Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) Course Catalog
PHY 1103 Physics for Architects (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/ Wk):
Sound: Simple Harmonic Motion: Differential equation of Simple Harmonic Oscillation, Energy of Simple Harmonic Oscillator, Damped Oscillation Forced oscillation; Characteristics of mechanical waves, Equations of a traveling wave, Energy; Stationary waves: Beats, Physical qualities of sound, Reflection, Transmission and Intensity of sound waves, Variation of sound intensity with distance, Units of sound Intensity: Decibel and other units, Doppler principal.
Light: Illumination and Photometry, Luminous intensity; their measurements and units, phosphorescence, fluorescence, discharge lamps. Theories of light: Interface: Young’s double slit, experiment, Determination of thickness of a film, Diffraction: Diffraction due to a single slit, Polarization’ Different methods of polarization, Intensity of polarized light.
Heat: Humidity, Vapour pressure, Temperature related humidity; Transmission of heat: conduction: conductivity, Rectilinear flow of heat, Determination of thermo-conductivity of good and bad conductors, Heat flow through compound walls; Convection: Free and forced convection, domestic and industrial applications; Ventilation; Radiation: Different laws of radiation, Black body radiation, Radiation from surfaces, Solar radiation.
ARCH 1101 Art and Architecture I (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/ Wk):
Origin of architecture in prehistoric times. History of art and architecture as a perpetual process of evolution through ages. Critical Evaluation of architecture from political, social and religious viewpoints with examples from ancient Egypt , Mesopotamia and Persia . City planning and architecture in Indus civilization: Mohenjo-daro and Harappa . Comparative study with examples from Aegean , Greek, Etruscan and Roman Architecture.
ARCH 1103 Design Theory I (2.00 Credits.2 Hrs/Wk):
Design fundamentals, motivation behind designing, its diversified purposes and design methodologies. Various design disciplines and designs in nature as an universal source of inspiration. Critical analysis of design as a non-verbal language structured in a basic design grammar. Traditional and contemporary design methods, definition of designing and the role of design in the changing perspective of the society. Basic philosophy of design as a vehicle to transmit the values and attainments of cultures through the ages.
MATH 1107 Mathematics (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk):
Calculus: Definition of limit, continuity and differentiability, successive and partial differentiation, maxima and minima. Integration by parts, standard integrals, definite integrals, Area under a plane curve in Cartesian co-ordinates. Solid Geometry: system of co-ordinates, distance between two points. Section formulae. Direction cosines. Equations of planes and straight lines. Shortest distance between two given straight lines. Standard equations of sphere and ellipsoid, Tangent planes.
ENG 1101 English Reading Skills & Public Speaking (3.00 Credits. 3 Hrs/Wk):
Practical Grammar: Phonetic Symbols; Vocabulary; Article; Adjectives; Verbs; Number; Parts of Speech; Voice; Tense; Sentences; Clause; Prepositions; Punctuation; Letters and Messages, Basic English Conversations and Pronunciations; Listening.
ARCH 1112 Design Studio I (4.50 Credits. 9 Hrs/Wk ):
Understanding nature in terms of forms. Exercises in two-dimensional composition in various media. Basic compositions with points, straight and curved lines and pure geometric shapes. Study of order and balance, proportion, solid-void relationship, symmetry, movement, flexibility, harmony, and shade and shadow through composition.
ARCH 1114 Architectural Graphics I (3.00 Credits. 6 Hrs/ Wk):
Mechanical and freehand architectural presentation drawings. Multi-view drawings such as plan, section and elevation. Single-view drawings such as axonometric and one-point perspective. Lettering and graphic presentation symbols.
ARCH 1201 Environment and Design I: Climate and Design (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk):
Study of external and internal climatic condition of buildings. Behaviour and performance of a building and its components as a climatic modifier to provide comfort and energy savings through Climate and architectural design. Factors of climate, site climate, human comfort criteria and ranges. Thermal design criteria, principles of thermal design and natural ventilation.
