesh"
Southeast University Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (SEUJEEE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5587]

s.m. mehedi hasan and abu hena md. shatil" design and comparison of grid connected permanent magnet synchronous generator non-salient pole and salient pole rotor wind turbine"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5588]

5. mazharul sharker, anika tun naziba, manika tun nafisa, and abu hena md shatil "load factor optimization with different algorithm"
Southeast University Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (SEUJEEE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5589]

s. m. imrat rahman, md. rifat hazari, sumaiya umme hani, bishwajit banik pathik, mohammad abdul mannan, asif mahfuz, mohammad khurshed alam, md. kamrul hassan department of electrical and electronics engineering, american international university-bangladesh (aiub), dhaka," “common spatial pattern in frequency domain for feature extraction and classification of multichannel eeg signals”"
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS), 2021

[Ref No.: 5590]

m. s. hossain" design and evaluation of a 32-bit carry select adder using 4-bit hybrid cla adder"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5591]

s. s. chowdhury" design of a robust esd protection device using 6h-sic nano-scale ggnmos"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5592]

afrin binte anwar, rima islam, debalina mollik, prodip kumar saha purnendu, raja rashidul hasan, md. abdur rahman, md. anwar hossain" performance of a 5g mimo antenna for detecting damaged lungs of pneumonia patients related to covid-19"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2021

[Ref No.: 5593]

dr. shameem ahmad" fuzzy logic-based direct power control method for pv inverter of grid-tied ac microgrid without phase-locked loop"
Eelctronics, 2021

[Ref No.: 5740]

dr. shameem ahmad" an improved power control strategy for grid‐connected hybrid microgrid without park transformation and phase‐locked loop system"
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 2021

[Ref No.: 5741]

m. reefaz rahman, m. nasir uddin, tasnim ashrafy, mostofa washif, m. rakib uddin, mahbubul hoq & ahmed hasnain jalal "tuning of optical band gap: genesis of thickness regulated al doped zno nano-crystalline thin films formulated by sol–gel spin coating approach"
SPRINGER NATURE Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials (TEEM) (ISI Indexed, IF:2.813)), 2021

Keywords: Materials and Processing [Ref No.: 5646]

md. aynul hoque" technology adoption in the apparel industry: insight from literature review and research directions"
Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 2021

[Ref No.: 5683]

md. aynul hoque" linkages among automation, job displacement, and reshoring: evidence from the bangladeshi apparel industry"
Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 2021

[Ref No.: 5684]

istiak ahmed and muhibul haque bhuyan "a relative comparison among recent topologies of single-phase non-isolated ac-dc buck-boost converter based on open-loop performance analysis"
Southeast University Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (SEUJEEE), 2021

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 5793]

istiak ahmed and muhibul haque bhuyan "a critical review on open loop analysis of single-phase non-isolated ac-dc buck converters"
Southeast University Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (SEUJEEE), 2021

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 5794]

muhibul haque bhuyan "practices of online teaching, learning, and assessment of the bsc in eee programme during the covid-2019 pandemic"
Contemporary Educational Researches Journal (CERJ), 2021

Keywords: Software Engineering Education and Training,Online Algorthims [Ref No.: 5795]

muhibul haque bhuyan and md. refat sarder "design, simulation and implementation of a digital pulse oxygen saturation measurement meter using arduino microcontroller"
International Journal of Biomedical and Biological Engineering, 2021

Keywords: Biomedical [Ref No.: 5796]

muhibul haque bhuyan "assessing ‘lifelong learning’ through the capstone design project of bsc in eee programme"
International Journal of Learning and Teaching (IJLT), 2021

Keywords: Software Engineering Education and Training [Ref No.: 5799]

muhibul haque bhuyan and mashuk sheikh "designing, implementing, and testing of a microcontroller and iot-based pulse oximeter device"
IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE), 2021

Keywords: Control and automation [Ref No.: 5770]

muhibul haque bhuyan, md. sazzad hossain, and md. ariful islam "design of a pelton turbine using solidworks for ocean wave energy harvesting in matlab simulink"
IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE), 2021

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 5771]

muhibul haque bhuyan and md. akhtaruzzaman "design, simulation, and analysis of different operational factors of a 4-bit carry look-ahead adder circuit in microwind at several cmos technology nodes"
IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing (IOSR-JVSP), 2021

Keywords: VLSI [Ref No.: 5773]

muhibul haque bhuyan, md. mahfuz ahmed, and shafiul alam robin "design, simulation and comparative analysis of performance parameters of a 4-bit cmos based full adder circuit using microwind and dsch at various technology nodes"
IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing (IOSRJVSP), 2021

Keywords: VLSI [Ref No.: 5774]

sikder mohammad faruk, mir mofajjal hossain, and muhibul haque bhuyan, "shaping the input side current waveform of a 3- rectifier into a pure sine wave"
International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, 2021

Keywords: Electrical Drives [Ref No.: 5788]

muhibul haque bhuyan "a modern review of the spintronic technology: fundamentals, materials, devices, circuits, challenges, and current research trends"
International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, 2021

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 5789]

muhibul haque bhuyan "impact of gate insulation material and thickness on pocket implanted mos device"
International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, 2021

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 5790]

shuvra mondal, bok ki min, yoonsik yi, van‐tam nguyen, choon‐gi choi "gamma‐ray tolerant flexible pressure–temperature sensor for nuclear radiation environment"
Advanced Materials Technologies, 2021

[Ref No.: 5731]

seong jun kim, dongwook kim, bok ki min, yoonsik yi, shuvra mondal, van‐tam nguyen, jeongwoon hwang, dongwoo suh, kyeongjae cho, choon‐gi choi "bandgap tuned ws2 thin‐film photodetector by strain gradient in van der waals effective homojunctions"
Advanced Optical Materials, 2021

[Ref No.: 5732]

muhibul haque bhuyan "impact on course registration and sgpa of the students of bsc in eee programme due to online teaching during the covid-2019 pandemic"
International Journal of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences, 2021

Keywords: Software Engineering Education and Training [Ref No.: 5765]

muhibul haque bhuyan "assessing and evaluating the course outcomes of control systems course mapping complex engineering problem solving issues and associated knowledge profiles with the program outcomes"
International Journal of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences, 2021

Keywords: Control and automation [Ref No.: 5766]

muhibul haque bhuyan "guidelines for developing, supervising, assessing and evaluating capstone design projects of undergraduate electrical and electrical engineering program"
International Journal of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences, 2021

Keywords: Design and Deployment [Ref No.: 5767]

dr. mohammad mostafizur rahman biswas" fabrication of cd-free zncuins/zns based inverted quantum dot light-emitting diode: considering substrate temperature effect on sputtered zno layer"
Journal of Vacuum science B, 2021

[Ref No.: 5843]

dr. mohammad mostafizur rahman biswas" fabrication of inverted zncuins/zns based quantum-dot light-emitting diodes with the non-stoichiometric zno layers"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2021

[Ref No.: 5844]

abir ahmed" a robust control strategy to improve low voltage ride-through of a grid-connected photovoltaic system"
International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2021

[Ref No.: 5071]

nafish sarwar islam" is the fine-structure constant actually a constant?"
IOSR Journal Of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP), 2021

[Ref No.: 5107]

dr. md. rifat hazari" a robust control strategy to improve low voltage ride-through of a grid-connected photovoltaic system,” international journal of power and energy systems"
International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2021

[Ref No.: 5150]

dr. md. rifat hazari" lvrt and stability enhancement of grid-tied wind farm using dfig-based wind turbine"
Applied System Innovation, 2021

[Ref No.: 5151]

dr. md. rifat hazari" design and performance analysis of a pv control scheme to improve lvrt of hybrid power system"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5152]

raja rashidul hasan" antenna design & fabrication for biotelemetry applications"
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5217]

dr. md. ehasanul haque" an investigation of shg response from the cnt/peptide interface as a function of variant peptide concentrations and tunable wavelengths by using a monochromator"
Journal of Materials Physics and Chemistry, 2021

[Ref No.: 5247]

m.t. alam, m. rana and s.h. eon "cost analysis for the renewable energy generation to meet the energy security in bangladesh"
Journal of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources, 2021

[Ref No.: 5405]

m.t. alam, foysal dhali and al-amin "cost analysis of electricity generation from different sources"
Journal of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources, 2021

[Ref No.: 5401]

dr. mohammad tawhidul alam "a loadability comparison among compensated ac, hvdc and simultaneous ac-dc transmission system"
Journal of Electrical and Power System Engineering, 2021

[Ref No.: 5402]

s. m. imrat rahman" primary frequency control of large-scale pv-connected multi-machine power system using battery energy storage system"
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS), 2021

[Ref No.: 5366]

abir ahmed, md. rifat hazari, effat jahan and mohammad abdul mannan "a robust control strategy to improve low voltage ride-through of a grid-connected photovoltaic system"
International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2021

[Ref No.: 5356]

jannatul mawa akanto, md. rifat hazari and mohammad abdul mannan "lvrt and stability enhancement of grid-tied wind farm using dfig-based wind turbine"
Applied System Innovation, 2021

[Ref No.: 5357]

s. m. istiaque mahmud, mohammad abdul mannan and md. rifat hazari "design and performance analysis of a pv control scheme to improve lvrt of hybrid power system"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5358]

s. m. imrat rahman, md. rifat hazari, sumaiya umme hani, bishwajit banik pathik, mohammad abdul mannan, asif mahfuz, mohammad khurshed alam, md. kamrul hassan "primary frequency control of large-scale pv-connected multimachine power system using battery energy storage system"
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS), 2021

[Ref No.: 5359]

md. rifat hazari, effat jahan, mohammad abdul mannan, and narottam das "transient stability enhancement of a grid-connected large-scale pv system using fuzzy logic controller"
Electronics, 2021

[Ref No.: 5360]

kazi abdul kader, florina rahman, nahidul islam nahid, zahid abedin, mohammad abdul mannan" design and analysis of an on-grid solar system using pvsyst software for commercial application"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2021

[Ref No.: 5361]

jerin jahan trisha, nafiz ahmed chisty "design & implementation of iot based automated water pump monitoring system"
International Journal of Automatic Control System, 2021

Keywords: Internet of Things, Circuits and Systems [Ref No.: 5350]

dr. m. tanseer ali " comparative analysis of program outcomes achievement between face-to-face and virtual classes during covid-19 pandemic"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5258]

dr. md. rifat hazari "primary frequency control of large-scale pv-connected multi-machine power system using battery energy storage system"
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System(IJPEDS), 2021

[Ref No.: 5462]

dr. md. rifat hazari "voltage stability augmentation of hybrid power system using robust reactive power control strategy of pv plant"
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research-IJRER, 2021

[Ref No.: 5463]

dr. md. rifat hazari" transient stability enhancement of a grid-connected large-scale pv system using fuzzy logic controller"
Electronics (Switzerland), 2021

[Ref No.: 5464]

dr. md. rifat hazari" fault ride-through and transient stability augmentation of grid-connected pv station using virtual synchronous generator"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5466]

sadia yasmin" generating hydroelectricity using recycled water"
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development, 2021

[Ref No.: 5425]

kazi firoz ahmed" design and analysis of an off-grid pv plant for higher utilization efficiency in the field of pharmaceutical industry considering global pandemic state ."
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5522]

s. m. imrat rahman, md. rifat hazari, sumaiya umme hani, bishwajit banik pathik, mohammad abdul mannan, asif mahfuz, mohammad khurshed alam, md. kamrul hassan "primary frequency control of large-scale pv-connected multi-machine power system using battery energy storage system."
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS), 2021

[Ref No.: 5529]

a. s. m. mehedi hasan sad, md mashrur sakib choyon, abu hasnat md rhydwan, kawshik shikder and chowdhury akram hossain "nekray: a linux kernel-based customized operating system for information kiosk"
International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems (IJERTCS), 2021

[Ref No.: 5544]

mustafa o ayanoglu, mohammad tauhiduzzaman, leif a carlsson" in-plane compression modulus and strength of nomex honeycomb cores"
Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2021

[Ref No.: 7338]

mohammad tauhiduzzaman, islam hafez, douglas bousfield, mehdi tajvidi" modeling microwave heating and drying of lignocellulosic foams through coupled electromagnetic and heat transfer analysis"
Processes, 2021

[Ref No.: 7341]

nafish sarwar islam" preface to cosmological constant"
IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP), 2020

[Ref No.: 4783]

dr. md. rifat hazari" coordinated control scheme of battery storage system to augment lvrt capability of scig-based wind turbines and frequency regulation of hybrid power system"
Electronics (Switzerland), MDPI, 2020

[Ref No.: 4868]

raja rashidul hasan" in body antenna for monitoring and controlling pacemaker"
Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTES), 2020

[Ref No.: 4880]

dr. effat jahan" coordinated control scheme of battery storage system to augment lvrt capability of scig-based wind turbines and frequency regulation of hybrid power system"
Electronics, MDPI, 2020

[Ref No.: 4889]

sadia yasmin" iot based real-time communication for people with sensory impairment"
International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 2020

[Ref No.: 5424]

mahadi hasan, zhenyi huang, jingwei zhao, al jumlat, fanghui jia, hui wui, zhengyi jiang "microstructural evaluation of wc and steel dissimilar bilayered composite obtained by spark plasma sintering"
Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 2020

[Ref No.: 5282]

mahadi hasan, jingwei zhao, fanghui jia, hui wui, farooq ahmad, zhenyi huanga, dongbin wei, lifeng ma, and zhengyi jiang "optimisation of sintering parameters for bonding nanocrystalline cemented tungsten carbide powder and solid high strength steel"
Compos. Interfaces, 2020

[Ref No.: 5283]

dr. m. tanseer ali " efficiency improvement analysis for recent high-efficient solar cells"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2020

[Ref No.: 5257]

rima sultana, md. rifat hazari, mohammad abdul mannan and junji tamura "a robust virtual inertia control of battery storage system to enhance transient stability of grid system including wind farms"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2020

[Ref No.: 5355]

dr. md. jahid hasan" performance analysis of optical-cdma for uplink transmission in medical extra-wbans"
IEEE Access, 2020

[Ref No.: 5400]

m.t. alam, s.h. eon and m. rana" energy security in bangladesh through renewable energy generation"
Journal of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources, 2020

[Ref No.: 5403]

m.t. alam, foysal dhali and al-amin "present scenario of worldwide geothermal power generation"
Journal of Electrical and Power System Engineering, 2020

[Ref No.: 5404]

m.t. alam and q. ahsan "an analytical approach for the optimal operation of simultaneous ac-dc power transmission system"
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI), 2020

[Ref No.: 5406]

dr. mohammad tawhidul alam "loadability comparison between compensated ac system and simultaneous ac-dc system"
Journal of Electrical and Power System Engineering, 2020

[Ref No.: 5407]

m.t. alam and q. ahsan "a generalized stability model of a simultaneous ac-dc long transmission system"
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (IJETAE), 2020

[Ref No.: 5408]

dr. mohammad tawhidul alam "a comparative stability analysis between ac system with compensation and simultaneous ac-dc system"
Journal of Power Electronics and Devices, 2020

[Ref No.: 5409]

m.t. alam, s.h. eon, m. rana" an analytical approach for maximum power flow analysis of simultaneous ac-dc power transmission system"
Journal of Electrical and Power System Engineering, 2020

[Ref No.: 5410]

ashik mannan vaskor" heritage architecture: conservation and revitalization of adamjee jute mill."
‘The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE)’, 2020

[Ref No.: 5244]

a n m shahebul hasan" reduced order method for finite difference modeling of cardiac propagation"
Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 2020

[Ref No.: 5218]

dr. md. ehasanul haque" a study on the mechanical, optical and electrical properties of nylon-mesh/epoxy composite"
Bangladesh Journal of Physics, 2020

[Ref No.: 5198]

dr. md. rifat hazari" augmentation of dc-link protection system of pmsg based wind turbine using fuzzy logic controlled buck controller system"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2020

[Ref No.: 5146]

dr. md. rifat hazari" a robust virtual inertia control of battery storage system to enhance transient stability of grid system including wind farms"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2020

[Ref No.: 5147]

dr. md. rifat hazari" hybrid power system frequency control including wind farm using battery storage system"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2020

[Ref No.: 5149]

a k m sarower kabir" effect ofeffect of heat resistant coating on the drilled hole quality of hybrid fiber reinforced epoxy composite"
EVERGREEN-Joint Journal of Carbon Resource Sciences and Green Asia Strategy, 2020

[Ref No.: 5141]

joy kumar saha, abdulla bin shakib, safayet tanveer, fozlur rayhan, nafiz ahmed chisty" design and implementation of a smart surveillance and automation system for patients"
International Journal of Power Electronics Controllers and Converters, 2020

[Ref No.: 5099]

rashed khan manon, mst. masuma khanam, jakariya ahmed, md. emteaj ahmed, nafiz ahmed chisty" iot based solar powered system for smart field irrigation with real time surveillance for smart agriculture in bangladesh"
International Journal of Electrical Power System and Technology, 2020

[Ref No.: 5100]

saiful hasan tariq" effect of plan layout on electricity consumption to maintain thermal comfort in apartments of dhaka"
Energy Efficiency, 2020

[Ref No.: 5088]

dr. md. ehasanul haque" synthesis of carbon nanotube by chemical vapor deposition (cvd) method."
Scientific Research Journal (Scirj), 2020

[Ref No.: 5093]

dr. md. ehasanul haque" synthesis of bismuth ferraites nanoparticles by modified pechini sol-gel method."
International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, 2020

[Ref No.: 5094]

dr. md. ehasanul haque" fabrication of carbon nanotube (cnt) by chemical vapor deposition and investigate the second harmonic response from cnt/peptide and si/sio2/peptide interfaces"
International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, 2020

[Ref No.: 5095]

moddassir khan nayeem" covid-19 vaccine: a neutrosophic mcdm approach for determining the priority groups"
Results in Physics, 2020

[Ref No.: 5014]

moddassir khan nayeem" a systematic literature review on mathematical models of humanitarian logistics"
Symmetry, 2020

[Ref No.: 5015]

dr. chowdhury akram hossain" feasibility and cost analysis of photovoltaic-biomass hybrid energy system in off-grid areas of bangladesh"
Sustainability, 2020

[Ref No.: 4931]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" coordinated control scheme of battery storage system to augment lvrt capability of scig-based wind turbines and frequency regulation of hybrid power system"
Journal of Electronics (MDPI), 2020

[Ref No.: 4954]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" hybrid power system frequency control including wind farm using battery storage system"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2020

[Ref No.: 4955]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" augmentation of dc-link protection system of pmsg based wind turbine using fuzzy logic controlled buck controller system"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2020

[Ref No.: 4956]

muhibul haque bhuyan and sher shermin azmiri khan "assessing and evaluating the course outcomes of electrical circuit course for bachelor of science in electrical and electronic engineering program"
International Journal of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences, 2020

Keywords: Circuits and Systems [Ref No.: 5768]

shuvra mondal, seong jun kim, and choon-gi choi "honeycomb-like mos2 nanotube array-based wearable sensors for noninvasive detection of human skin moisture"
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2020

[Ref No.: 5730]

muhibul haque bhuyan, md. mubarak hossain riadh, md. sazzad hossain, and md. anisur rahman" design and simulation of a low power and high-speed 4-bit magnitude comparator circuit using cmos in dsch and microwind"
Journal of Bangladesh Electronics and Informatics Society, 2020

Keywords: VLSI [Ref No.: 5815]

muhibul haque bhuyan and mafujul hasan "design and simulation of heartbeat measurement system using arduino microcontroller in proteus"
International Journal of Biomedical and Biological Engineering, 2020

Keywords: Biomedical [Ref No.: 5797]

muhibul haque bhuyan, md. tanjim hasan, and hasan iskander iskander "low cost microcontroller based ecg machine"
International Journal of Biomedical and Biological Engineering, 2020

Keywords: Biomedical [Ref No.: 5798]

muhibul haque bhuyan" assessment and evaluation of the course outcomes of semiconductor devices course for the bsc in eee program"
Southeast University Journal of Science and Engineering (SEUJSE), 2020

Keywords: Software Engineering Education and Training [Ref No.: 5804]

muhibul haque bhuyan "a review of the fabrication process of the pocket implanted mosfet structure"
Southeast University Journal of Science and Engineering (SEUJSE), 2020

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 5805]

irin sultana bristy and mohammad nasir uddin, "performance analysis of 16-channel hybrid wdm- csrz-dqpsk pon for different transmission speeds and distances"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), (Scopus Q4, IF0.333), 2020

Keywords: Optical Communication [Ref No.: 5645]

hasan, m. t., mannan , a. v., & rezve, f. h." heritage architecture: conservation and revitalization of adamjee jute mill"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2020

[Ref No.: 5603]

2) abul hasnat, safkat tajwar ahmed, tahmid mustafa, md. samiullah chowdhury, s. m. prince" improvement of bearing capacity of clay soil using fly ash"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2020

[Ref No.: 5641]

abul hasnat, safkat tajwar ahmed, hafiz ahmed" a review of utilizing shape memory alloy in structural safety"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2020

[Ref No.: 5642]

bk min, y yi, vt nguyen, shuvra mondal, cg choi "mutifunctional emi shielding and sensing applications based on low-dimensional nanomaterials"
Electronics and Telecommunications Trends, 2020

[Ref No.: 6249]

rinku basak *, khan wahid and anh dinh "determination of leaf nitrogen concentrations using electrical impedance spectroscopy in multiple crops"
Remote Sensing, 2020

[Ref No.: 6106]

fahad faisal,sumon kumar das, abdul hasib siddique, mehedi hasan, samia sabrin, chowdhury akram hossain,zhou tong" automated traffic detection system based on image processing"
Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies, 2020

[Ref No.: 6061]

rinku basak *, khan a. wahid , anh dinh , raju soolanayakanahally , reza fotouhi and aryan s. mehr "rapid and efficient determination of relative water contents of crop leaves using electrical impedance spectroscopy in vegetative growth stage"
Remote Sensing, 2020

[Ref No.: 6104]

dr. monon mahboob" atomistic and finite element study of nanoindentation in pure aluminum."
Materials Today Communications, 2020

[Ref No.: 6862]

ahmed, sm masum and al-amin, md rahmatullah and ahammed, shakil and ahmed, foysal and saleque, ahmed mortuza and rahman, md abdur "design, construction and testing of parabolic solar cooker for rural households and refugee camp"
Solar Energy, 2020

[Ref No.: 6710]

ahmad, dhrubo; aziz, abdul; shila, taslima akter; rana, sohel; hasan, raja rashidul; rahman, md. abdur "on-body circular patch antenna for breast cancer detection"
American Journal of Electronics & Communication, 2020

[Ref No.: 6711]

sinha, sourav, ta-seen reaz niloy, raja rashidul hasan, and md abdur rahman "in body antenna for monitoring and controlling pacemaker"
Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 2020

[Ref No.: 6712]

gour chand mazumder, s m nasif shams, md. habibur rahman, saiful huque, 2020 "use of green hydrogen in developed countries and prospect in bangladesh for sustainable development in energy sector"
Elk Asia Pacific J. Of Project Management and Control, 2020

[Ref No.: 6455]

gour chand mazumder, s m nasif shams, md. habibur rahman and saiful huque "development and performance analysis of a low-cost hydrogen generation system using locally available materials"
The Dhaka University Journal of Science, 2020

[Ref No.: 6456]

imran mortoza khan, md. kamrul hassan "developing virtual power plant using savonia's rotor wind turbine for sustainability"
Journal of Alternate Energy Sources and Technologies (JoAEST), 2020

[Ref No.: 6289]

mohammad tauhiduzzaman, leif a carlsson" finite element modeling of face/core interface fracture in homogenized honeycomb core sandwich scb specimens"
Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2020

[Ref No.: 7340]

md. alomgir kabir "performance of a cognitive cooperative relay aided downlink multi-carrier code division multiple access (mc-cdma) system"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2019

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication,5G Networks [Ref No.: 6400]

sultana, s., and basak, r." performance evaluation of meander line implantable antenna integrated with ebg based ground for anatomical realistic model"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2019

[Ref No.: 6259]

gour chand mazumder, abu shahadat md. ibrahim, s. m. nasif shams, saiful huque "assessment of wind power potential at the chittagong coastline in bangladesh"
The Dhaka University Journal of Science, 2019

[Ref No.: 6457]

gour chand mazumder, s m nasif shams, abu shahadat md. ibrahim, md. habibur rahman "practical study of water electrolysis for solar powered hydrogen production using stainless steel electrode and sodium hydroxide solution"
International Journal of New Technology and Research, 2019

[Ref No.: 6459]

md.arifuzzaman, md.salehin ferdous, homayra alam "use of a new transportation algorithm for profit maximization"
European Scientific Journal (ESJ), 2019

Keywords: Smart Cities,Machine to Machine Data Analytics,Digital Transformation,Networking,Intelligent Transportation [Ref No.: 6479]

arifuzzaman, sabrina tasnim,salehin ferdous,arifur rahman "application of a new transportation algorithm for cost minimization"
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, 2019

Keywords: Smart Cities,Machine to Machine Data Analytics,Digital Transformation,Algorithms [Ref No.: 6482]

md.salehin ferdous,sabrina tasnim,arifuzzaman,rumman rafi "‘green technology: production of biogas from the solid wastage of dhaka city’,"
International Journal of Science and research, 2019

Keywords: Usability Engineering,Organic Chemistry,Environmental Chemistry,Environmental Chemistry [Ref No.: 6483]

md rumman rafi,md.salehin ferdous kader,arifuzzaman,sabbir ahmed shibly,ahmed shafkat "‘reduction of processing time to improve latency in wireless communication network’"
International Journal of Reseach Publications, 2019

Keywords: 5G Networks, Sensor Technology, Wireless Sensor network. [Ref No.: 6484]

md rumman rafi, arifuzzaman, sabrina tasnim, md.salehin ferdous kader, "‘latency reduction technique of mobile ad hoc network’"
International Research Journal of Advance Engineering and Science, 2019

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication,Mobile Adhoc Networks, Sensor Technology, Wireless Sensor network. [Ref No.: 6485]

md rumman rafi, arifuzzaman, sabrina tasnim, md.salehin ferdous kader "latency improvement with short tti length in communication network”"
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, 2019

[Ref No.: 6486]

shafkat, tanjim meer shadman, rahman md abdur, and oishi ashrafun nushra" advanced supervisory control plan with power saving strategy for demand side load"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2019

[Ref No.: 6709]

md. ashiquzzaman "study of present scenario of power sector in bangladesh and proposal to minimize losses for increasing efficiency"
American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS), 2019

[Ref No.: 5920]

dhrubo ahmad, abdul aziz, taslima akter shila, sohel rana, raja rashidul hasan, md. abdur rahman" on-body circular patch antenna for breast cancer detection"
American Journal of Electronics & Communication, 2019

[Ref No.: 5594]

dr. shameem ahmad" smart home automation and security system design based on iot applications"
ASEAN Engineering Journal, 2019

[Ref No.: 5742]

dr. shameem ahmad" hybrid ann and artificial cooperative search algorithm to forecast short-term electricity price in de-regulated electricity market"
IEEE Access, 2019

[Ref No.: 5743]

muhibul haque bhuyan and md. riad ferdous shams "design and simulation of a 4:1 multiplexer in microwind and dsch using 90 nm cmos technology"
Southeast University Journal of Science and Engineering (SEUJSE), 2019

Keywords: VLSI [Ref No.: 5806]

muhibul haque bhuyan "a review of recent research works on negative capacitance field effect transistor"
SEU Journal of Science and Engineering, 2019

Keywords: VLSI [Ref No.: 5807]

muhibul haque bhuyan, shrestha dey monty, and md. rafsun zani sarkar" design and implementation of a nir-technique based non-invasive glucometer using microcontroller"
Journal of Bangladesh Electronics and Informatics Society, 2019

Keywords: Biomedical [Ref No.: 5816]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" design and implementation of a three-phase inverter operated with different conduction modes with automatic powerfactor improvement"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2019

[Ref No.: 4951]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" gate length effect on gallium nitride based double gate metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2019

[Ref No.: 4952]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" bloom box powered electrical vehicle with carbon nanotubes wound motor drive train"
Journal of Power Electronics & Power Systems, 2019

[Ref No.: 4953]

dr. chowdhury akram hossain" design of a power system (solar-diesel generator) for a garment industry and load optimization"
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2019

[Ref No.: 4932]

s. m. imrat rahman" design and implementation dspic & igbt based static automatic voltage regulator"
International Organization of Scientific Research, 2019

[Ref No.: 4933]

dr. chowdhury akram hossain" the scenario of e-health systems in developing countries (bangladesh and malaysia)"
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2019

[Ref No.: 4930]

rethwan faiz" reliability analysis of different cell configurations of lithium ion battery pack"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2019

[Ref No.: 5174]

dr. m. tanseer ali " loss analysis of market available solar cells and possible solutions"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2019

[Ref No.: 5252]

dr. m. tanseer ali " design and simulation of triangular shaped meander-line antenna"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2019

[Ref No.: 5253]

dr. m. tanseer ali " solutions to overcome sq limits for modelling efficient solar cell and introduction to novel qd-mjsc design"
Journal of Alternate Energy Sources & Technologies, 2019

[Ref No.: 5254]

dr. m. tanseer ali " gate length effect on gallium nitride based double gate metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2019

[Ref No.: 5255]

dr. m. tanseer ali " designing of gaas based resonant tunneling diode and nano scale applications with considering negf"
Journal of VLSI Design Tools & Technology, 2019

[Ref No.: 5256]

m.t. alam, s.h. eon, m. rana" maximum power flow analysis of simultaneous ac-dc power transmission system"
Journal of Control and Instrumentation Engineering, 2019

[Ref No.: 5411]

mahadi hasan, jingwei zhao, zhenyi huang, dongbin wei, zhengyi jiang "analysis and characterisation of wc-10co and aisi 4340 steel bimetal composite produced by powder-solid diffusion bonding"
Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 2019

[Ref No.: 5284]

mahadi hasan, jingwei zhao, zhenyi huang, hui wu, fanghui jia, zhengyi jiang "effects of holding time on the sintering of cemented tungsten carbide powder and bonding with high strength steel wire"
J. Mater. Eng. Perform., 2019

[Ref No.: 5285]

mahadi hasan, jingwei zhao, zhengyi jiang "micromanufacturing of composite materials: a review"
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, 2019

[Ref No.: 5286]

hui wu, yan li, yao lu, xiawei cheng mahadi hasan "influences of load and microstructure on tribocorrosion behaviour of high strength hull steel in saline solution"
Tribol. Let, 2019

[Ref No.: 5289]

anas abdullah alvi" load flow analysis of dhaka grid using psat and etap and performance comparison with pgcb data"

[Ref No.: 5280]

dr. munshi mahbubur rahman" ber performance degradation of a powerline communication system due to power transformer and performance improvement by diversity reception technique"
SCIREA Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2019

[Ref No.: 5517]

dr. munshi mahbubur rahman" and performance improvement by stage cascading technique"
SCIREA Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2019

[Ref No.: 5518]

kazi firoz ahmed" reliability analysis of different cell configurations of lithium ion battery pack"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2019

[Ref No.: 5523]

mohammad zeyad, susmita ghosh, s. m. masum ahmed "design prototype of a smart household touch sensitive locker security system based on gsm technology"
International journal of power electronics and drive systems (IJPEDS), 2019

Keywords: Alarm system, GSM, Security system, Touch sensitive box, Vero board, [Ref No.: 4888]

abu hena muhammad shatil" modeling and simulation of a synchronous generator with rotor angle stability and solve inter area mode of oscillation in power system using power system stabilizer(pss)"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2019

[Ref No.: 4891]

moddassir khan nayeem" a robust two-stage transit-based evacuation model for large-scale disaster response"
Measurement, 2019

[Ref No.: 4784]

moddassir khan nayeem" a stochastic programming model for multi-commodity distribution in the second disaster response"
Computer and Industrial Engineering, 2019

[Ref No.: 4785]

syed md. anwarul islam" design and simulation of triangular shaped meander-line antenna"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering(AJSE), 2019

[Ref No.: 4776]

nafish sarwar islam" mathematical sanctity of the golden ratio"
IOSR Journal of Mathematics, 2019

[Ref No.: 4758]

nafish sarwar islam" a walk on the fractal universe"
IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP), 2019

[Ref No.: 4759]

nafish sarwar islam" engineering education towards unceasing"
IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), 2019

[Ref No.: 4760]

tadbirul islam and mohammad nasir uddin "high speed otdm-dwdm bit compressed network for long-haul communication"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), (SCOPUS Indexed Q4, IF0.333), 2019

Keywords: Networking,Communication Signal Processing,Optical Communication [Ref No.: 4754]

dr. md. saniat rahman zishan" awareness on e-health among undergraduate students in bangladesh."
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 2019

[Ref No.: 4601]

dr. md. saniat rahman zishan" the scenario of e-health systems in developing countries (bangladesh and malaysia)"
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2019

[Ref No.: 4697]

dr. effat jahan" primary frequency regulation of hybrid power system by deloaded pmsg-based offshore wind farm using centralized droop controller"
The Journal of Engineering, IET, 2019

[Ref No.: 4702]

dr. effat jahan" damping of frequency fluctuations of hybrid power system by variable deloaded operation of pmsg based offshore wind farm"
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 2019

[Ref No.: 4703]

dr. md. rifat hazari" primary frequency regulation of the hybrid power system by deloaded pmsg-based offshore wind farm using centralised droop controller"
The Journal of Engineering, IET, 2019

[Ref No.: 4710]

dr. mohammad khurshed alam" four-class motor imagery eeg signal classification using pca, wavelet and two-stage neural network"
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2019

[Ref No.: 4713]

dr. mohammad khurshed alam" eeg based brain alertness monitoring by statistical and artificial neural network approach"
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2019

[Ref No.: 4714]

dr. mohammad khurshed alam" a study on bangladesh power system fault level management"
5'th International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineerin(ICAEE 2019), 2019

[Ref No.: 4715]

mehedi azad shawon" high gain non isolated dc-dc step-up converters integrated with active and passive switched inductor networks"
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS), 2019

[Ref No.: 3706]

tasnuva chowdhury and mohammad nasir uddin "ocdma system using 2 code keying encryption introducing a soa based cmux and cdemux over a wdm system"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), (SCOPUS IndexedQ4, IF0.333), 2019

Keywords: Networking,Optical Communication [Ref No.: 3969]

dr. chowdhury akram hossain" system and cost analysis of stand-alone solar home system applied to a developing country"
Sustainability, 2019

[Ref No.: 4040]

dr. chowdhury akram hossain" awareness on e-health among undergraduate students in bangladesh."
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 2019

[Ref No.: 4041]

dr. md. rifat hazari" damping of frequency fluctuations of hybrid power system by variable deloaded operation of pmsg based offshore wind farm"
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 2019

[Ref No.: 4036]

raja rashidul hasan, raja tariqul hasan tusher, sujan howlader, sharmin jahan "on body e-shaped patch antenna for biomedical application."
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI), 2019

Keywords: Biomedical, Antenna [Ref No.: 4060]

dr. m. tanseer ali " designing of gaas based resonant tunneling diode and nano scale applications with considering negf"
Journal of VLSI Design Tools & Technology, 2019

[Ref No.: 4068]

naheed hossain" design and fabrication of deformable microfluidic device for the study of living cells under mechanical solicitations"
Science & Technology Asia (formerly the International Journal of Science and Technology Thammasat), 2019

[Ref No.: 4082]

dr. md. mohiuddin uzzal" a comprehensive study on the impact of various nano-gratings on msm-pds for enhancement in the light absorption"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2019

[Ref No.: 4095]

dr. md. mohiuddin uzzal" design, simulation and performance optimization of a 2 ghz voltage controlled oscillator for frequency synthesis using phase lock loop"
Saudi Journal of Engineering and Technology (SJEAT), 2019

[Ref No.: 4097]

md.samin rahman, md.humayun kabir "social internet of things (siot) enabled system model for smart integration of building’s energy, water and safety management: dhaka city, bangladesh perspective"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2019

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 4114]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" damping of frequency fluctuations of hybrid power system by variable deloaded operation of pmsg based offshore wind farm"
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 2019

[Ref No.: 4160]

raja rashidul hasan" on body e-shaped patch antenna for biomedical application"
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI), 2019

[Ref No.: 4169]

md. sajid hossain" utilizing gravitational energy as an alternative source to produce usable electricity"
Journal of Electrical and Power System Engineering, MAT Journals, 2019

[Ref No.: 4178]

swartz, craig h.; rab, sadia r.; reese, matthew o.; myers, thomas h. et al. "measurement of band offsets and shunt resistance in cdte solar cells through temperature and intensity dependence of open circuit voltage and photoluminescence"
Jounal of Solar Energy, 2019

Keywords: Photovoltaic device characterization, Loss analysis, Model fitting, Contact barrier, Recombination, Injection dependence [Ref No.: 7266]

mohammad tauhiduzzaman, leif a carlsson" influence of constraints on the effective inplane extensional properties of honeycomb core"
Composite Structures, 2019

[Ref No.: 7337]

sharmin jahan" a novel design and miniaturization of a scalp implantable circular patch antenna at ism band for biomedical application"
Systems Conference 2017 (IEEE International Conference, 2018

[Ref No.: 4201]

abu hena muhammad shatil" rotational energy conversion using magnetic field"

[Ref No.: 4184]

abu hena muhammad shatil" performance analysis of a microbial fuel cell using different substrate materials for different loads"
Iranian Journal of Energy and Environment, 2018

[Ref No.: 4185]

md. sajid hossain "low cost obstacle avoidance robot with logic gates and gate delay calculations"
Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems, 2018

[Ref No.: 4176]

md. sajid hossain" performance analysis of modulation response of a designed 1550 nm oxide confined vertical cavity surface emitting laser"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2018

[Ref No.: 4177]

mohammad zeyad, prodip biswas, md. zakaria iqbal, susmita ghosh, pronab biswas "designing of microcontroller based home appliances governor circuits"
International Journal of Computer Electrical Engineering (IJCEE ), 2018

Keywords: Arduino Uno, AT mega 328p, BT HC 06, SIM800 (GSM module), security control app (LED) [Ref No.: 4172]

ahmed mortuza saleque" feasibility study of off-grid sustainable energy system for coastal bhasan char to rehabilitate rohinga refugees"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2018

[Ref No.: 4164]

ahmed mortuza saleque" design and implementation of a low power consuming air cooling system for remote hospitals to preserve essential medicine and vaccines"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2018

[Ref No.: 4165]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" performance analysis of self-excited induction generator for different excitation and loading condition in wind turbine application"
Int. J. Industrial Electronics and Drives, 2018

[Ref No.: 4153]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" design & simulation of fuzzy logic based speed control of spwm inverter-fed electrical vehicle with induction motor taking core loss and stray load losses into account"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2018

[Ref No.: 4154]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" solar and wind energy based microgrid : study of architecture's potential at coastal areas in bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2018

[Ref No.: 4155]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" design and simulation dfim driven electrical vehicles based on ip controller"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2018

[Ref No.: 4156]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" design and analyze of an international common grid to mitigate energy crisis of bangladesh"
Journal of Power Electronics & Power Systems, 2018

[Ref No.: 4157]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" stabilization of wind farm by using pmsg based wind generator taking grid codes into consideration"
Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 2018

[Ref No.: 4158]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" sub-nano regime dg-mosfets"
Journal of Semiconductor Devices and Circuits, 2018

[Ref No.: 4159]

dr. md. mohiuddin uzzal" feasibility study of off-grid sustainable energy system for coastal bhasan char to rehabilitate rohinga refugees"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2018

[Ref No.: 4094]

dr. md. mohiuddin uzzal" highly sensitive compact isfet electro-chemical sensor in avalanche region of operation"
International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and technology, 2018

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dr. md. mohiuddin uzzal" performance optimization and algorithmic design of a single stage low noise amplifier (lna) for l-band applications."
Saudi Journal of Engineering and Technology (SJEAT), 2018

[Ref No.: 4085]

dr. md. mohiuddin uzzal" design, simulation and optimization of a single stage low noise amplifier (lna) for very low power l-band satellite handheld applications."
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2018

[Ref No.: 4089]

dr. m. tanseer ali " stability analysis and stabilisation of an amplifier with non-linearity compensation"
International Journal of Electronics Letters, 2018

[Ref No.: 4075]

nadia nowshin" infrared sensor controlled wheelchair for physically disabled people"
Springer Series, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2018

[Ref No.: 4076]

dr. md. rifat hazari" stability augmentation of a grid-connected wind farm by fuzzy-logic-controlled dfig-based wind turbines"
Applied Sciences, MDPI, 2018

[Ref No.: 4033]

dr. md. rifat hazari" fuzzy logic based virtual inertia control of dfig based wind generator for stability improvement of hybrid power system"
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 2018

[Ref No.: 4034]

dr. md. rifat hazari" stabilization of wind farm by using pmsg based wind generator taking grid codes into consideration"
Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 2018

[Ref No.: 4035]

nusrat alim, mohammad nasir uddin "surface plasmon resonance biosensor in healthcare application using kretschsmann & otto configuration"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), (SCOPUS IndexedQ4, IF0.333), 2018

Keywords: Biomedical, Photonics, Sensor Technology [Ref No.: 3968]

chowdhury miftah mahmood sagir, saad bin ali reza, shahriar faridi, mrinmoy roy, mohammad nasir uddin "3.52 tbps hybrid ofdm wdm pon covering 120-km longreach distance using 4-ary qam & direct detection technique for beyond ng-pon-2 applications"
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SCOPUS Indexed- Q2) SJR IF:0.22, 2018

Keywords: Networking,Optical Communication [Ref No.: 3966]

dr. md. saniat rahman zishan" design and implementation of urban search and rescue robot"
International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing(IJEM), 2018

[Ref No.: 3950]

kazi firoz ahmed" a new multi-hybrid power system for grid connected area (solar-compressed air energy storage-grid power)"
International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies (IJIAS), 2018

[Ref No.: 3954]

abir ahmed, tamim hossain, kefayet ullah, md. humayun kabir "time of arrival (toa) based radiolocation architecture in cdma systems and its performance analysis"
International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering (IJCCE), 2018

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication [Ref No.: 3726]

dr. ashiqur rahman" performance analysis of a microwave dielectric ceramic (mdc) substrate based ku-band antenna"
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2018

[Ref No.: 3743]

abir ahmed, anika busra laboni, a.k.m mostafizur rahman, md. ashikur rahman, mrinmoy ranjan dhar, md. humayun kabir "automatic irrigation system on sensing soil moisture content"
Recent Trends in Electronics & Communication Systems (RTECS), 2018

[Ref No.: 3728]

nafiz ahmed chisty" design and implementation of a wall climbing robot"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2018

[Ref No.: 3667]

dr. mohammad asaduzzaman khan" azimuth-elevation direction finding, using three uni-axial velocity sensors as an arbitrarily sparse linear array"
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2018

[Ref No.: 3685]

abir ahmed" time of arrival (toa) based radiolocation architecture in cdma systems and its performance analysis"
International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering, 2018

[Ref No.: 3675]

dr. md. ehasanul haque" role of polyethylene glycol (peg) on trivalent chromium electrodeposition"
Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 2018

[Ref No.: 3637]

tahmida islam" simulation and real-time analysis of active suspension system over controller area network"
Application of Modelling and Simulation., 2018

[Ref No.: 3777]

dr. ferdous jahan shaun" micro-fabricated thermal flow-rate sensors: the substrate material impact on the device performance and power consumption"
Microsystem Technologies, Springer Nature, 2018

[Ref No.: 3780]

dr. ferdous jahan shaun" sensitivity optimization of micro-machined thermo-resistive flow-rate sensors on silicon substrates"
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, IOP Science, 2018

[Ref No.: 3781]

dr. md. kabiruzzaman " ordered mixed rows of (pb+sn) and (pb+sb) on cu(001) : a coadsorption study and structure determination using low energy electron diffraction"
Surface Science, 2018

[Ref No.: 3782]

md. rabiul islam" sub-nano regime dg-mosfets"
Journal of Semiconductor Devices and Circuits, 2018

[Ref No.: 3755]

md. shahariar parvez" md. shahariar parvez, dr. mohammad abdul mannan “design and analyze of an international common grid to mitigate energy crisis of bangladesh”. journal of power electronics & power systems. 2018; 8(2):"
Journal of Power Electronics & Power Systems., 2018

[Ref No.: 3772]

md. abid hasan" mems imu based pedestrian indoor navigation for smart glass"
Wireless Personal Communications-Springer, 2018

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ahmed mortuza saleque" solar and wind energy based microgrid : study of architecture's potential at coastal areas in bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2018

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dr. chowdhury akram hossain" optimization of solar energy system for the electric vehicle at university campus in dhaka, bangladesh"
Energies, 2018

[Ref No.: 3890]

dr. md. abdur rahman" feasibility study of off-grid sustainable energy system for coastal bhasan char to rehabilitate rohinga refugees"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2018

[Ref No.: 4328]

dr. md. hasan imam" heart disease detection by using machine learning algorithms and a real-time cardiovascular health monitoring system"
World Journal of Engineering and Technology (WJET), 2018

[Ref No.: 4296]

abul hasnat" effectiveness of using slag as coarse aggregate and study of its impact on mechanical properties of concrete"
Sonargaon University Journal, 2018

[Ref No.: 4538]

abul hasnat" modified roof-top garden as a tuned mass damper for vibration control of building structure under earthquake excitation"
Sonargaon University Journal, 2018

[Ref No.: 4535]

dr. md. kamrul hassan" sub-nano regime dg-mosfets"
Journal of Semiconductor Devices and Circuits., 2018

[Ref No.: 4522]

dr. md. kamrul hassan" design & simulation of fuzzy logic based speed control of spwm inverter-fed electrical vehicle with induction motor taking core loss and stray load losses into account"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2018

[Ref No.: 4516]

dr. mehedi bin mohammad" pre melting, melting and degradation properties of molten alkali nitrates: lino3, nano3, kno3, and binary nano3-kno3"
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B Springer, 2018

[Ref No.: 3445]

dr. mehedi bin mohammad" the binary alkali nitrate and chloride phase diagrams: nano3-kno3, lino3-nano3, lino3-kno3 and nacl-kcl"
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B Springer, 2018

[Ref No.: 3447]

mahadi hasan, jingwei zhao, zhengyi jiang "analysis of sintering and bonding of ultrafine wc powder and stainless steel by hot compaction diffusion bonding"
Fusion Eng. Des, 2018

[Ref No.: 5287]

dr. m. tanseer ali " design and analysis of logic gates using gan based double gate mosfet (dg-mos)"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2018

[Ref No.: 5250]

dr. m. tanseer ali " design & implementation of pwm based 3-phase switch-mode power supply (smps)"
International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), 2018

[Ref No.: 5251]

m. t. alam and q. ahsan "a mathematical model for the transient stability analysis of a simultaneous ac-dc power transmission system"
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018

[Ref No.: 5412]

m. t. alam and q. ahsan "a mathematical model for the loadability analysis of a simultaneous ac-dc power transmission system"
Electrical Engineering, 2018

[Ref No.: 5413]

m. t. alam and n. islam" a technical analysis of converting ac system into simultaneous ac-dc transmission system"
Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2018

[Ref No.: 5414]

muhibul haque bhuyan, nur mohammad, md. rumanul islam, and md. abdulla al noman noman, “ "determination of satisfaction level of electrical and electronic engineering students of southeast university"
International Journal of Learning and Teaching (IJLT), 2018

Keywords: Software Engineering Education and Training [Ref No.: 5800]

muhibul haque bhuyan and sher shermin azmiri khan "motivating students in electrical circuit course"
International Journal of Learning and Teaching (IJLT), 2018

Keywords: Software Engineering Education and Training [Ref No.: 5801]

muhibul haque bhuyan, sher shermin azmiri khan, and mohammad ziaur rahman "teaching digital electronics course for electrical engineering students in cognitive domain"
International Journal of Learning and Teaching (IJLT), 2018

Keywords: Software Engineering Education and Training [Ref No.: 5802]

muhibul haque bhuyan "rf semiconductor devices technology: history and evolution, prospects and opportunities, current and the future"
Southeast University Journal of Science and Engineering (SEUJSE), 2018

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 5808]

seong jun kim, wooseok song, yoonsik yi, bok ki min, shuvra mondal, ki-seok an, choon-gi choi "high durability and waterproofing rgo/swcnt-fabric-based multifunctional sensors for human-motion detection"
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2018

[Ref No.: 5728]

seong jun kim, shuvra mondal, bok ki min, choon-gi choi "highly sensitive and flexible strain–pressure sensors with cracked paddy-shaped mos2/graphene foam/ecoflex hybrid nanostructures"
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2018

[Ref No.: 5729]

md. ashiquzzaman "modern electrical design and installation of equipment of high rise building using proposed busbar trunking and fault analysis system for the perspective of bangladesh"
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering (IJMSE), 2018

[Ref No.: 5918]

abir ahmed, tamim hossain, kefayet ullah, md. humayun kabir" time of arrival (toa) based radiolocation architecture in cdma systems and its performance analysis"
International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering, 2018

[Ref No.: 5923]

dr. tanbir ibne anowar" a critical review on wpt for midrange operation"
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER), 2018

[Ref No.: 5970]

amirul islam, md tanvir hossan, and yeong min jang "convolutional neural network scheme–based optical camera communication system for intelligent internet of vehicles"
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2018

[Ref No.: 6634]

mostafa zaman chowdhury; md. tanvir hossan; amirul islam; yeong min jang "a comparative survey of optical wireless technologies: architectures and applications"
IEEE Access, 2018

[Ref No.: 6636]

md. tanvir hossan, mostafa zaman chowdhury, amirul islam, and yeong min jang "a novel indoor mobile localization system based on optical camera communication"
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2018

[Ref No.: 6637]

sabrina tasnim, arifur rahman, md.salehin ferdous "md.salehinferdouskader,‘security vulnerabilities and possible prevention measures for ensuring the information security of e- commerce’"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2018

Keywords: Deep Learning,Digital Transformation,Security in Smart Environments,Cyber-physical System Platforms for Smart Environments [Ref No.: 6481]

md. salehin ferdous kader , shekh istiak ahmed "‘network model scenario of delay tolerant network by utilizing self-organized data aggregation technique in disperse environment using evolutionary game theory"
Fareast International University journal, 2018

Keywords: Internet of Things,Networking,Wireless/ Mobile Communication,Mobile Adhoc Networks,Network Security [Ref No.: 6478]

md. rakibul islam chowdhury* , mizanoor rahman , tarokito ahmed srabon "sustainable construction performances: challenge and limitation to successful adoption in construction industry"
Journal of System and Management Sciences, 2018

[Ref No.: 6317]

dr. rinku basak" a novel design and performance analysis of an ism band antenna for biomedical applications"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2018

[Ref No.: 6258]

dr. tanbir ibne anowar" maximum power point tracking of wireless power transfer at midrange operation"
Research & Reviews: Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2018

[Ref No.: 6367]

dr. shameem ahmad" power flow control using fuzzy based upfc under different operating conditions"
Journal of Electrical Systems, 2017

[Ref No.: 6381]

fazllul karim nadim, akib jayed islam, sadman shahriar alam, tajwar abrar aleef, khandoker tanjim ahammad" design and simulation of active and reactive power control of double-fed induction generator for wind energy conversion."
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2017

[Ref No.: 6335]

dr. gour chand mazumder "a modeled carbon emission analysis of rampal power plant in bangladesh and a review of carbon reduction technologies"
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 2017

[Ref No.: 6460]

md. habibur rahman, s m nasif shams, gour chand mazumder, saiful huque "a data acquisition system for solar pv module with variable load"
The Dhaka University Journal of Science, 2017

[Ref No.: 6458]

trang nguyen; amirul islam; takaya yamazato; yeong min jang "technical issues on ieee 802.15.7m image sensor communication standardization"
IEEE Communications Magazine, 2017

[Ref No.: 6638]

trang nguyen; amirul islam; tanvir hossan; yeong min jang "current status and performance analysis of optical camera communication technologies for 5g networks"
IEEE Access, 2017

[Ref No.: 6639]

dr. amirul islam "region-of-interest signaling vehicular system using optical camera communications"
IEEE Photonics Journal, 2017

[Ref No.: 6640]

amirul islam, md. tanvir hossan, trang nguyen, and yeong min jang "adaptive spatial-temporal resolution optical vehicular communication system using image sensor"
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2017

[Ref No.: 6635]

dr. monon mahboob "investigation on mechanical properties of polycrystalline w nanowire."
Computational Materials Science, 2017

[Ref No.: 6789]

line kyhl, régis bisson, richard balog, michael n groves, esben leonhard kolsbjerg, andrew martin cassidy, jakob holm jørgensen, susanne halkjær, jill a miwa, antonija grubišić čabo, thierry angot, philip hofmann, mohammad alif arman, samuli urpelainen, paolo lacovig, luca bignardi, hendrik bluhm, jan knudsen, bjørk hammer, liv hornekaer "exciting h2 molecules for graphene functionalization"
ACS NANO, 2017

[Ref No.: 5941]

mohammad a arman, lindsay r merte, edvin lundgren, jan knudsen "co3o4(100) films grown on ag(100): structure and chemical properties"
Surface Science, 2017

[Ref No.: 5939]

samuli urpelainen, conny såthe, walan grizolli, marcus agåker, ashley r head, margit andersson, s-w huang, brian n jensen, erik wallén, hamed tarawneh, rami sankari, ralf nyholm, mirjam lindberg, peter sjöblom, niclas johansson, benjamin n reinecke, m alif arman, lindsay r merte, jan knudsen, joachim schnadt, jesper n andersen, franz hennies "the species beamline at the max iv laboratory: a facility for soft x-ray rixs and apxps"
Journal of synchrotron radiation, 2017

[Ref No.: 5944]

charlotte herbig, timo knispel, sabina simon, ulrike a schröder, antonio j martínez-galera, mohammad a arman, christian teichert, jan knudsen, arkady v krasheninnikov, thomas michely "from permeation to cluster arrays: graphene on ir (111) exposed to carbon vapor"
Nano Letters, 2017

[Ref No.: 5949]

philipp valerius, charlotte herbig, moritz will, mohammad a. arman, jan knudsen, vasile caciuc, nicolae atodiresei, and thomas michely "annealing of ion-irradiated hexagonal boron nitride on ir (111)"
Physical Review B, 2017

[Ref No.: 5950]

antonio j martínez-galera, ulrike a schröder, charlotte herbig, ma arman, j knudsen, thomas michely "preventing sintering of nanoclusters on graphene by radical adsorption"
Nanoscale, 2017

[Ref No.: 5952]

tanbir ibne anowar, surajit das barman, ahmed wasif reza & narendra kumar "high-efficiency resonant coupled wireless power transfer via tunable impedance matching"
International Journal of Electronics, 2017

[Ref No.: 5967]

tanbir ibne anowar*, narendra kumar† , harikrishnan ramiah* and ahmed wasif reza* "efficiency enhancement of wireless power transfer with optimum coupling mechanism for mid-range operation"
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (JEET), 2017

[Ref No.: 5964]

dr. shameem ahmad" fuzzy-logic-based upfc and laboratory prototype validation for dynamic power flow control in transmission lines"
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017

[Ref No.: 5744]

sadman shahriar alam, akib jayed islam, f.k. nadim, khondokar tanjim ahmmad" hand gesture detection using haar classifier with appropriate skin color, kernal sizing auto thresholding"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), 2017

[Ref No.: 5782]

muhibul haque bhuyan "history and evolution of cmos technology and its application in semiconductor industry"
Southeast University Journal of Science and Engineering (SEUJSE), 2017

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies, VLSI [Ref No.: 5809]

dr. nadia anam" design of a wireless protection scheme for smart-grid- based industrial systems"
Journal of Power Electronics & Power Systems, 2017

[Ref No.: 5042]

dr. nadia anam" impact of radii ratios on a two-dimensional cloaking structure and corresponding analysis for practical design at optical wavelengths"
International Journal of Optics, 2017

[Ref No.: 5043]

m. t. alam and n. islam" an analytical approach for the attainable improvement in simultaneous ac-dc power transmission system operation"
Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 5415]

farzana siddiqua" assessing walkability of planned and historical street scape of urban dhaka."
American Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2017

[Ref No.: 3511]

dr. mollah rezaul alam" evaluating the effectiveness of a machine learning approach based on response time and reliability for islanding detection of distributed generation"
IET Renewable Power Generation, 2017

[Ref No.: 3527]

rifat nazneen" simulated performance analysis of an optical frequency comb in a wdm system"

[Ref No.: 3456]

dr. mehedi bin mohammad" alkali nitrates as heat storage and transfer media in thermal energy storage system: a review"
Renewable sustainable energy reviews, 2017

[Ref No.: 3446]

dr. mehedi bin mohammad" high temperature properties of molten nitrate salt for solar thermal energy storage application"
Springer TMS, 2017

[Ref No.: 3443]

dr. mehedi bin mohammad" thermal analysis of molten ternary lithium-sodium-potassium nitrates"
Renewable energy, 2017

[Ref No.: 3444]

fauzia rahman mouri" simulation in architecture: scope of urban developments"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE)., 2017

[Ref No.: 3435]

kazi firoz ahmed" solar-biomass-caes hybrid system: proposal for rural commercial electrification in bangladesh"
International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 2017

[Ref No.: 3482]

saiful hasan tariq" predictions for ‘purbachal’: learning from‘dhanmondi’"

[Ref No.: 3508]

md. hasib noor" decision tree based approach to control the efficiency of a hybrid pv/t solar system in bangladesh"
Distributed Generation and Alternative Energy Journal (Taylor & Francis), 2017

[Ref No.: 3223]

susmita ghosh, adnan mohammad, abdullah mahmud, ferdous abedin, md. rokib hasan, rakib ahmed, taufiquzzaman, maisha farzana "proposing a technique to design a boost converter based charger and analysis on the power and efficiency"
International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology (IARJSET), 2017

Keywords: : Boost converter, battery charging, critical inductance, filter sizing, internal resistance. [Ref No.: 4613]

sumaiya umme hani" performance analysis of boost converter for constant voltage applications under the variation of closed-loop pi controller parameters"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering(AJSE), 2017

[Ref No.: 4682]

nazmul hasan" multi-objective optimization of circular magnetic couplers for wireless power transfer applications"
IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, 2017

[Ref No.: 4717]

dr. effat jahan" comparative analysis between conventional pi, fuzzy logic and artificial neural network based speed controllers of induction motor with considering core loss and stray load loss"
Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation, 2017

[Ref No.: 4704]

dr. md. kamrul hassan" design & simulation of fuzzy logic based speed control of spwm inverter-fed electrical vehicle with ipmsm taking core loss into account"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2017

[Ref No.: 4513]

dr. md. kamrul hassan" design and simulation of fuzzy logic based speed control of electrical vehicle with induction motor taking core loss and stray load losses into account"
Journal of Power Electronics & Power Systems, 2017

[Ref No.: 4514]

dr. md. kamrul hassan" design & simulation of power balancing from wind energy with virtual power plant"
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2017

[Ref No.: 4456]

dr. md. kamrul hassan" speed control of doubly fed induction motor using integral plus proportional controller"
Journal of Power Electronics & Power Systems, 2017

[Ref No.: 4457]

shantanu kumar nath" investigation and performance analysis of some implemented features of the zigbee protocol and ieee 802.15.4 mac specification"
International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE), 2017

[Ref No.: 4300]

ajmeri nusrat shoma" predictions for ‘purbachal’: learning from ‘dhanmondi’"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 4322]

dr. md. abu bakar siddiqui" interference effect analysis of pilot contaminated massive mimo downlink with different pre-coders and channel estimation."
STM Journals, 2017

[Ref No.: 3920]

ashik mannan vaskor" vernacular settlement vs. fractal geometry: a comparative study addressing population density and space quality in rural bangladesh."
AJSE, 2017

[Ref No.: 3880]

dr. md. abdur rahman" classification of heart conditions by statistical characterization of ecg signal"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2017

[Ref No.: 3852]

dr. chowdhury akram hossain" effect of 16 qam interleaved coded modulation system in awgn channel"
AJSE, 2017

[Ref No.: 3891]

safayet ahmed" effect of oxide thickness on gan-based double gate mosfets"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2017

[Ref No.: 3884]

dr. md. kabiruzzaman " 1d chain formation by coadsorption of pb and bi on cu(001): determination using low energy electron diffraction"
Surface Science, 2017

[Ref No.: 3783]

dr. md. kabiruzzaman " investigation of c(2×2) phase of pb and bi coadsorption on cu(001) by low energy electron diffraction diffraction"
EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, 2017

[Ref No.: 3784]

m. arefeen ibrahim" predictions for ‘purbachal’: learning from ‘dhanmondi’"
AJSE (AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 3836]

dr. md. ehasanul haque" optical second harmonic generation analysis of the atomically stepped au/tio2 (320) interface"
AIP Advances, 2017

[Ref No.: 3638]

dr. md. ehasanul haque" effect of various operating parameters on trivalent chromium electroplating"
Journal of Scientific Research and Reports, 2017

[Ref No.: 3639]

lt. col. dr. kazi abu taher" analytical evaluation of the effect of cross-polarization induced crosstalk on the ber performance of a pdm-qpsk coherent homodyne optical transmission system"
International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 3609]

tahia fahrin karim" improving electricity access using renewable energy and energy efficiency: a case of urban poor area of dhaka, bangladesh"
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 2017

[Ref No.: 3610]

nazmul ahmed, chowdhury akram hossain, md. saniat rahman zishan, md. mamunur rashid, nafiz ahmed chisty" effect of 16 qam interleaved coded modulation system in awgn channel"
American Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2017

[Ref No.: 3666]

abir ahmed" indoor localization of mobile device using fingerprinting technique"
Recent Trends in Electronics & Communication Systems, 2017

[Ref No.: 3676]

nusrat alim" surface plasmon resonance biosensor in healthcare application using kretschmann & otto configuration"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 3660]

priyanka deymouri, abir ahmed, md. humayun kabir" indoor localization of mobile device using fingerprinting technique"
Recent Trends in Electronics & Communication Systems (RTECS), 2017

[Ref No.: 3727]

s.m. tasmeeh ahsan" optoelectronic performance of vertical cavity surface emitting algaas/gaas qw laser in non-conventional orientation"
International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), 2017

[Ref No.: 3693]

tadbirul islam, mohammad nasir uddin "128 gbit/s 1620 km hybrid otdm-wdm fiber optic communication system"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), (SCOPUS IndexedQ4, IF0.333), 2017

Keywords: Networking,Optical Communication [Ref No.: 3964]

mir tanvir hossain, tadbirul islam and mohammad nasir uddin "320 channel optically amplified 1550-nm light wave directly modulated catv transport system performance improvement using optical injection technique"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), (SCOPUS Q4, IF0.333), 2017

Keywords: Networking,Optical Communication [Ref No.: 3965]

dr. md. saniat rahman zishan" an object tracking autonomous robot using image processing: project aid"

[Ref No.: 3943]

dr. md. saniat rahman zishan" design, implementation and characterization of homemade solar module"
American Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 3944]

dr. md. saniat rahman zishan" design and development of smart student management system"
International Journal of Modern Education Research, 2017

[Ref No.: 3945]

dr. md. saniat rahman zishan" design and implementation of speech controlled spider bot"
European Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology, 2017

[Ref No.: 3946]

dr. md. saniat rahman zishan" effect of 16 qam interleaved coded modulation system in awgn channel"

[Ref No.: 3947]

dr. md. saniat rahman zishan" an audio guidance system for visually impaired person"
American Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 3948]

dr. md. saniat rahman zishan" universal battery charging system for electric vehicle using single phase variable pwm control buck converter"
International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Science, 2017

[Ref No.: 3949]

dr. md. rifat hazari" comparative analysis between conventional pi, fuzzy logic and artificial neural network based speed controllers of induction motor with considering core loss and stray load loss"
Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation, 2017

[Ref No.: 4032]

nadia nowshin" an intelligent walking stick for the visually-impaired people"
International Journal of Online Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 4077]

dr. m. tanseer ali " performance analysis of enhanced carbon nanotube field effect transistor (cntfet) using zirconia as gate dielectric"
Global Journal of Research In Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 4074]

dr. md. mohiuddin uzzal" improvement in the design of a real-time, low cost integrated photonic bio-sensor"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 4081]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" comparative analysis between conventional pi, fuzzy logic and artificial neural network based speed controllers of induction motor with considering core loss and stray load loss"
Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation, 2017

[Ref No.: 4147]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" performance analysis of boost converter for constant voltage applications under the variation of closed-loop pi controller parameters"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2017

[Ref No.: 4148]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" design & simulation of fuzzy logic based speed control of spwm inverterfed electrical vehicle with ipmsm taking core loss into account"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2017

[Ref No.: 4149]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" speed control of a doubly fed induction motor using integral plus proportional controller"
Journal of Power Electronics and Power Systems, 2017

[Ref No.: 4150]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" stability augmentation of a grid-connected wind farm by fuzzy-logic-controlled dfig-based wind turbines"
Applied Sciences, 2017

[Ref No.: 4151]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" fuzzy logic based virtual inertia control of dfig based wind generator for stability improvement of hybrid power system"
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 2017

[Ref No.: 4152]

ahmed mortuza saleque" design and simulation of maximum power point tracking solar battery charge controller"
Trends in Electrical Engineering, STM Journals, 2017

[Ref No.: 4161]

susmita ghosh, sadia sultana, md. mahmudun naby, aziz muhammad abdul, mahmudul haque "utilization of geothermal energy for power generation"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), 2017

Keywords: Geothermal Energy, Steam turbine, Renewable energy, Underground heat, Geothermal Power plant, Brushless DC motor, Working fluid (NaHCO3) [Ref No.: 4170]

nadia anam, susmita ghosh, tasmia farihba "design of a wireless protection scheme for smart-grid-based industrial systems. journal of power electronics & power systems"
STM journals/ Journal of Power Electronics & Power Systems(JoPEPS), 2017

Keywords: Protective relay, current transformer (CT), Hall-effect sensors, smart grid, ANACOM AT02 set, AM and FM technique [Ref No.: 4171]

ahmed mortuza saleque" design of a variable duty cycle maximum power point tracking algorithm for solar energy conversion"
American Journal Of Engineering & Natural Sciences (AJENS), 2017

[Ref No.: 4163]

raja rashidul hasan" design of a wearable textile antennas for body centric wireless communication and performance analysis at different textile materials"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2017

[Ref No.: 4168]

farhadur arifin" design and performance measurement of a miniaturized implantable pifa antenna for biomedical applications"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2017

[Ref No.: 4198]

farhadur arifin" design and performance analysis of an uwb wearable patch antenna for wban applications"
Journal of Communication Engineering & Systems, 2017

[Ref No.: 4199]

sharmin jahan" design of a wearable textile antennas for body centric wireless communication and performance analysis at different textile materials"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2017

[Ref No.: 4200]

mahadi hasan, jingwei zhao, zhenyi huang, zhengyi jiang "a review of modern advancement in micro drilling techniques"
J. Manuf. Process, 2017

Keywords: Micro drilling, Micro drill manufacturing technique, Conventional micro drilling, Non-conventional micro drilling [Ref No.: 5288]

leblanc, e.g.; rab, s.; myers, t.h. et al. "determining and controlling the magnesium composition in cdte/cdmgte heterostructures"

Keywords: II–VI semiconductor materials, semiconductor epitaxial layers, Mg composition, band gap, elastic constants, diffusivity [Ref No.: 7265]

farhadur arifin" design of a novel ultra wide band logo textile antenna for wearable body area network applications and bending consequences,”"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE),, 2016

[Ref No.: 4196]

farhadur arifin" design and evaluation of a miniaturized swb patch antenna,"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE)), 2016

[Ref No.: 4197]

farhadur arifin" design and performance analysis of different uwb modified circular and ring-shaped microstrip patch antennas"
STM Journal of Recent Trends in Electronics & Communication Systems, 2016

[Ref No.: 4193]

ahmed mortuza saleque" design of a parallel resonant power converter considering the effects of parasitic components"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE),, 2016

[Ref No.: 4162]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" modeling and performance analysis of electrical vehicle with spwm inverter-fed ipmsm taking core loss into account"
Journal of Control & Instrumentation, 2016

[Ref No.: 4140]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" design of a multipurpose ternary arithmetic circuit using cntfet"
Journal of Semiconductor Devices and Circuits, 2016

[Ref No.: 4141]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" modeling, analysis and lqr control of an ev differential using ipmsm"
Journal of Control & Instrumentation, 2016

[Ref No.: 4142]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" optimum speed control of spwm inverter-fed ipmsm for the application ed based ev"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2016

[Ref No.: 4143]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" design of a closed loop boost converter with parametric variation analysis of pi controller for constant output voltage applications"
Journal of Power Electronics and Power Systems, 2016

[Ref No.: 4144]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" power control of doubly fed induction generator (dfig) based on ip controller"
Journal of Power Electronics and Power Systems, 2016

[Ref No.: 4145]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" study of wind power in different parts of bangladesh"
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 2016

[Ref No.: 4146]

dr. m. tanseer ali " design & implementation of pwm based 3-phase switch-mode power supply (smps)"
International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), 2016

[Ref No.: 4073]

mehedi azad shawon" novel design of a voltage generator using vsc system for grid connection validation"
SEU Journal of Science and Engineering (SEUJSE), 2016

[Ref No.: 3707]

nazifa zabeen siddiqua" landscape logics: structuring the dispersed urbanization in banjarbaru, indonesia"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2016

[Ref No.: 3708]

dr. ashiqur rahman" electromagnetic performances analysis of an ultra-wideband and flexible material antenna in microwave breast imaging: to implement a wearable medical bra"
Nature Scientific Reports, 2016

[Ref No.: 3744]

dr. ashiqur rahman" sol–gel synthesis of transition-metal doped ferrite compounds with potential flexible, dielectric and electromagnetic properties"
RSC Advances, 2016

[Ref No.: 3745]

dr. ashiqur rahman" a compact 5g antenna printed on manganese zinc ferrite substrate material"
IEICE, 2016

[Ref No.: 3746]

dr. ashiqur rahman" preparation and characterization of flexible substrate material from phenyl- thiophene-2-carbaldehyde compound"
Materials, 2016

[Ref No.: 3747]

dr. ashiqur rahman" microwave dielectric properties of mnxzn(1-x)fe2o4 ceramics and their compatibility with patch antenna"
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2016

[Ref No.: 3748]

ashik mannan vaskor" urban vernacular”-spontaneous and temporal design infusion in dhaka city"
The Bangladesh Research Publications Journal’, 2016

[Ref No.: 3885]

dr. chowdhury akram hossain" sustainable mobility system-innovative practices influenced people behavior through the mobility engagement system"
AJSE, 2016

[Ref No.: 3889]

dr. md. abdur rahman" a novel transformer-less grid tie inverter for rooftop pv systems"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2016

[Ref No.: 3854]

ashik mannan vaskor" schematic learning environmentfor ‘children with autism’ in bangladesh."
AJSE, 2016

[Ref No.: 3882]

dr. md. saniat rahman zishan" a study of bangladesh’s energy situation and probable future in the energy sector"
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST), 2016

[Ref No.: 3924]

dr. md. saniat rahman zishan" design and implementation of an automatic irrigation system"
International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology (IARJSET), 2016

[Ref No.: 3922]

dr. md. abu bakar siddiqui" downlink performance of massive mimo wireless communication system with different precoders under correleted channel model."
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2016

[Ref No.: 3918]

dr. md. abu bakar siddiqui" 3d mmw wireless channel model and its performance analysis for 5g."
IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IOSR-JEEE)., 2016

[Ref No.: 3919]

dr. md. hasan imam" detecting subclinical diabetic cardiac autonomic neuropathy by analyzing ventricular repolarization dynamics"
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2016

[Ref No.: 4304]

dr. md. abu bakar siddiqui" performance analysis of massive mimo with different precoders under perfect and imperfect csit condition"
International Journal of Engineering Trend and Technology (IJETT), 2016

[Ref No.: 4497]

dr. md. abu bakar siddiqui" 4g communication resource analysis with adaptive physical layer technique"
International Journal of Engineering Trend and Technology (IJETT), 2016

[Ref No.: 4498]

abul hasnat" seismic performance assesment of laminated rubber bearing on kadamtaly flyover"
Sonargaon University Journal, 2016

[Ref No.: 4543]

moddassir khan nayeem" managing inventory for perishable product, sensitivity analysis for product ‘x’ and suggestion for appropriate purchase model for a local retail shop “shwapno”"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2016

[Ref No.: 4792]

moddassir khan nayeem" analysis of present layout of eastern tubes limited (etl) and suggestion for further improvement"
IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Engineering & Technology (IMPACT: IJRET), 2016

[Ref No.: 4793]

farzana siddiqua" way-finding in interior public place (shopping mall) in bangladesh: current scenario and scope."
International Journal Of Business, Social And Scientific Research (IJBSSR), 2016

[Ref No.: 3510]

md. sariful islam" “urban-vernacular”- spontaneous and temporal design infusion in dhaka city"

[Ref No.: 3478]

kawshik shikder and farhadur arifin" design of a novel ultra wide band logo textile antenna for wearable body area network applications and bending consequence"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2016

[Ref No.: 3417]

wazhia akter yenisey, kawshik shikder and rinku basak "design of ultra-wide band slotted pifa for wireless devices"
Journal of Microwave Engineering & Technologies (JoMET), 2016

[Ref No.: 3418]

nuzat nuary alam, rethwan faiz "design and implementation of a textile pressure sensor based on carbon impregnated foam"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2016

Keywords: Biomedical [Ref No.: 3431]

irfat alam "way-finding in interior public place (shopping mall) in bangladesh: current scenario and scope"
International Journal of Business, Social and Scientific Research (IJBSSR), 2016

[Ref No.: 3434]

rethwan faiz" design and implementation of a textile pressure sensor based on carbon impregnated foam"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2016

[Ref No.: 3438]

md. ajijul bin zabbar, nafiz ahmed chisty "design & implementation of an unmanned ground vehicle (ugv) surveillance robot"
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJEEE), 2016

[Ref No.: 3439]

nasim al islam" design and performance measurement of a miniaturized implantable pifa antenna for biomedical applications"

[Ref No.: 3463]

dr. md. mohiuddin uzzal" highly efficient grating coupler for soi integrated photonics label free bio-sensing application"
International Journal of Engineering and Technology(IJET-IJENS), 2016

[Ref No.: 3526]

raja rashidul hasan" design & analysis of microstrip patch antenna using different dielectric materials for wimax communication system"
International Journal of Recent Contributions from Engineering, Science & IT (iJES)., 2016

[Ref No.: 3331]

fauzia rahman mouri" “building green: myths and facts in context of bangladesh”"
Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture Research, 2016

[Ref No.: 3400]

irfat alam" schematic learning environment for ‘children with autism’ in bangladesh"

[Ref No.: 3413]

dr. mollah rezaul alam" islanding detection of distributed generation using pnn based classification approach"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2016

[Ref No.: 3414]

safayet ahmed" gan-based sub-10 nm metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors"
Journal of Semiconductor Devices and Circuits, 2016

[Ref No.: 3415]

fariha afrin, kawshik shikder and rinku basak "performance analysis of single band pifa for 4g/lte mobile communication networks"
Journal of Microwave Engineering & Technologies (JoMET), 2016

[Ref No.: 3421]

takuya kitano, mohammad nasir uddin, bingzhou hong, akio tajima, haisong jiang and kiichi hamamoto "demonstration of photon–photon resonance peak enhancement by waveguide configuration modification on active multimode interferometer laser diode"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP), JAPAN. (WoS, Scopus, Inspec, Compendex, ISI IF:1.471), 2016

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies, Optical Communication,Nanotechnology and Fabrication [Ref No.: 3423]

md. mizanur rahman" wayfinding in interior public place (shopping mall) in bangladesh: current scenario & scoop of works"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2016

[Ref No.: 3424]

dr. mohammad tawhidul alam" a solution technique for the equal area criterion of transient stability analysis in case of simultaneous ac-dc power flow"
Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2016

[Ref No.: 5421]

muhibul haque bhuyan and sher shermin azmiri khan "teaching numerical analysis course for electrical engineering students using matlab"
Southeast University Journal of Science and Engineering (SEUJSE), 2016

Keywords: Software Engineering Education and Training [Ref No.: 5810]

rokhsana titlee and muhibul haque bhuyan "design, implementation and testing of ultrasonic high precision contactless distance measurement system using microcontroller"
Southeast University Journal of Science and Engineering (SEUJSE), 2016

Keywords: Control and automation [Ref No.: 5811]

ahmed al mansur, biplob chandra shil, and muhibul haque bhuyan "design and development of pc based elevator control systems via atmega32 microcontroller"
Southeast University Journal of Science and Engineering (SEUJSE), 2016

Keywords: Control and automation [Ref No.: 5812]

k ueda, k suzuki, r toyoshima, y monya, m yoshida, k isegawa, k amemiya, k mase, bs mun, ma arman, e grånäs, j knudsen, j schnadt, h kondoh "adsorption and reaction of co and no on ir (111) under near ambient pressure conditions"
Topics in Catalysis, 2016

[Ref No.: 5951]

ulrike a schröder, elin grånäs, timm gerber, mohammad a arman, antonio j martínez-galera, karina schulte, jesper n andersen, jan knudsen, thomas michely "etching of graphene on ir(111) with molecular oxygen"
Carbon, 2016

[Ref No.: 5946]

jakob holm jørgensen, antonija grubisic cabo, richard balog, line kyhl, michael n groves, andrew martin cassidy, albert bruix, marco bianchi, maciej dendzik, mohammad alif arman, lutz lammich, josé ignacio pascual, jan knudsen, bjørk hammer, philip hofmann, liv hornekaer "symmetry-driven band gap engineering in hydrogen functionalized graphene"
ACS nano, 2016

[Ref No.: 5947]

ulrike a schröder, marin petrović, timm gerber, antonio j martínez-galera, elin grånäs, mohammad a arman, charlotte herbig, joachim schnadt, marko kralj, jan knudsen, thomas michely "core level shifts of intercalated graphene"
2D Materials, 2016

[Ref No.: 5943]

mohammad alif arman, andreas klein, pascal ferstl, abhilash valookaran, johan gustafson, karina schulte, edvin lundgren, klaus heinz, alexander schneider, florian mittendorfer, lutz hammer, jan knudsen "adsorption of hydrogen on stable and metastable ir(100) surfaces"
Surface Science, 2016

[Ref No.: 5938]

richard victor biswas" mixed signal modeling and physical layout design of a simple fpga architecture"

[Ref No.: 6016]

dr. monon mahboob" mechanical properties of defective carbon nanotube/polyethylene nanocomposites: a molecular dynamics simulation study."
Polymer Composites, 2016

[Ref No.: 6841]

mohammad arif hossain, amirul islam, nam tuan le, yong tae lee, hyun woo lee, and yeong min jang "performance analysis of smart digital signage system based on software-defined iot and invisible image sensor communication"
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2016

[Ref No.: 6641]

nam tuan le,1mohammad arif hossain ,1amirul islam ,1do-yun kim,2young-june choi ,2and yeong min jang "survey of promising technologies for 5g networks"
Mobile Information Systems, 2016

[Ref No.: 6642]

gour chand mazumder, partha ranjan biswas, nasif shams, saiful huque, md. habibur rahman "development of a computerized i-v tracing system for solar pv module"
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 2016

[Ref No.: 6461]

md tarek morad, nazifa zabeen siddiqua and shuva chowdhury" landscape logics: structuring the dispersed urbanization in banjarbaru, indonesia"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2016

[Ref No.: 6480]

papan dey, shameem ahmad, saad mekhilef, fadi m albatsh" real time implementation of 3-phase 4-wire shunt hybrid active power filter based on pi controller"
Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2016

[Ref No.: 6380]

shameem ahmad, fadi m albatsh, saad mekhilef, shuvra saha" performance improvement of power system network by placing unified power flow controller at appropriate location"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

[Ref No.: 6377]

fadi m albatsh, saad mekhilef, shameem ahmad, hazlie mokhlis, ma hassan" enhancing power transfer capability through flexible ac transmission system devices: a review"
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2015

[Ref No.: 6378]

shameem ahmad, fadi m albatsh, saad mekhilef, hazlie mokhlis" optimal placement of unified power flow controller by dynamic implementation of system-variable-based voltage-stability indices to enhance voltage stability"
Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2015

[Ref No.: 6379]

sharmina haque, tabassum zarin "creating new eco-cities for sustainable urban development"
AJSE, 2015

[Ref No.: 6309]

tabassum zarin" bring back nature in the post mining landscape of the west rand, johannesburg"
AJSE, 2015

[Ref No.: 6310]

dr. rinku basak" analysis of saturation power based on device structural parameters of a 1550 nm symmetrical mqw semiconductor optical amplifier"
Trends in Opto-Electro & Optical Communications, STM Journals, 2015

[Ref No.: 6469]

kazi ahmed asif fuad, shahriyar masud rizvi "hardware software co-simulation of canny edge detection algorithm"
International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), 2015

[Ref No.: 6676]

kazi ahmed asif fuad, shahriyar masud rizvi "hardware/software co-simulation of gradient-based edge detectors: a comparative study"
Journal of Image Processing & Pattern Recognition Progress (JoIPPRP), 2015

[Ref No.: 6677]

kazi ahmed asif fuad, shahriyar masud rizvi "varying sample-width to realize area-efficient fpga realization of sobel-fieldman edge detector"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

[Ref No.: 6678]

md. rashedul amin, shahriyar masud rizvi, jerry j cupal "a pseudo randomly triggered integer cycle control (prt-icc) for ac loads to reduce thd, emi and rfi"
Journal of Research and Reviews: Journal of Embedded System & Applications (RR-JoESA), 2015

[Ref No.: 6679]

alex s walton, jakob fester, michal bajdich, mohammad a arman, jacek osiecki, jan knudsen, aleksandra vojvodic, jeppe v lauritsen "interface controlled oxidation states in layered cobalt oxide nanoislands on gold"
ACS NANO, 2015

[Ref No.: 5942]

charlotte herbig, e harriet åhlgren, ulrike a schröder, antonio j martinez-galera, mohammad a arman, jani kotakoski, jan knudsen, arkady v krasheninnikov, thomas michely "xe irradiation of graphene on ir (111): from trapping to blistering"
Physical Review B, 2015

[Ref No.: 5945]

charlotte herbig, e harriet åhlgren, ulrike a schröder, antonio j martínez-galera, mohammad a arman, wouter jolie, carsten busse, jani kotakoski, jan knudsen, arkady v krasheninnikov, thomas michely "comment on “interfacial carbon nanoplatelet formation by ion irradiation of graphene on iridium (111)”"
ACS nano, 2015

[Ref No.: 5953]

surajit das barman, ahmed wasif reza, narendra kumar, tanbir ibne anowar" iete journal of research"
IETE Journal of Research, 2015

[Ref No.: 5968]

sikder mohammad faruk, mir mofajjal hossain, ahmed al mansur, and muhibul haque bhuyan "improvement of input side current of a three-phase cúk rectifier"
Southeast University Journal of Science and Engineering (SEUJSE), 2015

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 5813]

shahriar mahmud kabir, ahmed al mansur, and muhibul haque bhuyan" vowel recognition for isolated digits using wavelet transform at decomposition level-1: a feasibility study"
Green University of Bangladesh Journal of Science and Engineering (GUBJSE), 2015

Keywords: Digital Transformation [Ref No.: 5823]

m. t. alam and a. kawser, i. zahid" feasibility study of the generation of electricity at the kutubdia island of bangladesh using tidal upsurge"
Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2015

[Ref No.: 5420]

dr. munshi mahbubur rahman" exploring alternative energy to meet energy crisis of bangladesh"
MIST Science Journal, 2015

[Ref No.: 5515]

md. mamunur rashid" zigbee: simulation and investigation of star and mesh topology by using different transmission bands"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

[Ref No.: 3393]

mafruha farzana" techno-economic and feasibility analysis of a micro-grid wind-dg-battery hybrid energy system for remote and decentralized areas"
International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJAET), 2015

[Ref No.: 3406]

dr. md. obaidul malek" a variability modeling method for facial authentication"
International Journal of Computer Sceince and Information Security, 2015

[Ref No.: 3338]

abanti shama afroz" a hierarchical registration algorithm based on comparative centerline assessment technique for evaluating altered tortuosity in cerebral vessels"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2015

[Ref No.: 3318]

saiful hasan tariq" impact of urban canyon on the micro climate: a study through envi-met model in the context of dhanmondi, dhaka."
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

[Ref No.: 3319]

kazi muhammad jameel" experimental design of a ternary full adder using pseudo n-type carbon nano tube fets"
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 2015

[Ref No.: 3325]

raja rashidul hasan" designing and analysis of microstrip patch antenna for wi-fi communication system using different dielectric materials"
American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER), 2015

[Ref No.: 3329]

raja rashidul hasan" analysis of three phase fault condition & sharing power at different loads by a proposed hybrid ac-dc smart micro-grid"
International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS, 2015

[Ref No.: 3330]

kazi ahmed asif fuad" hardware software co-simulation of canny edge detection algorithm"
International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), 2015

[Ref No.: 3282]

kazi ahmed asif fuad" varying sample-width to realize area-efficient fpga realization of sobel-fieldman edge detector"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

[Ref No.: 3283]

kazi ahmed asif fuad" hardware/software co-simulation of gradient-based edge detectors: a comparative study"
STM Journal of Image Processing & Pattern Recognition Progress (JoIPPRP), 2015

[Ref No.: 3284]

md. arif abdulla samy" simulated design and characterization of an efficient nd:yag based solar pumped single mode laser"
Trends in Opto-Electro & Optical Communications, 2015

[Ref No.: 3441]

dilruba ferdous shuvra" from ‘urban space’ to ‘urban place’: the case of gulshan south park, dhaka, bangladesh"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

[Ref No.: 3419]

mehedi hasan, md. kamrul hassan, m. tanseer ali" designing of gaas based resonant tunneling diode and nano scale applications with considering negf"
Journal of VLSI Design Tools & Technology, 2015

[Ref No.: 3050]

shahriar hasan shehab" design of an ultra wide band (uwb) antenna and its performance analysis at the on and off body environment"
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal, 2015

[Ref No.: 3051]

md. asaduzzaman shoeb" a novel model to calculate global tilted irradiation (gti) from solar variables using netcdf and rstudio"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2015

[Ref No.: 3052]

sonia, nafiz ahmed chisty" wireless sensor tree network monitoring system through web server"
International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER), 2015

[Ref No.: 3054]

mehnaj mahbuba, nafiz ahmed chisty" design and performance analysis of nano microstrip rectangular patch antenna at 0.25 thz"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

[Ref No.: 3055]

tabassum zarin" redynamising the recreational urban forest landscape in belgian coast_case area: bredene"
The international journal of social sciences (TIJOSS), 2015

[Ref No.: 3056]

tabassum zarin" basel convention and some guidance for myanmar"
The international journal of social sciences (TIJOSS), 2015

[Ref No.: 3057]

dr. mollah rezaul alam" characterizing voltage sags and swells using three-phase voltage ellipse parameters"
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2015

[Ref No.: 3047]

dr. mollah rezaul alam" a new approach for classification and characterization of voltage dips and swells using 3d polarization ellipse parameters"
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2015

[Ref No.: 2943]

dr. sajal kumar das" a mimo double resonant controller design for nanopositioner"
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2015

[Ref No.: 2955]

dr. sajal kumar das" multivariable negative-imaginary controller design for damping and cross coupling reduction of nanopositioners: a reference model matching approach"
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechtronics, 2015

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dr. sajal kumar das" robust control of atomic force microscopes: an integral linear quadratic gaussian approach"
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2015

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dr. shameem ahmad" optimal placement of unified power flow controllers to improve dynamic voltage stability using power system variable based voltage stability indices"
PLOS ONE, 2015

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md. sariful islam" bring back nature in the post mining landscape of the west rand, johannesburg"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

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md. sariful islam" from ‘urban space’ to ‘urban place’: the case of gulshan south park, dhaka, bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

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rethwan faiz" zigbee: simulation and investigation of star and mesh topology by using different transmission bands"
AJSE, 2015

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dr. md. tanvir hasan" thick (~1 μm) p-type inxga1–xn (x ~ 0.36) grown by movpe at a low temperature (~570 °c)"
Phys. Status Solidi B, 2015

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dr. md. tanvir hasan" growth temperature dependent critical thickness for phase separation in thick (~1 μm) inxga1−xn (x=0.2–0.4)"
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2015

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md. sariful islam" basel convention and some guidance for myanmar"
International Journal of Social Sciences, 2015

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md. sariful islam" redynamising the recreational urban forest landscape in belgian coast_case area: bredene"
International Journal of Social Sciences, 2015

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md. sariful islam" the second generation education in molenbeek: a multifaceted crisis"
International Journal of Business, Social and Scientific Research, 2015

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ashik ikbal" the second generation education in molenbeek: a multifaceted crisis"
International Journal Of Business, Social And Scientific Research (IJBSSR), 2015

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dr. md. kharshiduzzaman" strain profile measurement for structural health monitoring of woven carbon-fiber reinforced polymer composite bonded joints by fiber optic sensing using an optical backscatter reflectometer"
The Journal of Adhesion, Taylor and Francis, 2015

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shameem ahmad, saad mekhilef, fadi m. albatsh, shuvra saha "performance improvement of power system network by placing unified power flow controller at appropriate location"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

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dr. md. kamrul hassan" simulation and analysis of the effect of change of different parameters on the characteristics of pv cell using ltspice iv"
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2015

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dr. md. kamrul hassan" designing of gaas based resonant tunneling diode and nano scale applications with considering negf"
Journal of VLSI Design Tools & Technology, JoVDTT (2015) 1-18 © STM Journals 2015, 2015

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dr. md. kamrul hassan" design and simulation of a dual-stage dc to dc boost converter driven micro grid tie inverter"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

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dr. md. kamrul hassan" speed control of separately excited dc motor with efficiency maximization propensity"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

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md. hasib noor" measurement of content distribution in the internet"
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md. hasib noor" assessment of a simplified model of a wave energy converter in terms of hydraulic mechanical and electrical parameters"
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mohammed azizul mohith" space in le corbusier’s architecture: a mechanism of movement towards the infinity"
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mohammed azizul mohith" creating connectivity in urban renewal place: the case of central footscray"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

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mohammed azizul mohith" unsuccessful city governance ensuing unplanned urban growth and disorder between city authorities: a review of dhaka city"
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rashedul hoque" analysis of a common circuit structure for operating four power electronic"
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md. wayesh qarony" optical analysis in ch3nh3pbi3 and ch3nh3pbi2cl based thin-film perovskite solar cell"
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md. wayesh qarony" organic solar cell: optics in smooth and pyramidal rough surface"
IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR - JEEE), 2015

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md. wayesh qarony" optical modeling of thin-film amorphous silicon solar cells deposited on nano-textured glass substrates"
Journal of Energy and Natural Resources, 2015

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md. wayesh qarony" photon absorption and current realization in thin film micromorph silicon solar cells"
Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology, 2015

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dr. md. abu abdullah" sustainable energy system design with distributed renewable resources considering economic, environmental and uncertainty aspects"
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mohammad ismail hossain" organic solar cell: optics in smooth and pyramidal rough surface"
IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR JEEE), 2015

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mohammad ismail hossain" photon absorption and current realization in thin film micromorph silicon solar cells"
Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology (JECET), 2015

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mohammad ismail hossain" optical analysis in ch3nh3pbi3 and ch3nh3pbi2cl based thin-film perovskite solar cell"
American Journal of Energy Research (AJER), 2015

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mohammad ismail hossain" optical modeling of thin-film amorphous silicon solar cells deposited on nano-textured glass substrates"
Journal of Energy and Natural Resources (JENR), Science Publishing Group, 2015

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mohammad ismail hossain" on the interplay of cell thickness and optimum period of silicon thin film solar cells: light trapping and plasmonic losses"
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mohammad ismail hossain" light trapping in tandem thin-film silicon solar cells on nanotextured transparent conductive oxides."
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shahreen hassan" design and evaluation of a compact ultra wide band textile antenna for wearable body area applications"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

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shahriar hasan shehab" design and evaluation of a compact ultra wide band textile antenna for wearable body area applications"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

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mahmoodul islam" “crystallographic orientation-dependent optical properties of ingasb/gaas quantum well architecture""
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2015

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sumaiya umme hani" speed control of separately excited dc motor with efficiency maximization propensity"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering(AJSE), 2015

[Ref No.: 4683]

md ashif islam oni" design of a novel, low-profile, elliptical patch super wide band (swb) mimo antenna and performance analysis for uwb applications"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

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asif mahfuz" implementation of human perception in mobile robots with fuzzy logic for collision avoidance"
Global Journal of Researches in Engineering: J, 2015

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md ashif islam oni" design of an ultra wide band (uwb) antenna and its performance analysis at the on and off body environment"
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal, 2015

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dr. effat jahan" design and simulation of artificial neural network (ann) based speed control for an induction motor taking core loss and stray load losses into account"
Journal of Control and Instrument, STM Journals, 2015

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abul hasnat" pedestrian’s behaviour on road crossing facilities"
Jurnal Teknologi, 2015

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IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, 2015

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dr. md. abdur rahman" frequency decomposition based gene clustering"
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNSC), 2015

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ashik mannan vaskor" a creating connectivity in urban renewal places: the case of central footscray."
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

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ashik mannan vaskor" the second generation education in molenbeek: a multi faceted crisis"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

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ashik mannan vaskor" unsuccessful city governance ensuing unplanned urban growth and disorder between city authorities: a review of dhaka city"
The Bangladesh Research Publications Journal, 2015

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mahmoodul islam" crystallographic orientation-dependent optical properties of ingaas/gaas quantum well architecture by 4×4 hamiltonian matrix"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

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mahmoodul islam" performance analysis of 550 nm in0.28ga0.72n led"
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2015

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dr. md. abu bakar siddiqui" performance analysis of mobile ad-hoc network using different routing protocols (aodv, dsr)."
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dr. md. saniat rahman zishan" currency recognition system using image processing"
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m. arefeen ibrahim" from ‘urban space’ to ‘urban place’: the case of gulshan south park, dhaka, bangladesh"
AJSE (AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2015

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dr. md. ehasanul haque" electroplating of chromium from cr (iii) aqueous solutions on the mild steel: optimization of bath constituents"
International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics, 2015

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dr. ashiqur rahman" synthesis and characterization of gahnite-based microwave dielectric ceramics (mdc) for microstrip antennas prepared by a sol–gel method"
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2015

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dr. ashiqur rahman" implementation of drama in macrocell network"
Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2015

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mohammad zohurul islam" design and simulation of discrete time multi-input multi-output optimal controller to control active and reactive power of dfig"
STM Journals, 2015

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s.m. tasmeeh ahsan" crystallographic orientation-dependent optical properties of ingaas/gaas quantum well architecture by 4×4 hamiltonian matrix"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2015

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s.m. tasmeeh ahsan" crystallographic orientation-dependent optical properties of ingasb/gaas qw architecture"
International journal of science and research (IJSR), 2015

[Ref No.: 3692]

md. shazzad hossain, sujan howlader and rinku basak. "investigating the q-factor and ber of a wdm system in optical fiber communication network by using soa."
IJISR (International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research)., 2015

Keywords: Optical Communication [Ref No.: 3696]

raja rashidul hasan, rubel mahmud, abedul hadi, sujan howlader "analysis of three phase fault condition & sharing power at different loads by a proposed hybrid ac-dc smart micro-grid"
International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS., 2015

Keywords: power Transmission [Ref No.: 3697]

dr. md. rifat hazari" speed control of separately excited dc motor with efficiency maximization propensity"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

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dr. md. rifat hazari" design and simulation discrete time optimal speed control for spwm-vsi fed induction motor taking core loss and stray load losses into account"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

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dr. md. rifat hazari" design and simulation of artificial neural network (ann) based speed control for an induction motor taking core loss and stray load losses into account"
Journal of Control and Instrument, STM Journals, 2015

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dr. m. tanseer ali " simulations of enhanced cntfet with hfo2 gate dielectric"
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2015

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dr. m. tanseer ali " performance analysis of a linearized power amplifier with x-parameter model"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

[Ref No.: 4071]

dr. m. tanseer ali " design of a novel, low-profile, elliptical patch super wide band mimo antenna and performance analysis for uwb applications"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

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md. nazibur rahman" effect of threshold voltage and channel length on drain current of silicon n-mosfet"
European Scientific Journal, 2015

[Ref No.: 4166]

abu hena muhammad shatil" digital solar distillation and pasteurization system"
Journal of Alternate Energy Sources & Technologies, 2015

[Ref No.: 4179]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" design and simulation of discrete time multi-input multi-output optimal controller to control active and reactive power of dfig"
Trends in Electrical Engineering, 2015

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dr. mohammad abdul mannan" optimal allocation of facts devices using quantum inspired evolutionary programming"
Trends in Electrical Engineering, 2015

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dr. mohammad abdul mannan" speed control of an inverter fed three-phase induction motor using ip controller considering core loss and stray load loss"
Trends in Electrical Engineering, 2015

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dr. mohammad abdul mannan" design and analysis of ev controller using ipmsm taking core loss into account"
Journal of Control & Instrumentation, 2015

[Ref No.: 4135]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" speed control for spwm-vsi fed induction motor taking core loss and stray load losses into account"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

[Ref No.: 4136]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" speed control of separately excited dc motor with efficiency maximization propensity"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

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dr. mohammad abdul mannan" design and simulation of artificial neural network (ann) based speed control for an induction motor taking core loss and stray load losses into account"
Journal of Control & Instrumentation, 2015

[Ref No.: 4138]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" design and simulation of fuzzy logic based speed control for an spwm inverter-fed induction motor taking core loss and stray load losses into account"
Journal of Power Electronics & Power Systems, 2015

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farhadur arifin" design and evaluation of a compact ultra wide band textile antenna for wearable body area applications"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2015

[Ref No.: 4194]

farhadur arifin" design and evaluation of high bandwidth micro-strip patch antenna arrays for wlan applications"
Journal of Telecommunication, Switching Systems and Networks, 2015

[Ref No.: 4192]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" design and simulation of irfoc for spwm inverter-fed induction motor considering core loss and stray load loss"
Journal of Power Electronics and Power Systems, 2014

[Ref No.: 4120]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" single-input fuzzy logic controllers for efficiency maximized separately excited dc motor"
Journal of Power Electronics and Power Systems, 2014

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dr. mohammad abdul mannan" developing a model in matlab/simulink environment for induction motor considering core loss and stray load loss"
Trends in Electrical Engineering, 2014

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dr. mohammad abdul mannan" single-input fuzzy logic controller for torque and speed control of energy model based induction motor"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2014

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dr. mohammad abdul mannan" design and simulation of a speed controller for a spwm inverter fed ipmsm"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2014

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dr. mohammad abdul mannan" designing oil fired power plant incorporated with renewable energy and analyzing capacity improvement"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), 2014

[Ref No.: 4125]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" simulating solar and wind based hybrid systems synchronized and segmented for grid connectivity"
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering, 2014

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dr. mohammad abdul mannan" a fuzzy logic controller with tuning output scaling factor for induction motor control taking core loss into account"
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 2014

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dr. mohammad abdul mannan" mathematical modeling and to carry out a prototype helpmate differential drive robot for hospital purpose"
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal, 2014

[Ref No.: 4128]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" design and simulation of discrete time optimal speed control for an induction motor taking core loss and stray load losses into account"
Journal of Power Electronics and Power Systems, 2014

[Ref No.: 4129]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" design and simulation of speed control of dc motor and dc voltage control of two quadrant chopper"
Trends in Electrical Engineering, 2014

[Ref No.: 4130]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" fuzzy logic based self tuning pi speed controller of ipmsm taking core loss into account"

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dr. mohammad abdul mannan" fuzzy logic and energy model based speed and direct torque control of svpwm inverter fed induction motor"
Journal of Control & Instrumentation, 2014

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dr. mohammad abdul mannan" voltage stability analysis of a 16-bus distribution network based on voltage sensitivity factor"
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering, 2014

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dr. mohammad abdul mannan" energy efficient hybrid dual axis solar tracking system"
Journal of Renewable Energy (Hindawi Publishing Corporation), 2014

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nirjhor tahmidur rouf" investigation of cntfet performance with drain control coefficient effect"
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2014

[Ref No.: 4065]

dr. m. tanseer ali " design of a compact, low-profile, elliptical patch uwb antenna and performance analysis in vicinity of human layered tissue model for wireless body area network (wban) applications"
International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 2014

[Ref No.: 4067]

dr. md. mohiuddin uzzal" performance evaluation of a real time and low cost 1d photonic crystal bio-sensing structure"
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Management, 2014

[Ref No.: 4078]

dr. md. mohiuddin uzzal" design and simulation of a low loss soi optical micro-ring resonator for label free bio-sensing application"
International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences IJBAS-IJENS, 2014

[Ref No.: 4079]

sujan howlader, md. shazzad hossain, raja rashidul hasan, rinku basak "efficient data transmission through fiber optic communication system using soa."
Trends in Opto Electro & Optical Communications (Under STM journal), 2014

Keywords: Optical Communication [Ref No.: 3694]

nafish sarwar islam" a hypothetical comparison between event marketing and conventional advertising"
IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 2014

[Ref No.: 3764]

nafish sarwar islam" voip implementation using asterisk pbx"
IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 2014

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nafish sarwar islam" estimation of decisive factors in advanced production management"
IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 2014

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nirjhor tahmidur rouf" high dielectric material dependence of carbon nanotube field effect transistor considering non-ballistic conduction"
Micro & Nano Letters, 2014

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md. abid hasan" design and implementation of an solar charge controller for variable range of solar panel"
American Journal of Engineering Technology and Research., 2014

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dr. md. abdur rahman" simulink based cooperative (hard decision fusion) and non-cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio using cyclostationary detection"
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2014

