Bachelor of Laws (LLB) Courses

ENG 1101: Internmediate English

The course will deal with English grammar to mould a good basic knowledge in English to start with the LLB programme. This course will help the students to write correct English sentences and understand the knowledge amassed in different books of law written in English. The students will also be benefited by this course in understanding the lectures of the faculty members imparted in English.

LLB 1102: Jurisprudence

Jurisprudence is called the grammar of law. This course is designed give a primary idea about what law is and what law ought to be. Moreover, the learners will get to know about the nature, objectives, schools, sources, kinds and sanctions of law by this course. The course will also help to get a vivid knowledge about the rules of interpretation of statutes. The idea of legal rights and obligations, different legal principles and an overall view of administration of justice will be taught in this course.

LLB 1103: Legal System of Bangladesh

In this course the historical background of the legal system of Bangladesh, the court structure, the hierarchy of courts, powers, functions and jurisdiction of the courts, the types of courts and tribunals in Bangladesh, different branches and types of law applicable in Bangladesh are dealt with. The learners will also be acquainted with other institutional frameworks relating to the legal fields like, the Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, The Supreme Court of Bangladesh, the Ombudsman, the office of Attorney General. Bangladesh Bar Council etc. This course will be very useful for the students in their legal practice in the long run.

LLB 1101: Freshmen Orientation

Newly admitted students will be given instructions in the freshmen orientation program about the rules and procedures of the university and an overall idea of the courses they are going to pursue. This orientation program will carry 2.5 credit hours to ensure the attendance of the students so that at the very beginning they receive valuable advice from the faculty members as well as from fellow students. As part of the orientation program students are taken to visit the library, IT section, Classrooms and introduced to the faculty members. Students are also taught how to use library, IT sections, make them aware of the disciplinary and grievance procedure of the university. Professional orientation will be conducted as a part of clinical studies. This Professional orientation also includes visit to lower court, higher court and to make them acquainted with the court proceedings. Professional orientation emphasizes the students become accustomed with the Bar Council rules and regulations.

ENG 1202: Public Speaking

This course aims at increasing the ability of speaking English in Public occasions. The course is designed in such a manner which will enhance confidence in speaking in front of audience by training them the methods of effective listening, techniques of analyzing audience, importance of selecting a topic, techniques of persuasion and use of visual aids, rules of outlining a speech etc.

LLB 1204: PDR, Registration and Court Fees Act

The Course comprises of three important issues, namely, the Law of Registration, the Law of Public Demands Recovery and Court Fees. The Law of Registration deals with the rules of registration of movable and immovable property. Registration of property transfers has been marked as essential by the government as such the knowledge in this field will keep the students acquainted with this law to avoid practical problems of their clients. The law of Recovery of Public Demands deals with the rules regarding the recovery of Government demands like rent arrears. The law of court fees deals with fees payable in courts and in public offices, computation of fees, probates, letters of administration and certificate of administration, process fees. C.R.O provisions on process fees, reduction and remission of court fees, miscellaneous costs and charges.

LLB 1205: Legal History

This course exclusively deals with the evolution of Judicial System in India, Pakistan and afterwards Bangladesh, It will also enable the students to acquire knowledge about different phases of our legal regime, constitutional history and development of the subcontinent, and influence of Hindu, Muslim and English legal systems due to different reigns in the Subcontinent.

LLB 1206: Law of Contract

Contract is an essential phenomenon in our present day legal and business world. This course is designed to give the learners a fairly well idea about different essentials of a valid contract, kinds of contract, basis of a contract, the necessity and rules of offer, acceptance and consideration, the capacity of the parties of forming contract, the rules about void, voidable, and illegal contract, legality of object and consideration, the rules about breach of contract, etc.

LLB 1307: Muslim Law

Muslim law is also called islamic law or Sharia law which basically deals with the personal laws of the Muslims. The sources of Muslim law is the divine will of Allah which is reflected in the Holy Quran, Sunna, ljma and Qiyas. There are some legislation in our country regarding the Muslim personal laws, which basically is an effort to cope with the present day world. This course aims to focus on the knowledge about concept, sources and schools and development of Islamic jurisprudence. The course encompasses the following among others like the laws of inheritance, marriage, divorce, dower, gift, will, custody, wagf, maintenance etc.