ARCH 1203 Art and Architecture II (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk Prereq. ARCH 1101):
Study of European art and architecture from the 4th to the 18th century. Early Christian, Byzantine, Romanesque, Medieval, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo periods with their context and background.
ARCH 1205 Building and Finish Materials (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk):
Classification of different types of building and finish materials. Preparation, manufacture, properties, uses and applications of clay and brick, concrete, timber, glass, tile, paint, terrazzo, and plaster. Properties of different types of metals used as building finish materials and their applications. Properties of different types of stones used as building finish materials and their applications.
BBA 1205 Basics in Social Science (3.00 Credits. 3 Hrs/Wk):
Scope, Some basic concepts, Social evolution and techniques of production, culture and civilization. Social structure of Bangladesh, Population and world resources. Oriental and occidental societies. Industrial revolution, Family, Urbanization and Industrialization. Urban Ecology. Cooperative and Socialist movements.Rural sociology. Government, Characteristics of state and government, Political structure of developing countries, Concept of culture, civilization and diversity.
ARCH 1209 Art Appreciation (2.00 credits. 2 Hrs/Wk):
Concept, development and evolution of art in different ages from cave painting to modern period with reference to important work of art and contributions of great masters. Art as imitation, expression and abstraction.
ARCH 1211 Music Appreciation (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk):
Musical forms. Ingredients of music- sound and time. Indian and western music- melody and harmony. Foundation of sub-continental music- raga system: Dhrupad, Kheyal, Tappa and Thumri. Styles and presentation of vocal and instrumental music. The modern period of Bengali music- the five great composers: Rabindranath, Nazrul, Atul Prashad, D. L. Roy and Rajani Kanta. Introduction to western classical music and works of some European masters- Bach, Beethoven, Handel, Mozart, Tchaikovsky.
BBA 1213 Principles of Economics (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk):
Definition of Economics. Economics and Architecture (including Interior Design and Planning). Principles of Economics: Micro economics: The theory of demand and supply and their elasticity. Price determination. Nature of an economic theory, applicability of economic theories to the problems of developing countries. Indifference curve technique, Marginal analysis. Optimization. Market, production, production function, types of productivity, Rational region of production of an engineering firm. The short run and the long run. Fixed cost and variable cost. Internal and external economics and diseconomies. Macroeconomics: Savings, investment. National income analysis. Inflation. Monetary policy, fiscal policy and trade policy with reference to Bangladesh. Planning in Bangladesh.
ARCH 1212 Design Studio II (4.50 Credits. 9 Hrs/Wk Prereq. ARCH 1112):
Understanding nature in terms of forms. Exercises in three-dimensional composition in various media. Basic composition with color schemes; planes, cubes and other geometric forms. Study of order and balance, proportion, symmetry, asymmetry, movement,flexibility, harmony, shade and shadow through composition.
ARCH 1214 Architectural GraphicsII (1.50 Credits. 3 Hrs/Wk Prereq. ARCH 1114):
Mechanical and free hand architectural drawing. Single view drawing: two and three-point perspectives. Shade and shadow and reflection in perspective. Presentation drawing in black and white, and colour.
ARCH 1207 Society and Architecture of Bengal (2.00 Credits.2 Hrs/Wk):
Study of society, culture and architecture of Bengal through the ages: Mauryan, Pala, Sena, Sultanate, Mughal and Colonial periods. Language, custom, art and literature, and their relevance to architecture and planing.
ENG 2105 Communications for Architects (3.00 Credits. 3 Hrs/Wk):
Basic techniques and skills needed to communicate effectively in the architectural business world. Basic English in practice to communicate in various business situations. Various techniques of communications such as business letters, reports, project proposals and other media.
PLAN 2111 Basic Planning (2 00 Credits 2 Hrs/Wk):
Origin and evolution of settlements and cities. City planning during ancient, classical medieval, neo-classical and modern periods. Industrial revolution and changes in the character of cities. New thoughts and ideas in planning after the industrial revolution. The spatial structure of cities: concentric zone theory, sector theory, multiple nuclei theory, Christaller theory of size, spacing and distribution of central places. Rank-size rule.