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dr. md. abdur rahman" simulink based cooperative (hard decision fusion method) and non-cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio using energy detection technique"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), 2014

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dr. md. hasan imam" effect of ecg-derived respiration (edr) on modeling ventricular repolarization dynamics in different physiological and psychological conditions"
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 2014

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bishwajit banik pathik" prospect of itescm (integrated tertiary educational supply chain management) model based on ict application"
International Journal of Business and Economics Research, 2014

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bishwajit banik pathik" a case study approach for developing supply chain management models"
International Journal of Business and Economics Research, 2014

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bishwajit banik pathik" demand and supply planning in retail operations"
International Journal of Business and Economics Research, 2014

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bishwajit banik pathik" a research framework of supply chain management in ready made garments industry of bangladesh"
International Journal of Business and Economics Research, 2014

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bishwajit banik pathik" a comprehensive study on photovoltaic irrigation system for different crop cultivation: financial evaluation perspective"
Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2014

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dr. effat jahan" design and evaluation of high bandwidth micro-strip patch antenna arrays for wlan applications"
Journal of Telecommunication, Switching Systems and Networks, STM Journals, 2014

[Ref No.: 4706]

md ashif islam oni" design of a compact, low-profile, elliptical patch uwb antenna and performance analysis in vicinity of human layered tissue model for wireless body area network (wban) applications"
International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 2014

[Ref No.: 4728]

fauzia rahman mouri" changing infrastructure, changing values"
CIBMENA 2014 Conference "Smart, Sustainable and Healthy Cities", 2014

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dr. md. kamrul hassan" brain tumor detection using histogram thresholding to get the threshold point"
IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE), 2014

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dr. md. kamrul hassan" an innovative option for electrical energy conservation with a step-up dc-to- dc power converter based grid tie inverter"
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology, 2014

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mohammad shafquatul islam" an approach to integrate geographic information systems to the proposed smart grid for dhaka, bangladesh"
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology (IJSET), 2014

[Ref No.: 2820]

bakibillah a.s.m" effect of oxide charge and interface traps on drain current degradation of vertical silicon tunneling filed effect transistors"
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 2014

[Ref No.: 2768]

dr. saimum kabir" traditional urbanity and social equity: learning form old dhaka"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2014

[Ref No.: 2791]

dr. nadia anam" courant stability number impact on high frequency em cloaking using fdtd analysis"
International Journal of Research in Computer Engineering & Electronics (IJRCEE), 2014

[Ref No.: 604]

md. wayesh qarony" enhanced light trapping in thin-film microcrystalline silicon solar cells on nanotextured surface"
International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 2014

[Ref No.: 608]

sharmin jahan" voltage stability analysis of a 16-bus distribution network based on voltage sensitivity factor"
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Science & Engineering, 2014

[Ref No.: 609]

md. wayesh qarony" method for determining quality parameter, particularly variability parameter, of photovoltaic module, involves directing light signal of light source to photovoltaic module, where multiple photovoltaic cells are shadowed"
German Patent (Publication Type: Application), 2014

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ishtiaque abedin zissan" prospect of combined cycle power plant over conventional single cycle power plants in bangladesh"
International conference on electrical engineering and information communication technology, 2014

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tasnuva tasneem" analytical adjustment of image contrast"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2014

[Ref No.: 663]

tasnuva tasneem" analysis of edge detection technique by varying image contrast"
IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2014

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shahriar hasan shehab" design and performance analysis of a compact ultra-wide band textile antenna on jeans material and bending consequences"
Recent Trends in Electronics & Communication Systems, STMJournals., 2014

[Ref No.: 669]

shahriar hasan shehab" design and performance analysis of a novel elliptical microstrip patch antenna targeting applications in ism band"
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal, 2014

[Ref No.: 670]

farhadur arifin" design and performance analysis of a novel elliptical microstrip patch antenna targeting applications in ism band"
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal, 2014

[Ref No.: 696]

md. sajid hossain" optimized gain performance analysis of erbium doped fiber amplifier"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2014

[Ref No.: 698]

md. sajid hossain" investigating the gain characteristics of edfa and its application in wdm system"
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal, 2014

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sadia yasmin" performance analysis of co- and counter-propagation pump scheme based on optimized edfa parameters"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2014

[Ref No.: 2697]

sadia yasmin" investigating the gain characteristics of edfa and its application in wdm system"
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal (AASRJ), 2014

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sadia yasmin" design optimization of c-band 4-channel wdm optical communication system using edfa"
Trends in Opto Electro & Optical Communications, STM Journals, 2014

[Ref No.: 2701]

farhadur arifin" design & performance analysis of a compact uwb textile antenna on jeans material and bending consequence"
STM Journal of Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication Systems (RTECS),, 2014

[Ref No.: 2709]

m. s. muhit" fault analysis and electrical protection of distribution transformers"
Global Journal of Researches in Engineering, 2014

[Ref No.: 2735]

shahreen hassan" design and performance analysis of a novel elliptical microstrip patch antenna targeting applications in ism band"
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal, 2014

[Ref No.: 2742]

shahreen hassan" design and performance analysis of a compact ultra-wide band textile antenna on jeans material and bending consequences"
Recent Trends in Electronics & Communication Systems, 2014

[Ref No.: 2743]

mania tahsina taher" re-thinking slums and squatters: a way of sustainable living in context of 21st century cities"
American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2014

[Ref No.: 2748]

raja rashidul hasan" efficient data transmission through fiber optic communication system using soa"
STM Journal (Trends in Opto Electro & Optical Communications ), 2014

[Ref No.: 520]

tawsif ibne alam" comparative performance analysis and optimization of 635nm multiple quantum well red lasers"

[Ref No.: 553]

dr. rinku basak" effects of edfa parameters on the performance of a 4-channel cwdm optical communication system"
Trends in Opto-Electro & Optical Communications, STM Journals, 2014

[Ref No.: 522]

dr. rinku basak" effects of cavity length on the performance characteristics of ingan based 420 nm mqw blue violet laser"
Trends in Opto-Electro & Optical Communications, STM Journals, 2014

[Ref No.: 523]

dr. rinku basak" efficient data transmission through fiber optic communication system using soa"
Trends in Opto-Electro & Optical Communications, STM Journals, 2014

[Ref No.: 524]

dr. rinku basak" performance analysis of smqw soa based on optical confinement factor"
Int. Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, 2014

[Ref No.: 525]

dr. rinku basak" design optimization of c-band 4-channel wdm optical communication system using edfa"
Trends in Opto-Electro & Optical Communications, STM Journals, 2014

[Ref No.: 526]

dr. rinku basak" optimized gain performance analysis of erbium doped fiber amplifier"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2014

[Ref No.: 527]

dr. rinku basak" performance analysis of co- and counter-propagation pump scheme based on optimized edfa parameters"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2014

[Ref No.: 530]

dr. rinku basak" comparative performance analysis and optimization of 635nm multiple quantum well red lasers"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2014

[Ref No.: 531]

dr. rinku basak" temperature variant performance analysis of a 635nm ga0.73in0.27p/(al0.5ga0.5)0.5in0.5p mqw sch red laser"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2014

[Ref No.: 536]

dr. rinku basak" investigating the gain characteristics of edfa and its application in wdm system"
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal (AASRJ), 2014

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dr. rinku basak" performance enhancement of laser based modern railway mobile platform crossing system"
Trends in Opto-Electro & Optical Communications, STM Journals, 2014

[Ref No.: 538]

dr. rinku basak" effects of variation of differential gain and injection current on the performance characteristics of the designed 405nm mqw violet laser"
Trends in Opto-Electro & Optical Communications, STM Journals, 2014

[Ref No.: 539]

mohammad ismail hossain" enhanced light trapping in thin-film microcrystalline silicon solar cells on nanotextured surface"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), 2014

[Ref No.: 540]

dr. rinku basak" design and performance analysis of a 420nm oxide confined mqw blue-violet laser"
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal (AASRJ), 2014

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rashedul hoque" distinguishing performance of 60-ghz microstrip patch antenna for different dielectric materials"
IEEE International Conference, 2014

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abu hena muhammad shatil" energy generation & measurement of internal combustion engine performance through decentralized waste treatment"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2014

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dr. nadia afroze" design & performance analysis of a 420nm oxide confined mqw blue-violet laser"
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal (AASRJ), 2014

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md. nasimul islam maruf" a numerical analysis for selecting a suitable location for installing vawt in kth campus"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2014

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asif ahmed" feedback linearization of rf power amplifier of tetra standard"
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 2014

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hafiz rakibul" "design and implementation of an electric wheel -chair to economize it with respect to bangladesh""
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering (IJMSE), 2014

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tajbia karim" analytical adjustment of image contrast"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2014

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tajbia karim" object detection by estimation of the spectral attenuation coefficient in the submerged medium"
IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), 2014

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m. arefeen ibrahim" transformation of slum and squatter settlements : a way of sustainable living in 21st century cities"
American Journal of Civil Engineering andArchitecture, 2014

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habib muhammad nazir ahmad" analysis of ultra wide band four stage distributed lna in tsmc 0.18μm process"
International Journal of Research in Computer Engineering & Electronics, 2014

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fairuza faiz" a comparative study of nanofluids for tuneable filter operation"
International Journal of Engineering Research, 2014

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dr. chowdhury akram hossain" performance analysis of an inverted pendulum system with robust control"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2014

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mehnaj mahbuba, nafiz ahmed chisty" study of the relative permittivity response of metal nanoantenna at optical frequency"
International Journal of Engineering Research (IJER), 2014

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md. minhaz zaman lasker, nafiz ahmed chisty" comparison between 3-element & 5-element yagi-uda antenna for power harvesting from radio frequency signal"
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal (AASRJ), 2014

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md. minhaz zaman lasker, md. shahadat hossain majumdar, h.m. ashiqur rahman chowdhury, jannatul ferdous, nafiz ahmed chisty" design of a device for power harvesting from radio frequency signal"
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), 2014

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dr. m. tanseer ali " high frequency cmos amplifier with improved linearity"
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[Ref No.: 49]

dr. m. tanseer ali " a practical approach to asses fatal attacks in enterprise network"
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication (IJRITCC), 2014

[Ref No.: 57]

dr. m. tanseer ali " performance study of swastika shaped microstrip patch antenna loaded with meta-material layer"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2014

[Ref No.: 54]

susmita ghosh, md. didarul islam shaurov, supriyo roy dip, md. ahmadul kabir, wahidur rahman upal "small scale horizontal axis wind turbine"
STM Journals/Journal of Power Electronics & Power Systems(JoPEPS), 2014

Keywords: Wind turbine, HWAT, blades, Span length, Chord length, Power, Wind speed, Power coefficient, Tip speed ratio [Ref No.: 3202]

ivy saha roy" design of a micro strip patch antenna to minimize return loss for wi-max application"
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2014

[Ref No.: 3203]

mohammad nasir uddin, takaaki kizu, yasuhiro hinokuma, bingzhou hong, akio tajima, kazutoshi kato, kiichi hamamoto "high intrinsic modulation bandwidth ingaasp/ingaasp 1.55μm asymmetric active multimode interferometer laser diode by using split pump configuration"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP), JAPAN. (WoS, Scopus, Inspec, Compendex, ISI IF:1.471), 2014

Keywords: Optical Communication, Devices,Nanotechnology and Fabrication [Ref No.: 3189]

mohammad nasir uddin, takaaki kizu, yasuhiro hinokuma, kazuhiro tanabe, akio tajima, kazutoshi kato, kiichi hamamoto "split pump region in 1.55 μm ingaasp/ingaasp asymmetric active multi-mode interferometer laser diode for improved modulation bandwidth"
IEICE Trans. Electron. JAPAN. (Web of Science Indexed)ISI IF:0.516, 2014

[Ref No.: 3190]

dr. md. abu abdullah" climate change mitigation with integration of renewable energy resources in the electricity grid of new south wales, australia"
Renewable Energy, 2014

[Ref No.: 3167]

dr. md. abu abdullah" a new approach for sharing wind generation spatial diversification in multiarea power systems using trade-off analysis"
IET Generation, Transaction and Distribution, 2014

[Ref No.: 3168]

dr. md. abu abdullah" a non-iterative method to estimate load carrying capability of generating units considering correlation between demand and generation in a renewable rich power grid"
IEEE Transaction on Sustainable Energy, 2014

[Ref No.: 3169]

dr. md. kamrul hassan" design and simulation of speed control of dc motor and dc voltage control of two quadrant chopper"
Trends in Electrical Engineering TEE (2014) 26-34 © STM Journals 2014, 2014

[Ref No.: 3213]

dr. md. kamrul hassan" protective relay for transmission line using artificial neural network"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2014

[Ref No.: 3214]

dr. md. kamrul hassan" design of a lw-vcsel optical source"
Int. Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engg., 2014

[Ref No.: 3215]

md. sakhawath hossain" design of a micro strip patch antenna to minimize return loss for wi-max application"
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2014

[Ref No.: 3227]

dr. md. kharshiduzzaman" development of a monitoring system for crack growth in bonded single-lap joints based on the strain field and visualization by augmented reality"
The Journal of Adhesion, Taylor and Francis, 2014

[Ref No.: 3228]

dr. md. kharshiduzzaman" a mobile augmented reality framework for inspection and visualization during fatigue tests"
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2014

[Ref No.: 3230]

dr. md. tanvir hasan" phase separation of movpe-grown thick (~1 um) inxga1-xn (x~0.3): simultaneous formation of metallic in and ga-rich ingan"
Applied Physics Express, 2014

[Ref No.: 3081]

ahmed mortuza saleque" how to improve energy management in bangladesh"
Journal of Energy, Environment & Carbon Credits, 2014

[Ref No.: 3155]

dr. md. abu abdullah" assessment of energy supply and continuity of service in distribution network with renewable distributed generation"
Applied Energy, 2014

[Ref No.: 3160]

dr. md. abu abdullah" assessment of energy supply and continuity of service in distribution network with renewable distributed generation"
Applied Energy, 2014

[Ref No.: 3161]

dr. shameem ahmad" development of a temperature regulated photovoltaic module using phase change material for malaysian weather condition"
Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications, 2014

[Ref No.: 2986]

dr. md. rifat hazari" design and simulation of discrete time optimal speed control for an induction motor taking core loss and strayload losses into account"
Journal of Power Electronics and Power Systems, STM Journal, 2014

[Ref No.: 2990]

dr. md. rifat hazari" design and simulation of speed control of dc motor and dc voltage control of two quadrant chopper"
Trends in Electrical Engineering, STM Journal, 2014

[Ref No.: 2991]

dr. md. rifat hazari" how to improve energy management in bangladesh"
Journal of Energy, Environments and Carbon Credits, STM Journals, 2014

[Ref No.: 2992]

dr. md. rifat hazari" analysis of hvdc potentiality in future power system in bangladesh"
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2014

[Ref No.: 2993]

dr. sajal kumar das" resonant controller design for piezoelectric tube scanner: a mixed negative-imaginary and small-gain approach"
IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, 2014

[Ref No.: 2952]

dr. sajal kumar das" damping controller design for nanopositioners: a mixed passivity, negative-imaginary and small-gain approach"
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechtronics, 2014

[Ref No.: 2954]

md. nazibur rahman" microcontroller based closed loop speed control of dc motor using pwm technique"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2014

[Ref No.: 2960]

md. nazibur rahman" design and implementation of remote controlled fan regulator"
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Inst Engineering, 2014

[Ref No.: 2961]

dr. mollah rezaul alam" an approach for assessing the effectiveness of multiple-feature-based svm method for islanding detection of distributed generation"
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2014

[Ref No.: 2941]

sumaiya umme hani" design and simulation of speed control of dc motor and dc voltage control of two quadrant chopper"
STM journals, 2014

[Ref No.: 2936]

dr. mollah rezaul alam" a multifeature-based approach for islanding detection of dg in the subcritical region of vector surge relays"
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2014

[Ref No.: 2939]

dr. chowdhury akram hossain" a review on the security issues of telemedicine network"

[Ref No.: 3062]

dr. md. saniat rahman zishan" a review on the security issues of telemedicine network"

[Ref No.: 3063]

arifuzzaman md, tosikur rahman, ahammad emtiaz, islam md. rashedul, nafiz ahmed chisty" bengali and english vehicles number plate recognition system using matlab"
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 2014

[Ref No.: 3053]

dr. md. anwar hossain" light source design using kagome-lattice hollow core photonic crystal fibers"
Optical Review, 2014

[Ref No.: 3039]

zeenat afroze" speaker diarization in personal video recordings based on lda and user feedback"
International Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2014

[Ref No.: 3043]

zeenat afroze" analysis of edge detection technique by varying image contrast"
IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE), 2014

[Ref No.: 3044]

zeenat afroze" hand gesture recognition techniques for human computer interaction using opencv"
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2014

[Ref No.: 3045]

zeenat afroze" design and performance analysis of compact microstrip-fed multiple edge slotted monopole antenna for wideband applications"
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2014

[Ref No.: 3046]

debajit saha" 25 gbps downstream, 3 gbps upstream, 20 km reach pon using duobinary modulation based on reflective-onu utilizing r-soa for remodulation"

[Ref No.: 3003]

dr. shameem ahmad" fuzzy based controller for dynamic unified power flow controller to enhance power transfer capability"
Energy Conversion and Management, 2014

[Ref No.: 2983]

susmita ghosh "analysis of effect of conductor line on folded type meander-line antenna"
International Journal of Engineering Research (IJER), 2014

Keywords: Conductor line, folded type meander line antenna, return loss and tetra band resonance. [Ref No.: 3497]

susmita ghosh "design of multiband meander-line antennas and their performance analysis"
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (IJETAE), 2014

[Ref No.: 3498]

kazi firoz ahmed" performance analysis of gsm system using sui channel"
American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER), 2014

[Ref No.: 3481]

md. arif abdulla samy" device control using brain waves"
International Journal of Research in Computer Engineering and Electronics, 2014

[Ref No.: 3440]

rifat nazneen" microcontroller based automative security system using rfid with face recognition"
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering (IJMSE), 2014

[Ref No.: 3457]

rafia akhter" pwm inverter at var mode in rural areas"
• International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research,, 2014

[Ref No.: 3279]

kazi ahmed asif fuad" fpga and microcontroller based data acquisition system using two wire serial communication"
Research & Reviews: Journal of Embedded System & Applications (STM Journals), 2014

[Ref No.: 3281]

dr. md. obaidul malek" subspace sequential estimator for biometric authentication"
Elsevier Neurocomputing, 2014

[Ref No.: 3339]

kawshik shikder "intelligent system for train engine with automatic gate controlling using wireless technology in bangladesh"
International Journal of Science & Research (IJSR), 2014

[Ref No.: 3416]

dr. mohammad tawhidul alam" power system stability: a review on recent development"
GUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2014

[Ref No.: 5419]

ahmed al mansur, biplob chandra shil, kazi khairul islam, md. ashraful hoque, and muhibul haque bhuyan" design and implementation of a solar radiation meter using pv panel as a sensor"
Green University of Bangladesh Journal of Science and Engineering (GUBJSE), 2014

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 5822]

muhibul haque bhuyan, sher shermin azmiri khan, and mohammad ziaur rahman "teaching analog electronics course for electrical engineering students in cognitive domain"
Journal of Electrical Engineering, the Institution of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB-JEE), 2014

Keywords: Software Engineering Education and Training [Ref No.: 5825]

muhibul haque bhuyan" on the single electron transistor"
Journal of Bangladesh Electronics Society, 2014

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 5817]

muhibul haque bhuyan" teaching electrical circuits course for electrical engineering students in cognitive domain"
Journal of Bangladesh Electronics Society, 2014

Keywords: Software Engineering Education and Training [Ref No.: 5818]

muhibul haque bhuyan and sher shermin azmiri khan "teaching a numerical analysis course for electrical engineering students in the cognitive domain"
International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, 2014

Keywords: Software Engineering Education and Training [Ref No.: 5681]

md. ashiquzzaman "performance enhancement of laser based modern railway mobile platform crossing system"
Trends in Opto Electro & Optical Communications(TOEOC © STM Journals), 2014

[Ref No.: 5916]

md. ashiquzzaman "effects of variation of injection current, differential gain and injection current efficiency on the modulation performance of a gainp based 635nm mqw red laser"
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering (IJMSE), 2014

[Ref No.: 5917]

md. sajid hossain "design optimization of 4-channel wdm optical communication system using edfa"
Trends in Opto Electro & Optical Communications, STM Journals, 2014

[Ref No.: 6916]

dr. monon mahboob" characterization of the thermal expansion properties of graphene using molecular dynamics simulations."
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2013

[Ref No.: 6842]

dr. monon mahboob" molecular dynamics and atomistic finite element simulation studies of the effect of stone-wales defects on the mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes"
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, 2013

[Ref No.: 6843]

dr. monon mahboob" molecular dynamics simulations of defective cnt-polyethylene composite systems"
Computational materials science, 2013

[Ref No.: 6844]

nm martin, maxime van den bossche, h gronbeck, c hakanoglu, johan gustafson, sara blomberg, mohammad a arman, a antony, r rai, a asthagiri, jf weaver, edvin lundgren "dissociative adsorption of hydrogen on pdo (101) studied by hrcls and dft"
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013

[Ref No.: 5948]

elin granas, mie andersen, mohammad a arman, timm gerber, bjørk hammer, joachim schnadt, jesper n andersen, thomas michely, jan knudsen "co intercalation of graphene on ir (111) in the millibar regime"
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013

[Ref No.: 5936]

p ferstl, s mehl, mohammad a arman, m schuler, a toghan, b laszlo, y lykhach, o brummel, edvin lundgren, jan knudsen, l hammer, ma schneider, j libuda "adsorption and activation of co on co3o4(111) thin films"
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013

[Ref No.: 5937]

dr. tanbir ibne anowar "wireless power transmission in wireless sensor network- a solution to the power constraint"
International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research,, 2013

[Ref No.: 5969]

tausif ali, iftekhar zaman arnab, saiful islam bhuiyan, iftekhar hossain, m shidujaman "feasibility study of rnpp (rooppur nuclear power project) in bangladesh"
Energy and Power Engineering, 2013

Keywords: Security in Smart Environments, Renewable Energy, Power System, power Transmission [Ref No.: 5745]

iftekhar zaman arnab, tausif ali, m shidujaman, md mayen hossain "consideration of environmental effect of power generation: bangladesh perspective"
Energy and Power Engineering, 2013

Keywords: Security in Smart Environments, Renewable Energy, Power System, power Transmission [Ref No.: 5746]

muhibul haque bhuyan "newton’s method of optimization: a simpler approach"
Daffodil International University Journal of Science and Technology (DIUJST), 2013

Keywords: Computational Complexity [Ref No.: 5814]

muhibul haque bhuyan and quazi deen mohd khosru "analytical subthreshold drain current model incorporating inversion layer effective mobility model for pocket implanted nano scale n-mosfet"
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2013

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 5830]

muhibul haque bhuyan, fouzia ferdous, and quazi deen mohd khosru "a semi-analytical drain current deflection model for the symmetric pocket implanted n-mosfet using lorentz force analysis"
International Journal of Electronics, Communications, and Electrical Engineering (IJECEE), 2013

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 5832]

m.t. alam, t. ahamed, y. tareq, a. wahid and s. hossain "prospect of pumped storage hydroelectric power generation in bangladesh through sea water pumping"
The AUST Journal of Science and Technology, 2013

[Ref No.: 5418]

dr. munshi mahbubur rahman" mobile phone - a technical evaluation on electromagnetic exposure and specific absorption rate (sar) for human safety"
International Journal of Technology Enhancements and Emerging Engineering Research, 2013

[Ref No.: 5512]

dr. md. obaidul malek" a discrete time convergence model for proliferationable stem cell and its estimation using kalman filter"
Journal of Bioengineer and Biomedical Sci, 2013

[Ref No.: 3341]

rafia akhter" comparison of nuclear energy of bangladesh with india & pakistan"
IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE), 2013

[Ref No.: 3278]

dr. md. jahid hasan" intelligent high performance memory access technique in aspect of ddr3"
International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR), 2013

[Ref No.: 3453]

dr. md. jahid hasan" design and implementation of car anti‐theft system using microcontroller"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2013

[Ref No.: 3454]

humayun kabir, chika sugimoto, ryuji kohno "h. kabir, c. sugimoto and r. kohno, "hybrid real-time and preset processing for indoor radio geo-location in dense multipath environments","
Int'l Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences, SCIRP, CA, USA., 2013

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication [Ref No.: 2951]

dr. md. anwar hossain" dynamic control of mode field diameter and effective area by germanium doping of hexagonal photonic crystal fibers"
Optical review, 2013

[Ref No.: 3037]

dr. md. anwar hossain" dispersion-flattened supercontinnum light source design at 1.0 µm center wavelength for high resolution optical coherence tomography in ophthalmology"
Optics & Laser Technology, 2013

[Ref No.: 3030]

dr. md. anwar hossain" center wavelength adaptation techniques for supercontinuum generating highly nonlinear pure silica core photonic crystal fiber"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2013

[Ref No.: 3040]

tabassum zarin" saving the image of a historic eidgah at present context of dhaka"
Journal of the Itihash Academy, 2013

[Ref No.: 3059]

dr. md. abu abdullah" probabilistic load flow for distribution network incorporating correlation between time-varying demand and uncertain renewable generation"
Renewable Energy, 2013

[Ref No.: 3159]

dr. md. tanvir hasan" current collapse suppression by gate field-plate in algan/gan hemts"
IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2013

[Ref No.: 3080]

ivy saha roy" molecular beam epitaxy growth of insb1-xbix thin films"
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2013

[Ref No.: 71]

dr. m. tanseer ali " experimental study of amplifier with negative impedance compensation"
International Journal of Electronics, 2013

[Ref No.: 51]

dr. chowdhury akram hossain" the smart grid concept and the challenges in communication"
Elixir International journal,, 2013

[Ref No.: 36]

nafiz ahmed chisty, imran khan and m. irfan zeb awan" hardware verification of a 130 nm synthesized svd based ofdm channel estimator"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2013

[Ref No.: 48]

fairuza faiz" analysis of optical spectrum for hematite nanofluid longpass tunable filter"
American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER), 2013

[Ref No.: 26]

m. arefeen ibrahim" ensuring standard for architecture education in bangladesh:a critical overview"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2013

[Ref No.: 4]

saiful hasan tariq" the contextual issues in the islamic architecture of bengal mosques"
Global Journal Al Thaqafah (GJAT), 2013

[Ref No.: 244]

saiful hasan tariq" integration core and land use analysis-the case of keraniganj upazila"
Global Science and Technology Journal, 2013

[Ref No.: 257]

raja rashidul hasan" characteristics of a designed 1550 nm algainas/inp mqw vcsel"
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Science & Engineering, 2013

[Ref No.: 519]

ashik ikbal" ensuring standard for architecture education in bangladesh: a critical overview"
AJSE, 2013

[Ref No.: 462]

dr. rinku basak" optimized performance characteristics of a 450 nm semiconductor laser by varying differential gain"
Journal of Communication Engineering and Systems, STM Journals, 2013

[Ref No.: 570]

dr. rinku basak" performance analysis and optimization of a 1550nm mqw vcsel by varying differential gain and injection current"
Trends in Opto-Electro & Optical Communications, STM Journals, 2013

[Ref No.: 571]

dr. rinku basak" improved performance characteristics of a designed 1050nm bottom emitting mqw vcsel using al0.25ga0.22in0.53as/inp materials"
Trends in Opto-Electro & Optical Communications, STM Journals, 2013

[Ref No.: 572]

dr. rinku basak" performance analysis of a 1550nm mqw vcsel by varying injection current"
Trends in Opto-Electro & Optical Communications, STM Journals, 2013

[Ref No.: 573]

dr. rinku basak" effects of variation of injection current on characteristics of a 1550nm semiconductor laser"
Trends in Opto-Electro & Optical Communications, STM Journals, 2013

[Ref No.: 574]

dr. rinku basak" optimization of indium concentration for obtaining enhanced performance of 980nm inxga1-xas/gaas mqw vcsels"
Trends in Opto-Electro & Optical Communications, STM Journals, 2013

[Ref No.: 575]

dr. rinku basak" high modulation performance of a designed ingan based 405nm multi-quantum well violet laser"
Trends in Opto-Electro & Optical Communications, STM Journals, 2013

[Ref No.: 576]

dr. rinku basak" performance analysis and optimization of a designed 635nm ga0.5in0.5p/(al0.7ga0.3)0.5in0.5p mqw sch red laser by varying differential gain"
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal (AASRJ), 2013

[Ref No.: 577]

dr. rinku basak" optimized high performance characteristics of a designed 420nm ingan/algan mqw blue violet laser"
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal (AASRJ), 2013

[Ref No.: 578]

dr. rinku basak" improved performance characteristics of a designed 450nm true blue laser using ingan/algan materials"
Trends in Opto-Electro & Optical Communications, STM Journals, 2013

[Ref No.: 579]

dr. rinku basak" effects of variation of injection current and differential gain on 450nm ingan true blue semiconductor laser"
Trends in Opto-Electro & Optical Communications, STM Journals, 2013

[Ref No.: 580]

dr. rinku basak" design and performance analysis of a 635nm ga0.5in0.5p/(al0.7ga0.3)0.5in0.5p multiple quantum well separate confinement heterostructure red laser considering thermal limitations"
Trends in Opto-Electro & Optical Communications, STM Journals, 2013

[Ref No.: 581]

rinku basak and saiful islam" effects of reducing active radius on modulation performance and relative intensity noise of a strained in0.2ga0.8as/gaas 80a0 qw vcsel"
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer, 2013

[Ref No.: 582]

dr. rinku basak" modeling and implementation of a mobile robotic arm for industrial tasks"
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal (AASRJ), 2013

[Ref No.: 583]

dr. rinku basak" effects of variation of quantum well number on the performance of a designed 635nm ga0.5in0.5p/(al0.7ga0.3)0.5in0.5p multiple quantum well red laser"
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering (IJMSE), 2013

[Ref No.: 584]

dr. rinku basak" design and performance analysis of a 1550nm al0.09ga0.38in0.53as/inp mqw vcsel by varying injection current"
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering (IJMSE), 2013

[Ref No.: 585]

dr. rinku basak" characteristics of a designed 1550 nm algainas/inp mqw vcsel"
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering (IJMSE), 2013

[Ref No.: 586]

rashedul hoque" investigation of pulse distortion for 60 ghz ultra wide band (uwb) antennas"
ITSI-TEEE Transaction,, 2013

[Ref No.: 554]

rashedul hoque" magnetic and electric characterization of materials for electrical machines"
IJSER, 2013

[Ref No.: 555]

tawsif ibne alam" effects of variation of quantum well number on the performance of a designed 635nm ga0.5in0.5p/(al0.7ga0.3)0.5in0.5p multiple quantum well red laser"

[Ref No.: 550]

tawsif ibne alam" design and performance analysis of a 635 nm ga0.5in0.5p/(al0.7ga0.3)0.5in0.5p multiple quantum well separate confinement heterostructure red laser considering thermal limitations"

[Ref No.: 551]

tawsif ibne alam" performance analysis and optimization of a designed 635nm ga0.5in0.5p/(al0.7ga0.3)0.5in0.5p mqw sch red laser by varying differential gain"

[Ref No.: 552]

m. s. muhit" magnetic and electric characterization of materials for electrical machines"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2013

[Ref No.: 2736]

m. s. muhit" improved efficiency of steam power plant by concentrating solar power"
ITSI Transactions on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2013

[Ref No.: 2737]

m. s. muhit" investigation of pulse distortion for 60 ghz ultra wide band (uwb) antennas"
ITSI Transactions on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2013

[Ref No.: 2738]

m. s. muhit" implementation & evolution of obstacle avoidance vehicle robot"
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal, 2013

[Ref No.: 2739]

nabila hossain" design and analysis of dng metamaterial based microstrip patch antena with tetra-band resonance"
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Enginering (IJTAE), 2013

[Ref No.: 2740]

shuvra saha, md. shamsul arefin "performance evaluation of punctured convolutional hamming code in awgn channel"
International Journal of Research in Computer Engineering and Electronics, 2013

[Ref No.: 2724]

fahim ahmed" semantic mismatches for interoperability of product and manufacturing information"
International Journal of CAD/CAM, 2013

[Ref No.: 2721]

bishwajit banik pathik" impact of uisc: a case study"
International Journal of Business and Information Technology (IJBIT), 2013

[Ref No.: 2714]

bishwajit banik pathik" a novel framework of e-commerce payment via cell phone"
International Journal of Business and Information Technology (IJBIT), 2013

[Ref No.: 2711]

mahmoodul islam" designing an all epitaxial al0.22ga0.78as/(al0.41ga0.49)0.53in0.47p mqw intra-cavity red vcsel using algaas/alas dbr"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2013

[Ref No.: 658]

dr. md. saniat rahman zishan" “the smart grid concept and the challenges in communication”"
Elixir International journal, 2013

[Ref No.: 636]

mohammad shafquatul islam" analysis of ultra wide band four stage distributed low noise amplifier in tsmc 0.18μm process"
International Journal of Research in Computer Engineering and Electronics (IJRCEE), 2013

[Ref No.: 2819]

bakibillah a.s.m" silicon tunneling filed effect transistors with tunneling in-line with the gate field"
IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2013

[Ref No.: 2769]

mania tahsina taher" ensuring standard for architecture education in bangladesh: a critical overview"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2013

[Ref No.: 2751]

sayed muhammad baker" optimized performance characteristics of a 450 nm semiconductor laser by varying differential gain"
Journal of Communication Engineering & Systems, 2013

[Ref No.: 2762]

md. nazibur rahman" an efficient method for frequency calculation of an audio signal."
Presidency University Journal, 2013

[Ref No.: 2866]

hasan ahmed chowdury" ensuring standard for architecture education in bangladesh: a critical overview"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2013

[Ref No.: 2888]

abul hasnat" assessment of environmental impact for tannery industries in bangladesh"
International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 2013

[Ref No.: 4549]

dr. md. abdur rahman" robustness in supervised learning based blind automatic modulation classification"
IEICE Transactions on Communications, 2013

[Ref No.: 4332]

dr. md. abdur rahman" spectral correlation based blind automatic modulation classification using symbol rate estimation"
IEICE Transactions on Communications, 2013

[Ref No.: 4333]

dr. md. hasan imam" association of cardiovascular risk using nonlinear heart rate variability measures with the framingham risk score in a rural population"
Frontiers in Physiology, 2013

[Ref No.: 4308]

tahia fahrin karim" energy efficiency opportunities and savings potential for electric motor and its impact on ghg emissions reduction"
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2013

[Ref No.: 3611]

tahia fahrin karim" an approach towards sustainable energy performance by green building: a review of current features, benefits and barriers"
International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy, 2013

[Ref No.: 3612]

tahia fahrin karim" effectiveness of facts controllers and hvdc transmissions for improving power system stability and increasing power transmission capability"
International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 2013

[Ref No.: 3613]

nirjhor tahmidur rouf" extraction of bio-fuel from a second generation energy crop (pennisetum purpureum k. schumach) and its future prospects in bangladesh"
International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 2013

[Ref No.: 3769]

nafish sarwar islam" complex project crashing algorithm"
IOSR Journal of Business & Management, 2013

[Ref No.: 3760]

nafish sarwar islam" a variant deterministic model of classical eoq formula"
IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 2013

[Ref No.: 3761]

nafish sarwar islam" optimal return period to encourage the online shopping tendency of potential bangladeshi consumers"
IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 2013

[Ref No.: 3763]

tamal roy, avijit das, sujan howlader, md. ronok hasan rubel and rinku basak. "design and performance analysis of a 1550nm al0.09ga0.38in0.53as/inp mqw vcsel by varying injection current."
IJMSE (International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences & Engineering)., 2013

Keywords: Optical Communication [Ref No.: 3695]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" discrete-time pi controller based speed control of dtc interior permanent magnet shynchronous motor"
BRAC University Journal, 2013

[Ref No.: 4115]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" design & implementation of a dual axis solar tracking system"
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal, 2013

[Ref No.: 4110]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" high performance control for svpwm inverter-fed induction motor with core loss consideration"
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal, 2013

[Ref No.: 4111]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" integral plus proportional controller based speed control of direct torque controlled ipmsm"
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal, 2013

[Ref No.: 4112]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" torque and speed controllers based on fuzzy logic and energy model of induction motor"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2013

[Ref No.: 4113]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" direct torque control based on discrete-time pi controller of an svpwm inverter fed induction motor using energy model"
Journal of Power Electronics and Power Systems, 2012

[Ref No.: 4105]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" fuzzy-logic based speed control of induction motor considering core loss into account"
Intelligent Control and Automation, 2012

[Ref No.: 4106]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" adaptive parameters identification with bilinear observer of induction motor taking core-loss into account"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2012

[Ref No.: 4107]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" a fuzzy adaptive mechanism for online tuning of pi controller gains of interior permanent magnet synchronous motor drive"
British Journal of Engineering and Technology (BJET), 2012

[Ref No.: 4108]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" energy model based direct torque control of induction motor using ip controllers"
Journal of International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (JICEMS), 2012

[Ref No.: 4109]

s. m. imrat rahman" research challenges of cognitive radio"
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 2012

[Ref No.: 4119]

dr. mohammad asaduzzaman khan" cross-layer energy efficient mac protocol for uwb wireless body area network"
Southeast University Journal of Science and Engineering (SEUJSE), 2012

[Ref No.: 3686]

dr. md. hasan imam" qt variability index changes with severity of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy"
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 2012

[Ref No.: 4309]

dr. md. kamrul hassan" fuzzy-logic based speed control of induction motor considering core loss into account"
Intelligent Control & Automation, 2012

[Ref No.: 2840]

dr. saimum kabir" a study of thermal comfort in outdoor urban space in respect to increasing building height in dhaka"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2012

[Ref No.: 2793]

dr. rinku basak" optimization of a near-infrared 980nm vcsel for obtaining improved modulation performance"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2012

[Ref No.: 611]

dr. rinku basak" direct torque control based on discrete-time pi controller of an svpwm inverter fed induction motor using energy model"
Journal of Power Electronics and Power Systems, STM Journals, 2012

[Ref No.: 612]

dr. rinku basak" effects of light on the intraocular pressure of aqueous humor"
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal (AASRJ), 2012

[Ref No.: 613]

mahmoodul islam" a 1250nm ir vcsel using gainnas/gaas mqw, alas/gaas top and bottom dbr mirrors for all epitaxial growth"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2012

[Ref No.: 654]

dr. md. saniat rahman zishan" “a study of canada’s energy situation and probable future in the energy sector”"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), 2012

[Ref No.: 646]

dr. md. saniat rahman zishan" “design of a hybrid model of bpl electricity and solar photovoltaic cell”"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), 2012

[Ref No.: 647]

dr. md. saniat rahman zishan" “a study on tidal power conversion for use in bangladesh”"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), 2012

[Ref No.: 648]

kazi firoz ahmed" a low cost surface electromyogram (semg) signal guided automated wheel chair for the disabled"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER),, 2012

[Ref No.: 1697]

bishwajit banik pathik" application of itescm model for better supply chain management in universities"
International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM), 2012

[Ref No.: 2715]

bishwajit banik pathik" redesigned itescm model: an academic scm for the universities"
International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM), 2012

[Ref No.: 2716]

bishwajit banik pathik" an investigation of education and research management for the tertiary academic institutions"
International Journal of Engineering Business Management (IJEBM), 2012

[Ref No.: 2718]

kamrul hasan" perspective and prospect of tidal energy in bangladesh"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2012

[Ref No.: 2741]

kamrul hasan" analysis of the effect of boron doping on the growth rate and diameter of p-si micro-needle grown by in-situ doping vls method"
Journal of Electrical engineering, 2012

[Ref No.: 2744]

md. adnan quaium" hardware implementation issues of turbo decoders"
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 2012

[Ref No.: 2746]

dr. nadia afroze" design and implementation of wireless digital energy meter using microcontroller"
Global Journal of Researches in Engineering (GJRE), 2012

[Ref No.: 454]

md. mizanur rahman" a study of thermal comfort in outdoor urban space in respect to increasing building height in dhaka."
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2012

[Ref No.: 386]

sabera sadat shurovi" non-linear time-history analysis of 2d rc frame with masonry infill"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2012

[Ref No.: 278]

saiful hasan tariq" effect of fixed horizontal shading devices in south facing residential buildings in dhaka"
Asian Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (AJASE), 2012

[Ref No.: 245]

saiful hasan tariq" study on rural built forms in narayanganj, bangladesh using building materials for thermal comfort"
Stamford Journal of Environment and Human Habitat, 2012

[Ref No.: 253]

saiful hasan tariq" analyzing the relationship between the integration core of dhaka-aricha highway"
International Journal of Scientific Knowledge (IJSK), 2012

[Ref No.: 255]

saiful hasan tariq" performance of south facing windows for indoor ventilation & thermal comfort at dhaka"
Asian Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (AJASE), 2012

[Ref No.: 256]

ivy saha roy" growth of gasb1-xbix by molecular beam epitaxy"
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B (JVSTB ), 2012

[Ref No.: 72]

dr. md. tanvir hasan" theoretical design of 1.55 µm quantum dot heterostructure laser using inn"
IEICE Transaction on Electronics, 2012

[Ref No.: 3079]

dr. md. abu abdullah" effects of dielectric constant on the performance of a gate all around inas nanowire transistor"
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2012

[Ref No.: 3158]

ahmed mortuza saleque" bangladesh power sector reform and multi-dimensional reflections"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), 2012

[Ref No.: 3156]

mohammad abdul mannan, asif islam, mohammad nasir uddin, mohammad kamrul hassan, toshiaki murata, junji tamura "fuzzy-logic based speed control of induction motor considering core loss into account"
Intelligent Control and Automation, Scientific Research-USA. (Web of Science Indexed, IF0.7), 2012

Keywords: Fuzzy Logic, Control and automation [Ref No.: 3191]

md. humayun kabir, ryuji kohno "kabir m.h., kohno r. “a hybrid toa-fingerprinting based localization of mobile nodes using uwb signaling for non line-of-sight conditions”,"
Sensors, MDPI AG; Basel, Switzerland, 2012

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication,Wireless Sensor Networks [Ref No.: 2950]

dr. md. anwar hossain" optimal wavelength broadband light source for optical coherence tomography applications at 1.0 µm"
ICIC Express Letters, 2012

[Ref No.: 3041]

dr. md. anwar hossain" design of highly numerical aperture hexagonal photonic crystal fiber for medical applications"
ICIC Express Letters, 2012

[Ref No.: 3042]

tabassum zarin" rethinking urban park: integrating panthakunja with variable urban needs"
Journal of SUB, 2012

[Ref No.: 3058]

dr. md. anwar hossain" tailoring supercontinuum generation using highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber"
Optics & Laser Technology, 2012

[Ref No.: 3031]

dr. md. anwar hossain" polarization maintaining highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber for supercontinuum generation at 1.55 μm"
Optics & Laser Technology, 2012

[Ref No.: 3032]

dr. md. anwar hossain" design of all normal dispersion highly nonlinear photonic crystal fibers for supercontinuum light sources: applications to optical coherence tomography systems"
Optics & Laser Technology, 2012

[Ref No.: 3033]

dr. md. anwar hossain" broadband light source based on highly nonlinear non-circular core photonic crystal fiber for medical applications"
Optics & Laser Technology, 2012

[Ref No.: 3034]

dr. md. anwar hossain" design of highly nonlinear dispersion flattened hexagonal photonic crystal fibers for dental optical coherence tomography applications"
Optical Review, 2012

[Ref No.: 3035]

dr. md. anwar hossain" supercontinuum generation at 1.55 μm using highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber for telecommunication and medical applications"
Optical review, 2012

[Ref No.: 3036]

dr. md. anwar hossain" effect of multi-path fading and multiple access interference on broadband cdma systems"
International Journal of Communication Systems, John Wiley, 2012

[Ref No.: 3008]

2" analysis of a power line communication system over a non-white additive gaussian noise channel and performance improvement using diversity reception"
Network and Communication Technologies (NCT), 2012

[Ref No.: 5510]

mahadi hasan, ajab khan kasi, jafar khan kasi, nitin afzulpurkar "anodic aluminum oxide (aao) to aao bonding and their application for fabrication of 3d microchannel"
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Let., 2012

[Ref No.: 5290]

mahadi hasan, ajab khan kasi, jafar khan kasi, nitin afzulpurkar, supanit porntheeraphat, witsaroot sripumkhai "fabrication of thinner anodic aluminum oxide (aao) based microchannels"
Adv. Mat. Res., 2012

[Ref No.: 5291]

mahadi hasan, chanchal saha, md. mostafizur rahman, md. rabiual islam sarker, subrata k. aditya "balancing of an inverted pendulum using pd controller"
Dhaka Univ. J. Sci, 2012

[Ref No.: 5292]

ajab khan kasi, jafar khan kasi, nitin afzulpurkar, mahadi hasan "bending and branching of anodic aluminum oxide nanochannels and their applications"
J. Vac. Sci. Technol., 2012

[Ref No.: 5293]

ajab khan kasi, jafar khan kasi, mahadi hasan, nitin afzulpurkar, sirapat pratontep, supanit porntheeraphat, apirak pankiew "fabrication of low cost anodic aluminum oxide (aao) tubular membrane and their application for hemodialysis"
Advanced Materials Research, 2012

[Ref No.: 5294]

jafar khan kasi, ajab khan kasi, nitin afzulpurkar, mahadi hasan "fabrications of three dimensional anodic aluminum oxide micro shapes"
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Let., 2012

[Ref No.: 5295]

jafar khan kasi, ajab khan kasi, nitin afzulpurkar, mahadi hasan, adisorn tuantranont "synthesis of carbon nanotube and carbon nanofiber in nanopore of anodic aluminum oxide template by chemical vapor deposition at atmospheric pressure"
Adv. Mat. Res., 2012

[Ref No.: 5296]

m.t. alam, a. a. mahmood, b. saha, m.n. sakib and n.u. tuhin "optimal peak shaving operation of hydroelectric power station in bangladesh and its impact on the reduction of severe load shedding"
The AUST Journal of Science and Technology, 2012

[Ref No.: 5417]

muhibul haque bhuyan, fouzia ferdous, and quazi deen mohd khosru" carrier conduction time delay model in subthreshold regime of pocket implanted nano scale n-mosfet"
Journal of Bangladesh Electronics Society, 2012

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 5819]

muhibul haque bhuyan and quazi deen mohd khosru "a semi-analytical subthreshold drain current deflection model for the asymmetric pocket implanted nano scale n-mosfet"
Journal of Electrical Engineering, the Institution of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB-JEE), 2012

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 5826]

muhibul haque bhuyan" comparative study of different root location methods using matlab program"
Green University Review, 2012

Keywords: Human-centred Computing [Ref No.: 5824]

md. ashiquzzaman "design a prototype of wireless power transmission system using rf/microwave and performance analysis of implementation"
IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), 2012

[Ref No.: 5913]

md. ashiquzzaman "design and implementation of wireless digital energy meter using microcontroller"
Global Journal of Researches in Engineering (GJRE), 2012

[Ref No.: 5914]

md. ashiquzzaman " low cost microcontroller based solar tracking system with charge controller"
Stamford Journal of Electrical, Electronic & Communication Technology, 2012

[Ref No.: 5915]

elin granas, jan knudsen, ulrike a schröder, timm gerber, carsten busse, mohammad a arman, karina schulte, jesper n andersen, thomas michely "oxygen intercalation under graphene on ir (111): energetics, kinetics, and the role of graphene edges"
ACS Nano, 2012

[Ref No.: 5935]

dr. monon mahboob" shear and extensional rheology and flow‐induced orientation of carbon nanofiber/polystyrene melt composites"
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011

[Ref No.: 6845]

dr. monon mahboob" a constitutive model for characterization of shear and extensional rheology and flow induced orientation of carbon nanofiber/polystyrene melt composites"
Journal of Rheology, 2011

[Ref No.: 6846]

muhibul haque bhuyan and quazi deen mohd khosru "inversion layer effective mobility model for pocket implanted nano scale n-mosfet"
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2011

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 5829]

muhibul haque bhuyan, farseem mannan mohammedy, and quazi deen mohd khosru "doping profile measurement and characterization by scanning capacitance microscope for pocket implanted nano scale n-mosfet"
International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, 2011

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 5827]

md. ashiquzzaman "cost effective microcontroller based solar charge controller"
Canadian Journal on Electrical & Electronics Engineering, 2011

[Ref No.: 5912]

dr. munshi mahbubur rahman" power line communication an essential tool for digital bangladesh"
MIST Science Journal, 2011

[Ref No.: 5514]

nadia nowshin" a novel method for analyzing jfet parameters in nano-scale level"
Canadian Journal on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2011

[Ref No.: 3285]

nadia nowshin" extraction of nanoparticle organic memory field-effect transistor (nomfet) parameters using functional model"
European Journal of Scientific Research, 2011

[Ref No.: 3286]

nadia nowshin" effects of series resistance, effective mobility and output conductance on si- nwfet based on y-function technique"
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 2011

[Ref No.: 3287]

nadia nowshin" performance analysis of information reconciliation with interceptor in quantum key distribution"
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 2011

[Ref No.: 3288]

nadia nowshin" a comperative performance analysis of mrc diversity receivers in ofdm system"
International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems, 2011

[Ref No.: 3289]

dr. md. anwar hossain" highly nonlinear octagonal photonic crystal fiber with near zero flattened dispersion at 1.31 µm waveband"
Optical Review, 2011

[Ref No.: 3038]

mahmoodul islam" development of electrical behavioral model of an arbitrary solar cell to amend the pspice simulation performance"
UEPES: Issues & Prospects for Asia (ICUE), 2011 International Conference, 2011

[Ref No.: 2908]

md. nahian al subri ivan" solar dish stirling system and its economic prospect in bangladesh"
International Journal of Electrical & Computer Sciences IJECS-IJENS, 2011

[Ref No.: 3157]

dr. md. tanvir hasan" surface barrier height lowering at above 540 k in alinn/aln/gan heterostructures"
Applied Physics Letters, 2011

[Ref No.: 3078]

m. arefeen ibrahim" a both side story of bengal architecture: zamindarbari & bungalow-hybridity & colonization"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2011

[Ref No.: 5]

habib muhammad nazir ahmad" pf comparison btwn traditional & gray-mapped 16qam scheme with ofdm in awgn&rayleigh fading channel"
International Journal of Computer and Information Technology (IJCIT), 2011

[Ref No.: 20]

habib muhammad nazir ahmad" a novel method for analyzing jfet parameters in nano-scale level"
Canadian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (CJEEE), 2011

[Ref No.: 21]

habib muhammad nazir ahmad" extraction of nanoparticle organic memory fet (nomfet) parameters using functional model"
European Journal of Scientific Research (EJSR), 2011

[Ref No.: 22]

habib muhammad nazir ahmad" effects of series r, eff. mobility & o/p conductance on si-nwfet based on y-function technique"
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST), 2011

[Ref No.: 23]

dr. chowdhury akram hossain" “performance comparison between traditional and gray-mapped 16-qam scheme with ofdm"
International Journal of computer and information technology (IJCIT), 2011

[Ref No.: 33]

dr. chowdhury akram hossain" effects of series resistance, effective mobility and output conductance on si- nwfet"
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 2011

[Ref No.: 34]

dr. chowdhury akram hossain" minimizing shadowing effects on mobile ad hoc networks"
Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications(JSAT), 2011

[Ref No.: 35]

ashik mannan vaskor" a both side story of bengal architecture: zamindarbari and bungalow- hybridity and colonization"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2011

[Ref No.: 145]

md. mamunur rashid" performance analysis of wimax/wifi system under different codecs"
International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), 2011

[Ref No.: 334]

md. nasimul islam maruf" prospect and future of solar dryer : perspective bangladesh"
IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), 2011

[Ref No.: 476]

dr. nadia afroze" cost effective solar charge controller using microcontroller"
Canadian Journal on Electrical & Electronics Engineering, 2011

[Ref No.: 453]

nourin kadir" performance improvement of the tracking system of a satellite laser communication"

[Ref No.: 2720]

dr. rinku basak" performance analysis of a 980 nm in0.2ga0.8as/gaas mqw vcsel considering thermal effect"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2011

[Ref No.: 614]

rinku basak and saiful islam" improvement of modulation performance and bandwidth of a 980 nm strained in0.2ga0.8as/gaas qw vcsel"
Journal of Optics, Springer, 2011

[Ref No.: 615]

dr. saimum kabir" a both side story of bengal architecture: zamindarbari and bungalow-hybridity and colonization"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2011

[Ref No.: 2796]

bakibillah a.s.m" neural network based microcontroller operated intelligent vehicle system"
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems, 2011

[Ref No.: 2770]

bakibillah a.s.m" design, implementation and performance analysis of a low-cost optical tachometer"
IIUC Studies, 2011

[Ref No.: 2901]

dr. md. abdur rahman" implementation issues of automatic modulation classification on software defined radio platform"
IEICE Technical Report, 2011

[Ref No.: 4338]

dr. ifat- al baqee" a neural network-based face recognition method by illumination normalization & edge detection"
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), 2011

[Ref No.: 3671]

s. m. imrat rahman" design and development of a control circuitry for secure remote device access"
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 2011

[Ref No.: 4101]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" efficiency optimized speed control of svpwm inverter-fed ipmsm"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2011

[Ref No.: 4104]

dr. ifat- al baqee" developing a neural network-based method for faster face recognition by training & simulation"
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST), 2010

[Ref No.: 3670]

dr. md. abdur rahman" design and implementation of emergency radio information system"
IEICE Technical Report, 2010

[Ref No.: 4339]

bakibillah a.s.m" mathematical evaluation and analysis of lightning induced current in the finitely lossy ground"
International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2010

[Ref No.: 2902]

dr. mohammad masum iqbal" accessibility and utilization of dhaka’s urban parks"
Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design, 2010

[Ref No.: 2897]

dr. saimum kabir" streets markets of dhaka: exploring the concept of localization and periodicity"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2010

[Ref No.: 2795]

dr. rinku basak" a design method for a qw vcsel for operating at 980 nm using in0.2ga0.8as/gaas materials and its performance analysis"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2010

[Ref No.: 616]

md. adnan quaium" a comparative study of the third­generation long term evolution (lte) and the ieee 802.20 mobile broadband wireless accesses (mbwa)"
The AUST Journal of Science and Technology, 2010

[Ref No.: 2747]

md. nasimul islam maruf" an advanced architecture & instrumentation for developing the system of monitoring a vital sign (oxygen saturation) of a patient"
IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), 2010

[Ref No.: 477]

md. nasimul islam maruf" study of thyristor controlled series capacitor (tcsc) as a useful facts device"
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST), 2010

[Ref No.: 478]

md. nasimul islam maruf" study & design of electrical services of a high rise building-perspective bangladesh"
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Sciences and Engineering (IJETSE), 2010

[Ref No.: 479]

md. nasimul islam maruf" synthesis of carbon nanotubes by arc discharge, laser ablation and chemical vapor deposition techniques"
Stamford Journal of Electrical, Electronic & Communication Technology, 2010

[Ref No.: 480]

md. asaduzzaman shoeb" study of thyristor controlled series capacitor (tcsc) as a useful facts device"
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 2010

[Ref No.: 258]

md. asaduzzaman shoeb" power system performance analysis by windmil software"
Stamford Journal of Electrical, Electronic and Communication Technology, 2010

[Ref No.: 259]

md. asaduzzaman shoeb" literature survey on optimal power flow algorithm"
Stamford Journal of Electrical, Electronic and Communication Technology, 2010

[Ref No.: 264]

md. asaduzzaman shoeb" mobile broadband possibilities considering the arrival of ieee 802.16m & lte"
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, 2010

[Ref No.: 265]

md. asaduzzaman shoeb" in quest of the better mobile broadband solution for south asia"
Journal of Telecommunications, 2010

[Ref No.: 267]

ashik mannan vaskor" street markets of dhaka: exploring the concept of localization and periodicity’"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2010

[Ref No.: 146]

dr. chowdhury akram hossain" issues of long-hop and short-hop routing in mobile ad hoc networks: a comprehensive study"
International Journal of Network Protocols and Algorithm, 2010

[Ref No.: 31]

habib muhammad nazir ahmad" performance comparison btwn traditional & gray 16-qam scheme in awgn & rayleigh fading channel"
Stamford Journal of Electrical, Electronic and Communication Technology, 2010

[Ref No.: 18]

m. arefeen ibrahim" street markets of dhaka: exploring the concept of localization and periodicity"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2010

[Ref No.: 6]

mohammad nasir uddin and ashim kumar saha "transmission performance analysis of long-haul wdm network employing single mode fiber, dispersion compensating fiber and erbium doped fiber amplifier"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), (SCOPUS IndexedQ4, IF0.333), 2010

Keywords: Optical Communication [Ref No.: 3193]

bakibillah a.s.m" analysis of lightning induced electric field in the lossy ground"
International Journal of Systems Simulation, 2010

[Ref No.: 2905]

dr. md. tanvir hasan" transparent and efficient block-coded data through hdlc networks for wan applications"
Journal of Science, Jahangirnagar University, 2010

[Ref No.: 3074]

dr. md. tanvir hasan" alinn/inn metal oxide semiconductor heterostructure field effect transistor"
Phys. Status Solidi C, 2010

[Ref No.: 3075]

dr. md. tanvir hasan" design and performance of 1.55 µm laser using ingan"
Phys. Status Solidi C, 2010

[Ref No.: 3076]

dr. md. tanvir hasan" properties of 2deg in inn/ingan/inn double channel hemts"
Phys. Status Solidi C, 2010

[Ref No.: 3077]

dr. md. anwar hossain" shadowing effects on routing protocol of multihop ad hoc networks"
International Journal of Sensor, Ad Hoc, Sensor and Ubiquitous Computing, 2010

[Ref No.: 3006]

dr. mir mohammad nazmul arefin" development of real time face detection system using haar like features and adaboost algorithm"
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 2010

[Ref No.: 3280]

muhibul haque bhuyan and quazi deen mohd khosru" linear profile based analytical surface potential model for pocket implanted sub-100 nm n-mosfet"
Journal of Electron Devices, 2010

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 5831]

muhibul haque bhuyan and quazi deen mohd khosru "linear pocket profile based threshold voltage model for sub-100 nm n-mosfet"
International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, 2010

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 5828]

muhibul haque bhuyan and quazi deen mohd khosru "effects of temperature on reverse short channel effect in pocket implanted sub-100 nm n-mosfet"
Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 2010

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 5803]

muhibul haque bhuyan and quazi deen mohd khosru "an analytical subthreshold drain current model for pocket implanted nano scale n-mosfet"
Journal of Electron Devices, 2010

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 5758]

dr. monon mahboob" quantitative 3d measurement of the nanostructural features that dictate mesoscale performance properties of nanocomposites"
Polymer composites, 2010

[Ref No.: 6847]

dr. monon mahboob" transient shear rheology of carbon nanofiber/polystyrene melt composites"
Journal of non-newtonian fluid mechanics, 2010

[Ref No.: 6848]

dr. monon mahboob" an improved model for magnetorheological fluid-based actuators and sensors."
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2010

[Ref No.: 6849]

tanbir ibne anowar, gazi habibul hyder and a.h.m sayem" study of sio2 layer deposited on semiconductor surface and the observations of junction capacitance versus bias voltage with practical data"
Stamford Journal of Electrical and Electronic and Communication Technology, 2010

[Ref No.: 6361]

a.s.m mohosin, tanbir ibne anowar, mollah shahadat hossain lipu" analysis of wind characteristic & prospect of wind energy in coastal area of bangladesh"
Stamford Journal of Electrical and Electronic and Communication Technology, 2010

[Ref No.: 6362]

a.s.m mohosin, md. mokarrom hossain, md. nasir uddin bhuyian, tanbir ibne anowar" different types of solar dryer: design and performance analysis for drying fruits vegetables, spices, medicinal plants, handmade papers and fish"
Stamford Journal of Electrical and Electronic and Communication Technology, 2010

[Ref No.: 6363]

kazi mostaq ahmed, a.s.m mohosin, tanbir ibne anowar, dr. enamul basher" wireless power: stipulation and its impact on power system"
Stamford Journal of Electrical and Electronic and Communication Technology, 2010

[Ref No.: 6364]

mollah shahadat hossain lipu, tahia fahrin karim, tanbir ibne anowar, a.h.m quamruzzaman" wireless security control system & sensor network for smoke & fire detection"
Stamford Journal of Electrical and Electronic and Communication Technology, 2010

[Ref No.: 6365]

mollah shahadat hossain lipu , a.s.m mohosin, tahia fahrin karim , tanbir ibne anowar" face recognition using pca-based method"
Stamford Journal of Electrical and Electronic and Communication Technology, 2010

[Ref No.: 6366]

muhibul haque bhuyan and raisa afshah nabi" design and implementation of fpga based 32-bit carry look ahead adder using verilog hdl in xilinx environment"
Journal of Bangladesh Electronics Society, 2009

Keywords: VLSI [Ref No.: 5820]

mohammad nasir uddin and ashim kumar saha "comparison of the optical signal-to-noise ratio (snr) of wdm edfa chains for different light sources"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE) (ScopusQ4, IF0.333), 2009

Keywords: Optical Communication [Ref No.: 3192]

dr. md. tanvir hasan" detection of small variations of ecg features using wavelet"
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2009

[Ref No.: 3071]

dr. md. tanvir hasan" enviable parameters extraction and enhanced performance of digital filters using fda tool"
Bangladesh Electronics Society, 2009

[Ref No.: 3072]

dr. md. tanvir hasan" automatic feature extraction of ecg signal using fast fourier transform"
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dr. rinku basak" chirp characteristics of vcsels at different wavelengths"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2009

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dr. rinku basak" enhancement of high speed performance of a vcsel and reduction of fm noise"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2009

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mahmoodul islam" chirp characteristics of vcsels at different wavelengths"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2009

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dr. saimum kabir" towards sustainable rural development: an investigation on clay-based material, their appropriateness and potential"
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Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design, 2009

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dr. md. abdur rahman" design and implementation of a cognitive radio based emergency sensor network in disaster area"
IEICE Technical Report, 2009

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dr. md. abdur rahman" gsm sms technology for controlling home appliances remotely"
International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology (IJCAET), 2009

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dr. md. abdur rahman" development of spectrum sensing system with gnu radio and usrp to detect emergency radios"
IEICE Technical Report, 2009

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dr. md. abdur rahman" an energy efficient mac protocol for densely deployed wireless sensor networks"
IEICE Technical Report. Radio Communication Systems, 2009

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dr. mohammad abdul mannan" design and simulation of a sliding mode high performance controller with full order observer based on the energy model of induction motor"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2009

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dr. mohammad abdul mannan" design and simulation of an improved pi speed control of indirect field-oriented induction moto"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2008

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dr. md. abdur rahman" five years of research and publications in the aiub journal of business and economics"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2008

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amzad ali sarkar" a novel inverter switched single phase ac rectifier."
AIUB Journal of Science & Engineering., 2008

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dr. mohammad masum iqbal" old dhaka’s house form in the 20th century -a study on family structure, women’s status and exterior-interior relation"
Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design, 2008

[Ref No.: 2900]

dr. rinku basak" effect of refractive indices of dbr layers on the reflectivity of a vcsel"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2008

[Ref No.: 619]

kazi firoz ahmed" a survey of mac protocols for ad hoc networks and ieee802.11"
Stamford Journal of Electrical, Electronic and Communication Technology, 2008

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m. arefeen ibrahim" problems of architectural conservation in bangladesh"

[Ref No.: 7]

m. arefeen ibrahim" pattern of change: wall [reinvented] in 20th century architecture"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2008

[Ref No.: 8]

dr. md. tanvir hasan" two dimensional electron gas in inn-based heterostructures: effects of spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization"
Solid State Electronics, 2008

[Ref No.: 3068]

dr. md. tanvir hasan" design and performance of inxga1-xn-based mj solar cells"
IETECH Journal of Electrical Analysis, 2008

[Ref No.: 3069]

dr. md. tanvir hasan" design and implementation of pc-based high performance automatic voltage regulator"
Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 2008

[Ref No.: 3070]

rafia akhter" analysis of a pwm boost inverter for solar home application"
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2008

[Ref No.: 3277]

m.t. alam and q. ahsan" benefits of economic unit commitment scheduling approach in bangladesh power system"
Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2008

[Ref No.: 5416]

muhibul haque bhuyan" investigation of short channel effects suppression in pocket implanted mosfet using medici"
Journal of Bangladesh Electronics Society, 2008

Keywords: VLSI [Ref No.: 5821]

tanbir ibne anowar, dr. enamul basher" an overview of energy storage systems"
Stamford Journal of Electrical and Electronic and Communication Technology, 2008

[Ref No.: 6358]

tanbir ibne anowar, md. masud reza, asst. prof. uzzal kumar achrjee," a survey of mac protocols for ad hoc networks and ieee 802.11"
Stamford Journal of Electrical and Electronic and Communication Technology, 2008

[Ref No.: 6359]

mr. monoranjan roy, tapen kumar das and tanbir ibne anowar" numerical solution of large system of linear equations using several methods and its applications"
Stamford Journal of Electrical and Electronic and Communication Technology, 2008

[Ref No.: 6360]

dr. monon mahboob" experiments and models of the magneto rheological behavior of high weight percent suspensions of carbonyl iron particles in silicone oil"
J. Fluids Eng., 2008

[Ref No.: 6850]

muhibul haque bhuyan "wireless control system for dc motor to position a dish antenna using microcomputer"
Daffodil International University Journal of Science and Technology,, 2007

Keywords: Control and automation [Ref No.: 5761]

muhibul haque bhuyan and kazi mujibur rahman "digital signal processor controlled pwm phase modulator for two-phase induction motor drive"
Journal of Electrical Engineering, the Institution of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB-EE), 2007

Keywords: Digital Transformation [Ref No.: 5762]

muhibul haque bhuyan and kazi mujibur rahman "analysis of three level pwm for two-phase voltage source inverters"
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Medwell Online Publishing Company, 2007

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Power Delivery [Ref No.: 5763]

muhibul haque bhuyan "finite state machine based directional counter design using vhdl"
Journal of Bangladesh Electronics Society, 2007

Keywords: Digital Transformation [Ref No.: 5764]

rafia akhter" a new technique of pwm boost inverter for solar home application"
BRAC University Journal, Vol. IV, No. 1, 2007., 2007

[Ref No.: 3276]

ashik mannan vaskor" emergence and computer simulation-an approach for ‘bottom up’ optimized architectural solution"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2007

[Ref No.: 147]

md. adnan quaium" internet protocol version 6: a quick analysis"
Annual Review of Communications - International Engineering Consortium, USA, 2007

[Ref No.: 2750]

kazi firoz ahmed" analysis of inter carrier interference (ici) in ofdm system"
Stamford Journal of Electrical, Electronic and Communication Technology, 2007

[Ref No.: 1699]

farhadur arifin" design of a computerizedpcb drilling machine"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2007

[Ref No.: 695]

dr. rinku basak" achieving high reflectivity using gaas and alas semiconductor dbr layers and alternatively by using amorphous silicon and sio2 dielectric dbr layers in a vcsel"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2007

[Ref No.: 620]

md. adnan quaium" developing the national fiber optic backbone using common core network for the telecommunication services of bangladesh"
Stamford Journal of Electrical, Electronic & Communication Technology, 2007

[Ref No.: 2753]

dr. md. kamrul hassan" hydrogen permeation through diamond-like carbon thin films coated on pet sheet"
Plasma Process and Polymers, 2007

[Ref No.: 4527]

ajmeri nusrat shoma" effectiveness of city bus stops in dhaka metropolitan"
Khulna University Studies, 2007

[Ref No.: 4325]

dr. mohammad asaduzzaman khan" an energy consumption model for ir-uwb wireless sensor networks,"
The Journal of Korean Institute of Communication Sciences (KICS), 2007

[Ref No.: 3687]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" design and simulation of discrete time optimal speed control for an ipmsm taking core loss into account"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2007

[Ref No.: 4087]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" reduced order bilinear observer associated optimal regulator of an induction motor"
Electric Power Components and System, 2007

[Ref No.: 4084]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" design and simulation of sliding mode control based speed control of induction motor taking core loss into account"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering [AJSE], 2006

[Ref No.: 4083]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" stabilization of wind turbine generator system by statcom"
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2006

[Ref No.: 4066]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" a fuzzy-logic-based self-tuning pi controller for high-performance vector controlled induction motor drive"
Electric Power Components and System, 2006

[Ref No.: 4062]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" energy model based loss-minimized speed control of induction motor with a full order observer"
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2006

[Ref No.: 4063]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" ip controller based vector control of induction motor taking core loss into account"
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2006

[Ref No.: 4064]

dr. mohammad asaduzzaman khan" analysis of energy consumption and sleeping protocols in phy-mac for uwb networks"
The Journal of Korean Institute of Communication Sciences (KICS), 2006

[Ref No.: 3688]

dr. mohammad asaduzzaman khan" cross-layer design of private mac with th-bppm and th-bpam in uwb ad-hoc networks"
The Journal of Korean Institute of Communication Sciences (KICS), 2006

[Ref No.: 3689]

dr. md. abdur rahman" optimum cell size evaluation for telecommunications in riverine transportation systems in 5.8 ghz. band"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2006

[Ref No.: 4335]

dr. md. kamrul hassan" electrical resistivities of the diamond-like carbon films fabricated from methane and acetylene using rf plasma"
New Diamond and Frontier Carbon Technology, 2006

[Ref No.: 4532]

dr. md. kamrul hassan" comparative study on chemical vapor deposition of diamond-like carbon films from methane and acetylene using rf plasma"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2006

[Ref No.: 4534]

dr. shahriyar masud rizvi" a methodology for retaining pre-synthesis behavior of fsms modeled in implicit style verilog hdl after synthesis and implementation"
Journal of Electronics and Computer Science, Dept. of Cmp. Sc., Jahangirnagar University, 2006

[Ref No.: 2913]

dr. md. tanvir hasan" high efficiency inxga1-xn-based multi-junction photovoltaic cells with concentrator"
Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2006

[Ref No.: 3067]

dr. munshi mahbubur rahman" proposed solution of power crisis of bangladesh"
UIU International Journal, 2006

[Ref No.: 5516]

md. ashraf uddin bhuiyan, muhibul haque bhuyan, and m. abuwasib "performance analysis of turbo codes for wireless communication"
Journal of Bangladesh Electronics Society, 2006

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication [Ref No.: 5760]

muhibul haque bhuyan and sher shremin azmiri khan "mos device simulation using medici"
Journal of Bangladesh Electronics Society, 2005

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 5759]

dr. monon mahboob" designing a neutral elliptic inhomogeneity in the case of a general non-uniform loading."
Applied mathematics letters, 2005

[Ref No.: 6851]

k. nishida, m. rukonuzzaman, m. nakaoka "digital control three-phase shunt active power filter with a new harmonic-current-extraction process"
IEE Proceedings - Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2005

[Ref No.: 6792]

katsumi nishida, md rukonuzzaman, mutsuo nakaoka "a novel single-phase shunt active power filter with adaptive neural network based harmonic detection"
IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications, 2005

[Ref No.: 6795]

rafia akhter" the supercapacitors as an alternate dc power storage device and its progress and prospects"
J. Bangladesh Electron. Soc. 5(2):121-127, 2005

[Ref No.: 3275]

dr. md. abdur rahman" ”ict based sustainable rural business opportunities in developing countries: a wireless-networked rcp-rap approach"
American Journal of Applied Sciences (AJAS), 2005

[Ref No.: 4336]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" fuzzy-logic-based self-tuning pi controller for speed control of indirect field-oriented induction motor drive"
Transactions of the SICE (Society of Instrument and Control Engineers), 2005

[Ref No.: 4059]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" speed control and a full-order state observer for efficiency optimized induction motor"
Electric Power Components and System, 2005

[Ref No.: 4061]

dr. mohammad abdul mannan" minimal order bilinear observer for high performance control of induction motor taking core loss into account"
Transactions of the SICE (Society of Instrument and Control Engineers), 2004

[Ref No.: 4058]

k. nishida, m. rukonuzzaman, m. nakaoka "advanced current control implementation with robust deadbeat algorithm for shunt single-phase voltage-source type active power filter"
IEE Proceedings - Electric Power Applications, 2004

[Ref No.: 6791]

shinji sato, shin-ichiro nagai, masayoshi yamamoto, md rukonuzzaman, mutsuo nakaoka "high efficient low noise three phase voltage-fed soft-switching double pwm converter system with a single resonant dc link snubber"
iEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications, 2004

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西田 克美 エムディ ルコヌッザマン 中岡 睦雄 "適応型ディジタルフィルタを用いたアクティブパワーフィルタ出力電流のロバスト有限時間整定制御法"
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md rukonuzzaman, mutsuo nakaoka "adaptive neural network based harmonic detection for active power filter"
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications, 2003

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m. rukonuzzaman and m. nakaoka "an advanced three-phase active power filter with adaptive neural network based harmonic current detection scheme"
Journal of Power Electronics, 2002

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manabu kurokawa, claudio y inaba, m rukonuzzaman, eiji hiraki, yoshihiro konishi, mutsuo nakaoka "feasible power loss analysis and estimation of auxiliary resonant dc link assisted soft-switching inverter with new zero voltage vector generation method"
Journal of Power Electronics, 2002

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m. rukonuzzaman and m. nakaoka "single-phase shunt active power filter with harmonic detection"
IEE Proceedings - Electric Power Applications, 2002

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dr. bashudeb chandra ghosh" effects of flux level on a csi-fed field-oriented induction motor"
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dr. bashudeb chandra ghosh" bond graph simulation of a current source inverter induction motor(csi-im) system"
Electric Machines and Power System, 1993

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Proceedings of Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1991

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dr. md. abu bakar siddiqui" the effect of the line code on the convergence of adaptive digital filter in echo cancellers"
Proceedings of Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1991

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dr. md. abu bakar siddiqui" study of the way of simple echo cancellation and decision feedbaack equalization in the isdn subscriber loops"
Proceedings of Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1991

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dr. md. abu bakar siddiqui" study of the convergence of the simple joint echo cancellation and decision feedback equalization in digital subscriber loops"
Proceedings of Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1991

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prof. m. a. quaiyum" mixing and heat transfer in reactor for sinusoidal heat flux"
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[Ref No.: 4743]

mohammad khurshed alam,md. shaoran sayem,mohd herwan sulaiman,asma ferdowsi,mishiba islam and mohammad zohurul islam" production cost and emissions minimization based on renewable energy using superiority of feasible solutions- moth flame optimization"
4th ICREST 2025, 2025

[Ref No.: 4598]

jarin tasnim, shamim forhad, samia binta hassan, sunjida mushfiq nova, khandakar kamrul hasan, sm nahidul islam, mohammad ashiqur noor and abdul hasib siddique" mobile apps in e-healthcare: enhancing observability in healthcare system a case study for bangladesh"
Second International Conference on Data Science and Network Engineering (ICDSNE 2024), 2025

Keywords: E-Healthcare, Healthcare Applications, Telemedicine, Case Study, Healthcare, Bangladesh [Ref No.: 4684]

sowrov komar shib, durjoy roy dipto, md tanvir rahman, md ashikul islam, md mahafuzul islam and abu shufian" energy recovery and power management in evs using supercapacitors and regenerative braking"
The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Innovations in Smart Cities 2025, 2025

Keywords: Regenerative Braking (RB), Supercapacitors, BLDC Motors, Power Management, Electric Vehicles [Ref No.: 4716]

refat rehan masud; niloy goswami; abir ahmed; chowdhury akram hossain; m tanseer ali "performance analysis of ge and inp mosfets in high current applications with sio₂/al₂o₃/ga₂o₃ gate oxides"
4th International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2025

[Ref No.: 4712]

md tanvir rahman, sowrov komar shib, durjoy roy dipto, abu shufian and md sajid hossain "enhanced dynamic voltage restorer (dvr) with fuzzy logic control for voltage regulation"
2025 Fourth International Symposium on Instrumentation, Control, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics (ICA-SYMP), 2025

[Ref No.: 4657]

md tanvir rahman, durjoy roy dipto, sowrov komar shib, abu shufian and md sajid hossain "advanced neural networks for plant leaf disease diagnosis and classification"
2025 Fourth International Symposium on Instrumentation, Control, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics (ICA-SYMP), 2025

[Ref No.: 4658]

md tanvir rahman, durjoy roy dipto, sowrov komar shib, abu shufian and md sajid hossain "advanced power quality management through a pid-based dynamic voltage restorer"
4th International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques 2025 (4th ICREST’25), 2025

[Ref No.: 4659]

md sajid hossain and abu shufian "a techno-economic feasibility analysis of solar thermal system installation for sanitary hot water requirements in a residential building"
4th International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques 2025 (4th ICREST’25), 2025

[Ref No.: 4660]

sheikh hasib cheragee, shuvo chandra pall, muntasir hasan kanchan, md. samiul islam, muhammad masud tarek, shoriful huq joy,md toufiqur rahman" short- and medium-term electrical load forecasting in bangladesh using machine learning approaches"
2024 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Electrical, and Smart Systems, 2024

[Ref No.: 4588]

m. j. islam, sheikh hasib cheragee, m. m. tarek and f. gulshan "a numerical analysis of a high-efficiency solar cell using a dft explored nontoxic perovskite material"
2024 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICAEEE), 2024

[Ref No.: 4589]

m. j. islam, sheikh hasib cheragee, m. a. haque chowdhury, s. subrina, m. hossain and f. gulshan "numerical study of higher efficiency perovskite solar cell using density functional theory"
2024 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Electrical, and Smart Systems, 2024

[Ref No.: 4590]

m. t. rahman, s. chandra pall, r. b. rashid, m. shifat hossen, s. k. das and sheikh hasib cheragee "solarnet- an efficient multi-model ensemble approach for solar power forecasting based on artificial intelligence"
2023 6th International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT), 2024

[Ref No.: 4591]

anisuzzaman, n. sarker, sheikh hasib cheragee and m. niamul hasan "design of microstrip patch antenna with improved return loss and bandwidth for 5g wireless communication"
2023 6th International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT), 2024

[Ref No.: 4592]

m rukonuzzaman "31-level asymmetric multilevel utility interactive inverter for renewable energy applications"
3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICAEEE 2024), 2024

[Ref No.: 4593]

alam muhammad morshed "leader-follower formation strategy in a uav swarm for tree plantation: design and effectiveness"
2024 3rd International Conference on Computer Technologies (ICCTech), 2024

Keywords: Cyber-physical System Platforms for Smart Environments,Robotics [Ref No.: 4548]

m. k. saifullah, e. jahan and m. n. uddin "mppt control for standalone wind energy conversion system: integrating hybrid p&o and ann with voltage-lift boost converter"
2024 7th International Conference on Development in Renewable Energy Technology (ICDRET), 2024

[Ref No.: 4558]

rinku basak "a rapid, and low-cost electrical impedance tomography sensor system for non-destructive evaluation of multiple inhomogeneities"
The 4th International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET 2024), 2024

[Ref No.: 4560]

shaharier kabir dept. of eee, american international university-bangladesh, dhaka, bangladesh ; abu shufian; riadul islam; nasif hannan; md. saniat rahman zishan; shaikh anowarul fattah" enhanced power system restoration through milp black start allocation optimizationc)"
IEEE Kansas Power and Energy Conference (KPE, 2024

[Ref No.: 4561]

nafisa tabassum; effat jahan; niloy goswami; md. saniat rahman zishan" analysis of genetic algorithm-optimized pid controllers for a two-area automatic generation control system"
IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 2024

[Ref No.: 4562]

iftear faisal , omar farooq , sumaiya malik , mohammad tawhidul alam , shuvra mondal , tanbir ibne anowar "a smart vehicle alert system with intelligent vehicle safety"
2024 International Conference on Signal processing, Computation, Electronics,, 2024

[Ref No.: 4564]

shaharier kabir, md. shihab sharar oyon, md. nakib shahria, riadul islam, md. jawad-al-mursalin hoque and abu shufian" integrating ae-cnn with smart relaying and sscb for enhanced three-phase fault detection and mitigation"
10th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 2024

Keywords: Deep Learning, Renewable Energy, Power System [Ref No.: 4335]

shaharier kabir, abu shufian, riadul islam, md mahafuzul islam, md ashikul islam, and md saidur rashid mahin" impact of grid-tied battery to grid (b2g) technology for electric vehicles battery swapping station"
10th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 2024

Keywords: Deep Learning, Renewable Energy, Hybrid Power System [Ref No.: 4336]

abu shufian, shaharier kabir, mohammad sakib mahmood, and shaikh anowarul fattah" enhancement of smartgrid stability by optimal energy management system (ems) through deep learning"
10th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 2024

Keywords: Deep Learning, Renewable Energy, Power System [Ref No.: 4337]

md. tanvir islam mim, md asif imtiaz anik, riadul islam, shaharier kabir, md ashikul islam, and abu shufian" design and development of a time scheduled automatic cleaning system of dust accumulation for optimizing solar power efficiency"
10th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 2024

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Power System [Ref No.: 4338]

monjural zahid redoy, abu shufian, shaharier kabir, md saidur rashid mahin, and muniroopesh raasetti" smartgrid transmission line fault detection with protection using relays"
IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference - Asia Pacific (TEMSCON-ASPAC), 2024

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Power System, power Transmission, Hybrid Power System [Ref No.: 4339]

shaharier kabir, arpon bose dibya, abu shufian, md ashikul islam, md mahafuzul islam, and muniroopesh raasetti" optimizing ev battery swapping stations with on-grid b2g systems integration via artificial bee colony"
IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference - Asia Pacific (TEMSCON-ASPAC), 2024

Keywords: Deep Learning, Renewable Energy, Power System [Ref No.: 4340]

md. abu talha, rashedur rahman rashed, shameem ahmad, ruham rofique, muhibul haque bhuyan, sujan howlader, md shahriar parvez, mahamudul hassan "iot-based real-time monitoring and control system for distribution substation"
IEEE 10th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 2024

Keywords: Internet of Things, Power System, Power distribution [Ref No.: 4380]

• m. s. r. mahin, s. kabir, m. a. islam, and a. shufian "advanced forecasting of wind energy generation through integration of ae-clstm"
IEEE International Conference on Green Energy, Computing and Sustainable Technology (GECOST), 2024

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Power System [Ref No.: 4389]

• m. a. islam, m. s. r. mahin, s. kabir and a. shufian "mitigating system imbalance using enhanced droop control in decentralized microgrids"
IEEE 3rd International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy & Communication (CIEC), 2024

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Power System [Ref No.: 4390]

nazmun nahar karima, kamruzzaman rimon, md sumon molla, mahmudul hasan, and muhibul haque bhuyan "advanced image processing based solar panel dust detection system"
2023 26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2024

Keywords: Image Processing, Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 4391]

md. fahad hossain; rezoana talukder; arafat rahman; amir khan; istiaque ahamed; abir ahmed "designing a smart building fire disaster management system for smart cities"
26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2024

[Ref No.: 4392]

mehedi hasan; tahseen asma meem; quazi deen mohd khosru "impact of the quantum well for transportation characteristics of al0.3ga0.7as/gaas based double barrier resonant tunneling diode"
2023 6th International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT), 2024

[Ref No.: 4385]

shuvra mondal, nadif farhin sharon, kaniz mohosina tabassum, umme habiba muna, nowshin alam "development of a low-cost real time color detection capable robotic arm"
2023 26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2024

Keywords: Deep Learning,Image Processing,Robotics [Ref No.: 4453]

md shakline khan siam; md. bayezid hossain; arshad hossain; md. yasin arafat; abir ahmed; effat jahan; md. rifat hazari "design and implementation of iot-based indoor air purifier"
5th International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 5.0 (STI), 2024

[Ref No.: 4455]

fahmida shilla, indrajit kumar paul, and md. rakibul islam chowdhury "a comparative study on geotechnical properties of soil in dhaka – a case study using different methods"
7th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2024), 2024

[Ref No.: 4473]

md abu talha, tanbir ibne anowar, shuvra mondal" rfid-based toll plaza system for developing countries"
6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information & Communication Technology, 2024

[Ref No.: 4479]

bishwajit banik pathik; md. sadikur rahman bijoy; omar faruk joy "electric vehicles charging stations and payment: technology adaptation for an emerging country"
3rd Int Con on Power Electronics and IoT Applications in Renewable Energy and its Control, 2024

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 4493]

bishwajit banik pathik; minaruzaman rakib; rashadul kabir rasel; sadman hossain sakib; shameem ahmad; asadullah all-galib "efficiency enhancement of pv system integrating thermoelectric generators and automatic cleaning system"
2023 10th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 2024

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Engineering Technology,Other [Ref No.: 4494]

md. ehasanul haque, md. sarowar hossain" enhancement of elastic property in a conial ferromagnetic shape memory alloy and it’s magnetic, electronic and lattice contribution"
International Conference on Physics 2024, 2024

[Ref No.: 4486]

tarifuzzaman riyad, md. asif iqbal, habib un nabi polash, s.m. oaliullah sohrab and shuvra mondal" low-cost wearable hand glove for physiological signal monitoring"
2024 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICAEEE), 2024

[Ref No.: 4487]

md saidur rashid mahin, shaharier kabir, md ashikul islam ,and abu shufian "advanced forecasting of wind energy generation through integration of ae-clstm"
2024 International Conference on Green Energy, Computing and Sustainable Technology (GECOST), 2024

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Power System, Hybrid Power System [Ref No.: 4488]

md abu talha, tanbir ibne anowar, shuvra mondal "rfid-based toll plaza system for developing countries"
2024 6th ICEEICT, 2024

[Ref No.: 4489]

riadul islam, shaharier kabir, md imran hossain, nasif hannan, md ashikul islam and abu shufian "advancing droop control dynamics for equilibrium in decentralized microgrids: a strategy for enhanced power distribution"
2024 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Electrical, and Smart Systems, 2024

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Power System, Hybrid Power System [Ref No.: 4490]

m. t. alam; m. ashiquzzaman; s. m. t. alam; m. s. mostak; h. rahman; p. das "iot-based power monitoring and management system of a distribution substation"
2023 10th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 2024

[Ref No.: 4470]

mehedi hasan; tahseen asma meem; quazi deen mohd khosru "impact of the quantum well for transportation characteristics of al0.3ga0.7as/gaas based double barrier resonant tunneling diode"
2023 6th International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT), 2024

[Ref No.: 4471]

niloy goswami; md. abdur rahman "performance analysis of cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna for ultra-wideband and sub-6 ghz wireless communication"
26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2024

[Ref No.: 4525]

nafisa tabassum; effat jahan; niloy goswami; md. saniat rahman zishan "analysis of genetic algorithm-optimized pid controllers for a two-area automatic generation control system"
2023 10th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 2024

[Ref No.: 4526]

md. habib a hasan, saif ahmed siddique, murshida rahman, bonany saha, jalal ahammad, rinku basak "an effective dc-dc charging system using voltage doubler based resonant lcc and llc converters"
International Conference on Green Energy, Computing and Sustainable Technology (GECOST 2024), 2024

[Ref No.: 4518]

md. habib a hasan, saif ahmed siddique, murshida rahman, bonany saha, and rinku basak "an effective solar powered charging system using resonant lcc boost converters"
International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Electrical and Smart Systems, 2024

[Ref No.: 4519]

akib jayed islam; swapnil pranta; sultanus salehin; nobel das; md. raihan ahmed shawon; sadman shahriar alam" performance analysis of human tissue-embedded antennas for enhanced wireless power transfer in medical implants"
6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information & Communication Technology, 2024

[Ref No.: 4520]

lia moni; md. saniat rahman zishan; raja rashidul hasan; sumit hassan eshan "design and performance analysis of graphene based tera hertz patch antenna for 6g applications"
International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information & Communication Technology, 2024

[Ref No.: 4521]

md salman khan mithil, md abu talha, shameem ahmad "enhancing solar system efficiency based on precise real-time energy data analysis and sun position tracking"
6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information & Communication Technology, 2024

[Ref No.: 4522]

md. ali al jaman chaudhuy; md. sifat alam; omar faruk joy; md. kamrul hassan; bishwajit banik pathik "iot based surface vehicle system for water quality analysis and surveying"
6th Int Conf on Electrical Engineering and Information & Communication Technology (ICEEICT), 2024

Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks, Renewable Energy, Sensor Technology [Ref No.: 4523]

anika tun naziba; mohammad nasir uddin "cancer cell detection biosensor utilizing dual-core pcf-based surface plasmon resonance"
IEEE- 2024 Third ICDCECE, 2024

Keywords: Biomedical, Photonics, Sensor Technology [Ref No.: 4541]

abdulla mahamud shejan; md. mehedi hasan monna; s g a shezan; imtiaz uddin; mohammad nasir uddin "multi-input faster region-based convolutional neural network(convnet) and facial landmark feature-based crowd recognition: a deep learning approach"
IEEE-2024 Third ICDCECE, 2024

Keywords: Bioinformatics,Artificial Intelligence,Computer Vision,Image Processing [Ref No.: 4542]

haider mahmud bijoy, md. mahadi hasan, md. asadur jaman, and muhibul haque bhuyan "design, simulation, and implementation of a smart net-metering system for the distributed pv and grid-connected customers"
3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICAEEE 2024), 2024

Keywords: Smart Cities, Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 4543]

nazmun nahar karima, mahmudul hasan saikat, md sumon molla, and muhibul haque bhuyan "a real-time iot-enabled automated solar panel cleaning system with dust detection employing advanced image processing technique"
3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICAEEE 2024), 2024

Keywords: Smart Cities, Renewable Energy, Control and automation [Ref No.: 4544]

sumit hassan eshan, raja rashidul hasan, rinku basak, abdullah al mamun sarker, md. farukuzzaman, shamim forhad, ashrafuzzaman babu, md. toufiqur rahman "design and analysis of a 6g terahertz aeronautical antenna based on graphene"
3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICAEEE), 2024

[Ref No.: 4545]

rifatul islam; nafisa tabassum; tohidul islam; mehedi hassan; niloy goswami; abu hena shatil "design and development of a smart billing meter for load management and tampering alerts"
IEEE International Conference on Power, Electrical, Electronics and Industrial Applications (PEEIACON), 2024

[Ref No.: 4706]

md. sayzar rahman akash; rethwan faiz; nuzat nuary alam; mohammad hasan imam "automatic oxygen flow regulated non- invasive ventilator with vital sign monitoring system"
2024 11th International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical Engineering (ICITACEE), 2024

[Ref No.: 4708]

mohammad arefeen ibrahim "bridging the gap: connecting bengal architecture with global architecture"
2nd World Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2024

Keywords: Architecture of Bengal, Architecture Timeline, Comparative Architectural History, Global Architecture, History of Architecture [Ref No.: 4638]

mannan, ashik vaskor; ibrahim, mohammad arefeen "from brush to ai: how tools have transformed ar-chitectural paradigms"
7th Symposium Formal Methods in Architecture, 2024

Keywords: Architectural tools, Design process, Generative design, Digital tools in ar-chitecture [Ref No.: 4639]

md. iftear hossain ratul, shahriar soudeep, most. lilun nahar aurthy, md. faisal, abir hasan and md sajid hossain "respiratory health monitor: innovating with a compact digital spirometer"
2024 27th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2024

Keywords: Arduino, respiratory, sensors, condition-monitoring, healthcare. [Ref No.: 4642]

md sajid hossain; ammar bin mahmud; sristi paul "greenscape: iot empowered tree advisor device for sustainable land management"
2024 27th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2024

[Ref No.: 4643]

md. sajid hossain, m. zeyad, m. m. rashid, a. shufian and s. kabir "a gis based study on solar thermal system integration for domestic hot water needs"
2024 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), New Delhi, India, 2024

Keywords: PVGIS; DHW; SHW; Solar Thermal; Renewable [Ref No.: 4644]

a. shufian, n. hannan, m. m. hossain emon, s. kabir, s. a. fattah and md. sajid hossain "automatic fault detection and analysis of electric vehicle charging station by machine learning"
2024 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 2024

Keywords: EV; charging station; fault detection; total harmonic distortion; power electronic converter [Ref No.: 4645]

n. s. aurko, s. m. masum, md sajid hossain "iot based smart waste monitoring system envisioning a sustainable smart city"
2024 IEEE International Conference on Computing, Applications and Systems (COMPAS), 2024

Keywords: Wireless fidelity; Smart Waste Management; Internet of things (IoT); ESP8266 Wi-Fi [Ref No.: 4646]

mannan, ashik vaskor "from brush to ai: how tools have transformed architectural paradigms’"
7th International Symposium for Formal Methods in Architecture 2024, 2024

Keywords: Architectural tools, Design process, Generative design, Digital tools in architecture [Ref No.: 4656]

ahammad, jalal; basak, rinku "design and performance analysis of a high frequency soft-switching lcc resonant dc-dc converter for ev applications"
2024 IEEE International Conference on Power, Electrical, Electronics and Industrial Application (PEEIACON), 2024

Keywords: Soft Switching , Inductor-Capacitor-Capacitor (LCC) , Voltage Doubler Circuit , Zero Voltage Switching , Zero Current Switching [Ref No.: 4669]

hasanur zaman anonto, md ismail hossain, koishik ahmed, sadman shahriar alam, protik parvez sheikh and abu shufian" from brainwaves to insights: leveraging machine learning for real-time prediction of mental states from eeg data"
2024 27th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2024

Keywords: EEG Data, Principal Component Analysis, Machine Learning, Unsupervised Learning and Supervised Learning (Random Forest). [Ref No.: 4671]

abu shufian, sowrov komar shib, md tanvir rahman, durjoy roy dipto, and shaikh anowarul fattah" data-driven predictive modeling of ground-level ozone for climate action and public health"
2024 27th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2024

Keywords: O3 forecasting, ARIMA, SARIMAX, Holt-Winters, AQI, climate action, public health, emission reduction, predictive modeling. [Ref No.: 4672]

kazi redwan, sourav datto, mustakim ahmed, nasif hannan, abu shufian, mohammad sakib mahmood" dynamic and transformative hybrid machine learning strategies for effective stability prediction in smart energy networ"
2024 27th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2024

Keywords: Smart grid optimization, sustainable energy solutions, power quality management, hybrid machine learning. [Ref No.: 4673]

md asif imtiaz anik, md. tayefur rahman, al shahriar zishan, md noman chowdhury onkon, nishat tasnim rakhi and abu shufian" iot-based modular gas leak detection and protection system for enhanced household safety"
2024 27th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (IC, 2024

Keywords: Gas explosion, gas safety, IoT, gas fatality protection, household protection, hazard mitigation [Ref No.: 4674]

s.m. shazib talukdar rudra; tarifuzzaman riyad; tahseen asma meem; mehedi hasan "integrated power generation using piezoelectric sensors for load theft detection"
2024 IEEE International Conference on Power, Electrical, Electronics and Industrial Applications (PEEIACON), 2024

[Ref No.: 4677]

dr. muhibul haque bhuyan "applications of iot in smart systems for sustainable development"
Introduction to IoT, Types, Principles etc.; Introduction to Smart Systems; Components of Smart Systems; Architecture of Smart Systems; Applications of IoT in Smart Systems; Real Life Examples; SDGs, Smart Bangladesh, and Our Initiatives; Challenges of IoT; Conclusions and Recommendations, 2024

Keywords: Smart Cities [Ref No.: 5389]

susmita ghosh" 24th national renewable energy conference and green expo 2024"

[Ref No.: 5442]

md. salehin ferdous kader "power, electrical, electronics and industrial applications (peeiacon) 2024."
Solar PV Panels, 2024

Keywords: Smart Cities,Design and Deployment [Ref No.: 5468]

sheikh hasib cheragee" 3rd international conference on advancement in electrical and electronic engineering"
DFT explored non-toxic Perovskite Material, 2024

[Ref No.: 5502]

dr. gour chand mazumder" renewable energy conference and green expo"
Renewable Energy, 2024

[Ref No.: 5516]

m. arefeen ibrahim "2nd world conference on architecture and civil engineering"
History of Bengal Architecture, 2024

[Ref No.: 5564]

m. arefeen ibrahim "formal methods in architecture: 7th international symposium"
Authomation of architectural design, 2024

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence [Ref No.: 5565]

mohammad ashiqur noor" 6th international conference on computational intelligence in pattern recognition- cipr-2024"
Data Analytics and ML, 2024

Keywords: Machine to Machine Data Analytics [Ref No.: 5608]

mohammad ashiqur noor" 2nd international conference on data science and network engineering"
Data Science and Network Engineering, 2024

Keywords: Machine to Machine Data Analytics,Networking [Ref No.: 5610]

niloy goswami; abu hena md. shatil "performance analysis of load frequency control for power plants using different optimization techniques"
3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4524]

b. b. pathik, s. islam, n. m. akram, m. s. zaman and m. a. al-nahian "total harmonic distortion reduction in a power grid: a upqc based approach"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4495]

jawad mohmmad, aritra das, maruf shahriar, sujan howlader, shameem ahmad, md sajid hossain "anti-fraud mechanism based voting machine with three stage authentication methods"
26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2023

[Ref No.: 4480]

foisal ahmed, md sadman shakif bhuiyan, md abu talha, shameem ahmad, md mazharul islam, lamia mannan, md abdur rahman "automated car parking using advanced image recognition and license validation"
26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2023

[Ref No.: 4481]

md sajid hossain, shameem ahmad, sujan howlader "feasibility study of solar thermal system integration for hot water usage in a hotel located in shetland island, scotland"
2023 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT), 2023

[Ref No.: 4482]

nafiz fahad, anik sen, sarzila sahrin jisha, shameem ahmad, hazlie mokhlis, md sajid hossain "identification of human movement through a novel machine learning approach"
2023 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT), 2023

[Ref No.: 4483]

haider mahmud bijoy, md mahadi hasan, shameem ahmad, agm mustayen billah, md sajid hossain, hazlie mokhlis, saad mekhilef "current status and challenges of renewable energy implementation in bangladesh"
2023 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT), 2023

[Ref No.: 4484]

shameem ahmad, lilik jamilatul awalin, jannatul ferdous riya, agm mustayen billah, tofael ahmed, saad mekhilef, hazlie mokhlis, mehdi seyedmahmoudian, alex stojcevski "smart interconnection method for integrating two microgrids"
33rd Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 2023

[Ref No.: 4485]

tajrin jahan rumky, tofael ahmed, moudud ahmed, shameem ahmad, mm rahman" performance of microgrid systems on multiple dynamic loads penetration"
10th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 2023

[Ref No.: 4474]

bishwajit banik pathik, minaruzaman rakib, rashadul kabir rasel, sadman hossain sakib, shameem ahmad, asadullah all-galib" efficiency enhancement of pv system integrating thermoelectric generators and automatic cleaning system"
10th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 2023

[Ref No.: 4475]

md abu talha, rashedur rahman rashed, shameem ahmad, ruham rofique, muhibul haque bhuyan, sujan howlader, md shahriar parvez, mahamudul hassan "iot-based real-time monitoring and control system for distribution substation"
10th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 2023

[Ref No.: 4476]

moshammed nishat tasnim, tofael ahmed, shameem ahmad, saad mekhilef "autonomous power management and control among interconnected standalone hybrid microgrids"
10th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 2023

[Ref No.: 4477]

maksuraton nishat, munaly akter, md. ehasanul haque, g. m. shafiur rahman, and md. abdul matin" electro-deposition of trivalent chromium on the mild steel substrate"
8th Conference of Bangladesh Crystallographic Association (BCA), 2023

[Ref No.: 4430]

23. jannat ara mim, md. nizamuddin ahmed mazumder rupam, md. mahbub hossain molla, md. jahangir alam, and md. ehasanul haque" fabrication and characterization of composite materials (nylon- mesh, epoxy resin, jute, polyethylene and aluminum foil paper)"
8th Conference of Bangladesh Crystallographic Association (BCA), 2023

[Ref No.: 4432]

shuvra mondal; nadif farhin sharon; kaniz mohosina tabassum; umme habiba muna; nowshin alam "development of a low-cost real time color detection capable robotic arm"
2023 26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2023

[Ref No.: 4434]

kazi mushfiqur rahman alvi; shuvra mondal "ammonia & co2 gas detection of poultry farms and compost plants by low-cost smart sensing system"
2023 26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2023

[Ref No.: 4435]

md. sagor khan, nigar sultana, moinul alam himel" foot step power generation: a comparative analysis of multi-array piezoelectric transducer configurations"
6th International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT), 2023

[Ref No.: 4420]

debobrata chakraborty; mehedi mahmud kaushik; shartaz khan akash; md. saniat rahman zishan "deep learning-based prediction of football players’ performance during penalty shootout"
26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2023

[Ref No.: 4423]

md sayzar rahman akash, md nakib shahria, md abid morshed, shayeera sharif rodsee, nasif hannan, mohammad hasan imam "elderly patient monitoring and fall detection using mmwave fmcw radar system"
2023 26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2023

[Ref No.: 4402]

niloy goswami; md. redowan habib; abu hena shatil; kazi firoz ahmed "performance analysis of the avr using an artificial neural network and genetic algorithm optimization technique"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4353]

md nuruzzaman, kulojeet kingshuk sarker, abu shufian, md. sajid hossain, shaharier kabir and atm rakibul hassan hemel "smart monitoring and control of water purification system using uf membrane filtration"
2023 IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (HTC), 2023

[Ref No.: 4362]

md sajid hossain, shammem ahmad and sujan howlader "feasibility study of solar thermal system integration for hot water usage in a hotel located in shetland island, scotland"
4th IEEE Intl. Conference on Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT), 2023, 2023

[Ref No.: 4363]

haider mahmud bijoy, shameem ahmad, a.g.m. mustayen billah, md sajid hossain, hazlie mokhlis and saad mekhilef "current status and challenges of renewable energy implementation in bangladesh"
4th IEEE Intl. Conference on Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT), 2023, 2023

