English for Academic/Specific Purposes

English for academic purposes (EAP) has emerged out of the broader field of English for specific purposes (ESP), defined by its focus on teaching English specifically to facilitate learners’ study or research through the medium of English. EAP is separated from ESP by the concentration on academic structure, however among the applied linguistics and English language instruction fields more generally the perspective on EAP as a sub-discipline inside ESP. EAP - English for Academic Purposes - alludes to the language and related practices that individuals need so as to embrace study or work in English medium advanced education. EAP is frequently viewed as a part of ESP (English for Specific Purposes).


Needs AnalysisGenre AnalysisLanguage AssessmentAcademic EnglishLanguage Policy and Curriculum Design




To contribute to the enhancement of language proficiency and academic success by producing research that informs the development of tailored English language teaching materials, curriculum, and policies, aligning with the specific needs of learners in academic and specialized contexts.


To investigate and advance the effective teaching and learning strategies in English for Academic and Specific Purposes, focusing on needs analysis, genre analysis, academic English, and language policy and curriculum design.

A bibliometric analysis of the research trends and objectives of online learning for developing English reading skills

A growing body of literature has pointed out the crucial role of online reading in teaching and developing EFL learners’ reading skills. However, there is a scarcity of studies investigating the liter...

A Comparative Analysis Between Recorded Audio Feedback And Written Feedback in a Multi-draft Essay Writing Class: A Mixed Method Approach

Recent years have seen a considerable surge in the use and popularity of technology- enhanced feedback due to the rising usage of technology in education and specially, the widespread use of online mo...

Effectiveness of English Reading Course in Blended Classroom

Effectiveness of English Reading Course in Blended Classroom

Robotic Approach for Foreign Language in Today's Classroom: Virtual Pedagogical Agents in English Education

It is felt by ELL educators a need to provide students with awareness of the challenges and opportunities presented by the integration of technology into the English Language Classroom (ELL). However...