ARCH 2103 Construction Methods and Details (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk):
Types of structures and their methods and techniques of construction. Foundation, floor, wall and roof systems. Use of different types of modules. Moisture and thermal protection of floor, wall and roof. Doors and windows. Details of kitchen, bathroom and stair. Elevators and escalators.
CE 2121 Structure I: Basic Mechanics of Solids (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk):
Force; equilibrium, free body diagrams; resultants and Components; coplanar Concurrent forces; moments and parallel coplanar forces; centroid; moment of Inertia of areas; Maximum and minimum forces; friction; flexible chord; calculation of bar forces for simple trusses.
ARCH 2112 Design Studio III (4.50 Credits. 9 Hrs/Wk Prereq. ARCH 1212):
Development of awareness and perception of fundamentals of architecture: scale, proportion and space. The emphasis is on understanding man-space relationship, activity-space relationship and form-space relationship.
ARCH 2114 Architectural Graphics III (1.5 Credits. 3 Hrs/Wk Prereq. ARCH 1214):
Complex perspective drawings. Presentation techniques in various media. Use of tools and materials in presentation with colour pencil, pastel, water colour-wash and gouach, ink, charcoal, airbrush and marker.
ARCH 2116 Computer Graphics (1.50 Credits. 3 Hrs/Wk):
Computer graphics and its basics. 2-D and 3-D graphics with the help of computers. Application of graphic softwares in architectural presentation and design.
ARCH 2201 Art and Architecture III (2.00 Credits. 2Hrs/Wk Prereq. ARCH 1203):
Study of art and architecture in the Indian sub- continent with special emphasis on the styles of the Vedic, Buddhist and Hindu periods up to the 17th century.
ARCH 2203 Design Theory II (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk Prereq. ARCH 1103):
Basic theories of architecture related to the use of point, line, plane, form, volume and space. Overview of theories and application of architectural proportion, scale and composition. Principles of spatial and formal organization. The source, generation and transformation of architectural elements, forms and spaces.
CE 2221 Building Services I: Plumbing and Fire Fighting Systems (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/ Wk):
Introduction to plumbing, water requirements, water sources; water supply and distribution in buildings. Sewage and sewer system, building plumbing of multi- storied buildings; rural sanitation programmes in Bangladesh. Various types of fire detectors, various types of fire detection systems, control panels and their locations in a building. Various types of fighting systems integrated with the fire detecting systems. Various pumps, pipes and fire hoses. Various types of fire extinguishers. National and international Safety regulations regarding fire in a building.
CE 2223 Structure II: Reinforced Concrete Design (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk Prereq CE 2121):
Fundamentals of reinforced concrete design; working stress design method; analysis of reinforced beams by WSD. RCC columns, preliminary analysis of column sections in multistoried buildings; concepts of structural grids, introduction to shear walls. Design of slabs, one- way and two- ways. Preliminary analysis of flat slabs, flat plate, waffle slabs, ribbed slabs; introduction to ultimate strength design (USD).
ARCH 2205 Environment & Design II: Design in the Tropics (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk Prereq. ARCH 1201):
Study of the relationships between architecture and the climatic characteristics of tropical regions. Investigation of the problem and understanding the mechanism of air and moisture movement, surface condensation, rain penetration. Means of wetness control and passive cooling in buildings. Comparison of alternative solutions and understanding the secondary implications of environmental control decisions.
ARCH 2212 Design Studio IV (4.50 Credits. 9 Hrs/Wk Prereq. ARCH 2112):
Understanding function, form and structure. Principles of environmental performance of building, site and surrounding. Analysis of site, circulation pattern and built form. Report writing based on literature survey and field studies. Design of buildings with simple functions.
ARCH 2214 Graphic Art (1.50 Credits. 3 Hrs./Wk):
Basic techniques used in graphic design. Selection of drawing instruments, surfaces, typography. Graphic reproduction techniques and the pros and cons of the different systems to achieve the most effective presentation. Sketching as an essential technique to record design ideas during conceptualization. Graphic design of posters, products, display, portfolio. Introduction to computer generated presentation.