[Ref No.: 4364]

nafiz fahad, anik sen, sarzila sahrin jisha, shameem ahmad, hazlie mokhlis and md sajid hossain "identification of human movement through a novel machine learning approach"
4th IEEE Intl. Conference on Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT), 2023, 2023

[Ref No.: 4365]

jawad mohmmad, aritra das, maruf shahriar, sujan howlader, shameem ahmad and md sajid hossain "anti-fraud mechanism based voting machine with three stage authentication methods"
26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2023, 2023

[Ref No.: 4366]

shakibul hasan, srabone raxit, israt jahan, md sajid hossain, kazi ramisa samiha, ahnaf zayad, rifat hossain "smart roads: lighting the way to safety and efficiency"
26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2023, 2023

[Ref No.: 4367]

shatil imtiaz, rahman humyra, md. rad sharar kashem, md fardin khan, md sajid hossain and md. humayun kabir "rehabilitation for stroke survivors: the development of a smart glove"
26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2023, 2023

[Ref No.: 4368]

syeda fahima nazreen, m tanseer ali" analytical comparison of the impact of si and gaas as materials in designing 3d density gradient nanowire mosfet for low power applications"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4342]

minhazur rahman, kaushik ahmed, md ikramul islam nuhin, m tanseer ali "analysis of layered shielding for capacitive wireless power transfer application"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4343]

shatil imtiaz, rahman humyra, md. rad sharar kashem, md. fardin khan, md. sajid hossain, md. humayun kabir" shatil imtiaz, rahman humyra, md. rad sharar kashem, md. fardin khan, md. sajid hossain, md. humayun kabir, "rehabilitation for stroke survivors : the development of a smart glove""
26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2023

[Ref No.: 4346]

mohammad khurshed alam; mohd herwan bin sulaiman; md. shaoran sayem; shahriar imtiaz; md mahfuzer akter ringku; rahat khan "emission and valve point loading cost using superiority of feasible solutions-moth flame optimization"
2023 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), 2023

Keywords: Economics in Smart Environments, Power System [Ref No.: 4356]

mohammad khurshed alam; mohd herwan sulaiman; md. shaoran sayem; md mahfuzer akter ringku; shahriar imtiaz; rahat khan "success history moth flow optimization for multi-goal generation dispatching with nonlinear cost functions"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

Keywords: Economics in Smart Environments, Power System, Power generator [Ref No.: 4357]

muntamim alam, md. taufik islam, md. tanzim ahamed, jamil mahfuz tonmoy, md. abdul mannan, shuvra saha and asif mahfuz" design and implementation of a driving assistance device for vehicles"
The 7th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy (ICMERE 2023), 2023

[Ref No.: 4324]

kazi abdul kader; mohammad abdul mannan; md. rifat hazari "impacts of ga and pso on loss minimization in distribution networks with dg incorporation: a comparative study"
023 International Conference on Network, Multimedia and Information Technology (NMITCON), 2023

Keywords: Hybrid Power System [Ref No.: 4310]

md shakline khan siam, md. bayezid hossain, arshad hossain, md. yasin arafat, abir ahmed, effat jahan and md. rifat hazari" design and implementation of iot-based indoor air purifier"
5th International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 5.0 (STI), 2023

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 4330]

biswas, richard victor; billah, mohtasim; islam, saiful; das, santu" advanced real time patient health monitoring system"
International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2023

[Ref No.: 4331]

biswas, richard victor; hossain, tazdik; mahmud, niyaz al; joy , md faisal ahmed; banik, dipta; raihan , md. abu" assistive system and gps tracker for the visually impaired"
International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2023

[Ref No.: 4332]

biswas, richard victor; zaman, muhammad shahriar" development of a smart iot enabled arduino glove supporting sign language communication"
International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2023

[Ref No.: 4333]

m. a. hasan, n. t. rouf, md sajid hossain, l. b. latif, a. tasnim and m. grzegorzek "a location-independent flood prediction model for bangladesh's rivers"
2023 IEEE 35th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), 2023

[Ref No.: 4334]

md. jahed iqbal, md kawsher hamid, raihan chowdhury, abu shufian, and rashidul islam "enhanced optimum design and performance evaluation for grid-connected solar pv rooftop systems: a case study for bangladesh"
2022 International Conference on Recent Progresses in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICRPSET), 2023

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Power System [Ref No.: 4211]

amanullah sakib, shaikh tanmirul islam, md rezwanul ferduse moon, abu shufian, and shaharier kabir "gsm-based automatic voltage protection system for residential small appliances"
2022 International Conference on Energy and Power Engineering (ICEPE), 2023

Keywords: Power System [Ref No.: 4212]

muhtasim firoz; rethwan faiz; nuzat nuary alam; mohammad hasan imam "detection of myocardial infarction using hybrid cnn-lstm model"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4218]

rethwan faiz; nuzat nuary alam; md. abdullah arafi; ayan saha; mohammad hasan imam "design and implementation of regulated oxygenation based ventilation system with feedback mechanism"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4219]

muhtasim firoz; rethwan faiz; nuzat nuary alam; mohammad hasan imam "detection of myocardial infarction using hybrid cnn-lstm model"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4235]

rethwan faiz; nuzat nuary alam; md. abdullah arafi; ayan saha; mohammad hasan imam "design and implementation of regulated oxygenation based ventilation system with feedback mechanism"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4236]

sumit hassan eshan, raja rashidul hasan, sm ashikul islam, tasnia hasnat, jiadul islam, abdullah al mamun sarker "swcnt based on body patch antenna for lung tumor detection in x band"
11th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences (IC-MSQUARE 2022), 2023

[Ref No.: 4265]

sheikh hasib cheragee and m. j. alam "2-t non-toxic tandem solar cell with distinct htl materials"
2022 12th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE), 2023

[Ref No.: 4584]

s. c. pall, sheikh hasib cheragee, m. r. mahamud, h. m. mishu, and h. biswas "performance analysis of machine learning and ann for load forecasting in bangladesh"
2023 International Conference on Next-Generation Computing, IoT and Machine Learning (NCIM), 2023

[Ref No.: 4585]

sheikh hasib cheragee, a. z. m. t. islam and m. j. alam" 2-t non-toxic multijunction solar cell with diverse etl materials"
2022 International Conference on Recent Progresses in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICRPSET), 2023

[Ref No.: 4586]

rupa paul; lamia mannan; tahseen asma meem; mr. mehedi hasan" comparative simulation of gaas and algaas based on triple barriers-resonant tunneling diode"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4554]

m.t. alam, m. ashiquzzaman, s.m.t. alam, m.s. mostak, h. rahman, p. das "iot based power monitoring and management system of a distribution substation"
10th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems(ICPS), 2023

[Ref No.: 4388]

mohammad khurshed alam,mohd herwan sulaiman" success history moth flow optimization for multi-goal generation dispatching with nonlinear cost functions"
ICREST, 2023

[Ref No.: 3928]

muhibul haque bhuyan" design and implementation of smart cities for sustainable development"
International Conference on Electronics and Informatics, ICEI2022, 2023

Keywords: Smart Cities [Ref No.: 3978]

mohammad mostafizur rahman biswas, abdul barik, tamim hossain, muhibul haque bhuyan, and md. fayzur rahman" design and modelling of lcl and lc filters for symmetric five-level inverter"
International Conference on Electronics and Informatics, ICEI2022, 2023

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 3979]

niloy kanti paul, dipanwita saha, rifat tasnia islam, most. masnat marufi, samia akter, and muhibul haque bhuyan" meta bin – an arduino-based smart device for collecting trash"
International Conference on Electronics and Informatics, ICEI2022, 2023

Keywords: Smart Cities [Ref No.: 3980]

abdullah hel adnan, md nazmul sadik, al tausif mamun, tanvin sarkar shefat, and muhibul haque bhuyan" design, simulation, and implementation of a surveillance robot system"
International Conference on Electronics and Informatics, ICEI2022, 2023

Keywords: Smart Cities,Security in Smart Environments [Ref No.: 3981]

durjoy banik, md ittafarul haque swad, tanjim mahbub, and muhibul haque bhuyan" comparison of performance parameters of basic nand and nor gates using cadence simulation tool for vlsi circuits"
International Conference on Electronics and Informatics, ICEI2022, 2023

Keywords: VLSI [Ref No.: 3982]

sumaiya malik, soily ghosh sneha, mubasshar-ul-ishraq tamim, sanjida afroj swarna, anik das, and muhibul haque bhuyan" design, simulation, and implementation of a home automation system using arduino microcontroller"
International Conference on Electronics and Informatics, ICEI2022, 2023

Keywords: Smart Cities [Ref No.: 3983]

monkir chowdhury, rad shahamat akash, md. muzahidul islam, tajkia faruk, m. mahmudul kabir, and muhibul haque bhuyan" design, simulation and implementation of a self-serviced vending machine for drinks using an arduino microcontroller"
International Conference on Electronics and Informatics, ICEI2022, 2023

Keywords: Smart Cities [Ref No.: 3984]

rakibul islam, tasnuva tawfi, rahidul islam roman, ahasanul hoque, and muhibul haque bhuyan" design and simulation of a cmos-based s-r flip-flop using cadence simulation tool"
International Conference on Electronics and Informatics, ICEI2022, 2023

Keywords: VLSI [Ref No.: 3985]

md. nayamul islam, md. rashidul al azad, and muhibul haque bhuyan" design, simulation, and characterization of a pocket implanted nano-scaled n-mosfet using comsol multiphysics"
International Conference on Electronics and Informatics, ICEI2022, 2023

Keywords: VLSI [Ref No.: 3986]

nafiz fahad, md. abdul hamid, abdullah al soad, md. mahabub morshed ijaz, md. ismail khalil, jamillur reza sayed, muhibul haque bhuyan" design, simulation, and implementation of a multipurpose automated fire and gas leakage detection and prevention system"
International Conference on Electronics and Informatics, ICEI2022, 2023

Keywords: Internet of Things,Smart Cities [Ref No.: 3987]

shaharier kabir, abu shufian, and md. saniat rahman zishan" isolation forest-based anomaly detection and fault localization for solar pv system"
2023 International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Renewable Energy, Power System, Power System Planning [Ref No.: 3973]

richard victor biswas "a waveguide-fed hybrid graphene plasmonic nanoantenna for on-chip wireless optical communication"
Proceedings of International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Development., 2023

[Ref No.: 3975]

mohammad khurshed alam,mohd herwan bin sulaiman,md. shaoran sayem" emission and valve point loading cost using superiority of feasible solutions-moth flame optimization"
2023 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), 2023

[Ref No.: 4009]

jannatul ferdous riya, md. tanvir hossain chowdhury, sabrin akter usha, sujan howlader, shameem ahmad, mohammad zohurul islam "a smart helmet: ensuring safety of bike riders"
3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques 2023, 2023

Keywords: Sensor Technology [Ref No.: 4019]

sifatuzzaman niloy, fahima haque sumona, mehedi hasan khan, mohammad zohurul islam, shameem ahmad, sujan howlader "solar powered smart irrigation system based on internet of things (iot) using microcontroller"
3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques 2023, 2023

Keywords: Control and automation [Ref No.: 4020]

adnan shafee, mohammad rabib uddin, upama dev, shameem ahmad, sujan howlader, mohammad zohurul islam, md. meharub hossain, abrar jahin khan "techno-economic feasibility analysis of hybrid system in bangladesh – a case study for higher learning institution"
3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques 2023, 2023

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 4021]

muhibul haque bhuyan "microcontroller-based embedded system design and implementation towards sustainable development goals"
International Scientific-Practical Conference, 2023

Keywords: Smart Cities,Digital Transformation [Ref No.: 4033]

ahmed muntasir anwar, md. rifat hazari and mohammad abdul mannan" design and implementation of iot-based load monitoring and outage management system"
3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4035]

sayeed hasan, md. rifat hazari and mohammad abdul mannan" fuzzy logic-based design optimization and economic planning of a microgrid for a residential community in bangladesh"
3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4036]

md abul hayat shahjee midul, shahadat hossain pranta, al shaharea islam biddut, sifatul islam siam, md. rifat hazari and mohammad abdul mannan" design and implementation of iot-based smart energy meter to augment residential energy consumption"
3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4037]

subrotho bhandari abhi, md. ismail hossain, rezaul hoque suny, fatema tuz zahura, md. rifat hazari, effat jahan and mohammad abdul mannan" design and implementation of a smart wind turbine with yaw mechanism"
3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4038]

amit datta; md. monjurul islam; md. sabbir hassan; kuasha bosu aka; istiaque ahamed; abir ahmed "iot based air quality and noise pollution monitoring system"
3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4040]

asaduzzaman noor; mahir shahriar ratul; asif ishrak ahmed; hasibul hassain; abir ahmed "an iot based smart grid: peer-to-peer energy trading for electric vehicles using m2m communication technology"
3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4041]

sagor dash; sanjoy das; md. baki billah; balaram das; istiaque ahamed; abir ahmed "smart system to monitor and control transformer health condition in sub-station"
3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4042]

manas saha roy; md. nazmul islam lusan; md. ahadur rahman khan; md. parvez khan; abir ahmed; md. saniat rahman zishan" design and development of e-waste monitoring, segregation and recycling system"
3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4043]

mohammad shamiul alam; sawnjida sitara; afroza sultana irin; anika tabasum anu; abir ahmed; md. saniat rahman zishan" design and implementation of smart drainage system for bangladesh"
3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4044]

jahid hasan, asif iqbal anik, suborna sharmin mishu, iebho mohajan, chowdhury akram hossain, md rifat hazari, kawshik shikdar" an affordable solution for the rural farmers for irrigation purpose including hybrid power source using solar and biogas"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4045]

ruham rofique, md yasin arafat alif, suprio saha himu, fahmida zahin naima, chowdhury akram hossain" design and implementation of a low-cost solar charged portable disinfectant chamber"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4046]

md zilan uddin saif, md rasel ahmed, md abu hanif, farhan tasnim, chowdhury akram hossain" computational fluid dynamics (cfd) analysis of thermoelectric generator for regenerative braking of the hybrid electric vehicle"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4047]

1. sifatuzzaman niloy, fahima haque sumona, mehedi hasan khan, mohammad zohurul islam, shameem ahmad, sujan howlader" solar powered smart irrigation system based on internet of things (iot) using microcontroller"
3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques 2023, 2023

[Ref No.: 4026]

adnan shafee, mohammad rabib uddin, upama dev, shameem ahmad, sujan howlader, mohammad zohurul islam, md. mehrub hossain, abrar jahin khan" techno-economic feasibility analysis of hybrid systems in bangladesh-a case study for higher learning institution"
3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques, 2023, 2023

[Ref No.: 4027]

jannatul ferdous riya, md. tanvir hossain chowdhury, sabrin akter usha, sujan howlader, shameem ahmad, mohammad zohurul islam" a smart helmet: ensuring safety of bike riders"
3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques, 2023, 2023

[Ref No.: 4028]

hasan md. mahfuz, ray saikat, sarkar sujana, mehedi azad shawon" design and development of robo medical assistant"
International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4007]

ashik vaskor mannan "exploring uncharted architectural territories through generative adversarial networks with human collaboration"
5th International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications, 2023

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence,Neural Networks [Ref No.: 4058]

shazid bin zaman, richard victor biswas and eftakharul islam emon "bus fare collection system using rfid and gps"
2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development, 2023

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 4064]

md ittafarul haque swad, richard victor biswas, and tanjim mahbub "indoor plant system smart irrigation controller"
2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development, 2023

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 4065]

sadman salim nipun and richard victor biswas "autonav: bluetooth controlled robot car"
2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development, 2023

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 4066]

md. bakibillah rahat, richard victor biswas and nafisa maliyat "rescue rover: a sound-activated arduino-based emergency response vehicle with ultrasonic obstacle avoidance"
2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development, 2023

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 4067]

rajia sultana, richard victor biswas and md inteshar ishrak "development of an integrated system for motor control through sensing alcohol, eye blink detection and temperature monitoring when falling sleep development of an integrated system for motor control through sensing alcohol, eye blink detection and temperature monitoring when falling sleep"
2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development, 2023

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 4068]

shek md abrar faisal, richard victor biswas and md. asif anower "solar tracking and weather analyzing system solar tracking and weather analyzing system"
2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development, 2023

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 4069]

md. shahriar bin shahin, richard victor biswas andmasud raihan leeon "automatic car parking system using arduino: a parking management solution for vehicles automatic car parking system using arduino: a parking management solution for vehicles"
2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development, 2023

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 4070]

md. shahriar bin shahin, richard victor biswas andmasud raihan leeon "enhanced solar harvest: optimizing off-grid pv system efficiency with dual-axis tracking"
2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development, 2023

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 4071]

sriman dhar, richard victor biswas and taiaba rahat ritu "smart home energy monitoring system smart home energy monitoring system"
2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development, 2023

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 4072]

saida binta alam, richard victor biswas, zinniya taffannum pritee, md. nakib shahria, nasif hannan and wahid sadik "design of an arduino-based autonomous robot for the detection of harmful gas leakage and air pollution"
2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development, 2023

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 4073]

aiyoun khan aandy and richard victor biswas "working of a basic vocal system for the mute people"
2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development, 2023

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 4074]

mohammad mostafizur rahman biswas, abdul barik, tamim hossain, muhibul haque bhuyan and md. fayzur rahman" design and modelling of lcl and lc filters for symmetric five-level inverter"
International Conference on Electronics and Informatics 2022, 2023

[Ref No.: 4075]

rubab ahmmed*, md. humayun kabir" rubab ahmmed, md. humayun kabir, "performance analysis of mimo noma based wireless network for 5g and beyond under rayleigh fading channel""
TENCON 2023 - 2023 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 2023

Keywords: 5G Networks [Ref No.: 4076]

niloy goswami; md. redowan habib; abu hena shatil; kazi firoz ahmed" performance analysis of the avr using an artificial neural network and genetic algorithm optimization technique"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4077]

k.m. rayhan; shuvo dip roy; md. fahimul haque sadid; kazi firoz ahmed; abu hena shatil" surface damage detection of line insulators using deep learning algorithms to avoid insulation failure"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4078]

md. khaled saifullah; ratul halder; shawon afroz; abu hena shatil; kazi firoz ahmed" design of an off-grid solar-wind-bio hybrid power generation for remote areas of chapainawabgonj district in bangladesh using homer"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4079]

niloy goswami; abu hena md. shatil "performance analysis of load frequency control for power plants using different optimization techniques"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4080]

niloy goswami; md. redowan habib electrical and electronics engineering american international university-bangladesh (aiub), dhaka, bangladesh ; abu hena shatil; kazi firoz ahmed "performance analysis of the avr using an artificial neural network and genetic algorithm optimization technique"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4081]

k.m. rayhan; shuvo dip roy; md. fahimul haque sadid; kazi firoz ahmed; abu hena shatil "surface damage detection of line insulators using deep learning algorithms to avoid insulation failure"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4082]

md. khaled saifullah; ratul halder; shawon afroz; abu hena shatil; kazi firoz ahmed "design of an off-grid solar-wind-bio hybrid power generation for remote areas of chapainawabgonj district in bangladesh using homer"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4083]

abu shufian, shaharier kabir, md saidur rashid mahin, raihan chowdhury, md. mominur rahman, and nur mohammad" optimized energy management of grid connected solar/battery-dependent smart microgrid"
2023 IEEE Renewable Energy and Sustainable E-Mobility Conference (RESEM), 2023

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Power System, Hybrid Power System [Ref No.: 4091]

abu shufian, md. ziad hossain, soumitra mazumder, shaharier kabir, md saidur rashid mahin, and nur mohammad" investigating clean energy generation from unoccupied roof-top space in university premises"
2023 IEEE Renewable Energy and Sustainable E-Mobility Conference (RESEM), 2023

Keywords: Power System, Hybrid Power System, Power System Planning [Ref No.: 4092]

shaharier kabir, md jawad-al-mursalin hoque, md asif adnan, md ashikul islam, and abu shufian" prospects and economic feasibility analysis of solar pv/hydrogen fuel-based power system for green city"
2023 International Conference on Next-Generation Computing, IoT and Machine Learning (NCIM), 2023

Keywords: Power System, Hybrid Power System, Power System Planning [Ref No.: 4093]

abu shufian, shaharier kabir, md ashikul islam, md jawad-al-mursalin hoque, md asif adnan, and nur mohammad" grid-tied smart microgrid with heuristic optimized energy management system (ems)"
2023 International Conference on Next-Generation Computing, IoT and Machine Learning (NCIM), 2023

Keywords: Power System, Hybrid Power System, Power System Planning [Ref No.: 4094]

al mamun mizan, syeda fahima nazreen, saqlain ashraf, a. z. m. tahmidul kabir, john maxwell gomes, sristy karmakar, nazmus sakib nabil, md. kabiruzzaman" study of different gate materials on performance of si based mosfet"
3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4095]

adnan shafee; md. meharub hossain; lia moni; khandoker mainul islam; shameem ahmad" technical comparison between lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries used in microgrid ups system"
2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies (GlobConHT), 2023

[Ref No.: 4096]

abdallah abdellatif; hamza mubarak; shameem ahmad; saad mekhilef; hamdan abdellatef" electricity price forecasting one day ahead by employing hybrid deep learning model"
2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies (GlobConHT), 2023

[Ref No.: 4097]

hamza mubarak; shameem ahmad; al amin hossain; ben horan; abdallah abdellatif; saad mekhilef" short-term electricity price forecasting using interpretable hybrid machine learning models"
2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies (GlobConHT), 2023

[Ref No.: 4098]

moshammed nishat tasnim; tofael ahmed; shameem ahmad; saad mekhilef" hardware in the loop implementation of the control strategies for the ac-microgrid in opal-rt simulator"
2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies (GlobConHT), 2023

[Ref No.: 4099]

jannatul ferdous riya; md. tanvir hossain chowdhury; sabrin akter usha; sujan howlader; shameem ahmad" a smart helmet: ensuring safety of bike riders"
023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4100]

adnan shafee; mohammad rabib uddin; upama dev; shameem ahmad; sujan howlader" techno-economic feasibility analysis of hybrid system in bangladesh - a case study for higher learning institution"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4101]

sifatuzzaman niloy; fahima haque sumona; mehedi hasan khan; mohammad zohurul islam; shameem ahmad" solar powered smart irrigation system based on internet of things (iot) using microcontroller"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4102]

rupa paul; lamia mannan; tahseen asma meem; mr. mehedi hasan "comparative simulation of gaas and algaas based on triple barriers-resonant tunneling diode"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4103]

abidur rahman sagor, towfiq mahmud mridul, md. mosaraf hosen bhuiyan, faisal ahmad mridha, md. rifat hazari and md. abdur rahman "design and implementation of solar pv operated e-power tiller"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4106]

subrotho bhandari abhi, md. ismail hossain, rezaul hoque suny, fatema tuz zahura, md. rifat hazari, effat jahan and mohammad abdul mannan "design and implementation of a smart wind turbine with yaw mechanism"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4107]

jahid hasan, asif iqbal anik, suborna sharmin mishu, iebho mohajan, chowdhury akram hossain, md. rifat hazari and kawshik shikdar "an affordable solution for the rural farmers for irrigation purpose including hybrid power source using solar and biogas"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4108]

md abul hayat shahjee midul, shahadat hossain pranta, al shaharea islam biddut, sifatul islam siam, md. rifat hazari and mohammad abdul mannan "design and implementation of iot-based smart energy meter to augment residential energy consumption"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4109]

md. ether deowan, ahsan kabir nuhel, mir mohibullah sazid, rehenuma tabassum meghla, iftekhar haider and md. rifat hazari "design and analysis of iot-based adaptive microgrid system including renewable energy sources for decentralized zones"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4110]

sayeed hasan, md. rifat hazari and mohammad abdul mannan "fuzzy logic-based design optimization and economic planning of a microgrid for a residential community in bangladesh"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4111]

ahmed muntasir anwar, md. rifat hazari and mohammad abdul mannan "design and implementation of iot-based load monitoring and outage management system"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4112]

sumit hassan eshan, raja rashidul hasan, abdullah al mamun sarker, sadia zabin, raja tariqul hasan tusher, md. abdur rahman" brain tumor detection by kapton polyimide based on-body patch antenna in k band"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4085]

rinku basak and khan a wahid "assessment of leaf phosphorus for multiple crop species using an electrical impedance spectroscopy sensor"
2023 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS), 2023

[Ref No.: 4131]

manas saha roy; md. nazmul islam lusan; md. ahadur rahman khan; md. parvez khan; abir ahmed; md. saniat rahman zishan" design and development of e-waste monitoring, segregation and recycling system"
Design and Development of E-Waste Monitoring, Segregation and Recycling System, 2023

[Ref No.: 4138]

mohammad shamiul alam; sawnjida sitara; afroza sultana irin; anika tabasum anu; abir ahmed; md. saniat rahman zishan" design and implementation of smart drainage system for bangladesh"
3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4139]

shartaz khan akash; debobrata chakraborty; mehedi mahmud kaushik; barsan saha babu; md. saniat rahman zishan "action recognition based real-time bangla sign language detection and sentence formation"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4140]

a. z. m. tahmidul kabir; al mamun mizar; plabon kumar saha; md. golam sarowar; rajat saha; istiak ahmad; md. saniat rahman zishan "smart wheelchair for covid-19 patients with mobile application based health monitoring system"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4141]

shaharier kabir; abu shufian; md. saniat rahman zishan "isolation forest based anomaly detection and fault localization for solar pv system"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4142]

a. t. naziba, m. t. nafisa, and m. n. uddin "detection of cardiovascular diseases (cvds) with federated learning system"
National Conference on Physics-2023, 2023

[Ref No.: 4169]

a. t. naziba, m. t. nafisa, and m. n. uddin "monitoring pulse rate and detecting atrial fibrillation with a non-invasive mems pressure"
National Conference on Physics-2023, 2023

[Ref No.: 4170]

a. t. naziba, m. t. nafisa, and m. n. uddin "an experimental study on thermal capacity measurement for metal-based packed bed latent heat energy storage system"
National Conference on Physics-2023, 2023

[Ref No.: 4171]

s. sarkar, t. bin khayer, n. h. kisan and m. n. uddin "thermogram-based regions with convolutional neural network (rcnn) and facial biometrics for safe driving"
(IEEE) International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4172]

a. t. naziba, m. t. nafisa, and m. n. uddin" smart public transportation system for accident prevention and safety"
International Conference on Electronics and Informatics 2022 (ICEI2022), 2023

[Ref No.: 4173]

md. ramjan ali̇1* , md. rakibul islam chowdhury2,3, sheikh azim ur rashid4 , rahul islam chowdhury5 "factors affecting construction delay in dhaka city"
Second International Conference on Advances in Civil Infrastructure and Construction Materials, 2023

[Ref No.: 4152]

md. rakibul islam chowdhury , khondaker sakil ahmed "building response assessment of a hıgh-rıse rc structure for the aftershock of kocaeli, turkey earthquake - a case study"
Second International Conference on Advances in Civil Infrastructure and Construction Materials, 2023

[Ref No.: 4153]

kazi abdul kader, mohammad abdul mannan and md. rifat hazari" impacts of ga and pso on loss minimization in distribution networks with dg incorporation: a comparative study"
2023 International Conference on Network, Multimedia and Information Technology (NMITCON), 2023

Keywords: Hybrid Power System [Ref No.: 4149]

sajid ibna mahbub, saima sadia ratri, sultanul arifeen hamim, and muhibul haque bhuyan "iot-based smart poultry and fish farming system using arduino"
Workshop on the International Conference on Bangabandhu and Digital Bangladesh 2023 (WICBBDB 2023), 2023

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 4150]

adnan shafee, mohammad rabib uddin, upama dev, shameem ahmad, sujan howlader, mohammad zohurul islam, md. meharub hossain, abrar jahin khan "technical comparison between lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries used in microgrid ups system"
2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies (GlobConHT), 2023

Keywords: Energy Storage Materials [Ref No.: 4162]

amirul islam; nikolaos thomos; leila musavian "achieving urllc with machine learning based vehicular occ"
2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 2023

[Ref No.: 4200]

md. shihab sharar oyon, abu shufian, shaharier kabir, md ashikul islam, md saidur rashid mahin, and md saif mahmud" three phase fault analysis using thermal-magnetic circuit breaker and overcurrent relay"
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development, 2023

[Ref No.: 4201]

md. nakib shahria, md rubayet morshed anik, abu shufian, shaharier kabir, md ashikul islam, and s. udaya kumar" solar pv panel automatic shading analysis using boost regulator and inverter system"
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development, 2023

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Power System [Ref No.: 4202]

shaharier kabir, md. jawad-al-mursalin hoque, md asif adnan, abu shufian, md saidur rashid mahin, aman ullah aman" smart power systems for smart cities: architectural development and economic performance assessment"
2023 IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (HTC), 2023

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Power System [Ref No.: 4203]

sanowar hossain, md asif adnan, abu shufian, shaharier kabir, md ashikul islam, md saidur rashid mahin" an iot-enabled microbial fuel cell for wastewater treatment and enhancing hydroponic systems: an eco-friendly renewable energy development"
2023 IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (HTC), 2023

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Power System [Ref No.: 4204]

md nuruzzaman, kulojeet kingshuk sarker, abu shufian, md. sajid hossain, shaharier kabir and atm rakibul hassan hemel" smart monitoring and control of water purification system using uf membrane filtration"
2023 IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (HTC), 2023

Keywords: Power System, Electrical Drives [Ref No.: 4205]

raihan chowdhury, abu shufian, saima nusrat, and nur mohammad" design and simulation of standalone solar agri-pv system in bangladesh: a case study"
2023 IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (HTC), 2023

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Power System [Ref No.: 4206]

joheb muhammad tanzeer sayeed" international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques (icrest) 2023"

[Ref No.: 4770]

niloy goswami" 3rd international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques (icrest)"
Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques, 2023

[Ref No.: 5132]

niloy goswami" international conference on power systems, 2023 (icps)"
Power Systems, 2023

[Ref No.: 5133]

dr. nadia afroze" ofs-28"
Skin CO2 monitoring for early detection of pressure ulcers using an optical fibre CO2 sensor, 2023

[Ref No.: 5186]

susmita ghosh" 3rd international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques 2023"
Power, Renewable Energy, Microelectronics, Robotics, AI, Big Data and Networking, Nanotechnology, Telemedicine, 2023

[Ref No.: 5267]

sheikh hasib cheragee" international conference on next-generation computing, iot and machine learning"
Load forecasting in Bangladesh using Machine Learning, 2023

[Ref No.: 5504]

niloy goswami" 26th international conference on computer and information technology (iccit)"
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: – Antenna, Microwave & RF Engineering, 2023

[Ref No.: 5628]

a. t. naziba, m. t. nafisa, m. n. uddin "(best presentation award) observing tumor ablation of numerous soft tissues using high intensity focused ultrasound setup"
International Conference on Physics -2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 4174]

s. nahar, r. m. arnob, m. n. uddin "design of 32x20 gbps hybrid technique of pdm-wdm and its performance analysis for channel capacity enhancement"
(ACM) 2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements (ICCA '22), 2022

[Ref No.: 4175]

r. m. arnob, s. nahar, m. n. uddin "an empirical analysis of 5.76 tbit/s sdm-pdm-nyquist superchannel wdm hybrid multiplexing technique for channel capacity enhancement"
(ACM) 2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements (ICCA '22)., 2022

[Ref No.: 4176]

a. t. naziba, m. n. uddin "simulation of high intensity focused ultrasound device in healthcare application for non-invasive heat induced tissue ablation"
(ACM) 2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements (ICCA '22), 2022

Keywords: Biomedical [Ref No.: 4177]

abu shufian; md. jawad-al-mursalin hoque; shaharier kabir; nur mohammad "modeling & economical analysis of hybrid solar-wind-biomass-h2-based optimal islanding microgrid in bangladesh"
2022 IEEE 10th Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC), 2022

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Power System, Hybrid Power System, Power System Planning [Ref No.: 4088]

r. islam, m. i. hossain, m. s. rahman, s. kabir, m. s. r. sohan, a. shufian "smart iot system for automatic detection and protection from indoor hazards: an experimental study"
2022 IEEE 10th Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC), 2022

Keywords: Internet of Things, Power System [Ref No.: 4090]

abu hena shatil; shuvra saha; kazi firoz ahmed; a n m shahebul hasan; s m imrat rahman "design and comparison of floating solar panel for chalan beel"
2022 International Conference on Advancement in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICAEEE), 2022

[Ref No.: 4084]

mohammad khurshed alama,*, mohd herwan sulaimana, md. shaoran sayemb, shahriar imtiazc, rahat khand" moth flame optimization for transmission loss minimization in optimal power flow using renewable energy"
NCoN-PGR 2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 4008]

tasnia hasnat, sm ashikul islam, sumit hassan eshan, raja rashidul hasan, jiadul islam, md. abdur rahman" swcnt based on-body antenna for detecting covid-19 affected lung using 5g-band"
2022 International Conference on Advancement in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICAEEE), 2022

Keywords: Bioinformatics,Communication Signal Processing [Ref No.: 4014]

niloy goswami; sami abu sufian; md. sayeem khandakar; kh. zahid hassan shihab; md. saniat rahman zishan "design and development of smart system for biofloc fish farming in bangladesh"
7th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES), 2022

[Ref No.: 4017]

saif, md. zilan uddin; tasnim, farhan; hanif, md.abu; ahmed, md. rasel; shikder, kawshik; hossain, chowdhury akram;" temperature and current density analysis of thermoelectric generator for regenerative breaking of the hybrid electric vehicle"
International Conference on Fourth Industrial Revolution and Beyond 2021, 2022

[Ref No.: 4004]

saif, md. zilan uddin; tasnim, farhan; hanif, md.abu; ahmed, md. rasel; shikder, kawshik; hossain, chowdhury akram; "temperature and power analysis of the thermoelectric generator in hybrid electric vehicles"
2021 International Conference on Computational Performance Evaluation (ComPE), 2022

[Ref No.: 4005]

abu shufian, raihan chowdhury, nur mohammad, and m. a. matin "renewable energy of bangladesh for carbon-free clean energy transition (c2et)"
2nd IEEE International Conference on Advancement in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2022

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Power System, Hybrid Power System [Ref No.: 3974]

sopan saha, debanjon dutta purkayesth, durjoy banik, antu das gupta, and muhibul haque bhuyan" digital design and implementation of an iot-based smart bio-toilet with hygiene maintaining system"
International Conference on 4IR for Emerging Future (4IREF), 2022

Keywords: Smart Cities,Public health Awareness [Ref No.: 3988]

mohammad khurshed alam,mohd herwan sulaiman" moth flame optimization algorithm including renewable energy for minimization of generation & emission costs in optimal power flow"
2022 5th Asia Conference on Energy and Electrical Engineering (ACEEE 2022), 2022

[Ref No.: 3925]

mohammad khurshed alam 1*, mohd herwan bin sulaiman 2, md shohan parvez 3, shahriar imtiaz 4, md. shaoran sayem" optimal power flow solutions incorporating stochastic wind power generators by moth flow optimizer"
Engineering Technology International Conference (ETIC2022), 2022

[Ref No.: 3926]

mohammad khurshed alam,mohd herwan bin sulaiman" study on criticality minimizing cost in power system with optimal design of stochastic wind power generators using moth flow optimization"
Engineering Technology International Conference (ETIC2022), 2022

[Ref No.: 3927]

muhibul haque bhuyan" research and development on embedded system design to attain sustainable development goals"
5th Annual Paper Meet on Electrical Engineering (APMEE) 2022, 2022

Keywords: Control and automation [Ref No.: 3922]

sakibur rahman kazemee; md. sujon mahmud; yasin rahman; md azmaeen rahman khan, md. kabiruzzaman" design and implementation an iot based smart traffic system using renewable energy sources"
2022 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Robotics, 2022

[Ref No.: 3941]

ankur adhikary, n goswami, k barua, r dey, a barman, mehedi azad shawon "performance analysis of a dfig based wind turbine with bess system for voltage and frequency stability during grid fault"
International Conference on Intelligent Controller and Computing for Smart Power (ICICCSP), 2022

[Ref No.: 3942]

najibullah, kazi firoz ahmed" an environment friendly combined method of axial hydro floating and kinetic river turbine"
ICMMPE 2022., 2022

[Ref No.: 3943]

md nursari sheham, md tonim hassan, al-imran, towkir fahim ahmed, md. shahariar parvez, abir ahmed" design of an iot-based smart farming system"
ICCA, 2022

[Ref No.: 3944]

md. samin al sadi, md. monirul islam, tanvir ahmed rumman, md. shahariar parvez, abir ahmed, md. rifat hazari" design and implementation of an iot-based home automation system"
ICCA, 2022

[Ref No.: 3945]

khan md. elme electrical and electronics engineering, american international university-bangladesh, dhaka, bangladesh ; prince mahmud ridoy; ashiquzzaman; nowshin alam "compact design of microstrip patch antenna for 5g applications using millimeter wave"
2022 IEEE 7th International conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 2022

Keywords: 5G Networks, Antenna, RF Engineering [Ref No.: 3946]

hamza mubarak; abdallah abdellatif; shameem ahmad; ahmad hammoudeh; saad mekhilef" prediction of solar photovoltaic energy output based on thin-film technology utilizing various machine learning techniques"
2022 IEEE Global Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GlobConPT), 2022

[Ref No.: 3934]

abdallah abdellatif; hamza mubarak; shameem ahmad; ahmad hammoudeh; saad mekhilef" forecast of solar photovoltaic power output based on polycrystalline panel-based employing various ensemble machine learning methods"
2022 IEEE Global Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GlobConPT), 2022

[Ref No.: 3935]

prince mahmud ridoy, khan md. elme, rezauddin shihab, pranta saha, md. jawad-al-mursalin & nowshin alam "a simple design of microstrip patch antenna for wlan application using 5.4 ghz band"
International Conference in Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems (CSPS), 2022

Keywords: Antenna, RF Engineering [Ref No.: 3949]

mohammad musfeq iqfath, sakib mahmud, maksuraton nishat, fariya chowdhury, md. ehasanul haque" thin film deposition of au on the tio2 substrate by physical vapor deposition (pvd) technique"
International Symposium on Nanotechnology, 2022 (ISN2022), 2022

Keywords: Nanotechnology and Fabrication [Ref No.: 3677]

sumaiya sahid, tazrin sultana easha, jannat ara mim, md al nafiul aishik, md. ehasanul haque" fabrication of carbon nanotubes (cnts) by chemical vapour deposition technique"
International Symposium on Nanotechnology, 2022 (ISN2022), 2022

Keywords: Nanotechnology and Fabrication [Ref No.: 3678]

shamim forhad, a n m shahebul hasan, kazi zakaria tayef, mahamudul hasan, md zahurul islam, md. riazat kabir shuvo" an autonomous agricultural robot for plant disease detection"
International Conference on 4th Industrial Revolution and Beyond (IC4IR) 2021, 2022

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 3701]

a. hasnat, m. salauddin, t. mustafa" behavior of rc beam retrofitted with externally bonded steel plate"
3rd International Conference on Research & Innovation in Civil Engineering (ICRICE 2022), 2022

[Ref No.: 3772]

mohammad sabbir rahman, abul hasnat and mohammed muktarul kabir" shake table testing of tuned liquid damper modified with rubber mesh to control seismic vibration of structure"
6th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2022), 2022

[Ref No.: 3773]

nazia alfaz, abul hasnat, alvi md. ragib nihal khan, nazmus shakib sayom, abhijit bhowmik" bridge crack detection using dense convolutional network"
2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements - ICCA 2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 3774]

1. abu hena shatil, shuvra saha, kazi firoz ahmed, a n m shahebul hasan and s m imrat rahman" design and comparison of floating solar panel for chalan beel"
2nd International Conference on Advancement in Electrical and Electronic Engineering – (ICAEEE 2022), 2022

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 3775]

2. ahsan kabir nuhel, md. ether deowan, mohammed shakawath hossain, aman ullah, shuvra saha and mir mohibullah sazid" a study on the aspects of 5g implementation in bangladesh"
2nd International Conference on Advancement in Electrical and Electronic Engineering – (ICAEEE 2022), 2022

Keywords: 5G Networks [Ref No.: 3776]

mohammad saydul alam, md. nasim uddin, didar hossen, kazi md. tarikul imam, farhadur arifin and nirjhor tahmidur rouf" design of a compact and low powered vlsi multiplier in 45nm technology for digital signal processing applications"
International Conference on Bio-Neuro Informatics Models and Algorithms ICBNA) 2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 3802]

abu hena shatil, kazi firoz ahmed, shuvra saha, s m imrat rahman, a n m shahebul hasan" design and comparison of floating solar panel for chalan beel"
2nd International Conference on Advancement in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE), 2022

[Ref No.: 3813]

shameem ahmad, hamza mubarak, saad mekhilef, hazlie mokhlis" real time power management for ac microgrid prioritizing renewable energy sources, battery storage and critical load"
IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies 2022 (GlobConET 2022), 2022

[Ref No.: 3821]

md hasibur rahman, md mazharul islam, md fayed al monir, saadia binte alam, md mijanur rahman, mohammad shidujaman, rubaiyat islam "kinematics analysis of a quadruped robot: simulation and evaluation"
2nd IEEE International Conference on Image Processing and Robotics (ICIPRob), 2022

[Ref No.: 3823]

fatema tauze zohora saima; mira tamanna tabassum; touhidul islam talukder; fahim hassan; pritom kumar sarkar; sujan howlader "advanced solar powered multipurpose agricultural robot"
2022 3rd International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), 2022

Keywords: Control and automation [Ref No.: 3824]

munaly akter and md. ehasanul haque" fabrication of carbon nanotubes on si/sio2/co substrate by chemical vapor deposition technique"
3rd International Online Conference on Graphene and 2D Materials, 2022

Keywords: Nanotechnology and Fabrication [Ref No.: 3779]

rethwan faiz1, md. ehasanul haque2*, nuzat nuary alam, mahmudul haque, anik saha, and md. alam" agricultural field ploughing machine based on isolated solar charging station"
International Conference on Physics, 2022

Keywords: Industrial Applicants [Ref No.: 3780]

md. samin al sadi , md. monirul islam , tanvir ahmed rumman , md. shahariar parvez , abir ahmed , md. rifat hazari "design and implementation of an iot-based home automation system"
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements, 2022

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 3835]

md. nursari hasan sheham , md tonim hassan , al imran , towkir fahim ahmed , md. shahariar parvez , abir ahmed "iot-based smart farming system"
2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements, 2022

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 3836]

rethwan faiz, md. ehasanul haque, nuzat nuary alam, mahmudul haque, anik saha, md. alam "agricultural field ploughing machine based on isolated solar charging station"
International Conference on Physics - 2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 4557]

m. m. haque and sheikh hasib cheragee "performance analysis of n+ pocket dg-jlfet with sio2 and high-k oxide thin layer for biomedical application"
2022 International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICISET), 2022

[Ref No.: 4587]

amirul islam; leila musavian; nikolaos thomos "multi-agent deep reinforcement learning in vehicular occ"
2022 IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference: (VTC2022-Spring), 2022

[Ref No.: 4289]

gour chand mazumder, s m nasif shams, md. habibur rahman and saiful huque "estimation of hydrogen demand for a sustainable energy mix in bangladesh replacing the traditional fuels by 2040"
BAPA-BEN Annual Conference-2022, Energy, Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Bangladesh, 2022

[Ref No.: 4230]

nazia alfaz,abul hasnat, alvi md. ragib nihal khan, nazmus shakib sayom "a deep convolutional neural network based approach to classify and detect crack in concrete surface using xception"
International Conference on Fourth Industrial Revolution and Beyond 2021, 2022

Keywords: Deep Learning,Software Testing,Software Architectures [Ref No.: 4224]

nazia alfaz, abul hasnat, alvi md. ragib nihal khan, nazmus shakib sayom, abhijit bhowmik "bridge crack detection using dense convolutional network (densenet)"
2ndInternational Conference on Computing Advancements - ICCA 2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 4225]

jakirul sarker; shabuj hossen; rubab ahmmed; md. alomgir kabir; tomal hossain; hazrat ali "wireless sensor network based sustainable cattle farm feed management and monitoring system using internet of things"

[Ref No.: 4208]

md. hazrat ali; md. jakirul sarker; md. saidur rahman; fazley rabbi; md. shabuj hossen; md. alomgir kabir "design and development of a gps-guided spray machine for reducing pesticide use on agricultural land in bangladesh"
ISCAIE, 2022

[Ref No.: 4209]

md. zakaria hossain, md. hasibuzzaman, alif anjum nion, sadia mallika, abu shufian, and shaharier kabir "smart cable fault location diagnosis system"
2022 IEEE 10th Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC), 2022

Keywords: Power System [Ref No.: 4213]

md sohanur rahnam sohan, shaharier kabir, md jawad-al-mursalin hoque, abu shufian "automatic protection of electrical and gas transmission system on earthquake"
2022 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 2022

Keywords: Power System [Ref No.: 4214]

mohammad khurshed alam; mohd herwan sulaiman; asma ferdowsi; md. shaoran sayem; nazmus sakib bin khair "moth flame optimization algorithm including renewable energy for minimization of generation & emission costs in optimal power flow"
5th Asia Conference on Energy and Electrical Engineering, 2022

[Ref No.: 4349]

m. k. alam; m. h. b. sulaiman; m. s. parvez; s. imtiaz; m. s. sayem "optimal power flow solutions incorporating stochastic wind power generators by moth flow optimizer"
Engineering Technology International Conference, 2022

Keywords: Economics in Smart Environments, Renewable Energy, Power System [Ref No.: 4350]

niloy goswami; sami abu sufian; md. sayeem khandakar; kh. zahid hassan shihab; md. saniat rahman zishan "design and development of smart system for biofloc fish farming in bangladesh"
2022 7th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES), 2022

[Ref No.: 4351]

ankur adhikary; niloy goswami; kaushik barua; ratul dey; arindam barman; mehedi azad shawon "performance analysis of a dfig based wind turbine with bess system for voltage and frequency stability during grid fault"
2022 International Conference on Intelligent Controller and Computing for Smart Power (ICICCSP), 2022

[Ref No.: 4352]

k. m. alam; m. h. b. sulaiman; m. s. sayem; j. k. c. chowdhury; m. foysal; m. m. a. ringku "study on criticality minimizing cost in power system with optimal design of stochastic wind power generators using moth flow optimization"
Engineering Technology International Conference (ETIC 2022), 2022

Keywords: Economics in Smart Environments, Power System, power Transmission [Ref No.: 4355]

s. r. kazemee, m. a. r. khan, y. rahman, m. s. mahmud, m. kabiruzzaman and b. b. pathik "design and implementation an iot based smart traffic system using renewable energy sources"
2022 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Robotics (ICIPRob), 2022

[Ref No.: 4496]

b. b. pathik, a. chowdhury, m. n. nobi, m. hasan and s. a. mahi "automatic load-frequency control using pid controller in an isolated single area and two-area hydro power system"
2022 Second International Conference on Power, Control and Computing Technologies (ICPC2T), 2022

[Ref No.: 4497]

sayed omid ayat, shahriyar masud rizvi, hamdan abdellatef, ab al-hadi ab rahman & shahidatul sadiah abdul manan" a compact spectral model for convolutional neural network"
Future Technologies Conference (FTC), 2022

Keywords: Deep Learning [Ref No.: 4502]

shuvra saha "2nd international conference on advancement in electrical and electronic engineering – (icaeee 2022)"
5G networks, Renewable Energy Technology, 2022

Keywords: 5G Networks [Ref No.: 4555]

tahseen asma meem "24th international conference on human-computer interaction (hcii 2022)"
robotics, HCI, 2022

[Ref No.: 4625]

shuvra saha "the international conference on computing advancements (icca 2022)"
Communications Track, 2022

[Ref No.: 4629]

dr. muhibul haque bhuyan "in4obe global virtual summit 2022"
CO Preparation and Question Preparation following Bloom's Taxonomy, 2022

Keywords: Software Engineering Education and Training [Ref No.: 4659]

kazi firoz ahmed "2nd international conference on computing advancements - icca 2022"
It covered various fields from computer science department, 2022

[Ref No.: 4746]

niloy goswami" 7th international conference on communication and electronics systems (icces)"
Communication and Electronics Systems, 2022

[Ref No.: 5131]

m. arefeen ibrahim "arcasia forum 21: the future of sustainable urban development"
Sustainable Urban Development, 2022

Keywords: Smart Cities,Intelligent Transportation [Ref No.: 5423]

sheikh hasib cheragee" 7th international conference on recent progresses in science, engineering and technology"
Tandem Solar Cell Design, 2022

[Ref No.: 5501]

sheikh hasib cheragee" international conference on innovations in science, engineering and technology"
Junction-less Field Effect Transistor, 2022

[Ref No.: 5505]

md ijaj sadiq, s. m. pramito rahman shakiyen kayes, afnan hossain sumaita and nafiz ahmed chisty" a review on the imaging approaches in agriculture with crop and soil sensing methodologies"
The Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Data Sciences (ICDS2021), 2021

[Ref No.: 3531]

md. zubairul haque, md. rifat hazari, mohammad abdul mannan and junji tamura" fuzzy logic controlled dc-link protection scheme of pmsg based wind turbine"
International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST’21), 2021

[Ref No.: 3537]

akib chowdhury, md. rifat hazari, effat jahan, chowdhury akram hossain and mohammad abdul mannan" analysis of a hybrid power system including large-scale wind farm"
International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST’21), 2021

[Ref No.: 3538]

ahmed shah rasheed tajwar, abir ahmed, md. rifat hazari, and mohammad abdul mannan" solar photovoltaic-based smart metering system"
International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST’21), 2021

[Ref No.: 3539]

s. m. istiaque mahmud, mohammad abdul mannan and md. rifat hazari" lvrt performance analysis and transient stability augmentation of a grid-tied pv system"
International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST’21), 2021

[Ref No.: 3540]

md. hasin mahtab moon, dewan mahnaaz mahmud, istiaque ahamed, shad bin kabir and mohammad abdul mannan" static and dynamic charging system for a four wheeler electric vehicle by inductive coupling wireless power transmission system"
International Conference on Green Energy, Computing and Sustainable Technology 2021 (GECOST 2021), 2021

[Ref No.: 3541]

erphan bhuiyan, yeahia sarker, shahriar fahim, mohammad abdul mannan, subrata sarker , and sajal das" a reliable open-switch fault diagnosis strategy for grid-tied photovoltaic inverter topology"
International Conference on Automation, Control and Mechatronics for Industry 4.0 (ACMI), 2021

[Ref No.: 3542]

md. kamrul islam, mohammad abdul mannan and md. rifat hazari" virtual synchronous generator control of stand-alone pv station to enhance voltage stability"
IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP 2021), 2021

[Ref No.: 3543]

s.m. imrat rahman" a matlab simulated design of an energy-efficient solar-powered smart kitchen"
2021 International Conference on Power, Electrical, Electronic and Industrial Applications, 2021

[Ref No.: 3547]

mahadi hasan" sustainable design of machine components: a critical review of carbide/steel laminate composite"
International Conference on Science and Contemporary Technologies, 2021

[Ref No.: 3503]

md. ashraful islam, himel roy, mahadi hasan, mahbub hasan" finite element prediction of deformation of closed-cell cellular materials for sustainable materials characterization"
International Conference on Science and Contemporary Technologies, 2021

[Ref No.: 3504]

sadia mehrin, md. lutfar rahman azad, md. masud rana shahin" comparative study between automatic and straight knife cutting machine"
International Conference on Science and Contemporary Technologies, 2021

[Ref No.: 3505]

soumen saha, shadman ahmed khan, md. saitham al sagir rakin, md. mahadi hasan" performance comparison between chitosan and microorganism as medium of sustainable effluent treatment"
International Conference on Science and Contemporary Technologies, 2021

[Ref No.: 3506]

abdullah al roman richard; md. farhad sadman; istiyar rahman; umma habiba mim; abir ahmed; md. saniat rahman zishan "design and implementation of smart old age home"
International Conference on Automation, Control and Mechatronics for Industry 4.0 (ACMI), 2021

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 3499]

ariq rahman pranto; muide muktadir aumio; mujtahid ahammad; anik sarker; md. shahariar parvez; abir ahmed; md. rifat hazari "design, implementation and analysis of a maglev wind turbine"
International Conference on Automation, Control and Mechatronics for Industry 4.0 (ACMI), 2021

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 3500]

md. masud ali shah; md. shahariar parvez; abir ahmed; md. rifat hazari "iot based power monitoring of solar panel incorporating tracking system"
International Conference on Automation, Control and Mechatronics for Industry 4.0 (ACMI), 2021

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 3501]

shasoto biswas;md.arraf kabir;md. fazla rabby;nushrah nourin nazmi;rethwan faiz "solar powered tea harvester with isolated charging station in sylhet, bangladesh"
2021 2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2021

[Ref No.: 3405]

rethwan faiz;nuzat nuary alam;mohammad hasan imam "design of an automated non-invasive electromechanical ventilator with feedback mechanism"
2021 IEEE 3rd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech 2021), 2021

[Ref No.: 3406]

rethwan faiz; nuzat nuary alam; mohammad hasan imam "design of an automated non-invasive electromechanical ventilator with feedback mechanism"
2021 IEEE 3rd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech 2021), 2021

Keywords: Biomedical [Ref No.: 3407]

s. m. sunny, towhidur rahman, s. m. zohurul islam, asif mujtaba, kazi firoz ahmed and shuvra saha "image based automatic traffic surveillance system through number-plate identification and accident detection"
2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques, 2021

[Ref No.: 3462]

bishwajit banik pathik; mohammad abdul mannan "modelled research to reduce frequency fluctuations for grid tied pv in ieee 9 bus system: a variable droop-controlled analysis"
2021 7th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEEIE), 2021

[Ref No.: 4498]

mj hossain, ya shuvo, tanbir ibne anowar "analysis performances of permanent magnet synchronous machines with different rotor anisotropy for variable speed drive applications"
11th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE), 2021

[Ref No.: 4478]

md.shaoran sayem; md. kamrul hassan "designing grid connected 1.124 mw photo-voltaic system for kuakata coastal area"
Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology, 2021

Keywords: Renewable Energy, power Transmission, Power distribution [Ref No.: 4348]

md. nazmul alam; abu shufian; riadul islam; md. asraful islam; s.m. minhazur rahman; minul khan rahat "design and implementation of efficient electric vehicle with clean energy"
2021 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), 2021

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Power System [Ref No.: 4215]

md. nazmul alam, abu shufian, md. abdullah al masum, and abdullah al noman "efficient smart water management system using iot technology"
2021 International Conference on Automation, Control and Mechatronics for Industry 4.0 (ACMI), 2021

Keywords: Power System [Ref No.: 4216]

gour chand mazumder , s m nasif shams , md. habibur rahman and saiful huque "wind powered hydrogen production cost in bangladesh: an analysis on over 100 meter high buildings in chittagong"
International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 4229]

32. sayed abdul kadir al-nahiun, fardeen mahbub, rashedul islam, shouherdho banerjee akash, raja rashidul hasan, md. abdur rahman "performance analysis of microstrip patch antenna for the diagnosis of brain cancer & tumor using the fifth-generation frequency band"
IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS), 2021

[Ref No.: 4266]

31. fardeen mahbub, shouherdho banerjee akash, sayed abdul kadir al-nahiun, rashedul islam, raja rashidul hasan, and md. abdur rahman "microstrip patch antenna for the applications of wlan systems using s-band"
2021 IEEE 11th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), 2021

[Ref No.: 4267]

s. m. istiaque mahmud, a. ahsun, a. k. sarker and a. h. m. shatil" maximum power extraction using genetic algorithm from wind energy system"
2021 International Conference on Science & Contemporary Technologies (ICSCT), 2021

[Ref No.: 3807]

m. l. rahman, m. a. h. shatil, a. ahsan, d. ghosh, m. n. haque and s. sarker" design and implementation of control system lifeguard"
2021 International Conference on Science & Contemporary Technologies (ICSCT), 2021

[Ref No.: 3808]

muhibul haque bhuyan" electronics and informatics to achieve sustainable development goals"
International Conference on Electronics and Informatics, 2021

Keywords: Nanotechnology and Fabrication [Ref No.: 3778]

m.s. rahman, a. hasnat, m.r. hasan, h. ahmed" performance evaluation of stockbridge damper and tuned mass damper for attenuating floor vibration induced by a pump and walking excitation"
5th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE), 2021

[Ref No.: 3770]

nazia alfaz; abul hasnat; alvi md. ragib nihal khan; nazmus shakib sayom" a deep convolutional neural network-based approach to classify and detect crack in concrete surface using xception"
International Conference on Fourth Industrial Revolution and Beyond 2021 - IC4IR 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3771]

bashra kadhim oleiwi, asif mahfuz, hubert roth" application of fuzzy logic for collision avoidance of mobile robots in dynamic-indoor environments"
2021 2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2021

[Ref No.: 3749]

md. masud ali shah, md. shahariar parvez, abir ahmed and md. rifat hazari "iot based power monitoring of solar panel incorporating tracking system"
2021 International Conference on Automation, Control and Mechatronics for Industry 4.0 (ACMI), 2021

[Ref No.: 3750]

ariq rahman pranto, muide muktadir aumio, mujtahid ahammad, anik sarker, md. shahariar parvez, abir ahmed and md. rifat hazari "design, implementation and analysis of a maglev wind turbine"
2021 International Conference on Automation, Control and Mechatronics for Industry 4.0 (ACMI), 2021

[Ref No.: 3751]

md. shihab uddin ahmed, nirjhor tahmidur rouf,a n m shahebul hasan, md abid hasan, omi evance rozario, a.a.m. faiyaz rahman, sheikh raihan al saleh, shadman shakib aditto "development of a secured and low-budget biometric electronic voting machine for bangladesh"
2021 2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2021

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 3737]

umme hafsa, farhadur arifin" design and implementation of an automatic speed control system of vehicles for avoiding road accidents in bangladesh"
the 3rd international conf. on emerging electrical energy, electronics and computing technologies, 2021

[Ref No.: 3738]

faiz, rethwan, nuzat nuary alam, and mohammad hasan imam" design of an automated non-invasive electromechanical ventilator with feedback mechanism."
2021 IEEE 3rd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech), 2021

[Ref No.: 3753]

rashedul islam, fardeen mahbub, sayed abdul kadir al-nahiun, shouherdho banerjee akash, raja rashidul hasan, md. abdur rahman" design of an on-body rectangular microstrip patch antenna for the diagnosis of breast cancer using s-band"
Proceedings of Sixth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology, 2021

[Ref No.: 3728]

shouherdho banerjee akash, fardeen mahbub, rashedul islam, sayed abdul kadir al-nahiun, raja rashidul hasan, md.abdur rahman" diagnosis of early-stage lung cancer and tumor using the 5g band microstrip patch antenna"
Smart Trends in Computing and Communications, 2021

[Ref No.: 3729]

talukdar raian ferdous1, rifath hasan2, mohammad khurshed alam3, muhammad muinul islam4, and md. asadur rahman5" a simple design of a matlab-based function for topographical presentation of fnirs data"
InECCE 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3719]

julakha jahan jui1, m.m. imran molla2, mohammad khurshed alam3 and asma fer-dowsi4" prostate cancer prediction using feedforward neural network trained with particle swarm optimizer"
InECCE 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3720]

fardeen mahbub; rashedul islam; sayed abdul kadir al-nahiun; shouherdho banerjee akash; raja rashidul hasan ; md. abdur rahman" a single-band 28.5ghz rectangular microstrip patch antenna for 5g communications technology"
2021 IEEE 11th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), 2021

[Ref No.: 3726]

d. ghosh and a. h. shatil "modelling and analysis of a microgrid with diesel generator and battery system"
2021 2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques, 2021

[Ref No.: 3706]

s. nahar, m. r. m. arnob and a. h. m. shatil "augmentation of battery management systems in smart-grid operation using fuzzy logic"
2021 2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques, 2021

[Ref No.: 3707]

3. s. r. fahim, s. niloy, a. h. shatil, m. r. hazari, s. k. sarker and s. k. das "an unsupervised protection scheme for overhead transmission line with emphasis on situations during line and source parameter variation"
2021 2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques, 2021

[Ref No.: 3708]

m. l. rahman and m. a. h. shatil "design and implementation of a synchronous generator with rotor angle stability control for damping interarea oscillations of interconnected power systems via pss"
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development, 2021

[Ref No.: 3709]

a. h. shatil "smart grid prospects and challenges in bangladesh; a distribution system operator’s viewpoint"
2021 International Conference on Automation, Control and Mechatronics for Industry 4.0, 2021

[Ref No.: 3710]

mohammad khurshed alam and madya mohd herwan bin sulaiman" optimal loading analysis with penalty factors for generators using brute force method"
InECCE 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3715]

m. m. imran molla1, md. sakirul islam2, a. s. m. shafi3, mohammad khurshed alam4, md. tarequl islam5 and julakha jahan jui6" feature selection and prediction of heart disease using machine learning approaches"
InECCE 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3717]

a. s. m. shafi1*, md. mahmudul hasan2, m. m. imran molla3, mohammad khurshed alam4, md. tarequl islam5" automatic brain tumor detection using feature selection and machine learning from mri images"
InECCE 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3722]

juthi farhana sayed, bhuiyan hasibul hasan, babul muntasir, mehedi hasan, and farhadur arifin" design and evaluation of a fir filter using hybrid adders and vedic multipliers”"
2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2021

[Ref No.: 3723]

shirazush salekin chowdhury and farhadur arifin," the effects of the substrate doping concentrations on 6h-sic nano-scale ggnmos esd protection device"
2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2021

[Ref No.: 3724]

nadia anam and javid atai" moving bragg solitons in a coupler with separated grating and cubic-quintic nonlinearity"
International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, (NUSOD), 2021

[Ref No.: 3700]

nowshin alam, abir ahmed, md ashif islam oni, tahseen asma meem, md abdur rahman "uwb microwave imaging for non-invasive anomaly detection in human lung and possible application in covid-19 diagnosis: a review"
2021 2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2021

[Ref No.: 3697]

badhon saha; kazi firoz ahmed; shoumitra saha; md. thoufiqul islam "short-term electrical load forecasting via deep learning algorithms to mitigate the impact of covid-19 pandemic on power demand"
ACMI 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3684]

s. m. sunny; towhidur rahman; s. m. zohurul islam; asif mujtaba; kazi firoz ahmed; shuvra saha "image based automatic traffic surveillance system through number-plate identification and accident detection"
ICREST 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3685]

shunsuke sakate, liu xiaopeng, peiyang gong, md. ehasanul haque, goro mizutani" study of the interface electronic states of the au/tio2 by wavelength tunable shg spectroscopy"
JPS 2021 Autumn Meeting, 2021

Keywords: Photonics [Ref No.: 3679]

nahin abedin, taybul alam aupo, jahidul hossain piash, ishrak sarwar, md. ehasanul haque, mazharul islam and farid nasir ani "design of an absorber plate for solar air dryer using nickle oxide nano particle coating"
ISSAT 2021, 2021

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 3676]

ariq rahman pranto, muidemuktadir aumio, mujtahid ahammad, anik sarker, md. shahariar parvez, abir ahmed and md. rifat hazari "design, implementation and analysis of a maglev wind turbine"
2021 International Conference on Automation, Control and Mechatronics for Industry4.0 (ACMI), 2021

[Ref No.: 3651]

md. masud ali shah,md. shahariar parvez, abir ahmed and md.rifat hazari "iot based power monitoring of solar panel incorporating tracking system"
2021 International Conference on Automation, Control and Mechatronics for Industry4.0 (ACMI), 2021

[Ref No.: 3652]

md. kamrul islam, mohammad abdul mannan and md. rifat hazari "virtual synchronousgenerator control of stand-alone pv station to enhance voltage stability"
IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3653]

akib chowdhury, md. rifat hazari, effat jahan, chowdhury akram hossain and mohammad abdul mannan "analysis of a hybrid power system including large-scale wind farm"
2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST’21), 2021

[Ref No.: 3654]

manika tun nafisa, effat jahan, mohammad abdul mannan "design and analysis of a grid-tied dual rotor pmsg and scig-based wind farms"
2021 IEEE 9th Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC), 2021

[Ref No.: 3655]

md jahid hasan, mohammad ali khalighi, luis nero alves, bastien béchadergue "impact of synchronization errors on the performance of aco-ofdma signaling for medical extra-wban links"
IEEE 32nd Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2021

[Ref No.: 3563]

md. sayeduzzaman, md. samiul islam borno, md. hasibul islam, sujan howlader "a design of an iot based smart home with auto sanitization system"
5th International Conference on Smart Trends in Computing and Communications, 2021

Keywords: Control and automation [Ref No.: 3572]

faheem hussain, asish pal, md jobayer islam, durlove howlader and md sajid hossain "producing electricity using ion harvesting technology"
2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electric and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2021, 2021

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 3873]

mohammad zeyad; md sajid hossain "a comparative analysis of data mining methods for weather prediction"
2021 International Conference on Computational Performance Evaluation (ComPE), 2021

Keywords: Data Mining and Business Intelligence [Ref No.: 3874]

md rashidul islam, md. rafikul islam, sarif uddin, kabir hosen, and muhibul haque bhuyan "design, simulation, and implementation of a smart saline infusion control and monitoring system using microcontroller and iot"
International Conference on Electronics and Informatics, 2021

Keywords: Circuits and Systems [Ref No.: 3903]

nowshin alam; abir ahmed; md ashif islam oni; tahseen asma meem; md. abdur rahman "uwb microwave imaging for non-invasive anomaly detection in human lung and possible application in covid-19 diagnosis: a review"
2021 2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2021

[Ref No.: 3950]

fardeen mahbub, rashedul islam, sayed abdul kadir al-nahiun, m tanseer ali "design of a compact vivaldi antenna for millimeter-wave 5g communication system"
2021 IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques in Wireless Communications (MTTW), 2021

[Ref No.: 3951]

fardeen mahbub, rashedul islam, m tanseer ali, md abdur rahman "design and performance analysis of a dual stub mimo antenna for on-body applications"
2021 IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques in Wireless Communications (MTTW), 2021

[Ref No.: 3952]

minhazur rahman, fariha rahman, ahm rasheduzzaman, md fahim shahriyar, m tanseer ali "magnetic resonance coupled wireless power transfer analysis for electric vehicle"
2021 3rd Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM), 2021

[Ref No.: 3953]

salman-bin hannan; shafayat hassan siddiquee; tofael ahmed; shameem ahmad; zayed hossain" optimal placement of solar pv in bangladesh power system network for net metering using artificial bee colony algorithm"
2021 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA), 2021

[Ref No.: 3936]

zayed hossain; shameem ahmad; umme kulsum jhuma; saad mekhilef; marizan mubin" a flexible interconnection and power sharing strategy for two autonomous microgrid systems"
2021 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA), 2021

[Ref No.: 3937]

umme kulsum jhuma; saad mekhilef; shameem ahmad; jahurul islam; jahidur rahman jesan" the impact of synchronous generator on voltage sag mitigation in power system network"
2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON), 2021

[Ref No.: 3938]

fardeen mahbub, rashedul islam, shouherdho banerjee akash, m tanseer ali, saiful islam "design and implementation of a microstrip patch antenna for the detection of cancers and tumors in skeletal muscle of the human body using ism band"
2021 IEEE 12th IEMCON, 2021

[Ref No.: 3947]

r. sultana, t. hossain, m. arifuzzaman, m. z. islam sarkar, m. selim hossain and d. k. sarker," performance analysis of correlated ricean fading mimo channel using jakes correlation model,"
2021 International Conference on Automation, Control and Mechatronics for Industry 4.0 (ACMI), 2021

[Ref No.: 3931]

s. y. sejuti, f. hossain, r. sultana, m. arifuzzaman, t. hossain and m. h. rifat" wireless multicasting with zero-forcing filtering"
2021 International Conference on Automation, Control and Mechatronics for Industry 4.0 (ACMI), 2021

[Ref No.: 3932]

ali, mm naushad; nahian, ahmed j.; siddique, abdul hasib; hasan, mehedi; chowdhury, nusrat; hossain, chowdhury akram; "prospect of mini-hydel power generation in drainage systems of bangladesh"
2021 2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2021

[Ref No.: 3998]

chowdhury, akib; hazari, md. rifat; jahan, effat; hossain, chowdhury akram; mannan, mohammad abdul; "analysis of a hybrid power system including large-scale wind farm"
2021 2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2021

[Ref No.: 3999]

chowdhury, nusrat; chowdhury, akib; hossain, chowdhury akram; longo, michela; yaïci, wahiba; "feasibility study of an automatic grid-tied solar irrigation system for rural application"
2021 2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2021

[Ref No.: 4000]

duong, minh quan; hossain, chowdhury akram; nicoleta sava, gabriela; "design, simulation and testing of a high quality converter for renewable energy system"
2021 2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2021

[Ref No.: 4001]

choyon, md mashrur sakib; sad, a sm mehedi hasan; rhydwan, abu hasnat md; shikder, kawshik; hossain, chowdhury akram; "design of a polymer based on-skin temperature sensor"
2021 2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2021

[Ref No.: 4002]

saif, md. zilan uddin; mahmud, dewan mahnaaz; tasnim, farhan; hanif, md. abu; ahmed, md. rasel; hossain, chowdhury akram; "current and temperature analysis of thermoelectric generator for regenerative breaking of the hybrid electric vehicle"
2021 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA), 2021

[Ref No.: 4003]

sheikh md. mamunur rahman, md. tofayel tarek, and muhibul haque bhuyan "design and simulation of a railway gate control system using plc"
International Conference on Electronics and Informatics, ICEI2021, 2021

Keywords: Control and automation [Ref No.: 3919]

4. m. rahman, f. rahman, a. h. m. rasheduzzaman, m. f. shahriyar and m. tanseer ali "magnetic resonance coupled wireless power transfer analysis for electric vehicle"
2021 3rd Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM), 2021

[Ref No.: 4013]

m. a. al rakib, m. n. uddin and m. h. imam "cloud based chronic disease monitoring and management system"
2021 IEEE Int. Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Computer and Information Technology for Health, 2021

Keywords: Bioinformatics [Ref No.: 4178]

p. bala, r. amob, m. islam, s. adib, f. hasan and m. n. uddin "eeg - based load control system for physically challenged people"
IEEE 2021 2nd Int. Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2021

Keywords: Biomedical [Ref No.: 4179]

m. r. m. arnob, s. nahar, m. aziz, k. hasan and m. n. uddin "amelioration of the floating solar panel with fuzzy logic"
IEEE 2021 2nd Int. Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2021

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 4180]

i. s. bristy and m. n. uddin "optimization and performance analysis of 32 channel 60 gbps hybrid mono stage mzm based wdm pon covering 120 km transmission distance"
IEEE 2021 2nd Int. Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2021

Keywords: Optical Communication [Ref No.: 4181]

mohammad reefaz rahman, mohammad nasir uddin "a comprehensive optical and electrical properties analysis of mg doped zno nanocrystalline thin-films for optoelectronic applications"
IEEE Int. Conference on Advent Trends in Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation (ICATMRI-2020), 2021

Keywords: Polymer and Nano Materials [Ref No.: 4182]

shameem ahmad, saad mekhilef, hazlie mokhlis" an intelligent interconnection module for multiple self-healed interconnected microgrids"
2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON), 2021

[Ref No.: 4187]

dr. nadia anam" 2nd international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques (icrest 2021)"
Component, Circuits and Devices, 2021

[Ref No.: 4033]

dr. md. kamrul hassan" 2nd international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques (icrest’21)"
Power, Energy and Industry Applications, 2021

[Ref No.: 4130]

shuvra saha "2nd international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques (icrest) 2021"
Track: Antenna, Propagation and Signal Processing, 2021

[Ref No.: 4175]

dr. md. jahid hasan" international symposium on personal, indoor and mobile radio communications"
Integrated Sensing and Communications, 5G and 6G,, 2021

[Ref No.: 4310]

dr. md. kamrul hassan" ieee asian conference on innovation in technology"
Renewable energy, 2021

[Ref No.: 4432]

farhadur arifin" 2nd international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques (icrest"
Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2021

[Ref No.: 4480]

a n m shahebul hasan" international conference on 4th industrial revolution (ic4ir 2021)"
Presented a paper on Agricultural robot, 2021

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence,Robotics [Ref No.: 4527]

a n m shahebul hasan" development of a secured and low-budget biometric electronic voting machine for bangladesh"
Electronic voting machine, 2021

Keywords: Robotics [Ref No.: 4529]

shuvra saha "international conference on 4th industrial revolution and beyond (ic4ir) 2021"
Reviewer: Track: Communication and Technology, 2021

Keywords: Communication Signal Processing [Ref No.: 4553]

rethwan faiz" second international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques-2021 (icrest’21)"
The 3-day long conference sessions hosted exchange of knowledge, learning and potential ideas with an aim to encourage and interact young researchers with the academic and industrial leaders which was technically co-sponsored by IEEE Bangladesh Section., 2021

[Ref No.: 4725]

tahmida islam" international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques"
Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques, 2021

[Ref No.: 4760]

alvi md. ragib nihal khan" international conference on fourth industrial revolution and beyond 2021 - ic4ir 2021"
Presenting Paper, 2021

Keywords: Deep Learning,Software Testing,Software Architectures [Ref No.: 5024]

yusuf ahmed; md. nasir uddin; syed mahdi masud; mohammad hasan imam "design of an arrhythmia detection system using wearable ppg sensor"
2019 IEEE Int. Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Computer and Information Technology for Health, 2020

[Ref No.: 4186]

nuzrul islam tonmoy, shovon mitra, irin sultana bristy, arju khanam, mohammad nasir uddin "design and implementation of smart cyclone separator vacuum cleaner bot driven by renewable energy"
(ACM) - International Conference on Computing Advancements (ICCA-2020), 2020

Keywords: Robotics [Ref No.: 4183]

irin sultana bristy, md. tijul islam, mohammad nasir uddin "design and performance evaluation of eight channel wdm based pon with csrz-qpsk transmitter configuration"
(ACM) International Conference on Computing Advancements, (ICCA 2020), 2020

Keywords: Optical Communication [Ref No.: 4184]

ishtiaq ahmad; abu shufian; md. arifur rahman barno; shanta datta "a novel approach to remove ocular artifact from eeg signal"
2019 IEEE 5th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 2020

Keywords: Public health Awareness ,Biomedical [Ref No.: 4087]

shuvra mondal, yoonsik yi, choon-gi choi "mos₂ nanotube array-based humidity sensor for non-contact moisture detection from human skin and breath"
Korean Vacuum Society 58th Annual Conference, 2020

[Ref No.: 4113]

sad, asm mehedi hasan; choyon, md mashrur sakib; rhydwan, abu hasnat md; hossain, chowdhury akram; "an interactive low-cost smart assistant system: information kiosk as plug & play device"
2020 27th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 2020

[Ref No.: 3997]

md. ashiquzzaman, shuva mitra, kazi farjana nasrin, md. sanawar hossain and md. khairul hasan apu "advanced wireless control & feedback based multi-functional automatic security system"

[Ref No.: 3929]

md. ashiquzzaman, shuva mitra, nur mohammad molla, tonoy chakma and kazi farjana nasrin "testing of dielectric strength of transformer oil, insulation paper and corona effect of wire"
IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) 2020, 2020

[Ref No.: 3930]

umme kulsum jhuma; saad mekhilef; marizan mubin; shameem ahmad; muhyaddin rawa" hybrid islanding detection technique for malaysian power distribution system"
2020 IEEE 5th International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation (ICCCA), 2020

[Ref No.: 3939]

shameem ahmad; saad mekhilef; hazlie mokhlis" dq-axis synchronous reference frame based p-q control of grid connected ac microgrid"
2020 IEEE International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON), 2020

[Ref No.: 3940]

md. shahriar khan hemel; akib mostabe refat; kazi firoz ahmed; dewan mabrur hasan chowdhury; alif mahmud "simulation based comparative stability analysis between conventional and hybrid power system to observe the point of stability"
International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI 2019), 2020

[Ref No.: 3686]

md jahid hasan, mohammad ali khalighi, bastien béchadergue" experimental implementation of optical-cdma for medical extra-wban links"
IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, 2020

[Ref No.: 3562]

n. sarker, i. kabir, p. saha, s. m. khan, a. kumar saha and a. h. shatil "an insight into domestic power monitoring"
IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2020

[Ref No.: 3705]

md ariful kabir, mohammad khurshed alam" v o l t a g e p e r f o r m a n c e a n a l y s i s w i t h i n t e g r a t i o n o f u t i l i t y s c a l e s o l a r p v p l a n t i n b a n g l a d e s h n a t i o n a l g r i d”"
I E E E R E G I O N 1 0 S Y M P O S I U M ( T E N S Y M P ) 2 0 2 0, 2020

[Ref No.: 3725]

m. s. hossain, and f. arifin" a proposed design of conventional 4-bit carry look-ahead adder improving performance”"
Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies for High Performance Applications (ACCTHPA), 2020

[Ref No.: 3718]

md. majedur rahman, md. abu nayeem, saqlain nahid, syed raqueed bin alvee, raja rashidul hasan, md. abdur rahman" on-body humidity sensing antenna with polyimide for ban applications over 5g networks"
2020 IEEE International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS), 2020

[Ref No.: 3716]

mohammad khurshed alam" a combined approach of connecting small energies to meet the challenges of developing countries"
2nd International Conference on Smart Power & Internal Energyy, 2020

[Ref No.: 3711]

md. arifur kabir, khurshed alam, a hasib chowdhury" fault characteristic of a power transformer in bangladesh power grid"
2020-ICECE 2020, 2020

[Ref No.: 3712]

shamim ahmad; raja rashidul hasan; rakibul hasan; md. abdullah al rakib; md. abid hasan, md. zubayar" a low sar in-body antenna for wireless monitoring purpose of pacemaker system"
2019 4th International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT), 2020

[Ref No.: 3721]

mohammad zeyad; prodip biswas; susmita ghosh; md. tanvir hassan maruf; md. shehzad; md. ibrahim hasan; sheikh raihana shoshi "design and implementation of temperature & relative humidity control system for poultry farm"
COMPE 2020, 2020

[Ref No.: 3735]

s. ghosh, m. billah, i. hossain, s. m. tanbir-ul-islam, r. islam and a. kumar roy "designing and performance analysis of a small-scale power generating system utilizing rail locomotives"
COMPE 2020, 2020

[Ref No.: 3736]

7. mahmood, mufrath, md fahim rizwan, masuma sultana, md habib, and mohammad hasan imam." design of a low-cost hand gesture controlled automated wheelchair"
2020 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 2020

[Ref No.: 3754]

g. mollah, k. shikder, f. arifin" design and evaluation of a swb decagonal patch textile antenna for wban applications"
IEEE TENSYMP 2020, 2020

[Ref No.: 3714]

m. s. rahman, a. hasnat, m.a.saqif" response surface methodology based multi-objective optimization of stock bridge damper for pump induced floor vibration"
International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM - 2020), 2020

[Ref No.: 3768]

mohammad sabbir rahman, abul hasnat, safkat tajwar ahmed, md. rakibul hasan" floor vibration control by stock-bridge damper induced by walking excitation and earthquake"
International Conference on Earth & Environmental Sciences and Technology (ICEEST 2020), 2020

[Ref No.: 3769]

ker-jiun wang, mohammad shidujaman, caroline yan zheng, prakash thakur "hripreneur thinking: strategies towards faster innovation and commercialization of academic hri research"
2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO), 2020

Keywords: Internet of Things,Deep Learning,Bioinformatics,Artificial Intelligence,Software Engineering Education and Training,Interaction Design,Social Science Research Methodology , Robotics, Sustainable production and Consumption [Ref No.: 3828]

ker-jiun wang, caroline yan zheng, mohammad shidujaman, maitreyee wairagkar, mariana von mohr "jean joseph v2.0 (remotion): make remote emotion touchable, seeable and thinkable by direct brain-to-brain telepathy neurohaptic interface empowered by generative adversarial network"
2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2020

Keywords: Deep Learning,Communication Signal Processing,Wireless Sensor Networks,Artificial Intelligence,Neural Networks,Robotics,Interaction Design,Affective Computing, Humanitarian Technologies [Ref No.: 3825]

sadman shahriar alam, akib jayed islam, md. mahmudul hasan, fazllul karim nadim" energy harvesting from dual tone rf signal using a double stage voltage rectifier for wireless power transmission."
5th International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE), 2020

[Ref No.: 3846]

md.fahad hasan; imteaz rahaman; md. shaoran sayem; md. mahbub hasan; borhanul kabir tamal; md. anisur rahman rubel "designing of cost-effective human assistive robot and performance enhancement"
11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies, 2020

Keywords: Robotics, Electrical machine [Ref No.: 4347]

shihab uddin ahmed; sanzid junaeid; md. monirul islam; bishwajit banik pathik "design and implementation of a device for reducing road accident at foggy, rainy and drowsy conditions"
2020 The 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Control and Robotics, 2020

[Ref No.: 4499]

asif islam; prem saha; masud rana; md. mim adnan; bishwajit banik pathik "smart gardening assistance system with the capability of detecting leaf disease in matlab"
2019 IEEE Pune Section International Conference (PuneCon), 2020

[Ref No.: 4500]

shuvra saha "5th international conference on computer and communication systems (icccs) 2020"
Computer and Communication Systems, 2020

[Ref No.: 4176]

ashik mannan vaskor" ‘student competition committee’, arcasia forum"
Organized student competition, presentation, study trip for Asian architecture student, 2020

[Ref No.: 4213]

dr. md. jahid hasan" ieee/iet international symposium on communication systems, networks and digital signal processing"
Optical Wireless Communications, Integrated Microwave Photonics, Communication Networks Optimization, Optical Fiber Devices and Sensing Applications, 2020

[Ref No.: 4309]

farhadur arifin" ieee tensymp, june 2020, dhaka, bangladesh"
Electrical and computer engineering, 2020

[Ref No.: 4481]

dr. muhibul haque bhuyan "the importance of accreditation in engineering education"
Accreditation, Engineering Education, OBE, Complex Problems, Complex Activities, 2020

Keywords: Software Engineering Education and Training [Ref No.: 4657]

dr. tanbir ibne anowar" analysis performances of permanent magnet synchronous machines with different rotor anisotropy for variable speed drive applications"
Electrical Machines and Smart grid, 2020

[Ref No.: 4747]

mohamed farag abughalia, s.m. tasmeeh ahsan, shuvra saha "comparative study of microcell’s performance using different models in different regions"
International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2019

[Ref No.: 2734]

md mamun hossain, tajdique ahmed, zahid ahsan, shuvra saha, kazi firoz "concentrated solar power dish stirling technology in prospect of energy crisis in bangladesh"
International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2019

[Ref No.: 2735]

md. mamun hossain, t. ahmed, s. saha" smart dual axis sun tracking system for concentrated solar dish using linear actuator"
2021 International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI), 2019

[Ref No.: 3461]

uddin, m.s., alvi, a.a., mallick, m.n.h., das, s.k., islam, m.a. and sultana, r." performance evaluation of a green and non-concentrated solar thermoelectric generator system"
International Conference on Energy and Power Engineering (ICEPE), 2019

[Ref No.: 3502]

mahadi hasan, jingwei zhao, fanghui jia, hui wu, fei lin, hamid raza, zhenyi huang, zhengyi jiang" investigation on spark plasma sintering of dissimilar ceramic and steel laminated composite materials"
SCON 2nd International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering, 2019

[Ref No.: 3507]

sadi mahmud, safayet ahmed and kawshik shikder "a smart home automation and metering system using internet of things (iot)"
International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2019

[Ref No.: 2618]

tasnuva chowdhury, mohammad nasir uddin "soa based cmux and cdemux design for ocdma system"
IEEE 2019 International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques, 2019

Keywords: Optical Communication [Ref No.: 2670]

s. a. khan, t. z. anika, n. sultana, f. hossain and mohammad nasir uddin "color sorting robotic arm"
IEEE 2019 International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques, 2019

Keywords: Computer Vision,Robotics [Ref No.: 2671]

s.m. imrat rahman, md. arif abdulla samy, shuvra saha "c-code implementation of a shunt active power filter based on finite set model predictive control"
International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2019

[Ref No.: 2731]

md samin rahman, md. humayun kabir "md samin rahman, md. humayun kabir, “a survey analysis and model development for internet of things (iot) system for city buildings: dhaka city, bangladesh perspective”"
IEEE TENCON 2018 (TENCON is a flagship conference of IEEE Region 10 (Asia-Pacific) ), 2019

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 2751]

md samin rahman, md.humayun kabir, partha protim datta, imran kabir" md samin rahman, md.humayun kabir, partha protim datta, imran kabir, “social internet of things (siot) system model simulation for city buildings: bangladesh perspective”"
International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques 2019 (ICREST 2019), 2019

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 2752]

fahim redwan, shadman rafid, ahanaf hossain abrar and bishwajit banik pathik "an exploratory approach to monitor the quality of supply-water through iot technology"
2019 International Conference on Automation, Computational and Technology Management (ICACTM), 2019

[Ref No.: 4501]

md. istiak ahamed, tahfizur rahman, md. zahidul islam, golam hakkani alam and bishwajit banik pathik "a novel design of radio frequency signal controlled glass/wall cleaner drone"
2019 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), 2019

[Ref No.: 4503]

shadman rafid, fahim redwan, ahanaf hossain abrar, shah nazir uddin ahmed, and bishwajit banik pathik "water quality monitoring system: a sustainable design"
2019 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), 2019

[Ref No.: 4504]

amirul islam; leila musavian; nikolaos thomos "performance analysis of vehicular optical camera communications: roadmap to urllc"
2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2019

[Ref No.: 4288]

alif islam, mohiuddin uzzal, narottam das, mehedi hasan" modeling and analysis of different nano-gratings to enhance light absorption in msm-pds"
2019 International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2019

[Ref No.: 4556]

sadman shahriar alam; akib jayed islam; md. mahmudul hasan; mohammad nokib monsur rafid; nishako chakma; md. nafiz imtiaz" design and development of a low-cost iot based environmental pollution monitoring system"
4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information & Communication Technology, 2019

[Ref No.: 3847]

a. j. islam, m. k. hamid, sadman shahriar alam, m. m. hasan, m. a. hoque and m. n. m. rafid." a greener approach to harvest energy using piezo-speed breaker"
International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), 2019

[Ref No.: 3848]

sadman shahriar alam; akib jayed islam; md. mahmudul hasan; md. nafiz imtiaz" a low-cost gps based application for navigating shallow waters"
International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICISET), 2019

[Ref No.: 3849]

sadman shahriar alam; akib jayed islam; md. mahmudul hasan; md mehedi farhad" design and implementation of an embedded system to observe the atmospheric condition using a helium balloon"
International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICISET), 2019

[Ref No.: 3850]

akib jayed islam; md mehedi farhad; sadman shahriar alam; swarup chakraborty; md. mahmudul hasan; md siddat bin nesar" design, development and performance analysis of a low-cost health-care monitoring system using an android application"
International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICISET), 2019

[Ref No.: 3851]

muhibul haque bhuyan" obe guidelines to designing, teaching, assessment, and evaluation of electronics courses"
National Conference on Electronics and Informatics, 2019

Keywords: Software Engineering Education and Training [Ref No.: 3781]

md. sumon ali and muhibul haque bhuyan "design and implementation of a low-cost blood pressure measuring device"
International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE), 2019

Keywords: Biomedical [Ref No.: 3784]

md r raihan, r hasan, f arifin, s nashif, mr haider" design and implementation of hand movement controlled robotic vehicle with wireless live streaming feature”"
2019 IEEE International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN), 2019

[Ref No.: 3727]

zeyad m.; ghosh s.; islam m. r.; ahmed s.m. m.; biswas p.; hossain e "design proposal of an automatic smart multi-insect (mosquito) killing system"
IEEE ICECCT 2019, 2019

[Ref No.: 3731]

zeyad m.; ghosh s.; islam m. r.; ahmed s.m. m.; shoshi s. r. "proposing a technique of a low cost automatic cooling and exhaust system for old age home kitchen"
IEEE ICECCT 2019, 2019

[Ref No.: 3732]

hritwik kishore dhar, abu saleh md. toha, alfi akash priyo, md. navil bin akbar, susmita ghosh "proposing a system model for safe device charging"
IEEE i-PACT 2019, 2019

[Ref No.: 3733]

md. navil bin akbar, abu saleh md. toha, alfi akash priyo, susmita ghosh, md. zubayed jamil, hritwik kishore dhar "performance analysis of multi-input dc-dc boost converter for hybrid power system"
IEEE i-PACT 2019, 2019

[Ref No.: 3734]

f. arifin, p.k. saha" a dual band uwb antenna for wce systems”"
IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, 2019

[Ref No.: 3713]

s. s. uddin, k. s. roni, f. kabir, s. n. uddin and a. h. md shatil "analysis of measured current densities and power densities obtained from a microbial fuel cell using saltbridge as membrane"
2019 International Conference on Energy and Power Engineering (ICEPE), 2019

[Ref No.: 3704]

md mamun hossain; tajdique ahmed; zahid ahsan; shuvra saha faculty of engineering, american international university-bangladesh, dhaka, bangladesh ; kazi firoz ahmed "concentrated solar power (csp) dish stirling technology in prospect of energy crisis in bangladesh"
ICREST 2019, 2019

[Ref No.: 3687]

mst. sonia aktar risha and muhibul haque bhuyan "design and development of sustainable smart dc micro-grid and its control with multiple renewable sources"
National Conference on Electronics and Informatics, 2019

Keywords: Smart Cities [Ref No.: 3904]

md. jisan mallik and muhibul haque bhuyan "analyzing the prospects of electric power generation from kaplan turbine driven wave energy using matlab"
National Conference on Electronics and Informatics,, 2019

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 3905]

junayed hasan, taszid parvez, and muhibul haque bhuyan "study and simulation of vacuum field effect transistor using matlab"
National Conference on Electronics and Informatics, 2019

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 3906]

md. shakil ahmed, almas hossain, md. ashraful ahammed bhuiyan, and muhibul haque bhuyan "design, implementation, and testing of a dye-sensitized solar cell"
National Conference on Electronics and Informatics, 2019

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 3912]

tamim hossain ,reazuddin mahmud, hajmina khanom juhi, mohammad rakin imtiaz," design and performance analysis of a biomedical implantable patch antenna"
2015 International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE), 2019

[Ref No.: 3933]

saleh ahmad khan; ishtiaq ahmad; abu shufian; md. sazzad ahmed "a smart intruder alert system based on microprocessor and motion detection"
2019 International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2019

Keywords: Internet of Things,Security in Smart Environments,Privacy in Smart Environments [Ref No.: 4086]

s. sultana and r. basak "numerical investigations of implan meander line antenna of three-dimensional human head phantom for brain machine interference"
2019 International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2019

[Ref No.: 4130]

arghya saha, shameem ahmad, saad mekhilef, umme kulsum jhuma, haidar islam, zahirul amin chowdhury, monirul islam" comparative study of different transformer-less inverter topologies for grid-tied photovoltaic system"
2019 5th International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE), 2019

[Ref No.: 4188]

mehedi hasan" international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques(icrest)"
Photo detector, 2019

[Ref No.: 3479]

kazi firoz ahmed "concentrated solar power (csp) dish stirling technology in prospect of energy crisis in bangladesh"
Utilization of solar energy to generate electricity, a different approach., 2019

[Ref No.: 3558]

s.m. tasmeeh ahsan" icrest 2019-international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques"
Communication, 2019

[Ref No.: 3622]

mehedi azad shawon" international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques"
Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing, 2019

[Ref No.: 3624]

mehedi azad shawon" international conference on advances in science, engineering and robotics technology"
Renewable Energy, Smart Grid, 2019

[Ref No.: 3625]

kawshik shikder" international conference on robotics,electrical and signal processing techniques (icrest)"
Antenna & Propagation, 2019

[Ref No.: 3632]

dr. md. humayun kabir" international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques 2019 (icrest 2019)"
Wireless Communications & Photonics track, 2019

[Ref No.: 3636]

nowshin alam" international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques (icrest)"
Power, Renewable Energy, Nanotechnology, Telemedicine, and others, 2019

[Ref No.: 3643]

dr. md. hasan imam" international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques(icrest 2019, ieee conference record no 44735)"
Biomedical Engineering, 2019

[Ref No.: 3677]

dr. md. hasan imam" 5th international conference on advances in electrical engineering"
Biomedical Engineering, 2019

[Ref No.: 3679]

dr. md. kamrul hassan" first international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques (icrest)"
Attended Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation and Project Exhibition, 2019

[Ref No.: 3746]

farhadur arifin" 1st international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques (icrest"
Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2019

[Ref No.: 3752]

farhadur arifin" first convention of nrb engineers (cone2019)"
Engineering in all domains, 2019

[Ref No.: 3753]

susmita ghosh" 1st international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques (icrest 2019) http://icrest.aiub.edu/"
Robotics, Electrical, Signal processing techniques, 2019

[Ref No.: 3908]

shuvra saha "international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques (icrest) 2019"
Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques, 2019

[Ref No.: 4177]

md. sariful islam" uap international conference on architecture education"
Conference on Architecture Education, 2019

[Ref No.: 4243]

dr. md. mahadi hasan" scon 2nd international conference on materials science & engg,"
Materials Science, 2019

[Ref No.: 4246]

dr. md. jahid hasan" global lifi congress"
LiFi, Optical wireless communication, 2019

[Ref No.: 4306]

dr. md. jahid hasan" international conference on telecommunications"
All-optical networks, optical switching and routing, data center networks, Internet of things (IoT), machine-to-machine (M2M) communication and sensor networks, Energy-efficient protocols and networking, 2019

[Ref No.: 4308]

tahmida islam "1st international conference on universal wellbeing (2019)"
latest development and trends in engineering, science, emerging technologies, ICT, business & management, communication, economics, education, finance, humanities & culture studies, psychology and society., 2019

[Ref No.: 4761]

sheikh hasib cheragee" 5th international conference on computing, communication, chemical, materials and electronic engineering"
keynote session on materials property and electronic device, 2019

[Ref No.: 5499]

ahmad shameem, chek leong wen, saad mekhilef, arghya saha, tariful azam" iot based scalable smart home automation system design using raspberry pi"
11th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Computer and Information Engineering 2018, 2018

[Ref No.: 4189]

m. r. i. chowdhury* , m. rahman& t. a. srabon "barriers to adoption of sustainable construction practices in khulna city"
4 th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 2018 (ICACE 2018), 2018

[Ref No.: 4151]

seong jun kim, wooseok song, yoonsik yi, bok ki min, shuvra mondal, ki-seok an, choon-gi choi "wearable strain-pressure sensor based on rgo/swcnt fabric with high durability and waterproofing"
The Korean Vacuum Society 55th Annual Conference, 2018

[Ref No.: 4114]

shuvra mondal, seong jun kim, bok ki min, choon-gi choi" crack-paddy shaped tmds-assisted graphene/polymer porous nanostructure for highly sensitive and flexible strain-pressure sensor"
The Korean Vacuum Society 55th Annual Conference, 2018

[Ref No.: 4115]

akib jayed islam; khandoker tanjim ahammad; bithi barua; sadman shahriar alam; akash biswas "a new approach of brain mri analysis for identifying creutzfeldt-jakob disease (cjd)"
3rd International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT), 2018

[Ref No.: 3871]

sadaat, kazi firoz ahmed "experimental and numerical investigations of electricity generation using three chambered microbial fuel cell."
International Conference on Natural Sciences and Technology (ICNST’18), 2018

[Ref No.: 3688]

mohammad zeyad, susmita ghosh "designing of a low cost handy cooling system"
iCEEiCT 2018, 2018

[Ref No.: 3730]

mohammad shidujaman, shenghua zhang, robert elder, haipeng mi "“roboquin”: a mannequin robot with natural humanoid movements"
2018 27th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2018

[Ref No.: 3826]

mohammad shidujaman, hooman samani, mohammad ali raayatpanah, haipeng mi, chinthaka premachandra "towards deploying the wireless charging robots in smart environments"
2018 International Conference on System Science and Engineering (ICSSE), 2018

Keywords: Smart Cities,Mobile and Ubiquitous Platforms for Smart Environments,Wireless/ Mobile Communication,Wireless Sensor Networks,Mobile computing,Robotics,Next Generation User Interaction,User Modeling [Ref No.: 3827]

akib jayed islam; sadman shahriar alam; khandoker tanjim ahammad; fazllul karim nadim; bithi barua" design, kinematic and performance evaluation of a dual arm bomb disposal robot"
3rd International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT), 2018

[Ref No.: 3852]

santu saha, kushal biswas, mehedi hasan" temperature comparison of gaas/algaas based double barrier resonant tunneling diode considering negf"
2017 4th International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE), 2018

[Ref No.: 4555]

amirul islam; md. tanvir hossan; mostafa zaman chowdhury; yeong min jang "design of an indoor positioning scheme using artificial intelligence algorithms"
32nd International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN, 2018

[Ref No.: 4290]

bishwajit banik pathik; rezwan ahmed "contradistinctive inquisitions of windbelt generator"
2018 4th International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development (GTSD), 2018

[Ref No.: 4505]

anjum, nafiza, et al." photocatalytic properties of ti-doped bifeo3 bulk and nanoparticles for solar hydrogen fuel generation."
14th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICME2023), 2018

[Ref No.: 4393]

mohiuddin mahbub, md. mashrekul anwar, sourav deb, fariha tabassum, shuvra saha "analysis of 3-coil high performance inductive link for efficient wireless power transmission"
International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical and Electronic Engineering (IC4ME2), 2018

[Ref No.: 2721]

raja rashidul hasan, sujan howlader, md. azad hossen shanto, sharmin jahan "a novel design and miniaturization of a scalp implantable circular patch antenna at ism band for biomedical application."
IEEE Technically Sponsored Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys)., 2018

Keywords: Antenna [Ref No.: 2551]

mahadi hasan, jingwei zhao, zhenyi huang, zhengyi jiang" analysis of sintering and bonding of ultrafine wc powder and stainless steel by hot compaction diffusion bonding"
2018 National Conference on Processing Theories and New Technologies, 2018

[Ref No.: 3508]

tabassum zarin" 2nd international conference on green architecture"
Green Architecture in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals, 2018

[Ref No.: 3418]

m. arefeen ibrahim" international conference on green architecture (icgra 2018)"
Green Architecture, 2018

[Ref No.: 3510]

dr. md. kabiruzzaman " 7th international conference on informatics, electronics and vision (iciev), kitakyushu, japan, 2018."
Informatics, Electronics, Material Science, Biomedical, 2018

[Ref No.: 3522]

dr. md. kabiruzzaman " 1st international conference on nanotechnology and condensed matter physics (bangladesh),"
Nanotechnology, condensed matter physics,, 2018

[Ref No.: 3535]

kazi firoz ahmed "experimental and numerical investigations of electricity generation using three chambered microbial fuel cell"
Experimental and Numerical data analysis of MFC, 2018

[Ref No.: 3556]

dr. md. rifat hazari" international conference and exhibition on grand rebewable energy (gre 2018)"
Renewable Energy and Power System Engineering, 2018

[Ref No.: 3618]

dr. md. rifat hazari" 7th iet international conference on renewable power generation 2018 (rpg 2018)"
Renewable Energy and Power System Engineering, 2018

[Ref No.: 3619]

nadia nowshin" future technologies conference (ftc) (technically sponsored by ieee)"
Robotics & Embedded System Design, 2018

[Ref No.: 3626]

farhadur arifin" 10th international conference on electrical and computer engineering (icece-18)"
Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2018

[Ref No.: 3751]

dr. effat jahan" 7th iet international conference on renewable power generation 2018"
Renewable Energy and Power System Engineering, 2018

[Ref No.: 3778]

dr. effat jahan" 2018 joint conventional record, the hokkaido chapters of institute of electrical and information engineer"
Renewable Energy and Power System Engineering, 2018

[Ref No.: 3779]

moddassir khan nayeem" 48th international conference on computer and industrial engineering"
Humanitarian logistics, 2018

[Ref No.: 3807]

moddassir khan nayeem" advances in production management systems (apms) 2018"
Production planning, Logistics, 2018

[Ref No.: 3808]

susmita ghosh" 4th international conference on electrical engineering and information & communication technology (iceeict) https://mist.ac.bd/"
Artificial Intelligence,Biomedical Engineering, Computer Network & Security, Digital Signal & Image Processing, Microwave and Wireless Communication,Power System and Renewable Energy,Photonics and Optical Communication,Power Electronics and Drives,Software Engineering,Software Engineering,VLSI and Circuits, 2018

[Ref No.: 3907]

dr. md. mahadi hasan" international conference on processing theories and new technologies"
Processing Theories and New Technologies, 2018

[Ref No.: 4247]

joheb muhammad tanzeer sayeed" 2018 international conference on computing, power and communication technologies (gucon)"
Power, Communication, Networking, 2018

[Ref No.: 4287]

dr. md. jahid hasan" 11th international symposium on communication systems, networks & digital signal processing"
Communications Systems and Theory, Communications Protocols, Wireless Networks, Photonics, 2018

[Ref No.: 4305]

mohd zean, abdul aziz, minhajul islam, m. salman morshed abir, shuvra saha "cntfet based multiplexers and magnitude comparator"
4th International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE), 2017

[Ref No.: 2720]

nusrat alim and mohammad nasir uddin "surface plasmon resonance biosensor in healthcare application"
2017 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), Cochin, India, 2017

Keywords: Photonics [Ref No.: 2667]

tadbirul islam and mohammad nasir uddin "240 gbit/s bit compressed hybrid otdm-wdm fiber optic communication system"
2017 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), Cochin, India, 2017

Keywords: Optical Communication [Ref No.: 2668]

mohammad nasir uddin" (invited talk) high bandwidth communication laser"
National Conference on Electronics and ICT, 2017