CSC 1301: Introduction to Computer

In this modern days knowledge of computer use is a must in profession life and career concerns. This course though not a course of law is essential to the students of law due to the huge computer based presentation, documentation data hoarding, web-surfing, e-mail communication and chamber management which they will need to do in their professional life. The purpose of this course is to formulate a basic theoretical and practical knowledge and experience of computer use in the students of law.

LLB 1309: Constitutional Law of Bangladesh

The course would provide the knowledge regarding definition, scope and nature of the constitutional law, the constitutional development and the process of achieving a Constitution for the nation along with a fairly well knowledge about all the important provisions and principles enunciated in the Constitution of Bangladesh. The course will cover, inter alia, the preamble, the fundamental rights, the fundamental principles of state policy, the judicial review. powers and functions of different constitutional posts like, the Prime Minister, the President, the Speaker, the Chief Justice and the Attorney General, the formation, jurisdiction and functions of different organs of the Government etc. The course will also enable the students know about the amendment procedure of the Constitution and all the amendments of the constitution of Bangladesh.

LLB 1310: Government and Politics

The course would help the students know about Fundamental concepts of State, sovereignty, law, liberty, equality, fundamental rights individualism, socialism, communism, fascism. Moreover it will also allow them to know different forms of Government the role of electorate in modern democracy direct participation of people in policy making-referendum-universal adult suffrage-direct and indirect election and the importance and role of political party in democracy and in dictatorship, etc.

LLB 2111: Law of Agency, Bailment and Partnership

This course is designed to cover three different areas of law. The students will be able to learn about the Contracts of Bailment and Pledge, rights and duties of a ballet and baller, the meaning and definition of contract of pledge, The learners will also get to know about the different issues of contract of agency and the legal principles and provisions regarding partnership business.

BAS 2101: Bangladesh Studies

This course is outlined to educate the students with the knowledge of different important features of Bangladesh including the History of different dynasties in different period, the advent of Bangladesh as an Independent nation, the socio economic and political situation of Bangladesh, the cultural norms and values, the history of patriotism, different milestone moments of our nation, different achievements, above all the problems and prospects of the nation.

LLB 2112: Constitutional Law of UK and USA

The purpose and utility of this course is to introduce the students with knowledge of the two ancient, historic and most advanced constitutional systems. Both the systems have some common and different features which will allow the students to have a comparative study with our native constitutional system. The will also experience the knowledge of foreign legal systems and apply their acumen to adopt the good features into our constitutional framework.

LLB 2113: Hindu Law

This course deals with the nature, source and application, Schools, Law of Inheritance, Marriage, guardianship and custody of the children, adoption, will, debts and partition position of karta of a joint family, his rights and obligation, maintenance, Stridhana and women's estate, inheritance of Stridhana, religious and charitable endowments, comparative study of Hindu Law in Bangladesh and India, adoption Gift, Religious and Charitable Endowments. Personal law of Christian, Jews, Buddhist, Qadinanies, Bahaies and others, etc.

LLB 2214: Law of Torts

The course includes Definition of torts, the nature, scope and objectives of tort law, the range of interests protected by tort law, comparison with law of contract and criminal law, applicability of tort law in Bangladesh, General principles, Parties and Genera Defenses. Negligence, Vicaricus liability, Nuisance. Absolute liability, Economic torts, Defamation Remedies and discharge, etc.

LLB 2215: Law of Taxation

This course covers the issues of Income Tax including the history income tax in Bangladesh, Income tax Ordinance 1984, and the ins and outs of Income tax regulatory framework of Bangladesh. It also deals with the powers, functions and jurisdictions, appeal, references of income tax authorities, the Judicial authority and Administrative authority, tax evasion, tax avoidance, double taxation relief, black money, gift tax, Value Added Tax, etc.