ARCH 2216 Photography (1.50 Credits. 3 Hrs/Wk.):
Introduction to photography. Parts and operations of camera, types of camera, lenses, films. Understanding exposure. Importance of photography in architectural study and documentation. Architectural photography: typical exercises starting with bracketing, depth of field, etc. and continuing into photography of buildings, panorama, details, interiors and models. Dark room techniques in black and white.
ARCH 3101 Art and Architecture IV (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk Prereq. ARCH 2201):
Art and Architecture in the Indian sub- continent from the advent of the Muslims in the 13th Century to the end of the colonial era.
ME 3121 Building Services II: Mechanical Equipment for Buildings (2.00 Credits. 2.00 Hrs/Wk):
Review of basic concepts and definitions., Application of air-conditioning. Psychometry. Cooling load calculation, air-conditioning systems, air handling and distribution, design of ducts. Air-conditioning equipments. Fire hazards, firefighting methods. Vertical transportation: different types of elevators, determination of size and quantity of elevators. Incoming and outgoing traffic handling. Escalators and moving ramps.
EEE 3221 Building Services III: Electrical Installations in Buildings (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk.):
Electrical units and standards, electrical networks, Basic theorems related to electrical circuits. Alternating current RLC series and parallel circuits. Introduction to electrical wiring for residential, commercial and industrial installations and buildings. Introduction to national and IEE wiring regulations, Illumination and different types of lighting, Introduction to national and International standards related to illumination.
CE 3123 Structure III: Steel and Timber Structures (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk Prereq CE 2223):
Introduction: allowable stresses; different types of trusses; wind and static load analysis of trusses; design of truss sections; design of steel beams, columns; timber structures.
PLAN 3125 Theory and Practice of Planning (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk Prereq. PLAN 2111):
Meaning, scope and significance of planning. Development planning. sectoral and spatial approaches; need for integration. Planning theories; normative versus positive; procedural versus substantive. Traditional planning theories: incremental versus comprehensive; master plan and zonal plans. Modern planning process/ cyclical planning: strategic approach, structure, local and action plans. Systems approach, decision theory and conflict management. Advocacy and corporate planning. Planning and public policies. Planning practices in Bangladesh: master plan of Dhaka 1959, Dhaka metropolitan area integrated urban development project 1981, Dhaka metropolitan development planning 1993.
BBA 3127 Logic and Philosophy (2.00 Credits 2 Hrs/Wk):
Introduction to Deductive Logic: Definition and scope of deductive logic; terms and predicable; proposition and opposition of propositions; inference and syllogism. Introduction to inductive Logic: Definition and scope of inductive logic; nature, characteristics and bases of scientific induction; methods of scientific induction; nature of hypothesis; inference and analogy. Introduction to Philosophy: Nature and scope of philosophy; relation of philosophy to other sciences, methods of philosophical inquiries, epistemology, metaphysics. Ideas of great philosophers.
ARCH 3112 Design Studio V (6.00 Credits. 12 Hrs/Wk Prereq. ARCH 2212):
Design exercises on buildings with simple functional and technical requirements, emphasizing imaginative concepts for expressing form and functional relationship, spatial quality, indoor- outdoor relationship and structural systems.
ARCH 3114 Sculpture (1.50 Credits. 3 Hrs/Wk):
Study and analysis of three- dimensional aspects of different volumetric forms. Exercises based on the use of different types of materials.
ARCH 3116 Working Drawing I: Construction Drawing (1.50 Credits. 3 Hrs/Wk.):
Design and drawings specifying materials and instructions for construction. Understanding construction process and techniques. The construction drawing will include preparation of working and detail drawings of all building components. Details of drainage, damp-proofing and insulation. Bathroom and kitchen layouts. Application of building codes and bylaws.
ARCH 3201 Urban Design I (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs./Wk):
Principles of design- unity and space, proportion and scale, balance, uniformity and contrast and their application in urban design. Urban aesthetics- grain and texture, urban frame, fabric and function. Perception and meaning of urban spaces- form, order and time space relationships. Definition of urban design, its aims and objective. City planning according to artistic principles. Urban design approaches and levels of analysis.