Keywords: Optical Communication [Ref No.: 2669]

kazi md. jubyer, samiul faruk, rezwan hasan, sanjed ahamed, and bishwajit b. pathik "implementation of solar pv connected instant power supply integrated with a priority based load distribution system"
2016 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS), 2017

[Ref No.: 4507]

gour chand mazumder , nasif shams, md. habibur rahman and saiful huque "analysis of wind energy resource at chittagong coastline"
International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy 2017, 2017

[Ref No.: 4228]

amirul islam, m. t. hossain, m. z. chowdhury, and y. m. jang" an indoor localization scheme based on integrated artificial neural fuzzy logic"
14th IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS), 2017

[Ref No.: 4291]

amirul islam; md. tanvir hossan; yeong min jang "introduction of optical camera communication for internet of vehicles (iov)"
2017 Ninth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), 2017

[Ref No.: 4292]

md. tanvir hossan; mostafa zaman chowdhury; amirul islam; yeong min jang "simplified photogrammetry using optical camera communication for indoor positioning"
2017 Ninth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), 2017

[Ref No.: 4293]

akash biswas; akib jayed islam; abdullah al-faruk; sadman shahriar alam" design and performance analysis of a microstrip line-fed on-body matched flexible uwb antenna for biomedical applications"
International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), 2017

[Ref No.: 3853]

muhibul haque bhuyan and quazi deen mohd khosru "linear pocket profile based pinch off voltage model for nano scale n-mosfet"
International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering (ICECTE 2016), 2017

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 3861]

muhibul haque bhuyan" history and prospects of electrical and electronic engineering education in bangladesh"
Electronics & Information Technology Research Conference, 2017

Keywords: Engineering Technology [Ref No.: 3785]

muhibul haque bhuyan" evolution of novel device structures of mosfet"
National Conference on Electronics and ICT, 2017

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 3786]

muhibul haque bhuyan and quazi deen mohd khosru "linear asymmetric pocket profile based pinch off voltage model for nano scale n-mosfet"
International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), 2017

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 3787]

md. sumon ali and muhibul haque bhuyan "design and development of a microcontroller based automatic blood flow monitoring and controlling system"
National Conference on Electronics and ICT, 2017

Keywords: Biomedical [Ref No.: 3913]

rokhsana titlee and muhibul haque bhuyan "microcontroller based high precision non-contact distance measurement system using ultrasound"
National Conference on Electronics and ICT, 2017

Keywords: Security in Smart Environments [Ref No.: 3914]

fadi m albatsh, shameem ahmad, bazilah ismail, lilik j awalin, ibrahim alhamrouni, kanendra naidu" implementation of upfc based on fuzzy logic controller to resolve power quality issues in transmission network"
2017 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI), 2017

[Ref No.: 4190]

arghya saha, shameem ahmad, afrin aktar soma, mohammad zahirul amin chowdhury, al amin hossain" modelling and control of statcom to ensure stable power system operation"
2017 4th International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE), 2017

[Ref No.: 4191]

fadi m albatsh, shameem ahmad, tofael ahmed, fbk mahmood, arghya saha, mohammad za chowdhury, nor azuana ramli" a comparative analysis of line stability indices for dynamic voltage stability"
2017 International Conference on Engineering Technology and Technopreneurship (ICE2T), 2017

[Ref No.: 4192]

shameem ahmad, mohammed jashim uddin, injamamul haq nisu, md moin-ul ahsan, ishtiaq rahman, nahidul hoque samrat" modeling of grid connected battery storage wave energy and pv hybrid renewable power generation"
2017 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), 2017

[Ref No.: 4193]

fbk mahmood, s ahmad, g mukit, mti shuvo, s razwan, mni maruf, fadi m albatsh" weakest location exploration in ieee-14 bus system for voltage stability improvement using statcom, synchronous condenser and static capacitor"
2017 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), 2017

[Ref No.: 4194]

rashik tahmid, shameem ahmad" power quality improvement by using shunt hybrid active power filter"
2017 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), 2017

[Ref No.: 4195]

atika tasnim adity" 1st international conference on green architecture"
Prospects and challenges of going green, 2017

[Ref No.: 3230]

kawshik shikder" international conference on electrical, computer and communication engineering (ecce)"
Antenna and Propagation, 2017

[Ref No.: 3497]

dr. md. kabiruzzaman " 3rd international exchange and innovation conference on engineering & sciences,"
Electronics, Environment, Materials Sciences, 2017

[Ref No.: 3525]

dr. md. kabiruzzaman " 6th international conference on informatics, electronics and vision & 2017 7th international symposium in computational medical and health technology (iciev-iscmht),"
Image processing, informatics, electronics, Biomedical, 2017

[Ref No.: 3526]

dr. md. rifat hazari" 2017 ieej technical meeting on power engineering/power system engineering"
Renewable Energy and Power System Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 3615]

dr. md. rifat hazari" 2017 joint conventional record, the hokkaido chapters of institute of electrical and information engineer)"
Renewable Energy and Power System Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 3616]

dr. md. rifat hazari" australasian universities power engineering conference 2017"
Renewable Energy and Power System Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 3617]

dr. md. hasan imam" 5th ieee region 10 humanitarian technology conference(r10 htc)"
Biomedical Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 3678]

farhadur arifin" ieee region 10 humanitarian technology conference (r10-htc)"
Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 3750]

dr. effat jahan" 2017 ieej technical meeting on power engineering/power system engineering"
Renewable Energy and Power System Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 3775]

dr. effat jahan" 2017 joint conventional record, the hokkaido chapters of institute of electrical and information engineer"
Renewable Energy and Power System Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 3776]

dr. effat jahan" australasian universities power engineering conference 2017” melbourne"
Renewable Energy and Power System Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 3777]

1. m.t. alam, r. sadnan, i. hoque, m. rahman and q. ahsan" loadability improvement of an existing ac line by transmitting simultaneous ac and dc power"
9th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2016

[Ref No.: 3564]

sikder mohammad faruk, mir mofajjal hossain, ahmed al mansur, and muhibul haque bhuyan "investigation of total harmonic distortion of a three-phase cúk rectifier"
5th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision (ICIEV), 2016

Keywords: Power System [Ref No.: 3788]

amirul islam; mohammad arif hossain; trang nguyen; yeong min jang "high temporal-spatial resolution optical wireless communication technique using image sensor"
2016 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC), 2016

[Ref No.: 4294]

mohammad arif hossain; amirul islam; yeong min jang "effects of viewing angle between camera and display in invisible image sensor communication"
2016 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC), 2016

[Ref No.: 4295]

amirul islam; mohammad arif hossain; yeong min jang "interference mitigation technique for time-of-flight (tof) camera"
2016 Eighth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), 2016

[Ref No.: 4296]

mohammad arif hossain; amirul islam; yeong min jang "pixel to signal conversion based invisible image sensor communication"
2016 Eighth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), 2016

[Ref No.: 4297]

trang nguyen; nam tuan le; mohammad arif hossain; chang hyun hong; amirul islam; yeong min jang "flicker-free spatial-psk modulation scheme for vehicular image sensor communications"
2016 Eighth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), 2016

[Ref No.: 4298]

gour chand mazumder, nasif shams, md. habibur rahman and saiful huque" is it safe to have a power plant near sundarbans? an analytical study of carbon emission and mitigation procedure"
Bangladesh Planning and Research Conference, 2016

Keywords: Power System Planning [Ref No.: 4311]

shaiful islam; bishwajit b. pathik; manzur h. khan; mamun habib "software test estimation tool: comparable with cocomoii model"
2016 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2016

[Ref No.: 4508]

masum billah, sanjoy kumar das, md. toriqul islam, md. anamul haque and bishwajit banik pathik "integrated photovoltaic power management system (ippms): a grid tied solar power controller combined with ips technology"
2015 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD), 2016

[Ref No.: 4510]

md. masum billah, sanjoy kumar das, md. toriqul islam, md. anamul haque, and bishwajit banik pathik "design, simulation and implementation of a grid tied solar power controller integrated with instant power supply technology"
2015 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT ASIA), 2016

[Ref No.: 4511]

rahman, atia, et al" analysis of mechanical and micro-structural properties of trabecular bones with statistical review of osteoporosis among females in bangladesh."
2016 9th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE). IEEE, ., 2016

[Ref No.: 4394]

saha, sourav, et al." effect of temperature and geometric parameters on elastic properties of tungsten nanowire: a molecular dynamics study."
11th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICME 2015), 2016

[Ref No.: 4395]

md mahfuzur rahman, joy shaha, navid hossain, arifur rahman sabuj, shuvra saha, a. s. m. bakibillah "intelligent energy management of power system using artificial neural network"
7th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation(ISMS), 2016

[Ref No.: 2719]

b. hong, mohammad nasir uddin, t. kitano, a. tajima, h. jiang and k. hamamoto "theoretical modelling of photon-photon resonance on active-multimode interferometer laser diode toward 40 gbps"
20thMicrooptics Conference (MOC’15), Fukuoka, Japan, 2015, 2016

Keywords: Photonics [Ref No.: 2354]

t. kitano, m. n. uddin, b. hong, a. tajima, h. jiang and k. hamamoto "demonstration of photon-photon resonance peak enhancement by waveguide design modification on active multimode interferometer laser diode"
20th Microoptics Conference (MOC’15), Fukuoka, Japan, 2015, 2016

Keywords: Photonics [Ref No.: 2355]

dr. md. obaidul malek" spie conference for defense and security"
Symmetric Bio-encryption, 2016

[Ref No.: 3069]

kawshik shikder" 5th international conference on informatics, electronics & vision (iciev)"
Antenna and Propagation, 2016

[Ref No.: 3145]

md. arif abdulla samy" 5th international conference on informatics, electronics and vision (iciev)"
Informatics, Electronics and Vision, 2016

[Ref No.: 3160]

md. arif abdulla samy" 3rd international conference on electrical engineering and information & communication technology"
Electrical Engineering and Information & Communication Technology, 2016

[Ref No.: 3161]

m. arefeen ibrahim" design communication european conference (dca 2016)"
Digital Communications in Architecture, 2016

[Ref No.: 3511]

dr. md. kabiruzzaman " 2nd international exchange and innovation conference on engineering & sciences,"
Electronics, material Sciences, Environment,, 2016

[Ref No.: 3529]

dr. md. rifat hazari" 2016 joint conventional record, the hokkaido chapters of institute of electrical and information engineer)"
Renewable Energy and Power System Engineering, 2016

[Ref No.: 3613]

dr. md. rifat hazari" 19th international conference on electrical machines and systems (icems 2016)"
Renewable Energy and Power System Engineering, 2016

[Ref No.: 3614]

farhadur arifin" 9th international conference on electrical and computer engineering (icece"
Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2016

[Ref No.: 3749]

dr. effat jahan" 2016 joint conventional record, the hokkaido chapters of institute of electrical and information engineer"
Renewable Energy and Power System Engineering, 2016

[Ref No.: 3772]

dr. effat jahan" 19th international conference on electrical machines and systems"
Renewable Energy and Power System Engineering, 2016

[Ref No.: 3774]

takuya kitano, mohammad nasir uddin, hong bingzhou, akio tajima, kazutoshi kato, and kiichi hamamoto "17.2 ghz extended bandwidth active mmi ld by using photon photon resonance"
2015 IEICE general Conference, Kusatsu, Shiga, Japan, 2015

Keywords: Photonics [Ref No.: 2356]

shameem ahmad, tofael ahmed, saad mekhilef, shuvra saha, nasim al islam, ussash arafat, hasna rahman hashi "hardware implementation of grid connected transformer-less semi-z-source inverter topology to mitigate common mode leakage current and thd"
3rd International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE), 2015

[Ref No.: 2717]

sajeed mohammad shahriat, abir ahmed, tareq qazi, sadif khan farabi, ebad zahir" design and implementation of a piezoelectric energy harvesting system using a super capacitor"
International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE), 2015

[Ref No.: 2545]

farhan obaidi turjo, nawshed ahmed, tanvir islam, a. k. mahbubul hye, and bishwajit banik pathik "an innovative and simple intelligent health monitoring system to observe patients' physical conditions from remote places"
2014 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development, 2015

[Ref No.: 4513]

n. datta, t. masud, r. arefin, a. a. rimon, m. s. rahman and b. b. pathik "designing and implementation of an application based electrical circuit for smart home application"
2014 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development, 2015

[Ref No.: 4515]

lubaba f. tanisha, bishwajit b. pathik, manzur h. khan, and md. mamun habib "analyzing and visualizing news trends over time"
2014 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2015

[Ref No.: 4516]

shaiful islam, bishwajit b. pathik, manzur h. khan; and md. mamun habib "a novel tool for reducing time and cost at software test estimation: an use cases and functions based approach"
2014 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2015

[Ref No.: 4517]

amirul islam, m. a. hossain, and y. m. jang" software defined networking enabled digital signage for disaster management"
2015 KICS Korea and Southeast Asia ICT International Workshop, 2015

[Ref No.: 4299]

m m rahman and s. p. majumder" analytical evaluation of the bit error rate of a mimo ofdm power line communication system with crosstalk due to mutual coupling among the conductors dhaka, bangladesh, december 2015."
The 1st IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Photonics (ICTP), 2015

[Ref No.: 3954]

shameem ahmad, md tanvir rashid, chowdhury saleha ferdowsy, saidul islam, ahmed hassan mahmood" a technical comparison among different pv-mppt algorithms to observe the effect of fast changing solar irradiation"
2015 IEEE International WIE Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE), 2015

[Ref No.: 4196]

shameem ahmad, fadi m albatsh, saad mekhilef, farhana choudhury, al amin hossain, md mahmudul hasan, shaikat kanti nath" implementation of fuzzy unified power flow controller to control power flow dynamically in transmission line"
2015 International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE), 2015

[Ref No.: 4197]

shameem ahmad, tofael ahmed, saad mekhilef, shuvra saha, nasim al islam, ussash arafat, hasna rahman hashi" hardware implementation of grid connected transformer-less semi-z-source inverter topology to mitigate common mode leakage current and thd"
2015 International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE), 2015

[Ref No.: 4198]

md. alomgir kabir; m. shamim kaiser "outage capacity analysis of mc-cdma based on cognitive radio network"

[Ref No.: 4207]

md. rashed hasan" international architecture conference engage dhaka 2015"
The important notion of “place” in Architecture., 2015

[Ref No.: 2786]

dr. md. anwar hossain" extremely low loss thz guidance using kagome lattice porous core photonic crystal fiber"
Kagome lattice porous core photonic crystal fiber, 2015

[Ref No.: 2853]

dr. md. kharshiduzzaman" 3rd international conference on structural adhesive bonding"
Fundamental aspects of adhesion; The science and technology of surfaces; Advances in adhesive materials; Mechanical properties of bonded joints; Innovative designs and applications; Testing and standardization; Industrial aspects; Quality procedures; Environmental and ecological aspects., 2015

[Ref No.: 2979]

dr. md. obaidul malek" international conference on biomedical science and engineering"
Authentication, Cardiovascular Signal, and Medical Biometrics, 2015

[Ref No.: 3070]

kawshik shikder" 2nd international conference on electrical information and communication technology (eict)"
Antenna and Propagation, 2015

[Ref No.: 3144]

nasim al islam" ieee region 10 congress"
Leadership and Networking, 2015

[Ref No.: 3180]

s.m. tasmeeh ahsan" iceeict 2015 - international conference on electrical engineering and information & communication technology"
Electronics, Communication, Electrical and Information Technology, 2015

[Ref No.: 3433]

dr. md. rifat hazari" 2015 joint conventional record, the hokkaido chapters of institute of electrical and information engineer)"
Renewable Energy and Power System Engineering, 2015

[Ref No.: 3612]

farhadur arifin" 3rd international conference on advances in electrical engineering (icaee)"
Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2015

[Ref No.: 3748]

dr. effat jahan" 2015 ieee international wie conference on electrical and computer engineering"
Power System Engineering, 2015

[Ref No.: 3771]

md. alomgir kabir" conference on electrical engineering and information & communication technology"
Engineering, 2015

Keywords: Networking,Communication Signal Processing [Ref No.: 5017]

muhibul haque bhuyan and debashish das "design of a microcontroller based automatic power factor improvement plant for power system protection laboratory"
National Conference on Electronics for Digital Society, 2014

Keywords: Power System, Circuits and Systems [Ref No.: 3902]

m.t. alam and q. ahsan" analytical approach to investigate the loadability of a long transmission line for simultaneous ac-dc power flow"
8th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2014

[Ref No.: 3565]

m.t. alam and q. ahsan" analytical approach to investigate the stability of a system with simultaneous ac-dc power flow through existing ac transmission line"
8th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2014

[Ref No.: 3566]

muhibul haque bhuyan and quazi deen mohd khosru "linear asymmetric pocket profile based low frequency drain current flicker noise model for pocket implanted nano scale n-mosfet"
International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT), 2014

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 3862]

g. c. mazumder, m. s. islam and m. h. rahman "hybrid switching low loss solar charge controller"
2nd International Conference on Green Energy and Technology, 2014

[Ref No.: 4227]

nipu datta, md. n. ahmed, roksana liya, nazia zaman, a. k. mahbubul hye and bishwajit b. pathik "maximizing the solar power by combine cycle: an experimental study on miniature solar power station"
2014 International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON2014), 2014

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 4491]

farhan o. turjo; mohammad a. islam; saqib u. bhuiyan; tanvir islam; bishwajit b. pathik "design, simulation and implementation of a novel online patients’ health checking method for physicians"
the 7th Biomedical Engineering International Conference (BMEiCON 2014), 2014

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 4492]

hossain, md nahian bin, et al." performance evaluation of a light-weight passenger vehicle using regular octane and bio-fuel."
10th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ICME 2013, 2014

[Ref No.: 4396]

mahboob, monon, and m. zahabul islam." effect of vacancy and stone-wales defects on the shear strength of carbon nanotube-polymer interfaces." ad"
1st International Conference On The Science And Engineering Of Materials 2013, 2014

[Ref No.: 4397]

md. humayun kabir , holitiana randrianandraina, chika sugimoto, ryuji kohno "md. humayun kabir , holitiana randrianandraina, chika sugimoto, ryuji kohno, “indoor geo-location approach for dense multipath environments”,"
IEEE 78th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2013-Fall) 2013; Las Vegas, USA, 2014

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication [Ref No.: 2281]

mohammad nasir uddin, h. bingzhou, t. kitano, a. tajima, k. kato, and k. hamamoto "bandwidth enhancement by coupling to higher order resonances in active multimode interferometer laser diode"
IEICE Technical Report on Laser and Quantum Electronics, NTT Atsugi R&D Center Tokyo, Japan, 2014

Keywords: Photonics [Ref No.: 2357]

mohammad nasir uddin, h. bingzhou, t. kitano, a. tajima, k. kato, and k. hamamoto "bandwidth enhancement by exploiting photon-photon resonance in active multimode interferometer laser diode"
IEICE Technical Report on Optical Communication System, Nagasaki, Japan, 2014

Keywords: Photonics [Ref No.: 2358]

mohammad nasir uddin, hong bingzhou, t. kitano, a. tajima, k. kato, and k. hamamoto" photon-photon resonance in active multimode interferometer laser diode"
2014 IEICE Society Conference, Tokushima, Japan, 2014

Keywords: Photonics [Ref No.: 2359]

mohammad nasir uddin, h. bingzhou, a. tajima, k. kato, and k. hamamoto "first observation of photon-photon resonance in active multimode interferometer laser diode"
European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO 17th) and 19th MOC, Nice, France, 2014

Keywords: Photonics [Ref No.: 2360]

mohammad nasir uddin, t. kizu, y. hinokuma, h. bingzhou, a. tajima, k. kato, and k. hamamoto "demonstration of split pump configuration in active mmi-ld for the realization of high intrinsic modulation bandwidth."
2014 IEICE General Conference, Niigata, Japan, 2014

Keywords: Photonics [Ref No.: 2361]

nadia afroze, rinku basak "optimized characteristics of a designed oxide confined 420nm mqw blue-violet laser by varying differential gain"
1st International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information & Communication Technology, 2014

[Ref No.: 149]

tawsif ibne alam, rinku basak "performance analysis of a designed 635nm compressively strained red laser under variant temparature condition"
1st International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information & Communication Technology, 2014

[Ref No.: 152]

dr. nadia afroze" iceeict - 2014"
Optimized Characteristics of a Designed Oxide Confined 420nm MQW Blue-Violet Laser by Varying Differential Gain, 2014

[Ref No.: 235]

ishtiaque abedin zissan" 1st international conference on electrical engineering and information communication technology (iceeict 2014)"
Prospect of Combined Cycle Power Plant over Conventional Single Cycle Power Plant in Bangladesh: A case study, 2014

[Ref No.: 324]

dr. md. rifat hazari" 1st international conference on electrical engineering and information & communication technology"
Control System Engineering, 2014

[Ref No.: 2838]

dr. md. anwar hossain" light source design using hollow core photonic crystal fibers"
Light source design using hollow core photonic crystal fibers, 2014

[Ref No.: 2854]

dr. md. kharshiduzzaman" 16th european conference on composite materials (eccm)"
1. Polymer, ceramic and metallic matrix composites 2. Applications 3. Damage and fracture 4. Durability and ageing 5. Experimental techniques 6. Hybrid composites 7. Infrastructure 8. Joint and bearing behaviour 9. Life cycle analyses and sustainability 10. Low cost technologies 11. Mechanical and physical properties 12. Nanotechnologies 13. NDE technologies 14. Probabilistic design 15. Processing and manufacturing technologies 16. Recycling 17. Structural design 18. Testing and characterization, 2014

[Ref No.: 2978]

abanti shama afroz" software, knowledge, information management and applications (skima), 2014 8th international conference on. ieee, 2014"
Image Processing, 2014

[Ref No.: 3047]

dr. md. obaidul malek" spie defense and security"
2D Geometrical . Facial Biometrics, and Authentication, 2014

[Ref No.: 3072]

dr. md. obaidul malek" ieee proceedings of csci"
Facial Biometrics, Filtering, and Authentication, 2014

[Ref No.: 3073]

s.m. tasmeeh ahsan" iceeict 2014 - international conference on electrical engineering and information & communication technology"
Electronics, Communication, Electrical and Information Technology, 2014

[Ref No.: 3432]

nowshin alam" wie bd congress: call of engineering for humanity."
Various application of engineering technologies to helping the sick and disabled and for the betterment of global environment., 2014

[Ref No.: 3445]

dr. ashiqur rahman" 28th regional conference on solid sate science and technology 2014"
Material Science, 2014

[Ref No.: 3472]

dr. md. kabiruzzaman " 3rd international conference on informatics, electronics & vision, dhaka, bangladesh,"
Electronics, material sciences, Biomedical, image processing, 2014

[Ref No.: 3530]

farhadur arifin" 8th international conference on electrical and computer engineering (icece-2014)"
Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2014

[Ref No.: 3747]

dr. effat jahan" 1st conference on electrical engineering and information & communication technology (iceeict)"
Control System Engineering, 2014

[Ref No.: 3768]

nusrat alim, fazle rabbi himel, syed tauhidun nabi, md. shabbir hossain khan, rinku basak "optimized design and performance analysis of n+p doped gaas-based solar cell"
2nd International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering, 2013

[Ref No.: 153]

mohammad nasir uddin, t. kizu, y. hinokuma, k. tanabe, a. tajima, k. kato, and kiichi hamamoto "first demonstration of high intrinsic modulation bandwidth (26.4 ghz) in active multimode interferometer laser diode by using split pumping configuration"
Eighteenth Micro Optics Conference (MOC’13), Tokyo, Japan, 2013

Keywords: Photonics [Ref No.: 2363]

mohammad nasir uddin, t. kizu, y. hinokuma, a. tajima, k. kato, and kiichi hamamoto "demonstration of resonance frequency enhancement effect by using split pumping region in active multi-mode interferometer laser diode"
The IEICE Technical Report on Optical Communication System, Kitakyushu, Japan, 2013

Keywords: Photonics [Ref No.: 2364]

y. hinokuma, t. kizu, mohammad nasir uddin, and kiichi hamamoto "cw single wavelength emission @rt on active-mmi ld"
14th Cross Straits Symposium on Energy and Environmental Sciences and Technology, Fukuoka, Japan, 2013

Keywords: Photonics [Ref No.: 2366]

t. kizu, y. hinokuma, mohammad nasir uddin, and kiichi hamamoto "smsr improvement on single wavelength active mmi ld"
14th Cross Straits Symposium on Energy and Environmental Sciences and Technology, Fukuoka, Japan, 2013

Keywords: Photonics [Ref No.: 2367]

muhibul haque bhuyan and quazi deen mohd khosru "carrier diffusion time delay model of pocket implanted nano scale n-mosfet"
International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE), 2013

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 3863]

muhibul haque bhuyan, fouzia ferdous, and quazi deen mohd khosru "temperature effects on subthreshold drain current of nano scale pocket implanted n-mosfet"
International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE), 2013

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 3864]

4. m.t. alam, m.t. hassan, m.s. hossain, m.t. ahad, s.s. shathi and h.m. mithun" impact of the proposed tidal power generation on the reduction of acute load shedding of bangladesh power system and its financial viability analysis"
2nd International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering, 2013

[Ref No.: 3567]

muhibul haque bhuyan" teaching control systems course for electrical engineering students in cognitive domain"
International Conference on Tertiary Education: Realities & Challenges, 2013

Keywords: English Language teaching [Ref No.: 3883]

muhibul haque bhuyan and quazi deen mohd khosru" temperature effects on threshold voltage of the pocket implanted fully depleted thin film soi n-mosfet"
International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE), 2013

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 3884]

tabassum zarin, sharmina haque, afrina haque" industrial waste management in dhaka city"
Engineering, Research ,Innovation and Education, 2013

[Ref No.: 4148]

dr. md. tanvir hasan" cs mantech 2013"
Semiconductor Devices, 2013

[Ref No.: 108]

dr. md. tanvir hasan" iscs 2013"
Semiconductor Devices, 2013

[Ref No.: 109]

bishwajit banik pathik" ieee international conference on industrial engineering and engineering management (ieem)"
A Paper on "Software Test Estimation Tools using Use Cases and Functions", 2013

[Ref No.: 2390]

bishwajit banik pathik" 6th ieee conference of management innovation and technology (icmit)"
A Paper on "A Descriptive Study on Supply Chain Management Model for the Academia", 2013

[Ref No.: 2391]

fahim ahmed" “cad/cam conference proceedings,”"
STEP (ISO standard for the exchange of product model data), knowledge-based design systems, CAD, Ontology, CAM, GDT, Virtual Reality, 2013

[Ref No.: 2402]

md. sariful islam" 20th general assembly and conference of commonwealth association of architects “architecture, response and responsibility"
Architecture, Response and Responsibility, 2013

[Ref No.: 2638]

md. rashed hasan" commonwealth association of architects (caa) 2013"
The advancement of Architecture throughout the COMMONWEALTH, 2013

[Ref No.: 2678]

sharmina haque" international conference on engineering research, innovation and education"

[Ref No.: 2739]

dr. md. anwar hossain" tellurite nanowire core photonic crystal fiber"
Tellurite Nanowire Core Photonic Crystal Fiber, 2013

[Ref No.: 2855]

dr. mollah rezaul alam" ieee industry application society annual meeting, 2013"
An approach for assessing the effectiveness of multiple features based SVM method for islanding detection of distributed generation, 2013

[Ref No.: 2871]

tabassum zarin" engineering, research, innovation and education"
Industrial Waste Management in Dhaka City, 2013

[Ref No.: 2874]

dr. md. kharshiduzzaman" 2nd international conference on structural adhesive bonding"
1. Adhesive Bonding, 2. Joint design, 3. Composite Materials. 4. Non destractive testing (NDT). 5. Joint Durability. 6. Adhesive properties., 2013

[Ref No.: 2977]

md. tarek morad" caa 20th annual conference"
Architecture, 2013

[Ref No.: 3011]

dilruba ferdous shuvra" caa, dhaka 2013"
Architecture, Response and Responsibility, 2013

[Ref No.: 3154]

muhibul haque bhuyan, quazi deen mohd khosru" analytical surface potential model for pocket implanted fully depleted thin film soi n-mosfet"
National Conference on Electronics and ICT for National Development, 2012

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 3889]

muhibul haque bhuyan, fouzia ferdous, and quazi deen mohd khosru" effects of pocket profile parameters on carrier conduction time delay in pocket implanted nano scale n-mosfet"
National Conference on Electronics and ICT for National Development, 2012

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 3890]

muhibul haque bhuyan and quazi deen mohd khosru" analytical threshold voltage model for pocket implanted fully depleted thin film soi n-mosfet"
National Conference on Electronics and ICT for National Development, 2012

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 3891]

5. m.t. alam, s.i. karim, k. nahar, i. jahan and k. akhter" economic analysis for the justification of optimal pumped storage generation in a power system with load shedding"
7th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2012

[Ref No.: 3568]

6. m.t. alam, t. ahamed, y. tareq, a. wahid and s. hossain" prospect of tidal power generation in bangladesh through tidal barrage using low head water turbine"
7th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2012

[Ref No.: 3569]

md. kamruzzaman russell and muhibul haque bhuyan "microcontroller based dc motor speed control using pwm technique"
International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering (ICECTE), 2012

Keywords: Control and automation [Ref No.: 3865]

muhibul haque bhuyan and quazi deen mohd khosru "linear asymmetric pocket profile based threshold voltage model for nano scale n-mosfet"
International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering (ICECTE), 2012

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 3866]

md. humayun kabir, ryuji kohno "md. humayun kabir, ryuji kohno, “a geolocation approach using uwb deterministic modeling for non line-of-sight conditions”,"
Int'l Symp. on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT 2012), San Diego, CA, USA, 2012

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication [Ref No.: 2279]

md. humayun kabir, ryuji kohno "md. humayun kabir, ryuji kohno, “a hybrid positioning approach by uwb radio communication systems for non line-of-sight conditions”,"
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2011), Houston, Texas, USA, 2012

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication [Ref No.: 2280]

abdullah al noman, nandita saha, shuvashis dey, nuzat alam "symmetrical slot loading in elliptical microstrip patch antennas partially filled with mue negative metamaterials"
Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2012

[Ref No.: 2433]

koji enda, md. humayun kabir, fumi ono and ryuji kohno "koji enda, md. humayun kabir, fumi ono and ryuji kohno, “high accuracy tag tracking system based on tdoa in medical network”,"
Int'l Symp. on on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT 2012), San Diego, CA, USA, 2012

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication [Ref No.: 2283]

ashik mannan vaskor" 50 years of architectural education in buet’"
digital architecture, 2012

[Ref No.: 55]

abu hena muhammad shatil" energy summit - the journey to smart energy"
Renewable energy, Smart energy system, 2012

[Ref No.: 155]

fauzia rahman mouri" daad conference - german southeast european network 2012"
Balcony to the Balkans, 2012

[Ref No.: 234]

fahim ahmed" “cad/cam conference proceedings,”"
STEP (ISO standard for the exchange of product model data), knowledge-based design systems, CAD, Ontology, CAM, GDT, Virtual Reality, 2012

[Ref No.: 2401]

mania tahsina taher" architecture: education, practice and research"
Architecture Education in Bangladesh, 2012

[Ref No.: 2449]

dr. mollah rezaul alam" the international joint conference on neural networks"
A short length window-based method for islanding detection in distributed generation, 2012

[Ref No.: 2870]

tabassum zarin" bangladesh convention on rainwater harvesting"
Bangladesh Convention on Rainwater Harvesting, 2012

[Ref No.: 2875]

ahmed mortuza saleque" 7th international conference on electrical and computer engineering (icece 2012)"
Maximum Power Point Tracker for Battery Charging PV System, 2012

[Ref No.: 2945]

dr. mir mohammad nazmul arefin" swinburne postgraduate conference 2012"
Digital Signal Processing, 2012

[Ref No.: 3027]

dr. mohammad asaduzzaman khan" electrical and computer engineering (icece), 2012 7th international conference"
Comparison of TH-SS and DS-SS with sleeping protocol for LDR-UWB Network, 2012

[Ref No.: 3429]

fahim rahman; asheque mohammad zaidi; nadia anam; aysha akter; rethwan faiz "performance evaluation of a cnt-opamp by variation of swnts in the cnfetchannel region"
2011 IEEE Regional Symposium on Micro and Nanoelectronics (RSM), 2011

[Ref No.: 81]

mahadi hasan , rewat bunchan , ir erik lucas bohez , md. abdul wakil and md. mostafizur rahman" a binary hyper redundant elephant trunk like robot controlled by microcontroller and plc-wincc"
International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2011, 2011

[Ref No.: 3509]

mahadi hasan , mongkol ekpanyapong, md. abdul wakil and md. ashraful islam, abhishesh silwal and jakkit sivapornsatian" pd controller for balancing an inverted pendulumn cart"
International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2011, 2011

[Ref No.: 3510]

sm ferdous, taslim reza, kazi firoz ahmed "a surface electromyogram (semg) signal guided control system of an automated wheel chair for disabled using neck muscle movements."
International Conference on Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems, 2011

[Ref No.: 3689]

muhibul haque bhuyan, md. maidul haque, m. abdur rauf and md. mazharul islam khan "design and implementation of a microcontroller based elevator control systems"
Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (CERIE), 2011

Keywords: Control and automation [Ref No.: 3907]

muhibul haque bhuyan and debashish das "design and implementation of a remote sensing electricity supply control for industrial applications"
Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (CERIE), 2011

Keywords: Control and automation [Ref No.: 3908]

muhibul haque bhuyan, debashis das and rafiqul islam "design and manufacturing of a low-cost synchronous motor-generator for electrical machine laboratory"
Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (CERIE), 2011

Keywords: Electrical machine [Ref No.: 3909]

poresh kanti das and muhibul haque bhuyan "design and implementation of a plc based screw air compressor for industrial applications"
Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (CERIE), 2011

Keywords: Control and automation [Ref No.: 3910]

md lutfor rahman and muhibul haque bhuyan "linearization of voltage-controlled oscillator by microcontroller based pll frequency synthesizer"
Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (CERIE), 2011

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 3911]

khandaker ashifuzzaman rajon, tabassum zarin tithi" hidden possibilities of far in the context of dhaka residential areas"
Urbanization Traffic and Management, 2011

[Ref No.: 4147]

ashik mannan vaskor" green building"
launching green building, 2011

[Ref No.: 54]

kazi firoz ahmed" proceedings of thirteen international conference on electrical machines, drives and power systems"
A Surface Electromyogram (sEMG) Signal Guided Control System of an Automated Wheel Chair for Disabled Using Neck Muscle Movements, 2011

[Ref No.: 1375]

syeda tuhin ara karim" ‘teaching landscape architecture’"
‘Teaching Landscape Architecture’, 2011

[Ref No.: 2406]

tabassum zarin" urbanization traffic and environment"
Hidden possibilities of FAR in the context of Dhaka residential areas, 2011

[Ref No.: 2881]

dr. mir mohammad nazmul arefin" swinburne postgraduate conference 2011"
Medical Imaging, 2011

[Ref No.: 3026]

dr. md. obaidul malek" international conference and exhibition on vaccines and vaccination"
STEP Cell, Filtering, and Computational Modeling, 2011

[Ref No.: 3074]

md. lutfor rahman and muhibul haque bhuyan "design and optimization of vco pll frequency synthesizer"
Conference on Electronics and Telecommunications for Digital Bangladesh, 2010

Keywords: Circuits and Systems [Ref No.: 3892]

muhibul haque bhuyan, md. anayet rabby, and md. mostayanul gofur tarik "microcontroller based automatic traffic light control system design"
National Conference on Electronics and Telecommunications for Digital Bangladesh, 2010

Keywords: Circuits and Systems [Ref No.: 3893]

muhibul haque bhuyan and md. ahasnol kabir "plc based automatic railway gate control system"
National Conference on Electronics and Telecommunications for Digital Bangladesh, 2010

Keywords: Circuits and Systems [Ref No.: 3894]

muhibul haque bhuyan "output response improvement of a dc motor drive position control system using a pid controller"
National Conference on Electronics and Telecommunications for Digital Bangladesh, 2010

Keywords: Electrical Drives [Ref No.: 3895]

muhibul haque bhuyan, md. anayet rabby, md. anwar parvez, and md. mostayanul gofur tarik "microcontroller based display system design using led array"
Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (CERIE), 2010

Keywords: Circuits and Systems [Ref No.: 3896]

muhibul haque bhuyan, md. ahasnol kabir, md. arifur rahman, and abdullah al mamun "development of an automatic traffic signal control system using plc"
Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (CERIE), 2010

Keywords: Circuits and Systems [Ref No.: 3897]

muhibul haque bhuyan and quazi deen mohd khosru "low frequency drain current flicker noise model for pocket implanted nano scale n-mosfet"
Nano Materials and Device Conference (NMDC), 2010

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 3832]

rinku basak and saiful islam "techniques of minimizing parasitics for the enhancement of modulation bandwidth of an oxide-confined vcsel"
6th International Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering, 2010

[Ref No.: 154]

li hua, md. humayun kabir and takuro sato "li hua, md. humayun kabir and takuro sato, “velocity adaptive vertical handoff on multi-frequency systems”,"
IEEE 20th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, (PIMRC 2009), 2010

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication [Ref No.: 2282]

dr. md. obaidul malek" spie 7799 conference, mathematics of data/image coding, compression, and encryption with applications"
Adaptive Filtering, Wiener Filter, Signal Processing, and Detection, 2010

[Ref No.: 3075]

md. mahadi hasan, nirendra n mustafi, md. abul hashem" prospects of biomass gasification as an energy source in bangladesh"
International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2009, 2009

[Ref No.: 3511]

muhibul haque bhuyan and quazi deen mohd khosru "linear pocket profile based threshold voltage model for sub-100 nm n-mosfet incorporating substrate and drain bias effects"
International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2009

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 3867]

muhibul haque bhuyan and quazi deen mohd khosru "an analytical surface potential model for pocket implanted sub-100 nm n-mosfet"
International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2009

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 3868]

farhadur arifin" 17th ifip / ieee international conference on very large scale integration (vlsi-soc)"
Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2009

[Ref No.: 2403]

dr. md. obaidul malek" spie conference on advanced signal processing, algorithms, architectures, and implementations"
Signal Processing and Filtering, 2009

[Ref No.: 3076]

m.t. alam and q. ahsan" saving of natural gas through optimal operation of bangladesh power system"
5th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2008

[Ref No.: 3570]

shahriyar m. rizvi, jerry j. cupal, tawhidul i. chowdhury and khalid mahmood" tools and techniques for safe synthesis of fsmds represented in behavioral level implicit style verilog hdl or vhdl"
FPGA Designer Forum (at Southern Programmable Logic (SPL) Conference), 2007

Keywords: VLSI [Ref No.: 4506]

muhibul haque bhuyan, fouzia ferdous, and quazi deen mohd khosru "a threshold voltage model for sub-100 nm pocket implanted nmosfet"
International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2007

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 3869]

q. ahsan and m.t. alam" “ electrical power crisis in bangladesh: impacts of the optimal use of energy limited hydro unit on the system reliability and production cost"
IEEE Electrical Power Conference, 2007

[Ref No.: 3571]

muhibul haque bhuyan and quazi deen mohd khosru "linear pocket profile based threshold voltage model for nmosfet down to 50 nm"
National Conference on Electronics, Information and Telecommunication, 2007

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 3915]

muhibul haque bhuyan "study of process parameters variations on threshold voltages for pocket implanted nmosfet using tsuprem"
National Conference on Electronics, Information and Telecommunication, 2007

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 3916]

muhibul haque bhuyan, md. omar ali, and ikhtiar uddin ahmed "internet and intranet connectivity through wireless local area network (wlan)"
National Conference on Communication and Information Security, 2007

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication [Ref No.: 3917]

dr. mohammad asaduzzaman khan" advanced communication technology, the 9th international conference"
Analysis of Energy Consumption and Sleeping Protocols in PHY-MAC for UWB Networks, 2007

[Ref No.: 3430]

ashik mannan vaskor" urban dynamics"
urban transformation, 2006

[Ref No.: 49]

dr. md. kamrul hassan" comparison of electrical resistivities of diamond-like carbon films deposited from methane and acetylene using radio frequency plasma"
Diamond Like Carbon (DLC) film deposition and electrical characterization, 2006

[Ref No.: 374]

dr. md. kamrul hassan" comparative study on chemical vapor deposition of diamond-like carbon films from methane and acetylene using rf plasma"
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and RF plasma, 2006

[Ref No.: 376]

dr. md. kamrul hassan" effect of argon gas addition on the electrical resistivities of diamond-like carbon films deposited from methane using radio frequency plasma"
Inert gas effect on DLC film deposition, 2006

[Ref No.: 382]

dr. mohammad asaduzzaman khan" ieee international symposium on communications and information technologies (iscit)"
Impact of Sleep on PHY-MAC in UWB Networks, 2006

[Ref No.: 3431]

n. sadachika, m. m. yusoff, y. uetsuji, muhibul haque bhuyan, d. kitamaru, h. j. mattausch, m. miura-mattausch, l. weiss, u. feldmann, and s. baba "the surface-potential-based model hisim-soi and its application to 1/f noise in fully-depleted soi-mosfets"
Workshop on Compact Modeling (WCM2005), 2005

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 3918]

muhibul haque bhuyan and sher shermin azmiri khan "investigation of short channel effects in mosfet using the device simulator, medici"
Multimedia University International Symposium on Information and Communications Technologies, 2005

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 3900]

muhibul haque bhuyan and kazi mujibur rahman "design of a two-level pwm scheme for two phase voltage source inverter using dsp"
Multimedia University International Symposium on Information and Communications Technologies, 2005

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Electrical Drives [Ref No.: 3901]

muhibul haque bhuyan and pran kanai saha "microcomputer based dish antenna position control system with autocalibration option"
International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2005

Keywords: Circuits and Systems [Ref No.: 3898]

shahriyar masud rizvi, jerry joseph cupal, tawhidul islam chowdhury, khalid mahmud" a methodology that allows fsms modeled in implicit style verilog hdl to maintain their pre-synthesis ideal behavior through synthesis and implementation"
International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2005

Keywords: VLSI [Ref No.: 4509]

dr. md. kamrul hassan" comparison of electrical conductivity of diamond-like carbon films deposited from methane and acetylene"
Diamond Like Carbon Films, 2005

[Ref No.: 378]

dr. md. kamrul hassan" electrical conductivity of diamond-like carbon films"
Electrical Properties of Diamond-Like Carbon Films, 2005

[Ref No.: 381]

shahriyar m. rizvi, jerry j cupal" guidelines for safe synthesis of while loops in implicit style verilog hdl"
International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE), 2004

Keywords: VLSI [Ref No.: 4514]

shahriyar m. rizvi, jerry j cupal "a methodology to remove unwanted delays in outputs and pre and post-synthesis simulation mismatches in implicit state machines"
IEEE/DATC Electronic Design Processes Workshop (EDP), 2004

Keywords: VLSI [Ref No.: 4512]

muhibul haque bhuyan, kazi mujibur rahman, and mohammad ali choudhury "dsp based three level pwm for two phase vsi"
International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2004

Keywords: Renewable Energy [Ref No.: 3870]

syeda tuhin ara karim" architecture overcoming constrains"
Architecture, 2003

[Ref No.: 2413]

dr. md. rukonuzzaman" international telecommunications energy conference (intelec)"
Harmonic and reactivecurrents estimation with adaptive neural network and their compensation with DSP control in single-phase shunt active power filter, 2003

[Ref No.: 5164]

dr. md. rukonuzzaman" 27th annual conference of the ieee industrial electronics society"
Single-phase shunt active power filter with adaptiveneural network method for determining compensating current,” Proceedings of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), 2001

[Ref No.: 5161]

dr. md. rukonuzzaman" ieee international power electronics specialists conference (pesc)"
An advanced active power filter with adaptive neural network based harmonic detection scheme, 2001

[Ref No.: 5162]

dr. md. rukonuzzaman" 4* ieee intermational conference on power electronics and drive systems"
“Single-phase shunt active power filter with novelharmonic detection,” Proceedings of IEEE Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), Pages: 366 – 372, Vol.1, Indonesia, 2001., 2001

[Ref No.: 5163]

ashik ikbal" fighting poverty and slum improvement"
Poverty Mitigation, 2000

[Ref No.: 180]

ahm shafiqul islam" conference on information technology among delegations from some developing countries (in china)"
Sharing of information and views in the conference among delegations from some developing countries about prospects and limitations to implement ICT (Information & Communications Technology) in their respective countries on the basis of their country papers., 2000

[Ref No.: 2513]

dr. md. rukonuzzaman" 2000 ieee international conference on industrial technology"
Space voltage vector modulation based voltagesource inverter with fuzzy logic current controller,” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Pages: 272 - 277, Vol. 1, India, 2000., 2000

[Ref No.: 5158]

dr. md. rukonuzzaman" 2000 ieee industry applications society conference"
Fuzzy logic current controller for three-phase voltage source PWM-inverters, 2000

[Ref No.: 5159]

dr. md. rukonuzzaman" 2000 ieee industry applications society conference, pages: 1163 – 1169, vol.2, italy, 2000."
Fuzzy logic current controller for three-phase voltagesource PWM-inverters,” Proceedings of IEEE Industry Applications Society Conference, Pages: 1163 – 1169, Vol.2, Italy, 2000., 2000

[Ref No.: 5160]

dr. md. rukonuzzaman" 1999 international conference on power electronics and drive systems (peds)"
Magnitude and phase determination of harmonic currents by adaptive learning back-propagation neural network, 1999

[Ref No.: 5156]

dr. md. rukonuzzaman" ieee 1999 internationaclo nferen ocne^ l power electronicasn d drivesy stems peds99"
Space voltage vector modulated three-phase voltage source soft-switching active power filter, 1999

[Ref No.: 5157]

pran kanai saha, syed shabiul ahsan, muhibul haque bhuyan, kamarul islam, and ahm zahirul alam "microcomputer based dish antenna position control system"
International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (ICCIT), 1998

Keywords: Circuits and Systems [Ref No.: 3899]

dr. mohammad khurshed alam" ew"
Electronic Warfare, 1998

[Ref No.: 3782]

dr. md. rukonuzzaman" 1998 international conference on power electronics and drive systems"
Neural network approach of harmonics detection, 1998

[Ref No.: 5155]

mahadi hasan, ashraful islam, mostafizur rahman, ajab khan kasi, zengyi jiang, md zillur rahman "recent advancements in nanocarbon derivatives: from synthesis to applications"
Materials Science and Materials Engineering, 2024

Keywords: Materials and Processing [Ref No.: 2332]

kabiruzzaman, mohammad shidujaman, shadril hassan shifat, pritom debnath, shahera hossain" time series analysis of care records data for nurse activity recognition in the wild"
Time Series Analysis of Care Records Data for Nurse Activity Recognition in the Wild, 2024

[Ref No.: 2333]

arajit saha; md tamzid hasan; fuad ahmed; md iftekhar hasan shuvo; md rubel; shuvra mondal "intelligent systems design and applications. isda 2023. lecture notes in networks and systems"
Design and Development of Low-Cost Smart Safety System for Residence, 2024

Keywords: Security System, Home Security, Anti-theft Alert System, Theft Pre-vention, Smart Home, Mobile App, IoT System, NodeMCU (ESP8266) Wi-Fi module, Arduino Mega. [Ref No.: 2334]

sayed omid ayat, shahriyar masud rizvi, hamdan abdellatef, ab al-hadi ab rahman & shahidatul sadiah abdul manan "lecture notes in networks and systems (lnns)"
A Compact Spectral Model for Convolutional Neural Network, 2023

Keywords: Deep Learning [Ref No.: 2313]

md imran hossain, mohammad shafat al saif, md rezaul islam biswas, md seyam mia, abir ahmed, md saniat rahman zishan "the fourth industrial revolution and beyond"
Design and Development of Road Surface Condition Monitoring System, 2023

Keywords: Internet of Things,Smart Cities [Ref No.: 2277]

nowshin alam "the fourth industrial revolution and beyond"
Opportunity Assessment and Feasibility Study of IoT-Based Smart Farming in Bangladesh, 2023

Keywords: Economics in Smart Environments, IoT [Ref No.: 2278]

sultanus salehin, tahseen asma meem, akib jayed islam, nasim al islam "the fourth industrial revolution and beyond: select proceedings of ic4ir+"
10, 2023

[Ref No.: 2281]

singapore "the fourth industrial revolution and beyond"
The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Beyond, 2023

Keywords: Internet of Things,Smart Cities [Ref No.: 2287]

md. alomgir kabir, md jakirul sarker, tomal hossain, mosa israt jahan jerin, md hazrat ali "design and implementation of automatic line follower robot for assistance of covid-19 patients"
Sustainable Communication Networks and Application: Proceedings of ICSCN 2021, 2022

Keywords: Smart Cities,Robotics [Ref No.: 2302]

md. alomgir kabir & m. shamim kaiser "performance analysis of mc-cdma-based cognitive radio network under rayleigh fading channel"
Proceedings of Trends in Electronics and Health Informatics: TEHI 2021, 2022

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication,Communication Signal Processing [Ref No.: 2303]

rhydwan, a. h. m., choyon, m. m. s., sad, a. m. h., fuad, k. a. a., shikder, k., hossain, c. a., & kaiser, m. s." smart health technologies for the covid-19 pandemic"
Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain-based solutions to confront COVID-19 pandemic, 2022

[Ref No.: 2268]

faria, t.h., shamim kaiser, m., hossian, c.a., mahmud, m., al mamun, s., chakraborty, c." advanced sciences and technologies for security applications"
Smart City Technologies for Next Generation Healthcare, 2022

[Ref No.: 2269]

rao xu, qin wu, wenlu wang, mohammad shidujaman, min wei "human-computer interaction. user experience and behavior"
Revitalize Qiang Language and Culture by Designing Serious Games Based on Interactive Projection, 2022

[Ref No.: 2247]

md rashed bhuyan, saimum kabir, md rashed hasan "handbook of waterfront cities and urbanism"
Water Sensitive Urbanism in Bengal Delta, 2022

Keywords: Smart Cities [Ref No.: 2254]

rebekah rousi, sini kolari, mohammad shidujaman "robotics for pandemics"
Beauty in Interaction A Framework for Social Robot Aesthetics (Pandemic Edition), 2021

Keywords: Machine to Machine Data Analytics,Human-centred Computing,Robotics,Interaction Design,Affective Computing,Design and Deployment [Ref No.: 2248]

zhuohao wu, danwen ji, kaiwen yu, xianxu zeng, dingming wu, mohammad shidujaman "human-computer interaction. theory, methods and tools"
AI Creativity and the Human-AI Co-creation Model, 2021

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence,Software Engineering Education and Training,Human-centred Computing,Design and Deployment, Humanitarian Technologies [Ref No.: 2249]

anna-maria velentza, stavros ioannidis, nefeli georgakopoulou, mohammad shidujaman, nikolaos fachantidis" human-computer interaction. interaction techniques and novel applications"
Educational Robot European Cross-Cultural Design, 2021

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence,Software Engineering Education and Training,Robotics,Interaction Design,Design and Deployment,Cross-cultural Comparison [Ref No.: 2250]

dante arroyo, yijie guo, mingyue yu, mohammad shidujaman, rodrigo fernandes "social robotics"
Towards the Design of a Robot for Supporting Children’s Attention During Long Distance Learning, 2020

Keywords: Machine to Machine Data Analytics,Artificial Intelligence,Social Computing,Robotics [Ref No.: 2251]

weiwen chen, mohammad shidujaman, jiangbo jin, salah uddin ahmed "hci international 2020 – late breaking papers: cognition, learning and games"
A methodological approach to create interactive art in artificial intelligence, 2020

[Ref No.: 2252]

zhengyi jiang, mahadi hasan, hamidreza kamali, fanghui jia, haibo xie "micromanufacturing technology and its practice"
Solid State Phenomena, 2020

[Ref No.: 2216]

ashik mannan vaskor "aspirations and ideas designing with context"
Computational Design Thinking, 2019

[Ref No.: 2195]

subrato bharatiemail authormohammad atikur rahmanrajib mondalprajoy podderanas abdullah alviatiq mahmood" prediction of energy consumed by home appliances with the visualization of plot analysis"
pp 246-257, 2019

[Ref No.: 2215]

nafish sarwar islam "the golden ratio : fundamental constant of nature"
All, 2019

[Ref No.: 2182]

m. arefeen ibrahim" aspirations and ideas: designing with context"
Urban Mobility: Dilemma of Dwelling in Dhaka, 2019

[Ref No.: 2353]

dr. md. abdur rahman "transportation and power grid in smart cities"
11, 2018

[Ref No.: 2119]

mohammad shidujaman, haipeng mi "cross-cultural design. methods, tools, and users"
“Which Country Are You from?” A Cross-Cultural Study on Social Robots, 2018

Keywords: Internet of Things,Mobile and Ubiquitous Platforms for Smart Environments,Artificial Intelligence,Human-centred Computing,Mobile computing,Next Generation User Interaction,User Modeling,Cross-cultural Comparison,Sociolinguistics and education, Sensor Technology [Ref No.: 2253]

shehab hassan nayeem (author), kazi firoz ahmed (editor) "a renewable energy approach by fast moving vehicles"
4,5,6, 2018

[Ref No.: 2226]

dr. md. hasan imam" ecg time series variability analysis: engineering and medicine"
Chapter 12, 2017

[Ref No.: 2152]

protik parvez sheikh "structural and electrical characterization of gan based hemt heterostructures on sic"
1-5, 2017

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 2284]

nazifa zabeen siddiqua" sustainability matters: environmental management in the anthropocene"
Sustainable Urbanism at neighbourhood level, 2017

[Ref No.: 2116]

dilruba ferdous shuvra" architecture and social engagement"
Chapter 3, 2017

[Ref No.: 2102]

sumaya islam "archiformance (on process)"
The Syntax of Meditative Mediating Voyage, 2016

[Ref No.: 2087]

gils hv, das s, morad mt, matton i" river & road as warp & woof: interweaving ecologies and economies in the deltaic territory"
Infrastructure, 2015

[Ref No.: 2279]

kasselouri e, gaviria dao, amir s, morad mt" river & road as warp & woof: interweaving ecologies and economies in the deltaic territory"
Framing the Adhesive Green Armature, 2015

[Ref No.: 2280]

dr. md. kharshiduzzaman "adhesives: mechanical properties, technologies and economic importance"
Chapter 5. Fatigue Crack Growth Monitoring of Bonded Composite Joints, 2014

[Ref No.: 2081]

dr. md. anwar hossain" photonic crystal fibers for optical coherence tomography systems"
1-10, 2013

[Ref No.: 2070]

md. adnan quaium "evaluation of lte ­advanced networks"
Whole Book, 2012

[Ref No.: 2056]

dr. aminul islam, dr. m. ismail jabiullah, dr. engr. muhibul haque bhuyan, and md. harun-or-rashid" speeches of the baas presidents (1976-2011)"
Full, 2012

Keywords: Renewable Energy,Natural Sciences [Ref No.: 2241]

nafish sarwar islam "rubber wood fiber filled polypropylene composite"
All, 2011

[Ref No.: 2179]

nafish sarwar islam "applied supply chain management"
All, 2011

[Ref No.: 2180]

nafish sarwar islam "inventory accounting : applications and operations"
All, 2011

[Ref No.: 2181]

mohammad nasir uddin "the analysis of mobile access methods (published from germany)"
1-6, 2010

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication,Communication Signal Processing [Ref No.: 2079]

md roni islam, md sarowar hossain, tusar saha, mkr khan, msi sarker "enhanced inductivity, redox potential, and magneto-dielectric properties of srfe12o19 nano-hexaferrite due to cu and gd co-substitution"
Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2025

Keywords: Inductivity, Redox Potential, Magneto-dielectric, Phase angel [Ref No.: 7308]

n.n. hamadneh, mj, uddin, wa, khan, r. tanjila, n. tamanna, and jj jaber "lie symmetry analysis of bio-nano-slip flow in a conical gap between a rotating disk and cone with stefan blowing."
Applied Rheology, 2025

Keywords: bio-nano-convection; Lie symmetry; Stefan blowing; cone and disk; slip [Ref No.: 7333]

miah, md. helal; rahman, md. bulu; nur-e-alam, mohammad; aminul islam, mohammad; shahinuzzaman, m; rahman, md. rezaur; ullah, md. habib; khandaker, mayeen uddin "key degradation mechanisms of perovskite solar cells and strategies for enhanced stability: issues and prospects"
RSC Advances, 2025

[Ref No.: 7217]

md. roni islam, md. sarowar hossain, tusar saha, m. k. r. khan, m. s. i. sarker "enhanced inductivity, redox potential, and magneto-dielectric properties of srfe12o19 nano-hexaferrite due to cu and gd co-substitution"
Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2025

Keywords: Hexagonal structure, Redox potential, Magnetization, Ferroelectric dipoles, Phase angle [Ref No.: 7309]

khandaker, mayeen uddin; osman, hamid; issa, shams a. m.; uddin, m. m.; ullah, md. habib; wahbi, hajir; hanfi, m. y. "newly predicted halide perovskites mg3ab3 (a = n, bi; b = f, br, i) for next-generation photovoltaic applications: a first-principles study"
RSC Advances, 2025

[Ref No.: 7306]

nahar, afroza; rudro, rifat al mamun; faisal, bakhtiar atiq; sohan, md faruk abdullah al; kumar, laveet "weather identification using models based on deep learning"
Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2025

[Ref No.: 7223]

kh. abdul maleque "numerical solution of combined forced and free convective flow in porous curvilinear surfaces in presence of heat absorption/generation"
Latin American Applied Research-An international journal, 2025

Keywords: Curvilinear system, Porous surfaces, Incompressible Fluid, Combined convection, Buoyancy force, Heat absorption/Generation. [Ref No.: 7224]

hasan, md mehedi; kwon, sungoh "joint call admission control and load-balancing in ultra-dense cellular networks: a proactive approach"
Wireless Networks, 2025

Keywords: Ultra-dense cellular network · Call admission control · Load-balancing · User equipment · Radio resources · Quality of service · Throughput [Ref No.: 7267]

md. ariful islam | m. f. mridha | mejdl safran | sultan alfarhood | md. mohsin kabir "revolutionizing brain tumor detection using explainableai in mri images"
NMR in Biomedicine, 2025

Keywords: AI, ML, DL, health care [Ref No.: 7269]

nitto, a. di; vardaci, e.; davide, f.; la rana, g.; ashaduzzaman, m; mercogliano, d.; setaro, p.a.; banerjee, t.; vanzanella, a; bianco,d.; cinausero, m.; gelli, n.; loffredo, f.; and quarto, m. "clustering effects in 36ar nuclei produced via the 24mg + 12c reaction"
Physical Review C, 2025

[Ref No.: 7272]

rahman, m. m.; ashaduzzaman, m,; and islam, s. m. a. "dose distribution of 83mkr, 85mkr, 85kr, and 88kr considering a hypothetical accident of triga research reactor"
Journal of Applied Physical Science International, 2025

Keywords: Radiological dose, immersion, ground deposition, gaussian diffusion factor, safety [Ref No.: 7276]

a. nahar rifat al mamun rudro, b. a. f. faisal, m. f. a. sohan, and l. kumar "eather identification using models based on deep learning"
Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2025

[Ref No.: 7289]

ms al huda, te shrestha, a hossain, nb sharif, ma ali, ti erdei "deepmelanet: advancing melanoma stage classification in skin cancer diagnosis"
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 2025

Keywords: melanoma, malignant, benign, deep learning, DeepMelaNet, early detection, skin cancer [Ref No.: 7291]

anupam sarker, shahriar atik fahim, rupna akther putul, humayra gazi, shah md. masum, md. ashraful islam molla "zno/cds nanocomposites: synthesis, characterization and assessment of photocatalytic performance"
Next Nanotechnology, 2025

Keywords: Photocatalysis; ZnO/CdS nanocomposite; Hydrothermal; Methyl orange; UV-C irradiation [Ref No.: 7328]

hamadneh nawaf n, jashim uddin mohammed ,khan waqar, tanjila rubina, jaber jamil j" lie symmetry analysis of bio-nano-slip flow in a conical gap between a rotating disk and cone with stefan blowing"
Applied Rheology, 2025

[Ref No.: 7347]

mubasshar-ul-ishraq tamim , sumaiya malik , soily ghosh sneha , s m hasan mahmud , kah ong michael goh , dip nandi "predicting different classes of alzheimer's disease using transfer learning and ensemble classifiers"
JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, 2024

[Ref No.: 7303]

md. rafiqul islam, md. shahidul islam, pritam khan boni, aldrin saurov sarker, md asif anam" solving the maximum cut problem using harris hawk optimization algorithm"
PLOS ONE, 2024

[Ref No.: 7240]

md. salehin ferdous kader , tonny shekha kar , aminun nahar "rooppur nuclear power plant: a new era for power sector in bangladesh"
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, 2024

Keywords: Implementation phases, ERP systems, closed-source and open-source systems, Implementation key factors. [Ref No.: 7192]

jubayer ahamed and farhana afroz "analyze software documentation methods: issues and solutions"
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 2024

[Ref No.: 7146]

md. mortuza ahmmed, shalini puri "current trends and future trajectories: polymer-modified concrete in the context of bangladesh"
Journal of Polymer and Composites, 2024

Keywords: PMC, construction, development, sustainability, Bangladesh. [Ref No.: 7090]

kh. abdul maleque "combined fluid and ferrofluid buoyancy force, heat absorption and non linear ferro-viscosity effects on ferro- hydrodynamics fluid flow in orthogonal porous surface"
Latin American Applied Research, 2024

Keywords: Curvilinear surfaces,, Incompressible Ferro Fluid,, Mixed Convection,, Ferrofluid Buoyancy Force, Non-linear ferro-viscosity,, Heat absorption/Generation. [Ref No.: 7091]

rifat al mamun rudro , kamruddin nur , md. faruk abdullah al sohan, m.f. mridha, sultan alfarhood, mejdl safran, karthick kanagarathinam "spf-net: solar panel fault detection using u-net based deep learning image classification"
Energy Reports, 2024

[Ref No.: 7092]

shuvo biswas, rafid mostafiz, bikash kumar paul, khandaker mohammad mohi uddin, md. abdul hadi, fahmida khanom "dfu_xai: a deep learning-based approach to diabetic foot ulcer detection using feature explainability"
Biomedical Materials & Devices, 2024

Keywords: Diabetic foot ulcers · Deep learning · Explainable AI · Convolutional neural networks [Ref No.: 6999]

ziaur, r. m., azad, a. k, rahman, m. m. "sensitivity study on convective heat transfer in a driven cavity with star-shaped obstacle and hybrid nanofluid using response surface methodology"
Heliyon, 2024

Keywords: Sensitivity analysis, Response surface methodology (RSM), Hybrid nanofluids, Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), Lid-driven cavity, Star-shaped obstacle [Ref No.: 7096]

ziaur, r. m., azad, a. k., uddin, m. n., rahman, m. m., and karim, m. f. "artificial neural network prediction on free convection in a triangular chamber with a v-shaped corrugated bottom wall filled with nanofluid"
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 2024

Keywords: Artificial neural network (ANN), magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), Nanofluid, Free convection, Corrugated wall, Triangular enclosure [Ref No.: 7097]

md. raihan mahmud" a proposed stacked machine learning model to predict the survival of a patient with heart failure"
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (IJISA), 2024

[Ref No.: 7099]

atkia akila karim & naushin nower" probabilistic spatio-temporal graph convolutional network for traffic forecasting"
Applied Intelligence, 2024

[Ref No.: 7108]

md. ziaur rahman , sakibur rahamn sheikh , ariful islam , and md. azizur rahman" improvement of the nearest neighbor heuristic search algorithm for traveling salesman problem"
Journal of Engineering Advancements, 2024

[Ref No.: 7110]

md. kamrujjaman, sadia shihab sinje, tanni rani nandi, fariha islam, md. atikur rahman, asma akter akhi, farah tasnim, and md shah alam "the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on education in bangladesh and its mitigation"
Bulletin of Biomathematics, 2024

[Ref No.: 7111]

shakila rahman "real-time smoke and fire detection using you only look once v8- based advanced computer vision and deep learning"
International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences (IJAAS), 2024

[Ref No.: 7113]

snigdha dhar, md. shafiqul islam "galerkin-bernstein approximations for the system of third-order nonlinear boundary value problems"
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2024

[Ref No.: 7114]

md sazid uddin, md khairul alam mazumder, afrina jannat prity, mf mridha, sultan alfarhood, mejdl safran, dunren che "cauli-det: enhancing cauliflower disease detection with modified yolov8"
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2024

Keywords: cauliflower disease detection, machine vision, YOLOv8, agricultural disease management, vegetable disease detection [Ref No.: 7133]

md. khairul alam mazumder, md mohsin kabir, ashifur rahman, md. abdullah-al-jubair, m.f. mridha "densenet201plus: cost-effective transfer-learning architecture for rapid leaf disease identification with attention mechanisms"
Heliyon, 2024

Keywords: Leaf diseases, Transfer-learning, DenseNet201, Data augmentation, Explainable AI, Deep-learning [Ref No.: 7134]

tirtha sarker, ishmam tahmid, rudra kumar sarker, shaikat chandra dey, mohammad tariqul islam, mithun sarker "zif-67-based materials as adsorbent for liquid phase adsorption-a review"
Polyhedron, 2024

[Ref No.: 7140]

nafiz ahmed, anik kumar saha, md. abdullah al noman, jamin rahman jim, m.f. mridha, md mohsin kabir" deep learning-based natural language processing in human–agent interaction: applications, advancements and challenges"
Natural Language Processing Journal, 2024

[Ref No.: 7141]

dipta gomes "classification of food objects using deep convolutional neural network using transfer learning"
International Journal of Education and Management Engineering (IJEME), 2024

Keywords: Deep Learning,Artificial Intelligence,Neural Networks,Computer Vision [Ref No.: 6918]

md. tanvir hasan and mufti mahmud md. shamsul arefin,mohammed mostafizur rahman "a topical review on enabling technologies for the internet of medical things: sensors, devices, platforms, and applications"
Micromachines, 2024

Keywords: IoT [Ref No.: 6923]

md. arifuzzaman, tusar saha, jiban podder, fahad al-bin, hari narayan das "effect of silver doping on the band gap tuning of tungsten oxide thin films for optoelectronic applications"
Heliyon, 2024

Keywords: Semiconductor Technologies [Ref No.: 6932]

s. s. billah, m. s. hossain, md. fayz-al-asad, m. s. i. mallik, s. c. paul, m. j. h. munshi and m. m. a. sarker "free convection at different locations of adiabatic elliptic blockage in a square enclosure"
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation with Applications, 2024

[Ref No.: 6920]

zasmin haque" marburg virus and risk factor among infected population: a modeling study"
Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2024

[Ref No.: 6966]

rakin s. aftab, md. kais k. emon, sanjana f. anny, durjoy sarker, md. mazid-ul-haque" security analysis in online transaction systems: a proposed framework"
I.J. Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2024

[Ref No.: 6969]

md. fayz-al-asad, f. mebarek-oudina, h. vaidya, md. shamim hasan, md. manirul alam sarker and a. i. ismail "finite element analysis for magneto-convection heat transfer performance in vertical wavy surface enclosure: fin size impact"
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024

Keywords: Fin surface; finite element method; combined convection; MHD; wavy enclosure [Ref No.: 6979]

h ara1, s a tarek2, m k biswas3, s m s al-din4, e hoque1, k m e hasan1, a k m m hossain1, s b faruque1, y haque1 and s m sharafuddin1 "investigating the z-scan technique for quantifying circulating cell-free dna (ccfdna) extracted from blood plasma as a potential biomarker for various cancers"
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 2024

Keywords: Circulating Cell-Free DNA, Nonlinear Optical Response, CW Z-scan [Ref No.: 6980]

dr. muhammad firoz mridha" leveraging deep neural networks to uncover unprecedented levels of precision in the diagnosis of hair and scalp disorders"
Skin Research and Technology, 2024

[Ref No.: 6983]

md rifat hossan, foyasl ahamed nirob, arafat islam, tanjim mahmud rakin, md al-amin" a comprehensive analysis of blockchain technology and consensus protocols across multilayered framework"
IEEE Access, 2024

[Ref No.: 6984]

zahan, n., fahim, s. a., shuvo, md. s. h., sarker, m., masum, s. md., & molla, md. a. i. "fabrication and characterization of c–doped tio2 nanoparticles for the photodegradation of organic dyes"
Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2024

[Ref No.: 6986]

putul, r. a., fahim, s. a., masum, s. md., & molla, md. a. i. "fabrication and characterisation of b-zno nanoparticles for photodegradation of ciprofloxacin antibiotic and textile dyes"
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2024

[Ref No.: 6987]

dr. muhammad firoz mridha" cauli-det: enhancing cauliflower disease detection with modified yolov8"
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2024

[Ref No.: 6988]

saikat baul, md. ratan rana, farzana bente alam. "a real-time light-weight computer vision application for driver’s drowsiness detection"
International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing (IJEM), 2024

Keywords: Drowsiness detection, computer vision, Dlib, OpenCV, ear, mar, head tilt angle. [Ref No.: 6989]

saydul akbar murad, zafril rizal m. azmi, abu jafar md. muzahid, md. murad hossain sarker, m. saef ullah miah, md. khairul bashar bhuiyan, nick rahimi, anupam kumar bairagi "priority based job scheduling technique that utilizes gaps to increase the efficiency of job distribution in cloud computing"
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, 2024

Keywords: Cloud computing; Job scheduling; Backfilling; Resource management; Gap searching; SJF; LJF; FCFS [Ref No.: 7002]

md saef ullah miah, md mohsin kabir, talha bin sarwar, mejdl safran, sultan alfarhood & m. f. mridha "a multimodal approach to cross‑lingual sentiment analysis with ensemble of transformer and llm"
Scientific Reports, 2024

[Ref No.: 7003]

hafijur rahman, md. soriful islam, abul khair, md. shohag hossain reyad "a study on the numerical accuracy and efficiency of the bisection method in finding nth roots of positive real numbers"
Int. J. Sci. Res. in Multidisciplinary Studies, 2024

Keywords: Algebraic and transcendental equations, nth root, Bisection method, Root mean square error, Numerical computation of zeros, Efficiency, Accuracy, Rate of convergence [Ref No.: 7004]

dr. muhammad firoz mridha" explainable federated learning for privacy-preserving bangla sign language detection"
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2024

[Ref No.: 7009]

dr. muhammad firoz mridha" indicdialogue: a dataset of subtitles in 10 indic languages for indic language modeling"
Data in Brief, 2024

[Ref No.: 7010]

dr. muhammad firoz mridha" explainable ai approaches in deep learning: advancements, applications and challenges"
Computers and Electrical Engineering, 2024

[Ref No.: 7011]

dr. muhammad firoz mridha" a machine learning approach for vocal fold segmentation and disorder classification based on ensemble method"
Scientific Reports, 2024

[Ref No.: 7012]

shahnaj parvin, abdur rahman "a real-time human bone fracture detection and classification from multi-modal images using deep learning technique"
Applied Intelligence, 2024

Keywords: Bone Fracture, Deep-learning [Ref No.: 7014]

bég, osman anwar, debasis kumar, mohammed jashim uddin, md abdul alim, and tasveer a. bég "simulation of magneto-nano-bioconvective coating flow with blowing and multiple slip effects"
Journal of Nanomaterials, Nanoengineering and Nanosystems, 2024

Keywords: Stefan blowing; Bio-nanofluid; Slips Effects; Wedge Flow; NDSolve; Materials processing. [Ref No.: 7017]

dr. mohammed jashim uddin" computation of rheological nanofluid coating boundary layer transport with convective wall heating."
Journal of Nanomaterials, Nanoengineering and Nanosystems, 2024

Keywords: Lie symmetry group transformation; Power law nanofluid; Porous media; Convective wall boundary conditions; thermal enhancement, nano-coating manufacture, MAPLE 18. [Ref No.: 7018]

ashadu jaman shawon 1, *, mohi uddin anondo 2 , anika tabassum 3 syed nafiul shefat 4" the 2023 outbreak of dengue in bangladesh and the non-identify criteria."
IOSR Journal Of Pharmacy And Biological Sciences, 2024

Keywords: Dengue, Dengue virus, Aedes mosquito, 2023 Outbreak, Dengue cases, Bangladesh, Death, Dengue Tests [Ref No.: 7022]

pulok sarker, adnan sayed, abu bakar siddique, avijit saha apu, syeda anika tasnim, rifath mahmud "a comparative review on stock market prediction using artificial intelligence"
Malaysian Journal of Science and Advanced Technology (MJSAT), 2024

[Ref No.: 7028]

pulok sarker, adnan sayed, abu bakar siddique, avijit saha apu, syeda anika tasnim, rifath mahmud" a comparativereview on stock market prediction using artificial intelligence"
Malaysian Journal of Science and Advanced Technology, 2024

[Ref No.: 7029]

s m abdullah shafi, myesha samia, sultanul arifeen hamim" emotion classification in bangla text data using gaussian naive bayes classifier: a computational linguistic study"
Malaysian Journal of Science and Advanced Technology, 2024

[Ref No.: 7030]

md. sydur rahman, aditya kumar saha, uma chakraborty, humaira tabassum sujana , s. m. abdullah shafi "evaluating the impact of test-driven development on software quality enhancement"
International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Computing (IJMSC), 2024

[Ref No.: 7031]

md. fayz-al- asad" low cost artificial intelligence internet of things based water quality monitoring for rural areas"
Internet of Things, 2024

[Ref No.: 7033]

md. sarowar hossain, g. singh, e. haque, m. nishat, e. tarif, p. k. mukhopadhyay "electrostatic micro‑actuation system to evaluate the elastic moduli of metals with the application of dc voltage"
Experimental Techniques, 2024

Keywords: Lattice strain, Electrostatic force, Static defection, Micro-actuation, Tensile stress [Ref No.: 7047]

m.d. hossain, m.a. hossain, md. sarowar hossain, m. n. i. khan d, s. s. sikder "sintering temperature dependent characterization of ni nano ferrite with the optimization of frequency dependent properties"
Surface and Interface, 2024

Keywords: Ni ferrite, Sintering temperature, XRD, FESEM, Permeability [Ref No.: 7048]

tanmoy kumar ghosh, m. k. r. khan, m. m. rahman, md. sarowar hossain, suravi islam, nazia khatun and m. s. i. sarker "enhanced electrical, optical and magnetic properties of bifeo3 perovskite nanoparticles co-doped with y and cu"
AIP Advances, 2024

Keywords: Magnetic properties, Doping, Ferromagnetism, Magnetic materials, Phase transitions, X-ray diffraction, Dielectric properties, Raman spectroscopy, Perovskites, Nanoparticle [Ref No.: 7049]

md. rafiqul islam , md. shahidul islam and saikat majumder "breast cancer prediction: a fusion of genetic algorithm, chemical reaction optimization, and machine learning techniques"
Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing, 2024

[Ref No.: 7053]

dr. md iftekharul mobin" social media as a mirror: reflecting mental health through computational linguistics"
IEEE Access, 2024

[Ref No.: 7054]

md. inzamum ul hossain and md. rafiqul islam "prediction of essential proteins using genetic algorithm as a feature selection technique"
IEEE Acess, 2024

[Ref No.: 7062]

dr. muhammad firoz mridha" safeguardnet: enhancing corporate safety via tailored deep transfer learning for threat recognition"
IEEE Access, 2024

[Ref No.: 7070]

dr. muhammad firoz mridha" explainable deep learning for diabetes diagnosis with deepnetx2"
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2024

[Ref No.: 7071]

md. reazul islam "machine learning-driven iot device for women’s safety: a real-time sexual harassment prevention system"
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2024

Keywords: IoT, ML,AI [Ref No.: 7072]

mayesha sharmim tisha, md. kamrujjaman , ishrat zahan "dynamics of reaction–diffusion–advection system and its impact on river ecology in the presence of spatial heterogeneity"
Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics, 2024

Keywords: Competition, Couple of species, Simulation, RDA, Advection [Ref No.: 7075]

mayesha sharmim tisha" wiener and lévy processes to prevent disease outbreaks: predictable vs stochastic analysis"
Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics, 2024

[Ref No.: 7076]

tarikul islam, md. fayz-al-asad, m. a. khatun, n. parveen, hijaz ahmed and sameh askarh" natural convection heat transport performance of nanofluids under the influence of inclined magnetic field"
Results in Physics, 2024

[Ref No.: 6869]

md. manzurul hasan, debajyoti mondal, and md. saidur rahman "linear-time rectilinear drawings of subdivisions of triconnected cubic planar graphs with orthogonally convex faces"
Thai Journal of Mathematics -TJM, 2024

[Ref No.: 6872]

md. roni islam, m. k. r. khan, md. sarowar hossain, m. m. rahman, m. mahbubul haque, m. aliuzzaman, m. k. alame and m. s. i. sarker "structural, thermodynamic, and magnetic properties of srfe12o19 hexaferrite modified by co-substitution of cu and gd"
RSC Advances, 2024

Keywords: Electrochemistry [Ref No.: 6865]

nusrat jahan anannya and md mehedi hasan" a fast-moving user-group detection algorithm for handover mitigation in ultra-dense cellular network"
., 2024

[Ref No.: 6831]

md. helal miah, mayeen uddin khandaker, mohammad aminul islam, mohammad nur-e-alam, hamid osman and md. habib ullah "perovskite materials in x-ray detection and imaging: recent progress, challenges, and future prospects"
RSC Advances, 2024

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Semiconductor Technologies,Energy Storage Materials [Ref No.: 6852]

md. khairul alam mazumder,m. f. mridha, sultan alfarhood, mejdl safran, md. abdullah-al-jubair, dunren che "a robust and light-weight transfer learning-based architecture for accurate detection of leaf diseases across multiple plants using less amount of image"
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2024

[Ref No.: 6893]

zerin hasan sahosh, azraf faheem, marzana bintay tuba, md. istiaq ahmed, syeda anika tasnim" a comparative review on ddos attack detection using machine learning techniques"
Malaysian Journal of Science and Advanced Technology, 2024

Keywords: Networking,Artificial Intelligence [Ref No.: 6902]

sristy shidul nath,razuan karim, sristy shidul nath and mahdi h. mirazand mahdi h. miraz "deep learning based cyberbullying detection in bangla language"
Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC), 2024

Keywords: Deep Learning [Ref No.: 6903]

md. nur alam, mujahid iqbal, mohammad hassan, md. fayz-al-asad, muhammad sajjad hossain, cemil tunç" bifurcation, phase plane analysis and exact soliton solutions in the nonlinear schrodinger equation with atangana’s conformable derivative"
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2024

[Ref No.: 6912]

mohammad mahmudul hasan, marcelo corrales, george kousiouris, dimosthenis anagnostopoulos" cidata: an ontology-based framework for international data transfers and gdpr compliance"
International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, 2024

[Ref No.: 6768]

md. khairul alam mazumder, m. f. mridha, sultan alfarhood, mejdl safran, md. abdullah-al-jubair, dunren che "a robust and light-weight transfer learning-based architecture for accurate detection of leaf diseases across multiple plants using less amount of images"
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2024

Keywords: Deep Learning,Artificial Intelligence,Computer Vision,Image Processing [Ref No.: 6787]

bithi paul" biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles by banana pulp extract: characterizations, antibacterial activity, and bioelectricity generation"
Heliyon, 2024

[Ref No.: 6814]

w. a. khan, m.j. uddin "nano-bioconvective anisotropic slip flow in anisotropic porous medium with coriolis force effects"
Heat Transfer, 2024

Keywords: Nanotechnology [Ref No.: 6662]

jahidul islam, mahmud shareef, rubel anwar, sajeda akter, md. habib ullah, hamid osman, ismail m.m. rahman, mayeen uddin khandaker, faisal islam chowdhury "a brief insight on electrochemical energy storage toward the production of value-added chemicals and electricity generation"
Journal of Energy Storage, 2024

[Ref No.: 6704]

md. faruk abdullah al sohan" unmasking deception: a comprehensive survey on fake news detection strategies and technologies"
International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications (IJANA), 2024

[Ref No.: 6726]

rifat al mamun rudro, md. faruk abdullah al sohan, afroza nahar "enhancing academic integrity for bangladesh's educational landscape"
Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics, 2024

[Ref No.: 6727]

rifath mahmud" emotion detection using machine learning: an analytical review"
Malaysian Journal of Science and Advanced Technology, 2024

Keywords: Computer Vision,Image Processing [Ref No.: 6740]

ashraful goni, md. umor faruk jahangir, rajarshi roy chowdhury "a study on cyber security: analyzing current threats, navigating complexities, and implementing prevention strategies"
International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation, 2024

[Ref No.: 6744]

shakila rahman, shathee akter, and seokhoon yoon 2 "a deep q-learning based uav detouring algorithm in a constrained wireless sensor network environment"
MDPI Electronics, 2024

[Ref No.: 7204]

halim, m. e. khan, m. n. shaha, u. rahman, m. h. akhter, k. and ahmed, s. m. "spectral correlation of synthesized ethyl-4-(subs. phenyl)-6-methyl-2-oxo (or thio)-1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydropyrimidine-5-carboxylate"
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 2024

Keywords: Biginelli reaction; Solvent free condition; Urea; Thiourea; Substituted aromatic aldehydes [Ref No.: 7207]

fahmida khanom, shuvo biswas, mohammad shorif uddin & rafid mostafiz "xemlpd: an explainable ensemble machine learning approach for parkinson disease diagnosis with optimized features"
International Journal of Speech Technology, 2024

Keywords: Parkinson's disease · Ensemble machine learning · Feature optimization · Explainable AI · CAD systems [Ref No.: 7210]

imran, m.m.h; hossain, muhammad sajjad; billah, m.m; farzana, humaira "on the applications of neural network technique for electro-viscoplastic casson hybrid ferrofluid with a permeable channel"
International Journal of Thermofluids, 2024

Keywords: Hybrid ferrofluid; ANN; Levenberg–Marquardt technique; Casson fluid; Nusselt number and pressure distribution [Ref No.: 7218]

jamin rahman jim, md apon riaz talukder, partha malakar, md mohsin kabir, kamruddin nur and m.f. mridha "recent advancements and challenges of nlp-based sentiment analysis: a state-of-the-art review"
Natural Language Processing Journal, 2024

Keywords: Sentiment classification, Text classification, Natural language processing, Emotion detection, Sentiment analysis [Ref No.: 7219]

rifat al mamun rudro, kamruddin nur, md. faruk abdullah al sohan, m.f. mridha, sultan alfarhood, mejdl safran and karthick kanagarathinam "spf-net: solar panel fault detection using u-net based deep learning image classification"
Energy Reports, 2024

Keywords: Fault detection, Inceptionv3, VGG16, Segmentation, U-Net, Solar panel [Ref No.: 7220]

sharia arfin tanim, kazi tanvir, al rafi arnob, md. hasibur rahman, tasmia binte munir maisha, and kamruddin nur "enhancing monkeypox diagnostics: exploring the potential of efficientnet and big transfer"
Journal of Image and Graphics, 2024

Keywords: monkeypox disease, deep learning, ensemble learning, image processing, skin lesion detection [Ref No.: 7221]

md. mehedi hasan; md. shayanul haq; md. maruf hossain; junaed kiron tiash; sungoh kwon "an energy-efficient small-cell operation algorithm for ultra-dense cellular networks"
IEEE Access, 2024

Keywords: Ultra-dense cellular network, energy efficiency, user equipment, physical resource block, quality of service, throughput [Ref No.: 7200]

salehin sirajus, rahman shakila, nur mohammad, ahmad asif, bin mohammad, and uddin jia "a deep learning model for yolov9-based human abnormal activity detection: violence and non-violence classification"
Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2024

[Ref No.: 7196]

uddin ms, mazumder mka, prity aj, mridha mf, alfarhood s, safran m and che d "cauli-det: enhancing cauliflower disease detection with modified yolov8"
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2024

[Ref No.: 7197]

ahmed, nyme; hamim, sultanul arifeen; nandi, dip "a comprehensive study to analyze student evaluations of teaching in online education"
International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science (IJMECS), 2024

Keywords: Educational Data Mining, Online Education, Student Evaluations of Teaching, Classification. [Ref No.: 7239]

md. sarowar hossain, b. rajini kanth, p. k. mukhopadhyay "enhancement of microstructure-based magnetic, electronic, and lattice contribution in a conial ferromagnetic shape memory alloy"
Surfaces and Interfaces, 2024

Keywords: Co-Ni-Al FSMA; Microstructure; Phase fraction; Lattice contribution; Martensitic transformation [Ref No.: 7263]

md. ratan rana, saikat baul "an overview of operating systems based on microkernel technology and their essential components"
International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business (IJIEEB), 2024

Keywords: Operating system, Microkernel, Process scheduling, Memory management, Inter-process communication [Ref No.: 7226]

md sadi al huda, md asraf ali, ajran hossain, fatama tuz johora, tze hui liew, ridwan jamal sadib, md jakir hossen, nasim ahmed "enhancing early detection of melanoma: a deep learning approach for skin cancer prediction"
JOIV: International Journal on Informatics Visualization, 2024

Keywords: Deep learning; CNN; PyTorch; early detection; malignancy prediction; skin cancer; automated diagnosis [Ref No.: 7299]

sultan, tofayet ; chowdhury, mohammad sayem ; safran, mejdl ; mridha, m f ; dey, nilanjan . "deep learning-based multistage fire detection system and emerging direction"
Fire, 2024

[Ref No.: 7268]

ashaduzzaman, md; di nitto, antonio; vardaci, emanuele; la rana, giovanni; setaro, pia antonella; banerjee, tathagata; vanzanella, antonio; alifano, giuseppe. "search for true ternary fission in reaction 40ar +208 pb"
Applied Science, 2024

Keywords: ternary fission; fusion–fission reactions; heavy ions; spectrometers for nuclear physics [Ref No.: 7271]

rifat al mamun rudro, k. nur, md. f. a. a. sohan, m. f. mridha, s. alfarhood, m. safran, and k. kanagarathinam "spf-net: solar panel fault detection using u-net-based deep learning image classification"
Energy Reports, 2024

[Ref No.: 7285]

rifat al mamun rudro, m. f. a. a. sohan, and a. nahar "enhancing academic integrity for bangladesh’s educational landscape"
Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics, 2024

[Ref No.: 7286]

rifat al mamun rudro, m. f. a. al sohan, s. k. chaity, and r. i. reya "nhancing ddos attack detection using machine learning: a framework with feature selection and comparative analysis of algorithms"
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 2024

[Ref No.: 7287]

rifat al mamun rudro and m. f. a. al sohan "utilization of machine learning strategies in the investigation of suspected credit card fraud"
Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications, 2024

[Ref No.: 7288]

hamim reza, nazrul islam tareq, m m fazle rabbi, sharia arfin tanim, rifat al mamun rudro,kamruddin nur "acute lymphoblastic leukemia diagnosis and subtypesegmentation in blood smears using cnn and u-net"
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2024

[Ref No.: 7325]

tusar saha" structure based photocatalytic efficiency and optical properties of zno nanoparticles modified by annealing including williamson-hall microstructural investigation"
Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2023

[Ref No.: 6397]

razuan karim, mukter zaman, wong hin yong "a non-invasive methods for neonatal jaundice detection and monitoring to assess bilirubin level: a review"
International journal of Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC), 2023

[Ref No.: 6401]

md. faruk abdullah al sohan "utilization of machine learning strategies in the investigation of suspected credit card fraud"
Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications, 2023

[Ref No.: 6389]

md. nazmul hossain" a comprehensive analysis of machine learning approaches for fake news detection and its effects"
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 2023

[Ref No.: 6348]

md. al-amin" towards a novel identity check using latest w3c standards & hybrid blockchain for paperless verification"
International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business(IJIEEB), 2023

[Ref No.: 6345]

d. mistry, m. f. mridha, m. safran, s. alfarhood, a. k. saha and d. che" privacy-preserving on-screen activity tracking and classification in e-learning using federated learning"
IEEE Access, 2023

[Ref No.: 6276]

a. j. keya, m. m. kabir, n. j. shammey, m. f. mridha, m. r. islam and y. watanobe" g-bert: an efficient method for identifying hate speech in bengali texts on social media"
IEEE Access, 2023

[Ref No.: 6277]

khan md hasib , nurul akter towhid , kazi omar faruk , jubayer al mahmud, m. f. mridha" strategies for enhancing the performance of news article classification in bangla: handling imbalance and interpretation"
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2023

[Ref No.: 6278]

m. s. h. shovon, s. j. mozumder, o. k. pal, m. f. mridha, n. asai and j. shin" plantdet: a robust multi-model ensemble method based on deep learning for plant disease detection"
IEEE Access, 2023

[Ref No.: 6279]

k. mridha, m. m. uddin, j. shin, s. khadka and m. f. mridha" an interpretable skin cancer classification using optimized convolutional neural network for a smart healthcare system"
IEEE Access, 2023

[Ref No.: 6280]

mohammad, zabir, arif reza anwary, muhammad firoz mridha, md sakib hossain shovon, and michael vassallo" an enhanced ensemble deep neural network approach for elderly fall detection system based on wearable sensors"
Sensors, 2023

[Ref No.: 6281]

k. mridha, s. ghimire, j. shin, a. aran, m. m. uddin and m. f. mridha" automated stroke prediction using machine learning: an explainable and exploratory study with a web application for early intervention"
IEEE access, 2023

[Ref No.: 6282]

8. hosen, sabbir, jannatul ferdous eva, ayman hasib, aloke kumar saha, m. f. mridha, and anwar hussen wadud" hqa-data: a historical question answer generation dataset from previous multi perspective conversation"
Data in Brief, 2023

[Ref No.: 6283]

islam, md. reazul, md. mohsin kabir, muhammad firoz mridha, sultan alfarhood, mejdl safran, and dunren che." deep learning-based iot system for remote monitoring and early detection of health issues in real-time"
Sensors, 2023

[Ref No.: 6284]

dr. md. abdullah - al - jubair" convowaste: an automatic waste segregation machine using deep learning"
IEEE Xplore, 2023

[Ref No.: 6270]

dr. md. abdullah - al - jubair" prediction of cryptocurrency price using machine learning techniques and public sentiment analysis"
IEEE Xplore, 2023

[Ref No.: 6271]

md. abu jubaer, md. nabobi hasan, mufrad mustavi, md. tanvir shahriar, tanvir ahmed "potato leaf disease detection using image processing"
International Journal of Education and Management Engineering(IJEME), 2023

[Ref No.: 6272]

pradipta chakraborty, santanu dey, shovan kumar kundu & soumen basu "influence of sm and fe co-doping on structural and electrical features of yttrium chromite nanoparticles"
Brazilian Journal of Physics, 2023

Keywords: Nanotechnology,Energy Storage Materials [Ref No.: 6290]

md. tanjimul islam , shahid uddin fahim , fatema jahan , humayra ferdous , md. ehasanul haque "a study on the effectiveness of online classes in bangladesh during the covid-19 pandemic"
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), 2023

Keywords: Population Dynamics [Ref No.: 6288]

shethil ahammed, ayesha amin, m. junayed ibne mohiuddin udoy, abdullah al maruf, kazi sadia, md. abdullah-al-jubair, mohammad shidujaman" an approach to user-friendly gui model using hci principles on university websites"
IEEE Xplore, 2023

[Ref No.: 6297]

yahaya saadu itas, kamaluddeen abubakar isah, awwal hussain nuhu, razif razali, salisu tata, naseer k. a, abubakr m. idris, md. habib ullah, mayeen uddin khandaker "the potentials of boron-doped (nitrogen deficient) and nitrogen-doped (boron deficient) bnnt photocatalysts for decontamination of pollutants from water bodies"
RSC Advances, 2023

[Ref No.: 6299]

shrabonti mitra, md. abdul malek, tanzin sultana, abhijit pathak, md. jainal abedin, khadizatul kobra, md. habib ullah, mayeen uddin khandaker "blended learning pedagogy and its implementation in the tertiary education: bangladesh perspectives"
Journal of Autonomous Intelligence, 2023

[Ref No.: 6300]

sabbir hossain, rahman sharar, md. ibrahim bahadur, abu sufian, rashidul hasan nabil "medibert: a medical chatbot built using keybert, biobert and gpt-2"
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications(IJISA), 2023

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence [Ref No.: 6301]

md. sohidul islam, md. sajjad, mohammad mahmudul hasan, mohammad sakib islam mazumder "phishing attack detecting system using dns and ip filtering"
Asian Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2023

[Ref No.: 6303]

foysal ahamed ni̇rob, mohammad mahmudul hasan "predicting stock price from historical data using lstm technique"
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, 2023

[Ref No.: 6304]

fariya sultana prity, mohammad mahmudul hasan "mapping gaps between academic resources and industrial works in software testing"
Journal of Advancement in Software Engineering and Testing, 2023

[Ref No.: 6305]

26) abhijit bhowmik, noorhuzaimi mohd noor, m. saef ullah miah, md. mazid-ul-haque, debajyoti karmaker" a comprehensive dataset for aspect-based sentiment analysis in evaluating teacher performance"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2023

[Ref No.: 6311]

abhijit bhowmik, noorhuzaimi mohd noor, m. saef ullah miah, md. mazid-ul-haque, and debajyoti karmaker "a comprehensive dataset for aspect-based sentiment analysis in evaluating teacher performance"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2023

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence [Ref No.: 6313]

dr. md. saef ullah miah" a comprehensive dataset for aspect-based sentiment analysis in evaluating teacher performance"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2023

[Ref No.: 6498]

md. manzurul hasan, debajyoti mondal, and md. saidur rahman "relating planar graph drawings to planar satisfiability problems"
Information Processing Letters (IPL), Elsevier, 2023

[Ref No.: 6499]

dr. md. saef ullah miah" an automated materials and processes identification tool for material informatics using deep learning approach"
Heliyon, 2023

[Ref No.: 6496]

hiroaki fukuoka, mahjabin taskin, kungen teii, and yoshimine kato" measurement of oxygen concentration in atmospheric air using ultrasound time of flight with humidity compensation"
Review of Scientific Instruments, 2023

[Ref No.: 6514]

r: shahriar fahim, sm katibur rahman, sharfuddin mahmood" blockchain: a comparative study of consensus algorithms pow, pos, poa, pov"
International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Computing, 2023

[Ref No.: 6552]

kanija muntarina, rafid mustafa, fahmida khanom, sumaita binte shorif, mohammad shorif uddin "multiresedge: a deep learning-based edge detection approach"
Intelligent Systems with Applications, 2023

Keywords: Deep Learning,Computer Vision,Image Processing [Ref No.: 6553]

mohammad ferdows; abid hossain; m.j uddin; fahiza tabassum mim; shuyu sun "lie group analysis of magnetohydrodynamic flow with nonlinear hydrodynamic, linear thermal and mass slips"
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 2023

Keywords: Nanotechnology [Ref No.: 6556]

md shakhawat hossain ,md. mahmudur rahman, m. mahbubul syeed , mohammad faisal uddin, mahady hasan , md. aulad hossain , amel ksibi , mona m. jamjoom , zahid ullah , and md abdus samad" deeppoly: deep learning based polyps segmentation and classification for autonomous colonoscopy examination"
IEEE Access, 2023

Keywords: Computer Vision,Image Processing,Medical Imaging [Ref No.: 6560]

dr. rehena parveen, s. m. nasim azad, sharmin islam, samira salam" the relationship between addictive use of social media and students' study efficiency : a cross sectional study on bsmrstu students."
Global Scientific Journal, 2023

[Ref No.: 6566]

samira salam , md. abul kalam azad, rehena parveen" rural-urban migration and social mobility in bangladesh: an empirical study using stochastic process"
Journal of Advance Multidisciplinary Research, 2023

[Ref No.: 6567]

anika saba ibte sum "a comprehensive analysis of machine learning approaches for fake news detection and its effects"
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 2023

[Ref No.: 6568]

rajarshi roy chowdhury, azam che idris, pg emeroylariffion abas "identifying sh-iot devices from network traffic characteristics using random forest classifier"
Wireless Networks, 2023

[Ref No.: 6745]

rajarshi roy chowdhury, azam che idris and pg emeroylariffion abas" a deep learning approach for classifying network connected iot devices using communication traffic characteristics"
Journal of Network and Systems Management, 2023

[Ref No.: 6746]

rajarshi roy chowdhury, azam che idris, pg emeroylariffion abas "device identification using optimized digital footprints"
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, 2023

[Ref No.: 6747]

rajarshi roy chowdhury, debashish roy, md mamunur rashid, md sumon reza "social, economic, and environmental impacts of the one belt one road initiatives"
American International Journal of Multidisciplinary Scientific Research, 2023

[Ref No.: 6748]

md. faruk abdullah al sohan" unleashing the potential of c++: using optimization techniques on procedeural-oriented programming for enhanced efficiency"
International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE), 2023

[Ref No.: 6725]

dr. akinul islam jony" navigating the cyber threat landscape: a comprehensive analysis of attacks and security in the digital age"
Journal of Information Technology and Cyber Security, 2023

[Ref No.: 6734]

dr. akinul islam jony" advancement in bangla sentiment analysis: a comparative study of transformer-based and transfer learning models for e-commerce sentiment classification"
Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Business Intelligence, 2023

[Ref No.: 6735]

kh. abdul maleque "the thermal absorption/generation on ferro-fluid combined convective flow over curvilinear porous surfaces"
AIUB journal of Science and Technology (AJSE), 2023

[Ref No.: 6737]

m. ummay sumayaa ∙ kazi hanium mariaa ∙ f.t.z. tomab ∙ m.a. zubairc ∙ m.t. chowdhury" effect of stabilizer content in different solvents on the synthesis of zno nanoparticles using the chemical precipitation method."
Journal of Heliyon, 2023

[Ref No.: 6718]

mahjabin samiya" boosting perovskite solar cell stability through a sputtered mo-doped tungsten oxide (wox) electron transport layer"
Energy Fuels, 2023

[Ref No.: 6720]

ayesha u, mamun asma, islam mn, hossain mr, tasmia sa and hossain mg. 2023. "early initiation of breastfeeding and its determinants of mothers in rajshahi district, bangladesh: a cross-sectional study"
Human Biology Review, 2023

Keywords: Industrial Applicants [Ref No.: 6646]

mohammad rabiul islam "cnn based covid-19 detection from image processing"
Journal of ICT Research and Applications, 2023

Keywords: Image Processing [Ref No.: 6660]

m. atikur rahman, zahid hasan, jahidul islam, d. k. das, faisal i. chowdhury, mayeen uddin khandaker, hossain m. zabed, d. a. bradley, hamid osman, and md. habib ullah "tailoring the properties of bulk batio3 based perovskites by heteroatom-doping towards multifunctional applications: a review"
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2023

[Ref No.: 6648]

nafiz fahad, kah ong michael goh, md. ismail hossen, connie tee, md. asraf ali "building a fortress against fake news harnessing the power of subfields in artificial intelligence"
Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, 2023

Keywords: Deep Learning [Ref No.: 6653]

keya, ashfia jannat, arpona, sayefa arafah, kabir, muhammad mohsin, and mridha "recurrent albert for recommendation: a hybrid architecture for accurate and lightweight restaurant recommendations"
Cognitive Computation and Systems, 2023

[Ref No.: 6680]

j. r. jim, m. t. hosain, m. f. mridha, m. m. kabir and j. shin "toward trustworthy metaverse: advancements and challenges"
IEEE Access, 2023

[Ref No.: 6681]

jahin, md abrar, shovon, md sakib hossain, islam, md. saiful, shin, jungpil, mridha, m. f. and okuyama" qamplifynet: pushing the boundaries of supply chain backorder prediction using interpretable hybrid quantum-classical neural network."
Scientific Reports, 2023

[Ref No.: 6683]

sagar dutta and md. shahjahan ali and angkita mistry tama and md. masud parvez and humayra ferdous and m.a. hakim and md. sarowar hossain "enhancement of dielectric properties and conduction mechanism in bati0.85sn0.15o3 for energy storage application"
Journal of Energy Storage, 2023

[Ref No.: 6684]

sagar dutta, md. shahjahan ali, angkita mistry tama, md. masud parvez, humayra ferdous, m.a. hakim, md. sarowar hossain "enhancement of dielectric properties and conduction mechanism in bati0.85sn0.15o3 for energy storage application"
Journal of Energy Storage, 2023

Keywords: Industrial Applicants, Semiconductor Technologies, Sensor Technology [Ref No.: 6686]

m.t. aziz, s.m.h. mahmud, m.f. elahe, h. jahan, m.h. rahman, d. nandi, l.k. smirani, k. ahmed, f.m. bui, m.a moni "a novel hybrid approach for classifying osteosarcoma using deep feature extraction and multilayer perceptron"
Diagnostics / MDPI, 2023

[Ref No.: 6663]

utshab das, hasan sanjary islam, kakon paul avi, ajmayeen adil, dip nandi "comparative analysis of data mining techniques for predicting the yield of agricultural crops"
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science(IJITCS), 2023

[Ref No.: 6664]

s m hasan mahmud, md mamun ali, mohammad fahim shahriar, fahad ahmed al-zahrani, kawsar ahmed, dip nandi, francis m bui "detection of different stages of alzheimer’s disease using cnn classifier"
Computers, Materials & Continua, 2023

[Ref No.: 6665]

snigdho dip howlader, tushar biswas, aishwarjyo roy, golam mortuja, dip nandi" a comparative analysis of algorithms for heart disease prediction using data mining"
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (IJITCS), 2023

[Ref No.: 6666]

sadi mohammad, ibrahim adnan chowdhury, niloy roy, md. nazim hasan, dip nandi "investigation of student dropout problem by using data mining technique"
International Journal of Education and Management Engineering (IJEME), 2023

