Human Trajectory Prediction and Behavior Analysis

With the advancement in computer vision and machine learning, Systems now have the ability to analyze an unprecedented amount of visual information from images and videos in order to make use of artiϐicial intelligence applications. Researchers achieved successes in different areas of computer vision such as image classiϐication[1], object tracking [2], object detection and instance segmentation [3], scene semantic segmentation [4]. Computer vision scientists are able to use these models to produce new applications for public safety, retail and so on. Autonomous driving is one of the most thrilling examples because it has the potential to completely change how people get around places and how freight moves. Despite the fact that there are a large number of examples from well-known companies like Cruise and Baidu which continue to run into difϐiculties, even after so much time has passed since making cars autonomously. Avoiding collisions, which is essential for self-driving systems to interact with people, is one of the main challenges. Systems must be able to predict human movements to accomplish this. Human trajectory prediction is the term used to describe this crucial analysis. Human trajectory prediction is an important topic in several application domains, ranging from self-driving cars to environment design and planning, from socially aware robots to intelligent tracking systems [5]. Many of the technologies currently in use do not offer highlevel semantic attribute identiϐication, such as human activity and intention recognition to predict pedestrian futures. Usually, A pedestrian would typically aim to avoid collisions, maintain a safe distance from oncoming strangers as they get closer, and replicate partner behavior while walking with friends in a group [6]. Behavior is considered to be the highest level of complexity and time frame, according to the taxonomy used. As regards behavior analysis, individuals were the focus of prior research when it comes to detecting speciϐic behavior and clues such as facial expressions, gestures and profanities or measuring social and psychobiological phenomena like valences and arousal and personality traits. Human Behavior Analysis is more and more being of interest for computer vision and artiϐicial intelligence researchers [7]. Modelling, analysis, and synthesis of human behavior are the subject of major efforts in computing science [8]. In order to ensure safety in areas of open space and private places, video cameras are generally integrated into the surveillance systems which is a novel example of behavior analysis. In [9] a vision-based intelligent monitoring system designed presented where the desired services, requirements and resulting design proposal have been speciϐied.