LLB 2216: Law of Equity and Trust

The course deals with the nature and origin of equity, development of equity jurisdiction in English legal system, Causes of establishment of equity courts, nature, definition, composition, powers and functions, application of equity jurisdiction in Bangladesh, maxims of equity, equitable remedies. It also covers the definition and nature of trust, origin and development of trust, Constitutive requirements of a valid trust, various types of trusts, appointment, retirement and removal of trustees, powers and duties of trustees, fiduciary nature of trusteeship, breach of trust and remedies, The Trust Act 1882, The rights and obligations of beneficiaries, breach of trust and remedies of breach of trust.

LLB 2217: Labor and Industrial Law

The course focuses on the historical values of labor laws, importance of May Day, types of labors in Bangladesh, jurisdiction, codification and development of labor laws in Bangladesh, Origin and Principles of labour and industrial law, social Justice and equity and international uniformity It also encompasses the provisions of employment of labour life leave, holiday, lay off etc., the provisions regarding wages, compensation for workmen, the safety and welfare of the workers, industrial relations and trade unions, prohibition of children in certain employment, maintenance of register, inspector and penalty rights and liability for payment of maternity benefit, procedure regarding payment of maternity benefit penalties for contravention of law by the employer.

LLB 2218: Land Laws of Bangladesh

The course covers the history of land laws in Bangladesh, the Bengal Tenancy Act, the State Acquisition and Tenancy Act 1950, Non-Agricultural Tenancy Act 1949, Bangladesh Easement Act 1882, Land Reforms Ordinance 1984, Alluvion and Diluvion Regulation 1825, Vested & Abandoned Property Act 2001, The Permanent Settlement Regulation 1793 and Bengal Patni Tuluk Regulation, etc. This course will help the students to have an overall knowledge regarding most of the enactments relating to the rights and obligations of land use.

LLB 2319: Law of Evidence

This course is designed to cover functions of the law of evidence, scheme of the Evidence Act circumstantial evidence, Judge and Jury, relevancy of facts, mode of Proof, production and effect of evidence, burden of proof, presumptions, competence of a witness, privilege, examination of witnesses, impeachment or confirmation of the credit of a witness, power of the court in relation to examination of witnesses, improper admission or rejection of evidence.

LLB 2320: Public International Law

This course aims to educate the students with the knowledge of one of the most important and interesting area of law. The course includes the following topics, among other, the nature, origin and historical development of international law, theories as to basis of international law; definition and schools of international law, law of nature; positivism, sanctions of international law, subjects of international law, recognition of a state, territory of a state, nationality, extradition, asylum, law of the sea etc.

LLB 2321: Law of Crimes

The course encompasses the meaning, definition and nature of criminal law, mens rea, common intention, common object, the methods of Punishments, general exceptions from criminal abilities Joint liabilities abetment, and criminal conspiracy, criminal offences against the state and other public interests. It also covers offences affecting human body including culpable homicide, murder, hurt, grievous hurt, wrongful confinement, assault, kidnapping, sexual offences. It includes offences against property, namely theft, extortion, robbery, dacoity, cheating, falsification of accounts, criminal breach of trust, criminal misappropriation of property, mischief, criminal trespass, criminal offence relating to trade marks, offences relating to documents, currency notes and bank notes.

LLB 3122: Company Law

This course is designed to include definition, nature and constitution of a company, corporate personality of company, formation of a company, classification of company, memorandum & articles of association, doctrine of ultra vires, promoters, prospectus, share & share holders, rights and powers of share holders, debentures, debt financing, floating charge, directors, meeting, internal management, mismanagement, arbitration, winding up of company, etc.

LLB 3123: Mercantile Law

This course includes different areas of laws relating to business, likewise, Law of Sale of Goods, Carriage of Goods by Sea, Carriage of Goods by Land, Railways and Air, Law of Insurance, Law of Negotiable Instruments, Law of Bankruptcy etc.

LLB 3124: Law of Transfer of Property

The course is aimed to cover the Transfer of Property Act 1882 and Registration Act 1908. The contents are, inter alia, property and its classification, general rules governing the transfer of movable and immovable properties by act of parties, vested and contingent interests: transfer with conditions, doctrine of election, doctrine of lis pendens, fraudulent transfer, doctrine of part performance, sale of immovable properties. mortgages, different kinds of Mortgages, foreclosure. redemption, doctrine of marshalling, contribution, charges: leases, exchanges, gifts and transfer of actionable claims. The course also includes jectives registration, documents of which registration is compulsory and optional, effects of registration and non registration, powers and duties of registering Officers, remedies available in the events of refusal to register, etc.