[Ref No.: 6667]

ahmed sikder, william ghann, md rafsun jani, md tohidul islam, saquib ahmed, mohammed m. rahman, md abdul majed patwary, mohsin kazi, jahidul islam, faisal i. chowdhury, mohammad a. yousuf, mohammad mahbub rabbani, mohammad hossain shariare, and jamal uddin "characterization and comparison of dsscs fabricated with black natural dyes extracted from jamun, black plum, and blackberry"
Energies, 2023

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Nanotechnologies,Electrochemistry,Nano Chemistry [Ref No.: 6668]

md. faruk abdullah al sohan "enhancing ddos attack detection using machine learning: a framework with feature selection and comparative analysis of algorithms"
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 2023

[Ref No.: 6670]

sagar dutta , md. shahjahan ali , angkita mistry tama , md. masud parvez , m.a. hakim , md. sarowar hossain, humayra ferdous "enhancement of dielectric properties and conduction mechanism in bati0.85sn0.15o3 for energy storage application"
Journal of Energy Storage, 2023

[Ref No.: 6671]

md. md. ariful islam, md antonin islam, md. amzad hossain jacky, md.al- amin, m. saef ullah miah, muhidul islam khan, md. iqbal hossain" distributed ledger technology based integrated healthcare solution for bangladesh"
IEEE Access, 2023

[Ref No.: 6627]

mustak un nobi, md., md. rifat, m. f. mridha, sultan alfarhood, mejdl safran, and dunren che "gld-det: guava leaf disease detection in real-time using lightweight deep learning approach based on mobilenet"
Agronomy, 2023

[Ref No.: 6632]

shakila rahman, jahid hasan rony, jia uddin, md abdus samad "real-time obstacle detection with yolov8 in a wsn using uav aerial photography"
MDPI Journal of Imaging, 2023

[Ref No.: 6633]

yahaya saadu itas, abdussalam balarabe suleiman, chifu e. ndikilar, abdullahi lawal, razif razali, md. habib ullah, hamid osman, and mayeen uddin khandaker "dft studies of the photocatalytic properties of mos2-doped boron nitride nanotubes for hydrogen production"
ACS Omega, 2023

[Ref No.: 6644]

xx" a hybrid metaheuristic method for solving resource constrained project scheduling problem"
Evolutionary Intelligence, 2023

[Ref No.: 6592]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" solving maximum clique problem using chemical reaction optimization, ,"

[Ref No.: 6596]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" user authentication and access control to blockchain based forensic log data,"
EURASIP Journal on Information Security, 2023

[Ref No.: 6597]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" chemical reaction optimization for minimum weight dominating set,"
Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing, 2023

[Ref No.: 6598]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" edge intelligence for network intrusion prevention in iot ecosystem,"
Computers and Electrical Engineering, 2023

[Ref No.: 6599]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" a solution method to maximal covering location problem based on chemical reaction optimization(cro) algorithm,"
Soft Computing,, 2023

[Ref No.: 6600]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" identification of essential protein using chemical reaction optimization and machine learning technique,"
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2023

[Ref No.: 6601]

h. goni, f. khanom, t. s. khaleque* "convection in the earth-like mantle with the influence of strong viscosity variation"
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2023

[Ref No.: 6835]

s m hasibul hoque ,giovanni pirrone, fabio matrone, alessandra donofrio , giuseppe fanetti, angela caroli, rahnuma shahrin rista, roberto bortolus, michele avanzo, annalisa drigo andpaola chiovati "clinical use of a commercial artificial intelligence-based software for autocontouring in radiation therapy: geometric performance and dosimetric impact"
Cancers, 2023

[Ref No.: 6836]

faruk abdullah al sohan, syma kamal chaity, rubina islam reya "enhancing ddos attack detection using machine learning: a framework with feature selection and comparative analysis of algorithms"
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 2023

Keywords: Machine to Machine Data Analytics [Ref No.: 6799]

rifat al mamun rudro" utilization of machine learning strategies in the investigation of suspected credit card fraud"
The International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications, 2023

[Ref No.: 6800]

akinul islam jony" navigating the cyber threat landscape: a comprehensive analysis of attacks and security in the digital age"
Journal of Information Technology, 2023

[Ref No.: 6801]

shams forruque ahmed, md sakib bin alam, mahfara hoque, aiman lameesa, shaila afrin, tasfia farah, maliha kabir, gm shafiullah, sm muyeen "industrial internet of things enabled technologies, challenges, and future directions"
Computers and Electrical Engineering, 2023

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 6786]

md. abu jafor, md. anwar hussen wadud, kamruddin nur and mohammad motiur rahman "employee promotion prediction using improved adaboost machine learning approach"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2023

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence [Ref No.: 6739]

tofayet sultan, nusrat jahan, ritu basak, mohammed shaheen alam jony, rashidul hasan nabil" machine learning in cyberbullying detection from social-media image or screenshot with optical character recognition"
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2023

[Ref No.: 6774]

sayma alam suha and tahsina farah sanam "exploring dominant factors for ensuring the sustainability of utilizing artificial intelligence in healthcare decision making: an emerging country context"
International Journal of Information Management Data Insights, 2023

[Ref No.: 6783]

md. asraf ali , md. kishor morol , muhammad f mridha, nafiz fahad , md sadi al huda, nasim ahmed "exploring a novel machine learning approach for evaluating parkinson's disease, duration, and vitamin d level"
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2023

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence [Ref No.: 6769]

abhijit bhowmik, noorhozaimi mohd. nur, m. saef ullah miah, debajyoti karmekar "aspect-based sentiment analysis model for evaluating teachers' performance from students' feedback"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2023

[Ref No.: 6770]

md reazul islam, khondokar oliullah, md mohsin kabir, munzirul alom, m.f. mridha "machine learning enabled iot system for soil nutrients monitoring and crop recommendation"
Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 2023

Keywords: Machine to Machine Data Analytics [Ref No.: 6771]

mustak un nobi m, rifat m, mridha mf, alfarhood s, safran m, che d. "gld-det: guava leaf disease detection in real-time using lightweight deep learning approach based on mobilenet"
MDPI, 2023

Keywords: Deep Learning,Computer Vision [Ref No.: 6764]

md. mortuza ahmmed" unraveling the burden of t2d among the adolescents in bangladesh: a statistical exploration of prevalence and influencing factors"
AJSE, 2023

[Ref No.: 6766]

sm hasan mahmud, md mamun ali, mohammad fahim shahriar, fahad ahmed al-zahrani, kawsar ahmed, dip nandi, francis m bui "detection of different stages of alzheimer’s disease using cnn classifier"
Computers, Materials & Continua, 2023

Keywords: Deep Learning,Machine to Machine Data Analytics,Image Processing [Ref No.: 6767]

dr. mahfuza khatun" unraveling the burden of t2d among the adolescents in bangladesh: a statistical exploration of prevalence and influencing factors"
AIUB Journal of Science and Technology, 2023

[Ref No.: 6891]

syma kamal chaity" enhancing ddos attack detection using machine learning: a framework with feature selection and comparative analysis of algorithms"
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 2023

[Ref No.: 6895]

syma kamal chaity" iot based single identification database model for under development countries"
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 2023

[Ref No.: 6896]

md reazul islam, khondokar oliullah, md mohsin kabir, munzirul alom, mf mridha" machine learning enabled iot system for soil nutrients monitoring and crop recommendation"
Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 2023

[Ref No.: 6897]

ashfia jannat keya, hasibul hossain shajeeb, md saifur rahman, mf mridha" fakestack: hierarchical tri-bert-cnn-lstm stacked model for effective fake news detection"
Plos One, 2023

[Ref No.: 6898]

abdul ahad, jiban podder, tusar saha, hn das" effect of chromium doping on the band gap tuning of titanium dioxide thin films for solar cell applications"
Heliyon, 2023

[Ref No.: 6900]

md mortuza ahmmed, m mostafizur rahman, mahfuz khatun "unraveling the burden of t2d among the adolescents in bangladesh: a statistical exploration of prevalence and influencing factors"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2023

[Ref No.: 6884]

b. gul, md. fayz-al-asad, m.s. khan, m. rahaman, g. periyasami, h. ahmad" insight into the optoelectronic nature and mechanical stability of binary chalcogenides: a first‐principles study"
ChemElectroChem, 2023

[Ref No.: 6867]

tarikul islam, md. nur alam, shafiullah niazai, ilyas khan, md. fayz-al-asad & sultan alqahtani" heat generation/absorption effect on natural convective heat transfer in a wavy triangular cavity filled with nanofuid"
Scientific Reports, 2023

[Ref No.: 6868]

b. rajini kanth, md. sarowar hossain, p. k. mukhopadhyay "structure, microstructure and magneto-elastic property study on co40ni29al31 ferromagnetic shapememory alloy ribbon"
Materials Today:Proceedings, 2023

[Ref No.: 7050]

md. reazul islam, md. mohsin kabir, muhammadfiroz mridha, sultan alfarhood, mejdl safran, dunrenche "deep learning-based iot system for remote monitoring and early detection of health issues in real-time"
MDPI, 2023

Keywords: IoT, ML, DL [Ref No.: 6994]

kazi sadia, ariyan jahangir "blockchain based agriculture using the application of uav and deep learning technique: alexnet cnn"
Malaysian Journal of Science and Advanced Technology, 2023

Keywords: AlexNet, Blockchain, Supply Chain, Sustainable Development Goals , Unmanned Air Vehicle [Ref No.: 6991]

khondokar oliullah, mahedi hasan rasel, md. manzurul islam, md. reazul islam, md. anwar hussen wadud & md. whaiduzzaman "a stacked ensemble machine learning approach for the prediction of diabetes"
Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders, 2023

Keywords: ML [Ref No.: 6992]

jubayer ahamed and dip nandi "a decision-making technique for software architecture design"
International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Computing (IJMSC), 2023

[Ref No.: 7145]

rutba aman, rahnuma tasmin, poly rani ghosh "“unveiling the veiled: leveraging deep learning and network analysis for de-anonymization in social networks"
“Unveiling the Veiled: Leveraging Deep Learning and Network Analysis for De-Anonymization, 2023

[Ref No.: 7136]

halima mowla, poly rani ghosh, rahnuma tasmin "enhancing robotics & neurocybernetics with brain- computer interfacing for special child care"
Enhancing Robotics & Neurocybernetics with Brain- Computer Interfacing, 2023

[Ref No.: 7137]

dr. jahida binte islam" photocatalytic degradation of endocrine disrupting chemical 17-α ethinylestradiol by tio2 nanoparticles under solar light irradiation"
Environmental Processes, 2023

[Ref No.: 7132]

dr. jyotish chandra debnath" utilization of nanomaterials in accelerating the production process of sustainable biofuels"
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2023

[Ref No.: 7156]

dr. jyotish chandra debnath" electronic correlation effects in  ce4rumg compound"
Applied Physics A, 2023

[Ref No.: 7157]

afsana akter mitu" “application of stochastic programming in agricultural and newsvendor problems and it's application in real life”"
DU, 2023

[Ref No.: 7107]

umma kulsum and muntasir alam and md. kamrujjaman "modeling and investigating the dilemma of early and delayed vaccination driven by the dynamics of imitation and aspiration"
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2023

[Ref No.: 7115]

sharia arfin tanim , mursalin khan, fariya sultana prity, kazi tanvir, prof. dr. valliappan raju" an in-depth analysis of military casualties: predicting russian losses in the russia-ukraine conflict"
Journal of Psychology and Political Science, 2023

[Ref No.: 7116]

m. rifat hasan rubel applied mathematics department, university of dhaka, dhaka 1000, bangladesh m. ferdows applied mathematics department, university of dhaka, dhaka 1000, bangladesh tahia tazin department of mathematics, comilla university, comilla 3506, bangladesh t. a. bég engineering mechanics research, israfil house, dickenson road, manchester m13, uk o. anwar bég multi-physical engineering sciences group, mechanical engineering department, school of science, engineering and environment (see), university of salford, manchester m54 wt, uk ali kadir multi-physical engineering sciences group, mechanical engineering department, school of science, engineering and environment (see), university of salford, manchester m5 4wt, uk email: rifathrubel@gmail.com 1corresponding author.email: ferdows@du.ac.bd email: tahiatanuja30@gmail.com email: tasveerabeg@gmail.com email: o.a.beg@salford.ac.uk email: a.kadir@salford.ac.uk" computation of stagnation point convection flow of carbon nanotube nanofluids from a stretching sheet with melting: dual solutions"
ASME Open J. Engineering, 2023

[Ref No.: 7117]

atkia akila karim, naushin nower" long-term traffic prediction based on stacked gcn model"
KLong-Term Traffic Prediction Based on Stacked GCN Model, 2023

[Ref No.: 7112]

nusrat jahan trisna" unmasking deception: a comprehensive survey on fake news detection strategies and technologies"
Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications, 2023

[Ref No.: 7103]

md. mustak un nobi, md. rifat, m. f. mridha, sultan alfarhood, mejdl safran and dunren che "gld-det: guava leaf disease detection in real-time using lightweight deep learning approach based on mobilenet"
Agronomy, 2023

Keywords: guava leaf disease; deep learning; agriculture; modified MobileNet; Grad-CAM [Ref No.: 7104]

nafiz ahmed, anik kumar saha, mustafa ahmad arabi, sheikh talha jubayer rahman, dip nandi "two proposed models for securing data management for enterprise resource planning systems using blockchain technology"
International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business (IJIEEB), 2023

[Ref No.: 7098]

abhijit bhowmik, noorhozaimi mohd. nur, m. saef ullah miah, debajyoti karmekar "aspect-based sentiment analysis model for evaluating teachers' performance from students' feedback"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2023

[Ref No.: 7000]

mohammad sojon beg, muhammad yusri ismail, md. saef ullah miah "evaluating the performance of a visual support system for driving assistance using a deep learning algorithm"
Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 2023

Keywords: Image Processing, Collision Avoidance, Deep Learning, Yolo V8, Object Detection [Ref No.: 7001]

mahmudul hasan, md. rafiqul islam, amrita ghosh mugdha "solving maximum clique problem using chemical reaction optimization"
Opsearch, 2023

Keywords: Complete subgraph, Meta heuristic, Maximum clique, Chemical reaction optimization, NP-hard [Ref No.: 7095]

m.s. sikder, m.d. hossain, i. sardar, md. sarowar hossain, m.n.i. khan, m.r. rahman "improved magnetic and dielectric quality factors with low losses in rare earth (eu) substituted co-ni-zn ferrites for high frequency devices"
Results in Physics, 2023

[Ref No.: 6159]

s. a. tarek,1a) s. b. faruque,1 s. m. sharafuddin,1 k. m. e. hasan,1 a. k. m. m. hossain,1 h. ara,1 m. k. biswas,2 y. haque1 "linear and thermo-optically generated nonlinear optical response of bovine serum albumin and its constituent amino acids in continuous wave z-scan"
AIP Advances, 2023

[Ref No.: 6161]

saiful islam, mahbuba khanom, md. al-amin, s. mosaddeq ahmed, farzana khalil, mohammad mahbub rabbani, mohammad tariqul islam & md. a. r. jamil "porous hybrid electrode materials for high energy density li-ion and li-s batteries"
Springer, Cham, 2023

[Ref No.: 6170]

k. . biswas, n. k. paul, d. saha, t. ahmed, and r. mahmud "detection of traffic rule violations using machine learning: an analytical review"
Malaysian Journal of Science and Advanced Technology, 2023

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence [Ref No.: 6171]

tofayet sultan, nusrat jahan, ritu basak, mohammed shaheen alam jony, rashidul hasan nabil" machine learning in cyberbullying detection from social-media image or screenshot with optical character recognition"
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (IJISA), 2023

[Ref No.: 6173]

dr. kamruddin md. nur "computer vision-based iot architecture for post covid-19 preventive measures"
Journal of Advances in Information Technology (JAIT), 2023

[Ref No.: 6118]

pritam khan boni, md. rafiqul islam "chemical reaction optimization for minimum weight dominating set"
Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing, 2023

[Ref No.: 6058]

md.ismail hossen, nafiz fahad, md. ridoy sarkar, mohammad ruhani rabbi "artificial intelligencein agriculture: a systematicliterature review"
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 2023

[Ref No.: 6060]

m. f. mridha, zabir mohammad, muhammad mohsin kabir, aklima akter lima, sujoy chandra das, md. rashedul islam, and yutaka watanobe" an unsupervised writer identification based on generating clusterable embeddings"
Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 2023

[Ref No.: 6120]

2. ahsanul akib, kamruddin nur, suman saha, jannatul ferdous srabonee , and m. f. mridha" computer vision-based iot architecture for post covid-19 preventive measures"
Journal of Advances in Information Technology, 2023

[Ref No.: 6121]

anima baroi, md. abu bakar siddique, md. ahedul akbor, farah noshin chowdhury, md. a. r. jamil, md. khabir uddin & md. mostafizur rahman "exposure and health risks of metals in imported and local brands’ lipsticks and eye pencils from bangladesh"
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023

Keywords: Public health Awareness [Ref No.: 6178]

tahseen asma meem, shaira tashnub torsa, mehedi hasan, mahfujur rahman "a comparative study of fixing one barrier varying another barrier for a resonant tunneling diode"

[Ref No.: 6184]

shahriar atik fahim "b–sn/tio2 nanoparticles for photodegradation of metronidazole antibiotics under different lights"
Materials Chemistry and Physics, Elsevier, 2023

[Ref No.: 6187]

hafijur rahman, gour chandra paul "tripartite sub-image histogram equalization for slightly low contrast gray-tone image enhancement"
Pattern Recognition, 2023

Keywords: Image Processing [Ref No.: 6190]

b. himabindu, n.s.m.p. latha devi, g. sandhya, t. naveen reddy, tusar saha, b. rajini kanth, md. sarowar hossain "structure based photocatalytic efficiency and optical properties of zno nanoparticles modified by annealing including williamson-hall microstructural investigation"
Material Science and Engineering B, 2023

Keywords: Nanotechnologies,Electrochemistry [Ref No.: 6210]

bijoya bose, nishat tasnim khan, sumaiya ashreen, faisal ahmed, md. mazid-ul-haque, abhijit bhowmik "hybrid scrum-xp: a proposed model based on effectiveness of agile model on varieties of software companies in bangladesh"

Keywords: Model-driven software engineering,Software Architectures [Ref No.: 6195]

tonima mustafa1* , trishna roy1 , mst hasina begum1 , md masud rana1 , shanzida islam2 , farzana khalil3 and md. amjad hossain4 "proximate composition and mineral content of three wild and cultured fish species of bangladesh"
Jagannath University Journal of Life and Earth Sciences, 2023

[Ref No.: 6217]

kaushik biswas, niloy kanti paul, dipanwita saha, tanvir ahmed, and rifath mahmud "detection of traffic rule violations using machine learning: an analytical review"
Malaysian Journal of Science and Advanced Technology, 2023

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence,Computer Vision,Image Processing [Ref No.: 6218]

dr. md. saef ullah miah" 4d: a real-time driver drowsiness detector using deep learning"
Electronics, 2023

[Ref No.: 6243]

dr. md. saef ullah miah" distributed ledger technology based integrated healthcare solution for bangladesh"
IEEE Access, 2023

[Ref No.: 6244]

dr. md. saef ullah miah" yus - a deep learning algorithm for collision avoidance through object and vehicle detection"
Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 2023

[Ref No.: 6245]

anik sen , rasel ahmed , samiha hossain , sazzad hossain tasnim , tanvir ahmed "find out the innovative techniques of data sharing using cryptography by systematic literature review"
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 2023

[Ref No.: 6250]

1-15 "bio-nanoconvective micropolar fluid flow in a darcy porous medium past a cone with second-order slips and stefan blowing: fem solution"
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering, 2023

[Ref No.: 6251]

24) bijoya bose khan, sumaiya, faisal, md. mazid-ul-haque, abhijit bhowmik "hybrid scrum-xp: a proposed model based on effectiveness of agile model on varieties of software companies in bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2023

Keywords: Software processes and methodologies [Ref No.: 6253]

md. manzurul hasan, shaheena sultana, and md. saidur rahman "sliding column model for t-unit bar visibility representations of graphs"
Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, © World Scientific , Singapore., 2023

[Ref No.: 5688]

md rahat ibne sattar, md thowhid bin hossain efty, taiyaba shadaka rafa, tusar das, md sharif samad, abhijit pathak, mayeen uddin khandaker, md. habib ullah "an advanced and secure framework for conducting online examination using blockchain method"
Cyber Security and Applications, 2023

[Ref No.: 5755]

dr. afroza nahar" second law analysis for free convection in an l-shaped cavity filled with nanofluid"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2023

[Ref No.: 5902]

banerjee, tathagata; kozulin, e.m.; knyazheva, g.n.; bogachev, a.a:; itkis, i.m.; vardaci, e.; di nitto, a.; ashaduzzaman, m.; setaro, p.a.; and alifano, g. "evolution of multimodal fission with energy in 238np populated by 6li+232th"
Physical Review C, 2023

[Ref No.: 7273]

m. f. mridha, md. al imran, md. anwar hussen wadud and md. abdul hamid" an improved user anonymous secure authentication protocol for healthcare system using wireless medical sensor network"
International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, 2022

[Ref No.: 5548]

) shahadat hossain, md. manzurul hasan, md. mahmudur rahman and mimun barid "factors behind the world crime index: some parametric observations using dbscan and linear regression"
Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2022

[Ref No.: 5578]

mahmudur rahman, shahadat hossain, mimun barid and md. manzurul hasan "inductions of usernames' strengths in reducing invasions on social networking sites (snss)"
Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 5579]

afroza nahar, hasanuzzaman, m., rahim, n. a., & parvin, s" thermo-fluid physiognomies of a photovoltaic thermal collector: a comparative study with different flow channel materials"
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 2022

[Ref No.: 5506]

salma parvin, abrar islam and afroza nahar." performance analysis of a direct absorption solar collector using different nanofluids: effect of physical parameters"
GANIT: Journal of Bangladesh Mathematical Society, 2022

[Ref No.: 5504]

nyme ahmed, md rifat-ibn-alam, golam ahsan akib, syed nafiul shefat, dip nandi "an extensive analysis on computing students' academic performance in online environment using decision tree"
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 2022

[Ref No.: 5439]

mohammed kaosar mohammad nuruzzaman bhuiyan, md. m billah, dipanita saha, md. mahbubur rahman "iot based health monitoring system and its challenges and opportunities"
SpringerLink, 2022

[Ref No.: 5501]

md. masum billah" concept network using network text analysis"
Easychair, 2022

[Ref No.: 5502]

md ismail hossen, j. hossen, md nazmul hossain "an approach to recognize handwritten digits using machine learning classifiers"
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2022

[Ref No.: 5341]

sultan abu saleh mahmud1 , tasnuva ferdous2 , md morshedul alam3 , md. shohag hossain2 , habibul bari shozib1 , farzana khalil4 , faija akter5 , mohammad nazir hossain3 * "para-phenylenediamine (ppd) in commercially available henna preparations in bangladesh"
Bioresearch Communications, 2022

[Ref No.: 5353]

nurul absar, nazim uddin, mayeen uddin khandaker, md. habib ullah "the efficacy of deep learning based lstm model in forecasting the outbreak of contagious diseases"
Infectious Disease Modelling, 2022

[Ref No.: 5365]

md. mehedi hassan onik" a systematic literature review of blockchain technology adoption in bangladesh"
Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC), 2022

Keywords: Blockchain, Sustainable production and Consumption [Ref No.: 5375]

jahidul islam, mahmud shareef, hossain m zabed, xianghui qi, faisal islam chowdhury, jagotamoy das, jamal uddin, yusuf valentino kaneti, mayeen uddin khandaker, abubakr m idris, md. habib ullah, mostafa kamal masud "electrochemical nitrogen fixation in metal-n2 batteries: a paradigm for simultaneous nh3 synthesis and energy generation"
Energy Storage Materials, 2022

[Ref No.: 5905]

md. al-amin, khondoker shahrina, rubyet hossain, debashish sarker, sumya sultana meem "decentralized payment aggregator: hyperledger fabric"
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 2022

Keywords: Blockchain,Distributed and parallel systems [Ref No.: 5907]

dr. md. rabiul auwul "a review of security and privacy concerns in the internet of things (iot)"
Journal of Sensors, 2022

[Ref No.: 5891]

md. mortuza ahmmed "a cluster based feasible time interval for tracking lost or stolen vehicle"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2022

[Ref No.: 5893]

md. mortuza ahmmed "the mathematical and machine learning models to forecast the covid-19 outbreaks in bangladesh"
Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 2022

[Ref No.: 5894]

md. mortuza ahmmed "public healthcare facilities and its utilization: bangladesh perspective"
International Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Reviews, 2022

[Ref No.: 5895]

tania rahman, shanto kumar saha, md. sajjadur rahman sohel, md. tamim maula, abhijit bhowmik, rashidul hasan nabil "risk identification and analysis in software development in bangladesh it industry: a hybrid model"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2022

[Ref No.: 5896]

hasan, md. nabobi, mufrad mustavi, md. abu jubaer, md. tanvir shahriar, and tanvir ahmed. "plant leaf disease detection using image processing: a comprehensive review"
Malaysian Journal of Science and Advanced Technology, 2022

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence,Image Processing [Ref No.: 5898]

tanvir ahmed, rashidul hasan nabil, and md. siyamul islam "detection of paddy blast: an image processing approach with threshold based otsu"
Malaysian Journal of Science and Advanced Technology, 2022

Keywords: Image Processing [Ref No.: 5899]

tanvir ahmed, rashidul hasan nabil, and md. siyamul islam "detection of paddy blast: an image processing approach with threshold based otsu"
Malaysian Journal of Science and Advanced Technology, 2022

[Ref No.: 5900]

m.k. islam, afroza nahar, m. hasanuzzaman, n.a. rahim" experimental performance investigation of a nanofluid based parabolic trough concentrator in malaysia"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2022

[Ref No.: 5901]

rifat ibn alam; md. golam ahsan akib; nyme ahmed; syed nafiul shefat; dip nandi" a comparative analysis among online and on-campus students using decision tree"
I. J. Mathematical Sciences and Computing, 2022

[Ref No.: 5870]

jubayer ahamed, maisha maliha, zeba labiba, md. ariful islam, dr. dip nandi "a review report on the fingerprint-based biometric system in atm banking"
Association for Computing Machinery Digital Library(ACM_DL), 2022

Keywords: Software Architectures,Software Engineering Education and Training [Ref No.: 5872]

anjir ahmed chowdhury; md abir hossen; md ali azam; md hafizur rahman "deepqgho: quantized greedy hyperparameter optimization in deep neural networks for on-the-fly learning"
IEEE Access, 2022

Keywords: Deep Learning,Algorithms [Ref No.: 5873]

mohammad fahim khan, mohammad mahmudul hasan, sheikh aysha khatun "advancement of agri-trading systems towards improving farmers' economic situations in bangladesh"
International Journal of Environmental Sustainability and Green Technologies (IJESGT), 2022

[Ref No.: 5874]

rasel iqbal emon, md. mehedi hassan onik, abdullah al hussain1 , toufiq ahmed tanna1 , md. akhtaruzzaman emon, muhammad al amin rifat and mahdi h. miraz "privacy-preserved secure medical data sharing using hierarchical blockchain in edge computing"
Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC), 2022

Keywords: Blockchain [Ref No.: 5879]

• nusrat jahan, m. n. i. khan, m. r. hasan, m. s. bashar, a. islam, m. k. alam, m. a. hakim and j. i. khandaker" correlation among the structural, electric and magnetic properties of al3+ substituted ni–zn–co ferrites"
RSC Advanced, 2022

[Ref No.: 5848]

nyme ahmed, rifat-ibn-alam, md. golam ahsan akib, syed nafiul shefat, dr. dip nandi "an extensive analysis on computing students' academic performance in online environment using decision tree"
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 2022

Keywords: Big Data [Ref No.: 5836]

rifat-ibn-alam, md. golam ahsan akib, nyme ahmed, syed nafiul shefat, dip nandi "a comparative analysis among online and oncampus students using decision tree"
Internatioal Journel of Mathematical Sciences and Computing, 2022, 2022

Keywords: Big Data [Ref No.: 5837]

syed nafiul shefat, md. golam ahsan akib, nyme ahmed, rifat-ibn-alam, dr. dip nandi "investigation of computing students’ performances in a fully online environment during covid-19 pandemic"
Malaysian Journal of Science and Advanced Technology (MJSAT), 2022

Keywords: Big Data [Ref No.: 5838]

nyme ahmed, syed nafiul shefat, taimur ahad "keep me in distance: an internet of things based social distance monitoring system in covid19"
International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications, 2022

[Ref No.: 5839]

nyme ahmed, rifat-ibn-alam, syed nafiul shefat "performance evaluation of data mining classification algorithms for predicting breast cancer"
Malaysian Journal of Science and Advanced Technology (MJSAT), 2022

Keywords: Big Data [Ref No.: 5840]

md. mortuza ahmmed "covid-19 and sustainable development goals: bangladesh perspective"
International Journal of Advanced Operations Management, 2022

[Ref No.: 5756]

sajid bin-faisal, dip nandi, mashiour rahman "dual layer encryption for iot based vehicle systems over 5g communication"
https://www.mecs-press.org/ijitcs/, 2022

Keywords: Internet of Things,Digital Transformation,Security in Smart Environments [Ref No.: 5752]

rashidul hasan nabil, aneem-al-ahsan rupai, mimun barid, adnan sami and md. nazmul hossain "an intelligent examination monitoring tool for online student evaluation"
Malaysian Journal of Science and Advanced Technology, 2022

[Ref No.: 5753]

nyme ahmed, rifat-ibn-alam, md. golam ahsan akib, syed nafiul shefat, dip nandi "an extensive analysis on computing students' academic performance in online environment using decision tree"
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 2022

Keywords: Data Mining and Business Intelligence [Ref No.: 5775]

rifat-ibn-alam, md golam ahsan akib, nyme ahmed, syed nafiul shefat, dip nandi "a comparative analysis among online and on-campus students using decision tree"
International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Computing (IJMSC), 2022

Keywords: Data Mining and Business Intelligence [Ref No.: 5776]

syed nafiul shefat, md golam ahsan akib, nyme ahmed, rifat-ibn-alam, dip nandi "investigation of computing students’ performances in a fully online environment during covid-19 pandemic"
Malaysian Journal of Science and Advanced Technology, 2022

Keywords: Data Mining and Business Intelligence [Ref No.: 5777]

nyme ahmed, methila farzana woishe, nila sultana, tamanna zaman bristy "table token generator and indicator in restaurant using micro-controller"
European Journal of Engineering and Technology Research, 2022

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 5778]

nyme ahmed, rifat-ibn-alam, syed nafiul shefat "performance evaluation of data mining classification algorithms for predicting breast cancer"
Malaysian Journal of Science and Advanced Technology, 2022

Keywords: Data Mining and Business Intelligence [Ref No.: 5780]

18) tania rahman, shanto kumar saha, md. sajjadur rahman sohel, md. tamim maula, abhijit bhowmik "risk identification and analysis in software development in bangladesh it industry: a hybrid model"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2022

Keywords: Model-driven software engineering [Ref No.: 5781]

syma kamal chaity" iot based parallel server architecture in low power environment"
Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications, 2022

[Ref No.: 5791]

md. manzurul hasan, debajyoti mondal, and md. saidur rahman, positive planar "positive planar satisfiability problems under 3-connectivity constraints"
Theoretical Computer Science, Science Direct, Elsevier, 2022

[Ref No.: 5685]

shahadat hossain, md. manzurul hasan, and mimun barid. "a heuristic approach for analyzing some reading behaviors of online news viewers using rf and knn"
Proceedings of TEHI 2022, Springer, Singapore., 2022

[Ref No.: 5686]

saiful islam, seunggyeong lee, seulgi lee, muhammad hilmy alfaruqi, balaji sambandam, vinod mathew, jang-yeon hwang, jaekook kim "triggering the theoretical capacity of na1.1v3o7.9 nanorod cathode by polypyrrole coating for high-energy zinc-ion batteries"
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022

Keywords: Energy Storage Materials [Ref No.: 5690]

monowar, muhammad m., md. a. hamid, faris a. kateb, abu q. ohi, and m. f. mridha "self-supervised clustering for leaf disease identification"
Agriculture, 2022

[Ref No.: 5691]

dr. muhammad firoz mridha "a comprehensive survey on the detection, classification, and challenges of neurological disorders"
Biology, 2022

Keywords: Bioinformatics [Ref No.: 5692]

monowar, muhammad m., md. a. hamid, abu q. ohi, madini o. alassafi, and m. f. mridha "autoret: a self-supervised spatial recurrent network for content-based image retrieval"
Sensors, 2022

[Ref No.: 5693]

m. a. h. wadud, m. f. . mridha, and m. m. . rahman "word embedding methods for word representation in deep learning for natural language processing"
Iraqi Journal of Science, 2022

[Ref No.: 5694]

md. mohsin kabir, adit ishraq, kamruddin nur, and m. f. mridha "content-based image retrieval using autoembedder"
Journal of Advances in Information Technology, 2022

[Ref No.: 5695]

dr. md. mozahar ali" influence of heavy hf doping in ceo2: prediction on various physical properties"
Results in Physics, 2022

[Ref No.: 5666]

abhijit bhowmik "a machine learning approach for bengali handwritten vowel character recognition"
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI), 2022

[Ref No.: 5707]

shafin talukder, sk. tasnim bari ira, aseya khanom, prantika biswas sneha and wardah saleh" vehicle collision detection & prevention using vanet based iot with v2v"
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Networks (IJWMN), 2022

[Ref No.: 5711]

wardah saleh and shahrin chowdhury" ran slicing: towards multi-tenancy in 5g radio access networks"
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Networks (IJWMN), 2022

[Ref No.: 5712]

bithi paul" nano-bio effects: interaction of zno and dna-bases"
Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects, 2022

[Ref No.: 5723]

m. a. hussen wadud, m. f. mridha, jungpil shin, kamruddin nur, and aloke kumar saha "deep-bert: transfer learning based deep learning model for classifying multilingual offensive texts on social media"
Computer Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE), 2022

Keywords: Deep Learning [Ref No.: 5735]

md. mohsin kabir, adit ishraq, kamruddin nur, and m. f. mridha "content-based image retrieval using autoembedder"
Journal of Advances in Information Technology (JAIT), 2022

Keywords: Deep Learning [Ref No.: 5736]

md masuduzzaman , anik islam , kazi sadia , soo young shin "uav-based mec-assisted automated traffic management scheme using blockchain"
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2022

Keywords: Blockchain [Ref No.: 5737]

md. mortuza ahmmed "the obstacles to combat against covid-19 pandemic and the remedies: bangladesh scenario"
Journal of Public Health Research, 2022

[Ref No.: 5597]

md iftekharul alam efat, md shazzad hossain shihab, shuvra aditya, jahangir hossain setu, km imtiaz-ud-din" identifying optimized speaker identification model using hybrid gru-cnn feature extraction technique"
Int. J. of Computational Vision and Robotics (IJCVR), 2022

[Ref No.: 5610]

md. navid bin anwar, afroza nahar, nashid kamal md., mehedi hasan shuvo" a waiting time based bully algorithm for leader node selection in distributed system"
Malaysian Journal of Science, 2022

[Ref No.: 5647]

methila farzana woishe" optimizing iot based parallel server in a low power operational environment"
International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications, 2022

[Ref No.: 5656]

nyme ahmed, methila farzana woishe, nila sultana, tamanna zaman bristy" table token generator and indicator in restaurant using micro-controller"
European Journal of Engineering and Technology Research7, 2022

[Ref No.: 5657]

md ismail hossain sadhin, methila farzana woishe, nila sultana, tamanna zaman bristy" identifying lung cancer using ct scan images based on artificial intelligence"
Malaysian Journal of Science and Advanced Technology (MJSAT), 2022

[Ref No.: 5658]

nila sultana, methila farzana woishe, tamanna zaman bristy, dr. md taimur ahad" an efficient iot enabled smart ambulance routing appling loadng routing protocol: aiming to achieve sustainable development goals"
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 2022

[Ref No.: 5659]

vivek kumar singh, prashasti singh, ashraf uddin, parveen arora, sujit bhattacharya "exploring the relationship between journals indexed from a country and its research output: an empirical investigation"
Scientometrics, 2022

[Ref No.: 6075]

nyme ahmed, dip nandi, a. g. m zaman "analyzing student evaluations of teaching in a completely online environment"
International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science (IJMECS), 2022

Keywords: Data Mining and Business Intelligence [Ref No.: 6076]

m.j uddin, na amirsom, oa beg, a.i.m ismail "computation of bio-nano-convection power law slip flow from a needle with blowing effects in a porous medium"
Waves in Random and Complex Media, 2022

Keywords: Nanotechnology [Ref No.: 6081]

o. a bég,tasveer bég,w. a. khan,m. j. uddin "multiple slip effects on nanofluid dissipative flow in a converging/diverging channel: a numerical study"
Heat Transfer—Asian Research., 2022

Keywords: Nanotechnology [Ref No.: 6086]

m. f. mridha, md. kishor morol, md. asraf ali, md sakib hossain shovon "convoher2: a deep neural network for multi-stage classification of her2 breast cancer"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2022

[Ref No.: 6094]

tasriva sikandar, sam matiur rahman, dilshad islam, md asraf ali, md. abdullah al mamun, mohammad fazle rabbi, kamarul h. ghazali, omar altwijri, mohammed almijalli, nizam uddin ahamed "walking speed classification from marker-free video images in two-dimension using optimum data and a deep learning method"
Bioengineering, 2022

[Ref No.: 6095]

dr. akinul islam jony" a comparison of opinion mining algorithms by using product review data"
International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2022

[Ref No.: 6099]

dr. akinul islam jony" strategies for enhancing the multi-stage classification performances of her2 breast cancer from hematoxylin and eosin images"
Diagnostics, 2022

[Ref No.: 6100]

dr. kamruddin md. nur "deep-bert: transfer learning for classifying multilingual offensive texts on social media"
Computer Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE), 2022

[Ref No.: 6101]

m.d. hossain, m.n.i. khan, md sarowar hossain, s. j. ahned, m. k. alam, s. i. liba, m. a. hakim, a. t. m. k. jamil "structure-based magnetic, electrical and transport properties of ni–zn–co ferrite by v5+ substitution"
Current Applied Physics, 2022

[Ref No.: 6048]

prof. dr. dip nandi" investigation of machine learning algorithms for network intrusion detection"
I.J. Information Engineering and Electronic Busines, 2022

[Ref No.: 6023]

prof. dr. dip nandi" comparative analysis of data mining techniques to predict cardiovascular disease"
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science(IJITCS), 2022

[Ref No.: 6024]

prof. dr. dip nandi" a comprehensive study to investigate student performance in online education during covid-19"
International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science (IJMECS), 2022

[Ref No.: 6025]

shakila rahman" oadc: an obstacle-avoidance data collection scheme using multiple unmanned aerial vehicles"
MDPI Applied Sciences, 2022

[Ref No.: 6014]

shakila rahman" energy-efficient charging of sensors for uav-aided wireless sensor network"
International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication, 2022

[Ref No.: 6018]

mohammad alahmad1,*, imad alshaikhli2 , abdulrahman alkandari3, abdullah alshehab4, mohamamd rabiul islam5, meshal alnasheet6 "influence of hedera hash graph over blockchain"
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 2022

Keywords: Blockchain,Algorithms [Ref No.: 5998]

nyme ahmed, dip nandi, a. g. m. zaman" analyzing student evaluations of teaching in a completely online environment"
International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science (IJMECS), 2022

Keywords: Algorithms,Data Mining and Business Intelligence [Ref No.: 5996]

md. tanvir mahtab, a. g. m. zaman, montasir rahman mahin, mohammad nazim mia, md. tanjirul islam "stock price prediction: an incremental learning approach model of multiple linear regression"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2022

Keywords: Machine to Machine Data Analytics [Ref No.: 6008]

md al-amin, saiful islam, sayed ul alam shibly, samia iffat "comparative review on the aqueous zinc-ion batteries (azibs) and flexible zinc-ion batteries (fzibs)"
Nanomaterials, 2022

Keywords: Nanotechnologies [Ref No.: 5990]

md. sohidul islam" outage capacity analysis for next generation wireless communication using non-orthogonal multiple access"
International Journal of Information and Communication Engineering, 2022

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication [Ref No.: 5985]

jannatul ferdosy, md. mortuza ahmmed, md. ashraful babu, m. mostafizur rahman" determinants of knowledge and precautionary practices about nosocomial infection among fourth graded hospital workers in bangladesh: a mathematical and statistical approach"
Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 2022

[Ref No.: 5986]

md. ashraful babu, md. mortuza ahmmed, md. abu helal, m. a. hoque "the fbprophet forecasting model to evaluate the spread of covid-19 pandemic: a machine learning approach"
Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 2022

[Ref No.: 5987]

md. hridoy bhuyan, mohammad mahmudul hasan, fowjia tajnin muna "digital bangladesh: an electronic automated system for bangladesh police administration"
Asian Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2022

[Ref No.: 5988]

partha sutradhar, victor stany rozario "in - depth case study on artificial neural network weights optimization using meta - heuristic and heuristic algorithmic approach"

Keywords: Deep Learning,Machine to Machine Data Analytics,Neural Networks [Ref No.: 5978]

dr. md. abdullah - al - jubair "ar lab/practical simulation book for physics chemistry & computer science"
ACM Digital Library, 2022

[Ref No.: 5922]

oishi khanam" future possible age of the universe with density variation"
I. J. Mathematical Sciences and Computing, 2022

[Ref No.: 6248]

dr. md. saef ullah miah" sentence boundary extraction from scientific literature of electric double layer capacitor domain: tools and techniques"
MDPI Applied Sciences, 2022

[Ref No.: 6236]

dr. md. saef ullah miah" predicting young imposter syndrome using ensemble learning"
Complexity, 2022

[Ref No.: 6237]

dr. md. saef ullah miah" application of machine learning algorithms to predict the thyroid disease risk: an experimental comparative study"
PeerJ Computer Science, 2022

[Ref No.: 6238]

dr. md. saef ullah miah" a machine learning approach for bengali handwritten vowel character recognition"
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI), 2022

[Ref No.: 6239]

dr. md. saef ullah miah" evaluating keyphrase extraction algorithms for finding similar news articles using lexical similarity calculation and semantic relatedness measurement by word embedding"
PeerJ Computer Science, 2022

[Ref No.: 6240]

dr. md. saef ullah miah" restinet: on improving the performance of tiny-yolo-based cnn architecture for applications in human detection"
MDPI Applied Sciences, 2022

[Ref No.: 6241]

dr. md. saef ullah miah" restinet: an efficient deep learning approach to improve human detection accuracy"
MethodsX, 2022

[Ref No.: 6242]

gour chandra paul, mrinal chandra barman, hafijur rahman "an effective method in investigating structures of polytropic protoplanets formed via gravitational instability"
Heliyon, 2022

[Ref No.: 6191]

hafijur rahman, k.c. roy, s.k. das, s.a. hossain "a study on the numerical accuracy and efficiency of the bisection method in finding square roots of positive real numbers"
Int. J. of Sci. Research in Computer Science and Engineering, 2022

[Ref No.: 6192]

hafijur rahman, a. khair, n. sultana "a competitive study on the euler and different order runge-kutta methods with accuracy and stability"
Int. J. of Sci. Research in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, 2022

[Ref No.: 6193]

mahfujur rahman, mehedi hasan, md masum billah, rukaiya jahan sajuti "political fake news detection from different news source on social media using machine learning techniques"

[Ref No.: 6181]

mahfujur rahman, mehedi hasan, md masum billah, rukaiya jahan sajuti "grading system prediction of educational performance analysis using data mining approach"
The Malaysian Journal of Science and Advanced Technology, 2022

[Ref No.: 6182]

mr. mehedi hasan, m. tanseer ali, md. kamrul hasan, shaira tashnub torsa, mahfujur rahman "comparative study of single and double barrier gaas/al0.3ga0.7as based resonant tunneling diodes considering negf"

[Ref No.: 6183]

mridha, m. f.,prodeep, akibur rahman,hoque, a. s. m. morshedul,islam, md. rashedul,lima, aklima akter,kabir, muhammad mohsin,hamid, md. abdul,watanobe, yutaka" a comprehensive survey on the progress, process, and challenges of lung cancer detection and classification"
Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2022

[Ref No.: 6122]

wadud, md. anwar hussen, mohammed alatiyyah, and m. f. mridha" non-autoregressive end-to-end neural modeling for automatic pronunciation error detection"
Applied Sciences, 2022

[Ref No.: 6123]

mohammad, zabir, muhammad mohsin kabir, muhammad mostafa monowar, md abdul hamid, and muhammad firoz mridha "self-writer: clusterable embedding based self-supervised writer recognition from unlabeled data"
Mathematics, 2022

[Ref No.: 6124]

k. m. hasib, a. tanzim, j. shin, k. o. faruk, j. a. mahmud and m. f. mridha "bmnet-5: a novel approach of neural network to classify the genre of bengali music based on audio features"
Open Access, 2022

[Ref No.: 6125]

dr. muhammad firoz mridha "3d gesture recognition and adaptation for human–robot interaction"
IEEE Access, 2022

[Ref No.: 6126]

shovon, md sakib hossain, md jahidul islam, mohammed nawshar ali khan nabil, md mohimen molla, akinul islam jony, and m. f. mridha. "strategies for enhancing the multi-stage classification performances of her2 breast cancer from hematoxylin and eosin images"
Diagnostics, 2022

[Ref No.: 6127]

keya, ashfia jannat, md. anwar hussen wadud, m. f. mridha, mohammed alatiyyah, and md. abdul hamid "augfake-bert: handling imbalance through augmentation of fake news using bert to enhance the performance of fake news classification"
Applied Sciences, 2022

[Ref No.: 6128]

m. anwar hussen wadud, m. f. mridha, j. shin, k. nur and a. kumar saha "deep-bert: transfer learning for classifying multilingual offensive texts on social media"
Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 2022

[Ref No.: 6129]

md. anwar hussen wadud, muhammad mohsin kabir, m.f. mridha, m. ameer ali, md. abdul hamid, muhammad mostafa monowar "how can we manage offensive text in social media - a text classification approach using lstm-boost"
International Journal of Information Management Data Insights, 2022

[Ref No.: 6130]

md. nazmul hossain "an approach to recognize vehicles context flow for smartphone-based outdoor parking using supervised machine learning classifiers"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2022

[Ref No.: 6111]

md. nazmul hossain "an intelligent examination monitoring tool for online student evaluation"
Malaysian Journal of Science and Advanced Technology (MJSAT), 2022

[Ref No.: 6112]

g.c. biswas, s. choudhury, m.m. rabbani, j. das "a review on potential electrochemical point-of-care tests targeting pandemic infectious disease detection: covid-19 as a reference"
Chemosensors, 2022

Keywords: Nanotechnologies,Nano Chemistry,Analytical Chemistry [Ref No.: 6115]

s. faraezi, m.s khan, f.z. monira, a.a. mamun, t. akter, m.a. mamun, m.m. rabbani, j. uddin, and a.j.s. ahammad, "sensitivity control of hydroquinone and catechol at poly(brilliant cresyl blue)-modified gce by varying activation conditions of the gce: an experimental and computational study"
ChemEngineering, 2022

Keywords: Analytical Chemistry [Ref No.: 6116]

n. sultana, s.d. shawon, s.m.a. nayem, m.m. hasan, t. islam, s.s. shah, m.m. rabbani, m.a. aziz, a.j.s. ahammad "cobalt oxide nanorod-modified gce as sensitive electrodes for simultaneous detection of hydroquinone and catechol"
Processes, 2022

Keywords: Nanotechnologies,Nano Chemistry,Analytical Chemistry [Ref No.: 6117]

md. dulal hossain, a. t. m. kaosar jamil, md. sarowar hossain, syed jamal ahmed, harinarayan das, rimi rashid, m. a. hakim, m n i khan "investigation on structure, thermodynamic and multifunctional properties of ni-zn-co ferrite for gd3+ substitution"
RSC Advances, 2022

[Ref No.: 6045]

a. kaiyum, m.a. hossain, md. sarowar hossain, r. rashid, a. kumar, m.a. hakim, m.n.i. khan "influence of eu3+ substitution on structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of bi0.9la0.1feo3"
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2022

[Ref No.: 6046]

md. iftekharul alam efat, md. shazzad hossain, shuvra aditya, jahanggir hossain setu and k.m. imtiaz-ud-din" identifying optimised speaker identification model using hybrid gru-cnn feature extraction technique"
International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics, 2022

[Ref No.: 6119]

fahima khanam, farha akhter munmun, nadia afrin ritu, aloke kumar saha, and m. f. mridha "text to speech synthesis: a systematic review, deep learning based architecture and future research direction"
Journal of Advances in Information Technology, 2022

[Ref No.: 6132]

mustafizur rahman, shusmita islam, rubiyet fardous, lamisa yesmin, dip nandi" applying scrum development on safety critical systems"
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science(IJITCS), 2022

[Ref No.: 6145]

sumaiya sultana, sumaiya rahman eva, nayeem hasan moon, akinul islam jony, dip nandi" a comparison of opinion mining algorithms by using product review data"
I.J. Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2022

[Ref No.: 6146]

rifat-ibn alam, md. golam ahsan akib, nyme ahmed, syed nafiul shefat, dip nandi" a comparative analysis among online and on-campus students using decision tree"
International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Computing(IJMSC), 2022

[Ref No.: 6147]

sajid bin-faisal, dip nandi, mashiour rahman" dual layer encryption for iot based vehicle systems over 5g communication"
I.J. Information Technology and Computer Science, 2022

[Ref No.: 6148]

syed nafiul shefat, md golam ahsan akib, nyme ahmed, dip nandi" investigation of computing students’ performances in a fully online environment during covid-19 pandemic"
Malaysian Journal of Science and Advanced Technology, 2022

[Ref No.: 6149]

md motaleb hassan, mishu majumder, mosumi mitra, khadiza akter mitu, md. sazzad hossain "application of semi-distributed hydrological model in northern region of bngladesh"
International journal of Geology, Agriculture and environmental sciences, 2022

[Ref No.: 6152]

kawser irom rushee" a comparison of missing value imputation techniques on coupon acceptance prediction."
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, 2022

[Ref No.: 6174]

dr. jyotish chandra debnath" magnetic structure, magneto-caloric properties and magnetic critical behaviours of lamn2ge2 compounds"
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022

[Ref No.: 7158]

dr. jyotish chandra debnath" effects of electronic correlation in cerual compound"
Applied Physics A, 2022

[Ref No.: 7159]

md ashraful babu, md mortuza ahmmed, mir kaosar ahamed, m mostafizur rahman "a cluster based feasible time interval for tracking lost or stolen vehicle"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2022

Keywords: Security in Smart Environments,Intelligent Transportation [Ref No.: 6924]

jannatul ferdosy, md mortuza ahmmed, md ashraful babu, m mostafizur rahman "determinants of knowledge and precautionary practices about nosocomial infection among fourth graded hospital workers in bangladesh: a mathematical and statistical approach"
Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 2022

Keywords: Deep Learning [Ref No.: 6925]

md ashraful babu, md mortuza ahmmed, amena ferdousi, m mostafizur rahman, md saiduzzaman, vaibhav bhatnagar, linesh raja, ramesh chandra poonia "the mathematical and machine learning models to forecast the covid-19 outbreaks in bangladesh"
Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 2022

Keywords: Machine to Machine Data Analytics [Ref No.: 6927]

md sohan, faruk abdullah al, samiur rahman khan, nusrat jahan anannya, md taimur ahad" towards a secured smart iot using light weight blockchain: an aim to secure pharmacy products"
N/A, 2022

[Ref No.: 6830]

tamanna zaman bristy "identifying lung cancer using ct scan images based on artificial intelligence"
International Journal of Computer and Information System, 2022

Keywords: Machine to Machine Data Analytics [Ref No.: 6853]

tamanna zaman bristy "optimizing iot based parallel server in a low power operational environment"
International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications, 2022

[Ref No.: 6854]

tamanna zaman bristy" an efficient iot enabled smart ambulance routing appling loadng routing protocol: aiming to achieves sustainable development goals"
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 2022

[Ref No.: 6855]

tamanna zaman bristy "table token generator and indicator in restaurant using micro-controller"
European Journal of Engineering and Technology Research, 2022

[Ref No.: 6856]

tamanna zaman bristy "a secured model of iot-based smart gas detecting and automatic alarm system"
International Journal of Computer and Information System (IJCIS), 2022

[Ref No.: 6857]

sandhya aneja; nagender aneja; bharat bhargava; rajarshi roy chowdhury "device fingerprinting using deep convolutional neural networks"
International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, 2022

[Ref No.: 6753]

rajarshi roy chowdhury, azam che idris and pg emeroylariffion abas "internet of things device classification using transport and network layers communication traffic traces"
International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, 2022

[Ref No.: 6754]

rajarshi roy chowdhury, pg emeroylariffion abas "a survey on device fingerprinting approach for resource-constraint iot devices: comparative study and research challenges"
Internet of Things, 2022

[Ref No.: 6755]

saikat baul, md. ratan rana "analyzing database security and a study of ownership protection using watermarking algorithm"
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2022

Keywords: Other [Ref No.: 6772]

saikat baul, md. ratan rana, sakimul karim adan, nazia tafannum, farzana alam "analyzing different software project management tools and proposing a new project management tool using process re-engineering on open-source and saas platforms for a developing country like bangladesh"
International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science, 2022

Keywords: Software Architectures,Other [Ref No.: 6773]

sayma alam suha and m. akhtaruzzaman and tahsina farah sanam "a fuzzy model for predicting burn patients’ intravenous fluid resuscitation rate"
Healthcare Analytics, 2022

[Ref No.: 6782]

nuzhat tabassum, sujeendran menon, agnieszka jastrzębska "time-series classification with safe: simple and fast segmented word embedding-based neural time series classifier"
Information Processing & Management, 2022

Keywords: Neural Networks [Ref No.: 6776]

sayma alam suha & muhammad nazrul islam "an extended machine learning technique for polycystic ovary syndrome detection using ovary ultrasound image"
Scientific Reports, 2022

[Ref No.: 6777]

sayma alam suha and tahsina farah sanam "a deep convolutional neural network-based approach for detecting burn severity from skin burn images"
Machine Learning with Applications, 2022

[Ref No.: 6778]

md. mahbubur rahman and dipanjali kundu and sayma alam suha and umme raihan siddiqi and samrat kumar dey" hospital patients’ length of stay prediction: a federated learning approach"
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2022

[Ref No.: 6779]

jahida binte islam, md rakibul islam, mai furukawa, ikki tateishi, hideyuki katsumata, satoshi kaneco "ag-modified g-c3n4 with enhanced activity for the photocatalytic reduction of hexavalent chromium in the presence of edta under ultraviolet irradiation"
Environmental Technology, 2022

[Ref No.: 6616]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" an efficient roi detection algorithm for bangla text extraction and recognition from natural scene images,"
Journal of King Saud University- Computer Science and Information Sciences, 2022

[Ref No.: 6593]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" protein complex prediction in large protein-protein interaction network,"
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, 2022

[Ref No.: 6594]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" cluster- based authentication process in a smart city"
Security and Communication Network, 2022

[Ref No.: 6595]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" a hybrid framework based on genetic algorithm and simulated annealing for rna structure prediction with pseudoknots"
Journal of King Saud University- Computer Science and Information Sciences, 2022

[Ref No.: 6587]

syma kamal chaity" iot based medical information management system"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2022

[Ref No.: 6626]

nyme ahmed, dip nandi, a.g.m zaman "analyzing student evaluations of teaching in a completely online environment"
I.J. Modern Education and Computer Science, 2022

Keywords: Data Mining and Business Intelligence [Ref No.: 6647]

mahjabin, samiya, haque, m.m., sobayel, k., selvanathan, v., jamal, m.s., bashar, m.s., sultana, m., hossain, m.i., shahiduzzaman, m., algethami, m. and alharthi, s.s., akhtaruzzaman, m." investigation of morphological, optical, and dielectric properties of rf sputtered wox thin films for optoelectronic applications"
Nanomaterials, 2022

[Ref No.: 6722]

sharmin jahan, subrata banik, nure alam chowdhury, abdul mannan and a a mamun "electrostatic shock structures in a magnetized plasma having non-thermal particles"
gases, 2022

Keywords: Natural Sciences [Ref No.: 6729]

rajarshi roy chowdhury, azam che idris, pg emeroylariffion abas "packet-level and ieee 802.11 mac frame-level analysis for iot device identification"
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 2022

[Ref No.: 6750]

sheekar banerjee, aminun nahar jhumur "a novel approach of marine ecosystem monitoring system with multi-sensory submarine on robotic platform for visualizing the climate change effect over oceanic environment"
Trends in Sciences, 2022

Keywords: Digital Transformation,Wireless/ Mobile Communication,Artificial Intelligence [Ref No.: 6559]

md. siddikur rahman , nujhat tabassum safa , sahara sultana , samira salam , ajlina karamehic-muratovic , hans j. overgaard "role of artificial intelligence-internet of things (ai-iot) based emerging technologies in the public health response to infectious diseases in bangladesh"
Parasite Epidemiology and Control, 2022

[Ref No.: 6565]

saikat baul,md. ratan rana,sakimul karim adan,nazia tafannum, farzana alam "analyzing different software project management tools and proposing a new project management tool using process re-engineering on open-source and saas platforms for a developing country"

Keywords: Software engineering for Contemporary Software Systems [Ref No.: 6554]

shahadat hossain, md. manzurul hasan, and tanzila mehenaz" ramifications of corruption perception index: an exploratory data analyses using dbscan"
In Proceedings of the ICCA 2022, ACM Digital Library, 2022

[Ref No.: 6539]

shanjidah akhter, samir asif, mehedi hasan sazzad, and md. manzurul hasan. "performance analysis of parallel overlapping community detection algorithms in large-scale social networks"
In Proceedings of the ICCA 2022, ACM Digital Library, 2022

[Ref No.: 6540]

shahadat hossain, tanzila mehenaz, fahim shahriar, md. al-mamun riyadh and md. manzurul hasan," training tracker: a training management system"
Springer, Cham, In Proceedings of the ICO 2022 (Intelligent Computing & Optimization),, 2022

[Ref No.: 6541]

nusrat songita khan, fahad molla, rubayat shusmita khan, enamul haque shamim, shahadat hossain, and md. manzurul hasan "exploration of online fake news through machine learning and sentiment analyses"
Springer, In Proceedings of the ICO 2022 (Intelligent Computing & Optimization), 2022

[Ref No.: 6542]

mrinmoy karmokar, heerok mutsuddy, shahadat hossain, and md. manzurul hasan "an implementation of basic ant-colony optimization based routing in6 of 11 wireless sensor networks"
Springer, In Proceedings of the ICO 2022 (Intelligent Computing & Optimization), 2022

[Ref No.: 6544]

shapla akter, md. jamil hossain, shahadat hossain, joyanta ghosh, md. omar faruq dehan, and md. manzurul hasan, "is rdbms or nosql better suited for mis?: a comparative analysis"
Springer, In Proceedings of the ICO 2022 (Intelligent Computing & Optimization), 2022

[Ref No.: 6545]

nahid hasan, tanzila hasan, shahadat hossain & md. manzurul hasan "false smut disease detection in paddy using convolutional neural network"
Springer, in Proceedings of the MIET 2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 6546]

sumi akter" analysis of the influence of trivalent cr3+ doping on the structural and electromagnetic properties of cu0.5mg0.5crxfe2−xo4 nanoferrites"
AIP Advances, 2022

[Ref No.: 6547]

rashidul hasan nabil ,aaa rupai, mimun barid, adnan sami, md. nazmul hossain "an intelligent examination monitoring tool for online student evaluation"
Malaysian Journal of Science and Advanced Technology, 2022

[Ref No.: 6548]

rifat-ibn-alam, nyme ahmed, syed nafiul shefat, taimur ahad "keep me in distance: an internet of things based social distance monitoring system in covid19"
International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications (IJANA), 2022

Keywords: Data Mining and Business Intelligence [Ref No.: 6513]

md. kishor morol, shuvra smaran das, sharfuddin mahmood "data security and privacy in cloud computing platforms: a comprehensive review"
International Journal of Current Science Research and Review, 2022

[Ref No.: 6505]

mahfujur rahman, mehedi hasan, md masum billah, rukaiya jahan sajuti "political fake news detection from different news source on social media using machine learning techniques"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2022

[Ref No.: 6501]

rukaiya jahan sajuti mahfujur rahman, mehedi hasan, md masum billah "grading system prediction of educational performance analysis using data mining approach"
Malaysian Journal of Science and Advance Technology, 2022

[Ref No.: 6502]

bristy talukder md masum billah, din mohammad dohan, afsara tasnim, shaily sarker "analyzing the effect of covid-19 on mental health based on bangladeshi university students"
ICCA '22: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements, 2022

[Ref No.: 6503]

md. abdullah al nahid1 , michinori karikomi1 , eri nasuno1 , norihiro kato1 , takaaki sato2 , and ken-ichi iimura1 "phase transfer of amiet-functionalized gold nanoparticles from aqueous to organic solvents"
Journal of Oleo Science, 2022

[Ref No.: 6489]

md. fayz-al- asad" reliable analysis for the drinfel’d-sokolov-wilison equation in mathematical physics"
Palestine Journal of Mathematics, 2022

[Ref No.: 6441]

md. fayz-al- asad" numerical study of the effect of a heated cylinder on natural convection in a square cavity in the presence of a magnetic field"
Mathematical and Computational Applications, 2022

[Ref No.: 6442]

md. fayz-al- asad" impact of non-uniform periodic magnetic field on unsteady natural convection flow of nanofluids in square enclosure,"
Fractal and Fractional, 2022

[Ref No.: 6443]

md. fayz-al- asad" hydrothermal and entropy investigation of nanofluid natural convection in a lid-driven cavity concentric with an elliptical cavity with a wavy boundary heated from below"
Nanomaterials, 2022

[Ref No.: 6444]

md. fayz-al- asad" analytic simulation of mhd boundary layer flow of a chemically reacting upper-convected maxwell fluid past a vertical surface subjected to double stratifications with variable properties"
European Physical Journal Plus, 2022

[Ref No.: 6445]

shahnaj parvin, md. ezharul islam, and liton jude rozario "nighttime vehicle detection methods based on headlight feature: a review"
IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 2022

Keywords: Vehicle Detection, Nighttime, Headlight, Headlight Detection, Headlamps, Headlight Pairing [Ref No.: 6418]

mohammad mahmudul hasan, fowjia tajnin muna "technology trends and cyber security in bangladesh: myths and reality"
International Journal of Technology Diffusion (IJTD), 2022

[Ref No.: 6302]

md. faruk abdullah al sohan, samiur rahman khan, nusra jahan anannya "towards a secured smart iot using light weight blockchain: an aim to secure pharmacy products"
arxiv logo > cs > arXiv:2206.06925 Search..., 2022

[Ref No.: 6298]

mubashir qayyum, farnaz ismail, syed inayat ali shah, muhammad sohail, kanayo kenneth asogwa, fatema tuz zohra "analysis of fractional thin film flow of third grade fluid in lifting and drainage via homotopy perturbation procedure"
Advances in Mathematical Physics, 2022

Keywords: Nanotechnology [Ref No.: 6275]

tusar saha" thermodynamic and dynamic stability in a new potential cs2agascl6 perovskite: insight from dft study"
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2022

[Ref No.: 6392]

tusar saha" effect of tungsten doping on the microstructure, optical and photocatalytic activity of titanium dioxide thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis"
Optical Materials, 2022

[Ref No.: 6393]

mahjabin samiya" sputtered wox thin film as the electron transport layer for efficient perovskite solar cells"
Applied Physics A, 2021

[Ref No.: 6733]

tusar saha" electronic structure transition of cubic cssncl3 under pressure: effect of rpbe and pbesol functionals and gw method"
Heliyon, 2021

[Ref No.: 6394]

md. nurul islam, jiban podder, tusar saha" semiconductor to metallic transition under induced pressure in cs 2 agbibr 6 double halide perovskite: a theoretical dft study for photovoltaic and optoelectronic applications"
RSC advances, 2021

[Ref No.: 6395]

tusar saha" pressure induced semiconductor to metal phase transition in cubic cssnbr3 perovskite"
AIP Advances, 2021

[Ref No.: 6396]

subrata das, sagar dutta, angkita mistry tama, ma basith "nanostructured lafeo3-mos2 for efficient photodegradation and photocatalytic hydrogen evolution"
Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2021

Keywords: Nanotechnology and Fabrication [Ref No.: 6287]

mmspt muhammad sohail, hussam alrabaiah, umair ali, fatema tuz zohra "numerical exploration of thermal and mass transportation by utilising non-fourier double diffusion theories for casson model under hall and ion slip effects"
Pramana-Journal of Physics, 2021

Keywords: Nanotechnology [Ref No.: 6274]

md. fayz-al- asad" impact of undulation on magneto-free convective heat transport in an enclosure having vertical wavy sides"
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021

[Ref No.: 6415]

md. fayz-al- asad" impact of a closed space rectangular heat source on natural convective flow through triangular cavity"
Results in Physics, 2021

[Ref No.: 6416]

shahnaj parvin, liton jude rozario, md. ezharul islam "vehicle number plate detection and recognition techniques: a review"
Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ), 2021

Keywords: Number plate detection, Number plate recognition, Optical Character Recognition, You Only Look Once (YOLO), Convolutional Neural Network, Vehicle detection [Ref No.: 6419]

shahnaj parvin, liton jude rozario, md. ezharul islam "vision-based on-road nighttime vehicle detection and tracking using taillight and headlight features"
Journal of Computer and Communications (JCC), 2021

Keywords: Vehicle Detection, Double Threshold, Nighttime, Headlight, Taillight, [Ref No.: 6420]

md. fayz-al- asad" influence of fin length on magneto-combined convection heat transfer performance in a lid-driven wavy cavity"
Fractal and Fractional, 2021

[Ref No.: 6427]

md. fayz-al- asad" heat transport exploration of free convection flow inside enclosure having vertical wavy walls"
Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, 2021

[Ref No.: 6428]

md. fayz-al- asad" impact of electronic states of conical shape of indium arsenide/gallium arsenide semiconductor quantum dots"
AAM: An International Journal, 2021

[Ref No.: 6429]

md. fayz-al- asad" an analytical approach to study the blood flow over a non-linear tapering stenosed artery in flow of carreau fluid model"
Complexity, 2021

[Ref No.: 6430]

md. fayz-al- asad" stable and functional solutions of the klein-fock-gordon equation with nonlinear physical phenomena"
Physica Scripta, 2021

[Ref No.: 6432]

md. fayz-al- asad" an analytical technique for solving new computational solutions of the modified zakharov-kuznetsov equation arising in electrical engineering"
Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, 2021

[Ref No.: 6433]

md. fayz-al- asad" the numerical investigation of the heat transport in the nanofluids under the impacts of magnetic field: application in industrial zone"
Mathematical Problem in Engineering, 2021

[Ref No.: 6434]

md. fayz-al- asad" applied mathematical modelling and heat transport investigation in hybrid nanofluids under the impact of thermal radiation: numerical analysis"
Mathematical Problem in Engineering, 2021

[Ref No.: 6435]

md. fayz-al- asad" mhd boundary layer flow over a stretching sheet: a new stochastic method"
Mathematical Problem in Engineering, 2021

[Ref No.: 6436]

md. fayz-al- asad" transient flow of jeffrey fluid over a permeable wall"
Mathematical Problem in Engineering, 2021

[Ref No.: 6437]

md. fayz-al- asad" an efficient mathematical approach for the fraction order differentiation based on future applications of chaotic parameter"
Mathematical Problem in Engineering, 2021

[Ref No.: 6438]

md. fayz-al- asad" a study of new class of star-like functions associated by symmetric (p,q) – calculus"
Journal of Mathematics, 2021

[Ref No.: 6439]

md. fayz-al- asad" variationally improve bezier surfaces with shifted knots"
Advances in Mathematical Physics, 2021

[Ref No.: 6440]

rahul biswas, shaikat das joy "the assisting pair – a new approach for assist the blind people"
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science., 2021

[Ref No.: 6506]

dr. mahfuza khatun" smart monitoring for anxiety, depression and cardiovascular effect in post covid-19 survivors"
22nd International Mathematics Conference, 2021

[Ref No.: 6497]

fardin ahmed niloy, md. nozib ud dowla, md. samiul alam, jobair hossain, fahim muntasir, shahadat hossain and md. manzurul hasan "landchain: a blockchain-based lightweight land administration system for bangladesh"
Springer, in Proceedings of the IC4IR 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 6537]

s. parvin, n.c. roy, l.k. saha, s. siddiqa "heat transfer characteristics of nanofluids from a sinusoidal corrugated cylinder placed in a square cavity"
Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., 2021

[Ref No.: 6580]

n.c. roy, s. masud, s. parvin, s. roy, r.p. sharma "impact of variable thermo-physical properties on the combustion of a gas mixture past an axisymmetric body with thermal radiation"
Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 2021

[Ref No.: 6581]

s. parvin, n.c. roy, r.s.r. gorla "thermal ignition of a combustible over an inclined hot plate"
SN Applied Sciences volume, 2021

[Ref No.: 6583]

shaikat das joy, rahul biswas "the assisting pair – a new approach for assist the blind people"
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, 2021

Keywords: Deep Learning [Ref No.: 6738]

sharmin jahan, mohammad nurul haque, nure alam chowdhury, abdul mannan and abdullah al mamun "ion-acoustic rogue waves in double pair plasma having non-extensive particles"
universe, 2021

Keywords: Natural Sciences [Ref No.: 6730]

sharmin jahan, rubaiya khondoker shikha, abdul mannan and a a mamun "modulational instability of ion-acoustic waves in pair-ion plasma"
plasma, 2021

Keywords: Natural Sciences [Ref No.: 6731]

sharmin jahan, booshrat e. sharmin, nure alam chowdhury , abdul mannan, tanu shree roy and a a mamun "electrostatic ion-acoustic shock waves in a magnetized degenerate quantum plasma"
plasma, 2021

Keywords: Natural Sciences [Ref No.: 6728]

mahjabin samiya" effects of oxygen concentration variation on the structural and optical properties of reactive sputtered wox thin film"
Solar Energy, 2021

[Ref No.: 6721]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" dna motif discovery using chemical reaction optimization,"
Evolutionary Intelligence, 2021

[Ref No.: 6588]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" mobile robot path planning with obstacle avoidance using chemical reaction optimization"
Soft Computing,, 2021

[Ref No.: 6590]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" , convolutional neural network based on hog feature for bird species detection and classification"
ASTES Journal, 2021

[Ref No.: 6591]

jahida binte islam, md. rakibul islam, mai furukawa, ikki tateishi, hideyuki kastumata, satoshi kaneco "performance of edta modified magnetic znfe2o4 during photocatalytic reduction of cr(vi) in aqueous solution under uv irradiation."
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 2021

[Ref No.: 6613]

rajarshi roy chowdhury, sandhya aneja, nagender aneja, pg emeroylariffion abas "packet-level and ieee 802.11 mac frame-level network traffic traces data of the d-link iot devices"
Data in Brief, 2021

[Ref No.: 6756]

a. f. m. saifuddin saif "robust underwater fish detection using an enhanced convolutional neural network"
International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, 2021

Keywords: Deep Learning,Computer Vision,Image Processing [Ref No.: 6832]

md. fayz-al- asad" newsoliton configurations for two different models related to the nonlinear schrödinger equation through a graded-index waveguide"
AIP Advances, 2021

[Ref No.: 7193]

rahnuma tasmin, dr. md. abul kashem mia" pareto-optimal phylogenetic tree reconciliation considering duplications, transfers, losses, and incomplete lineage sorting"
Pareto-optimal phylogenetic tree reconciliation, 2021

[Ref No.: 7138]

m. afsana azam, m. borhan uddin, s. h. naqib "in-plane resistivity of hole doped cuprates: role of pseudogap and quantum criticality"
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021

Keywords: Cuprates, pseudogap, quantum criticality [Ref No.: 7139]

dr. jyotish chandra debnath" data - driven modelling techniques for earth - air heat exchanger to reduce energy consumption in buildings: a review"
Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2021

[Ref No.: 7160]

pritam khan boni "mobile robot path planning with obstacle avoidance using chemical reaction optimization"
Soft Computing, 2021

Keywords: Algorithms [Ref No.: 6057]

faruk hosain, md sarowar hossain, sony ahmed, abdullah al-ragib, md. najmol hoque, and md. shafiul islam "enhancement of in-vitro anthelmintic activity of zinc oxide nanoparticles reinforced by silver (ag) doping against pheretima posthuman"
Analytical Chemistry Letters, 2021

Keywords: Anthelmintics, Pheretima posthuma, zinc oxide, albendazole, nanoparticles [Ref No.: 6047]

anjir ahmed chowdhury, argho das, suben kumer saha, mahfujur rahman, khandaker tabin hasan "sentiment analysis of covid-19 vaccination from survey responses in bangladesh"
Cognitive Computation, 2021

[Ref No.: 6180]

ummay ayesha, a. s. m. a. mamun, md. abu sayem & md. golam hossain "factors associated with duration of breastfeeding in bangladesh: evidence from bangladesh demographic and health survey 2014"
BMC Public Health, 2021

Keywords: Public health Nutrition ,Public health Awareness [Ref No.: 6166]

oishi khanam "spatio-temporal brusselator model and biological pattern formation"
Annual Research & Review in Biology, 2021

[Ref No.: 6247]

dr. md. saef ullah miah" study of keyword extraction techniques for electric double-layer capacitor domain using text similarity indexes: an experimental analysis"
Complexity, 2021

[Ref No.: 6234]

dr. md. saef ullah miah" recommending research articles: a multi-level chronological learning-based approach using unsupervised keyphrase extraction and lexical similarity calculation"
IEEE Access, 2021

[Ref No.: 6235]

mohammad rabiul islam , prof. dr. imad fakhri al-shaikhli "interactive multimedia english learning integrated with mobile augmented reality"
International Journal of Innovative Research and Publications, 2021

Keywords: Augmented Reality [Ref No.: 5999]

shakila rahman "a deep learning-based dengue mosquito detection method using faster r-cnn and image processing techniques"
Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC), 2021

[Ref No.: 6015]

m d hossain, a t m k jamil, m r hasan, m a ali, i n esha, md sarowar hossain, m a hakim and m n i khan "impact of v substitution on the physical properties of ni–zn–co ferrites: structural, magnetic, dielectric and electrical properties"
Material Research Express, 2021

[Ref No.: 6049]

m.r. hassan, md. sarowar hossain, m.a. hakim, m.a. matin, m.n.i. khan, s.s. sikder "structural effect on magneto-electric properties in (1-x)bife0.9la0.1o3+xni0.6zn0.4fe1.94v0.06o4 composites"
Results in Physics, 2021

[Ref No.: 6033]

md. sarowar hossain, sankar kumar das, md. moniruzzaman, m.a. hakim, m.a. basith "frequency and temperature dependent electric polarization, relaxation, and transport properties of mo and w doped batio3"
Results in Physics, 2021

Keywords: Perovskite, Dielectric properties, Relaxor ferroelectric, Activation energy [Ref No.: 6034]

md. rabiul auwul, chongqi zhang, md. shahjaman" a robust procedure for machine learning algorithms using gene expression data"
Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 2021

[Ref No.: 5660]

dr. md. rabiul auwul" identification of specific gene modules and candidate signatures in necrotizing enterocolitis disease:2 | p a g e network- based gene co-expression approach"
Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 2021

[Ref No.: 5661]

dr. md. rabiul auwul "bioinformatics and multi-omics approach to identify comorbidities with application in schizophrenia with psychiatric disorders"
European Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 2021

[Ref No.: 5663]

dr. md. rabiul auwul" network-based transcriptomic analysis identifies the genetic effect of covid-19 to chronic kidney disease patients: a bioinformatics approach"
Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 2021

[Ref No.: 5653]

dr. md. rabiul auwul" bioinformatics and machine learning approaches identified potential drug targets and pathways in covid-19’"
Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021

[Ref No.: 5654]

dr. md. rabiul auwul" rmisbeta: a robust missing value imputation approach for transcriptomic and metabolomics data analysis’"
Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2021

[Ref No.: 5655]

khandaker tabin hasan, mohammed mostafizur rahman, md mortuza ahmmed, anjir ahmed chowdhury, mohammad khairul islam "4p model for dynamic prediction of covid-19: a statistical and machine learning approach"
Cognitive Computation, 2021

[Ref No.: 5627]

amena ferdosui, m mostafizur rahman, ayesha siddiqua "integrating factor for non-exact reducible to homogeneous ordinary differential equations"
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistical Analysis, 2021

[Ref No.: 5628]

md mortuza ahmmed, md ashraful babu, mohammad abdul hoque, m mostafizur rahman "a pls-sem approach to connect fertility, gdp, and childhood mortality with female life expectancy (fle) in bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5629]

dr. m. mostafizur rahman "impact of covid-19 on academic and psychological aspects of undergraduate students in bangladesh: a case study"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2021

[Ref No.: 5630]

amena ferdousi, m. mostafizur rahman, sajjadul bari "comparative analysis of heavy metals and water attribute constraints of buriganga and turag river of dhaka, bangladesh-reassess"
Research and Reviews: Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2021

[Ref No.: 5631]

ahmed shahriar sakib, md saddam hossain mukta , fariha rowshan huda,tohedul islam , mohammed eunus ali "identifying insomnia from social media posts: psycholinguistic analyses of user tweets"
JMIR, 2021

Keywords: Data Mining and Business Intelligence [Ref No.: 5611]

s. m. hasan mahmud, wenyu chen, yongsheng liu, md. abdul awal, kawsar ahmed , md. habibur rahman and mohammad ali moni "predtis: prediction of drug–target interactions based on multiple feature information using gradient boosting framework with data balancing and feature selection techniques"
briefings in bioinformatics, 2021

[Ref No.: 5617]

s m hasan mahmud, wenyu chen, yongsheng liu, md abdul awal, kawsar ahmed, md habibur rahman, mohammad ali moni "bioinformatics and system biology approach to identify the influences of sars-cov-2 infections to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients""
Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021

[Ref No.: 5618]

dr. s. m. hasan mahmud" dimensionality reduction based multi-kernel framework for drug-target interaction prediction"
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory System, 2021

[Ref No.: 5619]

m. a. awal, m. masud, m. s. hossain, a. a. -m. bulbul, s. m. h. mahmud and a. k. bairagi" a bayesian optimization-based machine learning framework for covid-19 detection from inpatient’s facility data"
IEEE access, 2021

[Ref No.: 5620]

md habibur rahmanmd habibur rahmanhumayan kabir ranahumayan kabir ranasilong pengshow all 7 authorsmohammad ali monimohammad ali moni" bioinformatics and system biology approaches to identify pathophysiological impact of covid-19 to the progression and severity of neurological diseases"
Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2021

[Ref No.: 5621]

4. amena ferdosui, m. mostafizur rahman and ayesha siddiqua "integrating factor for non-exact reducible to homogeneous ordinary differential equations"
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistical Analysis, 2021

[Ref No.: 5583]

md. mortuza ahmmed, m. mostafizur rahman, abhijit bhowmik, ayesha siddiqua "impact of covid-19 on academic and psychological aspects of undergraduate students in bangladesh: a case study"

[Ref No.: 5585]

al sohan, md faruk abdullah; nahar, afroza; bin-faisal, md sajid "leach-s2: a brief approach on a proposal of an energy efficient leach routing"
International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications, 2021

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication [Ref No.: 5751]

md sabbir, al bakin tushar , feroz riazul iqbal , sourav gupta ananda, naima hassan "web-based health monitoring system and textual mining"
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 2021

Keywords: Data Mining and Business Intelligence [Ref No.: 5714]

farzana khalil, mohammad shoeb, mir mamun, tonima mustafa, nilufar nahar" dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (ddt) residues status in fishes and prawns of chittagong chemical complex area, bangladesh"
Bangladesh Journal of Zoology, 2021

[Ref No.: 5679]

abhijit bhowmik "impact of covid-19 on academic and psychological aspects of undergraduate students in bangladesh: a case study"

[Ref No.: 5638]

mimun barid, shahadat hossain, md. mahmudur rahman and md. manzurul hasan. "sentiment analysis applying the big 5 and polarity on the icc's top odi all- rounders based on twitter."
Proceedings of the ICCIT 2021, IEEE Xplore., 2021

[Ref No.: 5687]

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• nusrat jahan, j. i. khandaker, h. das, and m. n. i. khan" structural and magnetic properties analysis of trivalent al3+ ions substituted ni-zn-co nano-spinel ferrites"
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• nusrat jahan, m. n. i. khan and j. i. khandaker" exploration through structural, electrical, and magnetic properties of al3+ ions doped ni-zn-co nano spinel ferrites"
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dr. md. manzurul hasan" graceful cascading labelling algorithm: construction of graceful labelling of trees"
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dr. s. m. hasan mahmud" weakly supervised image classification and pointwise localization with graph convolutional networks"
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dr. md. manzurul hasan "covid-19: myths and some possible arguments in favors or in contradictions"
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International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science (IJMECS), 2021

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International Journal of Medical Science and Health Research, 2021

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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" energy conservation of bio-nanofluids past a needle in the presence of stefan blowing: lie symmetry and numerical simulation"
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mohaimen- bin- noor" investigation of facilities for an m-learning environment"
International Journal of Modern Education & Computer Science, 2021

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prof. dr. dip nandi" comparative analysis of three improved deep learning architectures for music genre classification"
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (IJITCS), 2021

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AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering [AJSE], 2021

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md. habib ullah, haram moon, chang-sik ha "effect of phs on the structure evolution of platinum nanoclusters and their surface plasmon resonance properties"
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prof. dr. dip nandi" predicting spread, recovery and death due to covid-19 using a time-series model (prophet)"
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islam raiyan, uddin shihab, sakibjamil mahmud, islam md. shariful, and ahmed tanvir" an overview of image processing techniques for detecting covid-19 and other infectious diseases"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

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md. mortuza ahmmed "4p model for dynamic prediction of covid-19: a statistical and machine learning approach"
Cognitive Computation, 2021

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md. mortuza ahmmed "direct and indirect effects of covid-19 on maternal and child health in bangladesh"
Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, 2021

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2. oa beg, ft zohra, mj uddin, aim ismail, s sathasivam. "energy conservation of nanofluids from a biomagnetic needle in the presence of stefan blowing: lie symmetry and numerical simulation."
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4. m sohail, u ali, ft zohra, w al-kouz, ym chu, p thounthong "utilization of updated version of heat flux model for the radiative flow of a non-newtonian material under joule heating: oham application."
Open Physics, 2021

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roushanara begum" numerical computation of natural ventilation system at different floor for a multistory building"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2021

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dr. mohammad tariqul islam" preparation of activated carbon/tio2 nanohybrids for photodegradation of reactive red-35 dye using sunlight"
Photochem, 2021

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dr. md. mahbub chowdhury mishu" predicting spread, recovery and death due to covid-19 using a time-series model (prophet)"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

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singh, v.k., arora, p., uddin, a., bhattacharya, s. "india’s rank and global share in scientific research: how publication counting method and subject selection can vary the outcomes?"
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uddin, a., hasan, md.m., islam, md.s., onik, md.m.h." factors, observed during covid covid-19 to overcome financial crisis: a case of bangladesh"
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m. mahmudul hasan, george kousiouris, dimosthenis anagnostopoulos, teta stamati, peri loucopoulos, mara nikolaidou "cismet: a semantic ontology framework for regulatory-requirements-compliant information systems development and its application in the gdpr case"
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yeasmin, s., kuri, r., mahamudul hasan rana, a.r.m., ...sala uddin pathan, a.q.m., riaz, h. "multi-category bangla news classification using machine learning classifiers and multi-layer dense neural network"
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mohammad samawat ullah" evaluation of tsp for emergency routing"
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (IJITCS), 2021

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md manzurul hasan, ashraf uddin, md mehedi hassan onik, md siyamul islam "covid-19: myths and some possible arguments in favors or in contradictions"
International Journal of Medical Science and Health Research, 2021

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a. onik, m. m. h., islam, m. s., hasan, m. m., & uddin "survival of bangladesh economy during covid-19 recession with the use of technology: an application of keynesian approach"
American International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2021

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dr. afroza nahar" impact of prolonged isolation from the campus on the mental health of the students during covid-19 pandemic."
AJSE, 2021

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dr. md. mahbub chowdhury mishu" identification of risk of occurring skin cancer (melanoma) using convolutional neural network (cnn)"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

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md. mehedi hassan onik" survival of bangladesh economy during covid-19 recession with the use of technology: an application of keynesian approach"
American International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2021

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md. mehedi hassan onik" factors, observed during covid-19 to overcome financial crisis: a case of bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5171]

md. mehedi hassan onik" covid-19: myths and some possible arguments in favors or in contradictions"
International Journal of Medical Science and Health Research, 2021

[Ref No.: 5172]

dr. khandaker tabin hasan" 4p model for dynamic prediction of the covid-19: a statistical and machine learning approach"
Cognitive Computing, Springer Nature, 2021

[Ref No.: 5205]

dr. khandaker tabin hasan" analysis and prediction of covid-19 pandemic in bangladesh by using anfis and lstm network"
Cognitive Computing, Springer Nature, 2021

[Ref No.: 5206]

dr. khandaker tabin hasan" forecasting respiratory tract infection episodes from prescription data for healthcare service planning"
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, Springer International Publishing, 2021

[Ref No.: 5207]

a.g.m. zaman" evaluation of tsp for emergency routing"
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (IJITCS), 2021

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dr. md. razib hayat khan" agile fitness of software companies in bangladesh: a empirical study"
: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Application, 2021

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dr. md. razib hayat khan" vehicular cloud computing networks: availability modeling and sensitivity analysis"
International Journal of Sensor Networks, 2021

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dr. md. manzurul hasan" a secret sim switching technique to adapt the upcoming technology trends"
In Proceedings of the ICICT4SD 2021, IEEE Xplore, 2021

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dr. md. manzurul hasan" survival of bangladesh economy during covid-19 recession with the use of technology: an application of keynesian approach"
American International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2021

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dr. md. manzurul hasan" factors, observed during covid-19, to overcome financial crisis: a case of bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), AJSE, Covid-19 Special Issue, 2021

[Ref No.: 5226]

juena ahmed noshin" trifecta approach to atm transaction security"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2021

[Ref No.: 5227]

sajib hasan" evaluation of tsp for emergency routing"
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science(IJITCS), 2021

[Ref No.: 5229]

dr. mohammad mahbub rabbani" dye-sensitized solar cell with plasmonic gold nanoparticles modified photoanode"
Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects, 2021

[Ref No.: 5238]

shahadat hossain, md. manzurul hasan and tanvir hossain "an empirical study on dimensionality reduction approach for f-commerce dataset by principal component analysis (accepted)"
Taylor & Francis, in Proceedings of BIM 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 5240]

md. siyamul islam" survival of bangladesh economy during covid-19 recession with the use of technology: an application of keynesian approach"
American International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2021

[Ref No.: 5241]

md. siyamul islam" factors, observed during covid covid-19 to overcome financial crisis: a case of bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5242]

dr. md. sakir hossain" soft frequency reuse with allocation of resource plans based on machine learning in the networks with flying base stations"
IEEE Access, 2021

[Ref No.: 5246]

h ara, s m s al din, s a tarek , m k biswas, s m sharafuddin, s b faruque, y haque "direct albumin quantification by nanodrop and optical properties of blood plasma, iosr journal of biotechnology and biochemistry"
IOSR Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2021

Keywords: Biomedical [Ref No.: 5398]

s. a. tarek, s. b. faruque, s. m. sharafuddin, k. m. e. hasan, a. k. m. m. hossain, h. ara, m. k. biswas, and y. haque "closed aperture cw z-scan of l-tryptophan for determination of optical nonlinearity in the thermal regime"
Journal of Optical Society of America B, 2021

[Ref No.: 5399]

md. masum billah" internet of things (iot): a review of its enabling technologies in healthcare applications, standards protocols, security, and market opportunities"
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 5371]

md. masum billah" unsupervised method of clustering and labeling of the online product based on reviews"
International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, 2021

[Ref No.: 5372]

md. faruk abdullah al sohan, dr. afroza nahar, samia yasmin "impact of prolonged isolation from the campus on the mental health of the students during covid-19 pandemic"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5373]

md. faruk abdullah al sohan, afroza nahar, md sajid bin-faisal "leach-s2: a brief approach on a proposal of an energy efficient leach routing"
International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications, 2021

[Ref No.: 5374]

md. mortuza ahmmed, md. ashraful babu, mohammad abdul hoque, m. mostafizur rahman "a pls-sem approach to connect fertility, gdp, and childhood mortality with female life expectancy (fle) in bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5362]

s m rahid haque, md. atik foysal, arupkumar das, md. shahidul islam leaon, dr. md. abdullah - al - jubair. "heart disease prediction using data mining classification algorithms"
Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research, 2021

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence [Ref No.: 5349]

t. b. shams, md. sakir hossain, m. f. mahamud, m. s. tehjib, z. hossain, and m. i. pramanik" eeg-based biometric authentication using machine learning: a comprehensive survey"
ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications, 2021

Keywords: Biomedical [Ref No.: 5351]

ami akter1, anowar hosen2, md. amjad hossain3 farzana khalil4 and tonima mustafa1* "heavy metal concentrations and human health risk assessment of selected wild and cultured fishes of bangladesh"
Bangladesh Journal of Zoology, 2021

[Ref No.: 5352]

md. ismail hossen, michael goh, tee connie, and md. nazmul hossain" an approach to recognize vehicles context flow for smartphone-based outdoor parking using supervised machine learning classifiers"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

Keywords: Smart Cities,Machine to Machine Data Analytics,Artificial Intelligence [Ref No.: 5342]

beg oa, beg tv, mj uddin, khan wa "multiple slip effects on nanofluid dissipative flow in a converging/diverging channel: a numerical study"

Keywords: Nanotechnologies [Ref No.: 5337]

partha sutradhar, prosenjit kumer tarefder, imran prodan, md. sheikh saddi, victor stany rozario "multi - modal case study on mri brain tumor detection using support vector machine, random forest, decision tree, k - nearest neighbor, temporal convolution & tr ansfer learning"

Keywords: Deep Learning,Neural Networks,Medical Imaging, Image Processing [Ref No.: 5338]

musaddiq al karim, mst. yeasmin ara, md. mahadi masnad, mostafa rasel, dip nandi "student performance classification and prediction in fully online environment using decision tree"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering [AJSE], 2021

Keywords: Data Mining and Business Intelligence [Ref No.: 5339]

md. mortuza ahmmed "impact of covid-19 on academic and psychological aspects of undergraduate students in bangladesh: a case study"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5340]

anjir ahmed chowdhury, dr. khandaker tabin hasan , khadija kubra shahjalal hoque "analysis and prediction of covid-19 pandemic in bangladesh by using anfis and lstm network"
Cognitive Computation, 2021

Keywords: Deep Learning,Artificial Intelligence,Fuzzy Logic [Ref No.: 5259]

dr. khandaker tabin hasan, dr. m. mostafizur rahman, md. mortuza ahmmed, anjir ahmed chowdhury, mohammad khairul islam "4p model for dynamic prediction of covid-19: a statistical and machine learning approach"
Cognitive Computation, 2021

Keywords: Deep Learning,Artificial Intelligence [Ref No.: 5260]

anjir ahmed chowdhury, sabrina kashem chowdhury, md hanif, sadia noor nosheen, md. saniat rahman zishan "design and development of citizen surveillance and social-credit information system for bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2021

Keywords: Deep Learning,Artificial Intelligence,Computer Vision [Ref No.: 5262]

saiful islam, muhammad hilmy alfaruqi, dimas yunianto putro, sohyun park, seokhun kim, seulgi lee, mohammad shamsuddin ahmed, vinod mathew, yang-kook sun, jang-yeon hwang, jaekook kim "in situ oriented mn deficient znmn2o4@c nanoarchitecture for durable rechargeable aqueous zinc-ion batteries"
Advanced Science, 2021

[Ref No.: 5263]

miao zhang, jacky wai keung, yan xiao, md alamgir kabir "evaluating the effects of similar-class combination on class integration test order generation"
Information and Software Technology, 2021

[Ref No.: 5272]

zhen yang, jacky keung, md alamgir kabir, xiao yu, yutian tang, miao zhang, shuo feng "acomnn: attention enhanced compound neural network for financial time-series forecasting with cross-regional features"
Applied Soft Computing, 2021

[Ref No.: 5273]

s. m. a. hakim siddiki, md. nurnobi rashed, abeda sultana touchy, md. a. r. jamil, yuan jing, takashi toyao, zen maeno and ken-ichi shimizu "hydrolysis of amides to carboxylic acids catalyzed by nb2o5"
Catalysis Science & Technology, 2021

Keywords: Sustainable production and Consumption [Ref No.: 5309]

elsayed elbayoumy, yuting wang, md. a. r. jamil, claudio trombini, masayoshi bando, zhiyi song, mostafa a. diab, farid sh. mohamed, naofumi naga and tamaki nakano "pd nanoparticles-loaded vinyl polymer gels: preparation, structure and catalysis"
Catalysts, 2021

[Ref No.: 5310]

md sajid bin-faisal" investigation of security challenges from the perspective of stakeholders in iot"
AJSE, 2021

[Ref No.: 5279]

m. s. hossain , laveet kumar , and afroza nahar" a comparative performance analysis between serpentine-flow solar water heater and photovoltaic thermal collector under malaysian climate conditions"
International Journal of Photoenergy, 2021

[Ref No.: 5324]

dr. afroza nahar" leach-s2: a brief approach on a proposal of an energy efficient leach routing"
International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications, 2021

[Ref No.: 5503]

ahmed, s.; saif, a.f.m.s.; hanif, m.i.; shakil, m.m.n.; jaman, m.m.; haque, m.m.u.; shawkat, s.b.; hasan, j.; sonok, b.s.; rahman, f.; sabbir, h.m. "att-bil-sl: attention-based bi-lstm and sequential lstm for describing video in the textual formation"
Applied Sciences, 2021

Keywords: Deep Learning,Video Analysis [Ref No.: 5497]

s a m manzur hossain khan, nurakmal ahmad mustaffa, md. mamun habib "online education in heis in bangladesh moderated by covid-19: modified utaut2"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5465]

s a m manzur hossain khan, nurakmal ahmad mustaffa, md. mamun habib "users acceptance of mobile finance service in bangladesh and the impact of covid-19: extended utaut2"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

[Ref No.: 5467]

s a m manzur hossain khan, nurakmal ahmad mustaffa, md. mamun habib "the effect of ict & digital supply chain (dsc) in higher education institutions"
International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM), 2021

[Ref No.: 5468]

dr. kamal uddin sarker" monolithic ontological methodology (mom): an effective software project management approach"
Journal of Engineering Research (JER)., 2021

[Ref No.: 5453]

2. sohrab khan, faheemullah shaikh, mokhi maan siddiqui, tanweer hussain, laveet kumar, and afroza nahar" hourly forecasting of solar photovoltaic power in pakistan using recurrent neural networks"
International Journal of Photoenergy, 2021

[Ref No.: 5505]

m. f. mridha, abu quwsar ohi, md. abdul hamid, muhammad mostafa monowar" a study on the challenges and opportunities of speech recognition for bengali language"
Artificial Intelligence Review, 2021

[Ref No.: 5528]

m. f. mridha, m. a. h. wadud, m. a. hamid, m. m. monowar, m. abdullah-al-wadud and a. alamri" l-boost: identifying offensive texts from social media post in bengali"
IEEE Access, 2021

[Ref No.: 5530]

m. f. mridha, abu quwsar ohi, j. shin, muhammad m. kabir, md. abdul hamid, muhammad mostafa monowar" a thresholded gabor-cnn based writer identification system for indic scripts"
IEEE Access, 2021

[Ref No.: 5536]

m. f. mridha, abu quwsar ohi, muhammad mostafa monowar, md. abdul hamid, md rashedul islam *, yutaka watanobe" u-vectors: generating clusterable speaker embedding from unlabeled data"
Applied Sciences, 2021

[Ref No.: 5537]

mridha, m. f., sujoy c. das, muhammad m. kabir, aklima a. lima, md. r. islam, and yutaka watanobe" brain-computer interface: advancement and challenges"
Sensors, 2021

[Ref No.: 5538]

faris a kateb, muhammad mostafa monowar *, md. abdul hamid, m. f. mridha" fruitdet: attentive feature aggregation for real-time fruit detection in orchards"
Agronomy, 2021

[Ref No.: 5539]

m. m. kabir, m. f. mridha, j. shin, i. jahan and a. q. ohi" a survey of speaker recognition: fundamental theories, recognition methods and opportunities"
IEEE Access, 2021

[Ref No.: 5540]

a. q. ohi, m. f. mridha, m. a. hamid, m. m. monowar and f. a. kateb" fabricnet: a fiber recognition architecture using ensemble convnets"
IEEE Access, 2021

[Ref No.: 5541]

a. q. ohi, m. f. mridha, m. a. hamid and m. m. monowar" deep speaker recognition: process, progress, and challenges"
IEEE Access, 2021

[Ref No.: 5542]

m. f. mridha, aklima akter lima, kamruddin nur, sujoy chandra das, mahmud hasan, and muhammad mohsin kabir "a survey of automatic text summarization: progress, process and challenges"
IEEE Access, 2021

Keywords: Natural Language Processing [Ref No.: 5563]

md anwar hussen wadud, firoz mridha, and kamruddin nur "covid-19: risk analysis in south asia with respect to europe and north america"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2021

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence [Ref No.: 5564]

m. f. mridha, md. abdul hamid, muhammad mostafa monowar, ashfia jannat keya, abu quwsar ohi, md rashedul islam, jong-myon kim" a comprehensive survey on deep learning based breast cancer diagnosis"
Cancers, 2021

[Ref No.: 5532]

m. f. mridha, aklima akter lima, kamruddin nur, sujoy chandra das, mahmud hasan, and md. mohsin kabir" automatic text summarization: fundamental theories, algorithms, and challenges"
IEEE Access, 2021

[Ref No.: 5533]

m. f. mridha, ashfia jannat keya, md. abdul hamid, muhammad mostafa monowar, md. saifur rahman" a comprehensive review on fake news detection with deep learning"
IEEE Access, 2021

[Ref No.: 5534]

md junayed hasan, m. m. manjurul islam, jong-myon kim "bearing fault diagnosis using multidomain fusion-based vibration imaging and multitask learning"
Sensors, 2021

Keywords: Deep Learning [Ref No.: 5545]

m. f. mridha, abu quwsar ohi, m. ameer ali, mazedul islam emon, muhammad mohsin kabir" banglawriting: a multi-purpose offline bangla handwriting dataset"
Data in Brief, 2021

[Ref No.: 5546]

md. abdul hamid, marjia akter, m. f. mridha, muhammad mostafa monowar and madini o. alassafi" a comprehensive study on intrusion and extrusion phenomena"
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), 2021

[Ref No.: 5547]

wadud m. a. h., mridha d. f., and nur d. k" covid-19: risk analysis in south asia with respect to europe and north america"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering [AJSE], 2021

[Ref No.: 5553]

s. oh, y. kim, m. f. mridha" optimizing energy consumption prediction models using genetic algorithms"
The Journal of Contents Computing, 2021

[Ref No.: 5554]

dr. mahfuza khatun" a new distribution-free adaptive sample size control chart for a finite production horizon and its application in monitoring fill volume of soft drink beverage bottles"
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 2021

[Ref No.: 4426]

ahmed, jishan; jaman, md. hasnat; saha, goutam; ghosh, pratyya "effect of environmental and socio-economic factors on the spreading of covid-19 at 70 cities/provinces"
Heliyon, 2021

[Ref No.: 7304]

m. ashaduzzaman, m.; zaman, d.m.s.; and akhter, t. "decay nature of radionuclide released from triga mark-ii reactor"

[Ref No.: 7279]

dipta justin gomes" discovering rules for nursery students using apriori algorithm"
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 2020

[Ref No.: 4757]

aneem al ahsan rupai" discovering rules for nursery students using apriori algorithm"
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 2020

[Ref No.: 4845]

md. mortuza ahmmed "depression and associated factors among undergraduate students of private universities in bangladesh: a cross-sectional study"
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 2020

[Ref No.: 4846]

md. masud parvez" synthesis of bismuth feraites nanoparticles by modified pechini sol-gel method"
International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations (IJSEI), 9(101), 35-38., 2020

[Ref No.: 4878]

ohi, abu quwsar, m. f. mridha, md. abdul hamid, muhammad mostafa monowar, dongsu lee" a lightweight speaker recognition system using timbre properties"
The Journal of Contents Computing, 2020

[Ref No.: 5555]

ohi, abu quwsar, mf mridha, md. abdul hamid, muhammad mostafa monowar, md ferdous mridha" full dynamic transmission model and threat analysis of covid-19"
The Journal of Contents Computing, 2020

[Ref No.: 5556]

m. a. h. wadud, m. a. jafor, m. f. mridha, m. m. rahman" similarity measurement technique for measuring the performance of page rank algorithm based on hadoop"
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2020

[Ref No.: 5557]

abu quwsar ohi, m. f. mridha, muhammad mostafa monowar, md. abdul hamid" optimal control of epidemic spread using reinforcement learning"
Scientific Reports – Nature, 2020

[Ref No.: 5535]

amena ferdousi, m. mostafizur rahman, sajjadul bari and ayesha siddiqua" assessment of heavy metals and water quality parameters of buriganga river of dhaka, bangladesh: a review"
Journal of Research in Environmental and Earth Sciences, 2020

[Ref No.: 5580]

dhiraj kumar rana, vivek mehta, shovan kumar kundu, soumen basu "development of organic-inorganic flexible pvdf-lafeo3 nanocomposites for the enhancement of electrical, ferroelectric and magnetic properties"
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2020