CE 3223 Structure IV: Long Span Structures (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk Prereq CE 3123):
Concepts of long span structural systems. Dynamics of long span structures – wind loads and seismic loads. Support structures of large span roofs. Vierendeel truss, Folded plates. Introduction and preliminary design of arches, domes. Introduction to Thin-shell and Skeletal-shell Structures: thin shells and space frames, overall structural equilibrium and stability of shell structures. Cylindrical shells, Thin-shell domes and skeletal domes and engineering aspects of shell design. System & Structural Behavior of Membrane Structures. Membrane forces and membrane analysis. Supporting structure system and stability considerations. Tension roof structures: General principles, cable action under transverse and radial forces. Suspended and cable-stayed systems. Cable nets, Tensegrity and hybrid tensile surface structures. Material and construction aspects versus architectural form.
BBA 1102 Principles of Accounting (3.00 Credits. 3 Hrs/Wk):
Principles of accounting: accounts, transactions, the accounting procedures and financial statements. Cost in general: objectives and classifications. Overhead costing. Cost sheet under job costing, operating costing and process costing. Marginal costing: tools and techniques, cost – volume profit analysis. Relevant costing: analyzing the profitability within the firm, guidelines for decision making. Long-run planning and control; capital budgeting.
ARCH 3205 Urban Anthropology (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk):
Origin and development of social anthropology: ethnography and ethnology. Tools of anthropological research and their applications in architectural studies and analysis. Mutual interaction of people and their built environment. Impact of social stratification. Pluralism in complex societies.
ARCH 3207 Architecture and Society (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk):
A generalized course for both architecture and non-architecture students. The cultural history of human development in different regions of the world as depicted in architecture. Vernacular architecture and social interaction. The evolution of ‘society-power structure- architecture’. The influence of the various art and cultural movements.
ARCH 3209 Interior Design (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk):
Principles of interior design. Design of various interior spaces in relation to occupancy and environmental factors. Functional separation of spaces and interior furniture. Colour schemes. Artificial lighting and mechanized ventilation. Use of nonstructural materials such as false ceiling. Wall paneling and floor finishes. Interior plantation.
ARCH 3212 Design Studio VI (6.00 Credits. 12 Hrs/Wk Prereq. ARCH 3112):
Design exercises on complex building problems emphasizing innovative ideas incorporating formal and functional expressions, environmental qualities, circulation and linkages and organization.
ARCH 3214 Cost Estimation (1.50 Credits 3 Hrs/Wk):
Preparation of tender documents, rules, regulations and obligations. Determination of cost of construction. Cost analysis of the various items of construction. Preparation of schedules. Control of cost. Case studies.
ARCH 3216 Working Drawing II: Production Drawing (1.50 Credits 3 Hrs/Wk. Prereq. ARCH 3116):
Design and drawings specifying materials and instructions to manufacturers of building elements, components, fittings and fixtures which are industrially produced. Understanding manufacturing process to generate creative design. The production drawing will include designing with variety of materials and manufacturing processes of a range of building components like door, window, fitting and fixture of functional and decorative nature.
ARCH 4101 Environment & Design III: Landscape Design (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk Prereq ARCH 2205):
Introduction to principles and elements of landscape design. Historical references. Biosphere and eco- system. Organization of various outdoor spaces. Environment and design. Site development. Location and sequence of outdoor activity. Circulation and linkages. Planting and gardening. Utility, services and maintenance.
ARCH 4103 Art and Architecture V (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk Prereq. ARCH 3101):
Modern art and architecture in the 19th and 20th centuries. Impressionism to Cubism in art. Modern architecture: romantic classicism, iron and glass construction, rise of commercial architecture, the art noveau, Bauhaus, masters of modern movement.
ARCH 4111 Housing (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk):
A generalized course on housing. Provides an overview on housing development and existing situation in the country. Introduces major policies, reforms, legislation and movements. Compares traditional and contemporary housing. Examines mass housing problems with emphasis on housing for low and middle-income groups. Outlines the problems of housing in our local context with reference to others in the developing world.
