On Wednesday, November 27, 2024, the Department of Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM) at AIUB hosted an enriching masterclass titled “Footwear Supply Chain.” The event held in Annex-3, Level-2 attracted active participation from students, faculty members, and enthusiasts of the field.
The session was led by Md. Shahjahan, the Assistant General Manager of Logistics at Bata Shoe Company of Bangladesh. Mr. Shahjahan provided a comprehensive overview of the complexities and dynamics of managing sustainable operations and supply chains within the footwear industry in Bangladesh. The discussion covered various aspects, including logistics, inventory management, and strategies for addressing challenges encountered in the footwear supply chain.
Ms. Shahnaz Zarin, Assistant Professor at OSCM, served as the Master of Ceremonies of the event. The seminar concluded with a networking session, providing students with the opportunity to ask the speaker about potential career opportunities in the footwear supply chain in Bangladesh. As a token of appreciation, a crest and gift pack were presented to Mr. Shahjahan by Dr. Md. Tamzidul Islam, Head, of OSCM Department.