Keywords: Natural Sciences,Nanotechnology,Polymer and Nano Materials [Ref No.: 5527]

rakib ul haque, m. f. mridha, md. abdul hamid, m. abdullah-al-wadud and md.saiful islam" bengali stop word and phrase detection mechanism"
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2020

[Ref No.: 5543]

abu quwsar ohi, m. f. mridha, farisa benta safir, md. abdul hamid, muhammad mostafa monowar" autoembedder: a semi-supervised dnn embedding system for clustering"
Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020

[Ref No.: 5531]

dr. md. rayhan uddin" interactive image segmentation of mars datasets using bag of features"
IEEE, 2020

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dr. kamal uddin sarker" sq-framework for improving sustainability and quality into software product and process"
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), 2020

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dr. kamal uddin sarker" explicit specification framework to manage software project effectively."
Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2020

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dr. kamal uddin sarker" predicting student performance in higher educational institutions using video learning analytics and data mining techniques."
Applied Science, 2020

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dr. kamal uddin sarker" ontological practice for software quality control"
International Journal of Business Information Systems, 2020

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rubyet hossain, debashish sarker, sumya sultana meem, khondoker shahrina, md al-amin" analysis of centralized payment eco-system: a systematic review on e-payments"
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shuo feng, jacky keung, xiao yu, yan xiao, kwabena ebo bennin, md alamgir kabir, miao zhang "coste: complexity-based oversampling technique to alleviate the class imbalance problem in software defect prediction"
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md. a. r. jamil, abeda sultana touchy, sharmin sultana poly, md. nurnobi rashed, s. m. a. hakim siddiki, takashi toyao, zen maeno, and ken-ichi shimizu "high-silica hβ zeolite catalyzed methanolysis of triglycerides to form fatty acid methyl esters (fames)"
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m. a. hossaina, s. m. a. hakim siddikib, m. eliasa, m. m. rahman and md. a. r. jamil "highly β-selective glycosylation reactions for the synthesis of ω-functionalized alkyl β-maltoside as a co-crystallizing detergent"
Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2020

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dimas yuniantoputroa1muhammad hilmyalfaruqiab1saifulislamaseokhunkimasohyunparkaseulgileeajang-yeonhwangayang-kooksuncjaekookkima "quasi-solid-state zinc-ion battery based on α-mno2 cathode with husk-like morphology"
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vinod mathewvinod mathew department of materials science and engineering, chonnam national university, gwangju 500-757, republic of korea more by vinod mathew , balaji sambandam, seokhun kim, sungjin kim, sohyun park, seulgi lee, muhammad hilmy alfaruqi, vaiyapuri soundharrajan, saiful islam, dimas yunianto putro, jang-yeon hwang, yang-kook sun, and jaekook kim* "manganese and vanadium oxide cathodes for aqueous rechargeable zinc-ion batteries: a focused view on performance, mechanism, and developments"
ACS Energy Letter, 2020

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vaiyapurisoundharrajan, balaji sambandam, sungjin kim,saiful islam, jeonggeunjoaseokhunkimavinodmathewayang-kooksunbjaekookkima "the dominant role of mn2+ additive on the electrochemical reaction in znmn2o4 cathode for aqueous zinc-ion batteries"
Energy Storage Materials, 2020

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anjir ahmed chowdhury, sabrina kashem chowdhury, md hanif, sadia noor nosheen, md. saniat rahman zishan "yolo-based enhancement of public safety on roads and transportation in bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2020

Keywords: Deep Learning,Artificial Intelligence,Computer Vision [Ref No.: 5261]

s. a. tarek, s. b. faruque, s. m. sharafuddin, h. ara, y. hoque "uv-visible absorption spectroscopy and z-scan analysis along with corresponding molecular electronic structure analysis at dft level for l-tyrosine"
IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2020

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md. asiful islam" precision agriculture in bangladesh: need and opportunities"
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2020

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shahrin chowdhury" sha-256 in parallel blockchain technology: storing land related documents"
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md. masud parvez , md. ehasanul haque , munaly akter , humayra ferdous "synthesis of bismuth ferrite nanoparticles by modified pechini sol-gel method"
International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations (IJSEI), 2020

[Ref No.: 5222]

munaly akter , md. masud parvez , md. ehasanul haque, humayra ferdous, md. abdul matin "fabrication of carbon nanotube (cnt) by chemical vapor deposition and investigate the second harmonic response from cnt/peptide and si/sio2/peptide interfaces."
International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations (IJSEI), 2020

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dr. mohammad mahbub rabbani" electrochemical and structural characterization of polyacrylonitrile (pan)–based gel polymer electrolytes blended with tetrabutylammonium iodide for possible application in dye-sensitized solar cells"
Ionics, 2020

[Ref No.: 5235]

dr. mohammad mahbub rabbani" silicone-enriched surface of immersed polyurethane-poss antifouling coating"
International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, 2020

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dr. mohammad mahbub rabbani" effect on human health by residues of commonly used pesticides in vegetables cultivation"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2020

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sajib hasan" finding gaps between human intentions and actions"
International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 2020

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sajib hasan" a model of interactive traffic management system and traffic data analysis"
International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 2020

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md. anwarul kabir" an innovative program management"
ICCA, 2020, AIUB, 2020

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rifat tasnim anannya" mitigating cyber-threat in the financial industry of bangladesh using biometric based public key infrastructure (pki) with the help of digital certification"
International Journal of Engineering and Management Research., 2020

[Ref No.: 5215]

rifat tasnim anannya" plant health monitoring system using iot"
: International Journal of Computer Applications, 2020

[Ref No.: 5216]

dr. s. mosaddeq ahmed" michael 1:1 adducts by acid catalyzed reaction during synthesis of spiro and spiroketal compounds"
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 2020

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dr. md. razib hayat khan" comprehending relation between contribution and career development"
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 2020

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a.g.m. zaman" experimental comparison of mutation testing tools for c sharp language"
International Journal of Education and Management Engineering (IJEME), 2020

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dr. kamrun nahar mukta" evoked response activity eigenmode analysis in a convoluted cortex via neural field theory"
Physical Review E, 2020

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sajjadul bari" comparative analysis of heavy metals and water attribute constraints of buriganga and turag river of dhaka, bangladesh-reassess"
Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2020

[Ref No.: 5193]

sajjadul bari" exactness: a generalized approach to solve 1st order 1st degree ordinary differential equations"
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistical Analysis, 2020

[Ref No.: 5194]

dr. md. sohidul islam" fundamental capacity analysis for identically independently distributed nakagami-q fading wireless communication"
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2020

[Ref No.: 5176]

dr. md. sohidul islam" design and analysis of a highly sensitive octagonal hollow core photonic crystal fiber for chemical sensing"
Journal of Nanophotonics, 2020

[Ref No.: 5177]

dr. md. sohidul islam" data rate limit in low and high snr regime for nakagami-q fading wireless channel"
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2020

[Ref No.: 5178]

sajjadul bari" on gradient descent and co-ordinate descent methods and its variants."
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2020

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sajjadul bari" assessment of heavy metals and water quality parameters of buriganga river of dhaka, bangladesh: a review"
Journal of Research in Environmental and earth sciences, 2020

[Ref No.: 5181]

sajjadul bari" effluence, deposit transport and dredging of the karnaphuli river – a review"
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT), 2020

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dr. debajyoti karmaker" budgerigars adopt robust, but idiosyncratic flight paths"
Nature, Scientific reports, 2020

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md. mehedi hassan onik" major challenges in combating epidemics like covid-19 in the developing countries"
International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review, 2020

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prof. dr. kh. abdul maleque" similarity requirements for mixed convective boundary layer flow over vertical curvilinear porous surfaces with heat generation/absorption"
International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2020

[Ref No.: 5126]

kumari, r., uddin, a., lee, b.-h., choi, k. "analyzing the factors influencing the waiting time to first citation and long-term impact of publications"
Journal of Scientometric Research, 2020

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dr. ashraf uddin "major challenges in combating epidemics like covid-19 in the developing countries"
International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review, 2020

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farzana khalil, maliyat tarannum maruf, mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad mahbub rabbani, s. mosaddeq ahmed" effect on human health by residues of commonly used pesticides in vegetables cultivation"

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dr. hossain md. shakhawat" automatic quality evaluation of whole slide images for the practical use of whole slide imaging scanner"
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roushanara begum" numerical computation of natural ventilation system at the top floor of a multistory building in dhaka city"
Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Science, 2020

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dr. mohammad tariqul islam" effect on human health by residues of commonly used pesticides in vegetables cultivation"

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juena ahmed noshin" automated detection of diabetic retinopathy using deep residual learning"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2020

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dr. s. a. m. manzur h. khan" change management for information system in public service"
the International Supply Chain Technology Journal, 2020

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dipta justin gomes" a comprehensive study of real-time vacant parking space detection towards the need of a robust model"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2020

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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" numerical study of self-similar natural convection mass transfer from a rotating cone in anisotropic porous media with stefan blowing and navier slip. 8"
Indian Journal of Physics,, 2020

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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" numerical investigation of von karman swirling bioconvective nanofluid transport from a rotating disk in a porous medium with stefan blowing and anisotropic slip effects."
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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" magnetohydrodynamic bio-nano-convective slip flow with stefan blowing effects over a rotating disc"
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md. siyamul islam" major challenges in combating epidemics like covid-19 in the developing countries"
International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review, 2020

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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" non-similar solution of g-jitter induced unsteady magnetohydrodynamic radiative slip flow of nanoflud"
Applied Sciences, 2020

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dr. s. m. hasan mahmud" risk-based test case prioritization by correlating system methods and their associated risks"
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2020

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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" boundary layer flow of a nanofluid past a horizontal flat plate in a darcy porous medium: a lie group approach"
Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2020

[Ref No.: 5061]

prattoy majumder , a. r. m. fahim , nusrat haque supti , md. manzurul hasan "criminal behavior analysis for questionable vehicle detection"
Proceedings of the ICCA2020, ACM Digital Library, 2020

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mohaimen-bin-noor , md. manzurul hasan "antimagic labelling of any perfect binary tree"
Proceedings of the ICCA2020, ACM Digital Library, 2020

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authors: anika tahsin , md. manzurul hasan "a descriptive research on big data evolution and a proposed combined platform by integrating r and python on hadoop for big data analytics and visualization"
Proceedings of the ICCA 2020, ACM Digital Library, 2020

[Ref No.: 5020]

dr. md. asraf ali" the future of electronic voting system using blockchain"
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2020

[Ref No.: 4986]

sifat rahman ahona" efficient positioning of data aggregation point for wireless sensor network"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2020

[Ref No.: 5009]

md. masud parvez" fabrication of carbon nanotube (cnt) by chemical vapor deposition and investigate the second harmonic response from cnt/peptide and si/sio2/peptide interfaces."
International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations (IJSEI), 9(101), 39-45., 2020

[Ref No.: 5010]

md. masud parvez" synthesis of carbon nanotube by chemical vapor deposition (cvd) method"
Scientific Research Journal (Scirj), 2020

[Ref No.: 5011]

dr. md. manzurul hasan "major challenges in combating epidemics like covid-19 in the developing countries"
International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review, 2020

[Ref No.: 5016]

dr. s. m. hasan mahmud" spatial division networks for weakly supervised detection"
Neural Computing and Applications, 2020

[Ref No.: 5032]

dr. s. m. hasan mahmud" prediction of drug-target interaction based on protein features using undersampling and feature selection techniques with boosting"
analytical biochemistry, 2020

[Ref No.: 5028]

dr. s. m. hasan mahmud" detection of molecular signatures and pathways shared in inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal cancer: a bioinformatics and systems biology approach"
Genomics, 2020

[Ref No.: 5029]

dr. s. m. hasan mahmud" deepaction: a deep learning-based method for predicting novel drug-target interactions"
analytical biochemistry, 2020

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dr. s. m. hasan mahmud" network-based identification genetic effect of sars-cov-2 infections to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (ipf) patients"
Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2020

[Ref No.: 5036]

md. mazid-ul-haque and md. sohidul islam "data rate limit in low and high snr regime for nakagami-q fading wireless channel"
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), 2020

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication [Ref No.: 5024]

siam bin shawkat, md. mazid-ul-haque, md. sohidul islam and borshan sarker "fundamental capacity analysis for identically independently distributed nakagami-q fading wireless communication"
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), 2020

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication [Ref No.: 5025]

sifat rahman ahona" a prediction algorithm for cloud integrated smart parking system to search vacant parking spot using internet of things"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2020

[Ref No.: 4927]

sifat rahman ahona" mitigating cyber-threat in the financial industry of bangladesh using biometric based public key infrastructure (pki) with the help of digital certification"
International Journal of Engineering and Management Research, 2020

[Ref No.: 4928]

dr. md. abdullah - al - jubair" a concept: classifying student’s feedback electronically for improving academics"
ACM Digital Library, 2020

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md. mortuza ahmmed "a brief overview of the classical transportation problem"

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dr. md. abdullah - al - jubair" extracting relevant information using handheld augmented reality"
ACM Digital Library, 2020

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dr. md. abdullah - al - jubair" electronic opinion analysis system for library (e-oasl)"
ACM Digital Library, 2020

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mohaimen- bin- noor" iot (internet of things) - based smart garbage management system: a proposal for major cities of bangladesh"

[Ref No.: 4947]

dr. s. mosaddeq ahmed" soil organic carbon pool and its storage in arial beel wetland soils of bangladesh"
American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2020

[Ref No.: 4948]

dr. s. mosaddeq ahmed" one pot synthesis of biginelli 3,4-dihydro-1h-pyrimidin-2-ones and 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro pyrimidines, bangladesh j. sci. ind. res. 2020, 55(3), 173-180."
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 2020

[Ref No.: 4949]

dr. s. mosaddeq ahmed" effect on human health by residues of commonly used pesticides in vegetables cultivation"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2020

[Ref No.: 4950]

dr. md. sakir hossain" healthcare informatics and analytics in big data"
Expert Systems with Applications (Wiley), 2020

[Ref No.: 4996]

dr. md. sakir hossain" privacy preserving big data analytics: a critical analysis of state‐of‐the‐art"
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discov, 2020

[Ref No.: 4997]

dr. md. mozahar ali" physical properties of a novel boron-based ternary compound ti2inb2"
Materials Today Communications, 2020

[Ref No.: 5667]

dr. md. mozahar ali" dft investigations into the physical properties of a mab phase cr4alb4"
Journal of Alloys and Compound, 2020

[Ref No.: 5668]

rifath mahmud, a. f. m. saifuddin saif, dipta gomes "a comprehensive study of real-time vacant parking space detection towards the need of a robust model"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2020

Keywords: Smart Cities,Image Processing [Ref No.: 5727]

amena ferdosui, m. mostafizur rahman, sajjadul bari" exactness: a generalized approach to solve 1st order 1st degree ordinary differential equations"
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistical Analysis, 2020

[Ref No.: 5623]

amena ferdousi, m. mostafizur rahman, sajjadul bari, ayesha siddiqua" assessment of heavy metals and water quality parameters of buriganga river of dhaka, bangladesh: a review"
Journal of Research in Environmental and Earth Sciences, 2020

[Ref No.: 5624]

amena ferdousi, m mostafizur rahman, mohammad abdur rob, muhammad mahfuz hasan "researches in effluence and environmental flow of turag river–a review"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2020

[Ref No.: 5625]

gollam rabby, saiful azad, mufti mahmud, kamal z zamli, mohammed mostafizur rahman "teket: a tree-based unsupervised keyphrase extraction technique"
Cognitive Computation, 2020

[Ref No.: 5626]

12) abhijit bhowmik, md saef ullah miah, mohaimen-bin-noor "analysis iot (internet of things) - based smart garbage management system: a proposal for major cities of bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2020

[Ref No.: 5637]

dr. md. rabiul auwul" comparative study of k-means, partitioning around medoids, agglomerative hierarchical, and diana clustering algorithms by using cancer datasets"
Biomedical Statistics and Informatics, 2020

[Ref No.: 5664]

abhishek bagchi, suman sarka, sandip bysakh, chandra sekhar tiwary, md sarowar hossain, susenjit sarkar, p.k. mukhopadhyay "microstructural evolution and its outcome on the photo induced micro actuation effect and mechanical properties of copper doped co-ni-al fsma"
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020

[Ref No.: 6035]

dr. md. saef ullah miah" demography of startup software companies: an empirical investigation on the success and failure"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2020

[Ref No.: 6232]

dr. md. saef ullah miah" iot (internet of things) - based smart garbage management system: a proposal for major cities of bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2020

[Ref No.: 6233]

5. ayesha, u., islam, m. n., hossain, m. r tasmia, s. a. and hossain, m. g. "a statistical study on initial breastfeeding among mothers in patuakhali district, bangladesh"
International Journal of Statistical Sciences, 2020

Keywords: Public health Awareness [Ref No.: 6167]

gour chandra paul, sukumar senthilkumar, hafijur rahman "on the implementation of novel rkarms(4,4) algorithm to study the structures of initial extrasolar giant protoplanets"
Heliyon, 2020

[Ref No.: 6194]

md. rakibul islam, jahida binte islam, mai furukawa, tateishi, hideyuki katsumata, satoshi kaneco" photocatalytic degradation of a systemic herbicide: picloram from aqueous solution using titanium oxide (tio2) under sunlight"
ChemEngineering, 2020

[Ref No.: 6614]

dr. jahida binte islam "photocatalytic degradation of a typical neonicotinoid insecticide: nitenpyrum by zno nanoparticles under solar irradiation"
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020

[Ref No.: 6611]

jahida binte islam, mai furukawa, ikki tateishi, hideyuki katsumata, satoshi kaneco "photocatalytic degradation of a typical agricultural chemical: metalaxyl in water using tio2 under solar irradiation"
SN Applied Sciences, 2020

[Ref No.: 6612]

moushumi zaman bonny, mohammad shorif uddin" a technique for panorama-creation using multiple images"
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 2020

[Ref No.: 6617]

dr. moushumi zaman bonny" a hybrid-binarization approach for degraded document enhancement"
Journal of Computer and Communications, 2020

[Ref No.: 6618]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" optimization of protein folding using chemical reaction optimization in hp cubic lattice model,"
Neural Computing and Applications, 2020

[Ref No.: 6586]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" an efficient method for extraction and recognition of bangla characters from vehicle license plates,"
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2020

[Ref No.: 6589]

mahjabin samiya" perceiving of defect tolerance in perovskite absorber layer for efficient perovskite solar cell"
IEEE Access, 2020

[Ref No.: 6719]

s. jahan, a. mannan n. a. chowdhury, and a. a. mamun "dust-acoustic rogue waves in four-component plasmas"
Plasma Physics Reports, 2020

Keywords: Other [Ref No.: 6724]

samira salam, md. abul kalam azad, md. abdus salam, mohammad m. islam" rural to urban migration and realization of expected better life in bangladesh: an empirical study in rajshahi city corporation"
International Journal of Asian Social Science, 2020

[Ref No.: 6561]

samira salam, rehena parveen, s.m. nasim azad, md. abdus salam "understanding the performance of domestic biodigesters in bangladesh: a study from household level survey"
Business and Management Studies, 2020

[Ref No.: 6562]

samira salam , rehana parvin , md. abdus salam , s. m. nasim azad "feasibility study for biogas generation from household digesters in bangladesh: evidence from a household level survey"
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2020

[Ref No.: 6563]

samira salam, bipasha aktar "child marriage in rural bangladesh and its consequences on reproductive and maternal health: an empirical study"
European Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 2020

[Ref No.: 6564]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" an enhanced mser pruning algorithm for detection and localization of bangla texts from scene images"
The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT), 2020

[Ref No.: 6557]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" rna secondary structure prediction with pseudoknots using chemical reaction optimization algorithm"
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatic, 2020

[Ref No.: 6558]

murshed ahmed ovi, tajnin rahman, md kamruzzaman "pressure gradient effects on fluid flow through a rotating straight square duct under magnetic field"
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST), 2020

Keywords: Other [Ref No.: 6504]

shahnaj parvin, md. ezharul islam, liton jude rozario "nighttime vehicle detection methods based on brake light/taillight features: a review"
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), 2020

Keywords: vehicle detection; vehicle recognition; taillight; taillamp; brake light; nighttime [Ref No.: 6421]

md. fayz-al- asad" effect of fin length and location on natural convection heat transfer in a wavy cavity"
International Journal of Thermofluid Science and Technology, 2020

[Ref No.: 6412]

tarikul islam, nazma parveen, md. fayz-al-asad" hydromagnetic natural convection heat transfer of copper- water nanofluid within a right-angled triangular cavity"
International Journal of Thermofluid Science and Technology, 2020

[Ref No.: 6413]

md. fayz-al- asad" numerical study of magnetohydrodynamic natural convection heat transfer and fluid flow of nanofluid in a skewed cavity"
Journal of Engineering Mathematics & Statistics, 2020

[Ref No.: 6414]

riyad, w.a., yee, s.c.p., thinakaran, r.a.p., salam, z.a.b.a. "comparative evaluation of numerous optimization algorithms for compiling travel salesman problem"
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 2020

[Ref No.: 7305]

vardaci, e. ; pulcini, a.; kozulin, e. m.; matea, i.; verney, d. ; maj, a. and schmitt, c. ;itkis, i. m. and knyazheva, g. n.;novikov, k. ; kozulina, n. ;harca, i. m. and kolesov, i. v. and saveleva, k. and kirakosyan, v. v. and dorvaux, o. and ciemala, m. and brambilla, s. and ashaduzzaman, m. and de canditiis, b. and di nitto, a. and quero, d. and parascandolo, c. and pierroutsakou, d. and rath, p. k. and sposito, g. and la rana, g. and bracco, a. and camera, f. and stezowski, o. and borcea, c. and calinescu, s. and petrone, c. and wilson, j. "using γ-rays to disentangle fusion-fission and quasi-fission near the coulomb barrier: a test of principle in the fusion-fission and quasi-elastic channels"
Physical Review C, 2020

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e. m. kozulin, i. m. harca, e. vardaci, i. matea, a. maj, i. itkis, g. knyazheva, k. novikov, o. dorvaux, m. ciemala, s. brambilla, n. kozulina, i. v. kolesov, e. saveleva, v. v. kirakosyan, c. schmitt, c. borcea, s. calinescu, c. petrone, m. ashaduzzaman, b. decanditiis, a. pulcini, d. quero, p. rath, a. di nitto, g. la rana, a. bracco, f. camera, o. stezowski, j. wilson, d. verney, w. h. trzaska & sps and the paris collaboration "features of the fission fragments formed in the heavy ion induced + reaction near the interaction barrier"
The European Physical Journal A, 2020

[Ref No.: 7278]

md. fayz-al-asad, m.m.a. sarker, m.j.h. munshi" numerical investigation of natural convection flow in a hexagonal enclosure having vertical fin"
Journal of Scientific Research, 2019

[Ref No.: 6409]

md. fayz-al-asad, m.m.a. sarker, m.j.h. munshi, r.k. bhowmik" mhd free convection heat transfer having vertical fin in a square wavy cavity"
International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, 2019

[Ref No.: 6410]

r.k. bhowmik, md. fayz-al-asad, m.r. karim" soliton solution of korteweg-de vries equation"
International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, 2019

[Ref No.: 6411]

angkita mistry tama,subrata das, sagar dutta, m. d. i. bhuyana, m. n. islam and m. a. basith "mos2 nanosheet incorporated α-fe2o3/zno nanocomposite with enhanced photocatalytic dye degradation and hydrogen production ability"
RSC Advances, 2019

Keywords: Nanotechnology and Fabrication [Ref No.: 6285]

▪ subrata das, angkita mistry tama, sagar dutta, md. shahjahan ali, mohammed abdul basith "facile high-yield synthesis of mos2 nanosheets with enhanced photocatalytic performance using ultrasound driven exfoliation technique"
Materials Research Express, 2019

Keywords: Nanotechnology and Fabrication [Ref No.: 6286]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" chemical reaction optimization for rna structure prediction"
Applied Intelligence, 2019

[Ref No.: 6536]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" generalized vertex cover using chemical reaction optimization"
Applied Intelligence, 2019

[Ref No.: 6549]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" transportation scheduling optimization by a collaborative strategy in supply chain management with tpl using chemical reaction optimization,"
Neural Computing and Applications, 2019

[Ref No.: 6550]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" chemical reaction optimization: survey on variants"
Evolutionary Intelligence, 2019

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n.c. roy, s. parvin "laminar boundary layer flow of a combustible gas over a semi-infinite porous surface"
SN Applied Sciences, 2019

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n.c. roy, t. rahman, s. parvin "boundary-layer separations of mixed convection flow past an isothermal circular cylinder"
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s. jahan,∗ n. a. chowdhury, a. mannan, and a. a. mamun "modulated dust-acoustic wave packets in an opposite polarity dusty plasma system"
Communications in Theoretical Physics (CTP), 2019

Keywords: Other [Ref No.: 6723]

jahidabinte islam, mai furukawa, ikki tateishi, hideyuki katsumata, satoshi. kaneco "photocatalytic reduction of hexavalent chromium with nanosized tio2 in presence of formic acid"
Chemengineering, 2019

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dr. jahida binte islam" enhanced photocatalytic reduction of toxic cr (vi) with cu modified zno nanoparticles in presence of edta under uv illumination"
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akash mamon sarkar, akml rahman, abdus samad, arjun chandra bhowmick, jahida binte islam "surface and ground water pollution in bangladesh: a review"
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dr. jyotish chandra debnath" high pressure synchrotron x-ray diffraction study of the mn0.94ti0.06coge alloy"
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[Ref No.: 7161]

md. sarowar hossain, tanmoy ghosh, bhoguju rajini kanth, pratip k. mukhopadhyay" effect of annealing on the structural and magnetic properties of conial fsma"
Crystal Research and Technology, 2019

[Ref No.: 6019]

md. sarowar hossain, gokul p, barnana pal and p k mukhopadhyay "correlation of dynamic elastic properties of a heat treated conial alloy system with its microstructural changes"
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tumian mohammad rabiul islam∗, imad fakhri al-shaikhli, rizal mohd nor and afidalina "neural network and principal component analysis based numerical data analysis for stock market prediction with machine learning techniques."
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2019

Keywords: Machine to Machine Data Analytics [Ref No.: 6000]

md. anwarul kabir" introducing refined agile model (ram) in the context of bangladesh's software development environment concentrating on the improvement of requirement engineering process"
International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA),, 2019

Keywords: Software processes and methodologies [Ref No.: 5994]

dr. md. mozahar ali" first−principles study: structural, mechanical, electronic and thermodynamic properties of simple−cubic−perovskite (ba0.62k0.38) (bi0.92mg0.08)o3"
Solid State Communications, 2019

[Ref No.: 5669]

ayesha siddiqua" heatline analysis for mixed convection flow of nanofluid in a two sided lid-driven cavity with a heat generating block: effect of reynolds number"
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019

[Ref No.: 5004]

dr. md. asraf ali" a review on crosstalk in myographic signals. a review on crosstalk in myographic signals"
European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2019

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dr. dilruba yasmin" analysis of dynamic interactions in a bubble-particle system in presence of an acoustic field"
Minerals Engineering, 2019

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dr. md. saiful islam" oblique propagation of ion-acoustic solitary wave in a magnetized plasma with electrons following a generalized distribution function"
Physics of Plasmas, 2019

[Ref No.: 4904]

md mehedi hasan and sungoh kwon "cluster-based load balancing algorithm for ultra-dense heterogeneous networks"
IEEE Access, 2019

Keywords: Networking,Wireless/ Mobile Communication,5G Networks [Ref No.: 4908]

dr. s. m. hasan mahmud" idti-cssmoteb: identification of drug{target interaction based on drug chemical structure and protein sequence using xgboost with over-sampling technique smote"
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[Ref No.: 5027]

fatema t. zohra, mohammed j. uddin, ahamd i. m. ismail "magnetohydrodynamic bio-nanoconvective naiver slip flow of micropolar fluid in a stretchable horizontal channel"
Heat Transfer-Asian Research, 2019

Keywords: Nanotechnology and Fabrication [Ref No.: 4994]

5. f tuz zohra, mj uddin, mf basir, aim ismail. "magnetohydrodynamic bio-nano-convective slip flow with stefan blowing effects over a rotating disc"
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[Ref No.: 4995]

dr. s. m. hasan mahmud" cpn-based test case generation approach for testing bpel-based web services composition"
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2019

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dr. s. m. hasan mahmud" version specific test case prioritization approach based on artificial neural network"
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2019

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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" influence of variable viscosity and thermal conductivity, hydrodynamic, and thermal slips on magnetohydrodynamic micropolar flow: a numerical study"
Heat Transfer—Asian Research, 2019

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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" magnetohydrodynamic bio‐nanoconvective naiver slip flow of micropolar fluid in a stretchable horizontal channel."
Heat Transfer—Asian Research,, 2019

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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" numerical solution of bio-nano-convection transport from a horizontal plate with blowing and multiple slip effects"
Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2019

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dr. s. m. hasan mahmud" an efficient deep learning model to infer user demographic information from ratings"
IEEE Access, 2019

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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" stefan blowing and slip effects on unsteady nanofluid transport past a shrinking sheet: multiple solutions."
Heat Transfer—Asian Research 48, no. 6 (2019):, 2019

[Ref No.: 5058]

dr. mohammed jashim uddin" unsteady mhd bio-nanoconvective anistropic slip flow past a vertical rotating cone."
Thermal Science, 2019

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dr. m m manjurul islam" an improved algorithm for selecting imf components in ensemble empirical mode decomposition for domain of rub-impact fault diagnosis"
IEEE Access, 2019

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dr. m m manjurul islam" vision-based autonomous crack detection of concrete structures using a fully convolutional encoder–decoder network"
Sensors, 2019

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dr. m m manjurul islam" electricity theft detection in smart grid systems: a cnn-lstm based approach"
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dr. m m manjurul islam" acoustic spectral imaging and transfer learning for reliable bearing fault diagnosis under variable speed conditions"
Measurement, 2019

[Ref No.: 5079]

dr. m m manjurul islam" automated bearing fault diagnosis scheme using 2d representation of wavelet packet transform and deep convolutional neural network"
Computers in Industry, 2019

[Ref No.: 5080]

dr. m m manjurul islam" leakage detection of a spherical water storage tank in a chemical industry using acoustic emissions"
Applied Sciences, 2019

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dr. hossain md. shakhawat" automatic quantification of her2 gene amplification in invasive breast cancer from chromogenic in situ hybridization whole slide images"
Journal of Medical Imaging, 2019

[Ref No.: 5111]

salahuddin haowlader , humayra ferdous and shahidul islam" quality of physics teaching up to higher secondary level in bangladesh—from the undergraduate students’ perspective."
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[Ref No.: 5220]

nadia akter mokta, md shakilur rahman, tanjim siddiqua, santunu purohit, md kawchar ahmed patwary, akm moinul haque meaze1 and humayra ferdous "effective point of measurement (epom) of some ionization chambers for high energy photon beam dosimetry used in radiotherapy for the treatment of cancer patient."
Biomedical Journal for Scientific and Technical Research, 2019

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farzana khalil" dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane in environmental samples and human blood of chittagong chemical complex area and pesticide residues in some vegetable samples"
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saiful islam, orcid logo a muhammad hilmy alfaruqi, orcid logo ab balaji sambandam,a dimas yunianto putro,a sungjin kim,a jeonggeun jo,a seokhun kim,a vinod mathewa and jaekook kim orcid logo *a "a new rechargeable battery based on a zinc anode and a nav6o15 nanorod cathode†"
Chemcom, 2019

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muhammad hilmy alfaruqi, orcid logo ab saiful islam,a jun lee,a jeonggeun jo,a vinod mathewa and jaekook kim orcid logo *a "first principles calculations study of α-mno2 as a potential cathode for al-ion battery application"
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sharmin sultana poly, md. a. r. jamil, abeda s. touchy, shunsaku yasumura, s. m. a. hakim siddiki, takashi toyao, zen maeno, and ken-ichi shimizu "acetalization of glycerol with ketones and aldehydes catalyzed by high silica hβ zeolite"
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md. nurnobi rashed, s.m.a.hakim siddiki, abeda s. touchy, md. a. r. jamil, sharmin s. poly, takashi toyao, zen maeno, ken-ichi shimizu "direct phenolysis reactions of unactivated amides into phenolic esters promoted by a heterogeneous ceo2 catalyst"
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md. a. r. jamil, s.m.a. hakim siddiki, abeda s. touchy, md. nurnobi rashed, sharmin s. poly, yuan jing, kah wei ting, takashi toyao, zen maeno, ken-ichi shimizu "selective transformations of triglycerides into fatty amines, amides, and nitriles using heterogeneous catalysts"
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md. a. r. jamil, abeda s touchy, md. numobi rashed, kah wei ting, s.m.a. hakim siddiki, takashi toyao, zen maeno, ken-ichi shimizu "n-methylation of amines and nitroarenes with methanol using heterogeneous platinum catalysts"
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dr. kamal uddin sarker" enhancing the teaching and learning process using video streaming servers and forecasting techniques"
Sustainability, 2019

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dr. kamal uddin sarker" ontological practice for big data management"
International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, 2019

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dr. md. rayhan uddin" mars pre-clinical imaging: the benefits of small pixels and good energy data"
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dr. md. rayhan uddin" assessment of metal implant induced artefacts using photon counting spectral ct"
SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, 2019

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dr. md. rayhan uddin" mars pulmonary spectral molecular imaging: potential for locating tuberculosis involvement"
IEEE Xplore, 2019

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dr. md. rayhan uddin" first human imaging with mars photon-counting ct"
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m. f. mridha, md. abdul hamid, shaon hossain sani, akramkhan rony, seungmin oh, jinsul kim" evaluate and predict concentration of particulate matter (pm10) using machine learning approach"
The Journal of Contents Computing, 2019

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shahadat hossain" environmental radioactivity monitoring and assessment of excess lifetime cancer risk to people in demra thana, dhaka, bangladesh"
ABC Research Alert, 2019

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md. mortuza ahmmed "maternal and child health in bangladesh over the years: evidence from demographic and health surveys"
National University Journal of Science, 2019

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k. n. mukta, xiao gao, and p. a. robinson "neural field theory of evoked response potentials in a spherical brain geometry"
Physical Review E, 2019

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dr. kamrun nahar mukta" nonlinear propagation of dust-ion-acoustic shock waves in a degenerate multi-species plasma"
International Journal of Cosmology, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2019

[Ref No.: 4872]

md. mehedi hassan onik" modifiable public blockchains using truncated hashing and sidechains."
IEEE Access, 2019

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md. mehedi hassan onik" personal information classification on aggregated android application’s permissions"
Applied Sciences, 2019

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md. mehedi hassan onik" proof-familiarity: a privacy-preserved blockchain scheme for collaborative medical decision-making"
Applied Sciences, 2019

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md. mehedi hassan onik" privacy-aware blockchain for personal data sharing and tracking"
Open Computer Science, 2019

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dr. mahjabin taskin" ultrasound propagation in two-layer gas flow"
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019

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dr. mahjabin taskin" observation of ultrasonic signal and measurement of h2 concentration from the exterior of a metal pipe"
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019

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dr. mahjabin taskin" instant gas concentration measurement using ultrasound from exterior of a pipe"
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2019

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shovan kumar kundu, dhiraj kumar rana, laxmikanta karmakar, debajyoti das & soumen basu "enhanced multiferroic, magnetodielectric and electrical properties of sm doped lanthanum ferrite nanoparticles"
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2019

Keywords: Natural Sciences,Nanotechnology [Ref No.: 4808]

shovan kumar kundu, dhiraj kumar rana, amit banerjee, debajyoti das, and soumen basu "influence of manganese on multiferroic and electrical properties of lanthanum ferrite nanoparticles"
Materials Research Express, 2019

Keywords: Natural Sciences,Nanotechnology [Ref No.: 4809]

dhiraj kumar rana,a suresh kumar singh,a shovan kumar kundu, subir roy, s. angappane, and soumen basu "electrical and room temperature multiferroic properties of polyvinylidene fluoride nanocomposites doped with nickel ferrite nanoparticles"
New Journal of Chemistry, 2019

Keywords: Natural Sciences,Nanotechnology,Polymer and Nano Materials [Ref No.: 4810]

dhiraj kumar rana, shovan kumar kundu, ram janay choudhary, and soumen basu "enhancement of electrical and magnetodielectric properties of bifeo3 incorporated pvdf flexible nanocomposite films"
Materials Research Express, 2019

Keywords: Natural Sciences,Nanotechnology,Polymer and Nano Materials [Ref No.: 4812]

shovan kumar kundu, dhiraj kumar rana and soumen basu "observation of room temperature multiferroic and electrical properties in gadolinium ferrite nanoparticles"
Modern Physics Letters B, 2019

Keywords: Natural Sciences,Nanotechnology [Ref No.: 4813]

md. ismail hossen" smartphone-based drivers context recognition"
Intelligent Decision Technologies, 2019

[Ref No.: 4780]

md. ismail hossen" an automated driver’s context recognition approach using smartphone embedded sensors"
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2019

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md. ismail hossen" smartphone-based context flow recognition for outdoor parking system with machine"
Electronics, 2019

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md. mortuza ahmmed" green supply chain management practices by superstores in bangladesh: a case study in dhaka"
European Journal of Business and Management, 2019

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md. mortuza ahmmed "the impact of internet on the youth leadership"
Business Ethics and Leadership, 2019

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abhijit bhowmik" genre of bangla music: a machine classification learning approach"

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dr. a. f. m. saifuddin saif" data analysis and visualization of continental cancer situation by twitter scraping"
International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science (IJMECS), 2019

[Ref No.: 4619]

md. siyamul islam" siat: a distributed video analytics framework for intelligent video surveillance"
Symmetry, 2019

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raihan uddin ahmed" new algorithm for detection of spinal cord tumor using opencv"
Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology (GJCST), 2019

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dr. mahfuza khatun" one-sided control charts for monitoring the multivariate coefficient of variation in short production runs"
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control., 2019

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dr. mahfuza khatun" a side-sensitive modified group runs control chart with auxiliary information to detect process mean shifts"
Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, 2019

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jenita jahangir" electromagnetics in terms of differential form"
The Dhaka University Journal of Science, 2019

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jenita jahangir" fluid flow of a rotating rectangular straight duct in darcian porous medium"
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology, 2019

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prodip kumar ghose" fluid flow of a rotating rectangular straight duct in darcian porous medium."
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST), 2019

[Ref No.: 4487]

md. navid bin anwar" comparative study of cryptography algorithms and its’ applications"
International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Security, 2019

[Ref No.: 4274]

bithi paul" significant reduction of defect states and surface tailoring in zno nanoparticles via nano-bio interaction with glucose for bio-applications"
IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 2019

[Ref No.: 4275]

m. mahmudul hasan, george kousiouris, dimosthenis anagnostopoulos, teta stamati, peri loucopoulos, mara nikolaidou "an ontology based framework for e-government regulatory requirements compliance"
International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA), 2019

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md. manzurul hasan & md. saidur rahman "no-bend orthogonal drawings and no-bend orthogonally convex drawings of planar graphs (extended abstract)"
Computing and Combinatorics (COCOON 2019), 2019

Keywords: Algorithms [Ref No.: 4342]

dr. a. f. m. saifuddin saif" a review based on brain computer interaction using eeg headset for physically handicapped people"
International Journal of Education and Management Engineering (IJEME), 2019

[Ref No.: 4352]

dr. a. f. m. saifuddin saif" efficient method to improve human brain activities using neuroheadset device embedded with sensors: a comprehensive study"
International Journal of Software Engineering and Computer Systems, 2019

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dr. a. f. m. saifuddin saif" category specific prediction modules for visual relation recognition"
International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Computing(IJMSC), 2019

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dr. a. f. m. saifuddin saif" aggressive action estimation: a comprehensive review on neural network based human segmentation and action recognition"
International Journal of Education and Management Engineering(IJEME), 2019

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prof. dr. dip nandi" an empirical comparison of missing value imputation techniques on aps failure prediction"
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (IJITCS), 2019

[Ref No.: 3887]

dr. md. sohidul islam" topas based low loss and dispersion flatten decagonal porous core photonic crystal fiber for terahertz communication"

[Ref No.: 3778]

bithi paul" fabrication and ferromagnetic resonance study of bzt-bct/lsmo heterostructure films on lao and pt"
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2019

[Ref No.: 3801]

md. masuduzzaman" li-fi technology: increasing the range of li-fi by using mirror"
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, 2019

[Ref No.: 3810]

dr. afroza nahar" effect of nanofluid properties and mass-flow rate on heat transfer of parabolic-trough concentrating solar system"
Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, 2019

[Ref No.: 3819]

dr. mohammed jashim uddin" unsteady mhd bio-nanoconvective anistropic slip flow past a vertical rotating cone"
Thermal Science, 2019

[Ref No.: 3824]

dr. mohammed jashim uddin" mhd boundary layer bionanoconvective non‐newtonian flow past a needle with stefan blowing"

[Ref No.: 3845]

dr. a. f. m. saifuddin saif" anomaly detection in crowded scene by pedestrians behaviour extraction using long short term method: a comprehensive study"
International Journal of Education and Management Engineering(IJEME), 2019

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dr. a. f. m. saifuddin saif" online trial room based on human body shape detection"
International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, 2019

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dr. afroza nahar" numerical investigation on the effect of different parameters in enhancing heat transfer performance of photovoltaic thermal systems"
Renewable Energy, 2019

[Ref No.: 3672]

asad abbas, anders avdic, peng xiao, m. mahmudulhasan, wan ming "university-government collaboration for the generation and commercialisation of new knowledge for use in industry"
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dr. md. mozahar ali " first− principles study: structural, mechanical, electronic and thermodynamic properties of simple− cubic− perovskite (ba0. 62k0. 38)(bi0. 92mg0. 08) o3"
Solid State Communications, 2019

[Ref No.: 4002]

md. masuduzzaman" energy efficiency analysis by fine grained modification in link state routing protocol"
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, 2019

[Ref No.: 4010]

dr. mohammed jashim uddin" three-dimensional bioconvection nanofluid flow from a bi-axial stretching sheet with anisotropic slip, thermal jump and concentration slip effects"

[Ref No.: 4226]

dr. mohammed jashim uddin" computation of melting dissipative magnetohydrodynamic nanofluid bioconvection with second order slip and variable thermophysical properties"

[Ref No.: 4227]

dr. s. mosaddeq ahmed" synthesis of 1-phenyl-3,4-dihydropyrimidine-2(1h)-ones derivatives under solvent free condition and study of their antimicrobial activity."
Bangladesh Journal Scientific and Industrial Research, 2019

[Ref No.: 4228]

dr. md. razib hayat khan" a smart and cost-effective fire detection system for developing country: an iot based approach"
International Jornal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2019

[Ref No.: 4229]

dr. mohammed jashim uddin" unsteady three-dimensional stagnation point magnetohydrodynamic flow of bionanofluid with variable properties"
Journal of Nanomaterials, Nanoengineering and Nanosystems, 2018

[Ref No.: 4225]

dr. m. mostafizur rahman" an analysis on vulnerabilities of password retrying"
Advanced Science Letters, 2018

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dr. m. mostafizur rahman" a highly accurate pdf-to-text conversion system for academic papers using natural language processing approach"
Advanced Science Letters, 2018

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dr. m. mostafizur rahman" a flexible key-phrase extraction technique for academic literature"
Procedia Computer Science, 2018

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dr. a. f. m. saifuddin saif" speech to text conversion for bengali language with labyrinth and resolution: a review"
International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science, 2018

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dr. a. f. m. saifuddin saif" 3d painting using inertial system and monocular vision for localization of handheld controller in virtual reality"
International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science, 2018

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dr. a. f. m. saifuddin saif" an analysis on position estimation, drifting and accumulated error accuracy during 3d tracking in electronic handheld devices"
Journal of Computer and Communications, 2018

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dr. a. f. m. saifuddin saif" moving object segmentation using various features from aerial images: a review"
Advanced Science Letters, 2018

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dr. a. f. m. saifuddin saif" measurement of unique pupillary distance using modified circle algorithm"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2018

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umme marzia haque" wildlife monitoring using aodv routing protocol in wireless sensor network"
Wildlife Monitoring using AODV Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network, 2018

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dr. m. mostafizur rahman" a brain-inspired trust management model to assure security in a cloud based iot framework for neuroscience applications"
Cognitive Computation, 2018

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rifat tasnim anannya" master-slave clustering technique for high density traffic in urban vanet scenario"
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security(IJCSIS), 2018

[Ref No.: 3953]

khadiza akter mitu1 , md. motaleb hossain2*, md. sazzad hossain3 , kazuhisa a. chikita4 "development of rainfall-runoff model for northeast region of bangladesh"
International Journal of Geology Agriculture and Environmental Science, 2018

Keywords: Geographic Information Systems [Ref No.: 3724]

azm ehtesham chowdhury" scrumfall: a hybrid software process model"
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science(IJITCS), 2018

[Ref No.: 3734]

bithi paul" structural, electronic, and magnetic analysis and device characterization of ferroelectric–ferromagnetic heterostructure (bzt–bct/lsmo/lao) devices for multiferroic applications"
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2018

[Ref No.: 3742]

kaniz fatema" optimizing contemporary application and processes in open source software"
Demography of Open Source Software Prediction Models and Techniques, 2018

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azm ehtesham chowdhury" a survey of software quality assurance and testing practices and challenges in bangladesh"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2018

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juena ahmed noshin" teaching programming to non-programmers at undergraduate level"
International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR), 2018

[Ref No.: 3662]

jannatul maowa" vgtool: web tool for visualizing and determining the class of gracefully labeled tree"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2018

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s.m. abdur bhuiyan rouf" a survey of software quality assurance and testing practices and challenges in bangladesh"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2018

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kawser irom rushee" improvised priority based round robin cpu scheduling"
International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), 2018

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md. navid bin anwar" wildlife monitoring using aodv routing protocol in wireless sensor network"
International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Security, 2018

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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" chebyshev collocation computation of magneto-bioconvection nanofluid flow over a wedge with multiple slips and magnetic induction,"
Journal of Nanomaterials and Nanoengineering, 2018

[Ref No.: 3838]

dr. mohammed jashim uddin" anisotropic slip magneto-bioconvection flow from a rotating cone to a nanofluid with stefan blowing effects"
Chinese Journal Of Physics, 2018

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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" bioconvective electromagnetic nanofluid transport from a wedge geometry: simulation of smart electro‐conductive bio‐nanopolymer processing."
Heat Transfer—Asian Research, 2018

[Ref No.: 3832]

dr. mohammed jashim uddin" melting and second order slip effect on convective flow of nanofluid past a radiating stretching/shrinking sheet"
Propulsion and Power Research, 2018

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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" modeling and simulation of nanofluid transport via bio-elastic sheets"
Biomedical Engineering, Nanoengineering, 2018

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azm ehtesham chowdhury" a study on bangladeshi it freelancers: a survey"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2018

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dr. s. mosaddeq ahmed" solid waste disposal and its impact on surrounding environment of matuail landfill site, dhaka, bangladesh"
American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2018

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md. masuduzzaman" intelligent tour planning system using crowd sourced data"
International Journal of Education and Management Engineering, 2018

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md. mortuza ahmmed "determinants of academic performance of undergraduate students in private universities in bangladesh: a case study"
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md. mortuza ahmmed "discriminating patients suffering from non-communicable diseases: a case study among bangladeshi adults"
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, 2018

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md. mortuza ahmmed" trends in climate change and some of its determinants in bangladesh"
Research and Science Today (RST), 2018

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md. mortuza ahmmed" a study on identification of socioeconomic variables associated with non-communicable diseases among bangladeshi adults"
American Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 2018

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dr. md. sakir hossain" spectrally efficient dsi-based ofdm papr reduction by subcarrier group modulation"
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 2018

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prof. dr. dip nandi" comparative study of parallel implementation for searching algorithms with openmp"
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2018

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prof. dr. dip nandi" traffic sign detection based on color segmentation of obscure image candidates: a comprehensive study"
International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science, 2018

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prof. dr. dip nandi" an efficient hybrid architecture for visual behavior recognition using convolutional neural network"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2018

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dr. a. f. m. saifuddin saif" real time bangla vehicle plate recognition towards the need of efficient model - a comprehensive study"
International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing(IJIGSP), 2018

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dr. a. f. m. saifuddin saif" bangla digital number plate recognition using template matching for higher accuracy and less time complexity"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2018

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dr. a. f. m. saifuddin saif" efficient framework using morphological modeling for frequent iris movement investigation towards questionable observer detection"
International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing(IJIGSP), 2018

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dr. a. f. m. saifuddin saif" an efficient hybrid architecture for visual behavior recognition using convolutional neural network"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2018

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dr. a. f. m. saifuddin saif" fast and effective motion model for moving object detection using aerial images"
International Journal of Computer Vision and Signal Processing, 2018

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dr. a. f. m. saifuddin saif" traffic sign detection based on color segmentation of obscure image candidates: a comprehensive study"
International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science, 2018

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dr. a. f. m. saifuddin saif" efficient mathematical procedural model for brain signal improvement from human brain sensor activities"
International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing(IJIGSP), 2018

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dr. a. f. m. saifuddin saif" a study of activity recognition and questionable observer detection"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2018

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prof. dr. dip nandi" scrumfall: a hybrid software process model"
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (IJITCS), 2018

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dr. khandaker tabin hasan" measurement of unique pupillary distance using modified circle algorithm"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2018

[Ref No.: 4384]

dr. mahfuza khatun" adaptive multivariate double sampling and variable sampling interval hotelling’s t^2 charts"
Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2018

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dr. mahfuza khatun" variable sampling interval run-sum x (over bar) chart with estimated parameters"
The 4th International Conference on Engineering, Applied Science and Technology, 2018

[Ref No.: 4420]

sajib hasan" adaptive fitts for adaptive interface"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2018

[Ref No.: 4341]

mohammad arifur rahman" investigating students’ adoption and usage behavior of educational technology(edutech) at tertiary level (pls-sem approach)"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2018

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md. manirul islam" master-slave clustering technique for high density traffic in urban vanet scenario"
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), 2018

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shahrin chowdhury" wildlife monitoring using aodv routing protocol in wireless sensor network"
International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Security, 2018

[Ref No.: 4533]

md. hasibul hasan" a survey of software quality assurance and testing practices and challenges in bangladesh"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2018

[Ref No.: 4510]

md mehedi hasan, sungoh kwon, and jee-hyeon na "adaptive mobility load balancing algorithm for lte small-cell networks"
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2018

Keywords: Networking,Wireless/ Mobile Communication,5G Networks [Ref No.: 4730]

md mehedi hasan, sungoh kwon, and sangchul oh "frequent-handover mitigation in ultra-dense heterogeneous networks"
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2018

Keywords: Networking,Wireless/ Mobile Communication,5G Networks [Ref No.: 4731]

md. masum billah" using archived comments on learning videos as a resource for question answering"
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2018

[Ref No.: 4716]

dipta justin gomes" performance evaluation of extended latency time algorithm in different linux based operating systems"
International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR), 2018

[Ref No.: 4712]

dr. shohag barman" a boolean network inference from time-series gene expression data using a genetic algorithm"
Bioinformatics, 2018

[Ref No.: 4690]

md. ismail hossen" a review on outdoor parking systems using feasibility of mobile sensors"
. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2018

[Ref No.: 4779]

dr. md. tarek hossain" inner relationship among rapidity, velocity and geometric approach to the wigner rotation"
International Journal of Applied Physics, 2018

[Ref No.: 4820]

dhiraj kumar rana, suresh kumar singh, shovan kumar kundu, ram janay choudhary, & soumen basu "electrical and magnetic properties of polyvinyl alcohol-cobalt ferrite nanocomposite films"
Bulletin of Materials Science, 2018

Keywords: Natural Sciences,Nanotechnology,Polymer and Nano Materials [Ref No.: 4814]

shovan kumar kundu, dhiraj kumar rana, ayan mukherjee, amit banerjee, debajyoti das, soumen basu "structural, magnetic and optical properties of lanthanum ferrite nanoparticles with application perspective"
Advanced Science Letters, 2018

Keywords: Natural Sciences,Nanotechnology [Ref No.: 4815]

dr. mahjabin taskin" flowing h2 gas concentration measurement using ultrasound from exterior of the pipe"
IEEE Xplore, 2018

[Ref No.: 4798]

dr. md. tarek hossain" study of dynamic behavior of a three story model frame"
American Journal of Construction and Building Materials, 2018

[Ref No.: 4825]

md. mehedi hassan onik" a novel approach to identify the best practices of quality management in smes based on critical success factors using interpretive structural modeling (ism)"
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018

[Ref No.: 4833]

md. mehedi hassan onik" a novel approach for network attack classification based on sequential questions"
Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing, 2018

[Ref No.: 4834]

md. mehedi hassan onik" muxer—a new equipment for energy saving in ethernet"
Technologies, 2018

[Ref No.: 4835]

nazia hossain" emotion detection from voice based classified frame-energy signal using k-means clustering"
International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA), 2018

[Ref No.: 4836]

dr. kamrun nahar mukta" neural field theory of perceptual echo and implications for estimating brain connectivity"
Physical Review E, 2018

[Ref No.: 4894]

dr. kamrun nahar mukta" properties of electron-ion acoustic solitary waves in a four component degenerate quantum plasma"
International Journal of Current Research, 2018

[Ref No.: 4895]

dr. md. saddam mukta hossain" temporal modeling of basic human values from social network usage."
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Wiley, 2018

[Ref No.: 2909]

dr. md. sohidul islam" topas based high birefringent and low loss single mode hybrid core porous fiber for broand band applications"
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, [ ISI index], 2018

[Ref No.: 3574]

dr. md. sohidul islam" secrecy mutual information of the independent and identically distributed nakagami-q fading simo channel"
IETE Journal of Research, Taylor and Francis [ISI indexed], 2018

[Ref No.: 3576]

dr. md. abdullah - al - jubair" electronic opinion analysis in organizational culture audit"
Advanced Science Letters (ASL), American Scientific Publishers (CPCI-S Indexed), 2018

[Ref No.: 3595]

dr. md. abdullah - al - jubair" organizational culture automated audit system framework (ocaas): a concept"
Journal of Economic and Management Perspectives, 2018

[Ref No.: 3596]

farzana sabeth, rahima khatun, md. serajul islam, toshifumi iimori, nobuhiro ohta "reversible photocurrent switching in ionic and superionic conductors of polycrystalline silver iodide"
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018

Keywords: Electrodes,Ions,Irradiation,Photonics,Power conversion efficiency [Ref No.: 5509]

dr. md. rayhan uddin" distinguishing iron and calcium using mars spectral ct"
IEEE, 2018

[Ref No.: 5430]

dr. md. rayhan uddin" medipix3rx neutron camera for ambient radiation measurements in the cms cavern"
IEEE, 2018

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dr. md. rayhan uddin" cancer imaging with nanoparticles using mars spectral scanner"
IEEE, 2018

[Ref No.: 5432]

s. m. a. hakim siddiki , abeda s. touchy, md. a. r. jamil, takashi toyao, and ken-ichi shimizu "c-methylation of alcohols, ketones, and indoles with methanol using heterogeneous platinum catalysts"
ACS Catalysis, 2018

[Ref No.: 5316]

vaiyapuri soundharrajanvaiyapuri soundharrajan department of materials science and engineering, chonnam national university, gwangju 500-757, south korea more by vaiyapuri soundharrajan , balaji sambandam, sungjin kim, vinod mathew, jeonggeun jo, seokhun kim, jun lee, saiful islam, kwangho kim, yang-kook sun, and jaekook kim* "aqueous magnesium zinc hybrid battery: an advanced high-voltage and high-energy mgmn2o4 cathode"
ACS Energy Letter, 2018

[Ref No.: 5303]

muhammad hilmyalfaruqiabsaifulislamadimas yuniantoputroavinodmathewasungjinkimajeonggeunjoaseokhunkimayang-kooksunckwanghokimdejaekookkima "structural transformation and electrochemical study of layered mno2 in rechargeable aqueous zinc-ion battery"
Electrochimica Acta, 2018

[Ref No.: 5304]

saiful islam, muhammad hilmy alfaruqi, dimas yunianto putro, dr. vinod mathew, sungjin kim, jeonggeun jo, seokhun kim, prof. yang-kook sun, prof. kwangho kim, prof. jaekook kim "pyrosynthesis of na3v2(po4)3@c cathodes for safe and low-cost aqueous hybrid batteries"
Chemsuschem, 2018

[Ref No.: 5266]

dr. debajyoti karmaker" an inverse differential game approach to modelling bird mid-air collision avoidance behaviours"
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2018

[Ref No.: 5184]

dr. m m manjurul islam" crack classification of a pressure vessel using feature selection and deep learning methods"
Sensors, 2018

[Ref No.: 5082]

dr. m m manjurul islam" rub-impact fault diagnosis using an effective imf selection technique in ensemble empirical mode decomposition and hybrid feature models"
Sensors, 2018

[Ref No.: 5083]

dr. m m manjurul islam" reliable multiple combined fault diagnosis of bearings using heterogeneous feature models and multiclass support vector machines"
Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2018

[Ref No.: 5084]

dr. m m manjurul islam" a reliable technique for remaining useful life estimation of rolling element bearings using dynamic regression models"
Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2018

[Ref No.: 5085]

dr. s. m. hasan mahmud" prmt: predicting risk factor of obesity among middle-aged people using data mining techniques"
Procedia Computer Science, 2018

[Ref No.: 5038]

dr. s. m. hasan mahmud" csv2rdf: generating rdf data from csv file using semantic web technologies"
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2018

[Ref No.: 5039]

8. ft tuz zohra, m jashim uddin, ai md. ismail, o anwar bég. "bioconvective electromagnetic nanofluid transport froma wedge geometry: simulation of smart electro-conductive bio-nanopolymer processing"
Heat Transfer-Asian Research, 2018

[Ref No.: 4992]

7. ft zohra, mj uddin, aim ismail, oa bég, a kadir. "anisotropic slip magneto-bioconvection flow from a rotating cone to a nanofluid with stefan blowing effects"
Chinese Journal of Physics, 2018

[Ref No.: 4993]

dr. md. saiful islam" modulated heavy nucleus-acoustic waves and associated rogue waves in a degenerate relativistic quantum plasma system."
Physics of Plasmas, 2018

[Ref No.: 4905]

dr. md. asraf ali" fuzzy logic-based improved ventilation system for the pharmaceutical industry"
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018

[Ref No.: 4980]

dr. md. asraf ali" electromyography-a reliable technique for muscle activity assessment"
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), 2018

[Ref No.: 4981]

dr. md. asraf ali" a literature review on nosql database for big data processing"
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018

[Ref No.: 4982]

dr. md. asraf ali" a systematic review on fatigue analysis in triceps brachii using surface electromyography"
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2018

[Ref No.: 4983]

dr. md. asraf ali" significance of electromyography in the assessment of diabetic neuropathy"
Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 2018

[Ref No.: 4984]

dr. abdus salam" authorship attribution for bengali language using the fusion of n-gram and naive bayes algorithms"
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science(IJITCS), 2018

[Ref No.: 5887]

jannatul maowa, sharifa rania mahmud "vgtool: web tool for visualizing and determining the class of gracefully labeled tree"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2018

[Ref No.: 5783]

dr. md. rabiul auwul" impact of micro-credit on poor households in kurigram district"
Applied Economics and Finance, 2018

[Ref No.: 5665]

muhammad rabiul. islam 1*, i.f.t. al-shaikhli2 , a. abdulkadir1 "a scientific review of soft-computing techniques and methods for stock market prediction"
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018

Keywords: Big Data,Deep Learning,Machine to Machine Data Analytics [Ref No.: 6001]

mohammad rabiul islam1 , imad fakhri al-shaikhli2 , rizal bin mohd nor3 , vijayakumar varadarajan4 "technical approach in text mining for stock market prediction: a systematic review"
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2018

Keywords: Big Data,Deep Learning,Machine to Machine Data Analytics [Ref No.: 6003]

dr. md. saef ullah miah" intelligent tour planning system using crowd sourced data"
International Journal of Education and Management Engineering(IJEME), 2018

[Ref No.: 6231]

md sarowar hossain, barnana pal and p. k. mukhopadhyay "ultrasonic characterization of newtonian and non-newtonian fluids"
Universal Journal of Physics and Application, 2018

Keywords: Viscous Medium, Ultrasonic Velocity, Sound Attenuation, Adiabatic Compressibility, Non-newtonian Fluids [Ref No.: 6032]

md abdullah al mamun, manifa noor, a k m atique ullah, md. sarowar hossain, matin abdul, fakhrul islam and m a hakim "effect of cepo4 on structural, magnetic and optical properties of ceria nanoparticles"
Material Research Express, 2018

[Ref No.: 6054]

jahida binte islam, s akter, ac bhowmick, mn uddin, m sarkar" hydro-environmental pollution of turag river in bangladesh"
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 2018

[Ref No.: 6605]

dr. moushumi zaman bonny" image stitching algorithm: an optimization between correlation-based and feature-based method"
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), 2018

[Ref No.: 6619]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" a component based unified architecture for utility service in cloud,"
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018

[Ref No.: 6518]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" chemical reaction optimization for solving longest common subsequence problem for multiple string"
Soft computing, 2018

[Ref No.: 6519]

dr. jyotish chandra debnath" chargeorderingandexchangebiasbehaviorsinco3o4 porous nanoplateletsandnanorings"
Journal ofMagnetismandMagneticMaterials, 2017

[Ref No.: 7162]

dr. jyotish chandra debnath" magnetic and electrical response of co-doped la0.7ca0.3mno3 manganites/ insulator system"
Physica B, 2017

[Ref No.: 7163]

m. a. basith, areef billah, m. a. jalil, nilufar yesmin, mashnoon alam sakib, emran khan ashik, s.m.enamul hoque yousuf, sayeed shafayet chowdhury, md. sarowar hossain, shakhawat h. firoz, bashir ahmmad "the 10% gd and ti co-doped bifeo3: a promising multiferroic material"
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017

[Ref No.: 6055]

md sarowar hossain, b. rajini kanth and p. k. mukhopadhyay "effect of annealing on elastic moduli of a fsma"
Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 2017

[Ref No.: 6030]

md. sarowar hossain, m. a. hakim and p. k. mukhopadhyay "interesting low temperature magneto-elastic behavior of a finemet metglass"
AIP Advances, 2017

[Ref No.: 6031]

pritam khan boni" smartphone based heart attack risk prediction system with statistical analysis and data mining approaches"
Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 2017

[Ref No.: 6026]

m. a. basith, m. a. islam, bashir ahmmad, md. sarowar hossain and k mølhave "preparation of high crystalline nanoparticles of rare-earth based complex pervoskites and comparison of their structural and magnetic properties with bulk counterparts"
Materials Research Express, 2017

[Ref No.: 6036]

anwarul kabir" cyber-crimes against womenfolk on social networks: bangladesh context"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2017

[Ref No.: 5995]

dr. md. mozahar ali" hydrothermal synthesis, structure, and superconductivity of simple cubic perovskite (ba0.62k0.38)(bi0.92mg0.08)o3 with tc ∼ 30 k"
Inorganic Chemistry, 2017

[Ref No.: 5670]

dr. abdus salam" text-to-3d-scene generation using semantic parsing and spatial knowledge with rule based system"
International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), 2017

[Ref No.: 5888]

dr. md. saiful islam" envelope solitons in three-component degenerate relativistic quantum plasmas."
Physics of Plasmas, 2017

[Ref No.: 4906]

dr. md. saiful islam" ultra-low frequency shock dynamics in degenerate relativistic plasmas"
Physics of Plasmas, 2017

[Ref No.: 4907]

dr. m m manjurul islam" time–frequency envelope analysis-based sub-band selection and probabilistic support vector machines for multi-fault diagnosis of low-speed bearings"
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2017

[Ref No.: 5086]

dr. m m manjurul islam" reliable bearing fault diagnosis using bayesian inference-based multi-class support vector machines"
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2017

[Ref No.: 5087]

prof. dr. kh. abdul maleque" temperature dependent suction/injuction and variable properties on non-newtonian casson mixed convective mhd laminar fluid flow with viscous dissipation and thermal radiation"
American Journal of heat and Mass transfer (AJHMT), 2017

[Ref No.: 5125]

dr. akinul islam jony" ict in higher education: wiki-based reflection to promote deeper thinking levels"
International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science, 2017

[Ref No.: 5113]

dr. khandaker tabin hasan" identifying human personalized sentiment with streaming data"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2017

[Ref No.: 5204]

saiful islam,‡a muhammad hilmy alfaruqi, orcid logo ‡a vinod mathew,a jinju song,a sungjin kim,a seokhun kim,a jeonggeun jo,a joseph paul baboo,a duong tung pham,a dimas yunianto putro,a yang-kook sunb and jaekook kim "facile synthesis and the exploration of the zinc storage mechanism of β-mno2 nanorods with exposed (101) planes as a novel cathode material for high performance eco-friendly zinc-ion batteries†"
JMC-A, 2017

[Ref No.: 5267]

saifulislammuhammad hilmyalfaruqijinjusongsungjinkimduong tungphamjeonggeunjoseokhunkimvinodmathewjoseph paulbaboozhiliangxiujaekookkim "carbon-coated manganese dioxide nanoparticles and their enhanced electrochemical properties for zinc-ion battery applications"
Journal of energy chemistry, 2017

[Ref No.: 5268]

muhammad hilmyalfaruqi1saifulislam1vinodmathewjinjusongsungjinkimduong phamtungjeonggeunjoseokhunkimjoseph paulbaboozhiliangxiujaekookkim "ambient redox synthesis of vanadium-doped manganese dioxide nanoparticles and their enhanced zinc storage properties"
Applied Surface Science, 2017

[Ref No.: 5269]

muhammad hilmyalfaruqi1saifulislam1jinjusongsungjinkimduong tungphamjeonggeunjoseokhunkimjoseph paulbaboodimas yuniantoputrovinodmathewjaekookkim "carbon-coated rhombohedral li2nav2(po4)3 nanoflake cathode for li-ion battery with excellent cycleability and rate capability"
Chemical Physics Letters, 2017

[Ref No.: 5270]

muhammad h. alfaruqi†‡, vinod mathew†‡, jinju song†, sungjin kim†, saiful islam†, duong tung pham†, jeonggeun jo†, seokhun kim†, joseph paul baboo†, zhiliang xiu†, kug-seung lee§, yang-kook sun∥orcid, and jaekook kim*†orcid "electrochemical zinc intercalation in lithium vanadium oxide: a high-capacity zinc-ion battery cathode"
Chemistry of Materials, 2017

[Ref No.: 5307]

dr. md. rayhan uddin" quality control of intensity modulated radiation therapy (imrt)"
Universal Journal of Physics and Application, 2017

[Ref No.: 5427]

m. f. mridha, kamruddin nur, aloke kumar saha, md. akhtaruzzaman adnan" a new approach to enhance internet banking security"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2017

[Ref No.: 5559]

m. f. mridha, kamruddin nur, aloke kumar saha, and md akhtaruzzaman adnan "a new approach to enhance internet banking security"
International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), 2017

Keywords: Security in Smart Environments [Ref No.: 5565]

sabbir ahmed" cyber-crimes against womenfolk on social networks: bangladesh context"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2017

[Ref No.: 3552]

victor stany rozario, a.z.m. ehtesham chowdhury, muhammad sarwar jahan morshed" community detection in social network using temporal data"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2017

Keywords: Algorithms,Expert Systems [Ref No.: 3561]

azm ehtesham chowdhury" analysis of the veracities of industry used software development life cycle methodologies"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2017

[Ref No.: 3562]

azm ehtesham chowdhury" community detection in social network using temporal data"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2017

[Ref No.: 3563]

azm ehtesham chowdhury" issue starvation in software development: a case study on the redmine issue tracking system dataset"
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 3564]

azm ehtesham chowdhury" software engineering practices and challenges in bangladesh: a preliminary survey"
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 3565]

dr. afroza nahar" numerical and experimental investigation on the performance of a photovoltaic thermal collector with parallel plate flow channel under different operating conditions in malaysia."
Solar Energy, 2017

[Ref No.: 3530]

dr. afroza nahar" a three-dimensional comprehensive numerical investigation of different operating parameters on the performance of a photovoltaic thermal system with pancake collector."
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 3531]

roushanara begum" difficulties of computing natural convection flow in an open cavity"
Universal Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2017

[Ref No.: 3538]

dr. md. kamruzzaman" on the normalized dissipationc_epsilon parameter in decaying turbulence"
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2017

[Ref No.: 3545]

fahad ahmed" investigating factors that influence rice yields of bangladesh using data warehousing, machine learning, and visualization"
International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science (IJMECS), 2017

[Ref No.: 3549]

prof. dr. dip nandi" investigating factors that influence rice yields of bangladesh using data warehousing, machine learning, and visualization"
International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science, 2017

[Ref No.: 3437]

md. jamsher ali" wang’s premium principle: overview and comparison with classical principles."

[Ref No.: 3475]

azm ehtesham chowdhury" mining industrial engineered data of apparel industry: a proposed methodology"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2017

[Ref No.: 3509]

dr. kamrun nahar mukta" theory of corticothalamic brain activity on spherical geometry: spectra, coherence, and correlation"
Physical Review E, 2017

[Ref No.: 4896]

dr. md. tarek hossain" numerical calculations of the wigner rotation"
International Journal of Physics and Research, 2017

[Ref No.: 4821]

dr. md. tarek hossain" pressure induced structural phase transition and valence change"
American Journal of Condensed Matter Physics, 2017

[Ref No.: 4822]

israt kabir" temperature dependency of the swelling of biopolymer gel"
UITS Journal of Science and Technology (www.uits.edu.bd), 2017

[Ref No.: 4614]

dr. shohag barman" a novel mutual information-based boolean network inference method from time-series gene expression data"
PloS one, 2017

[Ref No.: 4691]

md. hasibul hasan" analysis of the veracities of industry used software development life cycle methodologies"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 4509]

md. hasibul hasan" software engineering practices and challenges in bangladesh: a preliminary survey"
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 4507]

dr. mohammad mahbub rabbani" incorporation of sorghum extract into electrospun zein nanofibers and their characterization"
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2017

[Ref No.: 4501]

md. mahfuzur rhaman" parametric studies and reliability of near-wall turbulence modeling for large eddy simulation of incompressible flows"
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 4524]

dr. mahfuza khatun" awareness of health hazard of tobacco consumption among students of universities- a meta-analysis approach"
JU Journal of Statistical Studies, 2017

[Ref No.: 4418]

dr. khandaker tabin hasan" investigating factors that influence rice yields of bangladesh using data warehousing, machine learning, and visualization"
International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science, 2017

[Ref No.: 4294]

dr. kamruddin md. nur" a new approach to enhance internet banking security"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2017

[Ref No.: 4288]

prof. dr. kh. abdul maleque" effect of hall current on mhd non-newtonian unsteady casson fluid porous rotating disk flow with a uniform electric field"
Journal The Aiub Journal of Science and Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 3876]

prof. dr. dip nandi" issue starvation in software development: a case study on the redmine issue tracking system dataset"
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 3879]

dr. mohammed jashim uddin" numerical study of slip effects on unsteady aysmmetric bioconvective nanofluid flow in a porous microchannel with an expanding/contracting upper wall using bbuongiorno’s model. ,"
Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biolog, 2017

[Ref No.: 3733]

md. mortuza ahmmed" factors associated with safe delivery practice in bangladesh"
International Journal of Health Preference Research (IJHPR), 2017

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md. mortuza ahmmed "socioeconomic factors associated with overweight and obesity: a case study among adult people of bangladesh"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2017

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dr. s. mosaddeq ahmed" one step cyclocondensation of (thio)barbituric acid with chalcones in glacial acetic acid and phosphorous pentoxide, part-ii"
Bangladesh Journal Scientific and Industrial Research, 2017

[Ref No.: 3817]

dr. mohammed jashim uddin" electromagnetoconvective stagnation point flow of bionanofluid with melting heat transfer and stefan blowing"
Thermal Science, 2017

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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" unsteady magnetoconvective flow of bionanofluid with zero mass flux boundary condition"
Sains Malaysiana, 2017

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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" numerical solution of mhd slip flow of a nanofluid past a radiating plate with newtonian heating: a lie group approach."
Alaxandaria J of Engineering,, 2017

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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" numerical study of slip effects on unsteady asymmetric bioconvective nanofluid flow in a porous microchannel with an expanding/contracting upper wall using buongiorno’s model"
Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 2017

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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" bioconvection nanofluid slip flow past a wavy surface with applications in nano-biofuel cells."
Chinese Journal of Physics, 2017

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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" slip effects on mhd hiemenz stagnation point nanofluid flow and heat transfer along a nonlinearly shrinking sheet with induced magnetic field: multiple solutions"
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences, 2017

[Ref No.: 3823]

dr. md. sakir hossain" papr reduction for ofdm systems using pilot derived phase factors"
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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" symmetry group and numerical study of non-newtonian nanofluid transport in a porous medium with multiple convective boundary and nonlinear radiation"
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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" new similarity solution of boundary layer flow along a continuously moving convectively heated horizontal plate by deductive group method."
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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" lie group analysis and numerical solution of magnetohydrodynamic free convective slip flow of micropolarfluid over a moving plate with heat transfer"
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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" hydromagnetic transport phenomena from a stretching or shrinking nonlinear nanomaterial sheet with navier slip and convective heating: a model for bio-nano-materials processing"
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dr. mohammad tariqul islam" liquid crystal based biosensors using a strong polyelectrolyte-containing block copolymer, poly(4-cyanobiphenyl- 4’-oxyundecylacrylate)-b-poly(sodium styrene sulfonate)"
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dr. s. m. hasan mahmud" efficiency of scrum the most widely adopted method for agile software development"
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k. m. imtiaz-ud-din, touhid bhuiyan, shamim ripon "circle of trust: one-hop-trust-based security paradigm for resource-constraint manet"
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shamim h ripon, syed fahin ahmed, afroza yasmin, yeaminar rashid, km imtiaz-ud-din" formal analysis of a ranked neighbour manet protocol suite"
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azizul azhar ramli, mohammad rabiul islam, mohd farhan md. fudzee, mohamad aizi salamat & shahreen kasim "a practical weather forecasting for air traffic control system using fuzzy hierarchical technique"
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hira lal gope, md mehedi hasan, shohag barman, and nihad karim chowdhury "find real time passenger information using intelligent transportation system (its)"
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md. abdul awal ansary, rajarshi roy chowdhury, md. jakir mia" a survey of software development practices in sylhet metropolitan software firms, bangladesh"
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m m hassan, m borhan uddin "performance evaluation of contention resolution schemes in optical burst switching"
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 2014

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mushfiq ahmad, k. asraful islam, m. borhan uddin "reciprocal symmetry and classical discrete oscillator incorporating hall-integral energy levels"
International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 2014

Keywords: Photonics [Ref No.: 6494]

maa nahid, mm hossain, mahfuzur rahman "removal of bractive t blue by photodegradation and adsorption using zno"
Smart Science, 2014

Keywords: Digital Transformation [Ref No.: 6491]

sohrab hossain, farhana islam, razuan karim, kn siddique" a critical comparison between distributed database approach and data warehousing approach"
International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER), 2014

Keywords: Distributed and parallel systems [Ref No.: 6521]

sohrab hossain, razuan karim, dhiman sarma" designing a task management system for a banking system by combining relational model with use case diagram"
International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), 2014

Keywords: Distributed and parallel systems [Ref No.: 6522]

kawser wazed nafi, tonny shekha kar, md. amjad hossain, m. m. a. hashem "e-commerce model based on fuzzy based certain trust model"
Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2013

Keywords: Network Security,Fuzzy Logic,Cloud Computing [Ref No.: 6468]

dr. jyotish chandra debnath" critical phenomena and estimation of the spontaneous magnetization by a magnetic entropy analysis in mn0.96nb0.04coge alloy"

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dr. jyotish chandra debnath" investigation of the critical behavior in mn0.94nb0.06coge alloy by using the field dependence of magnetic entropy change"

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dr. jyotish chandra debnath" ideal ericsson cycle magnetocaloric effect in (la0.9gd0.1)0.67sr0.33mno3 single crystalline nanoparticles"
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dr. jyotish chandra debnath" the magnetocaloric effect and critical behaviour of the mn0:94ti0:06coge alloy"
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dr. jyotish chandra debnath" effects of cu substitution on structural and magnetic properties of la0.7pr0.3fe11.4si1.6 compounds"
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dr. jyotish chandra debnath" on the crystal structure and magnetic properties of the mn0.94ti0.06coge alloy"

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dr. jyotish chandra debnath" ti substitution for mn in mncoge – the magnetism of mn0.9ti0.1coge"
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dr. jyotish chandra debnath" correlation between structural parameters and the magnetocaloric effect in epitaxial la0.8ca0.2mno3/laalo3 thin film"

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nazia majadi, sharifa rania mahmud, marzia sultana "uniform distribution technique of cluster heads in leach protocol"
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dr. md. asraf ali" markerless tracking of the complex articulated motion in golf swings"
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dr. md. asraf ali" rehabilitation systems for physically disabled patients: a brief review of sensor-based computerised signal-monitoring systems"
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dr. md. asraf ali" mechanomyography sensor development, related signal processing and applications: a systematic review"
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dr. md. asraf ali" coherence in muscle activity of the biceps brachii at middle, proximal and distal tendon region among the arm wrestling contestants"
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dr. md. asraf ali" surface electromyography assessment on biceps brachii muscle between endplate region and distal tendon insertion: comparison in terms of gender, dominant arm and contractions"
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dr. md. asraf ali" effects of anthropometric variables and electrode placement on the semg activity of the biceps brachii muscle during submaximal isometric contraction in arm wrestling"
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dr. md. asraf ali" surface electromyography for assessing triceps brachii muscle activities: a literature review"
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md. nizamuddinabsayed ul alamshiblyarasimovalicsaiful islamamd. motiur rahamanmazumderamd. saidulislamam. jasimuddindeoguzgulserencermanbengub "an experimental and first-principles study of the effect of b/n doping in tio2 thin films for visible light photo-catalysis"
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aloke kumar saha, muhammad f. mridha, shammi akhtar and jugal krishna das" attribute analysis for bangla words for universal networking language(unl)"
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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" heat transfer analysis for falkner-skan boundary layer flow past a wedge with slip condition considering temperature-dependent thermal conductivity"
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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" scaling group transformation for mhd boundary layer free convective heat and mass transfer flow past a convectively heated nonlinear radiating stretching sheet"
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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" double diffusion, slips and variable diffusivity effects on combined heat mass transfer with variable viscosity via a point transformation"
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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" effect of dissipation on free convective flow of a non-newtonian nanofluid in a porous medium with gyrotactic microorganisms"
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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" effects of radiation on blasius slip flow of oxide nanofluids with merkin boundary condition"
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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" group analysis and numerical computation of magneto-convective non-newtonian nanofluid slip flow from a permeable stretching sheet"
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rezwan ahmed" context enabled query and minimalist metadata visualization: a context bound approach for user and content"
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mashiour rahman" application of dynamic approach to aiub course scheduling problem"
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md. manirul islam" assessing the tangible and intangible impacts of the convergence of e-learning and knowledge management"
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dr. m. mostafizur rahman" : mhd natural convection flow of fluid with variable viscosity from a porous vertical plate"
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dr. m. mostafizur rahman" the effect of radiation on mhd natural convection flow of fluid with variable viscosity from a porous vertical plate in presence of heat generation"
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rezwan ahmed" the history of temporal data visualization and a proposed event centric timeline visualization model"
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dr. t. m. shahriar sazzad" automatic detection of human body parts especially human hands considering gamma correction and template matching on noisy images"
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dr. khandaker tabin hasan" the history of temporal data visualization and a proposed event centric timeline visualization model"
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dr. t. m. shahriar sazzad" establishment of an efficient color model from existing models for better gamma encoding in image processing. international journal of image processing"
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dr. t. m. shahriar sazzad" use of gamma encoder on hsl color model improves human visualization in the field of image processing"
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dr. khandaker tabin hasan" context enabled query and minimalist metadata visualization: a context bound approach for user and content"
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dr. md. atikur rahman khan" moment tests for window length selection in singular spectrum analysis of short- and long-memory processes"
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dr. khandaker tabin hasan" semantic enabled role based social network"
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dr. s. mosaddeq ahmed" synthesis of 5, 7-diaryl-1,5-dihydro (or 1, 2, 3, 5-tetrahydro)- pyrano[2, 3-d] pyrimidin-2, 4-di..."
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dr. s. mosaddeq ahmed" synth. of 8-aroyl-9-hydroxy-7,9,11-triaryl-3-oxo(or thioxo)-2,4-diazaspiro- [5,5]undecane-1,5-diones"
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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" mhd free convective boundary layer flow of a nanofluid past a flat vertical plate with newtonian heating boundary condition"
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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" radiation effects on heat and mass transfer in mhd stagnation-point flow over a permeable flat plate with thermal convective surface boundary condition, temperature dependent viscosity and thermal conductivity"
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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" free convection boundary layer flow from a heated upward facing horizontal flat plate embedded in a porous medium filled by a nanofluid with convective boundary condition"
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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" scaling group transformation for mhd boundary layer slip flow of a nanofluid over a convectively heated stretching sheet with heat generation"
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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" lie group analysis of natural convective flow from a convectively heated upward facing radiating permeable horizontal plate in porous media filled with nanofluid"
Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012

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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" group theory and differential transform analysis of mixed convective heat and mass transfer from a horizontal surface with chemical reaction effects"
Chemical Engineering Communications, 2012

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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" scaling group transformation under the effect of thermal radiation heat transfer of a non-newtonian power-law fluid over a vertical stretching sheet with momentum slip boundary condition"
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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" mhd flow over an inclined radiating plate with the temperature dependent thermal conductivity, variable reactive index and heat generation."
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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" effect of momentum slip on double-diffusive free convective boundary layer flow of a nanofluid past a convectively heated vertical plate"
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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" similarity solutions of mhd mixed convection flow with variable reactive index, magnetic field and velocity slip near moving horizontal plate: a group theory approach."
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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" free convection boundary layer flow of a nanofluid from a convectively heated vertical plate with linear momentum slip boundary condition"
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dr. mohammed jashim uddin" investigation of heat mass transfer for combined convective slips flow: a lie group analysis"
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dr. mohammad tariqul islam" crystal growth of gold nanoparticles through annealing induced phase transition of semifluorinated block copolymer micellar films"
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dr. mohammad tariqul islam" semi-fluorinated block copolymers directed ordering of gold nanoparticles in thin films via solvent vapor annealing"
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bayzid ashik hossain" aligning controlled vocabularies using a facet based approach for facilitating the linked open data"
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bodrunnesa " preparation and characterization of poly (ethylene glycol) grafted ca-alginate fibers by γ-irradiation for biomedical applications"
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ri chowdhury, ms islam, f sabeth, g mustafa, sfu farhad, dk saha, fa chowdhury, s hussain, abmo islam "characterization of electrodeposited cadmium selenide thin films"
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dr. mohammad mahbub rabbani" characterization of carbon nanotube-cdse hybrid nanomaterials."
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farzana sabeth, toshifumi iimori, and nobuhiro ohta "gigantic photoresponse of ionic conductivity and resistive photoswitching in polycrystalline b-agi"
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012

Keywords: Ions,Irradiation,Phase transitions,Photonics,Quantum mechanics [Ref No.: 3011]

farzana sabeth, toshifumi iimori, and nobuhiro ohta "insulator-metal transitions induced by electric field and photoirradiation in organic mott insulator deuterated κ-(bedt-ttf)2cu[n(cn)2]br."
Journal of the American Chemical Society「JACS」, 2012

Keywords: Photoirradiation, Metal Insulator transition, Mott insulator [Ref No.: 3012]

farzana sabeth, toshifumi iimori, and nobuhiro ohta "remarkable temperature dependence of time-resolved photoresponse in electrical conductivity of deuterated κ-(bedt-ttf)2cu[n(cn)2]br"
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012

Keywords: Electrical conductivity,Insulators,Phase transitions,Photonics,Photoresponse [Ref No.: 3013]

mohammad imrul jubair" a simplified method for handwritten character recognition from document image"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2012

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International Journal of Computer Applications, 2012

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mohammad imrul jubair" an enhanced adaptive vector median filtering technique to remove high density salt-and-pepper noise from microarray image"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2012

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mohammad imrul jubair" an improved adaptive filtering technique to remove high density salt-and-pepper noise using multiple last processed pixels"
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dr. md. abdul hamid" erann: an algorithm to extract symbolic rules from trained artificial neural networks"
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dr. md. kamruzzaman" spectrofluorimetric study of the interaction between europium(iii) and moxifloxacin in micellar solution and its analytical application"
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dr. md. kamruzzaman" a terbium‐sensitized spectrofluorimetric method for determination of catecholamines in a serum sample with micelle medium"
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dr. md. kamruzzaman" spectrofluorimetric determination of sparfloxacin using europium(iii) as a fluorescence probe in micellar medium"
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dr. md. kamruzzaman" silver nanopar-ticle-enhanced chemiluminescence method for determining naproxen based on europium(iii)-sensitized ce(iv)-na2s2o4 reaction"
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dr. md. kamruzzaman" enhanced luminescence of lanthanide complexes by silver nanoparticles for determination of ciprofloxacin"
Journal of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 2012

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dr. md. kamruzzaman" spectrofluorimetric quantification of bilirubin using yttrium-norfloxacin complex as a fluorescence probe in serum samples"
Journal of Luminescence, 2012

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dr. md. kamruzzaman" silver nanoparticles enhanced luminescence from the europium(iii)-doxycycline complex and its analytical application"
Applied Chemistry, 2012

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dr. md. kamruzzaman" determination of catecholamines based on the measurement of the metal nanoparticle-enhanced fluorescence of their terbium complexes"
Microchimica Acta, 2012

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dr. md. kamruzzaman" sensitive determination of adenosine disodium triphosphate in soil, milk, and pharmaceutical formulation by enoxacin–europium(iii) fluorescence complex in solution"
Journal of Luminescence, 2012

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dr. md. kamruzzaman" silver nanoparticles enhanced luminescence of terbium complex in solution for l-dopa determina-tion"
Journal of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 2012

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dr. md. kamruzzaman" europium-enoxacin complex as fluorescence probe for the determination of folic acid in pharmaceutical and biological samples"
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2012

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dr. md. kamruzzaman" enzymeless determination of total sugar by luminol-tetrachloro aurate chemiluminescencne on chip to analyze food sample"
Journal of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2012

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dr. md. kamruzzaman" platinum nanoparticles sensitized chemiluminescence of ruthenium-ce(iv) system for the determination of melamine by flow injection analysis"
Applied Chemistry, 2012

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dr. md. kamruzzaman" spectrofluorimetric analysis of vitamin b1 in pharmaceutical preparations, bio-fluid and food samples"
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mahmud hasan, kamruddin nur, and hasib bin shakur "an improved jpeg image compression technique based on selective quantization"
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International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research (IJSTR), 2012

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mahmud hasan and kamruddin nur "an improved approach for spatial domain lossless image data com- pression method by reducing overhead bits"
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mahmud hasan, kamruddin nur, tanzeem bin noor, and hasib bin shakur "spatial domain lossless image compression technique by reducing overhead bits and run length coding"
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies (IJCSIT), 2012

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mahmud hasan and kamruddin nur "a lossless image compression technique using location based approach"
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research (IJSTR), 2012

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sydul islam khan, md alamgir kabir, anisur rahman, md ismail jabiullah, m lutfar rahman" strong message authentication and confidentiality checking approach through authentication code tied to ciphertext"
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md alamgir kabir, ajm imtiajur rahman and md ismail jabiullah" life cycle implementation of an android application for self-communication with increasing efficiency, storage space and high performance"
Green University Review, 2012

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dr. md. asraf ali" gait disorder rehabilitation using vision and non-vision based sensors: a systematic review"
Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, 2012

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dr. md. asraf ali" mechanomyography sensors for muscle assessment: a brief review"
Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 2012

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dr. md. asraf ali" analysis of the effect on electrode placement on an adolescent’s biceps brachii during muscle contractions using a wireless emg sensor"
Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 2012

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dr. md. asraf ali" electromyographic responses during elbow movement at two angles with voluntary contraction: influences of muscle activity on upper arm biceps brachii"
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2012

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dr. md. taimur ahad" an empirical study of factors influencing the sme’s intention to adopt m-banking in rural bangladesh"
Journal of Mobile Technologies, Knowledge, and Society, 2012

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rashad yazdanifard, meera menon, mohammad rabiul islam islam "challenges of addressing certitude and perception of consumers regarding e-business"
Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management, e-Learning, 2012

Keywords: Economics in Smart Environments [Ref No.: 6005]

kawser wazed nafi, tonny shekha kar, sayed anisul hoqu "an advanced door lock system using advanced palmtop recognition system"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2012

[Ref No.: 6995]

dr. jyotish chandra debnath" abnormal magnetic behaviors and large magnetocaloric effect in mnps3 nanoparticles"

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dr. jyotish chandra debnath" effect of frozen spin on the magnetocaloric property of la0.7ca0.3coo3 polycrystalline and single crystal samples"
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2012

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dr. jyotish chandra debnath" reduction of hysteresis loss in lafe11.7si1.3hx hydrides with significant magnetocaloric effects"
Appl Phys A, 2012

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dr. jyotish chandra debnath" anisotropic and excellent magnetocaloric properties of la0.7ca0.3mno3 single crystal with anomalous magnetization"
Materials Science and Engineering B, 2012

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madeena sultana, moushumi zaman bonny, mohammad shorif uddin" video text extraction using discrete wavelet transform"
Journal of Electronic and Computer Science, Jahangirnagar University, 2012

[Ref No.: 6623]

tonny shekha kar, m. a. parvez mahmud, shahjadi hisan farjana, kawser wazed nafibikash chandra karmokar "a newer secure communication, file encryption and user identification based cloud security model"
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2012

Keywords: Network Security,Fuzzy Logic,Cloud Computing [Ref No.: 6463]

kawser wazed nafi, tonny shekha kar, md. amjad hossain and m.m.a hashem "an advanced certain trust model using fuzzy logic and probabilistic logic theory"
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2012

Keywords: Network Security,Fuzzy Logic,Cloud Computing [Ref No.: 6464]

bikash chandra karmokar, m. a. parvez mahmud, md. kibria siddiquee, kawser wazed nafi, tonny shekha kar "touchless written english characters recognition using neural network"
International Journal of Computer & Organization Tools, 2012

Keywords: Network Security,Fuzzy Logic,Cloud Computing [Ref No.: 6465]

kawser wazed nafi, tonny shekha kar, sayed anisul hoque and dr. m. m. a hashem "a newer user authentication, file encryption and distributed server based cloud computing security architecture"
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2012

Keywords: Network Security,Fuzzy Logic,Cloud Computing [Ref No.: 6466]

s.h. naqib, m. borhan uddin, j.r. cole "modeling of the out-of-plane resistivity of cuprate superconductors"
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 2011

Keywords: Materials and Processing [Ref No.: 6495]

shamim ahmed, ishtiaque mahmud, a.k.m. nazmus sakib, md. habibullah belali, and moushumi zaman bonny" enabling successful business/enterprise collaboration with it/is"
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 2011

[Ref No.: 6624]

dr. jyotish chandra debnath" reduction of hysteresis losses in the magnetic refrigerant la0.8ce0.2fe11.4si1.6 by the addition of boron"

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dr. jyotish chandra debnath" magnetic properties in polycrystalline and single crystal ca-doped lacoo3"

[Ref No.: 7187]

dr. jyotish chandra debnath" large magnetic entropy change near room temperature in la0.7(ca0.27ag0.03)mno3 perovskite"
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2011

[Ref No.: 7188]

dr. jyotish chandra debnath" improvementofrefrigerantcapacityofla0.7ca0.3mno3 material withafew percent codoping"
Journal ofMagnetismandMagneticMaterials, 2011

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dr. jyotish chandra debnath" multifunctionality from coexistence of large magnetoresistance and magnetocaloric effect in la0.7ca0.3mno3"
AIP Conf. Proc., 2011

[Ref No.: 7191]

dr. debajyoti karmaker" ewol authentication scheme for grid computing"
International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2011

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dr. debajyoti karmaker" smesrt: a protocol for multiple event-to-sink reliability in wsn"
International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2011

[Ref No.: 5190]

dr. debajyoti karmaker" a fine grained technique for viral marketing based on social network: a machine learning approach"
International Journal of Science and Technology, 2011

[Ref No.: 5191]

dr. debajyoti karmaker" global motion tracking with six parameter model"
International Journal of Science and Technology, 2011

[Ref No.: 5192]

muhammad firoz mridha, kamruddin nur, manoj banik, and mohammad nurul huda "structure of dictionary entries of bangla morphemes for universal networking language (unl)"
International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, 2011

Keywords: Natural Language Processing [Ref No.: 5573]

kamruddin nur "formal verification of requirements engineering of road traffic control system using petri nets"
Bangladesh Research Publications Journal (BRP), 2011

[Ref No.: 5574]

muhammad firoz mridha, kamruddin nur, manoj banik, and mohammad nurul huda "generation of at- tributes for bangla words for universal networking language (unl)"
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 2011

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kamruddin nur and m. w. rahman "proximity based mobile local searching for products and services over gprs/edge"
Bangladesh Research Publications Journal (BRP), 2011

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dr. md. kamruzzaman" silver nanoparticles enhanced chemiluminescence of luminol-kio4 system for determination of ma-ndelic acid"
Applied Chemistry, 2011

[Ref No.: 3371]

dr. md. kamruzzaman" study of surfactant sensitized fluorescence of europium-salicylic acid complex for the determination of salicylic acid"
Applied Chemistry, 2011

[Ref No.: 3372]

dr. md. kamruzzaman" gold nanoparticles sensitized chemiluminescence for the determination of perphenazine"
Applied Chemistry, 2011

[Ref No.: 3373]

dr. md. kamruzzaman" sensitive chemiluminescence determination of enoxacin by flow-injection analysis in biological fluids and pharmaceutical formulation using copper(ii) in luminol-h2o2 system"
Sensor Letters, 2011

[Ref No.: 3366]

dr. md. kamruzzaman" a flow injection chemiluminescence method for the determination of folic acid using the reaction of ce(iv) and sodium hyposulfite catalyzed by gold nanoparticles"
Applied Chemistry, 2011

[Ref No.: 3354]

dr. md. kamruzzaman" spectrofluorimetric determination of levodopa through ternary complex formation with europium(iii) and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid"
Applied Chemistry, 2011

[Ref No.: 3355]

dr. md. kamruzzaman" solution-based silver nanoparticles sensitized spectrofluorimetric method for the determination of prulifloxacin using europium(iii) as fluorescence probe"
Applied Chemistry, 2011

[Ref No.: 3356]

dr. md. kamruzzaman" ultrasensitive study of gatifloxacin based on its enhancing effect on the cerium (iv)-sodium hyposulfite chemiluminescence reaction in a micellar medium"
Journal of Fluorescence, 2011

[Ref No.: 3350]

dr. md. kamruzzaman" method for determination of fluoroquinolones based on the plasmonic interaction between their fluorescent terbium complexes and silver nanoparticles"
Microchimica Acta, 2011

[Ref No.: 3351]

dr. md. kamruzzaman" a metal enhanced flow-injection chemiluminescence method for the rapid determination of norfloxacin in pharmaceutical formulations and serum sample"
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2011

[Ref No.: 3352]

dr. md. abdul hamid" an energy efficient multichannel mac protocol for qos provisioning in manets"
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 2011

[Ref No.: 3301]

dr. m. m. mahbubul syeed" tool assisted analysis of open source projects: a multi-facet challenge"
International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes (IJOSSP), 2011

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dr. afroza nahar" use of university-industry knowledge transfer channels-the case of american international university-bangladesh (aiub)”. aiub journal of business and economics"

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iimori, toshifumi; sabeth, farzana; naito, toshio; ohta, nobuhiro "time-resolved photoresponse measurements of the electrical conductivity of the quasi-two-dimensional organic superconductor b-(bedtttf)2i3 using a nanosecond laser pulse."
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011

Keywords: Lasers,Phase transitions,Phonons,Photoresponse,Superconductors [Ref No.: 3064]

dr. mohammad tariqul islam" a paradigm shift in morphological architecture of peo-b-pfoma semi-fluorinated block copolymer thin films upon facile solvent annealing"
Polymer, Elsevier, Impact Factor 4.23, 2011

[Ref No.: 2948]

mohammad samawat ullah" controlling and securing a digital home using multiple sensor based perception system integrated with mobile and voice technology"
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research, 2011

[Ref No.: 2949]

dr. mohammad tariqul islam" nanodomain development of semi-fluorinated diblock copolymeric thin films via solvent vapor annealing"
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, American Scientific Publishers, IF: 1.34, 2011

[Ref No.: 3241]

dr. mohammad tariqul islam" effect of solvent vapor on the morphology of semi-fluorinated block copolymer films from different casting solvent"
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Taylor & Francis, IF: 0.57, 2011

[Ref No.: 3242]

dr. s. mosaddeq ahmed" a one pot synthesis of 7,11-diaryl-2,4-diazaspiro[5,5]undecane-3-oxo(or thioxo)-1,5,9-triones"
Journal of Bangladesh Chemical Society, 2011

[Ref No.: 94]

dr. s. mosaddeq ahmed" a one-step synthesis of 5,7-diaryl-1,5-dihydro (or 1,2,3,5-tetrahydro)-pyrano[2,3-d]pyrimidin..."
Indian Journal of Chemistry (India), 2011

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dr. s. a. m. manzur h. khan" proxcrum - a hybrid software process model in offshore software development (osd)"
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2011

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1) mohammad saidur rahman, mohammad saiedurrahaman, ahmed ridwanul islam and abhijit bhowmik "buffer efficient fast broadcasting scheme"
International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications, 2011

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syed ishteaque ahmed" proxcrum - a hybrid process model for osd"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 2011

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prof. dr. kh. abdul maleque" soret effect on steady mhd convective incompressible fluid flow due to a porous rotating disk"
The Aiub Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2011

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rahman mohammod hafizur" smesrt: a protocol for multiple event-to-sink reliability in wsn"
International Journal of Engineering and Technology, http://iet-journals.org, 2011

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rahman mohammod hafizur" ewol authentication scheme for grid computing"
International Journal of Engineering and Technology, http://iet-journals.org, 2011

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rahman mohammod hafizur" global motion tracking with six parameter model"
ARPN Journal of Systems and Software, http://www.scientific-journals.org, 2011

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rahman mohammod hafizur" a fine grained technique for viral marketing based on social network: a machine learning approach"
International Journal of Science and Technology, http://ejournalofsciences.org, 2011

[Ref No.: 370]

nahar sultana" smesrt:a protocol for multiple event-to-sink reliability in wsn"
International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2011

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prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" an efficient image compression scheme using repeat reduction and arithmetic coding"
The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), 2011

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prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" an architecture and a dynamic scheduling algorithm of grid for providing security of the real time data intensive applications"
International Journal of Network Management, (Wiley), USA, 2011

[Ref No.: 463]

nasrin sultana" study of a new link layer security scheme for wireless sensor network"
AIUB Journal of Science And Engineering (AJSE), 2011

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dr. keshab chandra bhuyan" socieconomic factors responsible for helicobacter pylori infection in benghazi area : a path analysis approach"
AJSE, 2011

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dr. keshab chandra bhuyan" determinants of desired family size and children ever born in bangladesh"
Journal of family Welfare, 2011

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rezwan ahmed" a hierarchical overlay design for peer to peer and sip integration"
IJCSIS, 2011

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dr. md. nurul kabir bhuiyan" high quality epitaxial dy3ge5 films grown on ge(001) substrates"
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dr. md. nurul kabir bhuiyan" epitaxial growth of dy2o3 films on srtio3(001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy"
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dr. md. nurul kabir bhuiyan" solid phase epitaxial growth of dy-germanide films on ge(001) substrates"
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dr. md. nurul kabir bhuiyan" epitaxial growth of dy2o3 thin films on epitaxial dy-germanide films on ge(001) substrates"
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dr. md. nurul kabir bhuiyan" epitaxial growth of v2o3 on al2o3 by reactive mbe"
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debajyoti karmaker" smesrt: a protocol for multiple eventto-sink reliability in wsn"
International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2011

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debajyoti karmaker" a fine grained technique for viral marketing based on social network: a machine learning approach"
International Journal of Science and Technology (IJST), 2011

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debajyoti karmaker" ewol authentication scheme for grid computing"
International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2011

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debajyoti karmaker" global motion tracking with six parameter model"
ARPN Journal of Systems and Software, 2011

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md. manirul islam" automatic electric meter reading system: a cost-feasible alternative approach in meter reading for bangladesh perspective using low-cost digital wattmeter and wimax technology"
International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), 2011

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ahmed ridwanul islam" buffer efficient fast broadcasting scheme"
International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications, 2011

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ahmed ridwanul islam" dealing with occlusion with partial visibility"
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research, 2011

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md. manirul islam" controlling and securing a digital home using multiple sensor based perception system integrated with mobile and voice technology"
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research (IJICT), 2011

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bijan paul" performance evaluation of aodv&dsr with varying pause time&node density over tcp&cbr connections in vanet"
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 2011

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bijan paul" vanet routing protocols: pros and cons"
International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), 2011