ARCH 4107 Architectural Conservation (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk):
Conservation, its meaning, nature, scope and principles, Preservation, restoration, reconstruction, adaptation, area conservation. History of conservation. Conservation laws and practices. Issues of conservation, legislation, finance, regulating bodies, the role of government and public. Conservation of areas and buildings, Planning controls. Case studies.
ARCH 4109 Urban Design II (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk Prereq. ARCH 3201):
Responsive environment – permeability, variety, legibility, appropriateness, richness and personalization. From of a city and normative theories. Theory of good city form. Growth and conservation. Urban textures and networks. City models and city design. Urban design process. Urban quality of life.
ARCH 4112 Design Studio VII (7.50 Credits 15 Hrs/Wk. Prereq. ARCH 3212, ARCH 3201):
Understanding of projects in urban and regional context. Urban design and master planning. Design of building complexes with reference to socio-cultural aspects associated with the use and user.
ARCH 4114 Interior Design Studio (1.50 Credits. 3 Hrs/Wk):
Preparation of interior design drawings for different types of spaces such as office, studio, bank, restaurant, club and shop. Detailed specifications of finish materials for floor, ceiling and wall. Natural and artificial lighting and ventilation. Fixed and movable furniture, decorative element, upholstery, drapery, art work, interior plantation, fountain.
ARCH 4201 Survey Techniques and Analytical Methods (2.00 Credits.2 Hrs/Wk.):
Introduction to surveying- principles and techniques of physical surveys. Chain survey, traverse survey, plane table survey, levels and leveling, contours and layout surveys. Research and its types. Design and plan of research-purpose and goal, variables and universal, selection of methods. Design of questionnaire, pretest, pilot survey. Collection and filing of data. Data processing.
ARCH 4211 Architectural Acoustics (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk Prereq. PHY 1103):
The concepts and problems related to architectural acoustics; properties of sound; the fundamentals of sound perception, generation and propagation; behaviour of sound in enclosed spaces. Principles of acoustic design of rooms for speech. music and multi-purpose use. The concept of noise and noise and control; criteria for noise control design and acoustical measurements.
ARCH 4205 Visual Environment (2 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk):
The environment, physical nature of the lighting environment, human responses to environmental vision factors. Daylight in architecture, prediction tools and techniques of supplementary and artificial lighting, designing for daylight in the tropics.
ARCH 4207 Art & Architecture VI: Modern Art & Architecture (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk Prereq ARCH 4103):
Modern art, and architecture in the 20th century. Age of ‘isms’ in art – cubism, purism, futurism, Dada and surrealism, constructivism, pop and op art, minimalism. Modern movement. Integrity of form and monumentalized technology-Mies Van der Rohe. Le Corbusier and means of expression. Standardization and irrationality – Alvar Aalto. Louis I. Kahn and architecture of great occasions J. Stirling and others.
ARCH 4209 Health Facilities Planning and Design (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk.):
Approaches to health facilities planning and design. Philosophy, policies and processes within comparative and historical perspective. Fundamentals of programming, planning and design of health care facilities.
ARCH 4212 Design Studio VIII (7.50 Credits. 15 Hrs/Wk Prereq. ARCH 4112, ARCH 4111):
Projects focusing on urban renewal-regeneration, conservation, redevelopment and rehabilitation of city blocks. Investigation, analysis and design of housing/ communities with specific themes and their impact on the immediate environment. Architecture of spiritual and emotional content.
ARCH 4214 Landscape Design Studio (1.50 Credits. 3 Hrs/Wk):
Analysis of landscape elements through sketches, drawings and reports on outdoor environment, Site analysis. Application of the principles and techniques of landscape design through design exercises of site planning and area development.
ARCH 5101 Architectural Specifications (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk.):
Written details answering what, where, when, how in relation to drawn details for building construction. Specifying materials and methods of installation and precautions.
ARCH 5203 Contemporary Architectural Theory (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk.)