LLB 3125: Specific Relief Act and Law of Limitation

The course provides knowledge of situations and circumstances when specific relief is granted, rules regarding specific performance of contract, rectification, recession and cancellation of instruments, declaratory suits and different kinds injunctions etc. Moreover, it also covers the laws regarding limitation like the limitation and prescription, waiver of limitation, limitation of suits, appeal and applications, computation of period of limitation, grounds of condonation of delay etc.

LLB 3226: Interpretation of Statutes and General Clauses Act

The course is designed to include the different approaches to interpretation of statutes, general principles of interpretation, literal rule, golden rule and mischief rule of interpretation, rule of harmonious construction, internal and external aid to interpretation, maxims of interpretation, interpretation of penal statute, interpretation of constitutional law etc. The course also includes the study of provisions of General Clauses Act 1897.

LLB 3227: Jurisdiction in International Law

The course covers the following issues of international law: codification and progressive development of international law, state jurisdiction, criminal jurisdiction of state, state responsibility, treatment of aliens. expropriation of alien property, state succession rights and obligations of predecessor and successor states, law of aviation/ air/space law, the law of the sea territorial sea, contiguous zone, exclusive economic zone, high sea and deep sea bed, continental shelf diplomatic envoys and consular law, special diplomatic missions, diplomatic Immunities and privileges, the law of treaties, peaceful and forcible settlement of international disputes, intervention & use of force in international relation, the United Nations, its organs, role of IU in development of international law, the CC, international tribunals and operation of municipal law, laws of war and neutrality, terrorism in international law, international environmental law, etc.

LLB 3228: Intellectual Property Law

The law on intellectual property is one of the most emerging issues in world arena as well as in national concerns. This course is added in the study area of LLB students due to the growing importance and scope of work in this field of law. The course includes the conceptual understandings of intellectual property different kinds, historical background of the evolution course of intellectual property law from various perspectives, links with development processes, discussion on industrial property, unfair competition, the introduction and discussion on World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), with structure, organisation, mission, Law of Trade Marks and Trade Names, Law of Patents, Law of Copyright and Law of Industrial Design, etc.

LLB 3229: Criminology and Law of Cyber Crimes

This course is schemed to enhance the power of understanding the psychology of a delinquent. Moreover the course also focuses on the reasons behind crime, different theories of criminology, different explanations regarding criminal behavior, theories of punishment, the police, parole and probation systems, prison systems, juvenile delinquency, white collar crime, cyber crime etc.

LLB 3330: Civil Procedure Code - I

The course includes the following substantive and procedural law, structure of the civil procedure code 1908, jurisdiction of courts, stay of suits, res-jidicata, res- subjudice, joinder of parties, transfer of suits, suits against government, inherent power of the courts, civil suits and civil proceedings, institution of suits, summons, discovery and inspection place of suit, pleadings, plaints written statements, hearing, commission, appearance of parties and consequences of non appearance, plaint, written statement, examination of parties, discovery, admission, production, impounding and return of documents, framing of issues, summoning and attendance of witnesses, hearing of the suit, examination of witnesses, judgment, decree, execution, appeal, review, revision, and reference. adjournment, judgment, joinder of parties and decree, execution of decree, injunction, receiver, appeal, reference, revision, review. settlement of issues and disposal of suits etc.

LLB 3331: Law of Criminal Procedure (1)

The course is designed to cover the issues of constitution and power of criminal courts, arrest of persons, process to compel appearance, process to compel production of things, maintenance of public order and tranquility, preventive action of police, the information to police and the process of investigation, jurisdiction of criminal courts in inquiries and trials, initiation of proceedings, complaints to magistrates, charge, trial of cases by magistrates, summery trials, trials before courts of sessions, mode of taking and recording evidence, judgment, death sentence confirmation.