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bijan paul" experimental analysis of aodv & dsr over tcp & cbr connections with varying speed and node density in vanet"
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farzana sabeth, md serajul islam, mesbahuddin ahmed "a study of electronic structure and magnetic properties of iron alloys using tight binding-linear muffin tin orbital (tb-lmto) method"
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dr. md. saiful islam" transmutation of long-lived neptunium-237 (237np) by using uranium-free fueled light water reactor (lwr)"
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dr. s. mosaddeq ahmed" synthesis of substituted 5-(1,3-diaryl-1-oxopropyl)pyrimidine(1h, 3h, 5h)-2,4,6-triones"
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prof. dr. kh. abdul maleque" unsteady mhd forced convective laminar flow for a vertical porous plate with variable properties"
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prof. dr. kh. abdul maleque" similarity solution of mhd free-convective and mass transfer flow over a vertical porous plate with thermal diffusion effects"
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prof. dr. kh. abdul maleque" the effects of hall current and variable viscosity on an unsteady mhd laminar convective flow due to a rotating disc"
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dr. sarfuddin ahmed tarek" the effect of impurities on the growth kinetics of potassium dihydrogen phosphate"
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dr. afroza shelley" yields of isomers in 76ge (635 mev) + 198pt deep-inelastic collision & their dependence on projectiles (74,75ge) and beam energies (635, 550 mev)"
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dr. rezaul k. siddique" superconducting and structural properties of pure and fe-doped ybco"
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dr. rezaul k. siddique" controlling oxygen stoichiometry in pure and fe-doped ybco"
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prof. dr. kh. abdul maleque" numerical solution of mhd free convection and mass transfer flow with hall current, viscous dissipation and joule heating"
Journal of Energy Heat and Mass Transfer, Madras, India., 2000

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dr. afroza shelley" “ns-s” isomers in 76ge (635 mev) + 198pt deep-inelastic collisions"
Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, 2000

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dr. afroza shelley" parametric studies on plutonium transmutations using uranium free fuels in lwrs"
Nuclear Technology, 2000

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dr. afroza shelley" radiotoxicity hazard of u-free puo2+zro2 and puo2+tho2 spent fuels of lwrs"
Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2000

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dr. abdul wadud mondal" criticality and safety parameter studies of the 3 mw triga mark ii research reactor and validation of generated cross section library & computational method"
Journal of Nuclear Technology (USA), 2000

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dr. abdul wadud mondal" studies on shielding properties of poly-boron and ilmenite-magnetite concrete using reactor neutron beam"
Journal of Nuclear Technology (U.S.A), 1999

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dr. sarfuddin ahmed tarek" an investi. into the trace elem distr. in permian gondwana coals of northwestern bangladesh by pixe"
Proceedings of “Prospects for Coal Science in the 21st Century”, 1999

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dr. sarfuddin ahmed tarek" structural studies of permian "gondwana" coals of barapukuria by infrared spectroscopy"
Indian Journal of Physics, 1999

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md. anwarul kabir" mother tongue education among the bangladeshi children in swansea: an exploration"
Language Learning Journal, UK, 1999

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dr. rezaul k. siddique" desorption energies of o(1) atoms in ybco"
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dr. rezaul k. siddique" magnetic ordering in fe doped ybco"
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prof. dr. kh. abdul maleque" similarity requirements for combined forced and free convective laminar boundary layer flow over vertical curvilinear surfaces"

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prof. dr. kh. abdul maleque" similarity solutions for mixed convective flow about a rectangular vertical inclined plane surface"
Journal of Bangladesh Mathematical Society, 1998

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dr. afroza shelley" one dimensional criticality calculation of a small pressurized water reactor"
SUST Studies, 1997

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dr. rezaul k. siddique" multiple chain oxygen desorption processes in yba2cu3o7-"
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dr. rezaul k. siddique" oxygen desorption from yba2cu3o7-"
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prof. dr. kh. abdul maleque" laminar combined convective flow about a vertical inclined surface"

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dr. rezaul k. siddique" magnetic ordering and neel temperature in fe doped yba2cu3o7-"
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dr. madhabi islam" reve's puzzle: theory and computation"
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dr. rezaul k. siddique" chain oxygen activation energies in the yba2cu3o7-"
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rezaul k. siddique" multiple free energies of activation of the chain oxygen atoms in the yba2cu3o7-"
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dr. rezaul k. siddique" anomalous properties of oxygen deficient yba2cu3o7-"
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dr. rezaul k. siddique" mossbauer measurements on yba2(cu1-xfex)3o7- following progressive oxygen removal by vacuum annealing between 300 and 800oc"
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dr. abdul wadud mondal" burnup calculations to estimate the effect of chemical shim "boron" on the production and depletion of heavy isotopes in a pwr"
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dr. rezaul k. siddique" mossbauer studies of progressive deoxygenation and reoxygenation of yba2(cu1-x fex)3o7-"
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u. a. mofiz, madhabi islam and zarin ahmed" nonlinear propagation of ion-acoustic waves and low-frequency electrostatic modes in a dusty plasma"
Journal of Plasma Physics, 1993

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dr. rezaul k. siddique" observation of multiple free energies of activation of the chain oxygen atoms in the yba2cu3o7-"
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dr. rezaul k. siddique" fe and sr doping effects in yba2-xsrxcu3o7-"
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dr. rezaul k. siddique" co and fe dopant site distributions in yba2(cu1-x-y fexcoy)3o7- are not alike"
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 34(3), 743(1989), 1989

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dr. abdul wadud mondal" effects of some structural materials on the reactivity and flux distributions in a pressurized water reactor"
Nuclear Science and Applications, 1983

[Ref No.: 460]

dr. abdul wadud mondal" core neutronics of a swimming pool research reactor"
Nuclear Science and Applications, 1981

[Ref No.: 461]

dr. rezaul k. siddique" a local fermion formalism for the magnetic impurity problem"
Dacca University Studies B29(1), 21-29, 1981, 1981

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m. datta, n. p. klepikov "relativistic centers of mass and clustering"
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 1981

[Ref No.: 5143]

dr. rezaul k. siddique" on the relaxation approximation to the metallic system containing a small amount of paramagnetic impurities"
Dacca University Studies B26(3), 21-31, 1978, 1978

[Ref No.: 4404]

madhabi datta" a rigorous investigation into the behaviour of electrons in the field of a singular attractive potential"
Bulletine of Calcutta Mathematical Society, 1978

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j. n. das and , madhabi datta" phase shift calculation for the inverse power singular potential with complex coupling constant"
Canadian Journal of Physics, 1978

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datta, m" bound states for singular potentials"
Acta Physica Polonica. Series A, 1977

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lokenath debnath, madhabala agarwal and madhabi datta" dynamic response of an ocean to atmospheric disturbances"
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 1976

[Ref No.: 4909]

j. n. das and , madhabi datta" a note on the scattering from transition potentials"
Canadian Journal of Physics, 1976

[Ref No.: 4910]

bushra, adrita rahman ; hasan, md. manzurul; gomes, dipta "weathering the forecast: using data mining techniques to investigate temeprature's effect on ice cream sales"
7th IEOM Bangladesh International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 2025

Keywords: Datasets, Neural Networks, Gaze Detection, Text Tagging. [Ref No.: 4710]

mahnaz hossain; rifat al mamun rudro; rupom razzaque; kamruddin nur "machine learning approaches for detecting iot botnet attacks: a comparative study of n-baiot dataset"
2024 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA), 2025

[Ref No.: 4696]

hossain, sk muktadir;rihan, rahat; imtiaz, ahmed; boni, pritam khan; gomes, dipta "enhancing bangla local speech-to-text conversion using fine-tuning wav2vec 2.0 with openslr and self-compiled datasets through transfer learning"
7th IEOM Bangladesh International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2025

Keywords: Bangla Speech Recognition, wav2vec 2.0, Transfer Learning, Speech Technology, Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). [Ref No.: 4711]

fahim faysal sakib "4th international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques 2025"
Algorithms, Image Processing, Software Bugs, 2025

Keywords: Algorithms,Software maintenance and evolution,Software Testing, Image Processing [Ref No.: 5593]

shahnaj parvin "pavd-yolov9: an enhanced deep learning method for accurate pavement distress detection and classification"
Deep learning, Instance segmentation, 2025

Keywords: Deep Learning,Computer Vision [Ref No.: 5609]

jubayer ahamed, mashiour rahman, dip nandi "analysis of software patterns to resolve design problems"
2nd E-Palli International Conferences (EIC), 2024

[Ref No.: 4599]

t. m. amir-ul-haaue bhuivan, md anwar hussen wadud, nazmunnahr amie, md. mahbub-or-rashid, t. m. ahkam-ul-haque bhuiyan, jannatun nyeem jui, anichur rahman, md. reazul islam "brain tumor detection by image segmentation using customized unet deep learning based model"

Keywords: Internet of Things,Machine to Machine Data Analytics [Ref No.: 4536]

mahjabin taskin, kazi fattah afnan, takuya kido, masahiro inoue and yoshimine kato" methane gas detection using ultrasound"
International Conference on Physics – 2024, 2024

[Ref No.: 4553]

manzur h khan, md saef ullah miah" analysing the efficacy of uml in explaining object-oriented concepts to undergraduate computer science students"
2024 IEEE 13th International Conference on Engineering Education, 2024

[Ref No.: 4563]

md. faruk abdullah al sohan, prof. dr. afroza nahar, rifat al mamun rudro, md hamid uddin, md jisun abedin aurnob, kamruddin nur "amlchain: an automated blockchain model architecture for anti-money laundering in banking industry"
2024 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET), 2024

[Ref No.: 4565]

roslin mahmud joy, md. faruk abdulah al sohan, afroza nahar, nusrat jahan anannya" prediction of daily solar irradiance for solar energy approximation using lstm neural network"
16th International Conference on Applied Energy, 2024

[Ref No.: 4567]

tamanna siddiqua ratna, tanzin akhter, md. ashraful babu, md. mortuza ahmmed, m. mostafizur rahman, mufti mahmud "deep learning and econometric analysis of co2 emissions in bangladesh: a transition towards renewable energy and sustainable practice"
International Symposium on Green Technologies and Applications (ISGTA’2023), 2024

[Ref No.: 4570]

shalini puri, md. ashraful babu, md. mortuza ahmmed, m. mostafizur rahman, mufti mahmud "an efficient fuzzy colored petri-nets-based ubiquitous framework for diversified culture of building automation in india"
International Symposium on Green Technologies and Applications (ISGTA’2023), 2024

[Ref No.: 4571]

md. mortuza ahmmed, md. ashraful babu, m. mostafizur rahman, mst. nadiya noor, k. m. tahsin kabir, md. moynul islam & sadman samir rafith "dengue dynamics in bangladesh: unveiling insights through statistical and machine learning analysis"
3rd International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Health Informatics (TEHI 2023), 2024

[Ref No.: 4572]

atkia akila karim & naushin nower" robust traffic prediction using probabilistic spatio-temporal graph convolutional network"
International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, 2024

[Ref No.: 4575]

rajib kumar dhar, fahmida khanom, khandaker mohammad mohi uddin, md. hasan imam & rafid mostafiz "bangla license plate detection and recognition approach based on computer vision for authentic vehicle identification"
International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Health Informatics, 2024

Keywords: Computer Vision [Ref No.: 4576]

zuhair ahmed; sharia arfin tanim; fariya sultana prity; hasibur rahman; tasmia binte munir maisha" improving biomedical image segmentation: an extensive analysis of u-net for enhanced performance"
2024 Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering, 2024

[Ref No.: 4577]

fahim faysal sakib, sultan mohiuddin shawon, sharia arfin tanim, shahnaj parvin, kamruddin nur" an e-commerce website accessibility issue detection and evaluation system"
The 15th International Conference of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Design & Research, 2024

Keywords: Web engineering and web services [Ref No.: 4578]

saikat mahmud, kawshik biswas, api alam, rifat al mamun rudro, nusrat jahan anannya, israt jahan mouri, kamruddin nur" automatic multiple choice question evaluation using tesseract ocr and yolov8"
2024 IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI), 2024

[Ref No.: 4581]

roslin mahmud joy , md. faruk abdullah al sohan , afroza nahar , and nusrat jahan anannya" prediction of daily solar irradiance for solar energy approximation using lstm neural network"
The 16th International Conference on Applied Energy, (ICAE2024), 2024

[Ref No.: 4582]

nusrat jahan anannya, md mehedi hasan, md masum billah, shohag barman, hira lal gope" user clustering-based redundant handover mitigation in ultra-dense cellular networks"
3rd International Conference on Computing Advancements (ICCA 2024), 2024

[Ref No.: 4583]

k. m. tahsin kabir, mst. nadiya noor, md. mortuza ahmmed" climate change, natural disasters, and vulnerability in bangladesh: a complex nexus"
7th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development, 2024

[Ref No.: 4378]

atul biswash, md. husne jaman shahed, mahmud reza mahim, md. mortuza ahmmed" dynamics of air quality and selected meteorological parameters in dhaka city across pre, during, and post-covid-19 timespans"
7th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development, 2024

[Ref No.: 4379]

ibrar amin, md. shahab uddin, shraboni biswas, md. mostakin ali, arifur rahman, md. mortuza ahmmed" mathematical and statistical insights into climate-induced health consequences in bangladesh"
7th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development, 2024

[Ref No.: 4381]

md. moynul islam, ishrakul tahmid, samian bin joarder, mushfikuzzaman amin, md. mortuza ahmmed" towards sustainable transportation: a statistical examination of traffic management and planning in bangladesh"
7th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development, 2024

[Ref No.: 4382]

md. manzurul hasan, shaulin ali, faisal wazed mahmood, shahadat hossain, mohammad mahmudur rahman, and mimun barid "observations on big data concerning storage and security management"
ICED2022, AIP Conf. Proc., 2024

[Ref No.: 4408]

md. mehedi hasan, nazia alfaz, md. al maksud alam, ashiqur rahman, hossain md shakhawat, shakila rahman "detection of parkinson’s disease from t2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging scans using efficientnet-v2"
2023 26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2024

[Ref No.: 4398]

ibrar amin, ishrakul tahmid, faiza mahmood & md. mortuza ahmmed "beyond the gridlock: a comparative study of htms and atms in achieving sustainable traffic solutions for dhaka city"
6th Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Bangladesh Conference, 2024

[Ref No.: 4461]

k.m. tahsin kabir, md. moynul islam, mian mohammad rassel & md. mortuza ahmmed "numerical narratives: statistical analysis of healthcare institutions in bangladesh"
6th Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Bangladesh Conference, 2024

[Ref No.: 4462]

nadiya noor, ekramul haque & md. mortuza ahmmed "statistical modeling of air quality determinants in urban dhaka"
6th Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Bangladesh Conference, 2024

[Ref No.: 4463]

adnan mahmud fuad, sheikh jahan ahmed, nusrat jahan anannya ,m. f. mridha , and kamruddin nur" an open-source voice command-basedhuman-computer interaction systemusing speech recognition platforms"
the 2nd International Conference on Big Data, IoT and Machine Learning, 2024

[Ref No.: 4466]

md saef ullah miah, md. imamul islam, saiful islam, ahanaf ahmed, m. mostafizur rahman, mufti mahmud "sustainability-driven hourly energy demand forecasting in bangladesh using bi-lstms"
ISGTA 2023 : The International Symposium on Green Technologies and Applications, 2024

[Ref No.: 4538]

abhijit bhowmik; noorhuzaimi mohd noor; md. mazid-ul-haque; md saef ullah miah; debajyoti karmaker "evaluating teachers’ performance through aspect-based sentiment analysis"
2024 IEEE 9th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 2024

[Ref No.: 4539]

abhijit bhowmik; noorhuzaimi mohd noor; md. mazid-ul-haque; md saef ullah miah; debajyoti karmaker" evaluating teachers’ performance through aspect-based sentiment analysis"
2024 IEEE 9th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 2024

Keywords: Deep Learning [Ref No.: 4540]

n. m. shailee, a. alam, t. ahmed, rifat al mamun rudro, and k. nur "software bug prediction using machine learning on jm1 dataset"
2024 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Electrical, and Smart Systems (iCACCESS), 2024

[Ref No.: 4685]

rifat al mamun rudro; api alam; shafin talukder; tanvir ahmed; nayma islam; kamruddin nur "tellungnet- enabling telemedicine utilizing an improved u-net lung image segmentation"
2024 IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI), 2024

[Ref No.: 4686]

saikat mahmud; kawshik biswas; api alam; rifat al mamun rudro; nusrat jahan anannya; israt jahan mouri, k.nur "automatic multiple choice question evaluation using tesseract ocr and yolov8"
2024 IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI), 2024

[Ref No.: 4687]

saniyat al ahmed; rifat al mamun rudro; afrina jannat prity; suman saha; nafees mansoor; kamruddin nur "credchain: academic and professional certificate verification system using blockchain"
2024 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Electrical, and Smart Systems (iCACCESS), 2024

[Ref No.: 4688]

md. faruk abdullah al sohan; afroza nahar; rifat al mamun rudro; md. hamid uddin; md. jisun abedin aurnob; kamruddin nur "amlchain: an automated blockchain model architecture for anti-money laundering in banking industry"
2024 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET), 2024

[Ref No.: 4690]

rifat al mamun rudro, afroza nahar, md. faruk abdullah al sohan "spxai: solar power generation with explainable ai technology"
16th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2024), 2024

[Ref No.: 4691]

rifat al mamun rudro; md. faruk abdullah al sohan; afroza nahar; syma kamal chaity "sustainability in e-commerce: ai and augmented reality can facilitate e-shopping journey"
2024 4th International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), 2024

[Ref No.: 4695]

iftear faisal,, omar farooq, sumaiya malik, mohammad tawhidul alam, shuvra mondal, and tanbir ibne anowar "a smart vehicle alert system with intelligent vehicle safety"
2024 International Conference on Signal Processing, Computation, Electronics, Power and Telecommunication (IConSCEPT), 2024

[Ref No.: 4697]

md sazid uddin; m. f. mridha; md abdullah-al-jubair "using cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning for mammogram roi classification"
2023 4th International Conference on Data Analytics for Business and Industry (ICDABI), 2024

[Ref No.: 4629]

sarker dip; gomes dipta; hossain shahadat; hasan md. manzurul "an efficient integrated negative fractional counting sort algorithm"
2024 IEEE International Conference on Computing, Applications and Systems (COMPAS), 2024

Keywords: Counting Sort , Negative Counting Sort , Fractional Counting Sort , Linear-Time Time Complexity , Real Numbers , Mixed Numeric Arrays [Ref No.: 4636]

mazid-ul-haque, md.; miah, md saef ullah; bhowmik, abhijit; shafi, s m abdullah; noor, noorhuzaimi mohd "predictive analysis of internship and job placement success in computer science education"
2024 IEEE International Conference on Computing, Applications and Systems (COMPAS), 2024

[Ref No.: 4637]

1. s. mahmud, k. biswas, a. alam, r. a. rudro, a. n. jahan, i. j. mouri and k. nur "automatic multiple choice question evaluation using tesseract ocr and yolov8"
2024 IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI), 2024

Keywords: Optical character recognition (OCR) , image processing , object detection , YOLOv8 [Ref No.: 4661]

2. r. al mamun rudro, a. alam, s. talukder, t. ahmed, n. islam and k. nur "tellungnet - enabling telemedicine utilizing an improved u-net lung image segmentation"
2024 IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI), 2024

Keywords: Image Segmentation , U-Net architecture , Biomedical Image Processing , Telehealth [Ref No.: 4662]

3. n. m. shailee, a. alam, t. ahmed, r. a. mamun rudro and k. nur "software bug prediction using machine learning on jm1 dataset"
2024 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Electrical, and Smart Systems (iCACCESS), 2024

Keywords: Software bug prediction , Faults prediction , Prediction model , Machine learning [Ref No.: 4663]

s. al ahmed, r. a. mamun rudro, a. j. prity, s. saha, n. mansoor and k. nur "credchain: academic and professional certificate verification system using blockchain"
2024 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Electrical, and Smart Systems (iCACCESS), 2024

Keywords: Blockchain , Ethereum , Smart Contract , DApps , InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) , Certificate Verification [Ref No.: 4664]

tanim, s.a., arnob, a.r., shrestha, t.e., alam, t., nur, k. "enhancing blood cell classification by applying big transfer and (xai)"
Fifth Doctoral Symposium on Computational Intelligence (DoSCI 2024), 2024

Keywords: Deep Learning , Big Transfer, Explainable AI (XAI) , Blood Cell Classification [Ref No.: 4665]

t. e. shrestha, a. r. aurnob, s. a. tanim, m. islam and k. nur "revolutionizing cucumber agriculture: ai for precision classification of leaf diseases"
6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information and Communication Technology (ICEEICT 2024), 2024

Keywords: Deep Learning , MobileNetV2 , Explainable AI (XAI) , Cucumber Leaf , Leaf Disease Classifications [Ref No.: 4668]

md. mazid-ul-haque, md saef ullah miah, abhijit bhowmik, s m abdullah shafi, noorhuzaimi mohd noor "predictive analysis of internship and job placement success in computer science education"
2024 IEEE International Conference on Computing, Applications and Systems (COMPAS), 2024

[Ref No.: 4670]

md. borhan uddin "sustainable apparel forum (saf)- 5th edition"
1. Environment & Climate Challenges of the Sector & The Upcoming EU Regulation By Lars Fogh Mortensen, Consumption, Products & Plastics Expert, European Environment Agency. 2. Energy Sustainability: Navigating the Transition for Apparel & Textile Manufacturing in Bangladesh. 3. Sustainable Use of Water in Apparel Sector: Challenges, Opportunities and Ways Forward, 2024

Keywords: Sustainable production and Consumption [Ref No.: 5195]

dr. mohammad mahbub rabbani "1st international symposium on materials, energy and environment (ismee24)"
Potential nanomaterials to remediate contaminated soil and water., 2024

Keywords: Nanotechnologies,Nano Chemistry,Polymer and Nano Materials ,Nanotechnology and Fabrication [Ref No.: 5301]

dr. md. sarowar hossain "enhancement of elastic property in a conial ferromagnetic shape memory alloy and it’s magnetic, electronic and lattice contribution"
Enhancement of elastic property in a CoNiAl ferromagnetic shape memory alloy, 2024

Keywords: Materials and Processing, Engineering Technology [Ref No.: 5394]

dr. md. sarowar hossain "development of a simulated blood-like solution for medical and other uses"
blood mimicking medium for medical experiments, 2024

[Ref No.: 5395]

dr. md. sarowar hossain "dynamics of electron density, and dielectric properties of cofe2o4 nanoparticles influenced by substitution of la3+ at fe3+"
Dynamics of electron density, and dielectric properties of CoFe2O4, 2024

[Ref No.: 5396]

shahriar atik fahim "bcsir congress-2023"
Smart Bangladesh and Science and Technology, 2024

Keywords: Environmental Chemistry,Nano Chemistry [Ref No.: 5403]

dr. sarfuddin ahmed tarek "application of cw z-scan technique in investigating the optical nonlinearity of biomaterials in thermal regime"
Nonlinear optical Characterization of bio materials, 2024

Keywords: Other [Ref No.: 5437]

dr. md. sarowar hossain "varied impact of titanium doping on ni-zn ferrite nanoparticles: evaluating structural, electrical, optical and magnetic properties"
Structural, Electrical, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Titanium Doping on Ni-Zn Ferrite Nanoparticles, 2024

Keywords: Materials and Processing [Ref No.: 5455]

dr. md. sarowar hossain "investigating structural, optical, and magnetic properties of chromium-doped lanthanum cerium bismuth ferrite"
Structural, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Chromium-doped Lanthanum Cerium Bismuth Ferrite, 2024

Keywords: Materials and Processing [Ref No.: 5456]

dr. md. sarowar hossain "mineralogical and elemental studies of rock samples collected from bisnakandi of sylhet"
Elemental Studies of Rock Samples of Bisnakandi of Sylhet, 2024

Keywords: Economics in Smart Environments,Environmental Chemistry [Ref No.: 5457]

md. faruk abdullah al sohan "16th international conference on applied energy (icae2024)"
Advancing Energy Solutions for a Sustainable Future, 2024

[Ref No.: 5475]

sadia shihab sinje" the 23rd international mathematics conference,"
Ecology, Mathematics, 2024

[Ref No.: 5479]

snigdha dhar "23rd international mathematics conference"
Algebra, Mathematical Biology, Numerical Analysis, Number Theory, Fluid Mechanics, etc., 2024

[Ref No.: 5496]

dipta justin gomes "international conference on innovations in science, engineering and technology 2024 (iciset 2024)"
Sorting Algorithms, 2024

Keywords: Algorithms [Ref No.: 5519]

dipta justin gomes "international conference on computing advancements (icca)"
Machine Learning, Fair Use Policy, 2024

[Ref No.: 5520]

dipta justin gomes "international conference on computing advancements - icca 2024"
Fairuse Policy, AI Ethics, 2024

[Ref No.: 5534]

aminun nahar "3rd international conference on computing advancements - icca 2024"
Human-Computer Interaction, Intelligent Systems, Machine Vision, 2024

[Ref No.: 5535]

md. mahmudur rahman "3rd international conference on computing advancements - icca 2024"
Internet of Things Smart Cities Blockchain Big Data Deep Learning Machine to Machine Data Analytics Digital Transformation Bioinformatics, 2024

[Ref No.: 5546]

dr. razuan karim" icca 2024"
Intelligent Systems, 2024

[Ref No.: 5554]

dr. kamruddin md. nur "ieee iccit 2024"
Computer Science and Engineering, 2024

[Ref No.: 5569]

dr. kamruddin md. nur "ieee raaicon 2024"
AI, Robotics, Automation, IoT, 2024

Keywords: Internet of Things,Artificial Intelligence,Robotics [Ref No.: 5570]

dr. kamruddin md. nur "2024 ieee conference on artificial intelligence (cai)"
Automatic Unstructured MCQ Evaluation, Telehealth for Lung Disease, 2024

Keywords: Deep Learning,Artificial Intelligence,Computer Vision [Ref No.: 5571]

dr. kamruddin md. nur "indiahci 2024 - the 15th international conference of human-computer interaction (hci) design & research"
Web Accessibility Issue Detection, 2024

Keywords: Human-centred Computing [Ref No.: 5572]

saikat baul "7th ieom bangladesh international conference on industrial engineering and operations management"
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Human Factors, Ergonomics and Healthcare Systems, 2024

Keywords: Deep Learning [Ref No.: 5576]

saikat baul "3rd international conference on computing advancements - icca 2024"
Software Architectures, Blockchain, 2024

Keywords: Blockchain,Software Architectures [Ref No.: 5577]

fahim faysal sakib "15th international conference of human-computer interaction (hci) design & research"
Web Accessibility, 2024

Keywords: Software maintenance and evolution,Software Testing,Human-centred Computing [Ref No.: 5594]

mahmud hasan" 23rd international mathematics conference"
Numerical Analysis, 2024

[Ref No.: 5612]

md. faruk abdullah al sohan "7th ieom bangladesh international conference on industrial engineering and operations management"
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, 2024

[Ref No.: 5641]

sazzad hossain, fatematuj zuhura" a framework for real-time orientation detection"
ICEST 2023, 2023

[Ref No.: 4528]

sazzad hossain, fatematuj zuhura" real-time emotion detection in online viva evaluation"
APQN Academic Conference (AAC) 2023, 2023

[Ref No.: 4529]

shethil ahammed,ayesha amin,m. junayed ibne mohiuddin udoy ,abdullah al maruf ,kazi sadia, md. abdullah-al-jubair ,mohammad shidujaman "an approach to user-friendly gui model using hci principles on university websites"
ICEST, 2023

[Ref No.: 4530]

md mortuza ahmmed, srikanta kumar mohapatra, md ashraful babu, zahir rayhan salim, m mostafizur rahman, jayashree mohanty "impact of women’s autonomy and socio-economic factors on delivery assistance in bangladesh"
2023 International Conference on Applied Intelligence and Sustainable Computing (ICAISC), 2023

Keywords: Public health Awareness [Ref No.: 4464]

md ashraful babu, md mortuza ahmmed, sayedul anam, m mostafizur rahman "co2 discharges, consumption of energy, and growth of gdp in ksa: a pragmatic analysis"
International Conference on Data Analytics and Insights, 2023

[Ref No.: 4465]

ibrar amin, ishrakul tahmid, faiza mahmood arani,md. mortuza ahmmed" beyond the gridlock: a comparative study of htms and atms in achieving sustainable traffic solutions for dhaka city"
6th Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Bangladesh Conference, 2023

[Ref No.: 4436]

k. m. tahsin kabir, md. moynul islam, mian mohammad rassel , md. mortuza ahmmed" numerical narratives: statistical analysis of healthcare institutions in bangladesh"
6th Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Bangladesh Conference, 2023

[Ref No.: 4437]

mst. nadiya noor, ekramul haque, md. mortuza ahmmed" statistical modeling of air quality determinants in urban dhaka"
6th Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Bangladesh Conference, 2023

[Ref No.: 4438]

md. mortuza ahmmed, md. ashraful babu, m. mostafizur rahman, mst. nadiya noor, k. m. tahsin kabir, md. moynul islam, sadman samir rafith" dengue dynamics in bangladesh: unveiling insights through statistical and machine learning analysis"
International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Health Informatics 2023 (TEHI), 2023

[Ref No.: 4439]

tamanna siddiqua ratna, tanzin akhter, md. ashraful babu, md. mortuza ahmmed, m. mostafizur rahman, mufti mahmud" deep learning and econometric analysis of co2 emissions in bangladesh: a transition towards renewable energy and sustainable practice"
International Symposium on Green Technologies and Applications (ISGTA), 2023

[Ref No.: 4440]

shalini puri, md. ashraful babu, md. mortuza ahmmed, m. mostafizur rahman, mufti mahmud" an efficient fuzzy colored petri-nets-based ubiquitous framework for diversified culture of building automation in india"
International Symposium on Green Technologies and Applications (ISGTA), 2023

[Ref No.: 4441]

mst. nadiya noor, nasif hannan, md. mortuza ahmmed" exploring the evolving landscape of maternal and child health in bangladesh: a comprehensive analysis of three decades"
9th International Public Health Conference, 2023

[Ref No.: 4442]

samian bin joardar, md. mortuza ahmmed" trends and differentials of dengue in bangladesh: a cross-sectional study"
9th International Public Health Conference, 2023

[Ref No.: 4443]

k. m. tahsin kabir, mst. nadiya noor, md. mortuza ahmmed" statistical and mathematical approaches to understanding climate change impacts and challenges in bangladesh"
International Conference on Meteorology and Climate Science (ICMCS), 2023

[Ref No.: 4444]

ibrar amin, faiza mahmood arani, md. mortuza ahmmed" patterns and variability of extreme weather in bangladesh: a statistical exploration"
International Conference on Meteorology and Climate Science (ICMCS), 2023

[Ref No.: 4445]

md mortuza ahmmed, md ashraful babu, shalini puri" statistical exploration and projection of sdg-3 in bangladesh through dhs: a study on data-driven perspectives using logistic regression"
2nd International conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering (ICMLDE 2023), 2023

[Ref No.: 4446]

md. eshmam rayed; abdullah-al-akib; nazia alfaz; sadia islam niha; s. m. sajibul islam "a vision transformer-based approach for recognizing seven prevalent mango leaf diseases"
26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2023

Keywords: Deep Learning,Neural Networks, Computer vision [Ref No.: 4421]

md. mehedi hasan; nazia alfaz; md. al maksud alam; ashiqur rahman; hossain md shakhawat; shakila rahman" detection of parkinson’s disease from t2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging scans using efficientnet-v2"
26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2023

Keywords: Deep Learning,Neural Networks,Computer Vision [Ref No.: 4422]

dr. humayra ferdous, md. sakline mostak, tasfia fairuz, abrar khan" renewable energy base ventilator using arduino"
1st National Conference on Advances in Science and Technology -2023 (1st NCAST 2023), 2023

Keywords: Humanitarian Technologies [Ref No.: 4409]

md. ashifur rashid fahim, maliha mostakim mithe, omar faruk, humayra ferdous and md. sarowar hossain" photo-induced micro-actuation in the disordered magnetic alloys and a prototype model of application"
1st National Conference on Advances in Science and Technology (1st NCAST 2023), 2023

Keywords: Nanotechnologies [Ref No.: 4410]

emamun noor, arafath khan, ahnaf islam, a h m kamal, nuzhat tabassum, tasmiah tamzid anannya, md mahfuzul karim majumder, muhammad nazrul islam" digital border surveillance system: towards illegal migration and trafficking free borders."
2023 26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2023

Keywords: Internet of Things,Deep Learning [Ref No.: 4369]

rafi md ragib shahriar, md mostafizur rahman, mohyminur rahman, turjo mallick, mudassir salman asim, tahsin faisal, nuzhat tabassum, tasmiah tamzid anannya, muhammad nazrul islam" enhancing urban mobility: an adaptive traffic signal system for high-density cities"
2023 IEEE 9th International WIECON-ECE, 2023

[Ref No.: 4370]

raiyan abrar , md. tariquel islam , mahapara naim, nuzhat tabassum "footwear 3d model generation from smartphone 2d images utilizing photogrammetry"
In 2023 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), 2023

[Ref No.: 4371]

shaikat das joy, neeraj goel "automated agriculture news collection, analysis, and recommendation"
International Conference on Agriculture-Centric Computation, 2023

Keywords: Natural Language Processing [Ref No.: 4344]

a. fuad, s. j. ahmed, n. j. anannya, m. f. mridha, and k nur "an open-source voice command-based human-computer interaction system using speech recognition platforms"
2nd International Conference on Big Data, loT and Machine Learning, 2023

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence [Ref No.: 4345]

rajarshi roy chowdhury; azam che idris; pg emeroylariffion abas "internet of things: digital footprints carry a device identity"
8th Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology 2021, 2023

[Ref No.: 4358]

debashish roy; rajarshi roy chowdhury; abdullah bin nasser; afdhal azmi; marzieh babaeianjelodar "item recommendation using user feedback data and item profile"
8th Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology 2021, 2023

[Ref No.: 4359]

am matiur rahman, md abdullah al mamun, md asraf ali "fractal pattern identification from wearable inertial and electromyographic signals data during walking"
25th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2023

Keywords: Communication Signal Processing [Ref No.: 4312]

afroza nahar, rubina islam, md faruk abdullah al sohan, rifat al mamun rudro "enhancing academic integrity: a multi-model deep learning approach for reliable test supervision and dishonesty detection"
APQN Academic Conference (AAC), 2023

[Ref No.: 4313]

md faruk abdullah al sohan, syma kamal chity, rifat al mamun rudro, sajid bin faisal "the impact of chatgpt on modern education: beneficial or detrimental?"
APQN Academic Conference (AAC), 2023

[Ref No.: 4314]

parthib banik, ab sakib molla, md faruk abdullah al sohan "introducing an efficient approach for real-time online learning engagement detection"
APQN Academic Conference (AAC), 2023

[Ref No.: 4315]

dip nandi md. shahariar nafiz, shuvra smaran das, md. kishor morol, abdullah al juabir "convowaste: an automatic waste segregation machine using deep learning"
International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4307]

afroza nahar, rubina reya , md. sohan, rifat rudro" enhancing academic integrity: a multi-model deep learning approach for reliable test supervision and dishonesty detection"
APQN, 2023

[Ref No.: 4323]

rifat al mamun rudro, afroza nahar, md. faruk abdullah al sohan and rubina islam reya" enhancing elderly healthcare access in smart cities: a pathway to inclusive wellbeing"
International Conference on Advancing Sustainable Futures, 2023

[Ref No.: 4210]

m.s. hossain, md. fayz-al-asad, m.a.a. sarker, r.k. bhowmik, k.m. kabir" numerical simulation of the impact of series fin on fluid flow and heat transfer in an enclosure using galerkin finite element methods"
MARTEC 2022, 2023

[Ref No.: 4221]

a. ahmad, md. fayz-al-asad, m.a.a. sarker, a.k.m. uddin, m. ahmed" numerical study on natural convection of nanofluid flow and heat transfer in a wavy enclosure"
MARTEC 2022, 2023

[Ref No.: 4222]

5. r. k. bhowmik, md. fayz-al-asad, m.a.a. sarker, m. hasan" numerical study of heat generation and absorption on magnetohydrodynamic mixed convection in an enclosure with sinusoidal bottom wall"
MARTEC 2022, 2023

[Ref No.: 4223]

md rifat hossen, nazia alfaz, adnan sami, sharia arfin tanim, talha bin sarwar, md kamrul islam "an efficientnet to classify monkeypox-comparable skin lesions using transfer learning"
2023 IEEE International Conference on Omni-layer Intelligent Systems (COINS), 2023

Keywords: Deep Learning,Computer Vision [Ref No.: 4239]

rahul biswas, dr neeraj goel "intelligent chatbot assistant in agriculture domain"
International Conference on Agriculture-Centric Computation, 2023

Keywords: Natural Language Processing [Ref No.: 4240]

m. rayhan uddin, humayra ferdous" setting up an academic research clinic & cancer centre: an approach to industry-academia collaboration in health sector in bangladesh"
Bangladesh International Cancer Congress (BICC 2023), 2023

[Ref No.: 4246]

samirul haque, md sabikur rahman emon, md hasib askari , humayra ferdous, m rayhan uddin" developing an advanced smart inhaler for comprehensive health monitoring and early identification of lung cancer risk"
Bangladesh International Cancer Congress (BICC 2023), 2023

[Ref No.: 4247]

k. n. mukta, p. a. robinson , j. c.pages, n. c. gabey, and demi gao" eigenmode analysis of brain activity in a convoluted cortex via neural field theory"
1st International Dhaka Science Conference For Women • Date: January 15-16, 2023, 2023

[Ref No.: 4249]

md. manzurul hasan (presenter), debajyoti mondal, and md. saidur rahman" min-bend orthogonally convex drawings of planar graphs"
IEEE CSBDC Summer Symposium 2023, 2023

[Ref No.: 4250]

1. rifat al mamun r., afroza nahar, md. faruk abdullah al sohan and rubina islam" enhancing elderly healthcare access in smart cities: a pathway to inclusive wellbeing"
ICASF conference, 2023

[Ref No.: 4261]

afroza nahar, rifat al mamun r., , md. faruk abdullah al sohan and rubina islam" predicting photovoltaic power generation by machine learning using time series analysis"
15th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2023)., 2023

[Ref No.: 4262]

. "predicting photovoltaic power generation by machine learning using time series analysis"
The 15th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2023), 2023

[Ref No.: 4263]

md shakhawat hossain, md mahmudur rahman, mm mahbubul syeed, ummae hamida hannan, mohammad faisal uddin, sahria bakar mumu" cavit: early stage dental caries detection from smartphone-image using vision transformer"
2023 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Control (AIRC), 2023

[Ref No.: 4275]

md shakhawat hossain, umme sadia salsabil, mm mahbubul syeed, md mahmudur rahman, kaniz fatema, mohammad faisal uddin" smartpoultry: early detection of poultry disease from smartphone captured fecal image"
2023 20th International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (JCSSE), 2023

[Ref No.: 4276]

kazi sazzad hosen, raihan mahmud, md. manzurul hasanshahadat hossain ," undulations at different sectors in dhaka stock exchange during covid-19 based on data analyses"
2nd AIUB International Conference on Business and Management (AICBM)-2021, 2023

[Ref No.: 4569]

mahjabin taskin, takuya kido, ting pan, yusei yamamoto, toshimitsu tanaka, masahiro inoue and yoshimine kato" replacement of h2 gas in a pipeline using ultrasonic"
1st International Dhaka Science Conference For Women - 2023,, 2023

[Ref No.: 4552]

sabrina masum meem; mohammed tahmid hossain; jannat khair chowdhury; md saef ullah miah; md fahad monir "understanding the dynamics of dengue in bangladesh: eda, climate correlation, and predictive modeling"
TENCON 2023 - 2023 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 2023

[Ref No.: 4537]

humayra ferdous, md. ehasanul haque" understanding the necessity of updated syllabus of physics for undergraduate students ----- establishing academy and industry collaboration in bangladesh"
National Conference on Physics, 2023

[Ref No.: 4039]

shefayatuj johara chowdhury, mainul islam mahi, sadiqul alam saimon, aynur nahar urme, rashidul hasan nabil "an integrated approach of mcdm methods and machine learning algorithms for employees' churn prediction"
2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

[Ref No.: 4048]

md. mortuza ahmmed" trends of maternal and child health in bangladesh with associated factors: evidence from the demographic and health surveys between 1997-2017"
7th International Conference on Natural Science & Technology (ICNST’23), 2023

[Ref No.: 4053]

md. ashraful babu, md. mortuza ahmmed, sayedul anam and m. mostafizur rahman" co2 discharges, consumption of energy and growth of gdp in ksa: a pragmatic analysis"
International Conference on Data Analytics and Insights (ICDAI-2023), 2023

[Ref No.: 4054]

md. mortuza ahmmed, srikanta kumar mohapatra, jayashree mohanty, md. ashraful babu, zahir rayhan salim, m. mostafizur rahman" impact of women’s autonomy and socio-economic factors on delivery assistance in bangladesh"
International Conference on Applied Intelligence and Sustainable Computing (ICAISC-2023), 2023

[Ref No.: 4055]

rayhan ahmed, md. sajedul islam, sabbir osmani, md. ahanab shakil, md. mazid-ul-haque, md. al-amin" rechain-a blockchain network for review and rating system"
International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2023

Keywords: Blockchain [Ref No.: 4057]

srikanta kumar mohapatra, md. ashraful babu, md. mortuza ahmmed, abu sayeed arif, m. mesbahuddin sarker and jayashree mohanty" health effects of digital device usage on students during covid-19 in bangladesh: a statistical approach"
14th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2023

[Ref No.: 4059]

b. rajini kanth, md. sarowar hossain, p. k. mukhopadhyay "structure, microstructure and magneto-elastic property study on co40ni29al31 ferromagnetic shape memory alloy ribbon"
2nd International Conference on Multifunctional Materials-2022, 2023

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Sensor Technology [Ref No.: 4063]

m. saef ullah miah; junaida sulaiman; kamal z. zamli; shah samiur rashid; ahmed jalal khan chowdhury" predicting carboxymethyl cellulase assay (cmcase) production using artificial neural network and explicit feature selection approach"
8th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 2023

[Ref No.: 4125]

m. saef ullah miah and junaida sulaiman" material named entity recognition (mner) for knowledge-driven materials using deep learning approach"
Fourth International Conference on Trends in Computational and Cognitive Engineering, 2023

[Ref No.: 4126]

mohammed tahmid hossain; afra hossain; sabrina masum meem; md fahad monir; md saef ullah miah;talha bin sarwar" impact of covid-19 lockdowns on air quality in bangladesh: analysis and aqi forecasting with support vector regression"
4th International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), 2023

[Ref No.: 4127]

md. junayed hossain; sheikh md. abdullah; mohammad barkatullah; m. saef ullah miah; talha bin sarwar; md fahad monir" predicting the success of suicide terrorist attacks using different machine learning algorithms"
25th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2023

[Ref No.: 4128]

debasish kundu, md. faruk abdullah al sohan" a novel approach incorporating feature extraction followed by yolov7 for quality enhancement of mangoes in bangladesh"

[Ref No.: 4132]

riyadil zannat, afnan alauddin mumu, abedur rahman khan, tasneem mubashshira, sharifa rania mahmud "a deep learning-based approach for detecting bangla spam emails"
International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering, 2023

Keywords: Deep Learning [Ref No.: 4134]

md kishor morol, shuvra smaran das, abdullah al jubair, dip nandi" her2 breast cancer segmentation using transfer learning"

[Ref No.: 4135]

choudhury, shamima k , maria, kazi hanium , ferdous, humayra , islam, raihana shams and sharmin, mehnaz" challenges for improving the status of women in physics: insights from bangladesh"
8th International Conference on Women in Physics, 2023

Keywords: Labor Market [Ref No.: 4143]

shovan kumar kundu*, soumen basu" investigation on multifunctional properties of lanthanum ferrite nanoparticles for bismuth substitution"
International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science & Devices 2023 (ICRTMD-2023), 2023

Keywords: Natural Sciences,Nanotechnology [Ref No.: 4144]

m. saef ullah miah; junaida sulaiman; talha bin sarwar; saima sharleen islam; mizanur rahman; md. samiul haque" medical named entity recognition (medner): a deep learning model for recognizing medical entities (drug, disease) from scientific texts"
IEEE EUROCON 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Technologies, 2023

[Ref No.: 4145]

miah, m.s.u., sulaiman, j., sarwar, t.b., ferdous, i.u., islam, s.s., haque, m.s." target and precursor named entities recognition from scientific texts of high-temperature steel using deep neural network"
34th Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2023), 2023

Keywords: Deep Learning,Algorithms,Artificial Intelligence,Neural Networks [Ref No.: 4146]

afroza nahar, rifat al mamun rudro, md. faruk abdullah al sohan, rubina islam reya, md. hamid uddin "predicting photovoltaic power generation by machine learning using time series analysis"
15th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2023), 2023

[Ref No.: 4689]

r. islam reya, a. nahar, m. f. abdullah al sohan, and rifat al mamun rudro "enhancing academic integrity: a multi-model deep learning approach for reliable test supervision and dishonesty detection"
APQN Academic Conference (AAC), 2023

[Ref No.: 4693]

m. f. abdullah al sohan, s. k. chaity, and rifat al mamun rudro "the impact of chatgpt on modern education: beneficial or detrimental?"
APQN Academic Conference (AAC), 2023

[Ref No.: 4694]

rutaba jania" wstc"
Liquid Phase Exfoliation An effective approach toward the fabrication on 2D nanosheet from TMDs, 2023

[Ref No.: 4882]

md. hafijur rahman "a f mujibur rahman-bangladesh mathematical society national mathematics conference-2022"
Mathematics & Others, 2023

[Ref No.: 4903]

dr. md. sarowar hossain "mineralogical and elemental analysis of colored rocks collected from the northern part of sylhet district"
Mineralogical analysis of rock samples, 2023

[Ref No.: 4929]

md. faruk abdullah al sohan" 14th international conference on computing, communication and networking technologies (icccnt)"

[Ref No.: 4941]

dr. farzana sabeth" photocurrent switching in ionic and superionic conductors of polycrystalline silver iodide"
Photo Switching, Superionic materials, 2023

Keywords: Materials and Processing, Photonics, Sensor Technology [Ref No.: 4944]

bithi paul" 2nd international conference on micro/nanoelectronics devices, circuits, and systems (mndcs-2022)"
Bio-electrochemical cell, 2023

[Ref No.: 4956]

dr. shovan kumar kundu "international conference on recent trends in materials science & devices 2023 (icrtmd-2023)"
Materials Science, Nanotechnology, 2023

Keywords: Nanotechnology,Energy Storage Materials [Ref No.: 4960]

dr. nusrat jahan" structure and magnetic properties of al3+ - doped ni-zn-co nano-spinel ferrites"
Nano and Materials Science, 2023

[Ref No.: 5007]

dr. nusrat jahan" exploration through structure and properties of al3+ - doped ni-zn-co (0 x  0.12) nano-spinel ferrites"
Nano and Materials Science, 2023

[Ref No.: 5008]

md. faruk abdullah al sohan" apqn academic conference (aac)"
Innovation and Sustainable Development in Higher Education, 2023

[Ref No.: 5105]

md. faruk abdullah al sohan" international conference on engineering & technology ( icet - 23 )"
Technology Trends, 2023

[Ref No.: 5109]

rahul biswas "international conference on agriculture-centric computation"
IoT, Precision Agriculture, Crop-Yield Prediction, Remote-Sensing, Datasets, and Agriculture Data Analysis using AI/ML techniques, 2023

Keywords: Natural Language Processing [Ref No.: 5121]

dr. kamruddin md. nur "2nd international conference on big data, lot and machine learning"
Machine Learning, Speech Interaction, 2023

[Ref No.: 5129]

dr. kamruddin md. nur "26th international conference on computing and information technology (iccit)"
Machine Learning, IoT, 2023

[Ref No.: 5130]

aiman lameesa "dsai 2023: 1st international conference on data science & artificial intelligence"
Data Science, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, 2023

[Ref No.: 5171]

dr. md. nurul kabir bhuiyan" molecular beam epitaxy of dy2o3 layers grown on srgex buffer layers on ge(001) substrates"
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2023

Keywords: Materials and Processing,Nanotechnology [Ref No.: 5212]

md. hafijur rahman "int. conf. on trends in electronics and health informatics 2023"
Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing; Healthcare Informatics; IoT and Data Analytics; Electronics, 2023

Keywords: Fuzzy Logic,Image Processing, Image Processing [Ref No.: 5219]

dr. s. mosaddeq ahmed" apqn academic conference 2023"
Innovation and Sustainable Development in Higher Education’ is the theme of APQN Academic Conference 2023, 2023

[Ref No.: 5227]

dr. md. mozahar ali" a theoretical investigation into structural, mechanical, electronic, optical and thermodynamic properties of cuxo3 (x= al, in) perovskites."
electronic structure calculation and investigation of physical properties., 2023

[Ref No.: 5238]

dr. md. sarowar hossain "effect of niobium doping on magnetic and elastic properties of finemet melt-spun ribbons"
Magnetic and elastic properties of Finemet melt spun ribbon, 2023

[Ref No.: 5242]

dr. md. sarowar hossain "photo-induced micro-actuation in the disordered magnetic alloys and a prototype model of application"
Micro-actuation in the disordered magnetic alloys and a prototype model of application, 2023

Keywords: Robotics, Materials and Processing [Ref No.: 5243]

saikat baul "apqn academic conference (aac) 2023"
Innovation and Sustainable Development in Higher Education, 2023

[Ref No.: 5404]

md. borhan uddin "bangladesh climate action forum"
Climate change action, 2023

[Ref No.: 5524]

dr. md. ashaduzzaman "advances and challenges in nuclear fission and quasi-fission for the super-heavy elements – fissionshe23"
Fission of very heavy and superheavy elements, Fission modes, fission barriers and half-lives, Fission fragment properties, Fission competition with alpha decay, Fusion and quasifission competition, Production and identification of superheavy elements, Multinucleon transfer reactions, Fission Studies with Radioactive Ion Beams, 2023

[Ref No.: 5596]

dr. md. ashaduzzaman" 1st national conference on advances in science and technology"
Solid State Physics, Atmospheric Physics, Bio-physics, Medical Physics and Biotechnology, 2023

[Ref No.: 5599]

md kishor morol, shuvra smaran das, abdullah al jubair" social sites bangla comments analysis using explainable ai"
ICCIT 2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 4136]

khan, eusha, md hinoy rahman, shobnom mustary, iyolita islam, and sharifa rania mahmud "be-voting: a secure blockchain enabled voting system"
International Conference on Electrical, Computer & Telecommunication Engineering (ICECTE), 2022

[Ref No.: 4133]

saiful azad; amin salem saleh; mufti mahmud; m. shamim kaiser; md. saef ullah miah" a behavioral trust model for internet of healthcare things using an improved fp-growth algorithm and naïve bayes classifier"
3rd International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI), 2022

[Ref No.: 4121]

m. saef ullah miah; talha bin sarwar; saima sharleen islam; md. samiul haque; md. masuduzzaman; abhijit bhowmik" an adaptive medical cyber-physical system for post diagnosis patient care using cloud computing and machine learning approach"
3rd International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), 2022

[Ref No.: 4122]

saima sharleen islam , md. samiul haque , m. saef ullah miah , talha bin sarwar , abhijit bhowmik" a trend analysis of crimes in bangladesh"
ICCA 2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 4123]

md. ariful islam , md. antonin islam , md saef ullah miah , abhijit bhowmik" an automated monitoring and environmental control system for laboratory-scale cultivation of oyster mushrooms using the internet of agricultural thing (ioat)"
ICCA 2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 4124]

md nashif iftekhar, md sajid bin- faisal, dip nandi" implementation of blockchain for secured criminal records"
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements, 2022

[Ref No.: 4030]

rushee, k.i., rahim, m.s., levula, a., mahdavi, m." how australians are coping with the longest restrictions: an exploratory analysis of emotion and sentiment from tweets."
Advanced Information Networking and Applications. AINA 2022., 2022

[Ref No.: 4049]

icca 2022 - 2nd international conference on computing advancements" prediction of online news popularity using ann deep learning"
International Conference on Computing Advancements (ICCA), ACM, 2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 4050]

md imtiaz hasan, mehjabin hossain, nazmul hossain, kawser irom rushee" possible side effects after getting covid-19 vaccine based on pre-existing disease: asthma: analysis of side effects after using moderna, pfizer and janssen vaccine based on vaers dataset."
ICCA 2022: 2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements, 2022

[Ref No.: 4051]

md. mortuza ahmmed md. ashraful babu jannatul ferdosy srikanta kumar mohapatra" covid-19 and sdg 3 in bangladesh: a statistical and machine learning approach"
2nd Emergent Converging Technologies and Biomedical Systems (ETBS 2022), 2022

[Ref No.: 4052]

nazia alfaz, abul hasnat, alvi md ragib nihal khan, nazmus shakib sayom, abhijit bhowmik" bridge crack detection using dense convolutional network (densenet)"
2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements, 2022

[Ref No.: 4023]

md. abdullah al noman majumder, eimon hossain taief, md. nurul amin bhuiyan, m.f. mridha and aloke kumar saha" eliminating racial bias at the time of detection melanoma using convolution neural network (cnn)"
SCRS Conference Proceedings on Intelligent Systems, 2022

[Ref No.: 4024]

dr. saiful islam and dr. s. mosaddeq ahmed" a safe and long cycle life aqueous hybrid (na+/zn2+) ion battery."
Conclave, ICMEC-Dhaka 2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 4016]

shakila rahman, seokhoon yoon" optimal path planning for multiple uavs in energy efficient charging of sensors in a wireless sensor networks"
2022 KICS Summer Conference, 2022

[Ref No.: 3977]

md sohidul islam" hoyt wireless fading channel capacity analysis using large limit argument approximation"
ICCA '22: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements, 2022

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication,Wireless Sensor Networks [Ref No.: 3955]

abdus salam, rolf schwitter and mehmet a. orgun" hesip: a hybrid system for explaining sub-symbolic predictions"
The 34th Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2022

[Ref No.: 3920]

md sabbir shikder, md mehedi hasan, sifat hasan wakib, anisha tasnim, md. shahriar rahman "a traffic flow steering algorithm for hybrid terrestrial-satellite backhaul network"
ICCA '22, 2022

[Ref No.: 3957]

md. faruk abdullah al sohan, nusrat jahan anannya, afroza nahar, kolpona "preliminary findings: use of cnn powered criminal identification system"
The 2nd ICECCME, 2022

[Ref No.: 3958]

md moniruzzaman, a. g. m. zaman, rifah tasnia, mehnur khanam, sutopa biswas "early-stage diabetes prediction using data mining algorithms"
International Conference on Computing Advancements (ICCA), 2022

Keywords: Machine to Machine Data Analytics [Ref No.: 3959]

tausif fardin sinha, sumaiya gawhar rafia, mohammed alvy rahman, ridwan mannan rahat, rashidul hasan nabil, and abhijit bhowmik" stock market comparison and analysis in preceding and following pandemic in bangladesh using machine learning approaches"
2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements ICCA 2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 3885]

olive mazumder, marshia mostafiz mim, abu junaid tanmay, lutfa noor labony, abhijit bhowmik, and rashidul hasan nabil" finding efficiency in approach selection in software development and project management in bangladesh it industry"
2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements ICCA 2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 3886]

mainul islam mahi, md.shahidullah rakib, mahedi hasan joy, md. rezvi khalid hridoy, aneem-al-ahsan rupai, and rashidul hasan nabil" a proposed design of a lecture material to reduce learning complexity"
2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements ICCA 2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 3887]

mouri, israt jahan and ridowan, muhammad and adnan, muhammad abdullah" rs-pke: ranked searchable public-key encryption for cloud-assisted lightweight platforms"
Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy, 2022

[Ref No.: 3550]

khondoker shahrina, sumya sultana meem, debashish sarker, rubyet hossain, md.al-amin" a comprehensive review and analysis on decentralized payment gateways"
2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements - ICCA 2022, 2022

Keywords: Blockchain [Ref No.: 3662]

oishi chowdhury, md.al-samiul amin rishat, md. hanif bin azam, md al amin" the rise of blockchain technology in shariah based banking system"
2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements - ICCA 2022, 2022

Keywords: Blockchain [Ref No.: 3663]

humayra ferdous, susmita afroz" assessment of urban health clinic from technological perspective: a pilot study in dhaka north city corporation (dncc)"
International Conference on Sustainable Development: Opportunities and Challenges, 2022

[Ref No.: 3691]

md. faruk abdullah al sohan, afroza nahar" a low-power wireless sensor network for a smart irrigation system powered by solar energy”"
ICCA 2022 Conference, 2022

[Ref No.: 3777]

s. shahriar, md. sakir hossain, s. a. tonny, b. majumder, and r. mahajabin" android ransomware attacks detection with optimized ensemble learning"
International conference on cybersecurity, cybercrimes, and smart emerging technologies, 2022

Keywords: Networking [Ref No.: 3782]

5. m. s. ibrhaim, md. sakir hossain, g. mostafa, and m. islam" ensemble feature selection for android sms malware detection"
International conference on cybersecurity, cybercrimes, and smart emerging technologies, 2022

Keywords: Networking,Network Security [Ref No.: 3783]

1. m. d. s. alam, m. d. s. rahman, m. d. i. hosen, k. a. mubin, s. hossen and m. f. mridha" bahdanau attention based bengali image caption generation"
2022 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA), 2022

[Ref No.: 3789]

a. ishraq, a. a. lima, m. m. kabir, m. s. rahman and m. f. mridha" assessment of building damage on post-hurricane satellite imagery using improved cnn"
2022 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA), 2022

[Ref No.: 3790]

3. r. jani, m. shariful islam shanto, m. mohsin kabir, m. saifur rahman and m. f. mridha" heart disease prediction and analysis using ensemble architecture"
2022 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA), 2022

[Ref No.: 3791]

f. arefin nazira, s. gosh, k. nur, s. poul singh and m. f. mridha" ensure safe internet for children and teenagers using deep learning"
2022 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA), 2022

[Ref No.: 3792]

a. r. prodeep, a. s. m. morshedul hoque, m. m. kabir, m. saifur rahman and m. f. mridha" plant disease identification from leaf images using deep cnn’s efficientnet"
2022 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA), 2022

[Ref No.: 3793]

md. ridoy sarkar; syed rayhan masud; md ismail hossen; michael goh "a comprehensive study on the emerging effect of artificial intelligence in agriculture automation"
2022 IEEE 18th International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Applications (CSPA), 2022

[Ref No.: 3794]

md. faruk abdullah al sohan, dr. afroza nahar "a low-power wireless sensor network for a smart irrigation system powered by solar energy"
2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements - ICCA 2022, 2022

Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks [Ref No.: 3798]

nazia alfaz, abul hasnat, alvi md. ragib nihal khan, nazmus shakib sayom "a deep convolutional neural network based approach to classify and detect crack in concrete surface using xception."
International Conference on Fourth Industrial Revolution and Beyond (IC4IR 2021), 2022

Keywords: Deep Learning,Neural Networks,Computer Vision [Ref No.: 3814]

humayra ferdous, susmita afroz "understanding the deficit level of bme professionals and its impact in the context of dhaka city, bangladesh"
IUPESM World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 3815]

sabbir m saleh, supta richard philip, nahida akhter shemu, khondoker ali asgor pavel "proposed service oriented architecture for the inheritance web app of bangladesh"
2020 International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM), 2022

Keywords: Software Architectures [Ref No.: 3816]

farzana arefin nazira, sudipto ghosh, kamruddin nur, sondip poul singh, and m. f. mridha "ensure safe internet for children and teenagers using deep learning"
In 2022 International Conference on Deci- sion Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA), 2022

Keywords: Deep Learning [Ref No.: 3817]

shovan kumar kundu*, dhiraj kumar rana, soumen basu" impact of yttrium on electrical and optical properties of multiferroic neodymium ferrite nanostructure"
International Conference on “Recent Trends in Emerging Technologies” (iNCRTET-2022), 2022

Keywords: Nanotechnologies,Natural Sciences [Ref No.: 3819]

mahjabin taskin, hiroaki fukuoka , and yoshimine kato" fast oxygen gas detection using ultrasound"
International Conference on Physics -2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 3829]

borshan sarker sonok , md. sohidul islam , md. mazid-ul-haque "hoyt wireless fading channel capacity analysis using large limit argument approximation"
ICCA '22, 2022

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication, Computer Network [Ref No.: 3833]

md. nashif iftekhar, md sajid bin- faisal , dip nandi "implementation of blockchain for secured criminal records"
ICCA '22: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements, 2022

Keywords: Blockchain,Digital Transformation,Security in Smart Environments [Ref No.: 3834]

16) m. saef ullah miah, talha bin sarwar, saima sharleen islam, md. samiul haque, md. masuduzzaman, abhijit bhowmik "an adaptive medical cyber-physical system for post diagnosis patient care using cloud computing and machine learning approach"
International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), 2022

Keywords: Machine to Machine Data Analytics [Ref No.: 3840]

19) md. ariful islam, md. antonin islam, m. saef ullah miah, abhijit bhowmik "an automated monitoring and environmental control system for laboratory-scale cultivation of oyster mushrooms using the internet of agricultural thing (ioat)"
International Conference on Computing Advancements, 2022

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 3841]

20) olive mazumder, marshia mostafiz mim, md. abu junaid tanmay, lutfa noor labony, abhijit bhowmik, rashidul hasan nabil "finding efficiency in approach selection in software development and project management in bangladesh it industry"
International Conference on Computing Advancements, 2022

Keywords: Software processes and methodologies,Model-driven software engineering [Ref No.: 3842]

21) tausif fardin sinha, sumaiya gawhar rafia, mohammed alvy rahman, ridwan mannan rahat, rashidul hasan nabil, abhijit bhowmik "stock market comparison and analysis in preceding and following pandemic in bangladesh using machine learning approaches"
International Conference on Computing Advancements, 2022

Keywords: Machine to Machine Data Analytics [Ref No.: 3843]

22) saima sharleen islam, md. samiul haque, m. saef ullah miah, talha bin sarwar, abhijit bhowmik "a trend analysis of crimes in bangladesh"
International Conference on Computing Advancements, 2022

Keywords: Machine to Machine Data Analytics [Ref No.: 3844]

23) nazia alfaz, abul hasnat, alvi md. ragib nihal khan, nazmus shakib sayom, abhijit bhowmik "bridge crack detection using dense convolutional network (densenet)"
International Conference on Computing Advancements, 2022

Keywords: Networking [Ref No.: 3845]

anjir ahmed chowdhury , argho das, debajyoti karmaker, khadija kubra shahjalal hoque "evaluation of deep learning models on uv ink : a fake money detection scheme with rpn"
2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements (ICCA'22), 2022

Keywords: Deep Learning,Computer Vision [Ref No.: 3875]

anjir ahmed chowdhury, argho das, khadija kubra shahjalal hoque, debajyoti karmaker "a comparative study of hyperparameter optimization techniques for deep learning"
5th International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence (IJCACI 2021), 2022

Keywords: Deep Learning,Algorithms [Ref No.: 3876]

mahmudul hasan, md. rafiqul islam, amrita ghosh mugdha "chemical reaction optimization (cro) for maximum clique problem"
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization, 2022

Keywords: Approximation Algorithms [Ref No.: 4568]

afroza nahar." priliminary findings: use of cnn powered criminal identification system"

[Ref No.: 4260]

sheekar banerjee, aminun nahar jhumur, md. ezharul islam "nano rover: a multi- sensory full-functional surveillance robot with modified inception-net"
International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Data Science Application, 2022

[Ref No.: 4252]

mohammad abu nadif,md. towhidur rahman samin,tohedul islam "stock market prediction using long short-term memory (lstm)"
ICAECT, 2022

[Ref No.: 4253]

asif rahman snigdha,syeda nishat tasnim,kamran rafsan miah,tohedul islam" early prediction of heart attack using machine learning algorithms"
ICCA, 2022

[Ref No.: 4254]

katsunobu kobayashi1, md. abdullah al nahid1, ken-ichi iimura1 (1. utsunomiya university) "effect of particle size and ph on phase transfer of amiet-coated gold nanoparticles"
The 102nd CSJ Annual Meeting (2022), 2022

[Ref No.: 4255]

arindam kumar paul, pritam khan boni, md zahidul islam" a data-driven study to investigate the causes of severity of road accidents"
2022 13th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2022

[Ref No.: 4243]

mainul islam mahi, md shahidullah rakib, mahedi hasan joy, md rezvi khalid hridoy, aneem-al-ahsan rupai, rashidul hasan nabil "a proposed design of a lecture material to reduce learning complexity"
2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements 2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 4244]

nafiz fuad siam, mahira tabassum khan, mr rownak, md rejaben jamin juel, ashraf uddin "predicting the risk of covid-19 infection using lifestyle data"
International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Emerging Technologies, 2022

[Ref No.: 4238]

s. m. abdullah shafi, sadia farzana, mahmuda muslim florin, nafis mustafa & md. abdullah - al - jubair "the significance of augmented reality based magazine book for historical places of bangladesh: case study"
International Conference on e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries, 2022

[Ref No.: 4317]

jubayer ahamed, maliha maisha, zeba labiba, md ariful islam, dip nandi "a review report on the fingerprint-based biometric system in atm banking"
ICCA '22: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements, 2022

[Ref No.: 4300]

fahmida rafa, zinnet rahman, md mahbub mishu, morad hasan, raiyan rahman, dip nandi" detecting intrusion in cloud using snort: an application towards cyber-security"
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements, 2022

[Ref No.: 4301]

atanu saha, khondakar tawhid, md badhon miah, arrafi ahsan somudro, dip nandi "a comparative analysis on fake news detection methods"
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements, 2022

Keywords: Deep Learning [Ref No.: 4302]

jubayer ahamed, maliha maisha, zeba labiba, md ariful islam, dip nandi "a review report on the fingerprint-based biometric system in atm banking"
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements, 2022

Keywords: Security in Smart Environments,Privacy in Smart Environments [Ref No.: 4303]

mst yeasmin ara, musaddiq al karim, dip nandi "an empirical comparison of students’ performance in online vs offline platforms using ensemble learning models"
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements, 2022

Keywords: Machine to Machine Data Analytics [Ref No.: 4304]

mehedi hasan mishal, nura jannat rakhi, fahmida rashid, kawsar hamid, md kishor morol, abdullah al jubair, dip nandi "prediction of cryptocurrency price using machine learning techniques and public sentiment analysis"
2022 25th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2022

[Ref No.: 4306]

a. s. m. muntaheen; nuzhat tabassum; nusrat sharmin "vision transformer-based deep learning techniques for improper face mask-wearing detection"
2022 IEEE Internationa WIECON-ECE, 2022

[Ref No.: 4372]

zannatul ferdous , rabeya akhter , anika tahsin , sumaiya nuha mustafina , nuzhat tabassum "sentiment analysis on covid-19 vaccine twitter data using neural network model"
ICCA 2022 : 2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements, 2022

[Ref No.: 4373]

hasibul hasan sabuj, nigar sultana nuha, paul richie gomes, aiman lameesa, md ashraful alam "interpretable garment workers’ productivity prediction in bangladesh using machine learning algorithms and explainable ai"
25th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2022

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence [Ref No.: 4376]

md faruk abdullah al sohan, nusrat jahan anannya, afroza nahar, kazi a kalpoma" preliminary findings: use of cnn powered criminal identification system"
ICECCME 2022, 2022

[Ref No.: 4377]

nazia alfaz, talha bin sarwar, argho das, noorhuzaimi mohd noor "a densely interconnected convolutional neural network-based approach to identify covid-19 from chest x-ray images"
The 11th International Conference on Robotics, Vision, Signal Processing, and Power Applications., 2022

Keywords: Deep Learning,Neural Networks [Ref No.: 3460]

dr. dilruba yasmin" importance of quality education for sustainable development"
The talk was about the Importance of Quality Education for Sustainable Development, 2022

[Ref No.: 4282]

dr. md. abdullah - al - jubair "international conference on computing advancements (icca 2022)"
Computing, 2022

[Ref No.: 4368]

dr. shovan kumar kundu "international symposium on nanotechnology, 2022"
All Branches of Nanotechnology, 2022

Keywords: Nanotechnologies,Natural Sciences,Nano Chemistry,Nanotechnology,Polymer and Nano Materials ,Energy Storage Materials,Nanotechnology and Fabrication [Ref No.: 4429]

dr. mohammad mahbub rabbani" 2nd international symposium on nanotechnology (isn2022)"
As an organizing Committee member I served as Technical Program Chair, 2022

Keywords: Nanotechnologies,Nano Chemistry,Nanotechnology,Polymer and Nano Materials ,Nanotechnology and Fabrication [Ref No.: 4476]

dr. mohammad mahbub rabbani" 2nd international symposium on nanotechnology (isn2022)"
Nanotechnology based Business prospects in Bangladesh, 2022

[Ref No.: 4477]

bithi paul" 2nd international conference on micro/nanoelectronics devices, circuits, and systems (mndcs-2022)"
Nanotechnology, Circuits, Devices, 2022

[Ref No.: 4530]

md. faruk abdullah al sohan "2nd international conference on computing advancements - icca 2022"
Technology Trends, 2022

[Ref No.: 4551]

md. faruk abdullah al sohan "2nd international conference on computing advancements - icca 2022"
IoT, 2022

[Ref No.: 4552]

wardah saleh" icca 2 (international conference on computing advancements) 2022"
Applied Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, Communication, 2022

[Ref No.: 4580]

dr. mohammad anisur rahman jamil "chir symposium"
Regulation & Sustainability; Industry & Innovation, 2022

[Ref No.: 4586]

kazi sadia "hosting in conference"

[Ref No.: 4617]

dr. nusrat jahan" webinar"
Materials Science, 2022

[Ref No.: 4670]

dr. nusrat jahan" exploration of structural, optical and magnetic properties of al3+ - doped ni-zn-co nano-spinel ferrites"
Materials Science, 2022

[Ref No.: 4680]

dr. nusrat jahan" structural and magnetic properties of trivalent al3+ - doped ni-zn-co nano-spinel ferrites"
Nanotechonology, 2022

[Ref No.: 4681]

dr. abdus salam" the 34th australasian joint conference on artificial intelligence (ai 2021)"
Artificial Intelligence, 2022

[Ref No.: 4693]

md sajid bin-faisal "2nd international conference on computing advancements - icca 2022"
Networking, Machine Learning, Deep Learning , Security and Cryptography, 2022

Keywords: Internet of Things,Smart Cities,Blockchain [Ref No.: 4855]

dr. kamruddin md. nur" international conference on computing advancements (icca 2022)"
Various responsibilities including ACM Sponsorship, Conference website development, Helping in call for paper sending, Assisting in paper review process, Assisting in TPC engagement etc., 2022

[Ref No.: 4861]

dr. ummay ayesha "factors influencing the duration of breastfeeding among bangladeshi mothers."
Physical Sciences, 2022

[Ref No.: 4880]

dr. md. sarowar hossain" mineralogical analysis of rock samples collected from jaflong and bholaganj areas of sylhet district, bangladesh."
Mineralogical analysis of rock samples collected from Jaflong and Bholaganj areas of Sylhet district, Bangladesh., 2022

[Ref No.: 4928]

md. faruk abdullah al sohan" 2022 international conference on electrical, computer, communications and mechatronics engineering (iceccme)"
Machine Learning, 2022

[Ref No.: 4943]

shahriar atik fahim" international conclave on materials, energy & climate"
Materials, Energy and Climate, 2022

[Ref No.: 4975]

dr. nusrat jahan" exploration of structural, optical and magnetic properties of al3+ - doped ni-zn-co nano-spinel ferrites"
Materials Science and nano techonology, 2022

[Ref No.: 5006]

dr. s. a. m. manzur h. khan" bangladesh education forum 2022"
Re-positioning Bangladesh as a high-quality and cost-effective higher education destination in the world, 2022

[Ref No.: 5013]

dr. kamrun nahar mukta" gca’s youth dialogue on adaptationaction: delivering on the glasgow climate pact"
Climate Change, 2022

[Ref No.: 5056]

dr. mohammad mahbub rabbani" 2nd international symposium on nanotechnology (isn2022)"
Nanotechnology to achieve sustainable development goals, 2022

Keywords: Nanotechnologies [Ref No.: 5074]

dr. mohammad mahbub rabbani" 1st international conference on frontier of science (icfs2022)"
Chemistry and Nanotechnology, 2022

Keywords: Nanotechnologies,General Chemistry,Engineering Chemistry,Nano Chemistry,Physical Chemistry [Ref No.: 5085]

zasmin haque" 1st international conference on frontier in sciences (icfs)"
Mathematical Epidemiology, 2022

[Ref No.: 5104]

syeda asrafa islam" pitching competition on 4th industrial revolution"

[Ref No.: 5172]

dr. farzana khalil" 2nd international symposium on nanotechnology"
2nd International Symposium on Nanotechnology, 2022

[Ref No.: 5377]

dr. sarfuddin ahmed tarek "electronic absorption characteristics and nonlinear optical responses in thermal regime of bovine serum albumin and its constituent amino acids"
Characterization of biomaterials using Linear and Nonnlinear optical techniques, 2022

[Ref No.: 5436]

md. mortuza ahmmed, m. mostafizur rahman" socio-demographic determinants of type 2 diabetes among adolescents in bangladesh: a cross-sectional study"
22nd International Mathematics, 2021

[Ref No.: 3525]

shahid uddin fahim, md. tanjimul islam, md. mahmudul hasan, humaira khondokar gim, fatema jahan, humayra ferdous, tafazzal hossain,md. ehasanul haque "a study on the effectiveness of online classes in bangladesh during the covid-19 pandemic"
National Conference on Physics-2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3517]

md. sayeduzzaman, md. samiul islam borno, md. hasibul islam, sujan howlader "a design of an iot-based smart home with auto-sanitization system"
SmartCom 2021, 2021

Keywords: Internet of Things [Ref No.: 3518]

md hasibul islam, azmi aziz khandoker, tm safi sami, touhidul islam talukder, md isfaqur rahman, pritom kumar sarkar "car accident prevention and health monitoring system for drivers"
2021 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 2021

[Ref No.: 3519]

md hasibul islam, touhidul islam talukder, fatema tauze zohora saima, md nur islam rimon, jabed ali "an iot-based smart energy meter with real-time power tracking system: a review"
2021 6th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech), 2021

[Ref No.: 3521]

md samiul islam borno, md sayeduzzaman, khan md elme, md hasibul islam, md abdur rahman "an empirical analysis of sustainable earth-battery"
6th International Conference on Advances on Clean Energy Research, ICACER 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3522]

md hasibul islam, khadija yeasmin fariya, touhidul islam talukder, azmi aziz khandoker, nafiz ahmed chisty "iot based smart self power generating street light and road safety system design: a review"
2021 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 2021

[Ref No.: 3523]

md. ashraful babu, md. mortuza ahmmed, mohammad abdul hoque" nexus among energy use, co2 emanations, and financial growth: evidence from the gcc countries"
3rd International Conference on Business and Management 2021 (ICBM 2021), 2021

[Ref No.: 3532]

m. n. islam, m. g. s. hossen, s. p. baidya, m. a. u. emon and md. sakir hossain" a framework for tracing the real identity of a bitcoin scammer,"
IEEE Int’l. Conf. Computer, Communication, Chemical, Materials and Electronic Engineering, 2021

Keywords: Blockchain [Ref No.: 3533]

r. m. kanis, s. a. tisha, md. sakir hossain, k. r. kalpo, m. h. bakul, m. s. hossain" traffic analysis based android sms malware detection using machine learning"
International Conference on 4th Industrial Revolution and Beyond (Springer), 2021

Keywords: Networking,Network Security [Ref No.: 3534]

s. afrin, md. sakir hossain, m. r. iqbal, a. refat, a. u. tamim,2021" a fuzzy logic approach for improving throughput of the uav-assisted wireless networks"
IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Information, Communication and Systems, 2021

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication,5G Networks [Ref No.: 3535]

anjir ahmed chowdhury, md. akter hamid, md. nahian al subri ivan "implementation of cost effective bomb defusing robot with live streaming dual camera interface"
International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2021

Keywords: Robotics [Ref No.: 3482]

ehsanul abrar; mir naeemul hassan; md. asraful biswas; md. sarwar jahid; md. mazid-ul-haque; md. sohidul islam" analysis of micro duty cycle techniques for efficient smac"
International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2021

[Ref No.: 3385]

nuzhat tabassum "a case study on information fusion modelling in email archives"
In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Photonics (ICTP), 2021

[Ref No.: 4374]

m. afsana azam , m. borhan uddin, s.h. naqib "in-plane resistivity of hole doped cuprates: role of pseudogap and quantum criticality"
International Conference on Advances in Physics, 2021

Keywords: Materials and Processing [Ref No.: 4237]

md. abdullah al nahid, ken-ichi iimura "monolayer of polyethoxylated alkyl amine functionalized gold nanoparticles"
101th Annual Meeting of CSJ, 2021

[Ref No.: 4256]

pritam khan boni, md rafiqul islam" minimum weight dominating set using chemical reaction optimization algorithm"
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Engineering: ICCIDE 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 4242]

md. manzurul hasan, debajyoti mondal and md. saidur rahman "linear-time rectilinear drawings of triconnected subcubic planar graphs with orthogonally convex faces"
TJCDCG3 2020+1, 2021

[Ref No.: 4251]

marzan tasnim oyshi, moushumi zaman bonny, susmita saha, zerin nasrin tumpa" iot security issues and possible solution using blockchain technology"
Advances in Distributed Computing and Machine Learning: Proceedings of ICADCML, 2020, 2021

[Ref No.: 4269]

marzan tasnim oyshi, moushumi zaman bonny, syed ahmed zaki, susmita saha" iot-based air pollution controlling system for garments industry: bangladesh perspective"
Advances in Distributed Computing and Machine Learning: Proceedings of ICADCML 2020, 2021

[Ref No.: 4270]

abdus salam, rolf schwitter, mehmet a. orgun" generating and modifying natural language explanations"
The 19th Annual Workshop of the Australasian Language Technology Association (ALTA 2021), 2021

[Ref No.: 4277]

abdus salam, rolf schwitter, mehmet a. orgun" human-understandable and machine-processable explanations for sub-symbolic predictions"
The Seventh International Workshop on Controlled Natural Language (CNL 2020/21), 2021

[Ref No.: 4278]

raima adhikary, kaniz fatema, sifat-e-jahan, mohammad abu yousuf "a deep learning approach for bangla speech to text conversion"
International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), 2021

Keywords: Natural Language Processing,Speech Processing [Ref No.: 4574]

md. rokonuzzaman reza, fabiha mukarrama, dhrubo barua, shafayetul islam, nafiz imtiaz khan and sharifa rania mahmud "developing a machine learning based support system for mitigating the suppression against women and children"
5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information & Communication Technology, 2021

[Ref No.: 3854]

k. n. mukta, i. tasnim, m. m. masud, and a. a. mamun" dust-acoustic shock waves in nonthermal dusty plasmas with two population ions"
National Conference on Physics 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3820]

mohammad faisal bin ahmed, m. saef ullah miah, abhijit bhowmik, juniada binti sulaiman, "awareness to deepfake: a resistance mechanism to deepfake"
International Congress of Advanced Technology and Engineering, 2021

[Ref No.: 3767]

ahmed mr, ali ma, ahmed n, bhuiyan t" computational intelligence approaches for prediction of chronic kidney disease"
The second International Conference on Advances in Distributed Computing and Machine Learning, 2021

[Ref No.: 3740]

rahman sm, ali ma, al mamun ma "the use of wearable sensors for the classification of electromyographic signal patterns based on changes in the elbow joint angle"
Complex Adaptive Systems Conference Theme: Big Data, IoT, and AI for a Smarter Future, 2021

[Ref No.: 3741]

rahman sm, ali ma, al mamun ma "using surface electromyographic signal to assess fractal dimension from biceps brachii muscle based on different elbow joint angles"
IEEE Madras Section International Conference, 2021

[Ref No.: 3742]

md ashrafuzzaman, suman saha, neser uddin, pranto kumar saha, sojib hossen, and kamruddin nur "design and development of a low-cost smart stick for visually impaired people"
IEEE International Conference on Science Contemporary Technologies (ICSCT), 2021

Keywords: Deep Learning [Ref No.: 3699]

shovan kumar kundu, dhiraj kumar rana, soumen basu" investigation of the effect of sm on magnetic and magnetodielectric properties of lafeo3 nanostructures"
National Conference on Physics 2021, 2021

Keywords: Natural Sciences,Nanotechnology [Ref No.: 3692]

roti islam shithy, nur mohammad,h.n. ashiqur ruhullah,s.m. yeamin oni, md.al-amin" a blockchain based land registration and ownership management system for bangladesh"
Fourth International Conference on Blockchain Technology and Applications, 2021

Keywords: Blockchain [Ref No.: 3660]

imran ush shahid, md.tanbir anjum, md. shafayet hossain miah shohan, rahanuma tasnim ,md.al-amin" authentic facts: a blockchain approach for reducing fake news in social media"
Fourth International Conference on Blockchain Technology and Applications, 2021

[Ref No.: 3661]

shovan kumar kundu, dhiraj kumar rana, soumen basu" effect of yttrium on magnetic and electrical properties of neodymium ferrite nanoparticles"
International e-Conference on Physics 2021, 2021

Keywords: Natural Sciences,Nanotechnology [Ref No.: 3690]

samia yasmin, md. faruk abdullah al sohan, md. navid bin anwar, mehedi hasan, g.m. farhad hossain "sfc: a lightweight blockchain model for smart food industry"
2021 2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2021

Keywords: Internet of Things,Blockchain [Ref No.: 3553]

merina tanjinishorju agnes botleromourina tasnim hriditatawsiful islam riyadhmd. mehedi hassan onikemail authormahdi h. miraz "privacy and security factors of government websites versus private websites in bangladesh and usa: a comparative study"
International Conference for Emerging Technologies in Computing, 2021

Keywords: Security in Smart Environments,Privacy in Smart Environments,Social Computing [Ref No.: 3556]

zabir mohammad, israt jahan, md. mohsin kabir, m. ameer ali and m. f. mridha" an offline writer-independent signature verification system using autoembedder"
ICCIT-2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3583]

farzana arefin nazira, md. mohsin kabir, shorna rani das, m. f. mridha" depression detection using convolutional neural networks"
IEEE SPICSCON 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3584]

farzana arefin nazira, md. imriaz uddin, md. hafizuddin raju, shajnin hossain, md. naimur rahman, m. f. mridha" face recognition based driver detection system"
ICDABI-2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3585]

4. md sahrial alam, md sayedur rahman, md ikbal hosen, khairul anam mubin, sharif hossen, m. f. mridha" comparison of different cnn model used as encoders for image captioning"
ICDABI-2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3586]

md. abdullah al noman majumder, eimon hossain taief, md. nurul amin bhuiyan, aloke kumar saha and m. f. mridha" eliminating racial bias at the time of detection melanoma using convolution neural network (cnn)"
IJCACI 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3587]

6. md. mohsin kabir, m. f. mridha, md. abdul hamid, mohammad mostafa monowar and ashif ahmed khan" suicidal risk prediction from tweets using ensemble architecture"
ICCIS 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3588]

m. m. kabir, p. mehera, a. k. saha, m. f. mridha, m. a. hamid and m. m. monowar" cnn-nsvm architecture for skin lesion classification using non-dermoscopic digital image"
IcIVPR-2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3589]

a. s. m. a. akib, s. mahmud and m. f. mridha" future micro hydro power: generation of hydroelectricity and iot based monitoring system"
3ICT-2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3590]

lima a.a., kabir m.m., das s.c., hasan m.n., mridha m. f." road sign detection using variants of yolo and r-cnn: an analysis from the perspective of bangladesh"
BIM 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3591]

mohsin kabir m., lima a.a., mridha m. f., abdul hamid m., monowar m.m." forecasting closing price of stock market using lstm network: an analysis from the perspective of dhaka stock exchange"
BIM-2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3592]

s. sukhi, a. q. ohi, m. s. rahman and m. f. mridha" a survey on bengali image captioning: architectures, challenges, and directions"
ICSCT 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3593]

md. mohsin kabir, tanvir ahmed anik, md. shahnewaz abid, m. f. mridha and md. abdul hamid" facial expression recognition using cnn-lstm approach"
ICSCT 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3594]

ashfia jannat keya, shahid afridi, afroza siddique maria, snaha sadhu pinki, joy ghosh and m. f. mridha" fake news detection based on deep learning"
ICSCT 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3595]

m. f. mridha, r. basri, m. m. monowar and m. a. hamid" a machine learning approach for screening individual’s job profile using convolutional neural network"
ICSCT 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3596]

m. m. alam, a. shome, s. saha and m. f. mridha" brevml: classifying bangla reviews for e-commerce using machine learning"
ICSCT 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3597]

m. rhman, f. rahman, m. m. hossain, u. h. emu, k. akter and m. f. mridha" predicting alzheimer’s disease at low cost using machine learning"
ICSCT 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3598]

n. tasnia, s. mahmud and m. f. mridha" covid-19 future forecasting tool: infected patients recovery and hospitalization trends using deep learning models"
ICSCT 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3599]

md. jobaer hossain, md anwar hussen wadud, anichur rahman, jannatul ferdous, md shahin alam, t m amir ul haque bhuiyan and m. f. mridha" a secured patient’s online data monitoring through blockchain: an intelligent way to store lifetime medical records"
ICSCT 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3600]

f. b. safir, a. q. ohi, m. f. mridha, m. m. monowar and m. a. hamid" end-to-end optical character recognition for bengali handwritten words"
NCCC 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3601]

r. basri, m. f. mridha, m. a. hamid and m. m. monowar" a deep learning based sentiment analysis on bang-lish disclosure"
NCCC 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3602]

tanvir islam, sakila mahbin zinat, shamima sukhi, zakir hossain zamil, aynur nahar, m. f. mridha" an attention-based medical ner in the bengali language"
ICAIAA 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3603]

billah, sifat nur and pollobe, rehana and hossain, farjana and abir, nahid murad and zarin, afsana zaman and m. f. mridha" blockchain based architecture for certificate authentication"
ICICC-2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3604]

nurul absar, md. nazim uddin, mayeen u khandaker, md. habib ullah" the efficacy of deep learning based lstm model in forecasting the outbreak of contagious diseases"
International Conference on 4th Industrial Revolution and Beyond (IC4IR) 2021, 2021

[Ref No.: 3923]

mohammad faisal bin ahmed; m. saef ullah miah; abhijit bhowmik; juniada binti sulaiman" awareness to deepfake: a resistance mechanism to deepfake"
International Congress of Advanced Technology and Engineering (ICOTEN), 2021

[Ref No.: 4119]

m. saef ullah miah; junaida sulaiman; saiful azad; kamal z. zamli; rajan jose" comparison of document similarity algorithms in extracting document keywords from an academic paper"

[Ref No.: 4120]

ashaduzzaman, md; saaduzzaman, d.m.; akhter, tahmina . "energy distributions of fragments produced by simultaneous ternary fission"
International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI), 2021

Keywords: nuclear fission;ternary decay;decay kinematics;magic nuclei;energy distribution [Ref No.: 4699]

md. mortuza ahmmed" 3rd international conference on recent advances in management & technology (icramt-2020)"
Different aspects of Management & Technology, 2021

[Ref No.: 4034]

dr. md. abdullah - al - jubair" 2nd international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques 2021 (icrest 2021)"
Computing, 2021

[Ref No.: 4082]

dr. md. abdullah - al - jubair" 2nd international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques 2021 (icrest 2021)"
Computing, 2021

[Ref No.: 4083]

dr. md. abdullah - al - jubair" international conference on information and communication technology for sustainable development (icict4sd)"
Computing, 2021

[Ref No.: 4084]

sifat rahman ahona" 3rd international conference on intelligent engineering and management (iciem- 2021)"
Different Topics of Engineering and Management, 2021

[Ref No.: 4095]

dr. afroza nahar" 2nd international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques 2021 (icrest 2021)"
Computer, Electrical and Electronics, Quantum Computing, Machine and Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Technologies., 2021

[Ref No.: 4099]

bithi paul" international e-conference on physics 2021 (5-7 february 2021)"
Physics research, 2021

[Ref No.: 4146]

dr. shovan kumar kundu "international e-conference on physics -2021"
Physics, 2021

[Ref No.: 4160]

dr. shovan kumar kundu" oxford professional development conference"
Professional Development in Education Sector, 2021

[Ref No.: 4162]

nazia alfaz" the 11th international conference on robotics, vision, signal processing, and power applications (rovisp) 2021."
A Densely Interconnected Convolutional Neural Network-Based Approach to Identify COVID-19 from Chest X-Ray Images, 2021

[Ref No.: 4169]

dr. mahjabin taskin" international e-conference on physics 2021"
Physics, 2021

[Ref No.: 4174]

zasmin haque" mathematical biology in the ambience of dynamical system"
Mathematical Biology, 2021

[Ref No.: 4225]

md. hasibul islam" iot-based smart street light for improved road safety"
IoT, 2021

[Ref No.: 4272]

dr. md. sakir hossain "international conference on 4th industrial revolution and beyond (ic4ir)"
Whole field of Information Technology, 2021

Keywords: Networking,Network Security [Ref No.: 4277]

dr. md. sakir hossain "international conference on signal processing, information, communication and systems"
Communications, Signal processing, Networking, 2021

Keywords: Wireless/ Mobile Communication,5G Networks [Ref No.: 4278]

md. faruk abdullah al sohan" 2021 2nd international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques (icrest)"
Blockchain, 2021

[Ref No.: 4294]

shanta deb" mathematics and it's applications"
numerical methods, 2021

[Ref No.: 4330]

dr. muhammad firoz mridha" international conference on science and contemporary technologies (icsct) 2021"
AI, ML, DL, 2021

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence [Ref No.: 4336]

dr. muhammad firoz mridha" international conference on big data, iot and machine learning (bim 2021)"
Big Data, ML, NLP, 2021

Keywords: Big Data [Ref No.: 4337]

dr. mahfuza khatun" 22nd international mathematics conference 2021"
Statistics, 2021

[Ref No.: 4358]

dr. shovan kumar kundu "international conference on light matter interaction (ic-lmin-2021)"
Photonics, Optoelectronics, Materials Science, 2021

Keywords: Photonics,Natural Sciences,Nanotechnology,Nanotechnology and Fabrication [Ref No.: 4415]

dr. shovan kumar kundu" 8th asef regional conference on higher education (arc8) (outlook 2030: inclusive and diverse higher education in asia and europe)"
Higher Education, 2021

[Ref No.: 4424]

dr. kamruddin md. nur "int. conf. on big data, iot and machine learning (bim 2021)"
IoT and Machine Learning Track, 2021

[Ref No.: 4464]

dr. kamruddin md. nur "ieee cs bdc winter symposium"
Machine Learning Track, 2021

[Ref No.: 4466]

dr. mohammad mahbub rabbani" international symposium on “nanotechnology and innovations for 4ir in asia-pacific and beyond"
Nanotechnology, Nanofibers, Nanochemistry, Supercapacitors, 2021

Keywords: Nanotechnologies,Nano Chemistry,Nanotechnology,Polymer and Nano Materials ,Nanotechnology and Fabrication [Ref No.: 4473]

bithi paul "4th international conference on energy systems, drives and automations,"
Electronics, Devices, Nanotechnology, 2021

[Ref No.: 4531]

dr. nusrat jahan" structural and magnetic characteristics analysis through cations distributions of diamagnetic al3+ ions substituted ni-zn-co ferrites"
Science, 2021

[Ref No.: 4682]

dr. nusrat jahan" structural and magnetic characteristic exploration of trivalent al3+ ions substituted ni-zn-co nano-spinel ferrites"
Science, 2021

[Ref No.: 4683]

dr. ummay ayesha "factors associated with duration of breastfeeding in bangladesh: evidence from bangladesh demographic and health survey 2017-2018"
(i) Culture as a driver to understand the anthropology of health and disease: Concepts, methods and actions (ii) Research in the anthropology of health and disease through the lens of prehistorical/historical perspectives (iii) Syndemics is a way to understand the anthropology of health and disease through biological and cultural outlooks (iv) Anthropological research in public health to conceptualizing pandemic and epidemic, 2021

Keywords: Public health Nutrition ,Public health Awareness [Ref No.: 4876]

dr. ummay ayesha" exclusive breastfeeding of mothers living in rajshahi district: a statistical analysis"
Statistics, 2021

[Ref No.: 4877]

md. hafijur rahman "22nd international mathematics conference 2021"
Mathematics & Others, 2021

[Ref No.: 4905]

md. hafijur rahman" international e-conference on mathematics and its applications 2021"
Mathematics & Others, 2021

[Ref No.: 4907]

kazi mehedi mohammad" cimpa summer research school on mathematical epidemiology"
Mathematical Epidemiology, 2021

[Ref No.: 5034]

raima adhikary "joint 10th international conference on informatics, electronics & vision (iciev) and 2021 5th international conference on imaging, vision & pattern recognition (icivpr)"
IT & Information Systems, 2021

Keywords: Deep Learning,Natural Language Processing,Speech Processing [Ref No.: 5491]

adib mehedi , abid hassan tokee , surovi islam , md saef ullah miah" iot based healthcare middleware"
ICCA 2020, 2020

[Ref No.: 4105]

md. saef ullah miah , abhijit bhowmik , rifat tasnim anannya" location, context and device aware framework (lcdf): a unified framework for mobile data management"
ICCA 2020, 2020

[Ref No.: 4116]

m. saef ullah miah, m. sadid tahsin, saiful azad, gollam rabby, m. sirajul islam, shihab uddin and m. masuduzzaman" a geofencing-based recent trends identification from twitter data"
International Conference on Software Engineering & Computer Systems, 2020

[Ref No.: 4117]

md siduzzaman, md monir hossan, rakibul alom, talha bin sarwar and md saef ullah miah" performance comparison of http/2 for common e-commerce web frameworks with traditional http"
The 2nd Joint International Conference on Emerging Computing Technology and Sports (JICETS), 2020

[Ref No.: 4118]

sumayea benta hasan, shakila rahman, md. khaliluzzaman & siddique ahmed "smoke detection from different environmental conditions using faster r-cnn approach based on deep neural network"
ICONCS 2020: Cyber Security and Computer Science, 2020

[Ref No.: 3976]

m. habib ullah, haram moon, and chang-sik ha" effect of phs on the structure evolution of pt nanoclusters: their surface plasmon resonance and catalytic properties"
The 4th International Symposium on Silsesquioxanes-based Functional Materials, 2020

[Ref No.: 3924]

mohammad rabiul islam, imad fakhri, rizal mohd, afidalina tumian "the effectiveness of adaptive driven data dictionary on inflectional text simplification for financial prediction"
International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences, 2020

Keywords: Big Data,Deep Learning [Ref No.: 3960]

m. m. kabir, a. q. ohi, m. s. rahman and m. f. mridha" an evolution of cnn object classifiers on low-resolution images"
IEEE HONET 2020, 2020

[Ref No.: 3605]

m. m. kabir, f. b. safir, s. shahen, j. maua, i. a. binte awlad and m. f. mridha" human abnormality classification using combined cnn-rnn approach"
IEEE HONET 2020, 2020

[Ref No.: 3606]

m. m. s. choyon, m. rahman, m. m. kabir and m. f. mridha" iot based health monitoring & automated predictive system to confront covid-19"
IEEE HONET 2020, 2020

[Ref No.: 3607]

shaon hossain sani, md shopon, mashrur hossain khan, moenul hasan and m. f. mridha" short-term and long-term air quality forecasting technique using stacked lstm"
ICCIP 2020, 2020

[Ref No.: 3608]

m. f. mridha, m. s. rahman and a. q. ohi" human abnormality detection based on bengali text"
TENSYMP 2020, 2020

[Ref No.: 3609]

rakib ul haque, m. f. mridha, aloke kumar saha, md abdul hamid, kamruddin nur" identification of extreme guilt and grave fault in bengali language"
ICCA 2020, 2020

[Ref No.: 3610]

syed maaz shahid, md mehedi hasan, and sungoh kwon "distributed dynamic channel assignment for sensor networks in 5g mmtc"
ICOIN 2020, 2020

Keywords: Networking,Wireless Sensor Networks [Ref No.: 3573]

md. naimur rahman, rownak kabir, md. abdul hamid and m. f. mridha" dxchain: blockchain based smart and indestructible diagnosis reporting system under 5g network"
ICICC-2020, 2020

[Ref No.: 3620]

md. naimur rahman, rownak kabir, md. abdul hamid and m. f. mridha" blockchain based international driving permit and traffic crime reporting system"
IEMIS-2020, 2020

[Ref No.: 3621]

saima sharleen islam, md mahmudul hasan bhuiyan, zahiduddin ahmed, md al-amin" an empirical survey on crowdsourcing-based data management techniques"
International Conference on Computing Advancements, 2020

[Ref No.: 3658]

samiur khan, md al-amin, hrittik hossain, nawshad noor, md wahid sadik" a pragmatical study on blockchain empowered decentralized application development platform"
International Conference on Computing Advancements, 2020

[Ref No.: 3659]

mutasim billah ahmad, md. rafsan jany chowdhury,akif ahmed,kashfa sehejat sezuti,tohedul islam "an appearance-based approach to detect the wrong-way movement of vehicles using deep convolutional neural network"
ICCA, 2020

Keywords: Data Mining and Business Intelligence [Ref No.: 3752]

md shazzad hossain shihab, shuvra aditya, jahangir hossain setu, km imtiaz-ud-din, md iftekharul alam efat "a hybrid gru-cnn feature extraction technique for speaker identification"
2020 23rd International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2020

[Ref No.: 3766]

moushumi zaman bonny, mohammad shorif uddin" degraded document enhancement through binarization techniques"
International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI), 2020

[Ref No.: 4271]

md. abdullah al nahid, ken-ichi iimura "efficient transfer of in-situ polyethoxylated alkyl amine modified gold nanoparticles from aqueous to organic media"
17th Annual Australia-Japan Colloids symposium, 2020

[Ref No.: 4257]

md. abdullah al nahid & ken-ichi iimura "ph triggered phase transfer of amiet-coated gold nanoparticles"
71st Divisional Meeting of Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Japan, 2020

[Ref No.: 4258]

md. abdullah al nahid, ken-ichi iimura "a study on phase transfer mechanism of amiet-coated gold nanoparticles"
100th Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2020

[Ref No.: 4259]

jahida binte islam, mai furukawa, ikki tateshi, hydeyuki katsumata and satoshi kaneco" ag/edta modified g-c3n4 with excellent photocatalytic reduction of hexavalent chromium (cr 6+ ) under ultraviolet ((uv) irradiation in presence of formic acid"
The 10th International Symposium for Sustainability by Engineering, 2020

[Ref No.: 4226]

rajarshi roy chowdhury, sandhya aneja, nagender aneja, pg emeroylariffion abas "network traffic analysis based iot device identification"
2020 the 4th International Conference on Big Data and Internet of Things, 2020

[Ref No.: 4360]

md. mortuza ahmmed" prospective impacts of covid-19 on fertility and mortality rates in bangladesh"
8th Public Health Foundation Day & Virtual International Conference, 2020

[Ref No.: 3388]

dhiraj kumar rana, shovan kumar kundu, soumen basu "electrical modulus and impedance spectroscopy of cofe2o4 nanoparticles embedded into the pva matrix"
Department of Atomic Energy: Solid State Physics Symposium 2019, 2020

[Ref No.: 3393]

pradipta chakraborty, dhiraj kumar rana, shovan kumar kundu, soumen basu "synthesis, characterization and electrical transport properties of co-doped ycro3"
Department of Atomic Energy: Solid State Physics Symposium 2019, 2020

[Ref No.: 3394]

md alamgir kabir, jacky w keung, kwabena e bennin, miao zhang "a drift propensity detection technique to improve the performance for cross-version software defect prediction"
2020 IEEE 44th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2020

[Ref No.: 3483]

md fahimuzzman sohan, md alamgir kabir, mostafijur rahman, sm hasan mahmud, touhid bhuiyan "training data selection using ensemble dataset approach for software defect prediction"
International Conference on Cyber Security and Computer Science, 2020

[Ref No.: 3484]

md fahimuzzman sohan, md alamgir kabir, mostafijur rahman, touhid bhuiyan, md ismail jabiullah, ebubeogu amarachukwu felix "prevalence of machine learning techniques in software defect prediction"
International Conference on Cyber Security and Computer Science, 2020

[Ref No.: 3485]

miao zhang, jacky keung, yan xiao, md alamgir kabir, shuo feng "a heuristic approach to break cycles for the class integration test order generation"
2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2020

[Ref No.: 3486]

md. ehasanul haque, md. masud parvez, humayra ferdous, md. abdus sattar, md. mizanur rahman & md. asadul hoque" a study on cnt/peptide interface by second harmonic generation (shg) method"
International Conference on Physics -2020, 2020

[Ref No.: 3454]

dr. humayra ferdous, salahuddin haowlader, shahidul islam" applying and analyzing the knowledge of thermodynamics and mechanics in real world situation — a case study on undergraduate students"
International Conference on Physics -2020, 2020

[Ref No.: 3455]

m. habib ullah, haram moon, and chang-sik ha" effect of phs on the structure evolution of pt nanoclusters: their surface plasmon resonance and catalytic properties"
Oral Presentation in The 4th International Symposium on Silsesquioxanes-based Functional Materials, 2020

[Ref No.: 3524]

m. monjirul kabir, nasimul hasan, md khalid hassan tahmid, tanjil ahmed ovi, victor stany rozario "enhancing smartphone lock security using vibration enabled randomly positioned numbers"
International Conference on Computing Advancements (ICCA 2020), 2020

Keywords: Security in Smart Environments,Privacy in Smart Environments,Mobile and Ubiquitous Platforms for Smart Environments [Ref No.: 3252]

zarif bin akhtar, victor stany rozario "the design approach of an artificial human brain in digitized formulation based on machine learning and neural mapping"
2020 International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), 2020

Keywords: Deep Learning,Machine to Machine Data Analytics,Data Mining and Business Intelligence [Ref No.: 3266]

md. mortuza ahmmed" covid-19 and demographic perspectives: evidence from bangladesh, india, pakistan and sri lanka"