Modern style as a point of departure for new theories. Architectural theories developed by the modern masters Alvar Aalto, Le Corbusier, Mies Van Der Rohe, Walter Gropius and Frank Lloyd Wright. Influence of technology in the contemporary theories of mass-culture, mass-media, mass housing and mass transport. Influence of Louis. I. Kahn, Christopher Alexander, Robert Venture, Leon Krier, Norberg Schulz. Significant theories as developed in the last quarter of the twentieth century.
PLAN 5205 Rural Planning (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk):
Alternative theories and meaning of development. Nature and scope of integrated rural development. social, economic and physical characteristics of rural settlements. Problems and issues in rural development: population, urbanization and migration, human resource development. Formulation of rural development projects: concepts, principles and techniques. Institutions for rural development. The process of planning. Policies and strategies of rural development.
ARCH 5112 Design Studio IX (9.50 Credits. 15 Hrs/Wk Prereq. ARCH 4212):
Identifying design tasks to specific realistic problems in an assigned setting. The assignment will include all design phases from formulation of architectural programme to preparation of preliminary working drawings. Emphasis will be laid on design quality in terms of formal, functional and structural aspects to attain professional level of achievement, within the giver socio- economic context.
ARCH 5114 Seminar (2.00 Credits. 3 Hrs/Wk):
Overview of current development in research related to art and architecture. Preparation of research papers including literature search, writing skills and referencing. Verbal and written presentation skills and techniques.
BBA 1203 Principles of Management (3.00 Credits. 3 Hrs/Wk):
Management: its meaning, scope and objectives. Functions and nature of management. Planning: objectives and types of plans, limits of planning, logistics and strategy. Organizing: grouping of activities, delegation of authority and decentralization. Organization structure- line, staff and functional organization, committee, span of supervision. Direction: motivation and co-ordination. Controlling: steps in control, requirements. Analytical tools and techniques in production management.
ARCH 5201 Professional Practice and Ethics (2.00 Credits. 2 Hrs/Wk):
The role of the architect in the building industry and process; duties, responsibilities and obligations of the architect; general conditions of contract; owner -architect relationship; architectural services; architect and public/ client; legal responsibilities of the architect; the architect’s office; administration and management of construction; the architect and his consultants; official correspondence; professional organizations: local and international.
ARCH 5212 Design Studio X (Thesis)(9.50 Credits. 15 Hrs/Wk Prereq ARCH 5112):
Identification of possible projects having significant architectural values which can be considered for thesis work. Preparation of complete design solution based on investigation and analysis of the physical and contextual aspects of the problem, and on the understanding of design considerations of material, structure and form. Stress is given on the objective analysis of the related factors and in transforming them into a tangible architectural solution of professionally acceptable quality.
ARCH 5214 Design Studio X (Project) (9.50 Credits 15 Hrs/Wk Prereq. ARCH 5112):
Alternative to ARCH 5212 Design Studio X (Thesis). Design exercises of realistic complexities emphasizing professional level of achievement. Formulation of architectural programmes for given projects. Preparation of design solution and development through various phases.
ARCH 5216 Dissertation (1.50 Credits. 3 Hrs/Wk):
Approach to report writing. Preparation of report to supplement the various aspects of thesis work of Arch 5212. Design Studio X (Thesis) . The report should reflect a student’s research in areas related to the thesis, comparative analysis and case studies. This should lead to the formation of criteria and conceptual approaches to the design of the thesis in Arch 5212.: Design Studio X (Thesis).
ARCH 5218 Construction Document (1.50 Credits 3 Hrs/Wk):
Alternative to ARCH 5216: Dissertation. Preparation of working drawings, specifications and cost estimates of the project of ARCH 5214: Design Studio X (Project) based on current construction practices.
ARCH 4000 Professional Training (Prereq. Studio Courses up to Semester 6):
Non- credit compulsory training. The student is required to work in an architectural firm/organization for a minimum of six weeks to gain practical experience. This training will include working on drawings and site supervision.