LLB 3332: Drafting and Conveyance and Pleading

The object of this course is to introduce and make the learners adept in drafting different legal documents, agreements and court based instruments. The course covers, inter alia, drafting a FIR, legal notice, different agreements, plaint, written statement, writs and other important documents.

LLB 3333: Administrative Law

The course comprises the definition, nature and scope of administrative law, historical development of administrative law in USA, England and Bangladesh, basic constitutional principles, delegated legislation, natural justice administrative tribunals, judicial review of administrative discretion, liability of the government, public corporation, etc.

LLB 4134: Civil Procedure Code - II

The course is designed to include special procedure in particular classes of suit, pauper suits, inter-pleader suits, appeals from decrees and orders, temporary injunction, withdrawal and adjustment of suits, commission, arrest and attachment before judgment, appointment of receivers, appeals to the Supreme Court of Bangladesh. The course also includes Ad Valorem fees, fixed fees, rules determining the value of land, valuation of relief in certain suits relating to land, court fee value and jurisdictional, value to the same in certain suits, determination value of certain suits by the Supreme Court, supplemental provisions.

LLB 4135: Criminal Procedure II

The following topics are covered in the course: appeal, reference and revision, special proceedings, supplementary provisions regarding public prosecutor, bail, bailable and non bailable offences, commission for the examination of witnesses, transfer of criminal cases, etc., Law and Order Violating Offences (Speedy Trial) Act, 2002: definition of law and order violating offences, punishment of different offences, composition, jurisdiction, procedures of the court, trial in absentia, bail, Speedy Trial Tribunal Act, 2002: composition, jurisdiction, and procedures of the tribunal, appeal.

LLB 4136: Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and Trail Advocacy

The course includes the out of court dispute resolution mechanism called ADR, the meaning, nature of arbitration and importance of alternative dispute resolution method of alternative dispute resolution, Emergence of ADR in different Jurisdictions, Supplementary or Complementary to Litigation, Different forms of ADR. Mediation, conciliation, arbitration, mini trial etc., Salish in Bangladesh, Arbitration Act etc. It also includes the techniques and methods of trial advocacy, how to think like a lawyer, client interviewing, marshalling of facts, consultation, case strategy and planning, opening statement, Examination of witnesses, Cross examination, closing arguments, plea bargaining etc. In this course the techniques of client counseling would also be taught.

LLB 4137: International Trade Law

This course would cover the following topics: international Trade Terms GATT / WTO and Internasional Trade, IMF, Regional Methods of International Trade, Different International Agreements regarding Trade, Dumping and Anti dumping, Force Majeure, INCO Terms in the Law of International Trade; International Sale Contracts: CF Obligation of the CIF seller, Duties of the buyer duties of the seller of CIF contract, FOB Contract Duties and obligation of the parties; FAS contracts Other forms of contract in international trade; contracts for the international sale of goods in bulk, contracts of sale involving road, rail, and/or air transport, payment in international sale transactions, Financing of International Trade: documentary bills, documentary credits, standby credits, performance bond and guarantees, other financing methods, export credit guarantees, Transnational credit agreements, Contemporary issues in the area of international banking and finance law issuing bank and corresponding Bank, Insurance against contract in international trade, Conflict of Laws, Arbitration, UN Convention on Contract for the International Sale of Goods.

LLB 4138: Professional Practice and Mock Trial

This course will basically include the methods and trial. The course teacher will divide the students into groups and create an environment of a court room where there will be a Judge, counsets, clients, witnesses, petitioners, accused etc. The students will be given different civil and criminal cases and they will solve the case in a court room environment.

LLB 4139: Project and Thesis (6 credit)

Project and thesis is designed in order to obtain a better knowledge and understanding of any problem of legal philosophy, legal history, and comparative study of any law or any system of positive law, international or municipal Students will have to dig up facts, unearth new data and discern relationship between facts already known. In furtherance of that the students will have to write up a thesis paper under the supervision of a scholar

LLB 4140: Professional Orientation

Professional orientation will be conducted as a part of clinical studies: This Professional orientation also includes visit to lower courts, higher court and to make them acquainted with the court proceedings. Professional orientation emphasizes the students become accustomed with the Bar Council rules and regulations. Professional orientation will carry 1.5 credits.