[Ref No.: 3291]

md. mortuza ahmmed" environmental factors of climate change in bangladesh over the years"
International Conference on Materials, Energy, Environment and Engineering (ICMEEE 2020), 2020

[Ref No.: 3292]

dipta gomes, rashidul hasan nabil, and kamruddin nur "banking queue waiting time prediction based on predicted service time using support vector regression"
International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM' 20), 2020

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence [Ref No.: 3326]

rashidul hasan nabil and khandaker tabin hasan" blood count prediction for disease prognosis based on combined multi-modal interaction model with related attributes"
International Conference on Computing Advancements (ICCA 2020), 2020

[Ref No.: 3140]

dipta gomes, rashidul hasan nabil and kamruddin nur" banking queue waiting time prediction based on predicted service time using support vector regression"
2020 International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM), 2020

[Ref No.: 3141]

riyad, w.a., yee, s.c.p., thinakaran, r.a.p., salam, z.a.b.a. "comparative evaluation of numerous optimization algorithms for compiling travel salesman problem"
3rd Global Conference on Computing and Media Technology, 2020

[Ref No.: 4698]

dr. md. abdullah - al - jubair" international conference on computing advancements (icca 2020)"
Copyright matters of the all the accepted paper align with ACM rules and guidelines., 2020

[Ref No.: 3799]

rashidul hasan nabil" international conference on computing advancements (icca 2020)"

[Ref No.: 3800]

aneem al ahsan rupai" international conference on computing advancements"
Computing, 2020

[Ref No.: 3865]

shahadat hossain" international conference on earth and environmental sciences& technology for sustainable development(iceest) 2020"
Environmental Radiation Monitoring in Demra Thana, Dhaka and Its Implication on Human Health, 2020

[Ref No.: 3921]

sifat rahman ahona" international conference on computing advancements"
Different Tracks of Computer Science and Engineering, 2020

[Ref No.: 3962]

prof. dr. dip nandi" icca 2020"
Computing, 2020

[Ref No.: 3985]

prof. dr. dip nandi" icca 2020"
Computing, 2020

[Ref No.: 3986]

mahfujur rahman" international conference on computing advancements (icca)"
Technology Trends, Smart Computing Systems, Cryptography, Security and Privacy, Communication, Intelligent Systems, Software Engineering, Computing, Machine Vision, Human Computer Interaction, Big Data, Algorithms and Computations, 2020

[Ref No.: 4005]

md. masud parvez" international virtual conference on “advanced functional nanomaterials and their applications(icafnta-2020)”"

[Ref No.: 4010]

md. mortuza ahmmed" 6th gobeshona international conference on research into action in bangladesh"
Climate change issues in Bangladesh, 2020

[Ref No.: 4035]

dr. kamruddin md. nur" international confernce on computing advancements (icca), 2020"
Various responsibilities including ACM Sponsorship, Conference website development, Helping in call for paper sending, Assisting in paper review process, Assisting in TPC engagement etc., 2020

[Ref No.: 4060]

kazi sadia " international conference on computing advancements"
Iot, ML, Networking etc., 2020

[Ref No.: 4112]

dr. md. mahbub chowdhury mishu" international conference on computing advancement"
Computing, 2020

[Ref No.: 4132]

a.g.m. zaman" icca 2020 - international conference on computing advancements"
Different areas of Computer Science, 2020

[Ref No.: 4135]

rifat tasnim anannya" location, context and device aware framework (lcdf): a unified framework for mobile data management;conference: icca 2020: international conference on computing advancements"
Computer Science, 2020

[Ref No.: 4144]

md. anwarul kabir" international conference on computing advancements (icca)"
Software Project management, 2020

[Ref No.: 4148]

dr. md. tarek hossain" conference of the education for justice (e4j)"
E4J Global Dialogue Series. Reimagining education for a more just world: Inspire, change, together, 2020

[Ref No.: 4170]

md. hasibul hasan" international conference on computing advancements (icca 2020)"
Computing, 2020

[Ref No.: 4204]

shanta deb" recent advances in biomathematics"
Biomathematics to combat the threat of mysterious pathogen, 2020

[Ref No.: 4331]

mohammad samawat ullah "distributed disk store"
Distributed Disk Store, 2020

Keywords: Distributed and parallel systems [Ref No.: 4364]

mohammad samawat ullah "an analysis of incentive model (pii) to maximize the beneficiary outreach by ensuring privacy"
An Analysis of Incentive Model (PII) to Maximize the Beneficiary Outreach by Ensuring Privacy, 2020

Keywords: Privacy in Smart Environments [Ref No.: 4365]

mohammad samawat ullah "residual net for car detection with spatial transformation"
Residual Net for Car Detection with spatial transformation, 2020

Keywords: Neural Networks [Ref No.: 4366]

dr. mohammad mahbub rabbani" international symposium on nanotechnology (isn2020)"
Involved as organizing committee member (Technical Program Chair), 2020

Keywords: Nanotechnologies,Nano Chemistry,Nanotechnology,Polymer and Nano Materials ,Nanotechnology and Fabrication [Ref No.: 4435]

dr. mohammad mahbub rabbani" international symposium on nanotechnology (isn2020)"
Electrospinning, Nanofibers, Multifunctional Nanocomposites, 2020

Keywords: Nanotechnologies,Nano Chemistry,Nanotechnology,Polymer and Nano Materials ,Nanotechnology and Fabrication [Ref No.: 4436]

k. m. imtiaz-ud-din" 2nd international conference on cyber security and computer science"
Computer Science and Cyber Security, 2020

[Ref No.: 4548]

wardah saleh" icca (international conference on computing advancements) 2020"
Applied Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, Communication, 2020

[Ref No.: 4584]

dr. mohammad rabiul islam" virtual conference organizer's panel (ieee - tensymp2020)"
Machine Learning, 2020

Keywords: Machine to Machine Data Analytics [Ref No.: 4810]

md. borhan uddin "international conference of recent advances in science (icras-i)"
Advances in Science, 2020

Keywords: Natural Sciences [Ref No.: 5044]

dr. mohammad mahbub rabbani" international symposium on nanotechnology (isn2020)"
Nanotechnology in Bangladesh: Challenges and Prospects, 2020

Keywords: Nanotechnologies [Ref No.: 5072]

dr. md. ashaduzzaman "2nd international conference on sustainable technologies for industry 4.0 (sti-2020)"
Intelligent Computing, Energy, Robotics, Electronics, Sensors and Communications, 2020

[Ref No.: 5597]

k. n. mukta, p. a. robinson, j. c. pagès, xiao gao, and n. c. gabay" eigenmode analysis of brain activity in a convoluted cortex via neural field theory"
BrainModes 2019, 2019

[Ref No.: 3237]

fatema tuz zohra, md. rezwan bin mizan, md. jashim uddin & ahmad izani md. ismail." second order slip flow of bio-nano-convective micropolar fluid flow past a vertical rotating cone with stefan blowing effects"
21st BMS International Mathematics Conference 2019, Department of Applied Mathematics, 2019

[Ref No.: 3290]

md alamgir kabir, jacky w keung, kwabena e bennin, miao zhang "assessing the significant impact of concept drift in software defect prediction"
2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2019

[Ref No.: 3487]

md fahimuzzman sohan, md alamgir kabir, md ismail jabiullah, sheikh shah mohammad motiur rahman "revisiting the class imbalance issue in software defect prediction"
2019 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), 2019

[Ref No.: 3488]

md mehedi hasan, syed maaz shahid, seok ho won, and sungoh kwon "load balancing in 5g multi-rat networks by offloading delay tolerant flows"
KICS Summer Conference 2019, 2019

Keywords: Networking,Wireless/ Mobile Communication,Satellite Communication,5G Networks [Ref No.: 3124]

km tahsin hassan rahit, rashidul hasan nabil, md. hasibul huq" machine translation from natural language to code using long-short term memory"
Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2019, 2019

[Ref No.: 3139]

samiha islam abrita, moumita sarker, faheem abrar & muhammad abdullah adnan "benchmarking vm startup time in the cloud"
International Symposium on Benchmarking, Measuring and Optimization, 2019

Keywords: Cloud Computing [Ref No.: 4383]

md. a. r. jamil" selective c- or n-methylation using borrowing hydrogen methodology and catalytic conversion of triglyceride"
Visiting Research Group guest lecture, 2019

[Ref No.: 4281]

md. a. r. jamil" catalytic c-c or c-n bond forming reactions using borrowing hydrogen methodology and conversion of triglyceride"
Visiting Research Group guest lecture, 2019

[Ref No.: 4282]

md. a. r. jamil," sustainable and low-cost methods for useful chemicals synthesis: utilization of methanol and renewable biomass"
Scientific Research Talk, 2019

[Ref No.: 4283]

s. m. a. hakim siddiki, md. a. r. jamil, abeda sultana touchy, takashi toyao, ken-ichi shimizu" heterogeneous catalysis for selective conversion of triglycerides to amides, amines and nitriles"
23th Meeting of Catalysis Society of Japan, 2019

[Ref No.: 4284]

maeno zen, md. a. r. jamil, s. m. a. hakim siddiki, takashi toyao, ken-ichi shimizu" selective n-methylation of amine with methanol using supported platinum nanoparticle catalysts"
123th Meeting of Catalysis Society of Japan, 2019

[Ref No.: 4285]

md. a. r. jamil, s. m. a. hakim siddiki, takashi toyao, zen maeno, ken-ichi shimizu" catalytic transformation of triglycerides into chemicals"
Winter presentation meeting, 2019

[Ref No.: 4286]

md. fayz-al-asad, m. a. hossain, m.m.a. sarker" numerical investigation of mhd mixed convection heat transfer having vertical fin in a lid-driven square cavity"
BSME 2018, 2019

[Ref No.: 4220]

k. w. nafi, t. s. kar, b. roy, c. k. roy and k. a. schneider "clcdsa: cross language code clone detection using syntactical features and api documentation"
International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2019

Keywords: Natural Language Processing,Software processes and methodologies,Software maintenance and evolution,Software Engineering Education and Training [Ref No.: 4234]

abdus salam, rolf schwitter, mehmet a. orgun" learning probabilistic rules for answering why-questions"
The First International Workshop on Interpretability: Methodologies and Algorithms (IMA 2019), 2019

[Ref No.: 4279]

prashengit dhar; md. zainal abedin; razuan karim; fatema-tuj-johora department of computer science and engineering, university of chittagong, bangladesh ; mohammad shahadat hossain "bangladeshi license plate recognition using adaboost classifier"
Joint 8th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), 2019

[Ref No.: 4612]

rubyeat islam, muhammad tawsif sazid, sharifa rania mahmud, chowdhury nawrin ferdous, reshad reza, dr. syed akhter hossain "parametric study of student learning in it using data mining to improve academic performance"
8th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision, 2019

[Ref No.: 3855]

md. mashod rana, md. eyaseen arafat khan, m. f. mridha, mohammad tipu sultan, md. masud ahmed and md. abdul hamid" detection and correction of real-word errors in bangla language"
ICBSLP-2018, 2019

[Ref No.: 3622]

n. jahan, r. u. haquey, a. k. saha, m. f. mridha and m. a. hamid" identification of expectancy, proximity, and compatibility of the bengali language"
CSE-EUC 2019, 2019

[Ref No.: 3611]

m. i. mamun, a. rahman, a. khaleque, m. f. mridha and m. a. hamid" healthcare monitoring system inside self-driving smart car in 5g cellular network"
INDIN-2019, 2019

[Ref No.: 3612]

m. i. mamun, a. rahman, a. khaleque, m. a. hamid and m. f. mridha" autilife: a healthcare monitoring system for autism center in 5g cellular network using machine learning approach"
INDIN-2019, 2019

[Ref No.: 3613]

m. f. mridha, md. abdul hamid, md. mashod rana, md. eyaseen arafat khan, md. masud ahmed and mohammad tipu sultan" semantic error detection and correction in bangla sentence"
icIVPR-2019, 2019

[Ref No.: 3614]

rakib ul haque, parisa mehera, m. f. mridha and md. abdul hamid" bengali stop phrase detection mechanism using corpus based method"
ICIEV-2019, 2019

[Ref No.: 3615]

rakib ul haque, parisa mehera, m. f. mridha and md. abdul hamid" a complete bengali stop word detection mechanism using machine learning"
ICIEV-2019, 2019

[Ref No.: 3616]

m. f. mridha, md. mashod rana, md. abdul hamid, md. eyaseen arafat khan, md. masud ahmed and mohammad tipu sultan" an approach for detection and correction of missing word in bengali sentence"
ECCE-2019, 2019

[Ref No.: 3617]

md. al imran, m. f. mridha and md. kamruddin nur" otp based cardless transction using atm"
ICREST 2019, 2019

[Ref No.: 3618]

m. f. mridha, rakib ul haque and md. abdul hamid" identification of expectancy, proximity, and compatibility of the bengali language"
SPICSCON-2019, 2019

[Ref No.: 3619]

abdus salam, rolf schwitter and mehmet a. orgun" answering why-questions using probabilistic logic programming"
The 32nd Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019

[Ref No.: 3921]

gani, s., uddin, j., & mobin, m. i." extractive text summarization technique using fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm."
Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Materials and Electronic Engineering (IC4ME2), 2019

[Ref No.: 3966]

reza, m. t., zaman, m. s., mobin, i., & alam, m. a." analysis and 3d representation of visual information from fmri of ventral temporal cortex using neural network and support vector machine"
International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering ICAEE, 2019

[Ref No.: 3967]

tithi, i. d., shuchi, u. s., tasneem, n. a., mobin, m. i., & alam, m. a." brain fmri image classification and statistical representation of visual objects."
International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), 2019

[Ref No.: 3968]

khanom, a. z., farzana, s. m., rahman, t., & mobin, i." bookception: a proposed framework for an artificially intelligent recommendation platform"
International Conference on Software and Computer Applications, 2019

[Ref No.: 3969]

sami, m., & mobin, i." a comparative study on variational autoencoders and generative adversarial networks"
International Conference of Artificial Intelligence and Information Technology (ICAIIT), 2019

[Ref No.: 3970]

dr. md. mahbub chowdhury mishu" international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques"
Computing and Signal Processing, 2019

[Ref No.: 3475]

dr. md. mahbub chowdhury mishu" international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing"
Signal Processing and Computing, 2019

[Ref No.: 3476]

dr. md. sakir hossain" international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques (icrest)"
Estimation of Rain Attenuation of Earth-to-Satellite Link over Nepal for Ku & Ka Bands, 2019

[Ref No.: 3480]

dr. mohammad tariqul islam" international conference on climate change 2019"
Climate Change, 2019

[Ref No.: 3544]

priyanka datta" 5th conference of bangladesh crystallographic association"
Thin films, 2019

[Ref No.: 3607]

priyanka datta" national conference on physics-2019"
Thin films, 2019

[Ref No.: 3608]

md. borhanul asfia" national conference on physics 2019"
Synthesis and Characterization of Undoped and Aluminum Doped Zinc Sulfide Thin Films by Chemical Bath Deposition Technique, 2019

[Ref No.: 3665]

pulak das gupta" national conference on physics-2019"
Determination of non-linear refractive index of pure SnO2 and TiO2 doped SnO2 thin films using Z-scan technique, 2019

[Ref No.: 3666]

md. siyamul islam" korean computer congress-2019"
Bid Data, Distributed processing, 2019

[Ref No.: 3787]

nandita deb" national conference on physics-2019"
Synthesis of iron-oxide nanoparticle by hydrothermal process and study the viability of chitosan coated particle in hyperthermia for cancer treatment, 2019

[Ref No.: 3802]

dr. md. tarek hossain" numerical calculations of wigner rotation in hyperbolic space and schwarchild black hole"
3rd International Conference on Physics for Sustainable Development & Technology, CUET, 2019

[Ref No.: 3844]

dr. md. tarek hossain" inner relationship among rapidity, velocity and numerical calculations of wigner rotation in hyperbolic space"
National Conference on Physics, Bangladesh Physical Society, 2019

[Ref No.: 3845]

dr. md. tarek hossain" 7th annual conference on research findings-2019"
Status of Quantum Information near Black Holes due to Wigner Rotation, 2019

[Ref No.: 3855]

dr. fatema tuz zohra" 21st bms international mathematics conference 2019, department of applied mathematics"
Second order slip flow of bio-nano-convective micropolar fluid flow past a vertical rotating cone with Stefan blowing effects, 2019

[Ref No.: 4086]

dr. md. razib hayat khan" service development of smart home automation system: a formal method approach"
Software Engineering, 2019

[Ref No.: 4136]

md. anwarul kabir" international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques (icrest"
Rbotics and AI, 2019

[Ref No.: 4150]

dr. muhammad firoz mridha" machine learning and natural language processing (mlnlp-19)"
ML, 2019

[Ref No.: 4340]

dr. nusrat jahan" variation of structural and magnetic properties with energy band gap because of al-doping in ni-zn-co nanoparticles"
Science, 2019

[Ref No.: 4684]

dr. abdus salam" the 32nd australasian joint conference on artificial intelligence (ai2019)"
Artificial Intelligence, 2019

[Ref No.: 4696]

dr. ummay ayesha" a statistical study on initial breastfeeding among mothers in rajshahi districts."
7th International Conference on Data Science and SDGs: Challenges, Opportunities and Realities, 2019

Keywords: Public health Nutrition ,Public health Awareness [Ref No.: 4878]

dr. ummay ayesha" prevalence and factors associated with early initiation of breastfeeding among bangladeshi mothers: a nationwide cross-sectional study"
Applied Statistics entitled on Emerging Challenges in a Data Centric World, 2019

[Ref No.: 4879]

md. hafijur rahman "21st international mathematics conference 2019"
Mathematics & Others, 2019

[Ref No.: 4909]

rahul biswas" the 2nd world indiana summit on advance in science , engineering & technology"
Engineering & Technology, Physical & Life Science, Health & Medicine, Others, 2019

Keywords: Deep Learning [Ref No.: 5122]

shandro chakraborty; iftekharul mobin; abhijeet roy; mobtasim hasan khan" rating generation of video games using sentiment analysis and contextual polarity from microblog"
International Conference on Computational Techniques, Electronics and Mechanical Systems (CTEMS), 2018

[Ref No.: 3971]

mohammad rabiul islam, rizal mohd nor, imad fakhri al-shaikhli, kabir sardar mohammad "cryptocurrency vs fiat currency: architecture, algorithm, cashflow & ledger technology on emerging economy"
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World, 2018

[Ref No.: 3961]

md iftekharul alam efat, rakibul bashar, km imtiaz uddin, touhid bhuiyan "trend estimation of stock market: an intelligent decision system"
International Conference on Cyber Security and Computer Science, 2018

[Ref No.: 3765]

md. zainal abedin, kazy noor-e-alam siddiquee, m. s. bhuyan, razuan karim ,mohammad shahadat hossain and karl andersson "performance analysis of anomaly based network intrusion detection systems"
43rd Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, 2018

[Ref No.: 4613]

pritam khan boni, bappy shahriar abir, hm mehedi hasan, md rafiqul islam" handwritten bangla digit recognition using chemical reaction optimization"
2018 9th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2018

Keywords: Algorithms [Ref No.: 4241]

md. a. r. jamil, s. m. a. hakim siddiki, takashi toyao, ken-ichi shimizu" versatile and sustainable heterogenous n-methylation of various amines by methanol over a pt/c catalyst"
TOCAT8, 2018

[Ref No.: 4287]

md alamgir kabir, md altab hossin, sm hasan mahmud, sheak rashed haider noori, touhid bhuiyan "usability evaluation of mobile applications: an empirical analysis of supply chain management systems"
2018 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC), 2018

[Ref No.: 3489]

md mehedi hasan, sungoh kwon, and sung kyung kim "collaboration of call admission control with load-balancing in small-cell networks"
ICTC 2018, 2018

Keywords: Networking,Wireless/ Mobile Communication,5G Networks [Ref No.: 3123]

a pulcini, e vardaci, e kozulin, m ashaduzzaman, c borcea, a bracco, s brambilla, s calinescu, f camera, m ciemala, b de canditiis, o dorvaux, i m harca, i itkis, v v kirakosyan, g knyazheva, n kozulina, i v kolesov, g la rana, a maj, i matea, k novikov, c petrone, d quero, p rath, e saveleva, c schmitt, g sposito, o stezowski, w h trzaska and j wilson "gamma rays as probe of fission and quasi-fission dynamics in the reaction 32s + 197au near the coulomb barrier"
International Workshop "Nuclear Reactions on Nucleons and Nucle, 2018

[Ref No.: 4702]

priyanka datta" 4th conference of bangladesh crystallographic association"
Thin film, 2018

[Ref No.: 3283]

dr. mohammad ferdows" numerical solution of steady magnetohydrodynamic boundary layer flow due to gyrotactic microorganism for williamson nanofluid over stretched surface in the presence of exponential internal heat generation."

[Ref No.: 3340]

tanzia zerin khan " the 8th bsme international conference on thermal engineering, (bsmeicte-2018)"
Effects of Lewis Number on Two Phase Natural Convection Flow of Nanofluid inside a Square Cavity with an Adiabatic Obstacle, 2018

[Ref No.: 3500]

tanzia zerin khan " a f mujibur rahman-bangladesh mathematical society, national mathematics conference"
Two Phase Natural Convection Flow of Nanofluid Inside a Square Cavity with an Adiabatic Obstacle, 2018

[Ref No.: 3501]

priyanka datta" international conference on physics-2018"
Thin films, 2018

[Ref No.: 3606]

dr. md. manzurul hasan" ictcsdm"
No-Bend Orthogonally Convex Drawings of Subdivisions of Planar Triconnected Cubic Graphs, 2018

[Ref No.: 3707]

md. siyamul islam" korean software congress"
Bid Data, Distributed processing, High performance computing, 2018

[Ref No.: 3788]

tanzia zerin khan " 21st international mathematics conference 2019"
Effects of Buoyancy Ratio Number on Two Phase Natural Convection Flow of Nanofluid inside a Square Cavity, 2018

[Ref No.: 3798]

tasnim rahman" wids buckingham conference on business data science for the public good (in association with wids stanford)"
Msc Research work, 2018

[Ref No.: 3848]

dr. md. tarek hossain" conference on weather forecasting and advance in physics"
The Change of Wigner Rotation due to Velocity, Rapidity and its Status near the Event Horizon of Black Hole, 2018

[Ref No.: 3856]

dr. md. tarek hossain" international conference on physics"
Status of the Wigner Rotation near the Even Horizon of Black Hole, 2018

[Ref No.: 3857]

dr. s. m. hasan mahmud" international conference on artificial intelligence and big data"
Semantic Web, 2018

[Ref No.: 4027]

dr. s. m. hasan mahmud" international conference on big data engineering and technology"
Machine Learning, 2018

[Ref No.: 4028]

dr. s. m. hasan mahmud" 4th ieee international conference on computer and communications"
Machine Learning, 2018

[Ref No.: 4029]

dr. s. m. hasan mahmud" 2018 international conference on artificial intelligence and big data (icaibd)"
Semantic, 2018

[Ref No.: 4030]

dr. m m manjurul islam" 19th intelligent data engineering and automated learning, ideal 2018"
Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, 2018

[Ref No.: 4067]

dr. debajyoti karmaker" the bird gets caught by the worm: tracking multiple deformable objects in noisy environments using weight ordered logic maps"
Computer Vision, 2018

[Ref No.: 4124]

dr. debajyoti karmaker" image denoising with weighted orientation-matched filters (worm)"
Computer Vision, 2018

[Ref No.: 4126]

dr. shohag barman" a boolean network inference from time-series gene expression data using a genetic algorithm"
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2018

Keywords: Bioinformatics [Ref No.: 4692]

dr. mohammad rabiul islam "cryptocurrency vs fiat currency: architecture, algorithm, cashflow & ledger technology of emerging economy"
Fintech, 2018

Keywords: Economics in Smart Environments [Ref No.: 4803]

dr. mohammad rabiul islam "neural network and pca based numerical data analysis for stock market prediction with machine learning techniques."
Data Analysis, 2018

Keywords: Machine to Machine Data Analytics [Ref No.: 4805]

dr. md. sarowar hossain "stress induced dynamic elastic properties in conial ferromagnetic shape memory alloy"
Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloy, 2018

[Ref No.: 4912]

dr. md. sarowar hossain "structural anomaly and elastic moduli in disordered magnetic alloys"
Disordered magnetic alloys, 2018

[Ref No.: 4913]

dr. md. sarowar hossain "effect of composition on elastic moduli for a co-ni-al system"
elastic moduli of Ferromagnetic shape memory alloys, 2018

[Ref No.: 4915]

dr. md. sarowar hossain "annealing effect on magneto-transport property and stress induced dynamic elastic moduli on a co-ni-al fsma"
Magneto-transport property in metallic alloy, 2018

[Ref No.: 4916]

dr. md. sarowar hossain" martensitic transformation and mechanical behavior of nano-structured ni-mn-ga/si (100) thin film."
Nano-structured metallic thin film, 2018

[Ref No.: 4917]

md. borhan uddin" international conference on inventions in science, engineering & technology’ (iciset)-2016"
Inventions in Science, 2018

[Ref No.: 5045]

dr. mohammad anisur rahman jamil "versatile and sustainable heterogenous n-methylation of various amines by methanol over a pt/c catalyst"
Synthesis and catalysis, 2018

[Ref No.: 5099]

salahuddin haowlader , humayra ferdous" quality of physics teaching in bangladesh---an overview"
National Conference on Physics-2017, 2017

[Ref No.: 3074]

md alamgir kabir, omar am salem, muaan ur rehman "discovering knowledge from mobile application users for usability improvement: a fuzzy association rule mining approach"
2017 8th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS), 2017

[Ref No.: 3490]

md alamgir kabir, muaan ur rehman, shariful islam majumdar "an analytical and comparative study of software usability quality factors"
2016 7th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS), 2017

[Ref No.: 3492]

nuzhat tabassum; sujan chowdhury; muhammad kamal hossen; salah uddin mondal "an approach to recognize book title from multi-cell bookshelf images"
2017 IEEE International Conference on Imaging, Vision & Pattern Recognition (icIVPR), 2017

[Ref No.: 4375]

moushumi zaman bonny, mohammad shorif uddin" feature-based image stitching algorithms"
2016 International workshop on computational intelligence (IWCI), 2017

[Ref No.: 4268]

zainal abedin; abu sayeed chowdhury; mohammad shahadat hossain; karl andersson; razuan karim "an interoperable ip based wsn for smart irrigation systems"
14th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference, 2017

[Ref No.: 4614]

sharifa rania mahmud, sanjida nasreen tumpa, anika binte islam, chowdhury nawrin ferdous, nipi paul, tasmiah tamzid anannya "bonitaa: a smart approach to support the female rape victims"
IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC), 2017

[Ref No.: 3856]

sharifa rania mahmud, jannatul maowa, ferry wahyu wibowo "women empowerment: one stop solution for women"
International Conferences on Information Technology, Information Systems and Electrical Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 3857]

asaduzzaman, a., mazumder, s.*, salinas, s., and mridha, m. f." a security-aware near field communication architecture"
NSysS-2017, 2017

[Ref No.: 3629]

md. sultanul arefin, tania haider surovi, nazmun nahar snigdha, md. firoz mridha, md. akhtaruzzaman adnan" smart health care system for underdeveloped countries"
ICTP-2017, 2017

[Ref No.: 3623]

m. f. mridha, hanif bhuiyan, shammi akhtar and aloke kumar saha" a bangla semantic parser using context-free-grammar"
CTCEEC-2017, 2017

[Ref No.: 3624]

aloke kumar saha, m. f. mridha, jahir ibna rafiq and jugal krishna das" data extraction from natural language using universal networking language"
CTCEEC-2017, 2017

[Ref No.: 3625]

muhammad f. mridha, a. asaduzzaman, p. mitra, k.k. chidella and k.a. saeed" a computer-assisted mammography technique for analyzing breast cancer"
ICAEE-2017, 2017

[Ref No.: 3626]

nusrat jahan farin; nafees mansoor; sifat momen; iftekharul mobin; nabeel mohammed" sequence classification: a regression based generalization of two-stage clustering"
International Workshop on Computational Intelligence (IWCI), 2017

[Ref No.: 3972]

md. saef ullah miah; mohammad faisal bin ahmed; md. muneef anjum timu; shakura akter; md. jubayer sarker" the issues and the possible solutions for implementing self-driving cars in bangladesh"
Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC), 2017

[Ref No.: 4104]

syed maaz shahid, md mehedi hasan, sungoh kwon "infrared controller fraud for cyber-attack on home networks"
KICS Winter Conference 2017, 2017

Keywords: Smart Cities,5G Networks,Network Security [Ref No.: 4129]

rath, p k; ashaduzzaman, m; vardaci, e; a di nitto, g la rana, f davide, a pulcini, d quero, m mazzocco, d pierroutsakou, m cinausero, g prete, m la commara, c parascandolo, m romoli and n gell "cluster structure effects of projectile in 7li+208pb reaction"
11th International Conference on Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics, 2017

[Ref No.: 4700]

shibbir ahmed; abu sayed md. latiful hoque; mahamudul hasan; rahnuma tasmin; deen md. abdullah; anika tabassum "discovering knowledge regarding academic profile of students pursuing graduate studies in world's top universities"
In International Workshop on Computational Intelligence (IWCI), 2016, 2017

Keywords: Data Mining, Discovering knowledge [Ref No.: 4623]

deen md. abdullah, sara binte zinnat, rahnuma tasmin, shibbir ahmed, and mahamudul hasan "an automated advisor system to suggest response after analyzing user writings in social network"
2017 5th International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information Systems (ICRIIS), 2017

Keywords: Deep Learning, SNS, Corpus [Ref No.: 4624]

shahadat hossain" national conference on physics- 2017"
Measurement of Indoor Terrestrial Gamma Radiation Dose, 2017

[Ref No.: 3300]

bithi paul" american physical society (aps) march meeting 2017"
Synthesis and characterization of polypeptide-Co3O4 nano-conjugates http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR17/Session/M1.98, 2017

[Ref No.: 3311]

bithi paul" 24th annual graduate interdisciplinary forum"
Probing the interaction at the nano-bio interface of ZnO-glucose nano conjugates https://blogs.missouristate.edu/graduate/2016/04/, 2017

[Ref No.: 3314]

mohammad jannatul ferdous" microsoft ignite 2017"
Microsoft Technology, 2017

[Ref No.: 3342]

md. azmir ibne islam " international conference on advances in computational mathematics, 2017"
Mathematical Model and Optimal Control Theory, 2017

[Ref No.: 3386]

md. azmir ibne islam " international mathematics conference, 2017"
Mathematical Modeling & Optimal Control Theory, 2017

[Ref No.: 3387]

md. azmir ibne islam " 1st international conference on industrial and mechanical engineering and operations management (imeom)"
Mathematical Modeling & Optimal Control Theory, 2017

[Ref No.: 3388]

azm ehtesham chowdhury" ieee region 10 humanitarian technology conference"
Climate Change, Environment, Clean Water & Sanitation Community Engagement & Connectivity Communication, Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing Disaster Management Healthcare, Biomedical Engg., & Bioinformatics Humanitarian Challenges and Opportunities Humanitarian Apps and Opportunities Human Computer Interaction, AI, Robotics, Control & Automation ICT, Cloud, Big Data, Database, Architecture Devices, 2017

[Ref No.: 3404]

azm ehtesham chowdhury" 10th malaysian software engineering conference"
Requirement Engineering Software Performance Engineering Software Architecture Software Security, Safety, and Reliability Software Development Methods Agile Software Development Methods Software Testing, Verification and Validation Software Engineering Environments and Tools Program Analysis and Understanding Empirical Software Engineering, 2017

[Ref No.: 3406]

dr. m m manjurul islam" 3rd australasian conference on artificial life and computational intelligence, acalci 2017"
Artificial life and computational intelligence and optimization algorithms and applications., 2017

[Ref No.: 4069]

dr. md. mozahar ali" a first principle study of xin3 (x = sc. y, la) via dft"
2nd International Conference on Physics for Sustainable Development & Technology, 2017

[Ref No.: 4559]

dr. mohammad rabiul islam" technical approach in text mining for stock market prediction: a systematic review"
Text Analysis, 2017

Keywords: Machine to Machine Data Analytics [Ref No.: 4791]

dr. mohammad rabiul islam" a systematic review of soft-computing techniques and methods for stock market prediction"
Text Analysis, 2017

Keywords: Machine to Machine Data Analytics [Ref No.: 4792]

dr. md. sarowar hossain" effect of grain growth inhibitor in magnetoelastic behaviour of finemet melt spun ribbons"
Magneto-elastic behaviour of FINEMET amorphous alloy controlled by grain-growth inhibitor like Nb, 2017

Keywords: Materials and Processing [Ref No.: 4870]

dr. md. sarowar hossain" elastic moduli of ni-fe-al ferromagnetic shape memory alloy studied by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy"
Elastic properties of ferromagnetic shape memory alloys, 2017

Keywords: Industrial Applicants [Ref No.: 4919]

dr. md. sarowar hossain" multiferroic properties of gd doped bifeo3 nanoparticles prepared by sol-gel method"
Synthesis of nanoparticles and ferroelectric properties, 2017

[Ref No.: 4920]

dr. md. sarowar hossain" rietveld analysis and magnetic properties of nd0.7sr0.3mno3 manganites"
Reitveld refinement of XRD data and Magnetization measurement., 2017

[Ref No.: 4921]

dr. md. sarowar hossain" effect of annealing on the structural transformations and magnetic properties of conial fsma"
Phase transformation and magnetic properties of ferromagnetic shape memory alloys, 2017

[Ref No.: 4922]

dr. md. sarowar hossain" magnetic field induced elastic behaviour of finemet melt spun ribbon"
Magnetic field induced Elastic behaviour of FINEMET ribbon, 2017

[Ref No.: 4923]

dr. md. sarowar hossain" stress induced martensitic transformation in a conial ferromagnetic shape memory alloys using vibrating reed apparatus"
Stress induced Martensitic transformation in a CoNiAl Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys, 2017

[Ref No.: 4924]

dr. md. sarowar hossain" structural anomaly and shape memory effect in a conial fsma system due to heat treatment"
Structural anomaly and enhancement of shape memory effect due to heat treatment, 2017

[Ref No.: 4925]

dr. md. ashaduzzaman" national conference on physics - 2017"
Fundament Physics, 2017

[Ref No.: 5604]

m. f. mridha, mehedi mahmud and and md. tahajul islam" augmenting atm security analyzing thermal imaging and voice biometric recognition"
ICAICT 2016, 2016

[Ref No.: 3627]

m. f. mridha, md. tahajul islam and mehedi mahmud" improve payment card security by adding voice and fingerprint biometric solution"
ICAICT 2016, 2016

[Ref No.: 3628]

md. shopon, md. akhtaruzzaman adnan and md. firoz mridha" krill herd based clustering algorithm for wireless sensor networks”"
IWCI-2016, 2016

[Ref No.: 3630]

moniruzzaman, m.*, asaduzzaman, a., and mridha, m. f." optimizing controller area network system for vehicular automation"
ICIEV-2016, 2016

[Ref No.: 3631]

mabbu, v.*, asaduzzaman, a., and mridha, m. f" a novel semantic knowledge engine using automated knowledge extraction from world wide web"
ICIEV-2016, 2016

[Ref No.: 3632]

banshal, s.k., uddin, a., singhal, k., singh, v.k. "computer science research in india: a scientometric study"
(E3-C3), INDICON 2015, 2016

[Ref No.: 3809]

razuan karim, mohammad shahadat hossain, md. saifuddin khalid, rashed mustafa & tanveer ahmed bhuiyan "a belief rule based expert system to assess bronchiolitis suspicion from signs and symptoms under uncertainty"
Proceedings of SAI Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys), 2016

[Ref No.: 4615]

razuan karim; karl andersson; mohammad shahadat hossain; md. jasim uddin; md. perveg meah "a belief rule based expert system to assess clinical bronchopneumonia suspicion"
FTC 2016 - Future Technologies Conference 2016, 2016

[Ref No.: 4616]

publisher: ieee cite this pdf mohammad shahadat hossain; ahmed afif monrat; mamun hasan; razuan karim; tanveer ahmed bhuiyan; md. saifuddin khalid "a belief rule-based expert system to assess mental disorder under uncertainty"
5th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision (ICIEV), 2016

[Ref No.: 4617]

dahee band, md mehedi hasan, yeonseung shin , seongoh kwon "rach optimization algorithm in heterogeneous networks"
KICS Winter Conference 2016, 2016

Keywords: Networking,Wireless/ Mobile Communication [Ref No.: 4273]

salma parvin, ayesha siddiqua" heat line analysis for mhd mixed convection flow of nanofluid within a driven cavity containing heat generating block"
11th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2016

[Ref No.: 2658]

sm hasan mahmud, md alamgir kabir, omar am salem, kazihise ntikurako guy fernand "the comparative analysis of online shopping information platform's security based on customer satisfaction"
2016 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology (ICCSNT), 2016

[Ref No.: 3491]

ahmed, kazi wasif and mouri, israt jahan and zaman, rianon and yeasmin, nilufa" a privacy preserving personalized group recommendation framework"
2016 IIEEE 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing (IACC), 2016

[Ref No.: 3549]

syeda nyma ferdous" ieee international conference on imaging, vision & pattern recognition"
Cross-lingual semantic recommender system, 2016

[Ref No.: 3269]

dr. md. atikur rahman khan" balancing disclosure risk with utility for generalized linear model output in a remote analysis system"
Data Privacy and Confidentiality Protection in Remote Analysis Systems: Official Statistics, 2016

[Ref No.: 3288]

bithi paul" arkansas inbre 2016 conference"
Synthesis of nano-bio hybridization of polypeptide and Co3O4 and characterize the composit material for device applications [serial no:206A] https://inbre.uark.edu/2016-conference-summary/, 2016

[Ref No.: 3312]

bithi paul" 23rd annual graduate interdisciplinary forum"
Nano-bio interaction with polypeptide nanotubes and semiconductor nanomaterials https://calendar.missouristate.edu/event/91932, 2016

[Ref No.: 3313]

mohammad jannatul ferdous" microsoft ignite 2016"
Microsoft Technology, 2016

[Ref No.: 3343]

dr. farzana khalil" 16th asian chemical congress"
16th Asian Chemical Congress, 2016

[Ref No.: 3364]

azm ehtesham chowdhury" international conference on electrical engineering and information & communication technology"
Algorithms and Computation, Microwave Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Mobile Computing , Bio-informatics, Multimedia Systems and Applications , Biomedical Engineering and Fuzzy Logic, 2016

[Ref No.: 3405]

dr. ashraf uddin" international conference on advance in computing, control and communication technology"
Scientific Research, 2016

[Ref No.: 3461]

nazia hossain" international conference on networking, systems and security (nsyss)"
Networking Session, 2016

[Ref No.: 3812]

dr. s. m. hasan mahmud" conference “iccnst 2016”"
Data Analysis, 2016

[Ref No.: 4026]

dr. debajyoti karmaker" whog: a weighted hog-based scheme for the detection of birds and identification of their poses in natural environments"
Computer Vision, 2016

[Ref No.: 4116]

dr. md. mozahar ali" floating zone growth and characterization of 12(ca1-xlnxo)∙7al2o3 (ln3+ = y3+,,ho3+,nd3+ and eu3+) single crystals"
The 18th International Conference on Crystal Growth and EpitaxyICCGE18, 2016

[Ref No.: 4561]

dr. md. mozahar ali" floating zone growth and characterization of 12(ca1-xlnxo)∙7al2o3 (ln3+ = y3+, ,ho3+, nd3+ and eu3+) single crystals"
he 5th International Seminar for Special Doctoral Program on Green Energy Conversion Science and Technology, 2016

[Ref No.: 4562]

sharifa rania mahmud" international conference on computer and information technology (iccit 2016)"
Organizing Committee, 2016

[Ref No.: 4686]

dr. md. sarowar hossain "effect of annealing on elastic moduli for a fsma"
Annealing effect on ferromagnetic shape memory effect, 2016

[Ref No.: 4866]

dr. md. sarowar hossain "effect of composition on elastic moduli for a conial system"
Elastic moduli of Co-Ni-Al shape memory alloy controlled by variation of Co content, 2016

Keywords: Industrial Applicants, Materials and Processing [Ref No.: 4867]

dr. md. sarowar hossain "incidence of ultrasonic wave through newtonian and non-newtonian fluids"
Analysis of molecular dynamics by ultrasonic apparatus, 2016

Keywords: Machine to Machine Data Analytics, Industrial Applicants [Ref No.: 4869]

md. borhan uddin" international conference on inventions in science, engineering & technology’ (iciset)-2018"
Inventions in Science, 2016

Keywords: Engineering Technology [Ref No.: 5046]

dr. razuan karim" 5th iciev"
A Belief Rule Based Expert System to Assess Mental Disorder Under Uncertainty, 2016

Keywords: Expert Systems [Ref No.: 5552]

dr. md. ashaduzzaman "11th international conference on clustering aspects of nuclear structure and dynamics"
Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics, 2016

[Ref No.: 5602]

shafin, md kishwar and kabir, kazi lutful and hasan, nazmul and mouri, israt jahan and islam, samina tasnia and ansari, lazima and karim, md mahboob and hossain, md afzal" development of an rfid based access control system in the context of bangladesh"
International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS), 2015

[Ref No.: 3548]

tanjila farah, delwar alam, md nadir bin ali, md alamgir kabir "investigation of bangladesh region based web applications: a case study of 64 based, local, and global sqli vulnerability"
2015 IEEE International WIE Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE), 2015

[Ref No.: 3493]

delwar alam, touhid bhuiyan, md alamgir kabir, tanjila farah "sqli vulnerabilty in education sector websites of bangladesh"
2015 Second International Conference on Information Security and Cyber Forensics (InfoSec), 2015

[Ref No.: 3494]

delwar alam, md alamgir kabir, touhid bhuiyan, tanjila farah "a case study of sql injection vulnerabilities assessment of. bd domain web applications"
2015 Fourth International Conference on Cyber Security, Cyber Warfare, and Digital Forensic, 2015

[Ref No.: 3495]

tanjila farah, delwar alam, md alamgir kabir, touhid bhuiyan "sqli penetration testing of financial web applications: investigation of bangladesh region"
2015 World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS), 2015

[Ref No.: 3496]

delwar alam, tanjila farah, md alamgir kabir" exploring the sql injection vulnerabilities of. bd domain web applications"
3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Electronics and Communication (ACEC 2015), 2015

[Ref No.: 3497]

fahmid al farid, md sharif uddin, shohag barman, amirhossein ghods, sowmitra das, and md mehedi hasan "a novel approach toward parallel implementation of bfs algorithm using graphic processor unit"
ICEEICT 2015, 2015

Keywords: Algorithms,Distributed and parallel systems [Ref No.: 3122]

uddin, a., banshal, s.k., singhal, k., singh, v.k. "a sciento-text framework for fine-grained characterization of leading world institutions in computer science research"
Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI), 2015

[Ref No.: 2555]

banshal, s.k., uddin, a., singh, v.k. "identifying themes and trends in cs research output from india"
CCIP 2015, 2015

[Ref No.: 2556]

singhal, k., banshal, s.k., uddin, a., singh, v.k. "a scientometric analysis of computer science research in india"
IC3 2015, 2015

[Ref No.: 3810]

md. enamul haque, md. muntasir rahman, aminur rahman, k.m. imtiaz-ud-din "self organized sensor deployment with brownian motion in wireless sensor and robot networks"
2015 18th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2015

[Ref No.: 3764]

asaduzzaman, a., mummidi, a.*, mridha, m. f., and sibai, f.n." improving facial recognition accuracy by applying liveness monitoring technique"
ICAEE-2015, 2015

[Ref No.: 3633]

aloke kumar saha, md. firoz mridha, molla rashied hussain and jugal krishna das" design and implementation of an efficient deconverter for generating bangla sentences from unl expression"
ICIEV-2015, 2015

[Ref No.: 3634]

chidella, k.k.*, asaduzzaman, a., and mridha, m. f." early estimation of cache properties for multicore embedded processors,"
ICETM-2015, 2015

[Ref No.: 3635]

asaduzzaman, a., chidella, k.k.*, and mridha, m. f." a time and energy efficient parking system using zigbee communication protocol"
SECON-2015, 2015

[Ref No.: 3636]

salma parvin, ayesha siddiqua" effect of reynold’s number for mixed convection flow of nanofluid in a double lid driven cavity with a heat generating obstacle"
19th International Mathematics Conference, 2015

[Ref No.: 3702]

md. sarowar hossain, b. rajini kanth, m.a. hakim and p.k. mukhopadhyay "low temperature elastic properties of finemet melt spun ribbon"
MESCoS 2015, 2015

[Ref No.: 4060]

dipanjan samanta, md. sarowar hossain, barnana pal and p. k. mukhopadhyay "development of pulse-echo technique to measure the ultrasonic properties"
MesCoS 2015, 2015

[Ref No.: 4062]

p. k. ratha, e. vardaci for the fiesta and exotic collaboration "breakup phenomena study in 7li+208pb reaction using 8plp"
VI International Conference FUSION14, 2015

[Ref No.: 4701]

dr. md. manzurul hasan" walcom-2015"
Algorithms and Computation, 2015

[Ref No.: 2842]

ayesha siddiqua" icme 2015"
Fluid Mechanics, 2015

[Ref No.: 3232]

ayesha siddiqua" 19th international mathematics conference, 2015"
Fluid Mechanics, 2015

[Ref No.: 3233]

dr. afroza nahar" comsol conference"
Numerical model development and simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer problems, 2015

[Ref No.: 3238]

syeda nyma ferdous" international conference on computer and information engineering (iccie), ieee, 2015"
Semantic Web, 2015

[Ref No.: 3265]

dr. md. atikur rahman khan" risk-utility trade-off for confidentiality protection of perturbed remote analysis output"
Data privacy and confidentiality in remote analysis systems, 2015

[Ref No.: 3290]

ashfia tasnim munia" theory and application of statistics"
Statistics based topic, 2015

[Ref No.: 3295]

dr. kamruddin md. nur" acm international conference on mobile and ubiquitous multimedia (mum ’15)"
A smartphone application for voice browsing RFID smart shelves, 2015

[Ref No.: 3325]

dr. farzana khalil" 45th iupac world chemical congress"
Organochlorine pesticides in human blood samples of people living close to old factory, 2015

[Ref No.: 3363]

dr. md. sakir hossain" international symposium on personal, indoor, and mobile radio communication (pimrc)"
PAPR reduction of OFDM by Pilot Shifting, 2015

[Ref No.: 3368]

dr. ashraf uddin" 15th international conference on scientometrics & informetrics"
Classification of Scholarly Article, 2015

[Ref No.: 3436]

tashmiah tamzid anannya" 18th international conference on computer and information technology"
Organizing the conference, 2015

[Ref No.: 3443]

dr. ashraf uddin" international conference on webometrics, infrometrics and scientometrics"
Scientometrics, 2015

[Ref No.: 3456]

dr. ashraf uddin" 2015 eighth international conference on contemporary computing (ic3)"
Computing, 2015

[Ref No.: 3457]

dr. kamruddin md. nur" 14th international conference on mobile and ubiquitous multimedia (mum ’15)"
A smartphone application for voice browsing RFID smart shelves, 2015

[Ref No.: 4051]

dr. m m manjurul islam" 11th international conference on intelligent computing, icic 2015"
Image processing and computer vision, bioinformatics theory and methods, healthcare and medical methods, and information security, 2015

[Ref No.: 4072]

dr. mohammad anisur rahman jamil" chir (chemical innovation and regulation) symposium"
State of the art issues on chemical safety, sustainability and the regulations, 2015

[Ref No.: 4251]

md. borhan uddin" international conference on advances in physics"
Advances in Physics, 2015

Keywords: Materials and Processing [Ref No.: 5047]

dr. md. ashaduzzaman" euroschool on exotic beams"
physics of exotic nuclei, experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear structure and reaction dynamics, 2015

[Ref No.: 5598]

asaduzzaman, a., chidella, k.*, and mridha, m. f." a smart embedded system for better detection of perilous gases"
SKIMA-2014, 2014

[Ref No.: 3637]

muhammad f. mridha, aloke kumar saha and jugal krishna das" new approach of solving semantic ambiguity problem of bangla root words using universal networking language (unl)"
ICIEV-2014, 2014

[Ref No.: 3638]

km imtiaz-ud-din, touhid bhuiyan, shamim ripon "circle of trust - one hop trust based security paradigm for resource constraint manet"
International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking, and Informatics (ICACNI-2013), 2014

[Ref No.: 3760]

km imtiaz-ud-din, mohammad ullah khan "runtime adaptation of end-user composed collaborative services"
2014 IEEE 23rd International WETICE Conference, 2014

[Ref No.: 3761]

md enamul haque, km imtiaz-ud-din, md muntasir rahman, aminur rahman" connected component based roi selection to improve identification of microcalcification from mammogram images"
8th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2014

[Ref No.: 3762]

md enamul haque, md muntasir rahman, aminur rahman, km imtiaz-ud-din "centroidal voronoi tessellation based energy efficient clustering protocol for heterogenous wireless sensor and robot networks"
2014 17th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2014

[Ref No.: 3763]

banshal, s.k., singhal, k., uddin, a., singh, v.k. "mapping computer science research in bangladesh"
SKIMA 2014, 2014

[Ref No.: 3811]

uddin, a., rahman, m.a., banshal, s., ...kumar, t., pandey, b. "thermal aware energy efficient bengali unicode reader in text analysis"
ICROIT 2014, 2014

[Ref No.: 3812]

marzia sultana, sharifa rania mahmud, lazima ansari, nazifa azam khan "delaunay triangulation and st-numbering in wireless sensor network topology"
International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information and Communication Technology, 2014

[Ref No.: 3858]

rajarshi roy chowdhury and azman samsudin "visual key-exchange scheme by using color images"
The 3rd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (ICCEMS 2014), 2014

[Ref No.: 4361]

abhijit bhowmik" international forum on strategic technology"
PBCT: A Modified Polyharmonic Broadcasting Scheme with Seamless Channel Transition, 2014

[Ref No.: 10]

md. saidur rahman" the international forum on strategic technology"
Multimedia Communication, 2014

[Ref No.: 41]

dewan mahabub sarwar" 9th international forum on strategic technology (ifost)"
An Experimental Study of Distributed Consensus Protocol in AUTOSAR Based System, 2014

[Ref No.: 297]

md. manirul islam" 2014 bangladesh netacad instructor conference"
NA, 2014

[Ref No.: 2556]

md. manirul islam" 2014 cisco netacad partner conference"
NA, 2014

[Ref No.: 2558]

mohammad samawat ullah" attended academic centres of excellence in cyber security research conference(acecsr),"
Cyber Security Research Conference, 2014

[Ref No.: 2788]

dr. preetom nag" dynamical heterogeneity and dynamics of cage breaking and formation in colloidal fluids"
Dynamical heterogeneity, Colloidal fluids, 2014

[Ref No.: 2864]

bijan paul" 17th international conference on computer and information technology, iccit 2014"
Title of paper: Screen Reading with Bangla & English Audio Assistance Bi-Lingual Supported Software ‘Mongol Dip’ for Visually Impaired People, 2014

[Ref No.: 2971]

dr. ashraf uddin" third international conference on big data analytics(bda 2014)"
Big Data, 2014

[Ref No.: 3437]

dr. mohammad mahbub rabbani" 49th korean society of industrial and engineering chemistry (ksiec) meeting"
Preparation and characterization of mPEG-b-P4VP copolymers for graphene dispersion, 2014

[Ref No.: 3683]

dr. md. asraf ali" conference on movement, health & exercise conference"
The significance of automated system development for asthma disease in malaysia, 2014

[Ref No.: 3998]

dr. debajyoti karmaker" shimpg: simple human interaction with machine using physical gesture"
Deep Learning, 2014

[Ref No.: 4115]

singh, v.k., piryani, r., uddin, a., waila, p., marisha "sentiment analysis of textual reviews: evaluating machine learning, unsupervised and sentiwordnet approaches"
5th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST), 2013

[Ref No.: 2558]

v. k. singh; p. waila; r. sadat; r. piryani; a. uddin "computational analysis of thematic blog data for sociological inference mining"
8th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI), 2013

[Ref No.: 2559]

singh, v.k., piryani, r., uddin, a., waila, p. "sentiment analysis of movie reviews and blog posts"
3rd IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 2013

[Ref No.: 2561]

singh, v.k., piryani, r., uddin, a., waila, p. "sentiment analysis of movie reviews: a new feature-based heuristic for aspect-level sentiment classification"
IMAC4, 2013

[Ref No.: 2562]

k. w. nafi, t. s. kar, m. a. hossain and m. m. a. hashem "a new trusted and secured e-commerce architecture for cloud computing"
International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision, 2013

Keywords: Network Security,Fuzzy Logic,Cloud Computing [Ref No.: 4232]

k. w. nafi, t. s. kar, m. a. hossain and m. m. a. hashem "a fuzzy logic based certain trust model for e-commerce"
International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision, 2013

Keywords: Network Security,Fuzzy Logic,Cloud Computing [Ref No.: 4233]

nazifa azam khan, lazima ansari, sharifa rania mahmud, marzia sultana, a. s. m. muntaheen, mohammad nurul huda "bangla to english machine translation"
4th Global Engineering, Science and Technology Conference-GIST2013, 2013

[Ref No.: 3859]

sharifa rania mahmud, marzia sultana, nazia majadi "coverage in wireless sensor network using voronoi diagram"
3rd International Conference in Advances in Information Technology and Mobile Communication, 2013

[Ref No.: 3860]

mridha, m. f., asaduzzaman, a., and shaha, a.k" an effective measurement technique of level-2 cache performance for multicore embedded systems"
ICIEV-2013, 2013

[Ref No.: 3639]

asaduzzaman, a., mridha, m. f., and uddin, m.n." an inexpensive plug-and-play hardware security module to restore systems from malware attacks"
ICIEV-2013, 2013

[Ref No.: 3640]

dr. md. nurul kabir bhuiyan" molecular beam epitaxy of advanced gate stacks for cmos technology"
CMOS devices, 2013

[Ref No.: 350]

md. manirul islam" 2013 cisco netacad partner conference"
NA, 2013

[Ref No.: 2561]

dr. md. saiful islam" electrostatic and electromagnetic solitary structures in complex plasmas"
Dusty Plasma Physics, 2013

Keywords: Natural Sciences [Ref No.: 2761]

dr. md. manzurul hasan" walcom-2013"
Algorithms and Computation, 2013

[Ref No.: 2843]

dr. preetom nag" coherent dynamics in colloidal fluids in terms of lagrangian coherent structures"
Collective motion, Colloidal FLuids, Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCSs), 2013

[Ref No.: 2862]

dr. humayra ferdous" xvth international conference on electrical bio impedance 2013 (icebi)"
Bioimpedance, 2013

[Ref No.: 2880]

dr. kamruddin md. nur" acm international joint conference on pervasive and ubiquitous computing (ubicomp 2013)"
1. Browsing reality: dynamic contextualization in human scale smart spaces 2. STORE VIEW: pervasive RFID & indoor navigation based retail inventory management,, 2013

[Ref No.: 3323]

dr. md. tarek hossain" international conference on advances in physics"
Effect of Pressure on the Properties of Solids, 2013

[Ref No.: 3858]

dr. kamruddin md. nur" acm international conference on ubiquitous computing (ubicomp ’13)"
Pervasive RFID & indoor navigation based retail inventory management, 2013

[Ref No.: 4049]

dr. md. mozahar ali" elastic, electronic and optical properties of two new phases of snh4: first-principle study"
ICMERE 2013, 2013

[Ref No.: 4563]

sharifa rania mahmud" third international conference in advances in information technology and mobile communication-aim2013"
Coverage in Wireless Sensor Network Using Voronoi Diagram, 2013

[Ref No.: 4654]

behrang parhizkar, mohammad rabiul islam, arash habibi lashkari, md. abdullah-al-jubair, zahra mohana gebril, and mohsen zarrabi "simulation of investigating the earth and universe using interactive mobile augmented reality based on smart evaluation"
International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, 2012

Keywords: Augmented Reality [Ref No.: 3962]

kawser wazed nafi, tonny shekha kar, a. hossain and m. m. a. hashem "a fuzzy and probabilistic logic based representational model of certain trust model"
International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision, 2012

Keywords: Network Security,Fuzzy Logic,Cloud Computing [Ref No.: 4231]

mamun sarker" bangladesh chemical congress"
Organic, inorganic, physical, analytical & bio-chemistry, nano techonology etc., 2012

[Ref No.: 115]

dr. md. habib ullah" international conference of physics of today"
Insights of Polypyrrole-Ag Nanocomposite: An in-situ Chemical Synthesis, 2012

[Ref No.: 132]

dr. md. nurul kabir bhuiyan" nanopyramid pattern formation during ge/ge(001) homoepitaxy"
semiconductor nanostructures, 2012

[Ref No.: 351]

bayzid ashik hossain" ibm business continuity summit 2012."
Business Continuity, 2012

[Ref No.: 2388]

md. manirul islam" 2012 cisco networking academy conference and instructor retooling workshop"
NA, 2012

[Ref No.: 2647]

md. manirul islam" 2012 apac networking academy meeting and workshop"
NA, 2012

[Ref No.: 2649]

dr. md. manzurul hasan" walcom-2012"
Algorithms and Computation, 2012

[Ref No.: 2844]

dr. preetom nag" extracting quasi-normally repelling material surface by re-formulating variational lagrangian coherent structure(lcs) theory"
Non-linear dynamical system, Lagrangian Coherent Structures(LCSs), 2012

[Ref No.: 2861]

bijan paul" 15th international conference on computer and information technology, iccit 2012"
Title of paper: Bi-Lingual Screen Reading Software for the People with Visual Impairments, 2012

[Ref No.: 2968]

dr. md. kamruzzaman" the 14th international meeting on chemical sensors"
Fabrication of Microfluidic Chip-based Chemiluminescence Sensor by the Immobilization of Copper (II) on a MWCNT-Nafion Composite and Its Analytical Application, 2012

[Ref No.: 3066]

dr. md. kamruzzaman" the 45th korean society of industrial and engineering chemistry (ksiec) meeting"
Silver Nanoparticles Enhanced Luminescence from the Europium (III)-Doxycycline Complex and Its Analytical Application, 2012

[Ref No.: 3080]

dr. md. kamruzzaman" the 109th annual meeting of the korean chemical society"
Fabrication of a Chemiluminescence Microfluidic System Sensor on a Chip with the Co(II) Immobilized CNT-Nafion Composite to Determine Amino Acids, 2012

[Ref No.: 3084]

md. fahad monir" participant of international conference on “leadership and social change in the muslim world: prospects and challenges"
Leadership and Social Change in the Muslim World: Prospects and Challenges, 2012

[Ref No.: 3257]

dr. md. abdullah - al - jubair" simulation of investigating the earth and universe using interactive mobile augmented reality based on smart evaluation"
Augmented Reality, 2012

[Ref No.: 3275]

dr. md. abdullah - al - jubair" mobile ar gps-based for navigation purpose"
Augmented Reality GPS-Based Navigation, 2012

[Ref No.: 3276]

dr. ashraf uddin" the first international conference on big data analytics(bda 2012)"
Big Data, 2012

[Ref No.: 3441]

dr. md. asraf ali" ieee international conference on control system, computing and engineering"
Vision-based Motion Tracking Rehabilitation System for Gait Disorder, 2012

[Ref No.: 3997]

dr. md. razib hayat khan" from uml to srn: a performability modeling framework considering service components deployment"
Software Engieering, 2012

[Ref No.: 4138]

dr. mohammad anisur rahman jamil "icpoc: 21st iupac international conference on physical organic chemistry"
Organic chemistry, catalysis and physical chemistry, 2012

[Ref No.: 4250]

dr. md. sarowar hossain" structural and dielectric properties of doped and undoped barium titanate (batio3)"
Structural effect on dielectric properties, 2012

[Ref No.: 4865]

md. habib ullah, et al." transformation of isotropic to anisotropic gold nanoparticles coordinated to poly(vinylpyrrolidone): kinetics, optics and morphology"
International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 2011, 2011

[Ref No.: 66]

khandaker tabin hasan, sheak rashed haider noori, abdus salam, md. anwarul kabir" making sense of time: timeline visualization for public transport schedule"
The Fifth Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval (HCIR 2011), 2011

[Ref No.: 4280]

r. h. khan, k. m. imtiaz-ud-din, m. a. hoque "analysis for trust enhancement in cooperative communication in wireless networks"
2011 6th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services, and Applications (TSSA), 2011

[Ref No.: 3759]

rashad yazdanifard1 , foong kar hoe², mohammad rabiul islam³, seyed pouya emami4 "customer’s information security management system in e-commerce"
International Conference on Software and Computer Application IPCSIT, 2011

[Ref No.: 3963]

rashad yazdanifard1, melissa venpin2 , wan fadzilah wan yusoff3 , mohammad rabiul islam4 "internet marketing: the new era of innovation in e-commerce"
International Conference on Computer and Business Management, 2011

Keywords: Economics in Smart Environments [Ref No.: 3964]

rashad yazdanifard and mohammad rabiul islam "how e-commerce model build the online hybrid marketing channel in emerging economics"
3rd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, 2011

Keywords: Economics in Smart Environments [Ref No.: 3965]

prof. dr. dip nandi" ace 2011"
Computer science education, 2011

[Ref No.: 122]

prof. dr. dip nandi" isecon 2011"
Computer science education, 2011

[Ref No.: 123]

dr. md. habib ullah" international conference on nanotechnology"
Transformation of Isotropic to Anisotropic Gold Nanoparticles, 2011

[Ref No.: 131]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" iccit 2011"
ICT, 2011

[Ref No.: 227]

nasrin sultana" iccit 2011"
Communications & Networking Track, 2011

[Ref No.: 239]

prof. dr. dip nandi" crsc 2011"
PhD student research, 2011

[Ref No.: 258]

dr. m. mostafizur rahman" australasian cognitive neuroscience conference 2011"
Bistability of Sodium channels increases the safety-factor at the Neuromuscular Junction, 2011

[Ref No.: 362]

dr. m. mostafizur rahman" 4th incf congress of neuroinformatics 2011"
Self-Gating Effect at the Rat Neuromuscular Junction, 2011

[Ref No.: 363]

dr. m. mostafizur rahman" the 33rd annual intl. conf. of ieee embs (embc2011)"
Effect of Self-Gating on Action Potential Firing at Neuromuscular Junction, 2011

[Ref No.: 364]

dr. m. mostafizur rahman" the european future technologies conference and exhibition 2011"
Brain Chip Interface, 2011

[Ref No.: 365]

dr. m. mostafizur rahman" the 5th international ieee embs conference on neural engineering (ieee embs-ner2011)"
Self-Gating of Sodium Channels at Neuromuscular Junction, 2011

[Ref No.: 366]

dr. m. mostafizur rahman" the 36th annual northeast bioengineering conference (nebec2010)"
Bioengineering, 2011

[Ref No.: 368]

mashiour rahman" international conference on computer and information technology (iccit)"
Computer and Information Technology, 2011

[Ref No.: 2441]

md. avishek ahmed" microsoft build conference"
Software Development on various new Microsoft Technologies, 2011

[Ref No.: 2489]

md. anwarul kabir" 14th international conference on computer and information technologu, iccit"
Researches in Computer science, 2011

[Ref No.: 2574]

md. manirul islam" qa academy meeting and conference"
Quality Assurance Practices in Bangladesh, 2011

[Ref No.: 2652]

bijan paul" easia 2011, asia’s premier ict event"
Mongol Dip Software: Bi-Lingual Audio Assistance Screen Reading software for Visually Impaired people to operate computer, 2011

[Ref No.: 2970]

dr. farzana sabeth "photoirradiation effect on the ionic conductivity of b-agi,"
Molecular conductor, ionic conductor, photoirradiation, 2011

[Ref No.: 2980]

dr. farzana sabeth "time-resolved measurements of the photoinduced changes in the conductivity of deuteratedb-(bedt-ttf)2i3"
conductivity, time-resolved measurement system, photoinduced conductivity, 2011

[Ref No.: 2981]

dr. farzana sabeth" time-resolved measurement of the photoresponse near the superconducting transition temperatures of the quasi-two-dimensional organic superconductor b-(bedt-ttf)2i3"
Organic superconductor, photoirradiation effect on superconducting transition temperature, 2011

[Ref No.: 2982]

dr. md. abdul hamid" international conference on computer and information technology"
Wireless Sensor Networks, 2011

[Ref No.: 3029]

dr. mohammad mahbub rabbani" hymap 2011: the 2nd international symposium on hybrid materials and processing"
Characterization of Au/CdTe Nanocomposites prepared by Electrostatic Interaction, 2011

[Ref No.: 3063]

dr. md. kamruzzaman" the 44th korean society of industrial and engineering chemistry (ksiec) meeting"
A Selective Determination Method of Lead(Ⅳ) ion by Chemiluminescence with Oxidation of Ascorbic Acid, 2011

[Ref No.: 3085]

dr. md. kamruzzaman" the 9th international nanotech symposium & exhibition (nnanokorea 2011)"
Enhanced Luminescence of Lanthanide Complexes by Silver Nanoparticles for Determination of Ciprofloxacin, 2011

[Ref No.: 3086]

dr. md. kamruzzaman" the 43th korean society of industrial and engineering chemistry (ksiec) meeting"
Spectrofluorimetric Determination of Levodopa Through Ternary Complex Formation With Europium(III) and Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid, 2011

[Ref No.: 3087]

dr. md. abdullah - al - jubair" mobile arut android browser tm version 1.0"
Mobile Augmented Reality, 2011

[Ref No.: 3277]

farzana bente alam" cra-w : computing research association women"
Women in Computer Science, Academia vs. Industry Research Positions, Perspectives From Grad Cohort Alums, Strategies for Human-Human Interaction, Preparing Your Thesis Proposal and Becoming a PhD Candidate, 2011

[Ref No.: 3442]

dr. md. razib hayat khan" from uml to srn: a tool-based support for performability modeling of distributed system considering reusable software components"
Software Engineering, 2011

[Ref No.: 4137]

dr. md. razib hayat khan" a performance modeling framework incorporating cost efficient deployment of multiple collaborating components"
Software Engineering, 2011

[Ref No.: 4139]

dr. md. razib hayat khan" “a performance modeling framework incorporating service components deployment issue” international conference on computer communication and management"
Software Engineering, 2011

[Ref No.: 4140]

md. anwarul kabir" 14th iccit conference"
Software Enginnering, Database, AI, 2011

[Ref No.: 4149]

shanta deb" mantle dynamics and the rise and fall of mountain belts"
Mantle structure, 2011

[Ref No.: 4327]

dr. mohammad rabiul islam" international conference on software and information engineering"
E-commerce conference presentation, 2011

Keywords: Social Computing [Ref No.: 4788]

muhammad firoz mridha, manoj banik, md. nawab yousuf ali, mohammad nurul huda,chowdhury mofizur rahman, jugal krishna das" formation of bangla word dictionary compatible with unl structure"
SKIMA-2010, 2010

[Ref No.: 3642]

muhammad firoz mridha, md. zakir hossain, manoj banik, mohammad nurul huda, chowdhurymofizur rahman, jugal krishna das" development of grammatical attributes for bangla root and primary suffix for universal networking language"
SKIMA-2010, 2010

[Ref No.: 3643]

muhammad firoz mridha, md. nawab yousuf ali, manoj banik, mohammad nurul huda,chowdhury mofizur rahman, jugal krishna das" conversion of bangla sentences to universal networking languages"
SKIMA-2010, 2010

[Ref No.: 3644]

muhammad firoz mridha, mohammad nurul huda, chowdhury mofizur rahman, jugal krishna das" development of morphological rules for bangla root and verbal suffix for universal networking language"
ICECE 2010, 2010

[Ref No.: 3645]

muhammad firoz mridha, md. sadequr rahman, mohammad nurul huda, chowdhury mofizur rahman" structure of dictionary entries of bangla morphemes for morphological rule generation for universal networking language"
CISIM-2010, 2010

[Ref No.: 3646]

md. sadequr rahman, sangita rani poddar, muhammad firoz mridha, mohammad nurul huda" open morphological machine translation: bangla to english"
CISIM-2010, 2010

[Ref No.: 3647]

manira s. rani, muhammad f. mridha, abu s. asaduzzaman" investigating the impact of multimedia applications on multicore cache memory subsystems"
ICECE 2010, 2010

[Ref No.: 3648]

a. maqsood, k. m. imtiaz-ud-din" globesec - smart security for everyone"
NordSec 2010 Conference, 2010

[Ref No.: 3758]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" iccit 2010"
ICT, 2010

[Ref No.: 226]

prof. dr. dip nandi" crsc 2010"
PhD student research, 2010

[Ref No.: 259]

dr. md. nurul kabir bhuiyan" epitaxial growth of v2o3 on al2o3 by reactive mbe"
Metal Insulator Transition in Oxides, 2010

[Ref No.: 356]

dr. md. nurul kabir bhuiyan" epitaxial growth of dy2o3 films on ge(100) and srtio3(100) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy"
Dielectrics in Microelectronics, 2010

[Ref No.: 357]

dr. md. nurul kabir bhuiyan" high quality dygex films grown epitaxially on ge(100) substrates"
Dielectrics in Microelectronics, 2010

[Ref No.: 2371]

dr. md. nurul kabir bhuiyan" epitaxial growth of cubic (100) dy2o3 thin films on epitaxial dy-germanide films on ge(100) substrates"
CMOS devices, 2010

[Ref No.: 2372]

dr. md. nurul kabir bhuiyan" solid phase epitaxial growth of dy-germanide films on ge(100) substrates"
CMOS devices, 2010

[Ref No.: 2373]

dr. md. nurul kabir bhuiyan" epitaxial dy2o3 thin films grown on ge(100) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy"
CMOS devices, 2010

[Ref No.: 2374]

dr. afroza shelley" icc conference on energy for growth"
Energy Crisis of Bangladesh, 2010

[Ref No.: 2496]

md. manirul islam" cisco networking academy bangladesh country conference and retooling workshop"
Quality Assurance Issues across Cisco Networking Academies in Bangladesh, 2010

[Ref No.: 2657]

md. manirul islam" cisco saarc academy meet 2010"
NA, 2010

[Ref No.: 2659]

dr. farzana sabeth" remarkable photoresponse near the superconducting transition temperatures in the quasi-two-dimensional organic superconductor b-(bedtttf)2i3"
Quasi-two dimensional organic superconductor, 2010

[Ref No.: 2984]

dr. mohammad tariqul islam" the 21st international conference on molecular electronics and devices (21st ic me&d)"
Polymer, 2010

[Ref No.: 3005]

khaza newaz muhammad" south asian network operators group conference sanog-15"
Network Operations,Internet Operation, 2010

[Ref No.: 3079]

dr. md. kamruzzaman" the 42th korean society of industrial and engineering chemistry (ksiec) meeting"
Determination of Gatifloxacin by a Liminol Chemiluminescence with Silver Nanoparticles, 2010

[Ref No.: 3088]

dr. md. kamruzzaman" the 106th annual meeting of the korean chemical society"
Application of Flow Injection Cold Vapor Isotope Dilution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry in Marine Sediment and Fly Ash for the determination of Mercury, 2010

[Ref No.: 3089]

dr. md. kamruzzaman" the 2nd daegu-gyungbuk kcs regional meeting"
A Silver Nanoparticles Sensitized Terbium System for the Spectroflourimetric Determination of a Catecholamine, 2010

[Ref No.: 3090]

dr. md. abdullah - al - jubair" ar goes on mobile"
Augmented Reality, 2010

[Ref No.: 3278]

dr. kamruddin md. nur" 4th international conference on software, knowledge, information management and applications (skima ’10)"
Software Visualization for Software Comprehension, 2010

[Ref No.: 3319]

dr. kamruddin md. nur" the 4th international conference on software, knowledge, information (skima 2010)"
Software Visualization for Software Comprehension, 2010

[Ref No.: 4044]

dr. md. razib hayat khan" translation from uml to markov model: a performance modeling framework for managing behavior of multiple collaborative sessions and instances"
Software Engineering, 2010

[Ref No.: 4141]

dr. md. razib hayat khan" translation from uml to spn model: a performance modeling framework for managing behavior of multiple collaborative sessions and instances"
Software Engineering, 2010

[Ref No.: 4142]

dr. md. razib hayat khan" translation from uml to markov: a performance modeling framework"
Software Engineering, 2010

[Ref No.: 4143]

fatema-tuz-zohra, khondokar m. ahmed" transformation of lie groups and lie algebra of vector fields on manifolds"
Bangladesh Mathematical Society, 16th Mathematics Conference, 2009

[Ref No.: 3289]

r.i. chowdhury, m.s. hossain, f. sabeth, g. mustafa, s.f.u. farhad, d.k. saha, f.a. chowdhury, s. hussain, a.b.m.o. islam "characterization of electrodeposited cadmium selenide thin film"
European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2009

[Ref No.: 3830]

rani, m., mridha, m. f., and asaduzzaman" investigation of the impact of multimedia applications on multicore multimedia systems"
FCST-2009, 2009

[Ref No.: 3641]

prof. dr. dip nandi" ascilite 2009"
Online Leanring, 2009

[Ref No.: 121]

prof. dr. dip nandi" computer science research students’ conference 2009"
PhD student research, 2009

[Ref No.: 199]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" iccit 2009"
ICT, 2009

[Ref No.: 224]

md. manirul islam" 2009 cisco networking academy asia pacific academy council meeting and workshop"
NA, 2009

[Ref No.: 2665]

md. manirul islam" qa academy meeting and conference"
NA, 2009

[Ref No.: 2666]

md. manirul islam" cisco saarc academy meet 2009"
NA, 2009

[Ref No.: 2668]

dr. mohammad tariqul islam" 17th international conference on composite materialas (iccm-17)"
Clay Composite, 2009

[Ref No.: 3004]

rasib hassan khan, k. m. imtiaz-ud-din, abdullah ali faruq, abu raihan mostofa kamal, abdul mottalib "a security adaptive protocol suite: ranked neighbor discovery (rnd) and security adaptive aodv (sa-aodv)"
2008 International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2008

[Ref No.: 3757]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" iccit 2008"
ICT, 2008

[Ref No.: 221]

dr. keshab chandra bhuyan" international conference on statistical paradigms"
Mathematical Statiatics, 2008

[Ref No.: 299]

md. manirul islam" 2008 cisco networking academy asia pacific academy council meeting and workshop"
NA, 2008

[Ref No.: 2671]

nahar sultana" iccsa"
Networking, 2008

[Ref No.: 2688]

dr. mohammad tariqul islam" 11th european meeting on supercritical fluid conference"
Polymer Composite, 2008

[Ref No.: 3006]

dr. md. abdul hamid" ieee wireless communications and networking conference (ieee wcnc 2008)"
Security Solutions for Wireless Mesh Enterprise Networks, 2008

[Ref No.: 3030]

dr. md. abdul hamid" ieee international conference on advanced computing technologies"
Wireless Networking protocols, 2008

[Ref No.: 3031]

dr. md. habib ullah" annual conference of polymer society of korea 2008"
Nanomaterials, 2008

[Ref No.: 3906]

dr. md. nurul kabir bhuiyan" molecular beam deposition of gd2o3 films for ge-based ultrascaled electronic devices"
Semiconductor Physics, 2008

[Ref No.: 4088]

dr. md. nurul kabir bhuiyan" epitaxial gd2o3 thin films on ge: thermodynamic stability and electronic band structure"
Semiconductor Physics, 2008

[Ref No.: 4089]

muhammad firoz mridha, liakot ali, md. nasir uddin" development of a weighted fuzzy rule based controller for interior permanent magnet synchronous motor drives"
ROVISP2007, 2007

[Ref No.: 3649]

dr. sarfuddin ahmed tarek" national conf cum workshp on mat sci and tech"
Research and Development of Techn. important Materials, 2007

[Ref No.: 30]

nahar sultana" iccit"
Network, database, Security, Algorithm, 2007

[Ref No.: 2687]

md. manirul islam" the apt young professionals and students (aptyps) forum"
Young Professionals and Students Involvement in ICT for Poverty Alleviation, 2007

[Ref No.: 2760]

dr. humayra ferdous" international conference on recent advance in physics 2010"
Bioimpedance and Lungs, 2007

[Ref No.: 2879]

dr. md. abdul hamid" international conference on information networking"
Wireless Sensor Networks, 2007

[Ref No.: 3032]

dr. md. abdul hamid" ieee international conference on advanced computing technologies"
Securiy of Wireless Networks, 2007

[Ref No.: 3033]

dr. md. abdul hamid" 27th kips (korea information processing society)"
Security of Wireless Networks, 2007

[Ref No.: 3034]

dr. md. abdul hamid" ieee global communications conference (ieee globecom 2007)"
Security of Wireless Networks, 2007

[Ref No.: 3035]

dr. md. nurul kabir bhuiyan" structural and interfacial properties of crystalline gd2o3 thin films grown on ge(001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy"
High-k oxides, 2007

[Ref No.: 4181]

muhammad nazrul islam, pintu chandra shill, muhammad firoz mridha, dewan muhammad. sarifulislam and m.m.a hashem" generating weighted fuzzy rules for estimating null values using evolutionary algorithm"
ICECE-2006, 2006

[Ref No.: 3650]

dr. keshab chandra bhuyan" international conference on statistics"
All aspects of Statistics, 2006

[Ref No.: 293]

md. manirul islam" the 1st international conference on communication and electronics engineering (icce 2006)"
A Telematics Application for Stolen Vehicle Recovery Using On-Device Position Fixing, 2006

[Ref No.: 2681]

dr. md. abdul hamid" international conference on computational science and its applications – (iccsa)"
Security in Wireless Sensor Networks, 2006

[Ref No.: 3036]

dr. md. abdul hamid" 8th ieee international conference on advanced computing technologies (ieee icact'06)"
Security in Wireless Sensor Networks, 2006

[Ref No.: 3037]

dr. md. habib ullah" asian conference on nanoscience and nanotechnology"
Highly Transparent o-PDA Functionalized ZnS-Polymer Nanocomposite Thin Films with High Refractive Index, 2006

[Ref No.: 3902]

dr. md. habib ullah" annual conference of polymer society of korea"
In-situ Preparation of Binary-phase Quantum-size Silver Nanoparticles at a High Ag+ Concentration: Size and Phase Controller as Phenylenediamine, 2006

[Ref No.: 3903]

dr. md. habib ullah" korean chemical society meeting"
Large-scale Synthesis of Monodisperse Silver Nanoparticles coated with Transparent Organic Coating, 2005

[Ref No.: 3904]

dr. keshab chandra bhuyan" international conference on design of experiments"
All aspects of Design Of Experiments, 2004

[Ref No.: 292]

dr. md. nurul kabir bhuiyan" growth temperature dependence of srtio3 thin films by mbe"
Temperature dependence of SrTiO3, 2004

[Ref No.: 4187]

prof. dr. kh. abdul maleque" 14th mathematical conference, bangladesh"
Temperature- and Depth-Dependent Viscosity and Hall Current Due to a Rotating Disc, 2003

[Ref No.: 127]

md. anwarul kabir" national conference of inter-university it professionals"
Problems in IT Education and possible solutions, 2003

[Ref No.: 2572]

mohammad arifur rahman" national conference of inter-university ict professionals"
Problems in IT education & possible solutions, 2003

[Ref No.: 2745]

dr. md. nurul kabir bhuiyan" growth of srtio3 thin films on si(001) substrate with sro buffer layer by molecular beam epitaxy"
Oxide epitaxy on semiconductors, 2002

[Ref No.: 4193]

dr. md. nurul kabir bhuiyan" reduction of sio2 layer on si substrate by using sr exposure"
Si substrates cleaning by Sr exposure, 2002

[Ref No.: 4196]

dr. md. nurul kabir bhuiyan" sr exposure on sio2 layers on si substrates"
SiO2 layers reduction on Si by Sr, 2002

[Ref No.: 4197]

dr. sarfuddin ahmed tarek" imnm-2001"
Research and Development of Inorganic Materials, 2001

[Ref No.: 39]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" iccit 2001"
ICT, 2001

[Ref No.: 220]

dr. afroza shelley" 8th international conference on nuclear engineering icone-8"
Plutonium and Minor Actinide Once Through Burning in LWRs, 2000

[Ref No.: 2806]

dr. afroza shelley" international conference on electronic materials & european materials research society spring meeting, emrs-2000"
Radiotoxicity hazard of U-free Fuels After Burning Minor Actinides in LWR, 2000

[Ref No.: 2809]

dr. afroza shelley" 3rd international conference on global environment & nuclear energy systems"
Radiotoxicity Hazard of U-free PuO2+ZrO2 and PuO2+ThO2 spent fuels in LWR, 1999

[Ref No.: 2807]

dr. afroza shelley" 5th inert matrix fuel workshop"
Burnup Characteristics and Fuel Temperature Coefficient of ROX-fueled LWRs, 1999

[Ref No.: 2808]

dr. afroza nahar" bangladesh mathematical society 16th mathematics conference"
Computational Mathematics, 1997

[Ref No.: 3242]

dr. md. habib ullah" international conference on condensed material physics and nuclear science"
Substitutional effect of sodium oxide in lead-silicate glasses and glass-ceramics, 1996

[Ref No.: 3905]

dr. sarfuddin ahmed tarek" infrared spectroscopic studies of permian “gondwana” coals of north-western bangladesh"
Infrared Spectroscopy, Bituminus Coal, X-ray Diffraction, 1996

[Ref No.: 5440]

prof. dr. kh. abdul maleque" international conference of fluid mechanics"
“Laminar Combined Convective Flow about a Vertical Inclined Surface,”, 1995

[Ref No.: 126]

dr. keshab chandra bhuyan" international conference on statistics"
All Aspects of Statistics, 1989

[Ref No.: 291]

dr. keshab chandra bhuyan" bangladesh association for advanced of science"
All Branches of Science, 1986

[Ref No.: 303]

dr. keshab chandra bhuyan" indian science congress"
All Branch of Science, 1982

[Ref No.: 289]

dr. keshab chandra bhuyan" indian agricultural statistics research association annual conference"
Statistics related to Agriculture, 1982

[Ref No.: 290]

dr. keshab chandra bhuyan" indian agricultural statistics research association annual conference"
Statistics Related to Agriculture, 1981

[Ref No.: 288]

chowdhury, m.s., sultan, t., hasan, k.t., al jubair, a., nur, k. "data-driven clinical decision-making using deep learning in imaging"
Unveiling the Dermatological Signatures of Human Pox Diseases Through Deep Transfer Learning Model, 2024

Keywords: Monkeypox, Chickenpox, Deep Learning, Explainable AI (XAI), Disease Detection [Ref No.: 2355]

mayeen uddin khandaker and md. habib ullah "status and future outlook of x-ray shielding materials"
4, 2024

[Ref No.: 2314]

mayeen uddin khandaker and md. habib ullah "electromagnetic (em radiation) interference shielding materials: metals and alloys, 2d materials,"
5, 2024

[Ref No.: 2315]

mayeen uddin khandaker and md. habib ullah "biological agents for synthesis of nanoparticles and their applications against plant pathogens"
8, 2024

[Ref No.: 2320]

md. rifat, md. sazid uddin, victor stany rozario & dip nandi "data-driven clinical decision-making using deep learning in imaging"
Enhancing Breast Cancer Detection Systems, 2024

Keywords: Generative adversarial networks · Convolutional neural networks · Breast cancer detection · Mammogram images · Data augmentation [Ref No.: 2343]

md. khairul alam mazumder, md. mustak un nobi, m. f. mridha, khandaker tabin hasan "data-driven clinical decision-making using deep learning in imaging"
A Precise Cervical Cancer Classification in the Early Stage Using Transfer Learning-Based Ensemble Method: A Deep Learning Approach, 2024

Keywords: Cervical cancer classification - Cancer detection - Transfer learning approach - Ensemble learning - InceptionV3 - EfficientNetV2S - SIPaKMeD dataset [Ref No.: 2347]

dipta gomes "improving student assessment with emerging ai tools"
A Comprehensive Study of Advancements in Intelligent Tutoring Systems Through AIEd Platform, 2024

[Ref No.: 2349]

md. sazid uddin "enhancing breast cancer detection systems: augmenting mammogram images using gans"
Data-Driven Clinical Decision-Making Using Deep Learning in Imaging, 2024

[Ref No.: 2352]

saiful islam, mahbuba khanom, md. al-amin, s. mosaddeq ahmed, farzana khalil, mohammad mahbub rabbani, mohammad tariqul islam & md. a. r. jamil "porous hybrid electrode materials for high energy density li-ion and li-s batteries"
7, 2023

Keywords: Energy Storage Materials [Ref No.: 2274]

saiful islam, mahbuba khanom, md. al-amin, s. mosaddeq ahmed, farzana khalil, mohammad mahbub rabbani, mohammad tariqul islam & md. a. r. jamil "porous hybrid electrode materials for high energy density li-ion and li-s batteries, ed: 1st"
8, 2023

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Materials and Processing,Energy Storage Materials [Ref No.: 2276]

saiful islam, mahbuba khanom, md. al-amin, s. mosaddeq ahmed, farzana khalil, mohammad mahbub rabbani, mohammad tariqul islam & md. a. r. jamil "porous hybrid electrode materials for high energy density li-ion and li-s batteries"
7th, 2023

Keywords: Other [Ref No.: 2282]

1. s. islam, m. khanom, m. al-amin, s. m. ahmed, f. khalil, m. m. rabbani, m. t. islam, and m. a. r. jamil "chemically deposited metal chalcogenide-based carbon composites for ¬versatile applications"
Porous Hybrid Electrode Materials for High Energy Density Li-Ion and Li-S Batteries, 2023

Keywords: Electrochemistry,Nano Chemistry [Ref No.: 2288]

saiful islam, mahbuba khanom, md. al-amin, s. mosaddeq ahmed, farzana kahlil, mohammad mahbub rabbani, mohammad tariqul islam and md. a. r. jamil "porous hybrid electrode materials for high energy density li-ion and li-s batteries."
7, 2023

Keywords: Energy Storage Materials [Ref No.: 2289]

s. m. zian reza k. a. khan, bithi paul, mohammad abul kashem siddique, monika pau" electrical activities of ginger extract-mediated silver nanoparticles in bio-electrochemical cell"
Pages: 483-491, 2023

[Ref No.: 2300]

md shahidul islam k. a. khan, ariful islam, bithi paul, n. i. khan, md. ohiduzzaman, sazzad hossain, s. r. rasel" a study on structural and magnetic properties of magnesium cobalt zinc ferrite nanoparticles"
Pages 471-481, 2023

[Ref No.: 2301]

abdullah al nahid "nature-inspired self-cleaning surfaces in the nanotechnology era"
A Self-Cleaning Approach Utilizing Metal Oxide Thin Films and Nanocomposites, 2023

[Ref No.: 2309]

sheekar banerjee, aminun nahar jhumur "nano rover: a multi-sensory full-functional surveillance robot with modified inception-net"
pp 707–720, 2022

Keywords: Surveillance robot · Weapon detection · Deep learning · Inception-Net · LIDAR sensor [Ref No.: 2310]

md. manzurul hasan, shahadat hossain, prioty saha, md. mohsin hossain, abu saleh ohammad rajuwan and md. hasibur rahman "book: post-pandemic talent management models in knowledge organizations"
Contemporary Security Threats: Some Proposals for Banking Networks in Bangladesh, 2022

[Ref No.: 2307]

shahadat hossain, lamiya rahman, rafat azad, md. manzurul hasan, mehenaj jebin, md. siam mahmud and md. sadman sakib "book: post-pandemic talent management models in knowledge organization"
Penetration Testing and Cyber Security Studies in Bangladesh: Post-COVID-19 Managerial Issues, 2022

[Ref No.: 2308]

bithi paul, monika paul, md. kamrul alam khan "study the impact of green synthesized silver nanoparticles on bio-voltaic cell"
45, 2022

[Ref No.: 2255]

monika paul, md. kamrul alam khan "comparative study of electrical performances of bio-electrochemical cell"
21, 2022

[Ref No.: 2256]

in m. talukdar, c. lamagna, c. villanueva, r. nahar, & f. hassan (eds.) "post-pandemic talent management models in knowledge organizations"
Talent Management for Academic Institutions During the Post-Pandemic Paradigm, 2022

[Ref No.: 2258]

islam t., zinat s.m., sukhi s., mridha m. f. "a comprehensive study on attention-based ner"
57, 2022

[Ref No.: 2220]

billah s.n., hossain f., mridha m. f. "land rights documentation and verification system using blockchain technology"
31, 2022

[Ref No.: 2221]

s. m. abdullah shafi, sadia farzana, mahmuda muslim florin, nafis mustafa & md. abdullah - al - jubair" e-infrustructure and e-services for developing countries"
The Significance of AR Based Magazine Book for Historical Places of Bangladesh: Case Study, 2022

[Ref No.: 2285]

ibrahim mamun m., rahman a., mridha m. f., hamid m.a. "alzihelp: an alzheimer disease detection and assistive system"
12, 2021

[Ref No.: 2227]

5. jahidul islam razin m., abdul karim m., mridha m. f., rafiuddin rifat s.m., alam t "lstm model for business sentiment analysis based on recurrent neural network"
4_1, 2021

[Ref No.: 2228]

carmen z. lamagna, manzur h. khan "the promise of higher education. essays in honour of 70 years of iau"
Is the Pandemic Leading to a Paradigm Shift in Higher Education?, 2021

[Ref No.: 2222]

dr. khandaker tabin hasan "life events and river metaphor, the semantic model and visualization"
ALL, 2021

[Ref No.: 2212]

15) abhijit bhowmik, sm raihan gafur, abrar rafid, saiful azad, mufti mahmud, m shamim kaiser "user awareness for securing social networks"
Securing Social Networks in Cyberspace, 2021

[Ref No.: 2240]

sani s.h., rony a., karim f.i.,., mridha m. f abdul hamid m." evaluate and predict concentration of particulate matter (pm2.5) using machine learning approach."
67, 2021

[Ref No.: 2230]

kabir m.m., ohi a.q., mridha m. f "a multi-plant disease diagnosis method using convolutional neural network"
7, 2021

[Ref No.: 2219]

md. saef ullah miah , mashiour rahman, md. saddam hossain mukta and aneem al ahsan" blockchain in data analytics"
Chapter 1: Introduction to Blockchain, 2020

[Ref No.: 2283]

md. rafiqul islam and md abdul mottalib" data structure fundamentals"
1-10, 2020

[Ref No.: 2306]

marzan tasnim oyshi, moushumi zaman bonny, syed ahmed zaki, susmita saha "iot-based air pollution controlling system for garments industry: bangladesh perspective"
IoT-Based Air Pollution Controlling System for Garments Industry: Bangladesh Perspective, 2020

[Ref No.: 2311]

marzan tasnim oyshi, moushumi zaman bonny, susmita saha, zerin nasrin tumpa" iot security issues and possible solution using blockchain technology"
IoT Security Issues and Possible Solution Using Blockchain Technology, 2020

[Ref No.: 2312]

mehera p., mridha m. f., begum n., mohaiminul islam m. "internal abnormalities’ detection of human body analyzing skin images using cnn"
49, 2020

[Ref No.: 2231]

mridha m. f., rafiq j.i., zaman w.u. "two-dimensional hybrid authentication for atm transactions"
19, 2020

[Ref No.: 2232]

hasan r., chakraborti s., zonieed hossain m., ahamed t., abdul hamid m., mridha m. f. "character and mesh optimization of modern 3d video games"
60, 2020

[Ref No.: 2233]

akter m., dip g.d., mira m.s., abdul hamid m., mridha m. f. "construing attacks of iot and a prehensile intrusion detection system for anomaly detection using dl"
37, 2020

[Ref No.: 2234]

dr. md. razib hayat khan" blockchain for data analytics"
Blockchain and Industry 4.0, 2020

[Ref No.: 2214]

dr. md. rayhan uddin "spectral ct imaging using mars scanners"
7, 2020

[Ref No.: 2218]

amzad hossain m., suvo i.a., ray a., ariful islam malik m., mridha m. f. "number plate recognition system for vehicles using machine learning approach"
69, 2020

[Ref No.: 2229]

md. mehedi hassan onik "blockchain in data analytics"
Blockchain Technology for Protecting Personal Information Privacy, 2020

[Ref No.: 2192]

dr. md. tarek hossain "effect of pressure on the properties of solids."
7, 2019

[Ref No.: 2200]

dr. m m manjurul islam "an improved gas classification technique using new features and support vector machines"
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2019

[Ref No.: 2201]

md. mehedi hassan onik "big data analytics for intelligent healthcare management"
Blockchain in Healthcare: Challenges and Solutions, 2019

[Ref No.: 2190]

aneem al ahsan rupai "md. saef ullah miah, mashiour rahman, md. saddam hossain mukta, aneem al ahsan rupai"
Introduction to Blockchain, 2019

[Ref No.: 2196]

dr. md. razib hayat khan" soft computing methods for system dependability"
Performability modeling of distributed system and its formal method representation, 2019

[Ref No.: 2213]

dr. mohammad mahbub rabbani "functional polymers"
Polyurethane and its Derivatives, 2019

[Ref No.: 2159]

mridha m. f., abdul hamid m., asaduzzaman m. "issues of iot and an intrusion detection system for iot using machine learning paradigm"
34, 2019

[Ref No.: 2235]

saha a.k., mridha m. f., rafiq j.i., das j.k "information extraction from natural language using universal networking language"
24, 2019

[Ref No.: 2236]

sabbir ahmed" blockchain for data analytics"
Blockchain and Industry 4.0, 2019

[Ref No.: 2141]

samiha islam abrita, moumita sarker, faheem abrar & muhammad abdullah adnan "benchmarking vm startup time in the cloud"
6, 2019

Keywords: Cloud Computing [Ref No.: 2317]

dr. md. ashaduzzaman "binary and ternary quasifission induced by shell effects"
All Chapters, 2019

Keywords: Fission; Quasifission; Shell effects [Ref No.: 2366]

dr. m. m. mahbubul syeed "optimizing contemporary application and processes in open source software"
Demography of Open Source Software Prediction Models and Techniques, 2018

[Ref No.: 2113]

dr. m. mostafizur rahman "iptv delivery networks: next generation architectures for live and video‐on‐demand services"
IPTV Network Security: Threats and Countermeasures, 2018

[Ref No.: 2125]

md. mehedi hassan onik "data analytics: concepts, techniques, and applications"
Blockchain in the Era of Industry 4.0., 2018

[Ref No.: 2191]

dr. m m manjurul islam "motor bearing fault diagnosis using dcnn with 2d analysis of vibration signal"
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2018

[Ref No.: 2202]

dr. m m manjurul islam "input-output fault diagnosis in robot manipulator using fuzzy based observer and arx model"
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2018

[Ref No.: 2203]

dr. debajyoti karmaker "advances in visual computing"
5, 2018

[Ref No.: 2211]

khaza newaz muhammad "from vehicular networks to vehicular clouds in smart cities"
Chapter 8, 2016

[Ref No.: 2096]

dr. mohammad mahbub rabbani "environmental remediation technologies for metal-contaminated soils"
Application of Nanotechnology to Remediate Contaminated Soils, 2016

[Ref No.: 2094]

dr. m m manjurul islam "a hybrid feature selection scheme using lcgs for improving diagnostic performance"
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016

[Ref No.: 2204]

dr. md. ashaduzzaman "md ashaduzzaman"
All Chapters, 2015

[Ref No.: 2365]

dr. m m manjurul islam "multi-fault diagnosis of bearings using support vector machines with an improved decision strategy"
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015

[Ref No.: 2205]

dr. md. razib hayat khan" intelligent applications for heterogeneous system modeling and design"
Utilizing UML, cTLA, and SRN: Application to Distributed System Performance Modeling, 2015

[Ref No.: 2138]

md. shamsur rahim "analyzing online voting systems for flaw detection"
6, 2015

[Ref No.: 2093]

dr. md. abdul hamid "wireless sensor multimedia networks (wsmns): architectures, protocols and applications"
Multi-channel multi-path enabled QoS-aware Routing for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks, 2015

[Ref No.: 2088]

dr. md. kamruzzaman "turbulent sheared mixing layer generated with a composite grid"
Shear flow, 2015

[Ref No.: 2109]

md. ezazul islam "practical cryptography - algorithms and implementations using c++"
Data Encryption Standard(DES), 2014

[Ref No.: 2068]

mashiour rahman "simulation technologies in networking and communications: selecting the best tool for the test"
Comparison of non-probing based routing metrics for a static Multi-Hop Underwater Acoustic Networks, 2014

[Ref No.: 2055]

md. asif-ur-rahman" practical cryptography: algorithms and implementations using c++"
Chapter 6: Advanced Encryption Standard, 2014

[Ref No.: 2062]

bayzid ashik hossain "practical cryptography: algorithms & implementations using c++"
10, MD5, 2014

[Ref No.: 2052]

md. mahfuzur rhaman" an application for the higher order quadrilateral finite elements"
7, 2014

[Ref No.: 30]

nasrin sultana "cryptography: algorithms and implementations using c++"
Asymmetric Key Algorithms, 2014

[Ref No.: 23]

dr. md. saef ullah miah" practical cryptography: algorithms and implementations using c++"
Chapter 6: Advanced Encryption Standard, 2014

[Ref No.: 6]

rahman mohammod hafizur "practical cryptography: algorithms and implementations using c++"
Chapter 9: Elliptic Curve Cryptography, 2014

[Ref No.: 18]

ashraf uddin, rajesh piryani & vivek kumar singh "recent advances in intelligent informatics"
Information and Relation Extraction for Semantic Annotation of eBook Texts, 2013

[Ref No.: 2244]

rajesh piryani, ashraf uddin, madhavi devaraj & vivek kumar singh "mining intelligence and knowledge exploration"
An Algorithmic Formulation for Extracting Learning Concepts and Their Relatedness in eBook Texts, 2013

[Ref No.: 2245]

vivek kumar singh, rajesh piryani, ashraf uddin & david pinto "multi-disciplinary trends in artificial intelligence"
A Content-Based eResource Recommender System to Augment eBook-Based Learning, 2013

[Ref No.: 2246]

dr. md. abdul hamid "building next-generation converged networks: theory and practice"
Schedule-based Multi-channel MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, 2013

[Ref No.: 2089]

dr. m. m. mahbubul syeed" developing cloud software: algorithms, applications, and tools"
Introduction to Cloud Computing Technologies, 2013

[Ref No.: 2103]

dr. a. f. m. saifuddin saif "intelligent robotics systems: inspiring the next"
Real Time Vision Based Object Detection from UAV Aerial Images: A Conceptual Framework, 2013

[Ref No.: 2097]

dr. a. f. m. saifuddin saif "advances in visual informatics"
Adaptive Motion Pattern Analysis for Machine Vision Based Moving Detection from UAV Aerial Images, 2013

[Ref No.: 2098]

dr. mohammad mahbub rabbani "nanocomposites: new trends and developments"
Carbon nanotube embedded multi-functional polymer nanocomposites, 2012

[Ref No.: 2095]

dr. md. razib hayat khan" petri nets – manufacturing and computer science"
Performance Evaluation of Distributed System Using SPN, 2012

[Ref No.: 2137]

supta richard philip "autonomous robot navigation system and line following robot."
all, 2012

[Ref No.: 2178]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" data structures fundamentals"
1-10, 2011

[Ref No.: 31]

chang-sik ha, jin-woo park, md habib ullah "o-phenylenediamine encapsulated silver nanoparticles and their applications"
8, 2010

[Ref No.: 7]

md. masud parvez "time resolved spectroscopy and laser action in dual-fluorescent"
Full Book, 2010

[Ref No.: 2112]

dr. md. asraf ali" keshorder computer studies (this book is written for the level of class six in bangladesh)"
All, 2010

[Ref No.: 2197]

dr. md. asraf ali" keshorder computer studies (this book is written for the level of class seven in bangladesh)"
All, 2010

[Ref No.: 2198]

dr. md. asraf ali" keshorder computer studies (this book is written for the level of class eight in bangladesh)"
All, 2010

[Ref No.: 2199]

prof. dr. md. rafiqul islam" data structures fundamentals"
1-10, 2009

[Ref No.: 32]

furhatun-noor1, md abdullah hil baky rupak2, md mustafiz chowdhury3, farhana sharmin shurovi4, sumia sarif5, md murshid hasan6, jannatul ferdous4, md rafat tahsin4*, jakir ahmed chowdhury7, shaila kabir8, abu asad chowdhury8, fahima aktar8, md shah amran8 and tahmina akter9" an evaluation of analgesic and anti-inflammatory of ethanolic extract of cynodon dactylon on stressed rodent model"
Biomedical journal of scientific and technological research, 2022

[Ref No.: 7237]

md. abdul barek a , b , c , mobashera begum mohammad safiqul islam a a , b , * a , b , furhatun noor b , md. abdul aziz" the link between il-6 rs2069840 snp and cancer risk: evidence from a systematic review and meta-analysis"
Meta Gene, 2021

[Ref No.: 7234]

mohammad taleb hossain1*, furhatun-noor1, md. asadujjaman1, md abdul matin1, fatema tabassum1, md harun ar rashid1" a review study on the pharmacological effects and mechanism of action of tannins"

[Ref No.: 7235]

md. monirul islam*, abu zobayed, md. imran nur manik, furhatun-noor, fatema tabassum , md sahab uddin" a review on the post-covid-19 multi-organ complications"
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2021

[Ref No.: 7236]

md. giash uddin a , shafayet ahmed siddiqui md. saddam hussain a , furhatun-noor b a , mohammad sarowar uddin , md. shalahuddin millat a a , md. abdul aziz , niloy sen mohammad safiqul islam a a" genetic variants of znf385b and comt are associated with autism spectrum disorder in the bangladeshi children"
Meta Gene, 2020

[Ref No.: 7233]