The final design project undertaken by students of Semester 10 (i.e., after completing 153 credits) in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Architecture is termed as either Thesis or Project. Students are required to defend their thesis/ project in front of a Final Jury who will decide the acceptability of the thesis. A student is required to obtain at least “C+” grade to fulfill the requirements of the degree.
The thesis/ project enables students to fully articulate their concepts and understanding of architecture as a discipline. It provides them with the scope to reflect understanding of the pattern of life, culture, and the sense of history. At the same time the thesis/ project enables the examiners to assess maturity, competence and ability of the students to handle projects independently.
A student will prepare and submit an outline of thesis/ project proposal to the Head/ Co-Ordinator of the Department for approval. Then the student will prepare a detailed proposal.
The Thesis work (ARCH 5212) is supported by a dissertation (ARCH 5216). On the other hand, the Project (ARCH 5214) is supported by a Construction Document (ARCH 5218).
Design and report writing are the two stages of the thesis/ project, which are interlinked to each other and their progress proceed simultaneously. To assist and guide the process from initiation to the final design of a thesis, a student is assigned a supervisor by the coordinator/ Head of the Department, for the duration of a thesis/project.
In addition to the assigned studio teacher and supervisor the student is encouraged to discuss the thesis project with other teachers, architects, and relevant professionals, to integrate inputs from all quarters and thus to enrich the output. Such discussions will have to be arranged on the personal initiative of the student.
CGPA C+ or 2.5 in all studio classes including Design Studio Courses from Semester 1 to Semester 8 and in ARCH-5114 (Seminar) course in Semester 9.
The submission rules for a student’s studio works/ design project are the following:
Date of submission of Design Studio Project/ Thesis will be declared at the beginning of the semester by the Head/ Coordinator. The duration of such design/project will not be more than two consecutive semesters. Submission of Studio class project will depend on the course teacher but must be submitted within the same semester.
Admission Requirements for BSc in Architecture
Academic Requirements for BSc in Architecture:
(a) A total GPA of 6.00 with a minimum GPA of 2.75 in Science background. Math must be included at HSC level.
(b) Minimum GPA 2.5 (in both O and A Levels separately) with no grade lower than ‘D’ among best 5 subjects in O' level and best 2 subjects in A' level. Math must be included
at A' level (Scale: A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2 & E=1)
(c) High School Diploma/International Baccalaureate with minimum grade B in Math.
(d) GED result will not be accepted.
Required Documents for Form Submission:
1. Attested Photocopy of all Board Mark Sheets and Testimonials / Certificates.
2. Three copies of Recent Colored & Clear Passport Sized Photographs.
3. For O’Level &A’Level Students, Attested Photocopy of Certificates/Hard copies (with cash in code).
4. A’ level candidates who will appear on November 2019 are required to submit photocopy of Statement of Entry and original hard copy/Mark sheets of their A’s level Exam(with cash
in code).
5. Applicants in Freedom Fighter category are requested to submit attested photocopy of (i) “Provisional Certificate” from Ministry of Liberation war affairs. (ii) Mukti Barta/Indian
List/PM signed Certificate (iii) Gazette (iv) “National ID” of the freedom fighter & Birth Certificate / Death Certificate of the Freedom Fighter. (vi) Attested Internet Information of FF.
***Selected applicants in FF quota are requested to bring all these original papers during their admission.
Written Exam Waiver Conditions (will be called for viva interview):
1. Minimum score of 1650 in SAT for undergraduate program out of 2400.
2. Minimum score of 1106 in SAT for undergraduate program out of 1600.
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Online Admission Form Fill-up :
Step 01: Login (create a new applicant or use already created user name) at
Step 02: Fill up all required fields with correct data and upload a recent color photograph and academic papers (in .JPG format)
Step 03: Take print outs of the Applicant Copy and preserve it for future references.
Step 04: Usually it requires 24 hours (72 hours for weekends) to verify the educational information. Applicants may proceed to Payment after the Verification is done.
Step 05: After the Verification is done. Applicant can download the Admit Card from the Portal before attending the Admission Examination.
Step 06: Bring the Admit Card for the Admission Examination.