
B.Sc. in EEE program curriculum consists of 148 credits. In the university core 3 courses (9 credits) are dedicated to Language and Communication development, 2 courses (6 credits) to nurture students with an understanding of business and management, and 2 courses (5 credits) in disseminating information related to arts and social science. The science core consists of 6 mathematics and statistics courses (18 credits) and 4 physical science courses (14 credits) including state of the art laboratory. The Engineering core consists of more than 30 courses (84 credits) covering a broad range of electrical, electronics, and communication topics, imparting the most updated knowledge in the relevant fields. Two courses (6 credits) from computer science core provide students with adequate computer programming knowledge for future endeavors. The curriculum consists of a final year capstone project that tests the students' culmination of the engineering knowledge over the four years. Internship is also integrated in the curriculum to provide the graduates' real-life job experience even before graduation.

Courses in the curriculum are arranged in the form of basic knowledge of engineering courses in the first two years while more advanced knowledge-based courses in the third and final year. An academic year consists of three semesters, namely Fall, Spring and Summer, of which Summer is an optional semester. The courses in each semester are locked with pre-requisites, a process to ensure students complete a required course to partake the next one with proper knowledge. Only the first semester courses are provided as a block to the freshman, while the other courses are available as open credit systems, meaning students can take the courses at their convenience.

Any change in the curriculum will be notified to students. Students will get updated content on the departmental website.

Course summary of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Program



University Core




Business Management


Arts and Social Science


Science Core


Physical Science




Computer Science Core


Engineering Core


EEE Elective


Total Credits